using ICSSoft.Common; using ICSSoft.Entity; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Linq; using System.Net.Http; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace ICSSoft.DataProject { /// /// 使用中 /// 采购模块 /// public class ICSPurchaseService { private static log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); #region 采购到货 /// /// 采购到货接口 /// /// /// /// public static void DeliveryNoticeERP(string DNCode, string WorkPoint, SqlCommand cmd, Dictionary language) { try { #region ERP string sql = @"SELECT a.VenCode+a.DepCode+y.POCode+a.MUSER AS Costre,a.VenCode,a.DepCode,y.POCode,a.MUSER,a.MTIME, a.Sequence,a.InvCode,a.Quantity,a.Amount,ISNULL(a.UnitPrice,0) AS UnitPrice,a.Currency,a.PODetailID ,a.WorkPoint,ISNULL(ext.ProjectCode, '') AS ProjectCode,CASE WHEN ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END AS BatchCode,ISNULL(ext.Version, '') AS Version,ISNULL(ext.Brand, '') AS Brand, ISNULL(ext.cFree1, '') AS cFree1,ISNULL(ext.cFree2, '') AS cFree2,ISNULL(ext.cFree3, '') AS cFree3,ISNULL(ext.cFree4, '') AS cFree4,ISNULL(ext.cFree5, '') AS cFree5,ISNULL(ext.cFree6, '') AS cFree6,ISNULL(ext.cFree7, '') AS cFree7,ISNULL(ext.cFree8, '') AS cFree8,ISNULL(ext.cFree9, '') AS cFree9,ISNULL(ext.cFree10, '') AS cFree10 INTO #TempERP FROM ICSDeliveryNotice a INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON a.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND a.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventory invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSPurchaseOrder y ON a.PODetailID=y.PODetailID AND a.WorkPoint=y.WorkPoint WHERE a.DNCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' SELECT DISTINCT Costre,WorkPoint,VenCode,DepCode,POCode,MUSER AS [User],SYSDATETIME() AS MTime FROM #TempERP SELECT Costre,Sequence,InvCode,Quantity,Amount,UnitPrice,Currency,PODetailID,ProjectCode,BatchCode,Version,Brand,cFree1,cFree2,cFree3,cFree4,cFree5,cFree6,cFree7,cFree8,cFree9,cFree10 FROM #TempERP DROP TABLE #TempERP"; sql = string.Format(sql, DNCode, WorkPoint); DataSet ds = DBHelper.SQlReturnDataSet(sql, cmd); string Inputstr = DataToJsonHelper.DataSetToJson(ds, "details", "Costre"); string resultStr = HTTPHelper.HttpPost("采购到货", ERPUrl.CreatePOArrivURL, Inputstr); Result result = new Result(); result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(resultStr); if (result.Success) { try { JArray res = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(result.Data.ToString()); foreach (var item in res) { JObject jo = (JObject)item; JArray resdetail = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo["details"].ToString()); foreach (var detail in resdetail) { JObject det = (JObject)detail; string ERPupdate = @"update ICSDeliveryNotice set DNCode='{0}',Sequence='{1}',DNID='{2}',DNDetailID='{3}' where PODetailID='{4}' AND DNType='1' AND DNCode='{5}' "; ERPupdate = string.Format(ERPupdate, jo["DNCode"], det["Sequence"], jo["ID"], det["DetailID"], det["PODetailID"], DNCode); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(ERPupdate, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo079"));//"到货单更新失败!"); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Debug(ex.ToString()); log.Debug(resultStr); } } else { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo080") + result.Message); } #endregion } catch (Exception) { throw; } } #endregion #region 采购入库 /// /// 采购入库 /// /// /// /// /// /// public static void PurchaseReceiveDoc(string LotNo, string Quantity, string WorkPoint, SqlCommand cmd, Dictionary language) { try { string sql = @"DECLARE @Status VARCHAR(10) SELECT @Status=c.Status FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSPurchaseOrder c ON b.TransCode=c.POCode AND b.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND b.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' IF (@Status IS NULL) BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo081") + @"',16,1); RETURN END ELSE IF (@Status='3') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo082") + @"',16,1); RETURN END UPDATE c SET InQuantity=ISNULL(InQuantity,0)+'{2}' FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSPurchaseOrder c ON b.TransCode=c.POCode AND b.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND b.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' IF EXISTS(SELECT a.LotNo FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSPurchaseOrder c ON b.TransCode=c.POCode AND b.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND b.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND c.Quantity /// 采购入库接口 /// /// /// /// public static void PurchaseReceiveDocERP(string TransType, string Identification, SqlCommand cmd, Dictionary language, string BusinessCode) { try { #region ERP string sql = @"SELECT c.VenCode+a.ToWarehouseCode+c.POCode+a.MUSER+CASE WHEN(LEN(f.DNID)>=20) THEN '' ELSE f.DNCode END AS Costre,c.VenCode,a.ToWarehouseCode AS WarehouseCode,c.POCode,CASE WHEN(LEN(f.DNID)>=20) THEN '' ELSE f.DNCode END AS DNCode,CASE WHEN(LEN(f.DNID)>=20) THEN '1' ELSE '0' END AS HasDN,a.MUSER,CASE WHEN(LEN(f.DNID)>=20) THEN '' ELSE f.Sequence END AS DNSequence,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY c.VenCode,a.ToWarehouseCode,c.POCode,c.PODetailID,a.InvCode) AS Sequence, a.InvCode,SUM(a.Quantity) AS Quantity,SUM(a.Quantity*(lot.Amount/lot.Quantity)) AS Amount,isnull((c.UnitPrice),0) as UnitPrice,c.Currency,c.PODetailID,con.Enable AS UpdateTodoQuantity,conn.Enable ,a.WorkPoint,ISNULL(ext.ProjectCode, '') AS ProjectCode,CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END AS BatchCode,ISNULL(ext.Version, '') AS Version,ISNULL(ext.Brand, '') AS Brand, ISNULL(ext.cFree1, '') AS cFree1,ISNULL(ext.cFree2, '') AS cFree2,ISNULL(ext.cFree3, '') AS cFree3,ISNULL(ext.cFree4, '') AS cFree4,ISNULL(ext.cFree5, '') AS cFree5,ISNULL(ext.cFree6, '') AS cFree6,ISNULL(ext.cFree7, '') AS cFree7,ISNULL(ext.cFree8, '') AS cFree8,ISNULL(ext.cFree9, '') AS cFree9,ISNULL(ext.cFree10, '') AS cFree10 INTO #TempERP FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.ToWarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSASNDetail g ON a.LotNo=g.