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2 years ago
  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <doc>
  3. <assembly>
  4. <name>NPOI.OpenXml4Net</name>
  5. </assembly>
  6. <members>
  7. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.CertificateEmbeddingOption">
  8. Specifies the location where the X.509 certificate that is used in signing is stored.
  9. @author Julien Chable
  10. </member>
  11. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.CertificateEmbeddingOption.IN_CERTIFICATE_PART">
  12. The certificate is embedded in its own PackagePart.
  13. </member>
  14. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.CertificateEmbeddingOption.IN_SIGNATURE_PART">
  15. The certificate is embedded in the SignaturePart that is created for the signature being added.
  16. </member>
  17. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.CertificateEmbeddingOption.NOT_EMBEDDED">
  18. The certificate in not embedded in the package.
  19. </member>
  20. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Configuration">
  21. Storage class for configuration storage parameters.
  22. TODO xml syntax checking is no longer done with DOM4j parser -> remove the schema or do it ?
  23. @author CDubettier, Julen Chable
  24. @version 1.0
  25. </member>
  26. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ContentTypes">
  27. Open Packaging Convention content types (see Annex F : Standard Namespaces
  28. and Content Types).
  29. @author CDubettier define some constants, Julien Chable
  30. </member>
  31. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ContentTypes.CORE_PROPERTIES_PART">
  32. Core Properties part.
  33. </member>
  34. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ContentTypes.DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_CERTIFICATE_PART">
  35. Digital Signature Certificate part.
  36. </member>
  37. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ContentTypes.DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_ORIGIN_PART">
  38. Digital Signature Origin part.
  39. </member>
  40. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ContentTypes.DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_XML_SIGNATURE_PART">
  41. Digital Signature XML Signature part.
  42. </member>
  43. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ContentTypes.RELATIONSHIPS_PART">
  44. Relationships part.
  45. </member>
  46. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ContentTypes.CUSTOM_XML_PART">
  47. Custom XML part.
  48. </member>
  49. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ContentTypes.PLAIN_OLD_XML">
  50. Plain old xml. Note - OOXML uses application/xml, and not text/xml!
  51. </member>
  52. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ContentTypes.IMAGE_TIFF">
  53. TIFF image format.
  54. @see <a href="http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/tiff/index.html#spec">
  55. http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/tiff/index.html#spec</a>
  56. </member>
  57. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ContentTypes.IMAGE_PICT">
  58. Pict image format.
  59. @see <a href="http://developer.apple.com/documentation/mac/QuickDraw/QuickDraw-2.html">
  60. http://developer.apple.com/documentation/mac/QuickDraw/QuickDraw-2.html</a>
  61. </member>
  62. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ContentTypes.XML">
  63. XML file.
  64. </member>
  65. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.EncryptionOption">
  66. Specifies the encryption option for parts in a Package.
  67. @author Julien Chable
  68. @version 0.1
  69. </member>
  70. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.EncryptionOption.NONE">
  71. No encryption.
  72. </member>
  73. <!-- 对于成员“T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ContentType”忽略有格式错误的 XML 注释 -->
  74. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ContentType.type">
  75. Type in Type/Subtype.
  76. </member>
  77. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ContentType.subType">
  78. Subtype
  79. </member>
  80. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ContentType.parameters">
  81. Parameters
  82. </member>
  83. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ContentType.patternMediaType">
  84. Media type compiled pattern for parameters.
  85. </member>
  86. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ContentType.#ctor(System.String)">
  87. Constructor. Check the input with the RFC 2616 grammar.
  88. @param contentType
  89. The content type to store.
  90. @throws InvalidFormatException
  91. If the specified content type is not valid with RFC 2616.
  92. </member>
  93. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ContentType.GetParameters(System.String)">
  94. Gets the value associated to the specified key.
  95. @param key
  96. The key of the key/value pair.
  97. @return The value associated to the specified key.
  98. </member>
  99. <member name="P:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ContentType.SubType">
  100. Get the subtype.
  101. @return The subtype of this content type.
  102. </member>
  103. <member name="P:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ContentType.Type">
  104. Get the type.
  105. @return The type of this content type.
  106. </member>
  107. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ContentTypeManager">
  108. Manage package content types ([Content_Types].xml part).
  109. @author Julien Chable
  110. @version 1.0
  111. </member>
  112. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ContentTypeManager.CONTENT_TYPES_PART_NAME">
  113. Content type part name.
  114. </member>
  115. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ContentTypeManager.TYPES_NAMESPACE_URI">
  116. Content type namespace
  117. </member>
  118. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ContentTypeManager.container">
  119. Reference to the package using this content type manager.
  120. </member>
  121. <!-- 对于成员“F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ContentTypeManager.defaultContentType”忽略有格式错误的 XML 注释 -->
  122. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ContentTypeManager.overrideContentType">
  123. Override content type tree.
  124. </member>
  125. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ContentTypeManager.#ctor(System.IO.Stream,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage)">
  126. Constructor. Parses the content of the specified input stream.
  127. @param in
  128. If different of <i>null</i> then the content types part is
  129. retrieve and parse.
  130. @throws InvalidFormatException
  131. If the content types part content is not valid.
  132. </member>
  133. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ContentTypeManager.AddContentType(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName,System.String)">
  134. Build association extention-> content type (will be stored in
  135. [Content_Types].xml) for example ContentType="image/png" Extension="png"
  136. <p>
  137. [M2.8]: When adding a new part to a package, the package implementer
  138. shall ensure that a content type for that part is specified in the
  139. Content Types stream; the package implementer shall perform the steps
  140. described in &#167;
  141. </p><p>
  142. 1. Get the extension from the part name by taking the substring to the
  143. right of the rightmost occurrence of the dot character (.) from the
  144. rightmost segment.
  145. </p><p>
  146. 2. If a part name has no extension, a corresponding Override element
  147. shall be added to the Content Types stream.
  148. </p><p>
  149. 3. Compare the resulting extension with the values specified for the
  150. Extension attributes of the Default elements in the Content Types stream.
  151. The comparison shall be case-insensitive ASCII.
  152. </p><p>
  153. 4. If there is a Default element with a matching Extension attribute,
  154. then the content type of the new part shall be compared with the value of
  155. the ContentType attribute. The comparison might be case-sensitive and
  156. include every character regardless of the role it plays in the
  157. content-type grammar of RFC 2616, or it might follow the grammar of RFC
  158. 2616.
  159. </p><p>
  160. a. If the content types match, no further action is required.
  161. </p><p>
  162. b. If the content types do not match, a new Override element shall be
  163. added to the Content Types stream. .
  164. </p><p>
  165. 5. If there is no Default element with a matching Extension attribute, a
  166. new Default element or Override element shall be added to the Content
  167. Types stream.
  168. </p>
  169. </member>
  170. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ContentTypeManager.AddOverrideContentType(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName,System.String)">
  171. Add an override content type for a specific part.
  172. @param partName
  173. Name of the part.
  174. @param contentType
  175. Content type of the part.
  176. </member>
  177. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ContentTypeManager.AddDefaultContentType(System.String,System.String)">
  178. Add a content type associated with the specified extension.
  179. @param extension
  180. The part name extension to bind to a content type.
  181. @param contentType
  182. The content type associated with the specified extension.
  183. </member>
  184. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ContentTypeManager.RemoveContentType(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName)">
  185. <p>
  186. Delete a content type based on the specified part name. If the specified
  187. part name is register with an override content type, then this content
  188. type is remove, else the content type is remove in the default content
  189. type list if it exists and if no part is associated with it yet.
  190. </p><p>
  191. Check rule M2.4: The package implementer shall require that the Content
  192. Types stream contain one of the following for every part in the package:
  193. One matching Default element One matching Override element Both a
  194. matching Default element and a matching Override element, in which case
  195. the Override element takes precedence.
  196. </p>
  197. @param partName
  198. The part URI associated with the override content type to
  199. delete.
  200. @exception InvalidOperationException
  201. Throws if
  202. </member>
  203. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ContentTypeManager.IsContentTypeRegister(System.String)">
  204. Check if the specified content type is already register.
  205. @param contentType
  206. The content type to check.
  207. @return <code>true</code> if the specified content type is already
  208. register, then <code>false</code>.
  209. </member>
  210. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ContentTypeManager.GetContentType(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName)">
  211. Get the content type for the specified part, if any.
  212. <p>
  213. Rule [M2.9]: To get the content type of a part, the package implementer
  214. shall perform the steps described in &#167;
  215. </p><p>
  216. 1. Compare the part name with the values specified for the PartName
  217. attribute of the Override elements. The comparison shall be
  218. case-insensitive ASCII.
  219. </p><p>
  220. 2. If there is an Override element with a matching PartName attribute,
  221. return the value of its ContentType attribute. No further action is
  222. required.
  223. </p><p>
  224. 3. If there is no Override element with a matching PartName attribute,
  225. then a. Get the extension from the part name by taking the substring to
  226. the right of the rightmost occurrence of the dot character (.) from the
  227. rightmost segment. b. Check the Default elements of the Content Types
  228. stream, comparing the extension with the value of the Extension
  229. attribute. The comparison shall be case-insensitive ASCII.
  230. </p><p>
  231. 4. If there is a Default element with a matching Extension attribute,
  232. return the value of its ContentType attribute. No further action is
  233. required.
  234. </p><p>
  235. 5. If neither Override nor Default elements with matching attributes are
  236. found for the specified part name, the implementation shall not map this
  237. part name to a part.
  238. </p>
  239. @param partName
  240. The URI part to check.
  241. @return The content type associated with the URI (in case of an override
  242. content type) or the extension (in case of default content type),
  243. else <code>null</code>.
  244. @exception OpenXml4NetRuntimeException
  245. Throws if the content type manager is not able to find the
  246. content from an existing part.
  247. </member>
  248. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ContentTypeManager.ClearAll">
  249. Clear all content types.
  250. </member>
  251. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ContentTypeManager.ClearOverrideContentTypes">
  252. Clear all override content types.
  253. </member>
  254. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ContentTypeManager.ParseContentTypesFile(System.IO.Stream)">
  255. Parse the content types part.
  256. @throws InvalidFormatException
  257. Throws if the content type doesn't exist or the XML format is
  258. invalid.
  259. </member>
  260. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ContentTypeManager.Save(System.IO.Stream)">
  261. Save the contents type part.
  262. @param outStream
  263. The output stream use to save the XML content of the content
  264. types part.
  265. @return <b>true</b> if the operation success, else <b>false</b>.
  266. </member>
  267. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ContentTypeManager.AppendSpecificTypes(System.Xml.XmlDocument,System.Xml.XmlElement,System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName,System.String})">
  268. Use to Append specific type XML elements, use by the save() method.
  269. @param root
  270. XML parent element use to Append this override type element.
  271. @param entry
  272. The values to Append.
  273. @see #save(java.io.OutputStream)
  274. </member>
  275. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ContentTypeManager.AppendDefaultType(System.Xml.XmlDocument,System.Xml.XmlElement,System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{System.String,System.String})">
  276. Use to Append default types XML elements, use by the save() metid.
  277. @param root
  278. XML parent element use to Append this default type element.
  279. @param entry
  280. The values to Append.
  281. @see #save(java.io.OutputStream)
  282. </member>
  283. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ContentTypeManager.SaveImpl(System.Xml.XmlDocument,System.IO.Stream)">
  284. Specific implementation of the save method. Call by the save() method,
  285. call before exiting.
  286. @param out
  287. The output stream use to write the content type XML.
  288. </member>
  289. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.FileHelper">
  290. Provide useful method to manage file.
  291. @author Julien Chable
  292. @version 0.1
  293. </member>
  294. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.FileHelper.GetDirectory(System.String)">
  295. Get the directory part of the specified file path.
  296. @param f
  297. File to process.
  298. @return The directory path from the specified
  299. </member>
  300. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.FileHelper.CopyFile(System.String,System.String)">
  301. Copy a file.
  302. @param in
  303. The source file.
  304. @param out
  305. The target location.
  306. @throws IOException
  307. If an I/O error occur.
  308. </member>
  309. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.FileHelper.GetFilename(System.String)">
  310. Get file name from the specified File object.
  311. </member>
  312. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.Marshallers.DefaultMarshaller">
  313. Default marshaller that specified that the part is responsible to marshall its content.
  314. @author Julien Chable
  315. @version 1.0
  316. @see PartMarshaller
  317. </member>
  318. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PartMarshaller">
  319. Object implemented this interface are considered as part marshaller. A part
  320. marshaller is responsible to marshall a part in order to be save in a
  321. package.
  322. @author Julien Chable
  323. @version 0.1
  324. </member>
  325. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PartMarshaller.Marshall(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart,System.IO.Stream)">
  326. Save the content of the package in the stream
  327. @param part
  328. Part to marshall.
  329. @param out
  330. The output stream into which the part will be marshall.
  331. @return false if any marshall error occurs, else <b>true</b>
  332. @throws OpenXml4NetException
  333. Throws only if any other exceptions are thrown by inner
  334. methods.
