@ -2030,106 +2030,109 @@ c.Sequence,
var pikTbLogTime = DateTime . Now ;
string pikTbLogsql = string . Empty ;
List < string > DocNoList = new List < string > ( ) ;
#region 货柜
string InspectJosn = "" ;
string InspectJosnHead = "" ;
string InspectJosnBody = "" ;
InspectJosn + = "{" ;
InspectJosn + = "\"IMP_ORDINI\":[" ;
InspectJosn + = "货柜主表区域预留" ;
InspectJosn + = "]," ;
InspectJosn + = "\"IMP_ORDINI_RIGHE\":[" ;
InspectJosn + = "货柜子表区域预留" ;
InspectJosn + = "]" ;
InspectJosn + = "}" ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < table . Rows . Count ; i + + )
if ( Type = = "2" | | Type = = "12" | | Type = = "5" )
string hgsql = @ "select A.InvCode,A.LocationCode,B.F_Define3,C.LocationCode AS Area
#region 货柜
string InspectJosn = "" ;
string InspectJosnHead = "" ;
string InspectJosnBody = "" ;
InspectJosn + = "{" ;
InspectJosn + = "\"IMP_ORDINI\":[" ;
InspectJosn + = "货柜主表区域预留" ;
InspectJosn + = "]," ;
InspectJosn + = "\"IMP_ORDINI_RIGHE\":[" ;
InspectJosn + = "货柜子表区域预留" ;
InspectJosn + = "]" ;
InspectJosn + = "}" ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < table . Rows . Count ; i + + )
string hgsql = @ "select A.InvCode,A.LocationCode,B.F_Define3,C.LocationCode AS Area
from ICSWareHouseLotInfo A
INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_ItemsDetail B ON B . F_Define2 = A . LocationCode AND F_Define4 = A . WorkPoint AND F_ItemName = ' HG_Location '
INNER JOIN ICSInventoryDetail C ON C . INVCode = A . InvCode AND C . WHCode = A . WarehouseCode AND C . WorkPoint = A . WorkPoint
where A . LotNo = ' { 0 } ' AND A . WorkPoint = ' { 1 } ' ";
hgsql = string . Format ( hgsql , table . Rows [ i ] [ "LotNO" ] . ToString ( ) , WorkPoint ) ;
var hgds = Repository ( ) . FindDataSetBySql ( hgsql ) ;
if ( hgds . Tables . Count = = 0 )
return null ;
DataTable hgtable = hgds . Tables [ 0 ] ;
if ( hgtable . Rows . Count > 0 )
if ( ! DocNoList . Contains ( table . Rows [ i ] [ "Code" ] . ToString ( ) ) )
hgsql = string . Format ( hgsql , table . Rows [ i ] [ "LotNO" ] . ToString ( ) , WorkPoint ) ;
var hgds = Repository ( ) . FindDataSetBySql ( hgsql ) ;
if ( hgds . Tables . Count = = 0 )
return null ;
DataTable hgtable = hgds . Tables [ 0 ] ;
if ( hgtable . Rows . Count > 0 )
DocNoList . Add ( table . Rows [ i ] [ "Code" ] . ToString ( ) ) ;
InspectJosnBody + = "{" ;
InspectJosnBody + = "\"RIG_ORDINE\":\"" + table . Rows [ i ] [ "Code" ] . ToString ( ) + "\"," ;
InspectJosnBody + = "\"RIG_ARTICOLO\": \"" + hgtable . Rows [ 0 ] [ "InvCode" ] . ToString ( ) + "\"," ;
InspectJosnBody + = "\"RIG_SUB1\": \"\"," ;
InspectJosnBody + = "\"RIG_SUB2\": \"\"," ;
InspectJosnBody + = "\"RIG_ELERUOLI_GEST\": \"" + hgtable . Rows [ 0 ] [ "Area" ] . ToString ( ) + "\"," ;