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=g.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSDeliveryNotice f ON g.ASNCode=f.ASNCode AND g.WorkPoint=f.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSPurchaseOrder c ON b.TransCode=c.POCode AND b.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND f.PODetailID=c.PODetailID AND b.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSConfiguration con ON con.Code='Stock001' AND a.WorkPoint=con.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSConfiguration conn ON con.WorkPoint=conn.WorkPoint AND conn.Code='Escrow001' WHERE a.Identification='{0}' AND ERPUpload='0' AND BusinessCode='{1}' GROUP BY c.VenCode,a.ToWarehouseCode,c.POCode,CASE WHEN(LEN(f.DNID)>=20) THEN '' ELSE f.DNCode END,f.DNID,a.MUSER,a.InvCode,CASE WHEN(LEN(f.DNID)>=20) THEN '' ELSE f.Sequence END,c.PODetailID,isnull((c.UnitPrice),0),c.Currency,con.Enable,conn.Enable ,a.WorkPoint,ISNULL(ext.ProjectCode, ''),CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END,ISNULL(ext.Version, ''),ISNULL(ext.Brand, ''), ISNULL(ext.cFree1, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree2, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree3, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree4, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree5, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree6, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree7, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree8, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree9, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree10, '') SELECT DISTINCT Costre,WorkPoint,VenCode,WarehouseCode AS WHCode,POCode,DNCode,MUSER AS [User],SYSDATETIME() AS MTime,Enable,UpdateTodoQuantity FROM #TempERP SELECT Costre,Sequence,DNSequence,InvCode,Quantity,Amount,PODetailID,Currency,UnitPrice,ProjectCode,BatchCode,Version,Brand,cFree1,cFree2,cFree3,cFree4,cFree5,cFree6,cFree7,cFree8,cFree9,cFree10 FROM #TempERP SELECT HasDN FROM #TempERP DROP TABLE #TempERP"; sql = string.Format(sql, Identification, BusinessCode); DataSet ds = DBHelper.SQlReturnDataSet(sql, cmd); string Inputstr = DataToJsonHelper.DataSetToJson(ds, "details", "Costre"); var IsDNCode = ds.Tables[2]; if (IsDNCode == null || IsDNCode.Rows.Count != 1) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo463"));//ERP到货单只能选择启用或不启用中的一种! } string dncode = Convert.ToString(IsDNCode.Rows[0]["HasDN"]); if (dncode.Equals("")) { string resultStr = HTTPHelper.HttpPost(TransType, ERPUrl.DeliveryNoticeURL, Inputstr); Result result = new Result(); result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(resultStr); if (result.Success) { try { JArray res = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(result.Data.ToString()); foreach (var item in res) { JObject jo = (JObject)item; JArray resdetail = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo["details"].ToString()); foreach (var detail in resdetail) { JObject det = (JObject)detail; string allcol = jo["cWhCode"].ToString() + det["ProjectCode"].ToString() + det["cBatch"].ToString() + det["version"].ToString() + det["brand"].ToString() + det["cFree1"].ToString() + det["cFree2"].ToString() + det["cFree3"].ToString() + det["cFree4"].ToString() + det["cFree5"].ToString() + det["cFree6"].ToString() + det["cFree7"].ToString() + det["cFree8"].ToString() + det["cFree9"].ToString() + det["cFree10"].ToString(); ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoLogUpdate(TransType, det["DNDetailID"].ToString(), Identification, jo["ID"].ToString(), det["DetailID"].ToString(), jo["RCVTCode"].ToString(), det["Sequence"].ToString(), allcol, cmd, language, BusinessCode); } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Debug(ex.ToString()); log.Debug(resultStr); } } else { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo080") + result.Message); } } else { string resultStr = HTTPHelper.HttpPost(TransType, ERPUrl.PurchaseOrderURL, Inputstr); Result result = new Result(); result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(resultStr); if (result.Success) { try { JArray res = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(result.Data.ToString()); foreach (var item in res) { JObject jo = (JObject)item; JArray resdetail = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo["details"].ToString()); foreach (var detail in resdetail) { JObject det = (JObject)detail; string allcol = jo["cWhCode"].ToString() + det["ProjectCode"].ToString() + det["cBatch"].ToString() + det["version"].ToString() + det["brand"].ToString() + det["cFree1"].ToString() + det["cFree2"].ToString() + det["cFree3"].ToString() + det["cFree4"].ToString() + det["cFree5"].ToString() + det["cFree6"].ToString() + det["cFree7"].ToString() + det["cFree8"].ToString() + det["cFree9"].ToString() + det["cFree10"].ToString(); ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoLogUpdate(TransType, det["PODetailID"].ToString(), Identification, jo["ID"].ToString(), det["DetailID"].ToString(), jo["RCVTCode"].ToString(), det["Sequence"].ToString(), allcol, cmd, language, BusinessCode); } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Debug(ex.ToString()); log.Debug(resultStr); } } else { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo080") + result.Message); } } #endregion } catch (Exception) { throw; } } #endregion /// /// 审核的到货单(货柜) /// /// /// /// /// /// public static void DeliveryNoticeInForHG(string DocNO, string TransLine, string WorkPoint, SqlCommand cmd, Dictionary language,string quantity) { try { decimal iquantity = Convert.ToDecimal(quantity); string sql = @" IF EXISTS (SELECT ID FROM ICSDeliveryNotice WHERE RCVQuantity=Quantity AND DNCode='{0}' AND Sequence='{1}' and WorkPoint='{2}' ) BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo471") + @"',16,1); RETURN END; UPDATE ICSDeliveryNotice set RCVQuantity=RCVQuantity+{3} Where DNCode='{0}' AND Sequence='{1}' and WorkPoint='{2}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, DocNO, TransLine, WorkPoint, iquantity); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo079"));//"到货单更新失败!"); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } } #region 审核的到货单 /// /// 审核的到货单 /// /// /// /// /// /// public static void DeliveryNoticeIn(string LotNo, string Quantity, string WorkPoint, SqlCommand cmd, Dictionary language) { try { string sql = @"DECLARE @Status VARCHAR(10) SELECT @Status=c.Status FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSDeliveryNotice c ON b.TransCode=c.DNCode AND b.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND b.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND c.DNType='1' IF (@Status IS NULL) BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo081") + @"',16,1); RETURN END ELSE IF (@Status='3') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo082") + @"',16,1); RETURN END UPDATE c SET RCVQuantity=ISNULL(RCVQuantity,0)+'{2}' FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSDeliveryNotice c ON b.TransCode=c.DNCode AND b.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND b.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND c.DNType='1' IF EXISTS(SELECT a.LotNo FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSDeliveryNotice c ON b.TransCode=c.DNCode AND b.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND b.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND c.DNType='1' AND c.Quantity /// 审核的到货单接口(平库,传给SAP单据行总数) /// /// /// /// public static void DeliveryNoticeInERP(string TransType, string Identification, SqlCommand cmd, Dictionary language, string BusinessCode) { try { #region SAP(检验合格单为两层结构 一行对应一个序列号) string IsSuccess = ""; string ErrorMessage = ""; string sql = @" select A.DNCode,A.WorkPoint,SUM(B.Quantity) AS Quantity from ICSDeliveryNotice A LEFT JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog B ON B.TransCode=A.DNCode AND B.WorkPoint=A.WorkPoint where B.Identification='{0}' AND BusinessCode='2' GROUP BY A.DNCode,A.WorkPoint"; sql = string.Format(sql, Identification); DataTable dt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); if (dt.Rows.Count > 1) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo202"));//单次提交单据数量卡控(只允许一张单据) } for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { string chksql = @"select SUM(Quantity) AS Quantity,SUM(RCVQuantity) AS RCVQuantity from ICSDeliveryNotice where DNCode='{0}' and WorkPoint='{1}' GROUP BY DNCode,WorkPoint"; chksql = string.Format(chksql, dt.Rows[i]["DNCode"].ToString(), dt.Rows[i]["WorkPoint"].ToString()); DataTable chkdt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(chksql, cmd); if (Convert.ToDecimal(chkdt.Rows[0]["Quantity"]) != Convert.ToDecimal(chkdt.Rows[0]["RCVQuantity"])) { return; } sql = @"select A.DNCode, CASE WHEN SUM(Convert(decimal(18,6),A.SAPSequence)) IS NULL THEN SUM(A.RCVQuantity) ELSE SUM(Convert(decimal(18,6),A.SAPSequence)) END AS RCVQuantity,B.BatchCode from ICSDeliveryNotice A LEFT JOIN ICSExtension B ON B.ID=A.ExtensionID AND B.WorkPoint=A.WorkPoint WHERE DNCode='{0}' AND A.WorkPoint='{1}' GROUP BY A.DNCode,B.BatchCode"; sql = string.Format(sql, dt.Rows[i]["DNCode"].ToString(), dt.Rows[i]["WorkPoint"].ToString()); DataTable Sapdt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); if (Sapdt.Rows.Count == 0) { throw new Exception(string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo205"), dt.Rows[i]["DNCode"].ToString()));//单据查询失败 } SAPCallBackJYHGDCS.ZWMS_SK_WS_RUKU Client = new SAPCallBackJYHGDCS.ZWMS_SK_WS_RUKU(); SAPCallBackJYHGDCS.ZWMS_SK_WS_RUKU1 Info = new SAPCallBackJYHGDCS.ZWMS_SK_WS_RUKU1(); Info.NEWID = Identification; Info.PRUEFLOS = Sapdt.Rows[0]["DNCode"].ToString(); Info.L_LME = System.Decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(Sapdt.Rows[0]["RCVQuantity"].ToString()), 3); Info.SERNP = Sapdt.Rows[0]["BatchCode"].ToString(); Info.Z_GERNR = new SAPCallBackJYHGDCS.ZWEBS_GERNR[0]; SAPCallBackJYHGDCS.ZWMS_SK_WS_RUKUResponse result = new SAPCallBackJYHGDCS.ZWMS_SK_WS_RUKUResponse(); result = Client.CallZWMS_SK_WS_RUKU(Info); if (result.Z_NULL == "N") { IsSuccess = "N"; ErrorMessage += result.L_MESSAGE; } } if (IsSuccess == "N") { throw new Exception(ErrorMessage); } #endregion } catch (Exception) { throw; } } /// /// 审核的到货单接口(货柜,传给SAP本次入库数量) /// /// /// /// public static void DeliveryNoticeInERPHG(string TransType, string Identification, SqlCommand cmd, Dictionary language, string BusinessCode) { try { #region SAP(检验合格单为两层结构 一行对应一个序列号) string IsSuccess = ""; string ErrorMessage = ""; string sql = @" select A.DNCode,A.WorkPoint,SUM(B.Quantity) AS Quantity from ICSDeliveryNotice A LEFT JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog B ON B.TransCode=A.DNCode AND B.WorkPoint=A.WorkPoint where B.Identification='{0}' AND BusinessCode='2' GROUP BY A.DNCode,A.WorkPoint"; sql = string.Format(sql, Identification); DataTable dt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); if (dt.Rows.Count > 1) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo202"));//单次提交单据数量卡控(只允许一张单据) } for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { string chksql = @"select SUM(Quantity) AS Quantity,SUM(RCVQuantity) AS RCVQuantity from ICSDeliveryNotice where DNCode='{0}' and WorkPoint='{1}' GROUP BY DNCode,WorkPoint"; chksql = string.Format(chksql, dt.Rows[i]["DNCode"].ToString(), dt.Rows[i]["WorkPoint"].ToString()); DataTable chkdt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(chksql, cmd); if (Convert.ToDecimal(chkdt.Rows[0]["Quantity"]) != Convert.ToDecimal(chkdt.Rows[0]["RCVQuantity"])) { return; } sql = @"select A.DNCode,SUM(A.RCVQuantity) AS RCVQuantity,B.BatchCode from ICSDeliveryNotice A LEFT JOIN ICSExtension B ON B.ID=A.ExtensionID AND B.WorkPoint=A.WorkPoint WHERE DNCode='{0}' AND A.WorkPoint='{1}' GROUP BY A.DNCode,B.BatchCode"; sql = string.Format(sql, dt.Rows[i]["DNCode"].ToString(), dt.Rows[i]["WorkPoint"].ToString()); DataTable Sapdt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); if (Sapdt.Rows.Count == 0) { throw new Exception(string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo205"), dt.Rows[i]["DNCode"].ToString()));//单据查询失败 } SAPCallBackJYHGDCS.ZWMS_SK_WS_RUKU Client = new SAPCallBackJYHGDCS.ZWMS_SK_WS_RUKU(); SAPCallBackJYHGDCS.ZWMS_SK_WS_RUKU1 Info = new SAPCallBackJYHGDCS.ZWMS_SK_WS_RUKU1(); Info.NEWID = Identification; Info.PRUEFLOS = Sapdt.Rows[0]["DNCode"].ToString(); Info.L_LME = System.Decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[0]["Quantity"].ToString()), 3); Info.SERNP = Sapdt.Rows[0]["BatchCode"].ToString(); Info.Z_GERNR = new SAPCallBackJYHGDCS.ZWEBS_GERNR[0]; SAPCallBackJYHGDCS.ZWMS_SK_WS_RUKUResponse result = new SAPCallBackJYHGDCS.ZWMS_SK_WS_RUKUResponse(); result = Client.CallZWMS_SK_WS_RUKU(Info); if (result.Z_NULL == "N") { IsSuccess = "N"; ErrorMessage += result.L_MESSAGE; } } if (IsSuccess == "N") { throw new Exception(ErrorMessage); } #endregion } catch (Exception) { throw; } } #endregion #region 叉车采购入库 /// /// 叉车采购入库 /// /// /// /// /// /// public static void DeliveryNoticeForkLift(string ContainerCode, SqlCommand cmd, Dictionary language) { try { string lotsql = @" select A.LotNo,C.Quantity,B.WorkPoint from ICSContainerLot A LEFT JOIN ICSContainer B ON B.ID=A.ContainerID AND B.WorkPoint=A.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryLot C ON C.LotNo=A.LotNo AND C.WorkPoint=A.WorkPoint where B.ContainerCode='{0}'"; lotsql = string.Format(lotsql, ContainerCode); DataTable lotdt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(lotsql, cmd); if (lotdt.Rows.Count == 0) { throw new Exception("托盘号不存在或者尚未绑定条码!"); } foreach (DataRow dr in lotdt.Rows) { string sql = @" UPDATE c SET RCVQuantity=ISNULL(RCVQuantity,0)+'{2}' FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSDeliveryNotice c ON b.TransCode=c.DNCode AND b.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND b.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND c.DNType='1' IF EXISTS(SELECT a.LotNo FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSDeliveryNotice c ON b.TransCode=c.DNCode AND b.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND b.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND c.DNType='1' AND c.Quantity /// 采购拒收 /// /// /// /// /// /// public static void PurchaseRejectDocIn(string LotNo, string Quantity, string WorkPoint, SqlCommand cmd, Dictionary language) { try { string sql = @"DECLARE @Status VARCHAR(10) SELECT @Status=c.Status FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSDeliveryNotice c ON b.TransCode=c.DNCode AND b.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND b.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND c.DNType='3' IF (@Status IS NULL) BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo081") + @"',16,1); RETURN END ELSE IF (@Status='3') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo082") + @"',16,1); RETURN END UPDATE c SET RCVQuantity=ISNULL(RCVQuantity,0)+'{2}' FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSDeliveryNotice c ON b.TransCode=c.DNCode AND b.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND b.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND c.DNType='3' IF EXISTS(SELECT a.LotNo FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSDeliveryNotice c ON b.TransCode=c.DNCode AND b.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND b.