  335. </member>
  336. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.Marshallers.DefaultMarshaller.Marshall(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart,System.IO.Stream)">
  337. Save part in the output stream by using the save() method of the part.
  338. @throws OpenXml4NetException
  339. If any error occur.
  340. </member>
  341. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.Marshallers.PackagePropertiesMarshaller">
  342. Package properties marshaller.
  343. @author CDubet, Julien Chable
  344. </member>
  345. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.Marshallers.PackagePropertiesMarshaller.Marshall(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart,System.IO.Stream)">
  346. Marshall package core properties to an XML document. Always return
  347. <code>true</code>.
  348. </member>
  349. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.Marshallers.PackagePropertiesMarshaller.AddCategory">
  350. Add category property element if needed.
  351. </member>
  352. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.Marshallers.PackagePropertiesMarshaller.AddContentStatus">
  353. Add content status property element if needed.
  354. </member>
  355. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.Marshallers.PackagePropertiesMarshaller.AddContentType">
  356. Add content type property element if needed.
  357. </member>
  358. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.Marshallers.PackagePropertiesMarshaller.AddCreated">
  359. Add created property element if needed.
  360. </member>
  361. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.Marshallers.PackagePropertiesMarshaller.AddCreator">
  362. Add creator property element if needed.
  363. </member>
  364. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.Marshallers.PackagePropertiesMarshaller.AddDescription">
  365. Add description property element if needed.
  366. </member>
  367. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.Marshallers.PackagePropertiesMarshaller.AddIdentifier">
  368. Add identifier property element if needed.
  369. </member>
  370. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.Marshallers.PackagePropertiesMarshaller.AddKeywords">
  371. Add keywords property element if needed.
  372. </member>
  373. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.Marshallers.PackagePropertiesMarshaller.AddLanguage">
  374. Add language property element if needed.
  375. </member>
  376. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.Marshallers.PackagePropertiesMarshaller.AddLastModifiedBy">
  377. Add 'last modified by' property if needed.
  378. </member>
  379. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.Marshallers.PackagePropertiesMarshaller.AddLastPrinted">
  380. Add 'last printed' property if needed.
  381. </member>
  382. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.Marshallers.PackagePropertiesMarshaller.AddModified">
  383. Add modified property element if needed.
  384. </member>
  385. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.Marshallers.PackagePropertiesMarshaller.AddRevision">
  386. Add revision property if needed.
  387. </member>
  388. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.Marshallers.PackagePropertiesMarshaller.AddSubject">
  389. Add subject property if needed.
  390. </member>
  391. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.Marshallers.PackagePropertiesMarshaller.AddTitle">
  392. Add title property if needed.
  393. </member>
  394. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.Marshallers.ZipPackagePropertiesMarshaller">
  395. Package core properties marshaller specialized for zipped package.
  396. @author Julien Chable
  397. </member>
  398. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.Marshallers.ZipPartMarshaller">
  399. Zip part marshaller. This marshaller is use to save any part in a zip stream.
  400. @author Julien Chable
  401. </member>
  402. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.Marshallers.ZipPartMarshaller.Marshall(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart,System.IO.Stream)">
  403. Save the specified part.
  404. @throws OpenXml4NetException
  405. Throws if an internal exception is thrown.
  406. </member>
  407. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.Marshallers.ZipPartMarshaller.MarshallRelationshipPart(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipCollection,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName,ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipOutputStream)">
  408. Save relationships into the part.
  409. @param rels
  410. The relationships collection to marshall.
  411. @param relPartName
  412. Part name of the relationship part to marshall.
  413. @param zos
  414. Zip output stream in which to save the XML content of the
  415. relationships serialization.
  416. </member>
  417. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart">
  418. Provides a base class for parts stored in a Package.
  419. @author Julien Chable
  420. @version 0.9
  421. </member>
  422. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.RelationshipSource.AddRelationship(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.TargetMode,System.String)">
  423. Add a relationship to a part (except relationships part).
  424. @param targetPartName
  425. Name of the target part. This one must be relative to the
  426. source root directory of the part.
  427. @param targetMode
  428. Mode [Internal|External].
  429. @param relationshipType
  430. Type of relationship.
  431. @return The newly created and added relationship
  432. </member>
  433. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.RelationshipSource.AddRelationship(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.TargetMode,System.String,System.String)">
  434. * Add a relationship to a part (except relationships part).
  435. * Check rule M1.25: The Relationships part shall not have relationships to
  436. * any other part. Package implementers shall enforce this requirement upon
  437. * the attempt to create such a relationship and shall treat any such
  438. * relationship as invalid.
  439. *
  440. * @param targetPartName
  441. * Name of the target part. This one must be relative to the
  442. * source root directory of the part.
  443. * @param targetMode
  444. * Mode [Internal|External].
  445. * @param relationshipType
  446. * Type of relationship.
  447. * @param id
  448. * Relationship unique id.
  449. * @return The newly created and added relationship
  450. *
  451. * @throws InvalidFormatException
  452. * If the URI point to a relationship part URI.
  453. </member>
  454. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.RelationshipSource.AddExternalRelationship(System.String,System.String)">
  455. Adds an external relationship to a part
  456. (except relationships part).
  457. The targets of external relationships are not
  458. subject to the same validity checks that internal
  459. ones are, as the contents is potentially
  460. any file, URL or similar.
  461. @param target External target of the relationship
  462. @param relationshipType Type of relationship.
  463. @return The newly created and added relationship
  464. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.RelationshipSource#addExternalRelationship(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
  465. </member>
  466. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.RelationshipSource.AddExternalRelationship(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
  467. Adds an external relationship to a part
  468. (except relationships part).
  469. The targets of external relationships are not
  470. subject to the same validity checks that internal
  471. ones are, as the contents is potentially
  472. any file, URL or similar.
  473. @param target External target of the relationship
  474. @param relationshipType Type of relationship.
  475. @param id Relationship unique id.
  476. @return The newly created and added relationship
  477. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.RelationshipSource#addExternalRelationship(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
  478. </member>
  479. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.RelationshipSource.ClearRelationships">
  480. Delete all the relationships attached to this.
  481. </member>
  482. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.RelationshipSource.RemoveRelationship(System.String)">
  483. Delete the relationship specified by its id.
  484. @param id
  485. The ID identified the part to delete.
  486. </member>
  487. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.RelationshipSource.GetRelationship(System.String)">
  488. Retrieves a package relationship from its id.
  489. @param id
  490. ID of the package relationship to retrieve.
  491. @return The package relationship
  492. </member>
  493. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.RelationshipSource.GetRelationshipsByType(System.String)">
  494. Retrieve all relationships attached to this part which have the specified
  495. type.
  496. @param relationshipType
  497. Relationship type filter.
  498. @return All relationships from this part that have the specified type.
  499. @throws InvalidFormatException
  500. If an error occurs while parsing the part.
  501. @throws InvalidOperationException
  502. If the package is open in write only mode.
  503. </member>
  504. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.RelationshipSource.IsRelationshipExists(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationship)">
  505. Checks if the specified relationship is part of this package part.
  506. @param rel
  507. The relationship to check.
  508. @return <b>true</b> if the specified relationship exists in this part,
  509. else returns <b>false</b>
  510. </member>
  511. <member name="P:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.RelationshipSource.Relationships">
  512. Retrieve all the relationships attached to this.
  513. @return This part's relationships.
  514. @throws OpenXml4NetException
  515. </member>
  516. <member name="P:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.RelationshipSource.HasRelationships">
  517. Knows if the part have any relationships.
  518. @return <b>true</b> if the part have at least one relationship else
  519. <b>false</b>.
  520. </member>
  521. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.container">
  522. This part's container.
  523. </member>
  524. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.partName">
  525. The part name. (required by the specification [M1.1])
  526. </member>
  527. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.contentType">
  528. The type of content of this part. (required by the specification [M1.2])
  529. </member>
  530. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.isRelationshipPart">
  531. Flag to know if this part is a relationship.
  532. </member>
  533. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.isDeleted">
  534. Flag to know if this part has been logically deleted.
  535. </member>
  536. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.relationships">
  537. This part's relationships.
  538. </member>
  539. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.#ctor(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ContentType)">
  540. Constructor.
  541. @param pack
  542. Parent package.
  543. @param partName
  544. The part name, relative to the parent Package root.
  545. @param contentType
  546. The content type.
  547. @throws InvalidFormatException
  548. If the specified URI is not valid.
  549. </member>
  550. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.#ctor(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ContentType,System.Boolean)">
  551. Constructor.
  552. @param pack
  553. Parent package.
  554. @param partName
  555. The part name, relative to the parent Package root.
  556. @param contentType
  557. The content type.
  558. @param loadRelationships
  559. Specify if the relationships will be loaded
  560. @throws InvalidFormatException
  561. If the specified URI is not valid.
  562. </member>
  563. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.#ctor(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName,System.String)">
  564. Constructor.
  565. @param pack
  566. Parent package.
  567. @param partName
  568. The part name, relative to the parent Package root.
  569. @param contentType
  570. The Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) content type
  571. of the part's data stream.
  572. </member>
  573. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.AddExternalRelationship(System.String,System.String)">
  574. Adds an external relationship to a part (except relationships part).
  575. The targets of external relationships are not subject to the same
  576. validity checks that internal ones are, as the contents is potentially
  577. any file, URL or similar.
  578. @param target
  579. External target of the relationship
  580. @param relationshipType
  581. Type of relationship.
  582. @return The newly created and added relationship
  583. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.RelationshipSource#addExternalRelationship(java.lang.String,
  584. java.lang.String)
  585. </member>
  586. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.AddExternalRelationship(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
  587. Adds an external relationship to a part (except relationships part).
  588. The targets of external relationships are not subject to the same
  589. validity checks that internal ones are, as the contents is potentially
  590. any file, URL or similar.
  591. @param target
  592. External target of the relationship
  593. @param relationshipType
  594. Type of relationship.
  595. @param id
  596. Relationship unique id.
  597. @return The newly created and added relationship
  598. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.RelationshipSource#addExternalRelationship(java.lang.String,
  599. java.lang.String)
  600. </member>
  601. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.AddRelationship(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.TargetMode,System.String)">
  602. Add a relationship to a part (except relationships part).
  603. @param targetPartName
  604. Name of the target part. This one must be relative to the
  605. source root directory of the part.
  606. @param targetMode
  607. Mode [Internal|External].
  608. @param relationshipType
  609. Type of relationship.
  610. @return The newly created and added relationship
  611. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.RelationshipSource#AddRelationship(org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackagePartName,
  612. org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.TargetMode, java.lang.String)
  613. </member>
  614. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.AddRelationship(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.TargetMode,System.String,System.String)">
  615. Add a relationship to a part (except relationships part).
  616. <p>
  617. Check rule M1.25: The Relationships part shall not have relationships to
  618. any other part. Package implementers shall enforce this requirement upon
  619. the attempt to create such a relationship and shall treat any such
  620. relationship as invalid.
  621. </p>
  622. @param targetPartName
  623. Name of the target part. This one must be relative to the
  624. source root directory of the part.
  625. @param targetMode
  626. Mode [Internal|External].
  627. @param relationshipType
  628. Type of relationship.
  629. @param id
  630. Relationship unique id.
  631. @return The newly created and added relationship
  632. @throws InvalidFormatException
  633. If the URI point to a relationship part URI.
  634. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.RelationshipSource#AddRelationship(org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackagePartName,
  635. org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.TargetMode, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
  636. </member>
  637. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.AddRelationship(System.Uri,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.TargetMode,System.String)">
  638. Add a relationship to a part (except relationships part).
  639. @param targetURI
  640. URI the target part. Must be relative to the source root
  641. directory of the part.
  642. @param targetMode
  643. Mode [Internal|External].
  644. @param relationshipType
  645. Type of relationship.
  646. @return The newly created and added relationship
  647. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.RelationshipSource#AddRelationship(org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackagePartName,
  648. org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.TargetMode, java.lang.String)
  649. </member>
  650. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.AddRelationship(System.Uri,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.TargetMode,System.String,System.String)">
  651. Add a relationship to a part (except relationships part).
  652. <p>
  653. Check rule M1.25: The Relationships part shall not have relationships to
  654. any other part. Package implementers shall enforce this requirement upon
  655. the attempt to create such a relationship and shall treat any such
  656. relationship as invalid.
  657. </p>
  658. @param targetURI
  659. URI of the target part. Must be relative to the source root
  660. directory of the part.
