using ICSSoft.Common; using ICSSoft.Entity; using Newtonsoft.Json; using NFine.Code; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Linq; using System.Net.Http; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace ICSSoft.DataProject { /// /// 使用中 /// 提交业务处理 /// public class ICSSubmitService { private static log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); private static string connString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConnStr"]; #region 源头单据信息 /// /// 源头单据信息 /// /// /// public static DataTable TransInformationGet(WMSSourceDocumentModel JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn; try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(JsonData.TransCode)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo001"));//"单据号不能为空!" } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(JsonData.TransType)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo002"));//"单据类型不能为空!" } else if (!EnumHelper.HasDescriptions(typeof(TransTypeEnum), JsonData.TransType)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo003"));//"单据类型不存在!" } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(JsonData.WorkPoint)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo004"));//"站点不能为空!" } string TransType = JsonData.TransType; #region SLQ string sqlCheck = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM {1} WHERE {2}) BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo035") + @"',16,1); RETURN END "; if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOApplyWithOutLot.GetDescription()) { sqlCheck += @" IF (select Count(A.InvCode) AS DocCount from ICSMOApply A INNER JOIN ICSInventoryDetail B ON B.INVCode=A.InvCode AND B.WHCode=A.WHCode AND B.WorkPoint=A.WorkPoint INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_ItemsDetail C ON C.F_Define1=B.LocationCode AND C.F_Define4='SAP_NOLOT' AND C.F_Define3=B.WorkPoint where A.ApplyCode='{3}' AND A.WorkPoint='{4}')=0 BEGIN RAISERROR('源头单据:{3} 对应区域不是指定的可以无条码发料的区域!',16,1); RETURN END --IF (select Count(A.InvCode) AS DocCount from ICSMOApply A -- INNER JOIN ICSInventoryDetail B ON B.INVCode=A.InvCode AND B.WHCode=A.WHCode AND B.WorkPoint=A.WorkPoint -- INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_ItemsDetail C ON C.F_Define1=B.LocationCode AND C.F_Define4='SAP_NOLOT' AND C.F_Define3=B.WorkPoint -- where A.ApplyCode='{3}' AND A.WorkPoint='{4}')!=(SELECT Count(InvCode) FROM ICSMOApply WHERE ApplyCode='{3}' AND WorkPoint='{4}') -- BEGIN -- RAISERROR('源头单据:{3} 存在发料物料区域不同,无法领料!',16,1); -- RETURN -- END "; } string sql = @"SELECT a.ID, {0} convert(varchar(100),'') AS LocationCode, convert(varchar(100),'') AS LotNo, convert(varchar(10),'') AS ToWarehouseCode, 0 AS LocationQty, 0 AS isMatched, a.InvCode, inv.InvName, inv.InvStd, a.Quantity, inv.InvUnit, a.Amount, a.WHCode, inv.AmountUnit, wh.WarehouseName AS WHName, ISNULL(ext.ProjectCode, '') AS ProjectCode, a.ExtensionID, CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END AS BatchCode, ISNULL(ext.Version, '') AS Version, ISNULL(ext.Brand, '') AS Brand, ISNULL(ext.cFree1, '') AS cFree1, ISNULL(ext.cFree2, '') AS cFree2, ISNULL(ext.cFree3, '') AS cFree3, ISNULL(ext.cFree4, '') AS cFree4, ISNULL(ext.cFree5, '') AS cFree5, ISNULL(ext.cFree6, '') AS cFree6, ISNULL(ext.cFree7, '') AS cFree7, ISNULL(ext.cFree8, '') AS cFree8, ISNULL(ext.cFree9, '') AS cFree9, ISNULL(ext.cFree10, '') AS cFree10, a.MUSER AS [User], a.MTIME AS [MTime] FROM {1} INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON a.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND a.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSWarehouse wh ON a.WHCode=wh.WarehouseCode AND a.WorkPoint=wh.