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lilili 2 years ago
  1. 20
  2. 3
  3. 12


@ -2129,11 +2129,11 @@ UPDATE dbo.ICSContainer set ContainerID='{0}',ContainerCODE='{1}',ContainerName=
var StackName = "";
//string GUID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
string KuFang = dr["库房编码"].ToString().Trim().ToUpper();
string Qu = dr["区"].ToString().Trim().ToUpper();
string Pai = dr[""].ToString().Trim().ToUpper();
string Qu = dr["区"].ToString().Trim().ToUpper();
string Pai = dr[""].ToString().Trim().ToUpper();
string Jia = dr["货架"].ToString().Trim().ToUpper();
string Ceng = dr[""].ToString().Trim().ToUpper();
string Ge = dr[""].ToString().Trim().ToUpper();
string Ceng = dr[""].ToString().Trim().ToUpper();
string Ge = dr[""].ToString().Trim().ToUpper();
if (KuFang == "" || KuFang == null)
throw new Exception("第 " + index + " 行库房编码不能为空!");
@ -2155,12 +2155,12 @@ UPDATE dbo.ICSContainer set ContainerID='{0}',ContainerCODE='{1}',ContainerName=
if (Qu != "")
StackCode += "-" + Qu;
StackName += Qu + "区";
StackName += Qu + "区";
if (Pai != "")
StackCode += "-" + Pai;
StackName += Pai + "";
StackName += Pai + "";
if (Jia != "")
@ -2170,12 +2170,12 @@ UPDATE dbo.ICSContainer set ContainerID='{0}',ContainerCODE='{1}',ContainerName=
if (Ceng != "")
StackCode += "-" + Ceng;
StackName += Ceng + "";
StackName += Ceng + "";
if (Ge != "")
StackCode += "-" + Ge;
StackName += Ge + "";
StackName += Ge + "";
string sqls = @"select LocationCode from ICSLocation where LocationCode='{0}' and WorkPoint='{1}'";
sqls = string.Format(sqls, StackCode, WorkPoint);
@ -2186,9 +2186,9 @@ UPDATE dbo.ICSContainer set ContainerID='{0}',ContainerCODE='{1}',ContainerName=
sql += @"Insert INto ICSLocation Values (newid(),'{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}',getdate(),'{5}','')";
sql += @"Insert INto ICSLocation Values (newid(),'{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}',getdate(),'{5}','','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}','{10}')";
sql = string.Format(sql, StackCode, StackName, WHID, MUSER, MUSERNAME, WorkPoint);
sql = string.Format(sql, StackCode, StackName, WHID, MUSER, MUSERNAME, WorkPoint,Qu,Pai,Jia,Ceng,Ge);
count = SqlHelper.CmdExecuteNonQueryLi(sql);


@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ where b.MOCode='{0}' and a.WorkPoint='{1}'";
f.cFree4 ,f.cFree5 ,f.cFree6 ,f.cFree7 ,f.cFree8 ,f.cFree9 ,f.cFree10,a.ID
from ICSMOApply a
left JOIN ICSInventory b ON b.InvCode=a.InvCode
LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryDetail detail ON b.InvCode=detail.INVCode AND a.WHCode=detail.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=detail.WorkPoint
left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID=e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=e.WorkPoint
left join ICSExtension f on a.ExtensionID=f.ID and a.WorkPoint=f.WorkPoint
where a.WorkPoint='{WorkPoint}' ");
@ -150,7 +151,7 @@ where b.MOCode='{0}' and a.WorkPoint='{1}'";
sqlString.Append(@" group by a.ApplyCode, a.WorkPoint,a.CreateDateTime,a.createperson,
a.ReceiverNumber,a.ReceiverName,a.Urgency,a.NeedDate,a.NeedTime,a.RemarksTerm,a.TextNumber,a.InvDescribe,a.Unit,a.StockIndicator) as t where t.row=1");


