You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1222 lines
49 KiB
1222 lines
49 KiB
ViewBag.Title = "Index";
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Form.cshtml";
var Type = $.request("Type");
var InvCode = $.request("InvCode");
var Sequence = $.request("Sequence");
var MOCode = decodeURI($.request("MOCode"))
var MODetailID = $.request("MODetailID");
var FCPMOCode = decodeURI($.request("FCPMOCode"))
var MoTypeValue = $.request("MoTypeValue");
var AmountEnable = $.request("AmountEnable");
var Mtime = new Date().getFullYear() + "-" + (new Date().getMonth() + 1) + "-" + new Date().getDate();
var WorkPoints = '@NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location'
var Prorate;
var InvAmountEnable = false;
var minPackQtyEnable = false;
var AmountEnable = false;
var thisCreateQtyEnable = false;
var MeasureEnable = false;
var cretePageCountEnable = false;
$(function () {
$("#minPackQty").keyup(function () {
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$("#minPackQty").attr("disabled", "disabled");
var YAmount = $("#YAmount").val() * 1;//单据辅计量数量
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// $.modalMsg("源头单据辅计量数量不可0,请确认!", "warning");
// return;
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$("#minPackQty").attr("disabled", "disabled");
$("#thisCreateQty").attr("disabled", "disabled");
var YAmount = $("#YAmount").val() * 1;//单据辅计量数量
//if (YAmount == 0) {
// $.modalMsg("源头单据辅计量数量不可0,请确认!", "warning");
// return;
else {
$("#Amount").attr("disabled", "disabled");
$("#cretePageCount").attr("disabled", "disabled");
function GetScale() {
url: "/OMAY/ICSMoCreateLot/GetScale" + "?" + Math.random(),
dataType: "json",
async: false,
success: function (data) {
Prorate = data.rows[0].Prorate;
function SeachInfoByCodeAndSequence() {
if (Type == '3') {
if (!!MOCode && !!Sequence) {
url: "/OMAY/ICSMoCreateLot/GetSubGridJsonChengPingByCreate?MOCode=" + MOCode + "&Sequence=" + Sequence + "&WorkPoint=" + WorkPoints + "&MoTypeValue=" + MoTypeValue,
dataType: "json",
async: false,
success: function (data) {
LotNoInfoControlFreeTerm(data.rows[0].InvCode, data.rows[0].InvUnit, data.rows[0].InvName, data.rows[0].InvStd, data.rows[0].Quantity, data.rows[0].CreatedQty, data.rows[0].thisCreateQty, data.rows[0].Amount, data.rows[0].EffectiveEnable, data.rows[0].EffectiveDays, data.rows[0].BatchCode, data.rows[0].VenCode, data.rows[0].WorkPoint, data.rows[0].ProjectCode, data.rows[0].BatchCode, data.rows[0].Version, data.rows[0].Brand, data.rows[0].cFree1, data.rows[0].cFree2, data.rows[0].cFree3, data.rows[0].cFree4, data.rows[0].cFree5, data.rows[0].cFree6, data.rows[0].cFree7, data.rows[0].cFree8, data.rows[0].cFree9, data.rows[0].cFree10, data.rows[0].AbsolveQty, data.rows[0].ClassCode)
if (Type == '18') {
if (!!FCPMOCode && !!Sequence) {
url: "/OMAY/ICSMoCreateLot/GetSubGridJsonFCPCreate?FCPMOCode=" + FCPMOCode + "&Sequence=" + Sequence + "&WorkPoint=" + WorkPoints + "&MoTypeValue=" + MoTypeValue,
dataType: "json",
async: false,
success: function (data) {
LotNoInfoControlFreeTerm(data.rows[0].InvCode, data.rows[0].InvUnit, data.rows[0].InvName, data.rows[0].InvStd, data.rows[0].Quantity, data.rows[0].CreatedQty, data.rows[0].thisCreateQty, data.rows[0].Amount, data.rows[0].EffectiveEnable, data.rows[0].EffectiveDays, data.rows[0].BatchCode, data.rows[0].VenCode, data.rows[0].WorkPoint, data.rows[0].ProjectCode, data.rows[0].BatchCode, data.rows[0].Version, data.rows[0].Brand, data.rows[0].cFree1, data.rows[0].cFree2, data.rows[0].cFree3, data.rows[0].cFree4, data.rows[0].cFree5, data.rows[0].cFree6, data.rows[0].cFree7, data.rows[0].cFree8, data.rows[0].cFree9, data.rows[0].cFree10, data.rows[0].AbsolveQty, data.rows[0].ClassCode)
