@ -1679,7 +1679,7 @@ left join (select distinct TransCode,TransType,WorkPoint from dbo.ICSWareHouseLo |
StringBuilder updateString = new StringBuilder(); |
StringBuilder checklot = new StringBuilder(); |
string sqlString = String.Empty; |
List < LotMessage > lotMessages= new List<LotMessage>(); |
List<LotMessage> lotMessages = new List<LotMessage>(); |
if (datasetModel.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0) |
{ |
DataTable tableModel = datasetModel.Tables[0]; |
@ -1691,7 +1691,7 @@ left join (select distinct TransCode,TransType,WorkPoint from dbo.ICSWareHouseLo |
for (int i = 0; i < tableModel.Rows.Count; i++) |
{ |
LotMessage lotMessage=new LotMessage(); |
LotMessage lotMessage = new LotMessage(); |
string transCode = tableModel.Rows[i]["TransferNO"].ToString(); |
string lotNo = tableModel.Rows[i]["Memo"].ToString(); |
string whCode = tableModel.Rows[i]["FromWarehouseCode"].ToString(); |
@ -1823,22 +1823,22 @@ left join (select distinct TransCode,TransType,WorkPoint from dbo.ICSWareHouseLo |
decimal qtyCount = 0; |
bool remove = false; |
List<int> removeList = new List<int>(); |
for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) |
{ |
if (lotMessages!=null && lotMessages.Count>0) |
{ |
if (lotMessages != null && lotMessages.Count > 0) |
{ |
List<LotMessage> models= lotMessages.Where(e => e.LotNo == table.Rows[i]["LotNO"].ToString()).ToList(); |
if (models!=null&& models.Count>0) |
List<LotMessage> models = lotMessages.Where(e => e.LotNo == table.Rows[i]["LotNO"].ToString()).ToList(); |
if (models != null && models.Count > 0) |
{ |
decimal quantity= models.Select(e => e.Quantity).ToList().Sum(); |
decimal quantity = models.Select(e => e.Quantity).ToList().Sum(); |
table.Rows[i]["QTYLeft"] = table.Rows[i]["QTYLeft"].ToString().ToDecimal() - quantity; |
} |
} |
if (i != 0 |
&& (!table.Rows[i]["InvCode"].ToString().Equals(table.Rows[i - 1]["InvCode"].ToString()) |
|| !table.Rows[i]["Sequence"].ToString().Equals(table.Rows[i - 1]["Sequence"].ToString()) |
@ -2536,6 +2536,9 @@ a.Sequence, |
if (table.Rows.Count != 0) |
{ |
#region 拣料时增加条码出入库记录,修改库存锁定数量,以作占料处理
string ccInspectJosn = ""; |
string ForkLiftUrl = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ForkLiftUrl"]; |
string cclogsql = @""; |
int Count = 1; |
string BusinessCode = string.Empty; |
string TransType = ""; |
@ -2549,103 +2552,149 @@ a.Sequence, |
var pikTbLogTime = DateTime.Now; |
string pikTbLogsql = string.Empty; |
List<string> DocNoList = new List<string>(); |
if (Type == "2" || Type == "12" || Type == "5") |
{ |
#region 货柜
string InspectJosn = ""; |
string InspectJosnHead = ""; |
string InspectJosnBody = ""; |
InspectJosn += "{"; |
InspectJosn += "\"IMP_ORDINI\":["; |
InspectJosn += "货柜主表区域预留"; |
InspectJosn += "],"; |
InspectJosn += "\"IMP_ORDINI_RIGHE\":["; |
InspectJosn += "货柜子表区域预留"; |
InspectJosn += "]"; |
InspectJosn += "}"; |
for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) |
string ccsql = @"select B.F_Id from ICSInventoryDetail A
INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_ItemsDetail B ON B.F_Define1=A.WHCode AND B.F_Define2=A.LocationCode AND B.F_Define4=A.WorkPoint |
where INVCode='{0}' and WHCode='{1}' and WorkPoint='{2}' AND B.F_ItemCode Like 'ForkLiftAreaConfig%'";
ccsql = string.Format(ccsql, table.Rows[0]["InvCode"].ToString(), table.Rows[0]["WarehouseCode"].ToString() |
, WorkPoint); |
var ccds = Repository().FindDataSetBySql(ccsql); |
DataTable cctable = ccds.Tables[0]; |