@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ CAST( (a.Quantity-ISNULL(c.LOTQTY,0)) as DECIMAL(18,{0})) as thisCreateQty,isnu
,f.cFree5 ,f.cFree6 ,f.cFree7 ,f.cFree8 ,f.cFree9 ,f.cFree10
from ICSSDN a
left join ICSInventory b on a.InvCode=b.InvCode and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint
LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryDetail detail WHERE b.InvCode=detail.INVCode AND a.WHCode=detail.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=detail.WorkPoint
LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryDetail detail on b.InvCode=detail.INVCode AND a.WHCode=detail.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=detail.WorkPoint
left join (
select mm.TransCode,mm.TransSequence,sum(isnull(ee.Quantity,0)) LOTQTY,ee.WorkPoint from ICSInventoryLot ee
left join ICSInventoryLotDetail mm on ee.LotNo=mm.LotNo and ee.type='4'
@ -743,7 +743,7 @@ CAST(a.Quantity AS DECIMAL(18,{0})) as Quantity,CAST(a.Amount AS DECIMAL(18,{0})
,f.cFree5 ,f.cFree6 ,f.cFree7 ,f.cFree8 ,f.cFree9 ,f.cFree10
from ICSOtherIn a
left join ICSInventory b on a.InvCode=b.InvCode and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint
LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryDetail detail WHERE b.InvCode=detail.INVCode AND a.WHCode=detail.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=detail.WorkPoint
LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryDetail detail on b.InvCode=detail.INVCode AND a.WHCode=detail.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=detail.WorkPoint
left join (
select mm.TransCode,mm.TransSequence,sum(isnull(ee.Quantity,0)) LOTQTY,ee.WorkPoint from ICSInventoryLot ee
left join ICSInventoryLotDetail mm on ee.LotNo=mm.LotNo and ee.type='5'
@ -904,7 +904,7 @@ insert into ICSInventoryLot
,f.Colspan ,f.ProjectCode ,f.BatchCode ,f.Version ,f.Brand ,f.cFree1 ,f.cFree2 ,f.cFree3 ,f.cFree4
,f.cFree5 ,f.cFree6 ,f.cFree7 ,f.cFree8 ,f.cFree9 ,f.cFree10 from ICSReturn a
left join ICSInventory b on a.InvCode=b.InvCode and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint
LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryDetail detail WHERE b.InvCode=detail.INVCode AND a.WHCode=detail.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=detail.WorkPoint
LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryDetail detail on b.InvCode=detail.INVCode AND a.WHCode=detail.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=detail.WorkPoint
left join (
select mm.TransCode,mm.TransSequence,sum(isnull(ee.Quantity,0)) LOTQTY,ee.WorkPoint from ICSInventoryLot ee
left join ICSInventoryLotDetail mm on ee.LotNo=mm.LotNo and ee.type='6'
@ -966,7 +966,7 @@ CAST(a.Quantity AS DECIMAL(18,{0})) as Quantity ,CAST(a.Amount AS DECIMAL(18,{0}
,f.cFree5 ,f.cFree6 ,f.cFree7 ,f.cFree8 ,f.cFree9 ,f.cFree10
from ICSDeliveryNotice a
left join ICSInventory b on a.InvCode=b.InvCode and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint
LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryDetail detail WHERE b.InvCode=detail.INVCode AND a.WHCode=detail.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=detail.WorkPoint
LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryDetail detail on b.InvCode=detail.INVCode AND a.WHCode=detail.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=detail.WorkPoint
left join (
select mm.TransCode,mm.TransSequence,sum(isnull(ee.Quantity,0)) LOTQTY,ee.WorkPoint from ICSInventoryLot ee
left join ICSInventoryLotDetail mm on ee.LotNo=mm.LotNo and ee.type='7'
@ -1043,7 +1043,7 @@ CAST(c.LOTQTY AS DECIMAL(18,{0})) as LOTQTY
,f.cFree5 ,f.cFree6 ,f.cFree7 ,f.cFree8 ,f.cFree9 ,f.cFree10
from ICSODeliveryNotice a
left join ICSInventory b on a.InvCode=b.InvCode and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint
LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryDetail detail WHERE b.InvCode=detail.INVCode AND a.WHCode=detail.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=detail.WorkPoint
LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryDetail detail on b.InvCode=detail.INVCode AND a.WHCode=detail.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=detail.WorkPoint
left join (
select mm.TransCode,mm.TransSequence,sum(isnull(ee.Quantity,0)) LOTQTY,ee.WorkPoint from ICSInventoryLot ee
left join ICSInventoryLotDetail mm on ee.LotNo=mm.LotNo and ee.type='8'
@ -1118,7 +1118,7 @@ CAST(a.Amount AS DECIMAL(18,{0})) as Amount,CAST(a.RCVQuantity AS DECIMAL(18,{0}
,f.cFree5 ,f.cFree6 ,f.cFree7 ,f.cFree8 ,f.cFree9 ,f.cFree10
from ICSManufactureReceive a
left join ICSInventory b on a.InvCode=b.InvCode and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint
LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryDetail detail WHERE b.InvCode=detail.INVCode AND a.WHCode=detail.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=detail.WorkPoint
LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryDetail detail on b.InvCode=detail.INVCode AND a.WHCode=detail.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=detail.WorkPoint
left join (
select mm.TransCode,mm.TransSequence,sum(isnull(ee.Quantity,0)) LOTQTY,ee.WorkPoint from ICSInventoryLot ee
left join ICSInventoryLotDetail mm on ee.LotNo=mm.LotNo and ee.type='9'
