using ICSSoft.Entity; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using Newtonsoft.Json; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using ICSSoft.Common; namespace ICSSoft.DataProject { /// /// 采购订单 /// public class PurchaseOrder { private static log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); private static string connString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ERPConnStr"]; private static string ERPDB = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ERPDB"]; private static string Type = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Type"]; /// /// 查找采购订单 /// /// /// public string GET(List infos) { DataTable dt = null; DataTable dtNew = null; string connS = ""; string json = ""; if (infos.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception("传送数据为空!"); } string res = string.Empty; SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); foreach (ICSPurchaseOrder info in infos) { try { connS = string.Format(connString, info.WorkPoint); conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connS); conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; string sql = string.Empty; if (info.MTime < new DateTime(2000, 01, 01)) throw new Exception("请输入正确的操作时间:" + info.MTime); sql = @" SELECT A.CPOID,A.CVENCODE,A.CDEPCODE,A.CAPPCODE,C.CDEPNAME,D.CVENNAME,A.CMAKER,A.CMAKETIME,A.CVERIFIER,A.CAUDITTIME, B.IROWNO,B.CINVCODE ,B.IQUANTITY ,B.INUM,B.IRECEIVEDQTY,B.DARRIVEDATE,A.CEXCH_NAME,B.ITAXPRICE,B.INATUNITPRICE,B.IUNITPRICE FROM PO_POMAIN A INNER JOIN PO_PODETAILS B ON A.POID=B.POID INNER JOIN DEPARTMENT C ON A.CDEPCODE=C.CDEPCODE INNER JOIN VENDOR D ON A.CVENCODE=D.CVENCODE WHERE 1=1"; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(info.POCode)) { sql += " and a.CPOID='{0}'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(info.MTime.ToString())) { sql += " and ISNULL(b.cbCloseTime,ISNULL(a.cChangAuditTime,ISNULL(a.cAuditTime, ISNULL(a.cModifyTime, a.cmaketime))))>='{1}'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(info.User)) { sql += "and a.CMAKER='{2}'"; } sql = string.Format(sql, info.POCode, info.MTime, info.User); dt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0 || dt == null) throw new Exception("采购订单:" + info.PRCode + ",无信息!"); dtNew.Merge(dt); cmd.Transaction.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtNew); return json; } /// /// 创建采购订单 /// /// /// public string CreateICSPurchaseOrder(List infos) { int num = 0; foreach (ICSPurchaseOrder head in infos) { num = head.details.Count(); } DataTable dtNew = null; string connS = ""; string szJson = ""; DataTable dt = null; string sql = ""; if (infos.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception("传送数据为空!"); } string res = string.Empty; SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); #region 采购订单表头 foreach (ICSPurchaseOrder info in infos) { try { connS = string.Format(connString, info.WorkPoint); conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connS); conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; string[] ss = info.WorkPoint.Split('_'); ERPDB = ss[1]; Dictionary dic = DBHelper.GetAllCode("" + ERPDB + "", "PoMain", "" + num + ""); int iFatherId = Convert.ToInt32(dic["iFatherId"].ToString()); int iChildId = Convert.ToInt32(dic["iChildId"].ToString()); DateTime date = DateTime.Now; string iBaseCodeLen = DBHelper.GetAllRDCode("88", "" + date + "", "admin"); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(info.PRCode)) { sql = @"Insert Into dbo.PO_Pomain (cPOID ,dPODate ,cVenCode ,cexch_name , nflat ,iTaxRate ,iCost ,iBargain , cMemo ,cState ,cMaker ,cVerifier , POID ,iVTid ,cBusType ,iDiscountTaxType , iverifystateex ,ireturncount ,IsWfControlled ,cmaketime , cAuditTime ,cAuditDate ,iPrintCount,cDefine14, cPersonCode,cDepCode) Values ( @cPOID,CONVERT(NVARCHAR(15),GETDATE(),23),@cVenCode,'人民币', '','',0,0, '',1,'','', @POID,'','普通采购',0, 2,0,0,GETDATE(), GETDATE() ,CONVERT(NVARCHAR(15),GETDATE(),23) ,0 ,'', '',@cDepCode)" + Environment.NewLine; cmd.Parameters.Clear(); cmd.Parameters.Add("@cPOID", iBaseCodeLen); cmd.Parameters.Add("@cVenCode", info.VenCode); cmd.Parameters.Add("@POID", iFatherId); cmd.Parameters.Add("@cDepCode", "''"); } else { sql += @"INSERT INTO dbo.PO_Pomain (cPOID ,dPODate ,cVenCode ,cexch_name , nflat ,iTaxRate ,iCost ,iBargain , cMemo ,cState ,cMaker ,cVerifier , POID ,iVTid ,cBusType ,iDiscountTaxType , iverifystateex ,ireturncount ,IsWfControlled ,cmaketime , cAuditTime ,cAuditDate ,iPrintCount,cDefine14, cPersonCode,cDepCode) SELECT @cPOID,CONVERT(NVARCHAR(15),GETDATE(),23),@cVenCode ,'人民币' , '' AS nflat ,'' ,0 AS iCost ,0 AS iBargain, cMemo , '1' AS cState ,cMaker ,cVerifier , @POID ,'' AS iVTid ,'普通采购' AS cBusType ,0 AS iDiscountTaxType , 2 AS iverifystateex ,0 AS ireturncount ,0 AS IsWfControlled ,GETDATE() AS cmaketime , GETDATE() AS cAuditTime ,CONVERT(NVARCHAR(15),GETDATE(),23) AS cAuditDate ,0 AS iPrintCount ,ID, cPersonCode,@cDepCode FROM dbo.PU_AppVouch where ccode='" + info.PRCode + "'"; cmd.Parameters.Clear(); cmd.Parameters.Add("@cPOID", iBaseCodeLen); cmd.Parameters.Add("@cVenCode", info.VenCode); cmd.Parameters.Add("@POID", iFatherId); cmd.Parameters.Add("@cDepCode", info.DepCode); } cmd.CommandText = sql; try { int count = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (count <= 0) { log.Error("采购订单表头<=0;"); throw new Exception("采购订单表头败,受影响行数<=0;"); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("采购订单表头失败" + sql, ex); throw new Exception("采购订单表头失败" + sql, ex); } #endregion #region 采购订单表体 foreach (var detail in info.details) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(info.PRCode)) { sql = @" Insert Into PO_Podetails (ID,cInvCode ,iQuantity ,iNum ,iUnitPrice ,iMoney ,iTax ,iSum , iNatUnitPrice ,iNatMoney ,iNatTax ,iNatSum ,dArriveDate , iReceivedQTY ,iReceivedNum ,iReceivedMoney ,iPerTaxRate , bGsp ,POID ,iTaxPrice ,bTaxCost ,cSource ,SoType ,cupsocode , iordertype ,ivouchrowno ,bgift) VALUES ('',@cInvCode,@iQuantity,@iNum,@iUnitPrice,'','','', 0,0,'','',@dArriveDate, '','',0,'', 0,@ID,'',0,'','','' NULL,@ivouchrowno,'')" + Environment.NewLine; cmd.Parameters.Clear(); cmd.Parameters.Add("@ID", iFatherId); cmd.Parameters.Add("@cInvCode", detail.InvCode); cmd.Parameters.Add("@Code", info.PRCode); cmd.Parameters.Add("@ivouchrowno", detail.Sequence); cmd.Parameters.Add("@iQuantity", detail.Quantity); cmd.Parameters.Add("@iNum", detail.Amount); cmd.Parameters.Add("@iUnitPrice", detail.UnitPrice); cmd.Parameters.Add("@dArriveDate", detail.ArriveDate); } sql = @"INSERT INTO PO_Podetails (ID,cInvCode ,iQuantity ,iNum ,iUnitPrice ,iMoney ,iTax ,iSum , iNatUnitPrice ,iNatMoney ,iNatTax ,iNatSum ,dArriveDate , iReceivedQTY ,iReceivedNum ,iReceivedMoney ,iPerTaxRate , bGsp ,POID ,iTaxPrice ,bTaxCost ,cSource ,SoType ,cupsocode , iordertype ,ivouchrowno ,bgift) SELECT AutoID ,@cInvCode ,@iQuantity ,@iNum ,@iUnitPrice ,iMoney ,iOriTaxPrice,iOriSum , 0 ,0 ,iTaxPrice ,'' ,@dArriveDate , iReceivedQTY ,iReceivedNum ,0 ,iPerTaxRate , 0 ,@ID ,iOriTaxCost ,0 ,cSource ,SoType ,@Code , iordertype ,@ivouchrowno ,'' FROM PU_AppVouchs WHERE AutoID='" + detail.PRDetailID + "'"; cmd.Parameters.Clear(); cmd.Parameters.Add("@ID", iFatherId); cmd.Parameters.Add("@cInvCode", detail.InvCode); cmd.Parameters.Add("@Code", info.PRCode); cmd.Parameters.Add("@ivouchrowno", detail.Sequence); cmd.Parameters.Add("@iQuantity", detail.Quantity); cmd.Parameters.Add("@iNum", detail.Amount); cmd.Parameters.Add("@iUnitPrice", detail.UnitPrice); cmd.Parameters.Add("@dArriveDate", detail.ArriveDate); cmd.CommandText = sql; try { int count = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (count <= 0) { log.Error("采购订单表体<=0;"); throw new Exception("采购订单表体败,受影响行数<=0;"); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("采购订单表体失败" + sql, ex); throw new Exception("采购订单表体失败" + sql, ex); } } #endregion #region 查询 cmd.Transaction.Commit(); sql = @"select a.POID,a.cPOID,a.cVenCode,c.cVenName, a.cDepCode,d.cDepName,a.cappcode,a.cMaker, a.cmaketime ,a.cVerifier,a.cAuditDate,b.ID, b.ivouchrowno ,b.cInvCode , b.iQuantity, b.iNum, b.fPoArrQuantity, b.dArriveDate ,'人民币' ,b.iTaxPrice , b.iAppIds from po_pomain a left join PO_Podetails b on a.POID=b.POID left join Vendor c on a.cVenCode=c.cVenCode left join Department d on a.cDepCode=d.cDepCode where a.poid='{0}' "; sql = string.Format(sql, iFatherId); dt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); #endregion dtNew.Merge(dt); cmd.Transaction.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } szJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtNew); return szJson; } /// /// 审核采购订单 /// /// /// public string Approve(List infos) { List szJson = new List(); string connS = ""; if (infos.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception("传送数据为空!"); } string res = string.Empty; SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); string sql = string.Empty; foreach (ICSPurchaseOrder info in infos) { try { connS = string.Format(connString, info.WorkPoint); conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connS); conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; if (info.MTime < new DateTime(2000, 01, 01)) throw new Exception("请输入正确的操作时间:" + info.MTime); sql = @"UPDATE PO_POMAIN SET cVerifier ='" + info.User + @"' , cAuditTime=CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),GETDATE(),112),cAuditDate=GETDATE() WHERE POID='" + info.ID + "'"; sql = string.Format(sql, ERPDB); DBHelper.CmdExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd, "未查询到对应数据!"); cmd.Transaction.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } return res; } /// /// 删除采购订单 /// /// /// public string Delete(List infos) { List szJson = new List(); if (infos.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception("传送数据为空!"); } string res = string.Empty; string connS = ""; SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); string sql = string.Empty; foreach (ICSPurchaseOrder info in infos) { try { connS = string.Format(connString, info.WorkPoint); conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connS); conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; if (info.MTime < new DateTime(2000, 01, 01)) throw new Exception("请输入正确的操作时间:" + info.MTime); sql = @" DELETE PO_POMAIN WHERE POID='{0}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, info.ID); DBHelper.CmdExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd, "未查询到对应数据!"); cmd.Transaction.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } return res; } } }