InspectJosnBody + = "\"RIG_ELEBAIE\": \"" + hgtable . Rows [ 0 ] [ "F_Define3" ] . ToString ( ) + "\"," ;
InspectJosnBody + = "\"RIG_QTAR\": " + table . Rows [ i ] [ "SendQTY" ] . ToString ( ) + "," ;
if ( i = = 0 )
InspectJosnBody + = "\"RIG_HOSTINF\": \"" + table . Rows [ i ] [ "Sequence" ] . ToString ( ) + "\"" ;
if ( table . Rows [ i ] [ "Code" ] . ToString ( ) = = table . Rows [ i - 1 ] [ "Code" ] . ToString ( ) & &
table . Rows [ i ] [ "Sequence" ] . ToString ( ) = = table . Rows [ i - 1 ] [ "Sequence" ] . ToString ( ) )
if ( ! DocNoList . Contains ( table . Rows [ i ] [ "Code" ] . ToString ( ) ) )
InspectJosnBody + = "\"RIG_HOSTINF\": \"" + table . Rows [ i ] [ "Sequence" ] . ToString ( ) + Count . ToString ( ) + "\"" ;
Count + + ;
DocNoList . Add ( table . Rows [ i ] [ "Code" ] . ToString ( ) ) ;
InspectJosnBody + = "{" ;
InspectJosnBody + = "\"RIG_ORDINE\":\"" + table . Rows [ i ] [ "Code" ] . ToString ( ) + "\"," ;
InspectJosnBody + = "\"RIG_ARTICOLO\": \"" + hgtable . Rows [ 0 ] [ "InvCode" ] . ToString ( ) + "\"," ;
InspectJosnBody + = "\"RIG_SUB1\": \"\"," ;
InspectJosnBody + = "\"RIG_SUB2\": \"\"," ;
InspectJosnBody + = "\"RIG_ELERUOLI_GEST\": \"" + hgtable . Rows [ 0 ] [ "Area" ] . ToString ( ) + "\"," ;
InspectJosnBody + = "\"RIG_ELEBAIE\": \"" + hgtable . Rows [ 0 ] [ "F_Define3" ] . ToString ( ) + "\"," ;
InspectJosnBody + = "\"RIG_QTAR\": " + table . Rows [ i ] [ "SendQTY" ] . ToString ( ) + "," ;
if ( i = = 0 )
InspectJosnBody + = "\"RIG_HOSTINF\": \"" + table . Rows [ i ] [ "Sequence" ] . ToString ( ) + "\"" ;
Count = 1 ;
if ( table . Rows [ i ] [ "Code" ] . ToString ( ) = = table . Rows [ i - 1 ] [ "Code" ] . ToString ( ) & &
table . Rows [ i ] [ "Sequence" ] . ToString ( ) = = table . Rows [ i - 1 ] [ "Sequence" ] . ToString ( ) )
InspectJosnBody + = "\"RIG_HOSTINF\": \"" + table . Rows [ i ] [ "Sequence" ] . ToString ( ) + Count . ToString ( ) + "\"" ;
Count + + ;
InspectJosnBody + = "\"RIG_HOSTINF\": \"" + table . Rows [ i ] [ "Sequence" ] . ToString ( ) + "\"" ;
Count = 1 ;
InspectJosnBody + = "}," ;
InspectJosnBody + = "}," ;
InspectJosnBody . TrimEnd ( ',' ) ;
foreach ( string DocNo in DocNoList )
InspectJosnHead + = "{" ;
InspectJosnHead + = "\"ORD_ORDINE\":\"" + DocNo . TrimStart ( '\'' ) . TrimEnd ( '\'' ) + "\"," ;
InspectJosnHead + = "\"ORD_DES\":\"" + TransType + "\"," ;
InspectJosnHead + = "\"ORD_TIPOOP\":\"P\"," ;
InspectJosnHead + = "\"ORD_CLIENTE\":\"" + WorkPoint + "\"" ;
InspectJosnHead + = "}," ;
InspectJosnHead . TrimEnd ( ',' ) ;
if ( InspectJosnBody ! = "" )
InspectJosn = InspectJosn . Replace ( "货柜主表区域预留" , InspectJosnHead ) ;
InspectJosn = InspectJosn . Replace ( "货柜子表区域预留" , InspectJosnBody ) ;
if ( Convert . ToBoolean ( System . Configuration . ConfigurationManager . AppSettings [ "UploadERP" ] ) )