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.WHCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint WHERE {2} "; #endregion bool isDeliveryNotice = false; //送货、到货、含委外 string columns = string.Empty; //查询源头单据表的特殊列名 string tableName = string.Empty; //查询源头单据表名 string where = string.Empty; //查询源头单据的过滤条件 bool isMerge = false; //合并发料 string columnsMerge = string.Empty; //合并发料查询源头单据表的特殊列名 string tableNameMerge = string.Empty; //合并发料查询源头单据表名 #region 出库 #region 采购退货 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.PurchaseReceiveDoctNegative.GetDescription()) { isDeliveryNotice = true; columns = @"a.DNCode AS TransCode, a.DNDetailID AS DetailID, a.DNType AS Type, a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.RCVQuantity AS IssueQuantity, a.Quantity, a.Amount, a.MUSER AS [User], a.MTIME AS [MTime],"; tableName = @"ICSDeliveryNotice a "; where = @" a.DNCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND a.DNType='2' "; } #endregion #region 形态转换 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.MTDOC.GetDescription()) { isDeliveryNotice = true; columns = @"a.MTDOCCode AS TransCode, a.MTDOCType AS Type, a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.MTDOCQuantity AS IssueQuantity, a.Quantity, a.Amount, a.MUSER AS [User], a.MTIME AS [MTime],"; tableName = @"ICSMTDOC a "; where = @" a.MTDOCCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' "; } #endregion #region 委外发料(合并发料) else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OutsourcingIssueDoc.GetDescription()) { isMerge = true; columnsMerge = @"mer.MergeID+'~'+b.OOCode AS TransCode, a.PickID AS DetailID, a.SupplyType AS Type, b.Sequence+'~'+a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.IssueQuantity AS IssueQuantity,"; tableNameMerge = @"ICSOOPick a INNER JOIN ICSOutsourcingOrder b ON a.OODetailID=b.OODetailID AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSMOPickMerge mer ON a.PickID=mer.SourceID AND a.WorkPoint=mer.WorkPoint"; columns = @"b.OOCode AS TransCode, a.PickID AS DetailID, a.SupplyType AS Type, b.Sequence+'~'+a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.IssueQuantity AS IssueQuantity,"; tableName = @"ICSOOPick a INNER JOIN ICSOutsourcingOrder b ON a.OODetailID=b.OODetailID AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint "; where = @" b.OOCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND a.SupplyType='3' "; } #endregion #region 委外退货 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OutsourcingReturnBack.GetDescription()) { isDeliveryNotice = true; columns = @"a.ODNCode AS TransCode, a.ODNDetailID AS DetailID, a.ODNType AS Type, a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.RCVQuantity AS IssueQuantity, a.Quantity, a.Amount, a.MUSER AS [User], a.MTIME AS [MTime],"; tableName = @"ICSODeliveryNotice a "; where = @" a.ODNCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND a.ODNType='2' "; } #endregion #region 生产发料(合并发料) else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOIssueDoc.GetDescription()) { isMerge = true; columnsMerge = @"mer.MergeID+'~'+b.MOCode AS TransCode, a.PickID AS DetailID, a.SupplyType AS Type, b.Sequence+'~'+a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.IssueQuantity AS IssueQuantity,"; tableNameMerge = @"ICSMOPick a INNER JOIN ICSMO b ON a.MODetailID=b.MODetailID AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSMOPickMerge mer ON a.PickID=mer.SourceID AND a.WorkPoint=mer.WorkPoint"; columns = @"b.MOCode AS TransCode, a.PickID AS DetailID, a.SupplyType AS Type, b.Sequence+'~'+a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.IssueQuantity AS IssueQuantity,"; tableName = @"ICSMOPick a INNER JOIN ICSMO b ON a.MODetailID=b.MODetailID AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint "; where = @" b.MOCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND a.SupplyType='3' "; } #endregion #region 销售出库(合并发料) else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.SalesShipmentDoc.GetDescription()) { isMerge = true; columnsMerge = @"mer.MergeID+'~'+a.SDNCode AS TransCode, a.SDNDetailID AS DetailID, a.Type, a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.SDNQuantity AS IssueQuantity,"; tableNameMerge = @"ICSSDN a INNER JOIN ICSMOPickMerge mer ON a.ID=mer.SourceID AND a.WorkPoint=mer.WorkPoint"; columns = @"a.SDNCode AS TransCode, a.SDNDetailID AS DetailID, a.Type, a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.SDNQuantity AS IssueQuantity,"; tableName = @"ICSSDN a "; where = @" a.SDNCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND a.Type='1' "; } #endregion #region 盘点 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.Check.GetDescription()) { #region SLQ sql = @"SELECT a.ID, {0} a.Quantity, a.SelectLevel AS LocationCode, a.Amount, a.MUSER AS [User], a.MTIME AS [MTime] FROM {1} WHERE {2} "; #endregion columns = @"a.CheckCode AS TransCode, a.ID, '' AS Type,"; tableName = @"ICSCheck a "; where = @" a.CheckCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' "; } #endregion #region 一步调拨(合并发料) else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OneStepTransferDocIn.GetDescription()) { isMerge = true; columnsMerge = @"mer.MergeID+'~'+a.TransferNO AS TransCode, a.TransferDetailID AS DetailID, '' AS Type, a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.TransferQuantity AS IssueQuantity, a.ToWarehouseCode,"; tableNameMerge = @"ICSTransfer a INNER JOIN ICSMOPickMerge mer ON a.ID=mer.SourceID AND a.WorkPoint=mer.WorkPoint"; #region SLQ sql = @"SELECT a.ID, {0} convert(varchar(100),'') AS LocationCode, convert(varchar(100),'') AS LotNo, 0 AS LocationQty, 0 AS isMatched, a.InvCode, a.EATTRIBUTE1 AS WorkPoint, inv.InvName, inv.InvStd, a.Quantity, inv.InvUnit, a.Amount, a.FromWarehouseCode AS WHCode, inv.AmountUnit, wh.WarehouseName AS WHName, a.ExtensionID, ext.ProjectCode, CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END AS BatchCode, ext.Version, ext.Brand, ext.cFree1, ext.cFree2, ext.cFree3, ext.cFree4, ext.cFree5, ext.cFree6, ext.cFree7, ext.cFree8, ext.cFree9, ext.cFree10, a.MUSER AS [User], a.MTIME AS [MTime] FROM {1} INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON a.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND a.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSWarehouse wh ON a.FromWarehouseCode=wh.WarehouseCode AND a.WorkPoint=wh.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.FromWarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint WHERE {2} "; #endregion columns = @"a.TransferNO AS TransCode, a.TransferDetailID AS DetailID, '' AS Type, a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.TransferQuantity AS IssueQuantity, a.ToWarehouseCode,"; tableName = @"ICSTransfer a "; where = @" a.TransferNO='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' "; } #endregion #region 调拨申请单(领料) else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.StepTransferApplicationIn.GetDescription()) { isMerge = true; columnsMerge = @"mer.MergeID+'~'+a.TransferNO AS TransCode, a.TransferDetailID AS DetailID, '' AS Type, a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.TransferQuantity AS IssueQuantity, a.ToWarehouseCode,"; tableNameMerge = @"ICSTransferApplication a INNER JOIN ICSMOPickMerge mer ON a.TransferDetailID=mer.SourceID AND a.WorkPoint=mer.WorkPoint"; #region SLQ sql = @"SELECT a.ID, {0} convert(varchar(100),'') AS LocationCode, convert(varchar(100),'') AS LotNo, 0 AS LocationQty, 0 AS isMatched, a.InvCode, inv.InvName, inv.InvStd, a.Quantity, inv.InvUnit, a.Amount, a.FromWarehouseCode AS WHCode, inv.AmountUnit, wh.WarehouseName AS WHName, a.ExtensionID, ext.ProjectCode, CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END AS BatchCode, ext.Version, ext.Brand, ext.cFree1, ext.cFree2, ext.cFree3, ext.cFree4, ext.cFree5, ext.cFree6, ext.cFree7, ext.cFree8, ext.cFree9, ext.cFree10, a.MUSER AS [User], a.MTIME AS [MTime] FROM {1} INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON a.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND a.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSWarehouse wh ON a.FromWarehouseCode=wh.WarehouseCode AND a.WorkPoint=wh.