function SeachAmountEnablebyInvCode(InvCode) {
url: "/OMAY/ICSMoCreateLot/SeachAmountEnablebyInvCode?InvCode=" + InvCode + "&" + Math.random(),
dataType: "json",
async: false,
success: function (data) {
if (data.rows[0].AmountEnable == '1') {
InvAmountEnable = true;
function SeachMeasure() {
url: "/WMS/WMSCreateItemLot/SeachMeasure" + "?" + Math.random(),
dataType: "json",
async: false,
success: function (data) {
if (data.rows[0].Code == 'AmountEnable') {
AmountEnable = true;
} else {
minPackQtyEnable = true;
function SeachLableofDisable() {
url: "/WMS/WMSCreateItemLot/SeachLableofDisable" + "?" + Math.random(),
dataType: "json",
async: false,
success: function (data) {
if (data.rows[0].Code == 'thisCreateQtyEnable' && data.rows[0].Enable == true) {
thisCreateQtyEnable = true;
if (data.rows[1].Code == 'MeasureEnable' && data.rows[1].Enable == true) {
MeasureEnable = true;
if (data.rows[2].Code == 'cretePageCountEnable' && data.rows[2].Enable == true) {
cretePageCountEnable = true;
function ControlICSExtensionEnable() {
url: "/WMS/WMSCreateItemLot/SelectICSExtensionEnable" + "?" + Math.random(),
dataType: "json",
async: false,
success: function (data) {
if (data != null && data.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i].ColCode == 'ProjectCode') { $("#trProjectCode").css('display', 'none'); }
if (data[i].ColCode == 'BatchCode') { $("#trBatchCode").css('display', 'none'); }
if (data[i].ColCode == 'Version') { $("#trVersion").css('display', 'none'); }
if (data[i].ColCode == 'Brand') { $("#trBrand").css('display', 'none'); }
if (data[i].ColCode == 'cFree1') { $("#trcFree1").css('display', 'none'); }
if (data[i].ColCode == 'cFree2') { $("#trcFree2").css('display', 'none'); }
if (data[i].ColCode == 'cFree3') { $("#trcFree3").css('display', 'none'); }
if (data[i].ColCode == 'cFree4') { $("#trcFree4").css('display', 'none'); }
if (data[i].ColCode == 'cFree5') { $("#trcFree5").css('display', 'none'); }
if (data[i].ColCode == 'cFree6') { $("#trcFree6").css('display', 'none'); }
if (data[i].ColCode == 'cFree7') { $("#trcFree7").css('display', 'none'); }
if (data[i].ColCode == 'cFree8') { $("#trcFree8").css('display', 'none'); }
if (data[i].ColCode == 'cFree9') { $("#trcFree9").css('display', 'none'); }
if (data[i].ColCode == 'cFree10') { $("#trcFree10").css('display', 'none'); }
//if (i >= 4) {
// if (data[i].ColName == 'cFree' + (i - 3)) {$("#trcFree'" + (i - 3) + "'").css('display', 'none');}
function ControlICSColumnEnable() {
url: "/WMS/WMSCreateItemLot/SelectICSColumnEnableForLotEnable" + "?" + Math.random(),
dataType: "json",
async: false,
success: function (data) {
if (data != null && data.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
//if (data[i].ColumnCode == 'EATTRIBUTE1') { $("#trEATTRIBUTE1").css('display', 'none'); }
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if (data[i].ColumnCode == 'EATTRIBUTE10') { $("#trEATTRIBUTE10").css('display', 'none'); }
function ControlVendorLotNo(VenCode) {
url: "/WMS/WMSCreateItemLot/GetVendorLotNo?VenCode=" + VenCode + "&WorkPoint=" + WorkPoints,
//data: { keyValue: keyValue },
