using NFine.Code; using NFine.Domain.Entity.SystemManage; using NFine.Domain.IRepository.SystemManage; using NFine.Repository.SystemManage; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; using System.Text; using NFine.Data.Extensions; namespace NFine.Application.SystemManage { public class UserApp { private IUserRepository service = new UserRepository(); private UserLogOnApp userLogOnApp = new UserLogOnApp(); public List<UserEntity> GetList() { return service.IQueryable().OrderBy(t => t.F_CreatorTime).ToList(); } public List<UserEntity> GetList(Pagination pagination, string keyword) { var expression = ExtLinq.True<UserEntity>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword)) { expression = expression.And(t => t.F_Account.Contains(keyword)); expression = expression.Or(t => t.F_RealName.Contains(keyword)); expression = expression.Or(t => t.F_MobilePhone.Contains(keyword)); } expression = expression.And(t => t.F_Account != "admin"); if (NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().RoleEnCode == "Vendor") { string UserCode = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().UserCode; expression = expression.And(t => t.F_Account== UserCode); } return service.FindList(expression, pagination); } public UserEntity GetForm(string keyValue) { if (keyValue == "SYS") keyValue = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().UserId; return service.FindEntity(keyValue); } public void DeleteForm(string keyValue) { service.DeleteForm(keyValue); } public void SubmitForm(UserEntity userEntity, UserLogOnEntity userLogOnEntity, string keyValue) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyValue)) { userEntity.Modify(keyValue); } else { userEntity.Create(); } service.SubmitForm(userEntity, userLogOnEntity, keyValue); } public void UpdateForm(UserEntity userEntity) { service.Update(userEntity); } public UserEntity CheckLogins(string username, string password, string WorkPoint) { UserEntity userEntity = service.FindEntity(t => t.F_Account == username); if (userEntity != null) { if (userEntity.F_EnabledMark == true) { UserLogOnEntity userLogOnEntity = userLogOnApp.GetForm(userEntity.F_Id); string dbPassword = Md5.md5(DESEncrypt.Encrypt(password.ToLower(), userLogOnEntity.F_UserSecretkey).ToLower(), 32).ToLower(); if (dbPassword == userLogOnEntity.F_UserPassword) { DateTime lastVisitTime = DateTime.Now; int LogOnCount = (userLogOnEntity.F_LogOnCount).ToInt() + 1; if (userLogOnEntity.F_LastVisitTime != null) { userLogOnEntity.F_PreviousVisitTime = userLogOnEntity.F_LastVisitTime.ToDate(); } userLogOnEntity.F_LastVisitTime = lastVisitTime; userLogOnEntity.F_LogOnCount = LogOnCount; userLogOnApp.UpdateForm(userLogOnEntity); return userEntity; } else { throw new Exception("密码不正确,请重新输入"); } } else { throw new Exception("账户被系统锁定,请联系管理员"); } } else { throw new Exception("账户不存在,请重新输入"); } } /// <summary> /// 多站点 /// </summary> /// <param name="username"></param> /// <param name="password"></param> /// <param name="WorkPoint"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List<UserEntity> CheckLogin(string username, string password, string WorkPoint) { List<UserEntity> userEntitys = service.FindList("SELECT * FROM Sys_SRM_User where F_Account='" + username + "'"); for (int i = 0; i < userEntitys.Count; i++) { UserEntity userEntityss = userEntitys[i]; } UserEntity userEntity = service.FindEntity(w => w.F_Account == username); if (userEntity != null) { if (userEntity.F_EnabledMark == true) { UserLogOnEntity userLogOnEntity = userLogOnApp.GetForm(userEntity.F_Id); string dbPassword = Md5.md5(DESEncrypt.Encrypt(password.ToLower(), userLogOnEntity.F_UserSecretkey).ToLower(), 32).ToLower(); if (dbPassword == userLogOnEntity.F_UserPassword) { DateTime lastVisitTime = DateTime.Now; int LogOnCount = (userLogOnEntity.F_LogOnCount).ToInt() + 1; if (userLogOnEntity.F_LastVisitTime != null) { userLogOnEntity.F_PreviousVisitTime = userLogOnEntity.F_LastVisitTime.ToDate(); } userLogOnEntity.F_LastVisitTime = lastVisitTime; userLogOnEntity.F_LogOnCount = LogOnCount; userLogOnApp.UpdateForm(userLogOnEntity); return userEntitys; } else { throw new Exception("密码不正确,请重新输入"); } } else { throw new Exception("账户被系统锁定,请联系管理员"); } } else { throw new Exception("账户不存在,请重新输入"); } } public void AgentUserAndVenCode() { string sql = @"SELECT UserCode,UserName,WorkPointCode FROM dbo.Sys_User WHERE UserCode NOT IN (SELECT F_Account FROM dbo.Sys_SRM_User)"; DataTable dtUser = SqlHelper.GetDataTableBySql(sql); foreach (DataRow dr in dtUser.Rows) { string sqlUser = string.Empty; string NewGuid = Common.GuId(); sqlUser = @"INSERT INTO dbo.Sys_SRM_User ( F_Id ,F_Account ,F_RealName ,F_NickName , F_RoleId ,F_IsAdministrator , F_EnabledMark , F_CreatorTime ,F_CreatorUserId ,F_Location , F_VenCode) SELECT '"+ NewGuid + @"',UserCode,UserName,UserName, '5130ce87-a5ed-409f-b035-9277f65e1d7f',0,1, GETDATE(),'9f2ec079-7d0f-4fe2-90ab-8b09a8302aba','" + dr["WorkPointCode"].ToString() + @"',UserCode FROM dbo.Sys_User WHERE UserCode='" +dr["UserCode"].ToString()+ "' and WorkPointCode='" + dr["WorkPointCode"].ToString() + @"'"; try { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlUser); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } string UserSecretkey = Md5.md5(Common.CreateNo(), 16).ToLower(); string pwd = Md5.md5(DESEncrypt.Encrypt(Md5.md5("123456", 32).ToLower(), UserSecretkey).ToLower(), 32).ToLower(); sqlUser = @"INSERT INTO dbo.Sys_SRM_UserLogOn ( F_Id ,F_UserId ,F_UserPassword ,F_UserSecretkey ) VALUES ( '" + NewGuid + @"','" + NewGuid + @"','"+ pwd + "','" + UserSecretkey + "')"; try { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlUser); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } } //供应商同步 sql = @"SELECT VenCode,VenName,WorkPoint FROM dbo.ICSVendor WHERE VenCode NOT IN (SELECT F_Account FROM dbo.Sys_SRM_User)"; DataTable dtVendor = SqlHelper.GetDataTableBySql(sql); foreach (DataRow dr in dtVendor.Rows) { string sqlUser = string.Empty; string NewGuid = Common.GuId(); sqlUser = @"INSERT INTO dbo.Sys_SRM_User ( F_Id ,F_Account ,F_RealName ,F_NickName , F_RoleId ,F_IsAdministrator , F_EnabledMark , F_CreatorTime ,F_CreatorUserId ,F_Location , F_VenCode) SELECT '" + NewGuid + @"',VenCode,VenName,VenName, '2691AB91-3010-465F-8D92-60A97425A45E',0,1, GETDATE(),'9f2ec079-7d0f-4fe2-90ab-8b09a8302aba','" + dr["WorkPoint"].ToString() + @"','" + dr["VenCode"].ToString() + @"' FROM dbo.ICSVendor WHERE VenCode='" + dr["VenCode"].ToString() + "' and WorkPoint='" + dr["WorkPoint"].ToString() + @"'"; try { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlUser); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } string UserSecretkey = Md5.md5(Common.CreateNo(), 16).ToLower(); string pwd = Md5.md5(DESEncrypt.Encrypt(Md5.md5("123456", 32).ToLower(), UserSecretkey).ToLower(), 32).ToLower(); sqlUser = @"INSERT INTO dbo.Sys_SRM_UserLogOn ( F_Id ,F_UserId ,F_UserPassword ,F_UserSecretkey ) VALUES ( '" + NewGuid + @"','" + NewGuid + @"','" + pwd + "','" + UserSecretkey + "')"; try { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlUser); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } } //供应商同步 } } }