You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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using NFine.Application.WMS;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using NFine.Code;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using NFine.Data.Extensions;
using System.Data.OleDb;
using System.Configuration;
using ICS.Application.Entity;
namespace NFine.Web.Areas.WMS.Controllers
public class PickMaterialController : ControllerBase
// GET: WMS/PickMaterial
PickMaterialApp App = new PickMaterialApp();
public ActionResult ICSMOPickMerge()
return View();
public ActionResult GetGridJson(Pagination pagination, string queryJson, string Type)
DataTable ListData = new DataTable();
if (Type == "1")//工单
ListData = App.GetGridJson(queryJson, ref pagination);
if (Type=="2")//工单发料
ListData = App.GetGridJson2(queryJson, ref pagination);
if (Type=="3")//工单材料出库
ListData = App.GetGridJson3(queryJson, ref pagination);
if (Type == "4")//委外备料
ListData = App.GetGridJson4(queryJson, ref pagination);
if (Type == "5")//委外领料
ListData = App.GetGridJson5(queryJson, ref pagination);
if (Type == "6")//委外材料出库
ListData = App.GetGridJson6(queryJson, ref pagination);
if (Type == "7")//销售发货
ListData = App.GetGridJson7(queryJson, ref pagination);
if (Type == "8")//其它出库
ListData = App.GetGridJson8(queryJson, ref pagination);
if (Type == "9")//借用单
ListData = App.GetGridJson9(queryJson, ref pagination);
if (Type == "10")//物料调拨
ListData = App.GetGridJson10(queryJson, ref pagination);
if (Type == "11")//两步调出
ListData = App.GetGridJson11(queryJson, ref pagination);
var JsonData = new
total = pagination.total,
page = pagination.page,
records = pagination.records,
rows = ListData,
return Content(JsonData.ToJson());
public ActionResult GetSubGridJson(string Code,string Type)
DataTable ListData = new DataTable();
if (Type=="1"){ListData = App.GetSubGridJson1(Code); }//工单
if (Type=="2"){ListData = App.GetSubGridJson2(Code); }//工单发料
if (Type == "3") { ListData = App.GetSubGridJson3(Code); }//材料出库
if (Type == "4") { ListData = App.GetSubGridJson4(Code); }//委外备料
if (Type == "5") { ListData = App.GetSubGridJson5(Code); }//委外领料
if (Type == "6") { ListData = App.GetSubGridJson6(Code); }//委外材料出库
if (Type == "7") { ListData = App.GetSubGridJson7(Code); }//销售发货
if (Type == "8") { ListData = App.GetSubGridJson8(Code); }//其它出库
if (Type == "9") { ListData = App.GetSubGridJson9(Code); }//借用单
if (Type == "10") { ListData = App.GetSubGridJson10(Code); }//物料调拨
if (Type == "11") { ListData = App.GetSubGridJson11(Code); }//两步调出
var JsonData = new
rows = ListData,
return Content(JsonData.ToJson());
public ActionResult GetICSMOPickMergeTemp(Pagination pagination, string ID,string Type,string flag)
DataTable ListData = new DataTable();
if (flag=="1")
ListData = App.GetICSMOPickMergeTemp(ID, Type);
ListData = App.GetICSMOPickMergeTemp2(ID, Type);
var JsonData = new
total = pagination.total,
page = pagination.page,
records = pagination.records,
rows = ListData,
return Content(JsonData.ToJson());
public ActionResult MergeMaterial(string keyValue,string Type)
string msg = App.MergeMaterial(keyValue, Type);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg))
return Error(msg);
return Success("添加成功!");
public ActionResult CheckQty(string objArr)
string i = App.CheckQty(objArr);
var JsonData = new
count = i
return Content(JsonData.ToJson());