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Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
function Get-Checksum($file) { $cryptoProvider = New-Object "System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider" $fileInfo = Get-Item $file trap { ; continue } $stream = $fileInfo.OpenRead() if ($? -eq $false) { # Couldn't open file for reading return $null } $bytes = $cryptoProvider.ComputeHash($stream) $checksum = '' foreach ($byte in $bytes) { $checksum += $byte.ToString('x2') } $stream.Close() | Out-Null return $checksum }
function AddOrUpdate-Reference($scriptsFolderProjectItem, $fileNamePattern, $newFileName) { try { $referencesFileProjectItem = $scriptsFolderProjectItem.ProjectItems.Item("_references.js") } catch { # _references.js file not found return }
if ($referencesFileProjectItem -eq $null) { # _references.js file not found return }
$referencesFilePath = $referencesFileProjectItem.FileNames(1) $referencesTempFilePath = Join-Path $env:TEMP "_references.tmp.js"
if ((Select-String $referencesFilePath -pattern $fileNamePattern).Length -eq 0) { # File has no existing matching reference line # Add the full reference line to the beginning of the file "/// <reference path=""$newFileName"" />" | Add-Content $referencesTempFilePath -Encoding UTF8 Get-Content $referencesFilePath | Add-Content $referencesTempFilePath } else { # Loop through file and replace old file name with new file name Get-Content $referencesFilePath | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace $fileNamePattern, $newFileName } > $referencesTempFilePath }
# Copy over the new _references.js file Copy-Item $referencesTempFilePath $referencesFilePath -Force Remove-Item $referencesTempFilePath -Force }
function Remove-Reference($scriptsFolderProjectItem, $fileNamePattern) { try { $referencesFileProjectItem = $scriptsFolderProjectItem.ProjectItems.Item("_references.js") } catch { # _references.js file not found return }
if ($referencesFileProjectItem -eq $null) { return }
$referencesFilePath = $referencesFileProjectItem.FileNames(1) $referencesTempFilePath = Join-Path $env:TEMP "_references.tmp.js"
if ((Select-String $referencesFilePath -pattern $fileNamePattern).Length -eq 1) { # Delete the line referencing the file Get-Content $referencesFilePath | ForEach-Object { if (-not ($_ -match $fileNamePattern)) { $_ } } > $referencesTempFilePath
# Copy over the new _references.js file Copy-Item $referencesTempFilePath $referencesFilePath -Force Remove-Item $referencesTempFilePath -Force } }
function Delete-ProjectItem($item) { $itemDeleted = $false for ($1=1; $i -le 5; $i++) { try { $item.Delete() $itemDeleted = $true break } catch { # Try again in 200ms [System.Threading.Thread]::Sleep(200) } } if ($itemDeleted -eq $false) { throw "Unable to delete project item after five attempts." } }
# Extract the version number from the jquery file in the package's content\scripts folder $packageScriptsFolder = Join-Path $installPath Content\Scripts $jqueryFileName = Join-Path $packageScriptsFolder "jquery-*.js" | Get-ChildItem -Exclude "*.min.js","*-vsdoc.js" | Split-Path -Leaf $jqueryFileNameRegEx = "jquery-((?:\d+\.)?(?:\d+\.)?(?:\d+\.)?(?:\d+)).js" $jqueryFileName -match $jqueryFileNameRegEx $ver = $matches[1]
$intelliSenseFileName = "jquery-$ver.intellisense.js"
# Get the project item for the scripts folder try { $scriptsFolderProjectItem = $project.ProjectItems.Item("Scripts") $projectScriptsFolderPath = $scriptsFolderProjectItem.FileNames(1) } catch { # No Scripts folder Write-Host "No scripts folder found" }