 * @license 
 * Highcharts funnel module
 * (c) 2010-2014 Torstein Honsi
 * License: www.highcharts.com/license

/*global Highcharts */
(function (Highcharts) {
'use strict';

// create shortcuts
var defaultOptions = Highcharts.getOptions(),
	defaultPlotOptions = defaultOptions.plotOptions,
	seriesTypes = Highcharts.seriesTypes,
	merge = Highcharts.merge,
	noop = function () {},
	each = Highcharts.each;

// set default options
defaultPlotOptions.funnel = merge(defaultPlotOptions.pie, {
	center: ['50%', '50%'],
	width: '90%',
	neckWidth: '30%',
	height: '100%',
	neckHeight: '25%',
	reversed: false,
	dataLabels: {
		//position: 'right',
		connectorWidth: 1,
		connectorColor: '#606060'
	size: true, // to avoid adapting to data label size in Pie.drawDataLabels
	states: {
		select: {
			color: '#C0C0C0',
			borderColor: '#000000',
			shadow: false

seriesTypes.funnel = Highcharts.extendClass(seriesTypes.pie, {
	type: 'funnel',
	animate: noop,
	singularTooltips: true,

	 * Overrides the pie translate method
	translate: function () {
			// Get positions - either an integer or a percentage string must be given
			getLength = function (length, relativeTo) {
				return (/%$/).test(length) ?
					relativeTo * parseInt(length, 10) / 100 :
					parseInt(length, 10);
			sum = 0,
			series = this,
			chart = series.chart,
			options = series.options,
			reversed = options.reversed,
			plotWidth = chart.plotWidth,
			plotHeight = chart.plotHeight,
			cumulative = 0, // start at top
			center = options.center,
			centerX = getLength(center[0], plotWidth),
			centerY = getLength(center[0], plotHeight),
			width = getLength(options.width, plotWidth),
			height = getLength(options.height, plotHeight),
			neckWidth = getLength(options.neckWidth, plotWidth),
			neckHeight = getLength(options.neckHeight, plotHeight),
			neckY = height - neckHeight,
			data = series.data,
			half = options.dataLabels.position === 'left' ? 1 : 0,


		// Return the width at a specific y coordinate
		series.getWidthAt = getWidthAt = function (y) {
			return y > height - neckHeight || height === neckHeight ?
				neckWidth :
				neckWidth + (width - neckWidth) * ((height - neckHeight - y) / (height - neckHeight));
		series.getX = function (y, half) {
					return centerX + (half ? -1 : 1) * ((getWidthAt(reversed ? plotHeight - y : y) / 2) + options.dataLabels.distance);

		// Expose
		series.center = [centerX, centerY, height];
		series.centerX = centerX;

		 * Individual point coordinate naming:
		 * x1,y1 _________________ x2,y1
		 *  \                         /
		 *   \                       /
		 *    \                     /
		 *     \                   /
		 *      \                 /
		 *     x3,y3 _________ x4,y3
		 * Additional for the base of the neck:
		 *       |               |
		 *       |               |
		 *       |               |
		 *     x3,y5 _________ x4,y5

		// get the total sum
		each(data, function (point) {
			sum += point.y;

		each(data, function (point) {
			// set start and end positions
			y5 = null;
			fraction = sum ? point.y / sum : 0;
			y1 = centerY - height / 2 + cumulative * height;
			y3 = y1 + fraction * height;
			//tempWidth = neckWidth + (width - neckWidth) * ((height - neckHeight - y1) / (height - neckHeight));
			tempWidth = getWidthAt(y1);
			x1 = centerX - tempWidth / 2;
			x2 = x1 + tempWidth;
			tempWidth = getWidthAt(y3);
			x3 = centerX - tempWidth / 2;
			x4 = x3 + tempWidth;

			// the entire point is within the neck
			if (y1 > neckY) {
				x1 = x3 = centerX - neckWidth / 2;
				x2 = x4 = centerX + neckWidth / 2;
			// the base of the neck
			} else if (y3 > neckY) {
				y5 = y3;

				tempWidth = getWidthAt(neckY);
				x3 = centerX - tempWidth / 2;
				x4 = x3 + tempWidth;

				y3 = neckY;

			if (reversed) {
				y1 = height - y1;
				y3 = height - y3;
				y5 = (y5 ? height - y5 : null);
			// save the path
			path = [
				x1, y1,
				x2, y1,
				x4, y3
			if (y5) {
				path.push(x4, y5, x3, y5);
			path.push(x3, y3, 'Z');

			// prepare for using shared dr
			point.shapeType = 'path';
			point.shapeArgs = { d: path };

			// for tooltips and data labels
			point.percentage = fraction * 100;
			point.plotX = centerX;
			point.plotY = (y1 + (y5 || y3)) / 2;

			// Placement of tooltips and data labels
			point.tooltipPos = [

			// Slice is a noop on funnel points
			point.slice = noop;
			// Mimicking pie data label placement logic
			point.half = half;

			cumulative += fraction;
	 * Draw a single point (wedge)
	 * @param {Object} point The point object
	 * @param {Object} color The color of the point
	 * @param {Number} brightness The brightness relative to the color
	drawPoints: function () {
		var series = this,
			options = series.options,
			chart = series.chart,
			renderer = chart.renderer;

		each(series.data, function (point) {
			var graphic = point.graphic,
				shapeArgs = point.shapeArgs;

			if (!graphic) { // Create the shapes
				point.graphic = renderer.path(shapeArgs).
						fill: point.color,
						stroke: options.borderColor,
						'stroke-width': options.borderWidth
			} else { // Update the shapes

	 * Funnel items don't have angles (#2289)
	sortByAngle: function (points) {
		points.sort(function (a, b) {
			return a.plotY - b.plotY;
	 * Extend the pie data label method
	drawDataLabels: function () {
		var data = this.data,
			labelDistance = this.options.dataLabels.distance,
			i = data.length,
		// In the original pie label anticollision logic, the slots are distributed
		// from one labelDistance above to one labelDistance below the pie. In funnels
		// we don't want this.
		this.center[2] -= 2 * labelDistance;
		// Set the label position array for each point.
		while (i--) {
			point = data[i];
			leftSide = point.half;
			sign = leftSide ? 1 : -1;
			y = point.plotY;
			x = this.getX(y, leftSide);
			// set the anchor point for data labels
			point.labelPos = [
				0, // first break of connector
				y, // a/a
				x + (labelDistance - 5) * sign, // second break, right outside point shape
				y, // a/a
				x + labelDistance * sign, // landing point for connector
				y, // a/a
				leftSide ? 'right' : 'left', // alignment
				0 // center angle


 * Pyramid series type.
 * A pyramid series is a special type of funnel, without neck and reversed by default.
defaultOptions.plotOptions.pyramid = Highcharts.merge(defaultOptions.plotOptions.funnel, {        
	neckWidth: '0%',
	neckHeight: '0%',
	reversed: true
Highcharts.seriesTypes.pyramid = Highcharts.extendClass(Highcharts.seriesTypes.funnel, {
	type: 'pyramid'