  661. @param targetMode
  662. Mode [Internal|External].
  663. @param relationshipType
  664. Type of relationship.
  665. @param id
  666. Relationship unique id.
  667. @return The newly created and added relationship
  668. @throws InvalidFormatException
  669. If the URI point to a relationship part URI.
  670. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.RelationshipSource#AddRelationship(org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackagePartName,
  671. org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.TargetMode, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
  672. </member>
  673. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.ClearRelationships">
  674. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.RelationshipSource#clearRelationships()
  675. </member>
  676. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.RemoveRelationship(System.String)">
  677. Delete the relationship specified by its id.
  678. @param id
  679. The ID identified the part to delete.
  680. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.RelationshipSource#removeRelationship(java.lang.String)
  681. </member>
  682. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.GetRelationship(System.String)">
  683. Retrieves a package relationship from its id.
  684. @param id
  685. ID of the package relationship to retrieve.
  686. @return The package relationship
  687. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.RelationshipSource#getRelationship(java.lang.String)
  688. </member>
  689. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.GetRelationshipsByType(System.String)">
  690. Retrieve all relationships attached to this part which have the specified
  691. type.
  692. @param relationshipType
  693. Relationship type filter.
  694. @return All relationships from this part that have the specified type.
  695. @throws InvalidFormatException
  696. If an error occurs while parsing the part.
  697. @throws InvalidOperationException
  698. If the package is open in write only mode.
  699. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.RelationshipSource#getRelationshipsByType(java.lang.String)
  700. </member>
  701. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.GetRelationshipsCore(System.String)">
  702. Implementation of the getRelationships method().
  703. @param filter
  704. Relationship type filter. If <i>null</i> then the filter is
  705. disabled and return all the relationships.
  706. @return All relationships from this part that have the specified type.
  707. @throws InvalidFormatException
  708. Throws if an error occurs during parsing the relationships
  709. part.
  710. @throws InvalidOperationException
  711. Throws if the package is open en write only mode.
  712. @see #getRelationshipsByType(String)
  713. </member>
  714. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.IsRelationshipExists(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationship)">
  715. Checks if the specified relationship is part of this package part.
  716. @param rel
  717. The relationship to check.
  718. @return <b>true</b> if the specified relationship exists in this part,
  719. else returns <b>false</b>
  720. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.RelationshipSource#isRelationshipExists(org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageRelationship)
  721. </member>
  722. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.GetRelatedPart(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationship)">
  723. Get the PackagePart that is the target of a relationship.
  724. @param rel A relationship from this part to another one
  725. @return The target part of the relationship
  726. </member>
  727. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.GetInputStream">
  728. Get the input stream of this part to read its content.
  729. @return The input stream of the content of this part, else
  730. <code>null</code>.
  731. </member>
  732. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.GetOutputStream">
  733. Get the output stream of this part. If the part is originally embedded in
  734. Zip package, it'll be transform intot a <i>MemoryPackagePart</i> in
  735. order to write inside (the standard Java API doesn't allow to write in
  736. the file)
  737. @see org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.internal.MemoryPackagePart
  738. </member>
  739. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.ThrowExceptionIfRelationship">
  740. Throws an exception if this package part is a relationship part.
  741. @throws InvalidOperationException
  742. If this part is a relationship part.
  743. </member>
  744. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.LoadRelationships">
  745. Ensure the package relationships collection instance is built.
  746. @throws InvalidFormatException
  747. Throws if
  748. </member>
  749. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.GetInputStreamImpl">
  750. Abtract method that get the input stream of this part.
  751. @exception IOException
  752. Throws if an IO Exception occur in the implementation
  753. method.
  754. </member>
  755. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.GetOutputStreamImpl">
  756. Abstract method that get the output stream of this part.
  757. </member>
  758. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.Save(System.IO.Stream)">
  759. Save the content of this part and the associated relationships part (if
  760. this part own at least one relationship) into the specified output
  761. stream.
  762. @param zos
  763. Output stream to save this part.
  764. @throws OpenXml4NetException
  765. If any exception occur.
  766. </member>
  767. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.Load(System.IO.Stream)">
  768. Load the content of this part.
  769. @param ios
  770. The input stream of the content to load.
  771. @return <b>true</b> if the content has been successfully loaded, else
  772. <b>false</b>.
  773. @throws InvalidFormatException
  774. Throws if the content format is invalid.
  775. </member>
  776. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.Close">
  777. Close this part : flush this part, close the input stream and output
  778. stream. After this method call, the part must be available for packaging.
  779. </member>
  780. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.Flush">
  781. Flush the content of this part. If the input stream and/or output stream
  782. as in a waiting state to read or write, the must to empty their
  783. respective buffer.
  784. </member>
  785. <member name="P:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.Relationships">
  786. Retrieve all the relationships attached to this part.
  787. @return This part's relationships.
  788. @throws OpenXml4NetException
  789. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.RelationshipSource#getRelationships()
  790. </member>
  791. <member name="P:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.HasRelationships">
  792. Knows if the part have any relationships.
  793. @return <b>true</b> if the part have at least one relationship else
  794. <b>false</b>.
  795. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.RelationshipSource#hasRelationships()
  796. </member>
  797. <member name="P:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.PartName">
  798. @return the uri
  799. </member>
  800. <member name="P:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.ContentType">
  801. @return the contentType
  802. </member>
  803. <member name="P:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.IsRelationshipPart">
  804. @return true if this part is a relationship
  805. </member>
  806. <member name="P:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart.IsDeleted">
  807. @return true if this part has been logically deleted
  808. </member>
  809. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.MemoryPackagePart.data">
  810. Storage for the part data.
  811. </member>
  812. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.MemoryPackagePart.#ctor(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName,System.String)">
  813. Constructor.
  814. @param pack
  815. The owner package.
  816. @param partName
  817. The part name.
  818. @param contentType
  819. The content type.
  820. @throws InvalidFormatException
  821. If the specified URI is not OPC compliant.
  822. </member>
  823. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.MemoryPackagePart.#ctor(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  824. Constructor.
  825. @param pack
  826. The owner package.
  827. @param partName
  828. The part name.
  829. @param contentType
  830. The content type.
  831. @param loadRelationships
  832. Specify if the relationships will be loaded.
  833. @throws InvalidFormatException
  834. If the specified URI is not OPC compliant.
  835. </member>
  836. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.MemoryPackagePartOutputStream.Close">
  837. Close this stream and flush the content.
  838. @see #flush()
  839. </member>
  840. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.MemoryPackagePartOutputStream.Flush">
  841. Flush this output stream. This method is called by the close() method.
  842. Warning : don't call this method for output consistency.
  843. @see #close()
  844. </member>
  845. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart">
  846. Represents the core properties part of a package.
  847. @author Julien Chable
  848. @version 1.0
  849. </member>
  850. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties">
  851. Represents the core properties of an OPC package.
  852. @author Julien Chable
  853. @version 1.0
  854. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.OPCPackage
  855. </member>
  856. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.GetCategoryProperty">
  857. Set the category of the content of this package.
  858. </member>
  859. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.SetCategoryProperty(System.String)">
  860. Set the category of the content of this package.
  861. </member>
  862. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.GetContentStatusProperty">
  863. Set the status of the content.
  864. </member>
  865. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.SetContentStatusProperty(System.String)">
  866. Get the status of the content.
  867. </member>
  868. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.GetContentTypeProperty">
  869. Get the type of content represented, generally defined by a specific use
  870. and intended audience.
  871. </member>
  872. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.SetContentTypeProperty(System.String)">
  873. Set the type of content represented, generally defined by a specific use
  874. and intended audience.
  875. </member>
  876. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.GetCreatedProperty">
  877. Get the date of creation of the resource.
  878. </member>
  879. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.SetCreatedProperty(System.String)">
  880. Set the date of creation of the resource.
  881. </member>
  882. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.SetCreatedProperty(System.Nullable{System.DateTime})">
  883. Set the date of creation of the resource.
  884. </member>
  885. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.GetCreatorProperty">
  886. Get the entity primarily responsible for making the content of the
  887. resource.
  888. </member>
  889. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.SetCreatorProperty(System.String)">
  890. Set the entity primarily responsible for making the content of the
  891. resource.
  892. </member>
  893. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.GetDescriptionProperty">
  894. Get the explanation of the content of the resource.
  895. </member>
  896. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.SetDescriptionProperty(System.String)">
  897. Set the explanation of the content of the resource.
  898. </member>
  899. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.GetIdentifierProperty">
  900. Get an unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context.
  901. </member>
  902. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.SetIdentifierProperty(System.String)">
  903. Set an unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context.
  904. </member>
  905. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.GetKeywordsProperty">
  906. Get a delimited Set of keywords to support searching and indexing. This
  907. is typically a list of terms that are not available elsewhere in the
  908. properties
  909. </member>
  910. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.SetKeywordsProperty(System.String)">
  911. Set a delimited Set of keywords to support searching and indexing. This
  912. is typically a list of terms that are not available elsewhere in the
  913. properties
  914. </member>
  915. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.GetLanguageProperty">
  916. Get the language of the intellectual content of the resource.
  917. </member>
  918. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.SetLanguageProperty(System.String)">
  919. Set the language of the intellectual content of the resource.
  920. </member>
  921. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.GetLastModifiedByProperty">
  922. Get the user who performed the last modification.
  923. </member>
  924. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.SetLastModifiedByProperty(System.String)">
  925. Set the user who performed the last modification.
  926. </member>
  927. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.GetLastPrintedProperty">
  928. Get the date and time of the last printing.
  929. </member>
  930. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.SetLastPrintedProperty(System.String)">
  931. Set the date and time of the last printing.
  932. </member>
  933. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.SetLastPrintedProperty(System.Nullable{System.DateTime})">
  934. Set the date and time of the last printing.
  935. </member>
  936. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.GetModifiedProperty">
  937. Get the date on which the resource was changed.
  938. </member>
  939. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.SetModifiedProperty(System.String)">
  940. Set the date on which the resource was changed.
  941. </member>
  942. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.SetModifiedProperty(System.Nullable{System.DateTime})">
  943. Set the date on which the resource was changed.
  944. </member>
  945. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.GetRevisionProperty">
  946. Get the revision number.
  947. </member>
  948. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.SetRevisionProperty(System.String)">
  949. Set the revision number.
  950. </member>
  951. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.GetSubjectProperty">
  952. Get the topic of the content of the resource.
  953. </member>
  954. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.SetSubjectProperty(System.String)">
  955. Set the topic of the content of the resource.
  956. </member>
  957. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.GetTitleProperty">
  958. Get the name given to the resource.
  959. </member>
  960. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.SetTitleProperty(System.String)">
  961. Set the name given to the resource.
  962. </member>
  963. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.GetVersionProperty">
  964. Get the version number.
  965. </member>
  966. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageProperties.SetVersionProperty(System.String)">
  967. Set the version number.
  968. </member>
  969. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.#ctor(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName)">
  970. Constructor.
  971. @param pack
  972. Container package.
  973. @param partName
  974. Name of this part.
  975. @throws InvalidFormatException
  976. Throws if the content is invalid.
  977. </member>
  978. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.category">
  979. A categorization of the content of this package.
  980. [Example: Example values for this property might include: Resume, Letter,
  981. Financial Forecast, Proposal, Technical Presentation, and so on. This
  982. value might be used by an application's user interface to facilitate
  983. navigation of a large Set of documents. end example]
  984. </member>
  985. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.contentStatus">
  986. The status of the content.
  987. [Example: Values might include "Draft", "Reviewed", and "Final". end
  988. example]
  989. </member>
  990. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.contentType">
  991. The type of content represented, generally defined by a specific use and
  992. intended audience.
  993. [Example: Values might include "Whitepaper", "Security Bulletin", and
  994. "Exam". end example] [Note: This property is distinct from MIME content
  995. types as defined in RFC 2616. end note]
  996. </member>
  997. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.created">
  998. Date of creation of the resource.
  999. </member>
  1000. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.creator">
  1001. An entity primarily responsible for making the content of the resource.
  1002. </member>
  1003. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.description">
  1004. An explanation of the content of the resource.
  1005. [Example: Values might include an abstract, table of contents, reference
  1006. to a graphical representation of content, and a free-text account of the
  1007. content. end example]
  1008. </member>
  1009. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.identifier">
  1010. An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context.
  1011. </member>
  1012. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.keywords">
  1013. A delimited Set of keywords to support searching and indexing. This is
  1014. typically a list of terms that are not available elsewhere in the
  1015. properties.
  1016. </member>
  1017. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.language">
  1018. The language of the intellectual content of the resource.
  1019. [Note: IETF RFC 3066 provides guidance on encoding to represent
  1020. languages. end note]
  1021. </member>
  1022. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.lastModifiedBy">
  1023. The user who performed the last modification. The identification is
  1024. environment-specific.
  1025. [Example: A name, email address, or employee ID. end example] It is
  1026. recommended that this value be as concise as possible.