InspectJosnBody . TrimEnd ( ',' ) ;
foreach ( string DocNo in DocNoList )
string callresult = "" ;
#region 货柜接口调用前日志
object logID = Guid . NewGuid ( ) ;
string logsql = @ "insert into ICSWMS_HGLog
InspectJosnHead + = "{" ;
InspectJosnHead + = "\"ORD_ORDINE\":\"" + DocNo . TrimStart ( '\'' ) . TrimEnd ( '\'' ) + "\"," ;
InspectJosnHead + = "\"ORD_DES\":\"" + TransType + "\"," ;
InspectJosnHead + = "\"ORD_TIPOOP\":\"P\"," ;
InspectJosnHead + = "\"ORD_CLIENTE\":\"" + WorkPoint + "\"" ;
InspectJosnHead + = "}," ;
InspectJosnHead . TrimEnd ( ',' ) ;
if ( InspectJosnBody ! = "" )
InspectJosn = InspectJosn . Replace ( "货柜主表区域预留" , InspectJosnHead ) ;
InspectJosn = InspectJosn . Replace ( "货柜子表区域预留" , InspectJosnBody ) ;
if ( Convert . ToBoolean ( System . Configuration . ConfigurationManager . AppSettings [ "UploadERP" ] ) )
string callresult = "" ;
#region 货柜接口调用前日志
object logID = Guid . NewGuid ( ) ;
string logsql = @ "insert into ICSWMS_HGLog
( ' { 0 } ' , GETDATE ( ) , ' { 1 } ',' { 2 } ',' { 3 } ',' { 4 } ',' { 5 } ' ) ";
logsql = string . Format ( logsql , logID , InspectJosn , "" , WorkPoint , MUSER , MUSERNAME ) ;
SqlHelper . CmdExecuteNonQueryLi ( logsql ) ;
callresult = HTTPHelper . RestFulGet ( InspectJosn , postUrlStr ) ;
#region 货柜接口调用后日志
logsql = @ "update ICSWMS_HGLog set ReturnResult='{0}'
logsql = string . Format ( logsql , logID , InspectJosn , "" , WorkPoint , MUSER , MUSERNAME ) ;
SqlHelper . CmdExecuteNonQueryLi ( logsql ) ;
callresult = HTTPHelper . RestFulGet ( InspectJosn , postUrlStr ) ;
#region 货柜接口调用后日志
logsql = @ "update ICSWMS_HGLog set ReturnResult='{0}'
where ID = ' { 1 } ' ";
logsql = string . Format ( logsql , callresult , logID ) ;
SqlHelper . CmdExecuteNonQueryLi ( logsql ) ;
//if (!callresult.Contains("successo"))
// ICSHGResult hgresult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ICSHGResult>(callresult.TrimStart('[').TrimEnd(']'));
// throw new Exception("货柜单据传输接口调用报错,主要报错信息:" + hgresult.PrimaryError + ",次要报错信息:" + hgresult.SecondaryError + "");
logsql = string . Format ( logsql , callresult , logID ) ;
SqlHelper . CmdExecuteNonQueryLi ( logsql ) ;
//if (!callresult.Contains("successo"))
// ICSHGResult hgresult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ICSHGResult>(callresult.TrimStart('[').TrimEnd(']'));
// throw new Exception("货柜单据传输接口调用报错,主要报错信息:" + hgresult.PrimaryError + ",次要报错信息:" + hgresult.SecondaryError + "");
foreach ( DataRow PickLog in table . Rows )
pikTbLogsql + = @ " IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT TransCode FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog WHERE TransCode='{1}' AND TransSequence='{2}' AND LotNo='{9}' AND WorkPoint='{8}' AND TransType='15')