dataType: "json",
async: false,
success: function (data) {
function LoadShow() {
url: "/WMS/WMSCreateItemLot/GetLoadShow" + "?" + Math.random(),
dataType: "json",
async: false,
success: function (data) {
function LoadShowForColumn() {
url: "/WMS/WMSCreateItemLot/GetLoadShowForColumn" + "?" + Math.random(),
dataType: "json",
async: false,
success: function (data) {
// $("#LableEATTRIBUTE10").text(data.rows[9].Name);
function thisCreate_Change() {
var thisCreateQty = $("#thisCreateQty").val() * 1;//本次生成数量
thisCreateQty = thisCreateQty.toFixed(6);
if (thisCreateQty <= 0) {
return false;
if (thisCreateQtyEnable == true && AmountEnable == true) {
else if (thisCreateQtyEnable == true && cretePageCountEnable == true) {
else {
function minPack_Change() {
var minPackQty = $("#minPackQty").val() * 1;//最小包装量
minPackQty = minPackQty.toFixed(6);
if (minPackQty <= 0) {
return false;
if (minPackQtyEnable == true && cretePageCountEnable == true) {
else {
function Amount_Change() {
var Amount = $("#Amount").val() * 1;//辅计量数量
Amount = Amount.toFixed(6);
if (Amount <= 0) {
return false;
if (AmountEnable == true && cretePageCountEnable == true) {
else {
function cretePageCount_Change() {
var cretePageCount = $("#cretePageCount").val() * 1;//张数
cretePageCount = cretePageCount.toFixed(6);
if (cretePageCount <= 0) {
return false;
if (thisCreateQtyEnable == true && cretePageCountEnable == true) {
else if (minPackQtyEnable == true && cretePageCountEnable == true) {
else {
function AmountAndcretePageCount() {
var Amount = $("#Amount").val() * 1;//辅计量数量
Amount = Amount.toFixed(6);
var cretePageCount = $("#cretePageCount").val() * 1;//张数
cretePageCount = cretePageCount.toFixed(6);
var Quantity = $("#AbsolveQty").val() * 1;//数量
var YAmount = $("#YAmount").val() * 1;//单据辅计量数量
var InvProportion= $("#InvProportion").val();//转换率
//InvProportion = 2;
var thisCreateQty = Amount * InvProportion * cretePageCount;
var minPackQty = Amount * InvProportion;
var CreatedQty_str = $("#CreatedQty").val() * 1;//已生成数量
var CreatedQty = Number(CreatedQty_str);
if (thisCreateQty + CreatedQty > Quantity) {
var maxQty = (Quantity - CreatedQty) / InvProportion;
maxQty = parseFloat(maxQty.toFixed(4));
$.modalAlert("请输入0到" + maxQty + "范围内的数!");
return false;
function minPackAndcretePageCount() {
var minPackQty = $("#minPackQty").val() * 1;//最小包装量
minPackQty = minPackQty.toFixed(6);
var cretePageCount = $("#cretePageCount").val() * 1;//张数
cretePageCount = cretePageCount.toFixed(6);
var Quantity = $("#AbsolveQty").val() * 1;//数量
var YAmount = $("#YAmount").val() * 1;//单据辅计量数量
//if (cretePageCount <= 0) {
// $.modalAlertNew("WMS00102");
// return false;
//if (minPackQty <= 0) {
// $.modalAlertNew("WMS00102");
// return false;
var thisCreateQty = minPackQty * cretePageCount;
var Ratio = 0;
var CreatedQty_str = $("#CreatedQty").val() * 1;//已生成数量
var CreatedQty = Number(CreatedQty_str);
if (thisCreateQty + CreatedQty > Quantity) {
var maxQty = Quantity - CreatedQty;
$.modalAlert("请输入0到" + maxQty + "范围内的数!");
return false;
function thisCreateAndAmount() {
var thisCreateQty = $("#thisCreateQty").val() * 1;//本次生成数量
thisCreateQty = thisCreateQty.toFixed(6);
var Amount = $("#Amount").val() * 1;//辅计量数量
Amount = Amount.toFixed(6);
var Quantity = $("#AbsolveQty").val() * 1;//数量
var YAmount = $("#YAmount").val() * 1;//单据辅计量数量
//if (Amount <= 0) {
// $.modalAlertNew("WMS00102");
// return false;