  1027. </member>
  1028. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.lastPrinted">
  1029. The date and time of the last printing.
  1030. </member>
  1031. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.modified">
  1032. Date on which the resource was changed.
  1033. </member>
  1034. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.revision">
  1035. The revision number.
  1036. [Example: This value might indicate the number of saves or revisions,
  1037. provided the application updates it after each revision. end example]
  1038. </member>
  1039. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.subject">
  1040. The topic of the content of the resource.
  1041. </member>
  1042. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.title">
  1043. The name given to the resource.
  1044. </member>
  1045. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.version">
  1046. The version number. This value is Set by the user or by the application.
  1047. </member>
  1048. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.GetCategoryProperty">
  1049. Get the category property.
  1050. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#getCategoryProperty()
  1051. </member>
  1052. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.GetContentStatusProperty">
  1053. Get content status.
  1054. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#getContentStatusProperty()
  1055. </member>
  1056. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.GetContentTypeProperty">
  1057. Get content type.
  1058. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#getContentTypeProperty()
  1059. </member>
  1060. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.GetCreatedProperty">
  1061. Get created date.
  1062. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#getCreatedProperty()
  1063. </member>
  1064. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.GetCreatedPropertyString">
  1065. Get created date formated into a String.
  1066. @return A string representation of the created date.
  1067. </member>
  1068. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.GetCreatorProperty">
  1069. Get creator.
  1070. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#getCreatorProperty()
  1071. </member>
  1072. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.GetDescriptionProperty">
  1073. Get description.
  1074. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#getDescriptionProperty()
  1075. </member>
  1076. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.GetIdentifierProperty">
  1077. Get identifier.
  1078. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#getIdentifierProperty()
  1079. </member>
  1080. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.GetKeywordsProperty">
  1081. Get keywords.
  1082. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#getKeywordsProperty()
  1083. </member>
  1084. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.GetLanguageProperty">
  1085. Get the language.
  1086. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#getLanguageProperty()
  1087. </member>
  1088. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.GetLastModifiedByProperty">
  1089. Get the author of last modifications.
  1090. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#getLastModifiedByProperty()
  1091. </member>
  1092. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.GetLastPrintedProperty">
  1093. Get last printed date.
  1094. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#getLastPrintedProperty()
  1095. </member>
  1096. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.GetLastPrintedPropertyString">
  1097. Get last printed date formated into a String.
  1098. @return A string representation of the last printed date.
  1099. </member>
  1100. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.GetModifiedProperty">
  1101. Get modified date.
  1102. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#getModifiedProperty()
  1103. </member>
  1104. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.GetModifiedPropertyString">
  1105. Get modified date formated into a String.
  1106. @return A string representation of the modified date.
  1107. </member>
  1108. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.GetRevisionProperty">
  1109. Get revision.
  1110. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#getRevisionProperty()
  1111. </member>
  1112. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.GetSubjectProperty">
  1113. Get subject.
  1114. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#getSubjectProperty()
  1115. </member>
  1116. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.GetTitleProperty">
  1117. Get title.
  1118. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#getTitleProperty()
  1119. </member>
  1120. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.GetVersionProperty">
  1121. Get version.
  1122. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#getVersionProperty()
  1123. </member>
  1124. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.SetCategoryProperty(System.String)">
  1125. Set the category.
  1126. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#setCategoryProperty(java.lang.String)
  1127. </member>
  1128. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.SetContentStatusProperty(System.String)">
  1129. Set the content status.
  1130. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#setContentStatusProperty(java.lang.String)
  1131. </member>
  1132. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.SetContentTypeProperty(System.String)">
  1133. Set the content type.
  1134. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#setContentTypeProperty(java.lang.String)
  1135. </member>
  1136. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.SetCreatedProperty(System.String)">
  1137. Set the created date.
  1138. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#setCreatedProperty(org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.util.Nullable)
  1139. </member>
  1140. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.SetCreatedProperty(System.Nullable{System.DateTime})">
  1141. Set the created date.
  1142. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#setCreatedProperty(org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.util.Nullable)
  1143. </member>
  1144. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.SetCreatorProperty(System.String)">
  1145. Set the creator.
  1146. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#setCreatorProperty(java.lang.String)
  1147. </member>
  1148. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.SetDescriptionProperty(System.String)">
  1149. Set the description.
  1150. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#setDescriptionProperty(java.lang.String)
  1151. </member>
  1152. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.SetIdentifierProperty(System.String)">
  1153. Set identifier.
  1154. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#setIdentifierProperty(java.lang.String)
  1155. </member>
  1156. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.SetKeywordsProperty(System.String)">
  1157. Set keywords.
  1158. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#setKeywordsProperty(java.lang.String)
  1159. </member>
  1160. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.SetLanguageProperty(System.String)">
  1161. Set language.
  1162. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#setLanguageProperty(java.lang.String)
  1163. </member>
  1164. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.SetLastModifiedByProperty(System.String)">
  1165. Set last modifications author.
  1166. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#setLastModifiedByProperty(java.lang.String)
  1167. </member>
  1168. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.SetLastPrintedProperty(System.String)">
  1169. Set last printed date.
  1170. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#setLastPrintedProperty(org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.util.Nullable)
  1171. </member>
  1172. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.SetLastPrintedProperty(System.Nullable{System.DateTime})">
  1173. Set last printed date.
  1174. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#setLastPrintedProperty(org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.util.Nullable)
  1175. </member>
  1176. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.SetModifiedProperty(System.String)">
  1177. Set last modification date.
  1178. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#setModifiedProperty(org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.util.Nullable)
  1179. </member>
  1180. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.SetModifiedProperty(System.Nullable{System.DateTime})">
  1181. Set last modification date.
  1182. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#setModifiedProperty(org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.util.Nullable)
  1183. </member>
  1184. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.SetRevisionProperty(System.String)">
  1185. Set revision.
  1186. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#setRevisionProperty(java.lang.String)
  1187. </member>
  1188. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.SetSubjectProperty(System.String)">
  1189. Set subject.
  1190. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#setSubjectProperty(java.lang.String)
  1191. </member>
  1192. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.SetTitleProperty(System.String)">
  1193. Set title.
  1194. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#setTitleProperty(java.lang.String)
  1195. </member>
  1196. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.SetVersionProperty(System.String)">
  1197. Set version.
  1198. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageProperties#setVersionProperty(java.lang.String)
  1199. </member>
  1200. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.SetStringValue(System.String)">
  1201. Convert a strig value into a String
  1202. </member>
  1203. <!-- 对于成员“M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.SetDateValue(System.String)”忽略有格式错误的 XML 注释 -->
  1204. <!-- 对于成员“M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PackagePropertiesPart.GetDateValue(System.Nullable{System.DateTime})”忽略有格式错误的 XML 注释 -->
  1205. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PartUnmarshaller">
  1206. Object implemented this interface are considered as part unmarshaller. A part
  1207. unmarshaller is responsible to unmarshall a part in order to load it from a
  1208. package.
  1209. @author Julien Chable
  1210. @version 0.1
  1211. </member>
  1212. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PartUnmarshaller.Unmarshall(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.Unmarshallers.UnmarshallContext,System.IO.Stream)">
  1213. Save the content of the package in the stream
  1214. @param in
  1215. The input stream from which the part will be unmarshall.
  1216. @return The part freshly unmarshall from the input stream.
  1217. @throws OpenXml4NetException
  1218. Throws only if any other exceptions are thrown by inner
  1219. methods.
  1220. </member>
  1221. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.Unmarshallers.PackagePropertiesUnmarshaller">
  1222. Package properties unmarshaller.
  1223. @author Julien Chable
  1224. @version 1.0
  1225. </member>
  1226. <!-- 对于成员“M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.Unmarshallers.PackagePropertiesUnmarshaller.CheckElementForOPCCompliance(System.Xml.XmlElement)”忽略有格式错误的 XML 注释 -->
  1227. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.Unmarshallers.UnmarshallContext">
  1228. Context needed for the unmarshall process of a part. This class is immutable.
  1229. @author Julien Chable
  1230. @version 1.0
  1231. </member>
  1232. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.Unmarshallers.UnmarshallContext.#ctor(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName)">
  1233. Constructor.
  1234. @param targetPackage
  1235. Container.
  1236. @param partName
  1237. Name of the part to unmarshall.
  1238. </member>
  1239. <member name="P:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.Unmarshallers.UnmarshallContext.Package">
  1240. @return the container
  1241. </member>
  1242. <member name="P:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.Unmarshallers.UnmarshallContext.PartName">
  1243. @return the partName
  1244. </member>
  1245. <member name="P:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.Unmarshallers.UnmarshallContext.ZipEntry">
  1246. @return the zipEntry
  1247. </member>
  1248. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ZipContentTypeManager">
  1249. Zip implementation of the ContentTypeManager.
  1250. @author Julien Chable
  1251. @version 1.0
  1252. @see ContentTypeManager
  1253. </member>
  1254. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ZipContentTypeManager.#ctor(System.IO.Stream,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage)">
  1255. Delegate constructor to the super constructor.
  1256. @param in
  1257. The input stream to parse to fill internal content type
  1258. collections.
  1259. @throws InvalidFormatException
  1260. If the content types part content is not valid.
  1261. </member>
  1262. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ZipHelper.FORWARD_SLASH">
  1263. Forward slash use to convert part name between OPC and zip item naming
  1264. conventions.
  1265. </member>
  1266. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ZipHelper.READ_WRITE_FILE_BUFFER_SIZE">
  1267. Buffer to read data from file. Use big buffer to improve performaces. the
  1268. InputStream class is reading only 8192 bytes per read call (default value
  1269. set by sun)
  1270. </member>
  1271. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ZipHelper.#ctor">
  1272. Prevent this class to be instancied.
  1273. </member>
  1274. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ZipHelper.GetCorePropertiesZipEntry(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ZipPackage)">
  1275. Retrieve the zip entry of the core properties part.
  1276. @throws OpenXml4NetException
  1277. Throws if internal error occurs.
  1278. </member>
  1279. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ZipHelper.GetContentTypeZipEntry(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ZipPackage)">
  1280. Retrieve the Zip entry of the content types part.
  1281. </member>
  1282. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ZipHelper.GetOPCNameFromZipItemName(System.String)">
  1283. Convert a zip name into an OPC name by adding a leading forward slash to
  1284. the specified item name.
  1285. @param zipItemName
  1286. Zip item name to convert.
  1287. @return An OPC compliant name.
  1288. </member>
  1289. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ZipHelper.GetZipItemNameFromOPCName(System.String)">
  1290. Convert an OPC item name into a zip item name by removing any leading
  1291. forward slash if it exist.
  1292. @param opcItemName
  1293. The OPC item name to convert.
  1294. @return A zip item name without any leading slashes.
  1295. </member>
  1296. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ZipHelper.GetZipURIFromOPCName(System.String)">
  1297. Convert an OPC item name into a zip URI by removing any leading forward
  1298. slash if it exist.
  1299. @param opcItemName
  1300. The OPC item name to convert.
  1301. @return A zip URI without any leading slashes.
  1302. </member>
  1303. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ZipHelper.OpenZipFile(System.IO.FileInfo)">
  1304. Opens the specified file as a zip, or returns null if no such file exists
  1305. @param file
  1306. The file to open.
  1307. @return The zip archive freshly open.
  1308. </member>
  1309. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.ZipHelper.OpenZipFile(System.String)">
  1310. Retrieve and open a zip file with the specified path.
  1311. @param path
  1312. The file path.
  1313. @return The zip archive freshly open.
  1314. </member>
  1315. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage">
  1316. Represents a container that can store multiple data objects.
  1317. @author Julien Chable, CDubet
  1318. @version 0.1
  1319. </member>
  1320. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.logger">
  1321. Logger.
  1322. </member>
  1323. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.defaultPackageAccess">
  1324. Default package access.
  1325. </member>
  1326. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.packageAccess">
  1327. Package access.
  1328. </member>
  1329. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.partList">
  1330. Package parts collection.
  1331. </member>
  1332. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.relationships">
  1333. Package relationships.
  1334. </member>
  1335. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.partMarshallers">
  1336. Part marshallers by content type.
  1337. </member>
  1338. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.defaultPartMarshaller">
  1339. Default part marshaller.
  1340. </member>
  1341. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.partUnmarshallers">
  1342. Part unmarshallers by content type.
  1343. </member>
  1344. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.packageProperties">
  1345. Core package properties.
  1346. </member>
  1347. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.contentTypeManager">
  1348. Manage parts content types of this package.
  1349. </member>
  1350. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.isDirty">
  1351. Flag if a modification is done to the document.
  1352. </member>
  1353. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.originalPackagePath">
  1354. File path of this package.
  1355. </member>
  1356. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.output">
  1357. Output stream for writing this package.
  1358. </member>
  1359. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.#ctor(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageAccess)">
  1360. Constructor.
  1361. @param access
  1362. Package access.
  1363. </member>
  1364. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.Init">
  1365. Initialize the package instance.
  1366. </member>
  1367. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.Open(System.String)">
  1368. Open a package with read/write permission.
  1369. @param path
  1370. The document path.
  1371. @return A Package object, else <b>null</b>.