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.FromWarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint WHERE {2} "; #endregion columns = @"a.TransferNO AS TransCode, a.TransferDetailID AS DetailID, '' AS Type, a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.TransferQuantity AS IssueQuantity, a.ToWarehouseCode, a.EATTRIBUTE1 AS WorkPoint, "; tableName = @"ICSTransferApplication a "; where = @" a.TransferNO='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND a.Status='1' "; } #endregion #region 调拨(合并发料) else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.StepTransferDocIn.GetDescription()) { } #endregion #region 两步调出(合并发料) else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.TwoStepTransferDocOut.GetDescription()) { isMerge = true; columnsMerge = @"mer.MergeID+'~'+a.OutCode AS TransCode, a.OutDetailID AS DetailID, '' AS Type, a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.OutQuantity AS IssueQuantity,"; tableNameMerge = @"ICSOtherOut a INNER JOIN ICSTransfer tra ON a.TransferDetailID=tra.TransferDetailID AND a.WorkPoint=tra.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSMOPickMerge mer ON a.OutDetailID=mer.SourceID AND a.WorkPoint=mer.WorkPoint"; columns = @"a.OutCode AS TransCode, a.OutDetailID AS DetailID, '' AS Type, a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.OutQuantity AS IssueQuantity,"; tableName = @"ICSOtherOut a INNER JOIN ICSTransfer tra ON a.TransferDetailID=tra.TransferDetailID AND a.WorkPoint=tra.WorkPoint "; where = @" a.OutCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' "; } #endregion #region 其他出库(合并发料) else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OtherOutDoc.GetDescription()) { isMerge = true; columnsMerge = @"mer.MergeID+'~'+a.OutCode AS TransCode, a.OutDetailID AS DetailID, '' AS Type, a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.OutQuantity AS IssueQuantity,"; tableNameMerge = @"ICSOtherOut a INNER JOIN ICSMOPickMerge mer ON a.ID=mer.SourceID AND a.WorkPoint=mer.WorkPoint"; columns = @"a.OutCode AS TransCode, a.OutDetailID AS DetailID, '' AS Type, a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.OutQuantity AS IssueQuantity,"; tableName = @"ICSOtherOut a "; where = @" a.OutCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' "; } #endregion #region 领料申请单发料(合并发料) else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOApply.GetDescription() || TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOApplyWithOutLot.GetDescription()) { isMerge = true; columnsMerge = @"mer.MergeID+'~'+a.ApplyCode AS TransCode, a.ApplyDetailID AS DetailID, a.Type, a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.IssueQuantity AS IssueQuantity,"; tableNameMerge = @"ICSMOApply a INNER JOIN ICSMOPickMerge mer ON a.ID=mer.SourceID AND a.WorkPoint=mer.WorkPoint"; columns = @"a.ApplyCode AS TransCode, a.ApplyDetailID AS DetailID, a.Type, a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.IssueQuantity AS IssueQuantity,"; tableName = @"ICSMOApply a "; where = @" a.ApplyCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' "; } #endregion #region 委外领料申请单发料(合并发料) else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OOApply.GetDescription()) { isMerge = true; columnsMerge = @"mer.MergeID+'~'+a.ApplyCode AS TransCode, a.ApplyDetailID AS DetailID, a.Type, a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.IssueQuantity AS IssueQuantity,"; tableNameMerge = @"ICSOApply a INNER JOIN ICSMOPickMerge mer ON a.ID=mer.SourceID AND a.WorkPoint=mer.WorkPoint"; columns = @"a.ApplyCode AS TransCode, a.ApplyDetailID AS DetailID, a.Type, a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.IssueQuantity AS IssueQuantity,"; tableName = @"ICSOApply a "; where = @" a.ApplyCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' "; } #endregion #region 开立材料出库(合并发料) else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOIssue.GetDescription()) { isMerge = true; columnsMerge = @"mer.MergeID+'~'+a.IssueCode AS TransCode, a.IssueDetailID AS DetailID, a.Type, a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.IssueQuantity AS IssueQuantity,"; tableNameMerge = @"ICSMOIssue a INNER JOIN ICSMOPickMerge mer ON a.IssueDetailID=mer.SourceID AND a.WorkPoint=mer.WorkPoint"; columns = @"a.IssueCode AS TransCode, a.IssueDetailID AS DetailID, a.Type, a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.IssueQuantity AS IssueQuantity,"; tableName = @"ICSMOIssue a "; where = @" a.IssueCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' "; } #endregion #region 开立委外材料出库(合并发料) else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OOIssue.GetDescription()) { isMerge = true; columnsMerge = @"mer.MergeID+'~'+a.IssueCode AS TransCode, a.IssueDetailID AS DetailID, a.Type, a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.IssueQuantity AS IssueQuantity,"; tableNameMerge = @"ICSOIssue a INNER JOIN ICSMOPickMerge mer ON a.IssueDetailID=mer.SourceID AND a.WorkPoint=mer.WorkPoint"; columns = @"a.IssueCode AS TransCode, a.IssueDetailID AS DetailID, a.Type, a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.IssueQuantity AS IssueQuantity,"; tableName = @"ICSOIssue a "; where = @" a.IssueCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' "; } #endregion #region 开立红字入库单 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.PurchaseReceive.GetDescription()) { columns = @"a.RCVCode AS TransCode, a.RCVDetailID AS DetailID, a.Type, a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.RCVQuantity AS IssueQuantity,"; tableName = @"ICSPurchaseReceive a "; where = @" a.RCVCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND a.Type='2' "; } #endregion #region 开立委外红字入库单 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OutsourcingReceiveDocNegative.GetDescription()) { columns = @"a.RCVCode AS TransCode, a.RCVDetailID AS DetailID, a.Type, a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.RCVQuantity AS IssueQuantity,"; tableName = @"ICSOutsourcingReceive a "; where = @" a.RCVCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND a.Type='2' "; } #endregion #region 借用(合并发料) else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.BrrowDoc.GetDescription()) { isMerge = true; columnsMerge = @"mer.MergeID+'~'+a.BrrowCode AS TransCode, a.BrrowDetailID AS DetailID, '' AS Type, a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.BrrowQuantity AS IssueQuantity,"; tableNameMerge = @"ICSBrrow a INNER JOIN ICSMOPickMerge mer ON a.BrrowDetailID=mer.SourceID AND a.WorkPoint=mer.WorkPoint"; columns = @"a.BrrowCode AS TransCode, a.BrrowDetailID AS DetailID, '' AS Type, a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.BrrowQuantity AS IssueQuantity,"; tableName = @"ICSBrrow a "; where = @" a.BrrowCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' "; } #endregion #region 送货单 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.ASN.GetDescription()) { isDeliveryNotice = true; columns = @"asn.ASNCode AS TransCode, asn.ID AS DetailID, asn.LotNo, '' AS Type, asn.Sequence AS TransSequence, asn.DNQuantity AS IssueQuantity, asn.Quantity, asn.Quantity*(a.Amount/a.Quantity) AS Amount, asn.MUSER AS [User], asn.MTIME AS [MTime],"; tableName = @"ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSASNDetail asn ON a.LotNo=asn.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=asn.WorkPoint "; where = @" asn.ASNCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' "; } #endregion #region 委外送货单 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OASN.GetDescription()) { isDeliveryNotice = true; columns = @"asn.OASNCode AS TransCode, asn.ID AS DetailID, asn.LotNo, '' AS Type, asn.Sequence AS TransSequence, asn.ODNQuantity AS IssueQuantity, asn.Quantity, asn.Quantity*(a.Amount/a.Quantity) AS Amount, asn.MUSER AS [User], asn.MTIME AS [MTime],"; tableName = @"ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSOASNDetail asn ON a.LotNo=asn.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=asn.WorkPoint "; where = @" asn.OASNCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' "; } #endregion #endregion #region 入库 #region 采购入库 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.PurchaseReceiveDoc.GetDescription()) { columns = @"a.DNCode AS TransCode, '' AS Type, a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.Quantity, a.Amount, a.RCVQuantity AS IssueQuantity,"; tableName = @"ICSDeliveryNotice a "; where = @" a.DNCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND DNType='1' "; } #endregion #region 审核的到货单 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.DeliveryNotice.GetDescription()) { } #endregion #region 采购拒收 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.PurchaseRejectDoc.GetDescription()) { } #endregion #region 审核的委外到货单 