var minPackQty = Amount / (YAmount / Quantity);
if (parseInt(Math.ceil(thisCreateQty * 10000)) % parseInt(Math.ceil(minPackQty * 10000)) != 0) {
createPageCount = parseInt(thisCreateQty / minPackQty) + 1;
else {
createPageCount = parseInt(thisCreateQty / minPackQty);
var CreatedQty_str = $("#CreatedQty").val() * 1;//已生成数量
var CreatedQty = Number(CreatedQty_str);
if (thisCreateQty + CreatedQty > Quantity) {
var maxQty = Quantity - CreatedQty;
$.modalAlert("请输入0到" + maxQty + "范围内的数!");
return false;
function thisCreateAndcretePageCount() {
var thisCreateQty = $("#thisCreateQty").val() * 1;//本次生成数量
thisCreateQty = thisCreateQty.toFixed(6);
var cretePageCount = $("#cretePageCount").val() * 1;//张数
cretePageCount = cretePageCount.toFixed(6);
var Quantity = $("#AbsolveQty").val() * 1;//数量
var YAmount = $("#YAmount").val() * 1;//单据辅计量数量
//if (cretePageCount <= 0) {
// $.modalAlertNew("WMS00102");
// return false;
var minPackQty = thisCreateQty / cretePageCount;//最小包装量
minPackQty = minPackQty.toFixed(6);
var Ratio = YAmount / Quantity * minPackQty;
var CreatedQty_str = $("#CreatedQty").val() * 1;//已生成数量
var CreatedQty = Number(CreatedQty_str);
if (thisCreateQty + CreatedQty > Quantity) {
var maxQty = Quantity - CreatedQty;
$.modalAlert("请输入0到" + maxQty + "范围内的数!");
return false;
function thisCreateAndminPack() {
var thisCreateQty = $("#thisCreateQty").val() * 1;//本次生成数量
thisCreateQty = thisCreateQty.toFixed(6);
var minPackQty = $("#minPackQty").val() * 1;//最小包装量
minPackQty = minPackQty.toFixed(6);
var Quantity = $("#Quantity").val() * 1;//数量
var YAmount = $("#YAmount").val() * 1;//单据辅计量数量
if (parseInt(Math.ceil(thisCreateQty * 10000)) % parseInt(Math.ceil(minPackQty * 10000)) != 0) {
createPageCount = parseInt(thisCreateQty / minPackQty) + 1;
else {
createPageCount = parseInt(thisCreateQty / minPackQty);
// var Ratio = YAmount / Quantity * minPackQty;
var Ratio =0;
var CreatedQty_str = $("#CreatedQty").val() * 1;//已生成数量
var CreatedQty = Number(CreatedQty_str);
if (thisCreateQty + CreatedQty > Quantity) {
var maxQty = Quantity - CreatedQty;
$.modalAlert("请输入 0 到 " + maxQty + " 范围内的数!");
return false;
function LotNoInfoControlFreeTerm(InvCode, InvUnit, InvName, InvStd, Quantity, CreatedQty, thisCreateQty, Amount, EffectiveEnable, EffectiveDays, BatchCode, VenCode, WorkPoint, ProjectCode, BatchCode, Version, Brand, cFree1, cFree2, cFree3, cFree4, cFree5, cFree6, cFree7, cFree8, cFree9, cFree10, AbsolveQty, ClassCode) {
VenCode = VenCode;
WorkPoint = WorkPoint;
if (Quantity == CreatedQty) {
$("#thisCreateQty").attr("disabled", "disabled");
$("#minPackQty").attr("disabled", "disabled");
if (AbsolveQty*1==0) {
$("#thisCreateQty").attr("disabled", "disabled");
$("#minPackQty").attr("disabled", "disabled");
$("#cretePageCount").attr("disabled", "disabled");
$("#Amount").attr("disabled", "disabled");
$.modalMsg("该单据未发料,请确认!", "warning");
if (ProjectCode != "") { $("#ProjectCode").prop("disabled", true); $("#ProjectCode").val(ProjectCode);}
if (BatchCode != "") { $("#BatchCode").prop("disabled", true); $("#BatchCode").val(BatchCode); }
if (Version != "") { $("#Version").prop("disabled", true); $("#Version").val(Version); }
if (Brand != "") { $("#Brand").prop("disabled", true); $("#Brand").val(Brand); }
if (cFree1 != "") { $("#cFree1").prop("disabled", true); $("#cFree1").val(cFree1); }
if (cFree2 != "") { $("#cFree2").prop("disabled", true); $("#cFree2").val(cFree2); }