  1372. @throws InvalidFormatException
  1373. If the specified file doesn't exist, and a parsing error
  1374. occur.
  1375. </member>
  1376. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.Open(System.IO.FileInfo)">
  1377. Open a package with read/write permission.
  1378. @param file
  1379. The file to open.
  1380. @return A Package object, else <b>null</b>.
  1381. @throws InvalidFormatException
  1382. If the specified file doesn't exist, and a parsing error
  1383. occur.
  1384. </member>
  1385. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.Open(System.String,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageAccess)">
  1386. Open a package.
  1387. @param path
  1388. The document path.
  1389. @param access
  1390. PackageBase access.
  1391. @return A PackageBase object, else <b>null</b>.
  1392. @throws InvalidFormatException
  1393. If the specified file doesn't exist, and a parsing error
  1394. occur.
  1395. </member>
  1396. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.Open(System.IO.FileInfo,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageAccess)">
  1397. Open a package.
  1398. @param file
  1399. The file to open.
  1400. @param access
  1401. PackageBase access.
  1402. @return A PackageBase object, else <b>null</b>.
  1403. @throws InvalidFormatException
  1404. If the specified file doesn't exist, and a parsing error
  1405. occur.
  1406. </member>
  1407. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.Open(System.IO.Stream)">
  1408. Open a package.
  1409. Note - uses quite a bit more memory than {@link #open(String)}, which
  1410. doesn't need to hold the whole zip file in memory, and can take advantage
  1411. of native methods
  1412. @param in
  1413. The InputStream to read the package from
  1414. @return A PackageBase object
  1415. </member>
  1416. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.OpenOrCreate(System.String)">
  1417. Opens a package if it exists, else it Creates one.
  1418. @param file
  1419. The file to open or to Create.
  1420. @return A newly Created package if the specified file does not exist,
  1421. else the package extract from the file.
  1422. @throws InvalidFormatException
  1423. Throws if the specified file exist and is not valid.
  1424. </member>
  1425. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.Create(System.String)">
  1426. Creates a new package.
  1427. @param file
  1428. Path of the document.
  1429. @return A newly Created PackageBase ready to use.
  1430. </member>
  1431. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.ConfigurePackage(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage)">
  1432. Configure the package.
  1433. @param pkg
  1434. </member>
  1435. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.Flush">
  1436. Flush the package : save all.
  1437. @see #close()
  1438. </member>
  1439. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.Close">
  1440. Close the package and save its content.
  1441. @throws IOException
  1442. If an IO exception occur during the saving process.
  1443. </member>
  1444. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.Revert">
  1445. Close the package WITHOUT saving its content. Reinitialize this package
  1446. and cancel all changes done to it.
  1447. </member>
  1448. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.AddThumbnail(System.String)">
  1449. Add a thumbnail to the package. This method is provided to make easier
  1450. the addition of a thumbnail in a package. You can do the same work by
  1451. using the traditionnal relationship and part mechanism.
  1452. @param path
  1453. The full path to the image file.
  1454. </member>
  1455. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.ThrowExceptionIfReadOnly">
  1456. Throws an exception if the package access mode is in read only mode
  1457. (PackageAccess.Read).
  1458. @throws InvalidOperationException
  1459. Throws if a writing operation is done on a read only package.
  1460. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageAccess
  1461. </member>
  1462. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.ThrowExceptionIfWriteOnly">
  1463. Throws an exception if the package access mode is in write only mode
  1464. (PackageAccess.Write). This method is call when other methods need write
  1465. right.
  1466. @throws InvalidOperationException
  1467. Throws if a read operation is done on a write only package.
  1468. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageAccess
  1469. </member>
  1470. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.GetPackageProperties">
  1471. Retrieves or Creates if none exists, core package property part.
  1472. @return The PackageProperties part of this package.
  1473. </member>
  1474. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.GetPart(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName)">
  1475. Retrieve a part identified by its name.
  1476. @param PartName
  1477. Part name of the part to retrieve.
  1478. @return The part with the specified name, else <code>null</code>.
  1479. </member>
  1480. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.GetPartsByContentType(System.String)">
  1481. Retrieve parts by content type.
  1482. @param contentType
  1483. The content type criteria.
  1484. @return All part associated to the specified content type.
  1485. </member>
  1486. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.GetPartsByRelationshipType(System.String)">
  1487. Retrieve parts by relationship type.
  1488. @param relationshipType
  1489. Relationship type.
  1490. @return All parts which are the target of a relationship with the
  1491. specified type, if the method can't retrieve relationships from
  1492. the package, then return <code>null</code>.
  1493. </member>
  1494. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.GetPart(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationship)">
  1495. Get the target part from the specified relationship.
  1496. @param partRel
  1497. The part relationship uses to retrieve the part.
  1498. </member>
  1499. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.GetParts">
  1500. Load the parts of the archive if it has not been done yet. The
  1501. relationships of each part are not loaded.
  1502. Note - Rule M4.1 states that there may only ever be one Core
  1503. Properties Part, but Office produced files will sometimes
  1504. have multiple! As Office ignores all but the first, we relax
  1505. Compliance with Rule M4.1, and ignore all others silently too.
  1506. @return All this package's parts.
  1507. </member>
  1508. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.CreatePart(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName,System.String)">
  1509. Create and Add a part, with the specified name and content type, to the
  1510. package.
  1511. @param PartName
  1512. Part name.
  1513. @param contentType
  1514. Part content type.
  1515. @return The newly Created part.
  1516. @throws InvalidFormatException
  1517. If rule M1.12 is not verified : Packages shall not contain
  1518. equivalent part names and package implementers shall neither
  1519. Create nor recognize packages with equivalent part names.
  1520. @see #CreatePartImpl(PackagePartName, String, bool)
  1521. </member>
  1522. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.CreatePart(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  1523. Create and Add a part, with the specified name and content type, to the
  1524. package. For general purpose, prefer the overload version of this method
  1525. without the 'loadRelationships' parameter.
  1526. @param PartName
  1527. Part name.
  1528. @param contentType
  1529. Part content type.
  1530. @param loadRelationships
  1531. Specify if the existing relationship part, if any, logically
  1532. associated to the newly Created part will be loaded.
  1533. @return The newly Created part.
  1534. @throws InvalidFormatException
  1535. If rule M1.12 is not verified : Packages shall not contain
  1536. equivalent part names and package implementers shall neither
  1537. Create nor recognize packages with equivalent part names.
  1538. @see {@link#CreatePartImpl(URI, String)}
  1539. </member>
  1540. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.CreatePart(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName,System.String,System.IO.MemoryStream)">
  1541. Add a part to the package.
  1542. @param PartName
  1543. Part name of the part to Create.
  1544. @param contentType
  1545. type associated with the file
  1546. @param content
  1547. the contents to Add. In order to have faster operation in
  1548. document merge, the data are stored in memory not on a hard
  1549. disk
  1550. @return The new part.
  1551. @see #CreatePart(PackagePartName, String)
  1552. </member>
  1553. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.AddPackagePart(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart)">
  1554. Add the specified part to the package. If a part already exists in the
  1555. package with the same name as the one specified, then we replace the old
  1556. part by the specified part.
  1557. @param part
  1558. The part to Add (or replace).
  1559. @return The part Added to the package, the same as the one specified.
  1560. @throws InvalidFormatException
  1561. If rule M1.12 is not verified : Packages shall not contain
  1562. equivalent part names and package implementers shall neither
  1563. Create nor recognize packages with equivalent part names.
  1564. </member>
  1565. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.RemovePart(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart)">
  1566. Remove the specified part in this package. If this part is relationship
  1567. part, then delete all relationships in the source part.
  1568. @param part
  1569. The part to Remove. If <code>null</code>, skip the action.
  1570. @see #RemovePart(PackagePartName)
  1571. </member>
  1572. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.RemovePart(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName)">
  1573. Remove a part in this package. If this part is relationship part, then
  1574. delete all relationships in the source part.
  1575. @param PartName
  1576. The part name of the part to Remove.
  1577. </member>
  1578. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.RemovePartRecursive(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName)">
  1579. Remove a part from this package as well as its relationship part, if one
  1580. exists, and all parts listed in the relationship part. Be aware that this
  1581. do not delete relationships which target the specified part.
  1582. @param PartName
  1583. The name of the part to delete.
  1584. @throws InvalidFormatException
  1585. Throws if the associated relationship part of the specified
  1586. part is not valid.
  1587. </member>
  1588. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.DeletePart(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName)">
  1589. Delete the part with the specified name and its associated relationships
  1590. part if one exists. Prefer the use of this method to delete a part in the
  1591. package, compare to the Remove() methods that don't Remove associated
  1592. relationships part.
  1593. @param PartName
  1594. Name of the part to delete
  1595. </member>
  1596. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.DeletePartRecursive(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName)">
  1597. Delete the part with the specified name and all part listed in its
  1598. associated relationships part if one exists. This process is recursively
  1599. apply to all parts in the relationships part of the specified part.
  1600. Prefer the use of this method to delete a part in the package, compare to
  1601. the Remove() methods that don't Remove associated relationships part.
  1602. @param PartName
  1603. Name of the part to delete
  1604. </member>
  1605. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.ContainPart(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName)">
  1606. Check if a part already exists in this package from its name.
  1607. @param PartName
  1608. Part name to check.
  1609. @return <i>true</i> if the part is logically Added to this package, else
  1610. <i>false</i>.
  1611. </member>
  1612. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.AddRelationship(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.TargetMode,System.String,System.String)">
  1613. Add a relationship to the package (except relationships part).
  1614. Check rule M4.1 : The format designer shall specify and the format
  1615. producer shall Create at most one core properties relationship for a
  1616. package. A format consumer shall consider more than one core properties
  1617. relationship for a package to be an error. If present, the relationship
  1618. shall target the Core Properties part.
  1619. Check rule M1.25: The Relationships part shall not have relationships to
  1620. any other part. Package implementers shall enforce this requirement upon
  1621. the attempt to Create such a relationship and shall treat any such
  1622. relationship as invalid.
  1623. @param targetPartName
  1624. Target part name.
  1625. @param targetMode
  1626. Target mode, either Internal or External.
  1627. @param relationshipType
  1628. Relationship type.
  1629. @param relID
  1630. ID of the relationship.
  1631. @see PackageRelationshipTypes
  1632. </member>
  1633. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.AddRelationship(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.TargetMode,System.String)">
  1634. Add a package relationship.
  1635. @param targetPartName
  1636. Target part name.
  1637. @param targetMode
  1638. Target mode, either Internal or External.
  1639. @param relationshipType
  1640. Relationship type.
  1641. @see PackageRelationshipTypes
  1642. </member>
  1643. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.AddExternalRelationship(System.String,System.String)">
  1644. Adds an external relationship to a part (except relationships part).
  1645. The targets of external relationships are not subject to the same
  1646. validity checks that internal ones are, as the contents is potentially
  1647. any file, URL or similar.
  1648. @param target
  1649. External target of the relationship
  1650. @param relationshipType
  1651. Type of relationship.
  1652. @return The newly Created and Added relationship
  1653. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.RelationshipSource#AddExternalRelationship(java.lang.String,
  1654. java.lang.String)
  1655. </member>
  1656. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.AddExternalRelationship(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
  1657. Adds an external relationship to a part (except relationships part).
  1658. The targets of external relationships are not subject to the same
  1659. validity checks that internal ones are, as the contents is potentially
  1660. any file, URL or similar.
  1661. @param target
  1662. External target of the relationship
  1663. @param relationshipType
  1664. Type of relationship.
  1665. @param id
  1666. Relationship unique id.
  1667. @return The newly Created and Added relationship
  1668. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.RelationshipSource#AddExternalRelationship(java.lang.String,
  1669. java.lang.String)
  1670. </member>
  1671. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.RemoveRelationship(System.String)">
  1672. Delete a relationship from this package.
  1673. @param id
  1674. Id of the relationship to delete.
  1675. </member>
  1676. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.GetRelationshipsByType(System.String)">
  1677. Retrieves all relationships with the specified type.
  1678. @param relationshipType
  1679. The filter specifying the relationship type.
  1680. @return All relationships with the specified relationship type.
  1681. </member>
  1682. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.GetRelationshipsHelper(System.String)">
  1683. Retrieves all relationships with specified id (normally just ine because
  1684. a relationship id is supposed to be unique).