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.ODeliveryNotice.GetDescription()) { } #endregion #region 委外拒收 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OutsourcingRejectDoc.GetDescription()) { } #endregion #region 委外退料 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.ICSOutsourcingIssueDoNegative.GetDescription() || TransType == TransTypeEnum.ICSOutsourcingIssueDoNegativeApply.GetDescription() || TransType == TransTypeEnum.ICSOutsourcingIssueDoNegativeIssue.GetDescription()) { } #endregion #region 委外入库 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OutsourcingReceiveDoc.GetDescription()) { } #endregion #region 生产退料 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOIssueDocNegative.GetDescription() || TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOIssueDocNegativeApply.GetDescription() || TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOIssueDocNegativeIssue.GetDescription()) { isDeliveryNotice = true; columns = @"a.TransCode, a.DetailID, -- a.LotNo, '' AS Type, a.TransSequence, a.IssueQuantity, a.Quantity, a.Amount, a.MUSER AS [User], a.MTIME AS [MTime],"; tableName = @" (SELECT neg.ID AS ID, neg.ApplyNegCode AS TransCode, negDetail.ID AS DetailID, negDetail.ExtensionID, '' AS Type, negDetail.Sequence AS TransSequence, negDetail.IssueNegQuantity AS IssueQuantity, negDetail.Quantity, neg.MUSER , neg.MTIME , negDetail.InvCode, negDetail.Amount, neg.WorkPoint, negDetail.SourceDetailID AS WHCode FROM ICSMOApplyNegDetail negDetail INNER JOIN ICSMOApplyNeg neg ON neg.ApplyNegCode= negDetail.ApplyNegCode ) a "; where = @" a.TransCode= '{0}' AND a.WorkPoint= '{1}' "; } #endregion #region 生产入库 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.ManufactureReceiveDoc.GetDescription()) { } #endregion #region 开立的生产入库单 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.ManufactureReceive.GetDescription()) { columns = @"a.RCVCode AS TransCode, '' AS Type, a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.Quantity, a.Amount, a.RCVQuantity AS IssueQuantity,"; tableName = @"ICSManufactureReceive a "; where = @" a.RCVCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' "; } #endregion #region 返工工单 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.ReWorkReceiveMo.GetDescription()) { } #endregion #region 销售退货 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.SalesShipmentDocNegative.GetDescription()) { columns = @"a.SDNCode AS TransCode, '' AS Type, a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.Quantity, a.Amount, a.SDNQuantity AS IssueQuantity,"; tableName = @"ICSSDN a "; where = @" a.SDNCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND Type='2' "; } #endregion #region 两步调入 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.TwoStepTransferDocIn.GetDescription()) { columns = @"a.InCode AS TransCode, a.InDetailID AS DetailID, '' AS Type, a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.InQuantity AS IssueQuantity,"; tableName = @"ICSOtherIn a INNER JOIN ICSTransfer tra ON a.TransferDetailID=tra.TransferDetailID AND a.WorkPoint=tra.WorkPoint "; where = @" a.InCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' "; } #endregion #region 销售退货-原条码 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.SalesReturnBack.GetDescription()) { columns = @"a.SDNCode AS TransCode, a.SDNDetailID AS DetailID, a.Type, a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.SDNQuantity AS IssueQuantity,"; tableName = @"ICSSDN a "; where = @" a.SDNCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND a.Type='2' "; } #endregion #region 其他入库 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OtherInDoc.GetDescription()) { columns = @"a.InCode AS TransCode, '' AS Type, a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.Quantity, a.Amount, a.InQuantity AS IssueQuantity,"; tableName = @"ICSOtherIn a "; where = @" a.InCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND Type='2' "; } #endregion #region 拆卸单 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.DisassemblyDoc.GetDescription()) { columns = @"a.DABDOCCode AS TransCode, a.DABDOCDetailID AS