@ -298,14 +298,6 @@ where b.MOCode='{0}' and a.WorkPoint='{1}'"; |
case when max(e.SourceID) is null then '未合并' else '已合并' end as IsNew,f.Colspan , |
g.Status, |
case when max(k.TransCode) is null then '未占料' else '已占料' end as IsOccupy, |
<<<<<<< HEAD |
--case when sum(a.Quantity) =sum(IssueQuantity) and a.MUSERName != 'JOB' then '已过账' |
--else (case when sum(a.Quantity) =sum(IssueQuantity) and a.MUSERName = 'JOB' then '已配料' else '未配料' end) end as Status, |
======= |
case when sum(a.Quantity) =sum(IssueQuantity) then '已过账' |
when sum(a.Quantity)!=sum(IssueQuantity) AND sum(IssueQuantity)>0 then '已配料' |
else '未配料' end as Status, |
>>>>>>> efc78f9c8baeef8cab1716c8a0f5c91ac1b873d8 |
f.ProjectCode ,f.BatchCode ,f.Version ,f.Brand ,f.cFree1 ,f.cFree2 ,f.cFree3 , |
f.cFree4 ,f.cFree5 ,f.cFree6 ,f.cFree7 ,f.cFree8 ,f.cFree9 ,f.cFree10, |
case when a.MUSER!= 'JOB' then a.MUSER else '' end AS PickName |
@ -315,7 +307,7 @@ where b.MOCode='{0}' and a.WorkPoint='{1}'"; |
left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID=e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=e.WorkPoint |
left join (SELECT ApplyCode, |
case when sum(Quantity) =sum(IssueQuantity) and MUSERName != 'JOB' then '已过账' |
else (case when sum(Quantity) =sum(IssueQuantity) and MUSERName = 'JOB' then '已配料' |
else (case when sum(Quantity) =sum(IssueQuantity) and MUSERName = 'JOB'AND sum(IssueQuantity)>0 then '已配料' |
else '未配料' end) end as Status |
from ICSMOApply where WorkPoint='{WorkPoint}' and EATTRIBUTE='17' group by ApplyCode,MUSERName) g on a.ApplyCode = g.ApplyCode |