  1685. @param id
  1686. Id of the wanted relationship.
  1687. </member>
  1688. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.ClearRelationships">
  1689. Clear package relationships.
  1690. </member>
  1691. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.EnsureRelationships">
  1692. Ensure that the relationships collection is not null.
  1693. </member>
  1694. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.GetRelationship(System.String)">
  1695. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.RelationshipSource#GetRelationship(java.lang.String)
  1696. </member>
  1697. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.IsRelationshipExists(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationship)">
  1698. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.RelationshipSource#isRelationshipExists(org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.PackageRelationship)
  1699. </member>
  1700. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.AddMarshaller(System.String,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PartMarshaller)">
  1701. Add a marshaller.
  1702. @param contentType
  1703. The content type to bind to the specified marshaller.
  1704. @param marshaller
  1705. The marshaller to register with the specified content type.
  1706. </member>
  1707. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.AddUnmarshaller(System.String,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.Internal.PartUnmarshaller)">
  1708. Add an unmarshaller.
  1709. @param contentType
  1710. The content type to bind to the specified unmarshaller.
  1711. @param unmarshaller
  1712. The unmarshaller to register with the specified content type.
  1713. </member>
  1714. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.RemoveMarshaller(System.String)">
  1715. Remove a marshaller by its content type.
  1716. @param contentType
  1717. The content type associated with the marshaller to Remove.
  1718. </member>
  1719. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.RemoveUnmarshaller(System.String)">
  1720. Remove an unmarshaller by its content type.
  1721. @param contentType
  1722. The content type associated with the unmarshaller to Remove.
  1723. </member>
  1724. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.GetPackageAccess">
  1725. Get the package access mode.
  1726. @return the packageAccess The current package access.
  1727. </member>
  1728. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.ValidatePackage(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage)">
  1729. Validates the package compliance with the OPC specifications.
  1730. @return <b>true</b> if the package is valid else <b>false</b>
  1731. </member>
  1732. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.Save(System.String)">
  1733. Save the document in the specified file.
  1734. @param targetFile
  1735. Destination file.
  1736. @throws IOException
  1737. Throws if an IO exception occur.
  1738. @see #save(OutputStream)
  1739. </member>
  1740. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.Save(System.IO.Stream)">
  1741. Save the document in the specified output stream.
  1742. @param outputStream
  1743. The stream to save the package.
  1744. @see #saveImpl(OutputStream)
  1745. </member>
  1746. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.CreatePartImpl(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  1747. Core method to Create a package part. This method must be implemented by
  1748. the subclass.
  1749. @param PartName
  1750. URI of the part to Create.
  1751. @param contentType
  1752. Content type of the part to Create.
  1753. @return The newly Created package part.
  1754. </member>
  1755. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.RemovePartImpl(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName)">
  1756. Core method to delete a package part. This method must be implemented by
  1757. the subclass.
  1758. @param PartName
  1759. The URI of the part to delete.
  1760. </member>
  1761. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.FlushImpl">
  1762. Flush the package but not save.
  1763. </member>
  1764. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.CloseImpl">
  1765. Close the package and cause a save of the package.
  1766. </member>
  1767. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.RevertImpl">
  1768. Close the package without saving the document. Discard all changes made
  1769. to this package.
  1770. </member>
  1771. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.SaveImpl(System.IO.Stream)">
  1772. Save the package into the specified output stream.
  1773. @param outputStream
  1774. The output stream use to save this package.
  1775. </member>
  1776. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.GetPartImpl(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName)">
  1777. Get the package part mapped to the specified URI.
  1778. @param PartName
  1779. The URI of the part to retrieve.
  1780. @return The package part located by the specified URI, else <b>null</b>.
  1781. </member>
  1782. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.GetPartsImpl">
  1783. Get all parts link to the package.
  1784. @return A list of the part owned by the package.
  1785. </member>
  1786. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.ReplaceContentType(System.String,System.String)">
  1787. Replace a content type in this package.
  1788. <p>
  1789. A typical scneario to call this method is to rename a template file to the main format, e.g.
  1790. ".dotx" to ".docx"
  1791. ".dotm" to ".docm"
  1792. ".xltx" to ".xlsx"
  1793. ".xltm" to ".xlsm"
  1794. ".potx" to ".pptx"
  1795. ".potm" to ".pptm"
  1796. </p>
  1797. For example, a code converting a .xlsm macro workbook to .xlsx would look as follows:
  1798. <p>
  1799. <pre><code>
  1800. OPCPackage pkg = OPCPackage.open(new FileInputStream("macro-workbook.xlsm"));
  1801. pkg.replaceContentType(
  1802. "application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.macroEnabled.main+xml",
  1803. "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet.main+xml");
  1804. FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("workbook.xlsx");
  1805. pkg.save(out);
  1806. out.close();
  1807. </code></pre>
  1808. </p>
  1809. @param oldContentType the content type to be replaced
  1810. @param newContentType the replacement
  1811. @return whether replacement was succesfull
  1812. @since POI-3.8
  1813. </member>
  1814. <member name="P:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.Relationships">
  1815. Retrieves all package relationships.
  1816. @return All package relationships of this package.
  1817. @throws OpenXml4NetException
  1818. @see #GetRelationshipsHelper(String)
  1819. </member>
  1820. <member name="P:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage.HasRelationships">
  1821. @see org.apache.poi.OpenXml4Net.opc.RelationshipSource#hasRelationships()
  1822. </member>
  1823. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageAccess">
  1824. Specifies package access.
  1825. @author Julien Chable
  1826. @version 1.0
  1827. </member>
  1828. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageAccess.READ">
  1829. Read only. Write not authorized.
  1830. </member>
  1831. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageAccess.WRITE">
  1832. Write only. Read not authorized.
  1833. </member>
  1834. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageAccess.READ_WRITE">
  1835. Read and Write mode.
  1836. </member>
  1837. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageNamespaces">
  1838. Open Packaging Convention namespaces URI.
  1839. @author Julien Chable
  1840. @version 1.0
  1841. </member>
  1842. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageNamespaces.CONTENT_TYPES">
  1843. Content Types.
  1844. </member>
  1845. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageNamespaces.CORE_PROPERTIES">
  1846. Core Properties.
  1847. </member>
  1848. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageNamespaces.DIGITAL_SIGNATURE">
  1849. Digital Signatures.
  1850. </member>
  1851. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageNamespaces.RELATIONSHIPS">
  1852. Relationships.
  1853. </member>
  1854. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageNamespaces.MARKUP_COMPATIBILITY">
  1855. Markup Compatibility.
  1856. </member>
  1857. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartCollection">
  1858. A package part collection.
  1859. @author Julien Chable
  1860. @version 0.1
  1861. </member>
  1862. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartCollection.registerPartNameStr">
  1863. Arraylist use to store this collection part names as string for rule
  1864. M1.11 optimized checking.
  1865. </member>
  1866. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartCollection.Put(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart)">
  1867. Check rule [M1.11]: a package implementer shall neither create nor
  1868. recognize a part with a part name derived from another part name by
  1869. Appending segments to it.
  1870. @exception InvalidOperationException
  1871. Throws if you try to add a part with a name derived from
  1872. another part name.
  1873. </member>
  1874. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName">
  1875. An immutable Open Packaging Convention compliant part name.
  1876. @author Julien Chable
  1877. @see <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt">http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt</a>
  1878. </member>
  1879. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName.partNameURI">
  1880. Part name stored as an URI.
  1881. </member>
  1882. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName.RFC3986_PCHAR_SUB_DELIMS">
  1883. Reserved characters for sub delimitations.
  1884. </member>
  1885. <!-- 对于成员“F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName.RFC3986_PCHAR_UNRESERVED_SUP”忽略有格式错误的 XML 注释 -->
  1886. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName.RFC3986_PCHAR_AUTHORIZED_SUP">
  1887. Authorized reserved characters for pChar.
  1888. </member>
  1889. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName.isRelationship">
  1890. Flag to know if this part name is from a relationship part name.
  1891. </member>
  1892. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName.#ctor(System.Uri,System.Boolean)">
  1893. Constructor. Makes a ValidPartName object from a java.net.URI
  1894. @param uri
  1895. The URI to validate and to transform into ValidPartName.
  1896. @param checkConformance
  1897. Flag to specify if the contructor have to validate the OPC
  1898. conformance. Must be always <code>true</code> except for
  1899. special URI like '/' which is needed for internal use by
  1900. OpenXml4Net but is not valid.
  1901. @throws InvalidFormatException
  1902. Throw if the specified part name is not conform to Open
  1903. Packaging Convention specifications.
  1904. @see java.net.URI
  1905. </member>
  1906. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName.#ctor(System.String,System.Boolean)">
  1907. Constructor. Makes a ValidPartName object from a String part name.
  1908. @param partName
  1909. Part name to valid and to create.
  1910. @param checkConformance
  1911. Flag to specify if the contructor have to validate the OPC
  1912. conformance. Must be always <code>true</code> except for
  1913. special URI like '/' which is needed for internal use by
  1914. OpenXml4Net but is not valid.
  1915. @throws InvalidFormatException
  1916. Throw if the specified part name is not conform to Open
  1917. Packaging Convention specifications.
  1918. </member>
  1919. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName.IsRelationshipPartURI(System.Uri)">
  1920. Check if the specified part name is a relationship part name.
  1921. @param partUri
  1922. The URI to check.
  1923. @return <code>true</code> if this part name respect the relationship
  1924. part naming convention else <code>false</code>.
  1925. </member>
  1926. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName.IsRelationshipPartURI">
  1927. Know if this part name is a relationship part name.
  1928. @return <code>true</code> if this part name respect the relationship
  1929. part naming convention else <code>false</code>.
  1930. </member>
  1931. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName.ThrowExceptionIfInvalidPartUri(System.Uri)">
  1932. Throws an exception (of any kind) if the specified part name does not
  1933. follow the Open Packaging Convention specifications naming rules.
  1934. @param partUri
  1935. The part name to check.
  1936. @throws Exception
  1937. Throws if the part name is invalid.
  1938. </member>
  1939. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName.ThrowExceptionIfEmptyURI(System.Uri)">
  1940. Throws an exception if the specified URI is empty. [M1.1]
  1941. @param partURI
  1942. Part URI to check.
  1943. @throws InvalidFormatException
  1944. If the specified URI is empty.
  1945. </member>
  1946. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName.ThrowExceptionIfPartNameHaveInvalidSegments(System.Uri)">
  1947. Throws an exception if the part name has empty segments. [M1.3]
  1948. Throws an exception if a segment any characters other than pchar
  1949. characters. [M1.6]
  1950. Throws an exception if a segment contain percent-encoded forward slash
  1951. ('/'), or backward slash ('\') characters. [M1.7]
  1952. Throws an exception if a segment contain percent-encoded unreserved
  1953. characters. [M1.8]
  1954. Throws an exception if the specified part name's segments end with a dot
  1955. ('.') character. [M1.9]
  1956. Throws an exception if a segment doesn't include at least one non-dot
  1957. character. [M1.10]
  1958. @param partUri
  1959. The part name to check.
  1960. @throws InvalidFormatException
  1961. if the specified URI contain an empty segments or if one the
  1962. segments contained in the part name, ends with a dot ('.')
  1963. character.
  1964. </member>
  1965. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName.CheckPCharCompliance(System.String)">
  1966. Throws an exception if a segment any characters other than pchar
  1967. characters. [M1.6]
  1968. Throws an exception if a segment contain percent-encoded forward slash
  1969. ('/'), or backward slash ('\') characters. [M1.7]
  1970. Throws an exception if a segment contain percent-encoded unreserved
  1971. characters. [M1.8]
  1972. @param segment
  1973. The segment to check
  1974. </member>
  1975. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName.ThrowExceptionIfPartNameNotStartsWithForwardSlashChar(System.Uri)">
  1976. Throws an exception if the specified part name doesn't start with a
  1977. forward slash character '/'. [M1.4]
  1978. @param partUri
  1979. The part name to check.
  1980. @throws InvalidFormatException
  1981. If the specified part name doesn't start with a forward slash
  1982. character '/'.
  1983. </member>
  1984. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName.ThrowExceptionIfPartNameEndsWithForwardSlashChar(System.Uri)">
  1985. Throws an exception if the specified part name ends with a forwar slash
  1986. character '/'. [M1.5]
  1987. @param partUri
  1988. The part name to check.
  1989. @throws InvalidFormatException
  1990. If the specified part name ends with a forwar slash character
  1991. '/'.
