(function (b, c) { var a = function (f, e) { var d; this.$element = b(f); this.options = b.extend({}, b.fn.wizard.defaults, e); this.currentStep = 1; this.numSteps = this.$element.find("li").length; /*Customized to Enable Out Of Wizard Buttons*/ this.$prevBtn = $('#'+this.$element[0].id+'-actions').find("a.btn-prev"); this.$nextBtn = $('#' + this.$element[0].id + '-actions').find("a.btn-next"); /*End Customized to Enable Out Of Wizard Buttons*/ d = this.$nextBtn.children().detach(); this.nextText = b.trim(this.$nextBtn.text()); this.$nextBtn.append(d); this.$prevBtn.on("click", b.proxy(this.previous, this)); this.$nextBtn.on("click", b.proxy(this.next, this)); this.$element.on("click", "li.complete", b.proxy(this.stepclicked, this)); this.$stepContainer = this.$element.data("target") || "body"; this.$stepContainer = b(this.$stepContainer) }; a.prototype = { constructor: a, setState: function () { var n = (this.currentStep > 1); var o = (this.currentStep === 1); var d = (this.currentStep === this.numSteps); this.$prevBtn.attr("disabled", (o === true || n === false)); var h = this.$nextBtn.data(); if (h && h.last) { this.lastText = h.last; if (typeof this.lastText !== "undefined") { var l = (d !== true) ? this.nextText : this.lastText; var f = this.$nextBtn.children().detach(); this.$nextBtn.text(l).append(f) } } var j = this.$element.find("li"); j.removeClass("active").removeClass("complete"); var m = "li:lt(" + (this.currentStep - 1) + ")"; var g = this.$element.find(m); g.addClass("complete"); var e = "li:eq(" + (this.currentStep - 1) + ")"; var k = this.$element.find(e); k.addClass("active"); var i = k.data().target; this.$stepContainer.find(".step-pane").removeClass("active"); b(i).addClass("active"); this.$element.trigger("changed") }, stepclicked: function (h) { var d = b(h.currentTarget); var g = this.$element.find("li").index(d); var f = b.Event("change"); this.$element.trigger(f, { step: g + 1, direction: "stepclicked", currentStep: g + 1 }); if (f.isDefaultPrevented()) { return } this.currentStep = (g + 1); this.setState() }, previous: function () { var d = (this.currentStep > 1); if (d) { var f = b.Event("change"); this.$element.trigger(f, { step: this.currentStep, direction: "previous", currentStep:this.currentStep-1 }); if (f.isDefaultPrevented()) { return } this.currentStep -= 1; this.setState() } }, next: function () { var g = (this.currentStep + 1 <= this.numSteps); var d = (this.currentStep === this.numSteps); if (g) { var f = b.Event("change"); this.$element.trigger(f, { step: this.currentStep, direction: "next", currentStep: this.currentStep + 1 }); if (f.isDefaultPrevented()) { return } this.currentStep += 1; this.setState() } else { if (d) { this.$element.trigger("finished") } } }, selectedItem: function (d) { return { step: this.currentStep } } }; b.fn.wizard = function (e, g) { var f; var d = this.each(function () { var j = b(this); var i = j.data("wizard"); var h = typeof e === "object" && e; if (!i) { j.data("wizard", (i = new a(this, h))) } if (typeof e === "string") { f = i[e](g) } }); return (f === c) ? d : f }; b.fn.wizard.defaults = {}; b.fn.wizard.Constructor = a; b(function () { b("body").on("mousedown.wizard.data-api", ".wizard", function () { var d = b(this); if (d.data("wizard")) { return } d.wizard(d.data()) }) }) })(window.jQuery);