DetailID, a.DABDOCType AS Type, a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.DABDOCQuantity AS IssueQuantity,"; tableName = @"ICSDisassemblyDoc a"; where = @" a.DABDOCCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND a.DABDOCType='2' "; } #endregion #region 归还 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.ReturnDoc.GetDescription()) { } #endregion #endregion if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(columns) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tableName) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(where)) throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo003")); #region 判断是否启用匹配库位 string sqlCheckSign = @"select F_EnabledMark from Sys_SRM_Items where F_EnCode = 'OutWithLocationCode'and F_EnabledMark = '1'"; DataTable flag = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sqlCheckSign, cmd); if (flag != null && flag.Rows.Count > 0) //if (true) { sql = @"select * into #maintemp from (" + sql + @")a select * into #resulttemp from #maintemp truncate table #resulttemp select a.lotno,a.locationcode,a.invcode,(a.quantity-a.lockQuantity) as quantity ,a.mtime,a.warehousecode,isnull(ext.ProjectCode,'')as ProjectCode, isnull(ext.Version,'')as Version, isnull(ext.Brand,'')as Brand, isnull(ext.cFree1,'')as cFree1, isnull(ext.cFree2,'') cFree2, isnull(ext.cFree3,'') cFree3, isnull(ext.cFree4,'') cFree4, isnull(ext.cFree5,'') cFree5, isnull(ext.cFree6,'') cFree6, isnull(ext.cFree7,'') cFree7, isnull(ext.cFree8,'') cFree8, isnull(ext.cFree9,'') cFree9, isnull(ext.cFree10,'') cFree10,ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') BatchCode into #barcodetemp from ICSWareHouseLotInfo a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN (select invcode,ProjectCode,BatchCode,Version,Brand,cFree1,cFree2,cFree3,cFree4,cFree5,cFree6,cFree7,cFree8,cFree9,cFree10,WHCODE from #maintemp group by invcode,ProjectCode,BatchCode,Version,Brand,cFree1,cFree2,cFree3,cFree4,cFree5,cFree6,cFree7,cFree8,cFree9,cFree10,WHCODE) b on a.invcode = b.invcode where (a.warehousecode = b.whcode or ISNULL(b.whcode,'')='') and a.Quantity-a.lockQuantity>0 and isnull(ext.ProjectCode,'') = b.ProjectCode and isnull(ext.Version,'')=b.Version and isnull(ext.Brand,'') =b.Brand and isnull(ext.cFree1,'')=b.cFree1 and isnull(ext.cFree2,'')=b.cFree2 and isnull(ext.cFree3,'')=b.cFree3 and isnull(ext.cFree4,'')=b.cFree4 and isnull(ext.cFree5,'')=b.cFree5 and isnull(ext.cFree6,'')=b.cFree6 and isnull(ext.cFree7,'')=b.cFree7 and isnull(ext.cFree8,'')=b.cFree8 and isnull(ext.cFree9,'')=b.cFree9 and isnull(ext.cFree10,'')=b.cFree10 and ((isnull(b.BatchCode,'')<>'' and b.BatchCode =ext.BatchCode) or isnull(b.BatchCode,'') ='') BEGIN DECLARE @transSequence VARCHAR(50);--当前循环的行号 DECLARE @qty decimal(18, 4);--条码表数量 DECLARE @needqty decimal(18, 4);--本行所需数量 DECLARE @lotno VARCHAR(50);--本行所需数量 DECLARE @locationcode VARCHAR(50);--本行所在库位 DECLARE @WHCode VARCHAR(50);--本行所在仓库 DECLARE @invcode VARCHAR(50);--本行条码 DECLARE @issueQuantity decimal(18, 4); DECLARE tempCursor CURSOR FOR (select transSequence from #maintemp); --创建游标tempCursor,并定义游标所指向的集合 OPEN tempCursor; --打开游标 FETCH NEXT FROM tempCursor INTO @transSequence; --游标读取下一个数据 WHILE @@fetch_status=0 BEGIN select @needqty=Quantity,@issueQuantity=issueQuantity from #maintemp where transSequence = @transSequence PRINT @transSequence WHILE @needqty>0 BEGIN select top 1 @qty = isnull(a.quantity,0), @locationcode = isnull(a.locationcode,''),@lotno = isnull(a.lotno,''),@WHCode = isnull(a.warehousecode,''),@invcode = b.invcode from #barcodetemp a right JOIN(select invcode,ProjectCode,BatchCode,Version,Brand,cFree1,cFree2,cFree3,cFree4,cFree5,cFree6,cFree7,cFree8,cFree9,cFree10,WHCODE from #maintemp where transSequence=@transSequence)b on a.invcode = b.invcode and ((isnull(b.ProjectCode,'')<>'' and b.ProjectCode = a.ProjectCode) or isnull(b.ProjectCode,'') ='') and ((isnull(b.Version,'')<>'' and b.Version = a.Version) or isnull(b.Version,'') ='') and ((isnull(b.Brand,'')<>'' and b.Brand = a.Brand )or isnull(b.Brand,'') ='') and ((isnull(b.cFree1,'')<>'' and b.cFree1 =a.cFree1) or