if (cFree3 != "") { $("#cFree3").prop("disabled", true); $("#cFree3").val(cFree3); }
if (cFree4 != "") { $("#cFree4").prop("disabled", true); $("#cFree4").val(cFree4); }
if (cFree5 != "") { $("#cFree5").prop("disabled", true); $("#cFree5").val(cFree5); }
if (cFree6 != "") { $("#cFree6").prop("disabled", true); $("#cFree6").val(cFree6); }
if (cFree7 != "") { $("#cFree7").prop("disabled", true); $("#cFree7").val(cFree7); }
if (cFree8 != "") { $("#cFree8").prop("disabled", true); $("#cFree8").val(cFree8); }
if (cFree9 != "") { $("#cFree9").prop("disabled", true); $("#cFree9").val(cFree9); }
if (cFree10 != "") { $("#cFree10").prop("disabled", true); $("#cFree10").val(cFree10); }
function LoadShow() {
url: "/WMS/WMSCreateItemLot/GetLoadShow" + "?" + Math.random(),
dataType: "json",
async: false,
success: function (data) {
function LoadShowForColumn() {
url: "/WMS/WMSCreateItemLot/GetLoadShowForColumn" + "?" + Math.random(),
dataType: "json",
async: false,
success: function (data) {
// $("#LableEATTRIBUTE10").text(data.rows[9].Name);
function submitForm() {
if (!$('#form1').formValid()) {
return false;
if ($("#BatchCode").val() == "") {
$.modalAlert("请输入批次!", "warning");
var AMEnable;
url: "/WMS/WMSCreateItemLot/GetAMEnable",
//data: { keyValue: keyValue },
dataType: "json",
async: false,
success: function (data) {
if (data.rows != "" && data.rows=="奥美") {
AMEnable = true ;
} else {
AMEnable = false;
var thisCreateQty = $("#thisCreateQty").val() * 1;//本次生成数量
thisCreateQty = thisCreateQty.toFixed(6);
var minPackQty = $("#minPackQty").val() * 1;//最小包装量
minPackQty = minPackQty.toFixed(6);
var createPageCount = $("#cretePageCount").val() * 1;//本次生成张数
createPageCount = createPageCount.toFixed(0);
if (Number(createPageCount) > 100) {
$.modalAlert("生成张数不可超过100!", "warning");
// var Quantity = $("#Quantity").val() * 1;//采购订单总数
var Quantity = $("#AbsolveQty").val() * 1;//超生总数
Quantity = Quantity.toFixed(6);
if (Quantity==0) {
$.modalMsg("该单据未发料,请确认!", "warning");
var CreatedQty = $("#CreatedQty").val() * 1;//已生成数量
CreatedQty = CreatedQty.toFixed(6);
if (Quantity == CreatedQty ) {
return false;
var ExpirationDate = '';//条码失效日期
var EffectiveEnable = $("#EffectiveEnable").val();//料品是否启用有效天数
var EffectiveDays = $("#EffectiveDays").val();//料品有效期天数
var PRODUCTDATE = $("#PRODUCTDATE").val();//条码生产日期
if (EffectiveEnable=='true') {
var ExpirationDate= dateChange(EffectiveDays, PRODUCTDATE);
} else {
var ExpirationDate = '2999-12-31 00:00:00.000';
var InvCode= $("#InvCode").val();
var ClassCode = $("#ClassCode").val();
var Complete = '';
url: "/WMS/WMSCreateItemLot/GetInvBatchEnable?InvCode=" + InvCode,
dataType: "json",
async: false,
success: function (data) {
if (data != null && data.length > 0) {
Complete = data[0].BatchEnable;
if (Complete == true) {
if ($("#BatchCode").val()=="") {
$.modalAlert("该料品已开启批次,请输入批次!", "warning");
var obj = {
thisCreateQty: thisCreateQty,
minPackQty: minPackQty,
createPageCount: createPageCount,
Amount: $("#Amount").val(),
ProjectCode: $("#ProjectCode").val(),
BatchCode: $("#BatchCode").val(),
Version: $("#Version").val(),
Brand: $("#Brand").val(),
cFree1: $("#cFree1").val(),
cFree2: $("#cFree2").val(),
cFree3: $("#cFree3").val(),
cFree4: $("#cFree4").val(),
cFree5: $("#cFree5").val(),
cFree6: $("#cFree6").val(),
cFree7: $("#cFree7").val(),
cFree8: $("#cFree8").val(),
cFree9: $("#cFree9").val(),
cFree10: $("#cFree10").val(),