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND c.DNType='3' AND c.Quantity /// 采购拒收接口 /// /// /// /// public static void PurchaseRejectDocInNewERP(string DNCode, string JDNCode, string WorkPoint, SqlCommand cmd, Dictionary language) { //try //{ // #region ERP // string sql = @"SELECT c.VenCode+a.ToWarehouseCode+c.DNCode+a.MUSER AS Costre,c.VenCode,a.ToWarehouseCode AS WarehouseCode,d.DNCode,a.MUSER,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY c.VenCode,a.ToWarehouseCode,c.DNCode,c.DNDetailID,a.InvCode) AS Sequence, // a.InvCode,SUM(a.Quantity) AS Quantity,SUM(a.Quantity*(lot.Amount/lot.Quantity)) AS Amount,isnull((c.UnitPrice),0) as UnitPrice,c.Currency,d.DNDetailID,con.Enable AS UpdateTodoQuantity // ,a.WorkPoint,ISNULL(ext.ProjectCode, '') AS ProjectCode,CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END AS BatchCode,ISNULL(ext.Version, '') AS Version,ISNULL(ext.Brand, '') AS Brand, // ISNULL(ext.cFree1, '') AS cFree1,ISNULL(ext.cFree2, '') AS cFree2,ISNULL(ext.cFree3, '') AS cFree3,ISNULL(ext.cFree4, '') AS cFree4,ISNULL(ext.cFree5, '') AS cFree5,ISNULL(ext.cFree6, '') AS cFree6,ISNULL(ext.cFree7, '') AS cFree7,ISNULL(ext.cFree8, '') AS cFree8,ISNULL(ext.cFree9, '') AS cFree9,ISNULL(ext.cFree10, '') AS cFree10,conv.Enable AS VerificationEnable // INTO #TempERP // FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a // INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint // INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint // INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint // INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint // LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.ToWarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint // INNER JOIN ICSDeliveryNotice c ON b.TransCode=c.DNCode AND b.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND b.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint // INNER JOIN ICSDeliveryNotice d ON c.PODetailID=d.DNDetailID AND d.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint // INNER JOIN ICSConfiguration con ON con.Code='Stock001' AND a.WorkPoint=con.WorkPoint // INNER JOIN ICSConfiguration conv ON con.Code='CompleteVerification' AND a.WorkPoint=conv.WorkPoint // WHERE a.Identification='{0}' AND ERPUpload='0' // GROUP BY c.VenCode,a.ToWarehouseCode,c.DNCode,d.DNCode,a.MUSER,lot.Amount,lot.Quantity,a.InvCode,d.DNDetailID,c.DNDetailID,isnull((c.UnitPrice),0),c.Currency,con.Enable,conv.Enable // ,a.WorkPoint,ISNULL(ext.ProjectCode, ''),CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END,ISNULL(ext.Version, ''),ISNULL(ext.Brand, ''), // ISNULL(ext.cFree1, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree2, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree3, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree4, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree5, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree6, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree7, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree8, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree9, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree10, '') // SELECT DISTINCT Costre,VenCode,WarehouseCode AS WHCode,DNCode,MUSER AS [User],SYSDATETIME() AS MTime,UpdateTodoQuantity,VerificationEnable,WorkPoint FROM #TempERP // SELECT Costre,Sequence,InvCode,Quantity,Amount,DNDetailID,Currency,UnitPrice,ProjectCode,BatchCode,Version,Brand,cFree1,cFree2,cFree3,cFree4,cFree5,cFree6,cFree7,cFree8,cFree9,cFree10 // FROM #TempERP // DROP TABLE #TempERP"; // sql = string.Format(sql, Identification); // DataSet ds = DBHelper.SQlReturnDataSet(sql, cmd); // string Inputstr = DataToJsonHelper.DataSetToJson(ds, "Vouchs", "Costre"); // string resultStr = HTTPHelper.HttpPost(TransType, ERPUrl.CreatePuArrivalVouchURL, Inputstr); // Result result = new Result(); // result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(resultStr); // if (result.Success) // { // try // { // JArray res = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(result.Data.ToString()); // foreach (var item in res) // { // JObject jo = (JObject)item; // JArray resdetail = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo["details"].ToString()); // foreach (var detail in resdetail) // { // JObject det = (JObject)detail; // ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoLogUpdate(TransType, det["DNDetailID"].ToString(), Identification, jo["ID"].ToString(), det["DetailID"].ToString(), jo["RCVTCode"].ToString(), det["Sequence"].ToString(), cmd, language); // } // } // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // log.Debug(ex.ToString()); // log.Debug(resultStr); // } // } // else // { // throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo080") + result.Message); // } // #endregion //} //catch (Exception) //{ // throw; //} try { #region ERP string sql = @"SELECT a.VenCode+a.DepCode+a.DNCode+a.MUSER AS Costre,a.VenCode,a.DepCode,a.DNCode,a.MUSER,a.MTIME, a.Sequence,a.InvCode,Sum(x.Quantity) AS Quantity,a.Amount,ISNULL(a.UnitPrice,0) AS UnitPrice,a.Currency,a.DNDetailID ,a.WorkPoint,ISNULL(ext.ProjectCode, '') AS ProjectCode,CASE WHEN ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END AS BatchCode,ISNULL(ext.Version, '') AS Version,ISNULL(ext.Brand, '') AS Brand, ISNULL(ext.cFree1, '') AS cFree1,ISNULL(ext.cFree2, '') AS cFree2,ISNULL(ext.cFree3, '') AS cFree3,ISNULL(ext.cFree4, '') AS cFree4,ISNULL(ext.cFree5, '') AS cFree5,ISNULL(ext.cFree6, '') AS cFree6,ISNULL(ext.cFree7, '') AS cFree7,ISNULL(ext.cFree8, '') AS cFree8,ISNULL(ext.cFree9, '') AS cFree9,ISNULL(ext.cFree10, '') AS cFree10 INTO #TempERP FROM ICSDeliveryNotice a INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON a.