  1992. </member>
  1993. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName.ThrowExceptionIfAbsoluteUri(System.Uri)">
  1994. Throws an exception if the specified URI is absolute.
  1995. @param partUri
  1996. The URI to check.
  1997. @throws InvalidFormatException
  1998. Throws if the specified URI is absolute.
  1999. </member>
  2000. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName.Compare(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName)">
  2001. Compare two part name following the rule M1.12 :
  2002. Part name equivalence is determined by comparing part names as
  2003. case-insensitive ASCII strings. Packages shall not contain equivalent
  2004. part names and package implementers shall neither create nor recognize
  2005. packages with equivalent part names. [M1.12]
  2006. </member>
  2007. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName.Equals(System.Object)">
  2008. Part name equivalence is determined by comparing part names as
  2009. case-insensitive ASCII strings. Packages shall not contain equivalent
  2010. part names and package implementers shall neither create nor recognize
  2011. packages with equivalent part names. [M1.12]
  2012. </member>
  2013. <member name="P:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName.Extension">
  2014. Retrieves the extension of the part name if any. If there is no extension
  2015. returns an empty String. Example : '/document/content.xml' => 'xml'
  2016. @return The extension of the part name.
  2017. </member>
  2018. <member name="P:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName.Name">
  2019. Get this part name.
  2020. @return The name of this part name.
  2021. </member>
  2022. <member name="P:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName.URI">
  2023. Part name property getter.
  2024. @return This part name URI.
  2025. </member>
  2026. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationship">
  2027. A part relationship.
  2028. @author Julien Chable
  2029. @version 1.0
  2030. </member>
  2031. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationship.id">
  2032. L'ID de la relation.
  2033. </member>
  2034. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationship.container">
  2035. Reference to the package.
  2036. </member>
  2037. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationship.relationshipType">
  2038. Type de relation.
  2039. </member>
  2040. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationship.source">
  2041. Partie source de cette relation.
  2042. </member>
  2043. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationship.targetMode">
  2044. Le mode de ciblage [Internal|External]
  2045. </member>
  2046. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationship.targetUri">
  2047. URI de la partie cible.
  2048. </member>
  2049. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationship.#ctor(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart,System.Uri,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.TargetMode,System.String,System.String)">
  2050. Constructor.
  2051. @param pkg
  2052. @param sourcePart
  2053. @param targetUri
  2054. @param targetMode
  2055. @param relationshipType
  2056. @param id
  2057. </member>
  2058. <member name="P:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationship.Package">
  2059. @return the container
  2060. </member>
  2061. <member name="P:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationship.Id">
  2062. @return the id
  2063. </member>
  2064. <member name="P:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationship.RelationshipType">
  2065. @return the relationshipType
  2066. </member>
  2067. <member name="P:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationship.Source">
  2068. @return the source
  2069. </member>
  2070. <member name="P:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationship.SourceUri">
  2071. @return URL of the source part of this relationship
  2072. </member>
  2073. <member name="P:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationship.TargetMode">
  2074. public URI getSourceUri(){ }
  2075. @return the targetMode
  2076. </member>
  2077. <member name="P:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationship.TargetUri">
  2078. @return the targetUri
  2079. </member>
  2080. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipCollection">
  2081. Represents a collection of PackageRelationship elements that are owned by a
  2082. given PackagePart or the Package.
  2083. @author Julien Chable, CDubettier
  2084. @version 0.1
  2085. </member>
  2086. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipCollection.relationshipsByID">
  2087. Package relationships ordered by ID.
  2088. </member>
  2089. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipCollection.relationshipsByType">
  2090. Package relationships ordered by type.
  2091. </member>
  2092. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipCollection.relationshipPart">
  2093. This relationshipPart.
  2094. </member>
  2095. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipCollection.sourcePart">
  2096. Source part.
  2097. </member>
  2098. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipCollection.partName">
  2099. This part name.
  2100. </member>
  2101. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipCollection.container">
  2102. Reference to the package.
  2103. </member>
  2104. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipCollection.#ctor">
  2105. Constructor.
  2106. </member>
  2107. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipCollection.#ctor(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipCollection,System.String)">
  2108. Copy constructor.
  2109. This collection will contain only elements from the specified collection
  2110. for which the type is compatible with the specified relationship type
  2111. filter.
  2112. @param coll
  2113. Collection to import.
  2114. @param filter
  2115. Relationship type filter.
  2116. </member>
  2117. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipCollection.#ctor(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage)">
  2118. Constructor.
  2119. </member>
  2120. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipCollection.#ctor(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart)">
  2121. Constructor.
  2122. @throws InvalidFormatException
  2123. Throws if the format of the content part is invalid.
  2124. @throws InvalidOperationException
  2125. Throws if the specified part is a relationship part.
  2126. </member>
  2127. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipCollection.#ctor(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart)">
  2128. Constructor. Parse the existing package relationship part if one exists.
  2129. @param container
  2130. The parent package.
  2131. @param part
  2132. The part that own this relationships collection. If <b>null</b>
  2133. then this part is considered as the package root.
  2134. @throws InvalidFormatException
  2135. If an error occurs during the parsing of the relatinships
  2136. part fo the specified part.
  2137. </member>
  2138. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipCollection.GetRelationshipPartName(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart)">
  2139. Get the relationship part name of the specified part.
  2140. @param part
  2141. The part .
  2142. @return The relationship part name of the specified part. Be careful,
  2143. only the correct name is returned, this method does not check if
  2144. the part really exist in a package !
  2145. @throws InvalidOperationException
  2146. Throws if the specified part is a relationship part.
  2147. </member>
  2148. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipCollection.AddRelationship(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationship)">
  2149. Add the specified relationship to the collection.
  2150. @param relPart
  2151. The relationship to add.
  2152. </member>
  2153. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipCollection.AddRelationship(System.Uri,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.TargetMode,System.String,System.String)">
  2154. Add a relationship to the collection.
  2155. @param targetUri
  2156. Target URI.
  2157. @param targetMode
  2158. The target mode : INTERNAL or EXTERNAL
  2159. @param relationshipType
  2160. Relationship type.
  2161. @param id
  2162. Relationship ID.
  2163. @return The newly created relationship.
  2164. @see PackageAccess
  2165. </member>
  2166. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipCollection.RemoveRelationship(System.String)">
  2167. Remove a relationship by its ID.
  2168. @param id
  2169. The relationship ID to Remove.
  2170. </member>
  2171. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipCollection.RemoveRelationship(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationship)">
  2172. Remove a relationship by its reference.
  2173. @param rel
  2174. The relationship to delete.
  2175. </member>
  2176. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipCollection.GetRelationship(System.Int32)">
  2177. Retrieves a relationship by its index in the collection.
  2178. @param index
  2179. Must be a value between [0-relationships_count-1]
  2180. </member>
  2181. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipCollection.GetRelationshipByID(System.String)">
  2182. Retrieves a package relationship based on its id.
  2183. @param id
  2184. ID of the package relationship to retrieve.
  2185. @return The package relationship identified by the specified id.
  2186. </member>
  2187. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipCollection.ParseRelationshipsPart(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart)">
  2188. Parse the relationship part and add all relationship in this collection.
  2189. @param relPart
  2190. The package part to parse.
  2191. @throws InvalidFormatException
  2192. Throws if the relationship part is invalid.
  2193. </member>
  2194. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipCollection.GetRelationships(System.String)">
  2195. Retrieves all relations with the specified type.
  2196. @param typeFilter
  2197. Relationship type filter. If <b>null</b> then all
  2198. relationships are returned.
  2199. @return All relationships of the type specified by the filter.
  2200. </member>
  2201. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipCollection.GetEnumerator">
  2202. Get this collection's iterator.
  2203. </member>
  2204. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipCollection.Iterator(System.String)">
  2205. Get an iterator of a collection with all relationship with the specified
  2206. type.
  2207. @param typeFilter
  2208. Type filter.
  2209. @return An iterator to a collection containing all relationships with the
  2210. specified type contain in this collection.
  2211. </member>
  2212. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipCollection.Clear">
  2213. Clear all relationships.
  2214. </member>
  2215. <member name="P:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipCollection.Size">
  2216. Get the numbe rof relationships in the collection.
  2217. </member>
  2218. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipTypes">
  2219. Relationship types.
  2220. @author Julien Chable
  2221. @version 0.2
  2222. </member>
  2223. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipTypes.CORE_PROPERTIES">
  2224. Core properties relationship type.
  2225. </member>
  2226. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipTypes.DIGITAL_SIGNATURE">
  2227. Digital signature relationship type.
  2228. </member>
  2229. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipTypes.DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_CERTIFICATE">
  2230. Digital signature certificate relationship type.
  2231. </member>
  2232. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipTypes.DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_ORIGIN">
  2233. Digital signature origin relationship type.
  2234. </member>
  2235. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipTypes.THUMBNAIL">
  2236. Thumbnail relationship type.
  2237. </member>
  2238. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipTypes.EXTENDED_PROPERTIES">
  2239. Extended properties relationship type.
  2240. </member>
  2241. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipTypes.CUSTOM_PROPERTIES">
  2242. Custom properties relationship type.
  2243. </member>
  2244. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipTypes.CORE_DOCUMENT">
  2245. Core properties relationship type.
  2246. </member>
  2247. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipTypes.CUSTOM_XML">
  2248. Custom XML relationship type.
  2249. </member>
  2250. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipTypes.IMAGE_PART">
  2251. Image type.
  2252. </member>
  2253. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageRelationshipTypes.STYLE_PART">
  2254. Style type.
  2255. </member>
  2256. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper">
  2257. Helper for part and pack Uri.
  2258. @author Julien Chable, CDubet, Kim Ung
  2259. @version 0.1
  2260. </member>
  2261. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper.packageRootUri">
  2262. Package root Uri.
  2263. </member>
  2264. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper.RELATIONSHIP_PART_EXTENSION_NAME">
  2265. Extension name of a relationship part.
  2266. </member>
  2267. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper.RELATIONSHIP_PART_SEGMENT_NAME">
  2268. Segment name of a relationship part.
  2269. </member>
  2270. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper.PACKAGE_PROPERTIES_SEGMENT_NAME">
  2271. Segment name of the package properties folder.
  2272. </member>
  2273. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper.PACKAGE_CORE_PROPERTIES_NAME">
  2274. Core package properties art name.
  2275. </member>
  2276. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper.FORWARD_SLASH_CHAR">
  2277. Forward slash Uri separator.
  2278. </member>
  2279. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper.FORWARD_SLASH_STRING">
  2280. Forward slash Uri separator.
  2281. </member>
  2282. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper.PACKAGE_RELATIONSHIPS_ROOT_URI">
  2283. Package relationships part Uri
  2284. </member>
  2285. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper.PACKAGE_RELATIONSHIPS_ROOT_PART_NAME">
  2286. Package relationships part name.
  2287. </member>
  2288. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper.CORE_PROPERTIES_URI">
  2289. Core properties part Uri.
  2290. </member>
  2291. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper.CORE_PROPERTIES_PART_NAME">
  2292. Core properties partname.
  2293. </member>
  2294. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper.PACKAGE_ROOT_URI">
  2295. Root package Uri.
  2296. </member>
  2297. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper.PACKAGE_ROOT_PART_NAME">
  2298. Root package part name.
  2299. </member>
  2300. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper.IsRelationshipPartURI(System.Uri)">
  2301. Know if the specified Uri is a relationship part name.
  2302. @param partUri
  2303. Uri to check.
  2304. @return <i>true</i> if the Uri <i>false</i>.
  2305. </member>
  2306. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper.GetFilename(System.Uri)">
  2307. Get file name from the specified Uri.
  2308. </member>
  2309. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper.GetFilenameWithoutExtension(System.Uri)">
  2310. Get the file name without the trailing extension.
  2311. </member>
  2312. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper.GetPath(System.Uri)">
  2313. Get the directory path from the specified Uri.
  2314. </member>
  2315. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper.Combine(System.Uri,System.Uri)">
  2316. Combine two URIs.
  2317. @param prefix the prefix Uri
  2318. @param suffix the suffix Uri
  2319. @return the Combined Uri
  2320. </member>
  2321. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper.Combine(System.String,System.String)">
  2322. Combine a string Uri with a prefix and a suffix.
  2323. </member>
  2324. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper.RelativizeUri(System.Uri,System.Uri,System.Boolean)">
  2325. Fully relativize the source part Uri against the target part Uri.
  2326. @param sourceURI
  2327. The source part Uri.
  2328. @param targetURI
  2329. The target part Uri.
  2330. @return A fully relativize part name Uri ('word/media/image1.gif',
  2331. '/word/document.xml' => 'media/image1.gif') else
  2332. <code>null</code>.
  2333. </member>
  2334. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper.RelativizeUri(System.Uri,System.Uri)">
  2335. Fully relativize the source part URI against the target part URI.
  2336. @param sourceURI
  2337. The source part URI.
  2338. @param targetURI
  2339. The target part URI.
  2340. @return A fully relativize part name URI ('word/media/image1.gif',
  2341. '/word/document.xml' => 'media/image1.gif') else
  2342. <code>null</code>.