if (cctable.Rows.Count != 0) |
{ |
List<string> SourceBinList = new List<string>(); |
#region 窄巷道
foreach (DataRow dr in table.Rows) |
{ |
if (!SourceBinList.Contains(dr["LocationCode"].ToString())) |
{ |
SourceBinList.Add(dr["LocationCode"].ToString()); |
if (Convert.ToBoolean(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UploadForkLift"])) |
{ |
string Year = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(); |
string Month = DateTime.Now.Month.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'); |
string Day = DateTime.Now.Day.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'); |
string Pre = "CC" + Year + Month + Day; |
string serialsql = "EXEC Addins_GetSerialCode '{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}',{4}"; |
serialsql = string.Format(serialsql, "1701", "ICSForkLiftTaskLog", "TaskCode", Pre, 4); |
string TaskCode = DbHelper.ExecuteTable(DbHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, serialsql, true, null).Rows[0][0].ToString(); |
string SerialNum = DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'); |
ccInspectJosn += "{"; |
ccInspectJosn += "\"ID\":\"" + TaskCode + "\",";//任务编号
ccInspectJosn += "\"TaskType\": \"PTWY\",";//任务类型
ccInspectJosn += "\"SourceBin\": \"" + dr["LocationCode"].ToString() + "\",";//起始点位
ccInspectJosn += "}"; |
#region 记录叉车的任务编号及相关信息
cclogsql += @"INSERT INTO ICSForkLiftTaskLog
(ID,TaskCode,ContainerCode,TaskType,StartLocation,EndLocation,MTIME,WorkPoint) |
select NEWID(),'{0}','','PICK','{1}','',GETDATE(),'1701'";
cclogsql = string.Format(cclogsql, TaskCode, dr["LocationCode"].ToString()); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
string hgsql = @"select A.InvCode,A.LocationCode,B.F_Define3,C.LocationCode AS Area
#region 货柜
string InspectJosn = ""; |
string InspectJosnHead = ""; |
string InspectJosnBody = ""; |
InspectJosn += "{"; |
InspectJosn += "\"IMP_ORDINI\":["; |
InspectJosn += "货柜主表区域预留"; |
InspectJosn += "],"; |
InspectJosn += "\"IMP_ORDINI_RIGHE\":["; |
InspectJosn += "货柜子表区域预留"; |
InspectJosn += "]"; |
InspectJosn += "}"; |
for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) |
{ |
string hgsql = @"select A.InvCode,A.LocationCode,B.F_Define3,C.LocationCode AS Area
from ICSWareHouseLotInfo A |
INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_ItemsDetail B ON B.F_Define2=A.LocationCode AND F_Define4=A.WorkPoint AND F_ItemName='HG_Location' |
INNER JOIN ICSInventoryDetail C ON C.INVCode=A.InvCode AND C.WHCode=A.WarehouseCode AND C.WorkPoint=A.WorkPoint |
where A.LotNo='{0}' AND A.WorkPoint='{1}'";
hgsql = string.Format(hgsql, table.Rows[i]["LotNO"].ToString(), WorkPoint); |
var hgds = Repository().FindDataSetBySql(hgsql); |
if (hgds.Tables.Count == 0) |
return null; |
DataTable hgtable = hgds.Tables[0]; |
if (hgtable.Rows.Count > 0) |
{ |
if (!DocNoList.Contains(table.Rows[i]["Code"].ToString())) |
{ |
DocNoList.Add(table.Rows[i]["Code"].ToString()); |
} |
InspectJosnBody += "{"; |
InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_ORDINE\":\"" + table.Rows[i]["Code"].ToString() + "\","; |
InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_ARTICOLO\": \"" + hgtable.Rows[0]["InvCode"].ToString() + "\","; |
InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_SUB1\": \"\","; |
InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_SUB2\": \"\","; |
InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_ELERUOLI_GEST\": \"" + hgtable.Rows[0]["Area"].ToString() + "\","; |
InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_ELEBAIE\": \"" + hgtable.Rows[0]["F_Define3"].ToString() + "\","; |
InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_QTAR\": " + table.Rows[i]["SendQTY"].ToString() + ","; |
if (i == 0) |
{ |
InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_HOSTINF\": \"" + table.Rows[i]["Sequence"].ToString() + "\""; |
} |
else |
hgsql = string.Format(hgsql, table.Rows[i]["LotNO"].ToString(), WorkPoint); |
var hgds = Repository().FindDataSetBySql(hgsql); |
if (hgds.Tables.Count == 0) |
return null; |
DataTable hgtable = hgds.Tables[0]; |
if (hgtable.Rows.Count > 0) |
{ |
if (table.Rows[i]["Code"].ToString() == table.Rows[i - 1]["Code"].ToString() && |
table.Rows[i]["Sequence"].ToString() == table.Rows[i - 1]["Sequence"].ToString()) |
if (!DocNoList.Contains(table.Rows[i]["Code"].ToString())) |
{ |
InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_HOSTINF\": \"" + table.Rows[i]["Sequence"].ToString() + Count.ToString() + "\""; |
Count++; |
DocNoList.Add(table.Rows[i]["Code"].ToString()); |
} |
else |
InspectJosnBody += "{"; |
InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_ORDINE\":\"" + table.Rows[i]["Code"].ToString() + "\","; |
InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_ARTICOLO\": \"" + hgtable.Rows[0]["InvCode"].ToString() + "\","; |
InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_SUB1\": \"\","; |
InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_SUB2\": \"\","; |
InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_ELERUOLI_GEST\": \"" + hgtable.Rows[0]["Area"].ToString() + "\","; |
InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_ELEBAIE\": \"" + hgtable.Rows[0]["F_Define3"].ToString() + "\","; |
InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_QTAR\": " + table.Rows[i]["SendQTY"].ToString() + ","; |
if (i == 0) |
{ |
InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_HOSTINF\": \"" + table.Rows[i]["Sequence"].ToString() + "\""; |
Count = 1; |
} |
else |
{ |
if (table.Rows[i]["Code"].ToString() == table.Rows[i - 1]["Code"].ToString() && |
table.Rows[i]["Sequence"].ToString() == table.Rows[i - 1]["Sequence"].ToString()) |
{ |
InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_HOSTINF\": \"" + table.Rows[i]["Sequence"].ToString() + Count.ToString() + "\""; |
Count++; |
} |
else |
{ |
InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_HOSTINF\": \"" + table.Rows[i]["Sequence"].ToString() + "\""; |
Count = 1; |
} |
} |
InspectJosnBody += "},"; |
} |
InspectJosnBody += "},"; |
} |
} |
InspectJosnBody = InspectJosnBody.TrimEnd(','); |
foreach (string DocNo in DocNoList) |
{ |
InspectJosnHead += "{"; |
InspectJosnHead += "\"ORD_ORDINE\":\"" + DocNo.TrimStart('\'').TrimEnd('\'') + "\","; |
InspectJosnHead += "\"ORD_DES\":\"" + TransType + "\","; |
InspectJosnHead += "\"ORD_TIPOOP\":\"P\","; |
InspectJosnHead += "\"ORD_CLIENTE\":\"" + WorkPoint + "\""; |
InspectJosnHead += "},"; |
} |
InspectJosnHead = InspectJosnHead.TrimEnd(','); |
if (InspectJosnBody != "") |
{ |
InspectJosn = InspectJosn.Replace("货柜主表区域预留", InspectJosnHead); |
InspectJosn = InspectJosn.Replace("货柜子表区域预留", InspectJosnBody); |
if (Convert.ToBoolean(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UploadERP"])) |
InspectJosnBody = InspectJosnBody.TrimEnd(','); |
foreach (string DocNo in DocNoList) |
{ |
InspectJosnHead += "{"; |