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND a.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSDeliveryNotice x ON a.DNDetailID=x.PODetailID AND a.WorkPoint=x.WorkPoint WHERE a.DNCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' GROUP BY a.VenCode,a.DepCode,a.DNCode,a.MUSER,a.MTIME,a.Sequence,a.InvCode,a.Amount,a.Quantity,a.UnitPrice,a.Currency,a.DNDetailID, a.WorkPoint,ISNULL(ext.ProjectCode, ''),ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, ''),ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, ''),ISNULL(ext.Version, ''),ISNULL(ext.Brand, ''), ISNULL(ext.cFree1, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree2, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree3, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree4, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree5, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree6, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree7, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree8, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree9, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree10, '') SELECT DISTINCT Costre,WorkPoint,VenCode,DepCode,DNCode,MUSER AS [User],SYSDATETIME() AS MTime FROM #TempERP SELECT Costre,Sequence,InvCode,Quantity,Amount,UnitPrice,Currency,DNDetailID,ProjectCode,BatchCode,Version,Brand,cFree1,cFree2,cFree3,cFree4,cFree5,cFree6,cFree7,cFree8,cFree9,cFree10 FROM #TempERP DROP TABLE #TempERP"; sql = string.Format(sql, DNCode, WorkPoint); DataSet ds = DBHelper.SQlReturnDataSet(sql, cmd); string Inputstr = DataToJsonHelper.DataSetToJson(ds, "Vouchs", "Costre"); string resultStr = HTTPHelper.HttpPost("采购拒收", ERPUrl.CreatePuArrivalVouchURL, Inputstr); Result result = new Result(); result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(resultStr); if (result.Success) { try { JArray res = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(result.Data.ToString()); foreach (var item in res) { JObject jo = (JObject)item; JArray resdetail = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo["details"].ToString()); foreach (var detail in resdetail) { JObject det = (JObject)detail; //ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoLogUpdate(TransType, det["DNDetailID"].ToString(), Identification, jo["ID"].ToString(), det["DetailID"].ToString(), jo["RJTCode"].ToString(), det["Sequence"].ToString(), cmd, language); string ERPupdate = @"update ICSDeliveryNotice set DNCode='{0}',Sequence='{1}',DNID='{2}',DNDetailID='{3}' where PODetailID='{4}' AND DNType='3' AND DNCode='{5}' "; ERPupdate = string.Format(ERPupdate, jo["RJTCode"], det["Sequence"], jo["ID"], det["DetailID"], det["DNDetailID"], JDNCode); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(ERPupdate, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo079"));//"到货单更新失败!"); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Debug(ex.ToString()); log.Debug(resultStr); } } else { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo080") + result.Message); } #endregion } catch (Exception) { throw; } } /// /// 采购拒收接口 /// /// /// /// public static void PurchaseRejectDocInERP(string TransType, string Identification, SqlCommand cmd, Dictionary language, string BusinessCode) { //try //{ // #region ERP // string sql = @"SELECT c.VenCode+a.ToWarehouseCode+c.DNCode+a.MUSER AS Costre,c.VenCode,a.ToWarehouseCode AS WarehouseCode,d.DNCode,a.MUSER,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY c.VenCode,a.ToWarehouseCode,c.DNCode,c.DNDetailID,a.InvCode) AS Sequence, // a.InvCode,SUM(a.Quantity) AS Quantity,SUM(a.Quantity*(lot.Amount/lot.Quantity)) AS Amount,isnull((c.UnitPrice),0) as UnitPrice,c.Currency,d.DNDetailID,con.Enable AS UpdateTodoQuantity // ,a.WorkPoint,ISNULL(ext.ProjectCode, '') AS ProjectCode,CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END AS BatchCode,ISNULL(ext.Version, '') AS Version,ISNULL(ext.Brand, '') AS Brand, // ISNULL(ext.cFree1, '') AS cFree1,ISNULL(ext.cFree2, '') AS cFree2,ISNULL(ext.cFree3, '') AS cFree3,ISNULL(ext.cFree4, '') AS cFree4,ISNULL(ext.cFree5, '') AS cFree5,ISNULL(ext.cFree6, '') AS cFree6,ISNULL(ext.cFree7, '') AS cFree7,ISNULL(ext.cFree8, '') AS cFree8,ISNULL(ext.cFree9, '') AS cFree9,ISNULL(ext.cFree10, '') AS cFree10,conv.Enable AS VerificationEnable // INTO #TempERP // FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a // INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint // INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint // INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint // INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint // LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.ToWarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint // INNER JOIN ICSDeliveryNotice c ON b.TransCode=c.DNCode AND b.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND b.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint // INNER JOIN ICSDeliveryNotice d ON c.PODetailID=d.DNDetailID AND d.