using NFine.Code; using NFine.Data.Extensions; using NFine.Domain.Entity.ProductManage; using NFine.Domain.IRepository.ProductManage; using NFine.Repository.ProductManage; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Linq; namespace NFine.Application.ProductManage { public class PreSellApp { private IICSProductRepository servicePro = new MaintainRepository(); private IICSProductPreSellRepository service = new PreSellRepository(); private IICSProductPreSellDetailRepository serviceD = new PreSellDetailRepository(); public List<ICSProductPreSellEntity> GetList(string keyword = "") { string username = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().UserName; string userID = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().UserId; string location = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; var expression = ExtLinq.True<ICSProductPreSellEntity>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword)) { expression = expression.And(t => t.PreSellNo.Contains(keyword)); } if (username != "超级管理员") { expression = expression.And(t => t.F_CreatorUserId == userID); expression = expression.And(t => t.F_Location == location); } return service.IQueryable(expression).OrderBy(t => t.PreSellNo).ToList(); } public List<ICSProductPreSellEntity> GetListZS(Pagination pagination, string keyword, string keyword2) { string username = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().UserName; string userID = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().UserId; string location = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; var expression = ExtLinq.True<ICSProductPreSellEntity>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword)) { expression = expression.And(t => t.PreSellNo.Contains(keyword)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword2)) { expression = expression.And(t => t.CustomerName.Contains(keyword2)); } if (username != "超级管理员") { expression = expression.And(t => t.F_CreatorUserId == userID); expression = expression.And(t => t.F_Location == location); } return service.FindList(expression, pagination); } public ICSProductPreSellEntity GetForm(string keyValue) { return service.FindEntity(keyValue); } public void DeleteForm(string keyValue) { service.Delete(t => t.F_Id == keyValue); } public void SubmitForm(List<ICSProductEntity> productList, ICSProductPreSellEntity ppsEntity, List<ICSProductPreSellDetailEntity> ppsdList) { if (ppsdList.Count <= 0) throw new Exception("Please select the product you want to buy"); if (productList.Count >= 2) { ICSProductEntity model = productList[0]; for (int i = 0; i < productList.Count; i++) { if (i != 0) { if (model.Other != productList[i].Other) { throw new Exception("Orders can only choose one type of diamond(Rough/Polished)."); } } } } string sql = @"SELECT TOP 1 c.ProductSN,c.Other FROM ICSProductPreSellDetail a LEFT JOIN ICSProductPreSell b ON a.PreSell_Id = b.F_Id LEFT JOIN ICSProduct c ON c.F_Id = a.Product_Id WHERE b.F_Id = '{0}' ORDER BY a.PreSellTime"; sql = string.Format(sql, ppsdList[0].PreSell_Id); DataTable d = SqlHelper.GetDataTableBySql(sql); if (d != null && d.Rows.Count > 0) { string other = d.Rows[0]["Other"].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(other)) { foreach (ICSProductEntity item in productList) { if (other != item.Other) { throw new Exception("Orders can only choose one type of diamond(Rough/Polished)."); } } } } if (ppsEntity != null) { if (ppsEntity.PreSellNo.Length <= 0) { throw new Exception("New order number can not be empty"); } else { string strSql = @"SELECT PreSellNo FROM ICSProductPreSell WHERE PreSellNo = '{0}'"; strSql = string.Format(strSql, ppsEntity.PreSellNo); DataTable dt = SqlHelper.GetDataTableBySql(strSql); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dt.Rows[0]["PreSellNo"].ToString())) //{ throw new Exception("Order number already exists"); //} //else //{ // service.Insert(ppsEntity); //} } else { service.Insert(ppsEntity); } } } foreach (ICSProductPreSellDetailEntity model in ppsdList) { string strSql = @"SELECT * FROM ICSProductPreSellDetail WHERE PreSell_Id = '{0}' AND Product_Id = '{1}'"; strSql = string.Format(strSql, model.PreSell_Id, model.Product_Id); DataTable dt = SqlHelper.GetDataTableBySql(strSql); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { throw new Exception("Data already exists"); } else { model.Create(); serviceD.Insert(model); } } foreach (ICSProductEntity model in productList) { model.Modify(model.F_Id); servicePro.Update(model); } } public void UpdateForm(ICSProductPreSellEntity ppsEntity) { service.Update(ppsEntity); } public void UpdateForm(List<ICSProductPreSellEntity> ppsList, List<ICSProductEntity> productList, string preSellId) { //if (ppsList.Count <= 0) //{ // throw new Exception("No order, please choose the order first."); //} //if (productList.Count <= 0) //{ // throw new Exception("There is no product information in the order and it cannot be confirmed."); //} //foreach (ICSProductPreSellEntity entity in ppsList) //{ // service.Update(entity); //} //foreach (ICSProductEntity model in productList) //{ // model.Modify(model.F_Id); // servicePro.Update(model); //} //string sql = @"DELETE FROM ICSProductPreSellDetail WHERE F_Id IN // ( // SELECT b.F_Id FROM ICSProductPreSell a // LEFT JOIN ICSProductPreSellDetail b ON a.F_Id = b.PreSell_Id // WHERE b.PreSell_Id <> '{0}' AND b.Product_SN IN // ( // SELECT b.Product_SN FROM ICSProductPreSell a // LEFT JOIN ICSProductPreSellDetail b ON a.F_Id = b.PreSell_Id // WHERE b.PreSell_Id = '{0}' // ) // )"; //sql = string.Format(sql, preSellId); //DbHelper.ExecuteSqlCommand(sql); } public void UpdateFormC(List<ICSProductPreSellEntity> ppsList, List<ICSProductEntity> productList) { if (ppsList.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception("No order, please choose the order first."); } if (productList.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception("There is no product information in the order and it cannot be confirmed."); } foreach (ICSProductPreSellEntity entity in ppsList) { service.Update(entity); } foreach (ICSProductEntity model in productList) { model.Modify(model.F_Id); servicePro.Update(model); } } public string GetExpiredDays(string typeName) { string ExpiredDays = "0"; string sql = @"SELECT a.F_ItemCode FROM Sys_ItemsDetail a LEFT JOIN Sys_Items b ON a.F_ItemId = b.F_Id WHERE b.F_EnCode = '{0}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, typeName); DataTable dt = SqlHelper.GetDataTableBySql(sql); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) ExpiredDays = dt.Rows[0]["F_ItemCode"].ToString(); return ExpiredDays; } public string GetPreSellNo(string presellDetialID) { string PreSellNo = string.Empty; string sql = @"SELECT a.PreSellNo FROM ICSProductPreSell a LEFT JOIN ICSProductPreSellDetail b ON a.F_Id = b.PreSell_Id WHERE b.F_Id='{0}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, presellDetialID); DataTable dt = SqlHelper.GetDataTableBySql(sql); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) PreSellNo = dt.Rows[0]["PreSellNo"].ToString(); return PreSellNo; //return service.IQueryable(expression).OrderBy(t => t.PreSellTime).ToList(); } public List<string> GetProductID(string preSellId) { List<string> PIDs = null; string sql = @"SELECT c.F_Id FROM ICSProductPreSell a LEFT JOIN ICSProductPreSellDetail b ON a.F_Id = b.PreSell_Id LEFT JOIN ICSProduct c ON b.Product_SN = c.ProductSN WHERE a.F_Id = '{0}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, preSellId); DataTable dt = SqlHelper.GetDataTableBySql(sql); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { PIDs = new List<string>(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { string pid = row["F_Id"].ToString(); PIDs.Add(pid); } } return PIDs; } public string GetOrderNo(string orderNoHead) { string sql = @"SELECT * FROM ICSProductPreSell WHERE PreSellNo LIKE '{0}%'"; sql = string.Format(sql, orderNoHead); DataTable dt = SqlHelper.GetDataTableBySql(sql); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) return dt.Rows[0]["PreSellNo"].ToString(); else return ""; } public DataTable GetSOMain(string keyword) { if (NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().UserName == "超级管理员" || (NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().UserName != "超级管理员" && NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location.ToUpper() == "SH") ) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); string sql = @"SELECT cSOCode,dDate,cBusType,cSTName,cCusName,cDepName,iTaxRate,cexch_name,iExchRate,cMemo FROM WMS_ZHENGSHI.dbo.SO_SOMain WHERE 1=1"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword)) { sql = sql + " AND cSOCode = '{0}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, keyword); } dt = SqlHelper.GetDataTableBySql(sql); return dt; } else return null; } } }