InspectJosnHead += "\"ORD_ORDINE\":\"" + DocNo.TrimStart('\'').TrimEnd('\'') + "\","; |
InspectJosnHead += "\"ORD_DES\":\"" + TransType + "\","; |
InspectJosnHead += "\"ORD_TIPOOP\":\"P\","; |
InspectJosnHead += "\"ORD_CLIENTE\":\"" + WorkPoint + "\""; |
InspectJosnHead += "},"; |
} |
InspectJosnHead = InspectJosnHead.TrimEnd(','); |
if (InspectJosnBody != "") |
{ |
string callresult = ""; |
#region 货柜接口调用前日志
object logID = Guid.NewGuid(); |
string logsql = @"insert into ICSWMS_HGLog
InspectJosn = InspectJosn.Replace("货柜主表区域预留", InspectJosnHead); |
InspectJosn = InspectJosn.Replace("货柜子表区域预留", InspectJosnBody); |
if (Convert.ToBoolean(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UploadERP"])) |
{ |
string callresult = ""; |
#region 货柜接口调用前日志
object logID = Guid.NewGuid(); |
string logsql = @"insert into ICSWMS_HGLog
values |
logsql = string.Format(logsql, logID, InspectJosn, "", WorkPoint, MUSER, MUSERNAME); |
SqlHelper.CmdExecuteNonQueryLi(logsql); |
callresult = HTTPHelper.RestFulGet(InspectJosn, postUrlStr); |
#region 货柜接口调用后日志
logsql = @"update ICSWMS_HGLog set ReturnResult='{0}'
logsql = string.Format(logsql, logID, InspectJosn, "", WorkPoint, MUSER, MUSERNAME); |
SqlHelper.CmdExecuteNonQueryLi(logsql); |
callresult = HTTPHelper.RestFulGet(InspectJosn, postUrlStr); |
#region 货柜接口调用后日志
logsql = @"update ICSWMS_HGLog set ReturnResult='{0}'
where ID='{1}'";
logsql = string.Format(logsql, callresult, logID); |
SqlHelper.CmdExecuteNonQueryLi(logsql); |
logsql = string.Format(logsql, callresult, logID); |
SqlHelper.CmdExecuteNonQueryLi(logsql); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
foreach (DataRow PickLog in table.Rows) |
{ |
@ -2670,7 +2719,7 @@ a.Sequence, |
pikTbLogsql = string.Format(pikTbLogsql, Identification, PickLog["Code"].ToString(), PickLog["Sequence"].ToString(), PickLog["SendQTY"].ToString() |
, BusinessCode, MUSER, MUSERNAME, pikTbLogTime, WorkPoint, PickLog["LotNO"].ToString()); |
} |
SqlHelper.CmdExecuteNonQueryLi(pikTbLogsql); |
CmdExecuteNonQueryWithAPI(pikTbLogsql, cclogsql, ccInspectJosn, ForkLiftUrl); |
} |
@ -3850,7 +3899,62 @@ b.InvUnit, |
} |
public static int CmdExecuteNonQueryWithAPI(string sql, string ccsql, string InputJson, string PostUrl, params SqlParameter[] spArr) |
{ |
using (SqlConnection conn = SqlHelper.GetDataCenterConn()) |
{ |
conn.Open(); |
SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); |
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); |
cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; |
cmd.Connection = conn; |
try |
{ |
if (ccsql == "") |
{ |
cmd.CommandText = sql; |
int RES = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); |
cmd.Transaction.Commit(); |
return RES; |
} |
else |
{ |
cmd.CommandText = sql; |
int RES = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); |
cmd.CommandText = ccsql; |
RES = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); |
#region 叉车接口调用(写进事务中,报错可以回滚,保证数据正确)
string rest = HTTPHelper.HttpPost("WMS调用叉车接口出库", PostUrl, InputJson); |
ForkLiftResult result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ForkLiftResult>(rest); |
if (result.Ret == 1) |
{ |
cmd.Transaction.Commit(); |
return RES; |
} |
else |
{ |
throw new Exception(result.RetMsg); |
} |
} |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); |
throw new Exception(ex.Message); |
} |
finally |
{ |
if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Closed) |
{ |
conn.Close(); |
conn.Dispose(); |
} |
} |
return 0; |
} |
} |