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint // INNER JOIN ICSConfiguration con ON con.Code='Stock001' AND a.WorkPoint=con.WorkPoint // INNER JOIN ICSConfiguration conv ON con.Code='CompleteVerification' AND a.WorkPoint=conv.WorkPoint // WHERE a.Identification='{0}' AND ERPUpload='0' // GROUP BY c.VenCode,a.ToWarehouseCode,c.DNCode,d.DNCode,a.MUSER,a.InvCode,d.DNDetailID,c.DNDetailID,isnull((c.UnitPrice),0),c.Currency,con.Enable,conv.Enable // ,a.WorkPoint,ISNULL(ext.ProjectCode, ''),CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END,ISNULL(ext.Version, ''),ISNULL(ext.Brand, ''), // ISNULL(ext.cFree1, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree2, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree3, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree4, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree5, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree6, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree7, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree8, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree9, ''),ISNULL(ext.cFree10, '') // SELECT DISTINCT Costre,VenCode,WarehouseCode AS WHCode,DNCode,MUSER AS [User],SYSDATETIME() AS MTime,UpdateTodoQuantity,VerificationEnable,WorkPoint FROM #TempERP // SELECT Costre,Sequence,InvCode,Quantity,Amount,DNDetailID,Currency,UnitPrice,ProjectCode,BatchCode,Version,Brand,cFree1,cFree2,cFree3,cFree4,cFree5,cFree6,cFree7,cFree8,cFree9,cFree10 // FROM #TempERP // DROP TABLE #TempERP"; // sql = string.Format(sql, Identification); // DataSet ds = DBHelper.SQlReturnDataSet(sql, cmd); // string Inputstr = DataToJsonHelper.DataSetToJson(ds, "Vouchs", "Costre"); // string resultStr = HTTPHelper.HttpPost(TransType, ERPUrl.CreatePuArrivalVouchURL, Inputstr); // Result result = new Result(); // result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(resultStr); // if (result.Success) // { // try // { // JArray res = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(result.Data.ToString()); // foreach (var item in res) // { // JObject jo = (JObject)item; // JArray resdetail = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo["details"].ToString()); // foreach (var detail in resdetail) // { // JObject det = (JObject)detail; // ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoLogUpdate(TransType, det["DNDetailID"].ToString(), Identification, jo["ID"].ToString(), det["DetailID"].ToString(), jo["RCVTCode"].ToString(), det["Sequence"].ToString(), cmd, language); // } // } // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // log.Debug(ex.ToString()); // log.Debug(resultStr); // } // } // else // { // throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo080") + result.Message); // } // #endregion //} //catch (Exception) //{ // throw; //} } #endregion #region 采购退货 /// /// 采购退货 /// /// /// /// /// /// public static void PurchaseReceiveDoctNegative(string TransCode, string TransSequence, string Quantity, string WorkPoint, SqlCommand cmd, Dictionary language) { try { string sql = @"DECLARE @Status VARCHAR(10) SELECT @Status=Status FROM ICSDeliveryNotice WHERE DNCode='{0}' AND DNType='2' AND WorkPoint='{1}' IF (@Status IS NULL) BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo085") + @"',16,1); RETURN END ELSE IF (@Status!='2') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo086") + @"',16,1); RETURN END UPDATE a SET RCVQuantity=ISNULL(RCVQuantity,0)+'{2}' FROM ICSDeliveryNotice a WHERE a.DNCode='{0}' AND a.Sequence='{3}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND DNType='2' IF EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSDeliveryNotice a WHERE a.DNCode='{0}' AND a.Sequence='{3}' and a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND a.Quantity /// 采购退货(货柜) /// /// /// /// /// /// public static void PurchaseReceiveDoctNegativeHG(string TransCode, string WorkPoint, SqlCommand cmd, Dictionary language) { try { string sql = @" IF EXISTS (SELECT ID FROM ICSDeliveryNotice WHERE RCVQuantity=Quantity AND DNCode='{0}' AND WorkPoint='{1}' ) BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo471") + @"',16,1); RETURN END; UPDATE ICSDeliveryNotice SET RCVQuantity=Quantity WHERE DNCode='{0}' AND WorkPoint='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, TransCode, WorkPoint); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo088"));//"采购退货单更新失败!"); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } } /// /// 采购退货接口 /// /// /// /// public static void PurchaseReceiveDoctNegativeERP(string TransType, string Identification, SqlCommand cmd, Dictionary language, string BusinessCode) { try { #region SAP(三层结构) string IsSuccess = ""; string ErrorMessage = ""; string sql = @" select A.DNCode,A.WorkPoint,SUM(B.Quantity) AS Quantity from ICSDeliveryNotice A LEFT JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog B ON B.TransCode=A.DNCode AND B.WorkPoint=A.WorkPoint where B.Identification='{0}' AND BusinessCode='3' GROUP BY A.DNCode,A.WorkPoint"; sql = string.Format(sql, Identification); DataTable dt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); if (dt.Rows.Count > 1) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo202"));//单次提交单据数量卡控(只允许一张单据) } for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { string chksql = @"select SUM(Quantity) AS Quantity,SUM(RCVQuantity) AS RCVQuantity from ICSDeliveryNotice where DNCode='{0}' and WorkPoint='{1}' GROUP BY DNCode,WorkPoint"; chksql = string.Format(chksql, dt.Rows[i]["DNCode"].ToString(), dt.Rows[i]["WorkPoint"].ToString()); DataTable chkdt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(chksql, cmd); if (Convert.ToDecimal(chkdt.Rows[0]["Quantity"]) == Convert.ToDecimal(chkdt.Rows[0]["RCVQuantity"])) { SAPCallBackDocVPNCS.ZWMS_SK_WS_PZ Client = new SAPCallBackDocVPNCS.ZWMS_SK_WS_PZ(); SAPCallBackDocVPNCS.ZWMS_SK_WS_PZ1 Info = new SAPCallBackDocVPNCS.ZWMS_SK_WS_PZ1(); Info.NEWID = Identification; Info.DANJU = dt.Rows[i]["DNCode"].ToString(); Info.STATE = "0"; List ItemList = new List(); List ItemLineList = new List(); Info.Z_FLAG = new SAPCallBackDocVPNCS.ZWEB_RETURN[1]; sql = @"select A.DNCode,A.SAPSequence,A.InvCode,A.Sequence,A.Quantity,A.RCVQuantity ,ISNULL(B.BatchCode,'') AS BatchCode from ICSDeliveryNotice A LEFT JOIN ICSExtension B ON B.ID=A.ExtensionID AND B.WorkPoint=A.WorkPoint WHERE DNCode='{0}' AND A.WorkPoint='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, dt.Rows[i]["DNCode"].ToString(), dt.Rows[i]["WorkPoint"].ToString()); DataTable Sapdt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); foreach (DataRow dr in Sapdt.Rows) { if (Convert.ToDecimal(dr["Quantity"].ToString()) == Convert.ToDecimal(dr["RCVQuantity"].ToString())) { SAPCallBackDocVPNCS.ZWMS_PZ Item = new SAPCallBackDocVPNCS.ZWMS_PZ(); SAPCallBackDocVPNCS.ZWEBS_GERNR ItemLine = new SAPCallBackDocVPNCS.ZWEBS_GERNR(); Item.DANJU = dr["DNCode"].ToString(); Item.POSNR = dr["SAPSequence"].ToString(); Item.LINGYSL = System.Decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[0]["Quantity"].ToString()), 3); ItemList.Add(Item); if (dr["BatchCode"].ToString() != "") { ItemLine.DANJU = dr["DNCode"].ToString(); ItemLine.POSNR = dr["SAPSequence"].ToString(); ItemLine.MATNR = dr["InvCode"].ToString(); ItemLine.GERNR = dr["BatchCode"].ToString(); ItemLineList.Add(ItemLine); } } } if (ItemList.Count > 0) { Info.Z_ITEM = ItemList.ToArray(); if (ItemLineList.Count > 0) { Info.Z_GERNR = ItemLineList.ToArray(); } else { Info.Z_GERNR = new SAPCallBackDocVPNCS.ZWEBS_GERNR[1]; } SAPCallBackDocVPNCS.ZWMS_SK_WS_PZResponse result = new SAPCallBackDocVPNCS.ZWMS_SK_WS_PZResponse(); result = Client.CallZWMS_SK_WS_PZ(Info); if (result.Z_NULL == "N") { foreach (SAPCallBackDocVPNCS.ZWEB_RETURN resultItem in result.Z_FLAG) { IsSuccess = "N"; ErrorMessage += resultItem.L_MESSAGE + "/r/n"; } } } } } if (IsSuccess == "N") { throw new Exception(ErrorMessage); } #endregion } catch (Exception) { throw; } } #endregion #region 开立红字入库 /// /// 开立红字入库 /// /// /// /// /// /// public static void PurchaseReceive(string TransCode, string TransSequence, string Quantity, string WorkPoint, SqlCommand cmd, Dictionary language) { try { string sql = @"DECLARE @Status VARCHAR(10) SELECT @Status=a.Status FROM ICSPurchaseReceive a WHERE a.RCVCode='{0}' AND a.Sequence='{3}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND a.Type='2' IF (@Status IS NULL) BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo089") + @"',16,1); RETURN END ELSE IF (@Status!='1') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo090") + @"',16,1); RETURN END UPDATE a SET RCVQuantity=ISNULL(RCVQuantity,0)+'{2}' FROM ICSPurchaseReceive a WHERE a.RCVCode='{0}' AND a.Sequence='{3}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND a.Type='2' IF EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSPurchaseReceive a WHERE a.RCVCode='{0}' AND a.Sequence='{3}' and a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND a.Type='2' AND a.Quantity /// 开立红字入库接口 /// /// /// /// public static void PurchaseReceiveERP(string TransType, string Identification, SqlCommand cmd, Dictionary language, string BusinessCode) { try { #region ERP开立状态单据审核 string sql = @"IF EXISTS(SELECT b.ID FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSPurchaseReceive b ON a.TransCode=b.RCVCode AND a.TransSequence=b.Sequence AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE a.Identification='{0}' AND b.Quantity!=b.RCVQuantity) BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo093") + @"',16,1); RETURN END SELECT b.RCVID AS ID,a.MUSER AS [User],SYSDATETIME() AS MTime,con.Enable AS UpdateTodoQuantity,conStock.Enable AS UpdateStock,a.WorkPoint FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSPurchaseReceive b ON a.TransCode=b.RCVCode AND a.TransSequence=b.Sequence AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSConfiguration con ON con.Code='Stock002' AND a.WorkPoint=con.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSConfiguration conStock ON conStock.Code='UpdateStock001' AND a.WorkPoint=conStock.WorkPoint WHERE a.Identification='{0}' AND ERPUpload='0' AND a.BusinessCode = '4' GROUP BY b.RCVID,a.MUSER,con.Enable,conStock.Enable,a.WorkPoint"; sql = string.Format(sql, Identification); DataTable dt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); string Inputstr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dt); string resultStr = HTTPHelper.HttpPost(TransType, ERPUrl.PurchaseReceiveDoctNegativeURL, Inputstr); Result result = new Result(); result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(resultStr); if (result.Success) { try { foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoLogUpdate(TransType, dr["ID"].ToString(), Identification, "", "", "", "", "", cmd, language, BusinessCode); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Debug(ex.ToString()); log.Debug(resultStr); } } else { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo080") + result.Message); } #endregion } catch (Exception) { throw; } } #endregion } }