InvCode: InvCode,
ClassCode: ClassCode
if (Type == '3') {
var Complete = '';
url: "/WMS/WMSCreateItemLot/GetComplete" + "?" + Math.random(),
dataType: "json",
async: false,
success: function (data) {
if (data != null && data.length > 0) {
Complete = data[0].Enable;
if (Complete == true) {
var AvailQty = '';
var AllQty = '';
var Msg = '';
var Qty= $("#thisCreateQty").val()
url: "/OMAY/ICSMoCreateLot/GetAbsolveQty?MOCode=" + MOCode + "&Sequence=" + Sequence + "&Qty=" + Qty,
dataType: "json",
async: false,
success: function (data) {
Msg = data.msg;
AvailQty = data.AvailQty;
AllQty = data.AllQty;
if (Msg != '') {
url: "/OMAY/ICSMoCreateLot/SubmitFormChengPing?MOCode=" + MOCode + "&Sequence=" + Sequence + "&WorkPoint=" + WorkPoints + "&AMEnable=" + AMEnable,
param: {
keyValue: JSON.stringify(obj)
success: function () {
if (Type == '18') {
var Complete = '';
url: "/WMS/WMSCreateItemLot/GetComplete" + "?" + Math.random(),
dataType: "json",
async: false,
success: function (data) {
if (data != null && data.length > 0) {
Complete = data[0].Enable;
if (Complete == true) {
var AvailQty = '';
var AllQty = '';
var Msg = '';
var Qty = $("#thisCreateQty").val();
url: "/OMAY/ICSMoCreateLot/GetFCPAbsolveQty?MOCode=" + FCPMOCode + "&Sequence=" + Sequence + "&Qty=" + Qty,
dataType: "json",
async: false,
success: function (data) {
Msg = data.msg;
AvailQty = data.AvailQty;
AllQty = data.AllQty;
if (Msg != '') {
$.modalAlert("ERP:" + Msg);
url: "/OMAY/ICSMoCreateLot/SubmitFormFCP?FCPMOCode=" + FCPMOCode + "&Sequence=" + Sequence + "&WorkPoint=" + WorkPoints + "&AMEnable=" + AMEnable,
param: {
keyValue: JSON.stringify(obj)
success: function () {
function dateChange(num ,date ) {
if (!date) {
date = new Date();//没有传入值时,默认是当前日期
date = date.getFullYear() + '-' + (date.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + date.getDate();
date += " 00:00:00";//设置为当天凌晨12点
date = Date.parse(new Date(date))/1000;//转换为时间戳
date += (86400) * num;//修改后的时间戳
var newDate = new Date(parseInt(date) * 1000);//转换为时间p
return newDate.getFullYear() + '-' + (newDate.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + newDate.getDate();
function GetGetGeneratedNum(Code, Sequence, thisCreateQty) {
var Flags;
url: "/WMS/WMSCreateItemLot/GetGeneratedNum?Code=" + Code + "&Sequence=" + Sequence + "&Type=" + Type + "&thisCreateQty=" + thisCreateQty,
dataType: "json",
async: false,
success: function (data) {
Flags = data.Flag;
return Flags;
<form id="form1">
<div style="padding-top: 20px; margin-right: 20px;">
<table class="form">
<th class="formTitle">料品编码</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="InvCode" name="InvCode" type="text" class="form-control " />
<input id="Enable" name="Enable" type="text" style="display:none" />
<input id="ClassCode" name="ClassCode" type="text" style="display:none" />
<th class="formTitle">料品名称</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="INVNAME" name="INVNAME" type="text" class="form-control " />
<th class="formTitle">规格型号</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="INVSTD" name="INVSTD" type="text" class="form-control " />
<tr style="display:none">
<th class="formTitle">计量单位</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="INVUOM" name="INVUOM" type="text" class="form-control " />
<tr style="display:none">
<th class="formTitle">单据数量</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="Quantity" name="Quantity" type="text" class="form-control " />
