@ -230,23 +230,20 @@ and CreatedOn>CAST(CAST(GETDATE() as date) as varchar(10)) + ' 00:00:00' and st |
a.InvCode, |
c.LotNo, |
c.Quantity, |
c.FromLocationCode, |
d.LocationCode, |
e.TaskCode |
e.StartLocation, |
e.EndLocation |
-- e.TaskCode |
ICSMOApply a |
INNER JOIN ICSContainerReceiptsNumber b ON a.ApplyCode= b.TransCode |
INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog c ON c.TransCode= b.TransCode |
-- INNER JOIN ICSContainerReceiptsNumber b ON a.ApplyCode= b.TransCode |
INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog c ON a.ApplyCode= c.TransCode AND |
c.BusinessCode= '15' |
AND a.Sequence= c.TransSequence |
INNER JOIN ICSContainer d ON d.ContainerCode= b.ContainerCode |
AND d.WorkPoint= c.WorkPoint |
INNER JOIN ICSAGVTaskLog e ON e.ContainerCode= d.ContainerCode |
AND d.LocationCode= e.LocationCode |
AND e.WorkPoint= d.WorkPoint |
INNER JOIN ( SELECT DISTINCT e.StartLocation,e.EndLocation FROM |
ICSForkLiftTaskLog e WHERE e.EndLocation is not null AND e.EndLocation!='' ) e ON c.FromLocationCode= e.StartLocation |
a.WorkPoint='{workpoint}' AND |
c.BusinessCode= '15' |
AND d.EATTRIBUTE1!= '已搬运'";
//if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(StratTime))