  2343. </member>
  2344. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper.ResolvePartUri(System.Uri,System.Uri)">
  2345. Resolve a source uri against a target.
  2346. @param sourcePartUri
  2347. The source Uri.
  2348. @param targetUri
  2349. The target Uri.
  2350. @return The resolved Uri.
  2351. </member>
  2352. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper.GetURIFromPath(System.String)">
  2353. Get Uri from a string path.
  2354. </member>
  2355. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper.GetSourcePartUriFromRelationshipPartUri(System.Uri)">
  2356. Get the source part Uri from a specified relationships part.
  2357. @param relationshipPartUri
  2358. The relationship part use to retrieve the source part.
  2359. @return The source part Uri from the specified relationships part.
  2360. </member>
  2361. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper.CreatePartName(System.Uri)">
  2362. Create an OPC compliant part name by throwing an exception if the Uri is
  2363. not valid.
  2364. @param partUri
  2365. The part name Uri to validate.
  2366. @return A valid part name object, else <code>null</code>.
  2367. @throws InvalidFormatException
  2368. Throws if the specified Uri is not OPC compliant.
  2369. </member>
  2370. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper.CreatePartName(System.String)">
  2371. Create an OPC compliant part name.
  2372. @param partName
  2373. The part name to validate.
  2374. @return The correspondant part name if valid, else <code>null</code>.
  2375. @throws InvalidFormatException
  2376. Throws if the specified part name is not OPC compliant.
  2377. @see #CreatePartName(Uri)
  2378. </member>
  2379. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper.CreatePartName(System.String,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart)">
  2380. Create an OPC compliant part name by resolving it using a base part.
  2381. @param partName
  2382. The part name to validate.
  2383. @param relativePart
  2384. The relative base part.
  2385. @return The correspondant part name if valid, else <code>null</code>.
  2386. @throws InvalidFormatException
  2387. Throws if the specified part name is not OPC compliant.
  2388. @see #CreatePartName(Uri)
  2389. </member>
  2390. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper.CreatePartName(System.Uri,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePart)">
  2391. Create an OPC compliant part name by resolving it using a base part.
  2392. @param partName
  2393. The part name Uri to validate.
  2394. @param relativePart
  2395. The relative base part.
  2396. @return The correspondant part name if valid, else <code>null</code>.
  2397. @throws InvalidFormatException
  2398. Throws if the specified part name is not OPC compliant.
  2399. @see #CreatePartName(Uri)
  2400. </member>
  2401. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper.IsValidPartName(System.Uri)">
  2402. Validate a part Uri by returning a bool.
  2403. ([M1.1],[M1.3],[M1.4],[M1.5],[M1.6])
  2404. (OPC Specifications 8.1.1 Part names) :
  2405. Part Name Syntax
  2406. The part name grammar is defined as follows:
  2407. <i>part_name = 1*( "/" segment )
  2408. segment = 1*( pchar )</i>
  2409. (pchar is defined in RFC 3986)
  2410. @param partUri
  2411. The Uri to validate.
  2412. @return <b>true</b> if the Uri is valid to the OPC Specifications, else
  2413. <b>false</b>
  2414. @see #CreatePartName(Uri)
  2415. </member>
  2416. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper.DecodeURI(System.Uri)">
  2417. Decode a Uri by converting all percent encoded character into a String
  2418. character.
  2419. @param uri
  2420. The Uri to decode.
  2421. @return The specified Uri in a String with converted percent encoded
  2422. characters.
  2423. </member>
  2424. <!-- 对于成员“M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper.ToUri(System.String)”忽略有格式错误的 XML 注释 -->
  2425. <!-- 对于成员“M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper.Encode(System.String)”忽略有格式错误的 XML 注释 -->
  2426. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper.GetRelationshipPartName(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName)">
  2427. Build a part name where the relationship should be stored ((ex
  2428. /word/document.xml -> /word/_rels/document.xml.rels)
  2429. @param partName
  2430. Source part Uri
  2431. @return the full path (as Uri) of the relation file
  2432. @throws InvalidOperationException
  2433. Throws if the specified Uri is a relationshp part.
  2434. </member>
  2435. <member name="P:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagingUriHelper.PackageRootUri">
  2436. Gets the Uri for the package root.
  2437. @return Uri of the package root.
  2438. </member>
  2439. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.StreamHelper.SaveXmlInStream(System.Xml.XmlDocument,System.IO.Stream)">
  2440. Turning the DOM4j object in the specified output stream.
  2441. @param xmlContent
  2442. The XML document.
  2443. @param outStream
  2444. The Stream in which the XML document will be written.
  2445. @return <b>true</b> if the xml is successfully written in the stream,
  2446. else <b>false</b>.
  2447. </member>
  2448. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.StreamHelper.CopyStream(System.IO.Stream,System.IO.Stream)">
  2449. Copy the input stream into the output stream.
  2450. @param inStream
  2451. The source stream.
  2452. @param outStream
  2453. The destination stream.
  2454. @return <b>true</b> if the operation succeed, else return <b>false</b>.
  2455. </member>
  2456. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.TargetMode">
  2457. Specifies whether the target of a PackageRelationship is inside or outside a
  2458. Package.
  2459. @author Julien Chable
  2460. @version 1.0
  2461. </member>
  2462. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.TargetMode.Internal">
  2463. The relationship references a resource that is external to the package.
  2464. </member>
  2465. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.TargetMode.External">
  2466. The relationship references a part that is inside the package.
  2467. </member>
  2468. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ZipPackage">
  2469. Physical zip package.
  2470. @author Julien Chable
  2471. </member>
  2472. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ZipPackage.zipArchive">
  2473. Zip archive, as either a file on disk,
  2474. or a stream
  2475. </member>
  2476. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ZipPackage.#ctor">
  2477. Constructor. Creates a new ZipPackage.
  2478. </member>
  2479. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ZipPackage.#ctor(System.IO.Stream,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageAccess)">
  2480. Constructor. <b>Operation not supported.</b>
  2481. @param in
  2482. Zip input stream to load.
  2483. @param access
  2484. @throws ArgumentException
  2485. If the specified input stream not an instance of
  2486. ZipInputStream.
  2487. </member>
  2488. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ZipPackage.#ctor(System.String,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageAccess)">
  2489. Constructor. Opens a Zip based Open XML document.
  2490. @param path
  2491. The path of the file to open or create.
  2492. @param access
  2493. The package access mode.
  2494. @throws InvalidFormatException
  2495. If the content type part parsing encounters an error.
  2496. </member>
  2497. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ZipPackage.#ctor(System.IO.FileInfo,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackageAccess)">
  2498. Constructor. Opens a Zip based Open XML document.
  2499. @param file
  2500. The file to open or create.
  2501. @param access
  2502. The package access mode.
  2503. @throws InvalidFormatException
  2504. If the content type part parsing encounters an error.
  2505. </member>
  2506. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ZipPackage.GetPartsImpl">
  2507. Retrieves the parts from this package. We assume that the package has not
  2508. been yet inspect to retrieve all the parts, this method will open the
  2509. archive and look for all parts contain inside it. If the package part
  2510. list is not empty, it will be emptied.
  2511. @return All parts contain in this package.
  2512. @throws InvalidFormatException
  2513. Throws if the package is not valid.
  2514. </member>
  2515. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ZipPackage.BuildPartName(ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipEntry)">
  2516. Builds a PackagePartName for the given ZipEntry,
  2517. or null if it's the content types / invalid part
  2518. </member>
  2519. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ZipPackage.CreatePartImpl(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  2520. Create a new MemoryPackagePart from the specified URI and content type
  2521. aram partName The part URI.
  2522. @param contentType
  2523. The part content type.
  2524. @return The newly created zip package part, else <b>null</b>.
  2525. </member>
  2526. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ZipPackage.RemovePartImpl(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName)">
  2527. Delete a part from the package
  2528. @throws ArgumentException
  2529. Throws if the part URI is nulll or invalid.
  2530. </member>
  2531. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ZipPackage.FlushImpl">
  2532. Flush the package. Do nothing.
  2533. </member>
  2534. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ZipPackage.CloseImpl">
  2535. Close and save the package.
  2536. @see #close()
  2537. </member>
  2538. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ZipPackage.GenerateTempFileName(System.String)">
  2539. Create a unique identifier to be use as a temp file name.
  2540. @return A unique identifier use to be use as a temp file name.
  2541. </member>
  2542. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ZipPackage.RevertImpl">
  2543. Close the package without saving the document. Discard all the changes
  2544. made to this package.
  2545. </member>
  2546. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ZipPackage.GetPartImpl(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName)">
  2547. Implement the getPart() method to retrieve a part from its URI in the
  2548. current package
  2549. @see #getPart(PackageRelationship)
  2550. </member>
  2551. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ZipPackage.SaveImpl(System.IO.Stream)">
  2552. Save this package into the specified stream
  2553. @param outputStream
  2554. The stream use to save this package.
  2555. @see #save(OutputStream)
  2556. </member>
  2557. <member name="P:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ZipPackage.ZipArchive">
  2558. Get the zip archive
  2559. @return The zip archive.
  2560. </member>
  2561. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ZipPackagePart">
  2562. Zip implementation of a PackagePart.
  2563. @author Julien Chable
  2564. @version 1.0
  2565. @see PackagePart
  2566. </member>
  2567. <member name="F:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ZipPackagePart.zipEntry">
  2568. The zip entry corresponding to this part.
  2569. </member>
  2570. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ZipPackagePart.#ctor(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName,System.String)">
  2571. Constructor.
  2572. @param container
  2573. The container package.
  2574. @param partName
  2575. Part name.
  2576. @param contentType
  2577. Content type.
  2578. @throws InvalidFormatException
  2579. Throws if the content of this part invalid.
  2580. </member>
  2581. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ZipPackagePart.#ctor(NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.OPCPackage,ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipEntry,NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.PackagePartName,System.String)">
  2582. Constructor.
  2583. @param container
  2584. The container package.
  2585. @param zipEntry
  2586. The zip entry corresponding to this part.
  2587. @param partName
  2588. The part name.
  2589. @param contentType
  2590. Content type.
  2591. @throws InvalidFormatException
  2592. Throws if the content of this part is invalid.
  2593. </member>
  2594. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ZipPackagePart.GetInputStreamImpl">
  2595. Implementation of the getInputStream() which return the inputStream of
  2596. this part zip entry.
  2597. @return Input stream of this part zip entry.
  2598. </member>
  2599. <member name="P:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.OPC.ZipPackagePart.ZipArchive">
  2600. Get the zip entry of this part.
  2601. @return The zip entry in the zip structure coresponding to this part.
  2602. </member>
  2603. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.Util.ZipEntrySource">
  2604. An Interface to make getting the different bits
  2605. of a Zip File easy.
  2606. Allows you to get at the ZipEntries, without
  2607. needing to worry about ZipFile vs ZipInputStream
  2608. being annoyingly very different.
  2609. </member>
  2610. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.Util.ZipEntrySource.GetInputStream(ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipEntry)">
  2611. Returns an InputStream of the decompressed
  2612. data that makes up the entry
  2613. </member>
  2614. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.Util.ZipEntrySource.Close">
  2615. Indicates we are done with reading, and
  2616. resources may be freed
  2617. </member>
  2618. <member name="P:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.Util.ZipEntrySource.Entries">
  2619. Returns an Enumeration of all the Entries
  2620. </member>
  2621. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.Util.ZipFileZipEntrySource">
  2622. A ZipEntrySource wrapper around a ZipFile.
  2623. Should be as low in terms of memory as a
  2624. normal ZipFile implementation is.
  2625. </member>
  2626. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.Util.ZipInputStreamZipEntrySource">
  2627. Provides a way to get at all the ZipEntries
  2628. from a ZipInputStream, as many times as required.
  2629. Allows a ZipInputStream to be treated much like
  2630. a ZipFile, for a price in terms of memory.
  2631. Be sure to call {@link #close()} as soon as you're
  2632. done, to free up that memory!
  2633. </member>
  2634. <member name="M:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.Util.ZipInputStreamZipEntrySource.#ctor(ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipInputStream)">
  2635. Reads all the entries from the ZipInputStream
  2636. into memory, and closes the source stream.
  2637. We'll then eat lots of memory, but be able to
  2638. work with the entries at-will.
  2639. </member>
  2640. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.Util.ZipInputStreamZipEntrySource.EntryEnumerator">
  2641. Why oh why oh why are Iterator and Enumeration
  2642. still not compatible?
  2643. </member>
  2644. <member name="T:NPOI.OpenXml4Net.Util.ZipInputStreamZipEntrySource.FakeZipEntry">
  2645. So we can close the real zip entry and still
  2646. effectively work with it.
  2647. Holds the (decompressed!) data in memory, so
  2648. close this as soon as you can!
  2649. </member>
  2650. </members>
  2651. </doc>