<input id="YAmount" name="YAmount" type="text" style="display:none" />
<input id="DJQuantity" name="DJQuantity" type="text" style="display:none" />
<input id="InvProportion" name="InvProportion" type="text" style="display:none" />
<tr style="display:none">
<th class="formTitle">总超生数量</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="AbsolveQty" name="AbsolveQty" type="text" class="form-control " />
<tr style="display:none">
<th class="formTitle">已生成条码数量</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="CreatedQty" name="CreatedQty" type="text" class="form-control " />
<tr style="display:none">
<th class="formTitle"><span style="color: red;">*</span>剩余可生成数量</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="thisCreateQty" name="thisCreateQty" type="text" class="form-control required" placeholder="请输入本次生成数量" />
<tr >
<th class="formTitle"><span style="color: red;">*</span>剩余可生成数量</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="SurplusCreateQty" name="SurplusCreateQty" type="text" class="form-control" disabled="disabled"/>
<tr id="ZHU">
<th class="formTitle"><span style="color: red;">*</span>条码规格(主)</th>@*最小包装量*@
<td class="formValue">
<input id="minPackQty" name="minPackQty" type="text" class="form-control required" placeholder="请输入条码规格" />
<tr id="FU">
<th class="formTitle">条码规格(辅)</th>@*辅计量数量*@
<td class="formValue">
<input id="Amount" name="Amount" class="form-control" type="text" placeholder="请输入条码规格" />
<tr style="display:none">
<th class="formTitle"><span style="color: red;">*</span>生产日期</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input type="text" name="PRODUCTDATE" id="PRODUCTDATE" class="form-control required" onclick="WdatePicker({ dateFmt: 'yyyy-MM-dd' })" placeholder="生产日期" />
<input id="EffectiveEnable" name="EffectiveEnable" type="text" style="display:none" />
<input id="EffectiveDays" name="EffectiveDays" type="text" style="display:none" />
<th class="formTitle"><span style="color: red;">*</span>生成张数</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="cretePageCount" name="cretePageCount" class="form-control required" type="text" placeholder="请输入生成张数" />
<tr id="trProjectCode">
<th class="formTitle"><label id="LableProjectCode"></label></th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="ProjectCode" name="ProjectCode" class="form-control " type="text" />
<tr id="trBatchCode">
<th class="formTitle"><label id="LableBatchCode"></label></th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="BatchCode" name="BatchCode" class="form-control " type="text" />
<tr id="trVersion">
<th class="formTitle"><label id="LableVersion"></label></th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="Version" name="Version" class="form-control " type="text" />
<tr id="trBrand">
<th class="formTitle"><label id="LableBrand"></label></th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="Brand" name="Brand" type="text" class="form-control " />
<tr id="trcFree1">
<th class="formTitle"><label id="LablecFree1"></label></th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="cFree1" name="cFree1" type="text" class="form-control " />
<tr id="trcFree2">
<th class="formTitle"><label id="LablecFree2"></label></th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="cFree2" name="cFree2" type="text" class="form-control " />
<tr id="trcFree3">
<th class="formTitle"><label id="LablecFree3"></label></th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="cFree3" name="cFree3" type="text" class="form-control " />
<tr id="trcFree4">
<th class="formTitle"><label id="LablecFree4"></label></th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="cFree4" name="cFree4" type="text" class="form-control " />
<tr id="trcFree5">
<th class="formTitle"><label id="LablecFree5"></label></th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="cFree5" name="cFree5" type="text" class="form-control " />
<tr id="trcFree6">
<th class="formTitle"><label id="LablecFree6"></label></th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="cFree6" name="cFree6" type="text" class="form-control " />
<tr id="trcFree7">
<th class="formTitle"><label id="LablecFree7"></label></th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="cFree7" name="cFree7" type="text" class="form-control " />
<tr id="trcFree8">
<th class="formTitle"><label id="LablecFree8"></label></th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="cFree8" name="cFree8" type="text" class="form-control " />
<tr id="trcFree9">
<th class="formTitle"><label id="LablecFree9"></label></th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="cFree9" name="cFree9" type="text" class="form-control " />
<tr id="trcFree10">
<th class="formTitle"><label id="LablecFree10"></label></th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="cFree10" name="cFree10" type="text" class="form-control " />
@*<tr id="trEATTRIBUTE1">
<th class="formTitle"><label id="LableEATTRIBUTE1"></label></th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="EATTRIBUTE1" name="EATTRIBUTE1" type="text" class="form-control " />
<tr id="trEATTRIBUTE2">
<th class="formTitle"><label id="LableEATTRIBUTE2"></label></th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="EATTRIBUTE2" name="EATTRIBUTE2" type="text" class="form-control " />
<tr id="trEATTRIBUTE3">
<th class="formTitle"><label id="LableEATTRIBUTE3"></label></th>
<td class="formValue">
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<tr id="trEATTRIBUTE4">
<th class="formTitle"><label id="LableEATTRIBUTE4"></label></th>
<td class="formValue">
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<tr id="trEATTRIBUTE5">
<th class="formTitle"><label id="LableEATTRIBUTE5"></label></th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="EATTRIBUTE5" name="EATTRIBUTE5" type="text" class="form-control " />
<tr id="trEATTRIBUTE6">
<th class="formTitle"><label id="LableEATTRIBUTE6"></label></th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="EATTRIBUTE6" name="EATTRIBUTE6" type="text" class="form-control " />
<tr id="trEATTRIBUTE7">
<th class="formTitle"><label id="LableEATTRIBUTE7"></label></th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="EATTRIBUTE7" name="EATTRIBUTE7" type="text" class="form-control " />
<tr id="trEATTRIBUTE8">
<th class="formTitle"><label id="LableEATTRIBUTE8"></label></th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="EATTRIBUTE8" name="EATTRIBUTE8" type="text" class="form-control " />
<tr id="trEATTRIBUTE9">
<th class="formTitle"><label id="LableEATTRIBUTE9"></label></th>
<td class="formValue">
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<tr id="trEATTRIBUTE10">
<th class="formTitle"><label id="LableEATTRIBUTE10"></label></th>
<td class="formValue">
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