isnull(b.cFree1,'') ='') and ((isnull(b.cFree2,'')<>'' and b.cFree2 =a.cFree2 )or isnull(b.cFree2,'') ='') and ((isnull(b.cFree3,'')<>'' and b.cFree3 =a.cFree3 )or isnull(b.cFree3,'') ='') and ((isnull(b.cFree4,'')<>'' and b.cFree4 =a.cFree4 )or isnull(b.cFree4,'') ='') and ((isnull(b.cFree5,'')<>'' and b.cFree5 =a.cFree5) or isnull(b.cFree5,'') ='') and ((isnull(b.cFree6,'')<>'' and b.cFree6 =a.cFree6 )or isnull(b.cFree6,'') ='') and ((isnull(b.cFree7,'')<>'' and b.cFree7 =a.cFree7) or isnull(b.cFree7,'') ='') and ((isnull(b.cFree8,'')<>'' and b.cFree8 =a.cFree8) or isnull(b.cFree8,'') ='') and ((isnull(b.cFree9,'')<>'' and b.cFree9 =a.cFree9) or isnull(b.cFree9,'') ='') and ((isnull(b.cFree10,'')<>'' and b.cFree10 =a.cFree10) or isnull(b.cFree10,'') ='') and ((isnull(b.BatchCode,'')<>'' and b.BatchCode =a.BatchCode) or isnull(b.BatchCode,'') ='')ORDER BY mtime,locationcode IF(@needqty-@issueQuantity-@qty>=0 and ISNULL(@lotno, '')<>'') BEGIN insert INTO #resulttemp (id,TransCode,DetailID,Type,TransSequence,IssueQuantity,Quantity, Amount,[User],[MTime],InvCode,InvName,InvStd,InvUnit,WHCode,ToWarehouseCode,LocationCode,LocationQty,isMatched,AmountUnit,lotNo, WHName,ExtensionID,ProjectCode,BatchCode, Version,Brand,cFree1,cFree2,cFree3,cFree4,cFree5,cFree6,cFree7,cFree8,cFree9,cFree10) SELECT id,TransCode,DetailID,Type,TransSequence,IssueQuantity,Quantity, ISNULL(Amount, 0),[User],[MTime],InvCode,InvName,ISNULL(InvStd, ''),InvUnit,isnull(@WHCode,''),isnull(ToWarehouseCode,''),isnull(@LocationCode,''),@qty,1,ISNULL(AmountUnit, ''),ISNULL(@lotno, ''), WHName,ExtensionID,ProjectCode,BatchCode, Version,Brand,cFree1,cFree2,cFree3,cFree4,cFree5,cFree6,cFree7,cFree8,cFree9,cFree10 from #maintemp where #maintemp.transSequence = @transSequence delete from #barcodetemp where lotno = @lotno SET @needqty=@needqty-@qty END ELSE if(@needqty-@issueQuantity-@qty<0 and ISNULL(@lotno, '')<>''and @needqty-@issueQuantity>0) BEGIN insert INTO #resulttemp (id,TransCode,DetailID,Type,TransSequence,IssueQuantity,Quantity, Amount,[User],[MTime],InvCode,InvName,InvStd,InvUnit,WHCode,ToWarehouseCode,LocationCode,LocationQty,isMatched,AmountUnit,lotno, WHName,ExtensionID,ProjectCode,BatchCode, Version,Brand,cFree1,cFree2,cFree3,cFree4,cFree5,cFree6,cFree7,cFree8,cFree9,cFree10) SELECT id,TransCode,DetailID,Type,TransSequence,IssueQuantity,Quantity, ISNULL(Amount, 0),[User],[MTime],InvCode,InvName,ISNULL(InvStd, ''),InvUnit,isnull(@WHCode,''),isnull(ToWarehouseCode,''),isnull(@LocationCode,''),case WHEN ISNULL(@qty, 0)=0 THEN 0 else @needqty-@issueQuantity end ,1,ISNULL(AmountUnit, ''),ISNULL(@lotno, ''), WHName,ExtensionID,ProjectCode,BatchCode, Version,Brand,cFree1,cFree2,cFree3,cFree4,cFree5,cFree6,cFree7,cFree8,cFree9,cFree10 from #maintemp where #maintemp.transSequence = @transSequence update #barcodetemp set quantity = @qty-@needqty+-@issueQuantity where lotno = @lotno SET @needqty=@needqty-@issueQuantity-@qty END ELSE BEGIN insert INTO #resulttemp (id,TransCode,DetailID,Type,TransSequence,IssueQuantity,Quantity, Amount,[User],[MTime],InvCode,InvName,InvStd,InvUnit,WHCode,ToWarehouseCode,LocationCode,LocationQty,isMatched,AmountUnit,lotno, WHName,ExtensionID,ProjectCode,BatchCode, Version,Brand,cFree1,cFree2,cFree3,cFree4,cFree5,cFree6,cFree7,cFree8,cFree9,cFree10) SELECT id,TransCode,DetailID,Type,TransSequence,IssueQuantity,Quantity, ISNULL(Amount, 0),[User],[MTime],InvCode,InvName,ISNULL(InvStd, ''),InvUnit,isnull(@WHCode,''),isnull(ToWarehouseCode,''),isnull(@LocationCode,''),0 ,1,ISNULL(AmountUnit, ''),ISNULL(@lotno, ''), WHName,ExtensionID,ProjectCode,BatchCode, Version,Brand,cFree1,cFree2,cFree3,cFree4,cFree5,cFree6,cFree7,cFree8,cFree9,cFree10 from #maintemp where #maintemp.transSequence = @transSequence SET @needqty=0 END END FETCH NEXT FROM tempCursor INTO @transSequence; END CLOSE tempCursor DEALLOCATE tempCursor END select id,TransCode,DetailID,Type,TransSequence,IssueQuantity,Quantity, [User],[MTime],InvCode,InvName,InvStd,InvUnit,WHCode,ToWarehouseCode,LocationCode,sum(LocationQty)as LocationQty,isMatched,AmountUnit,--lotno, WHName,ExtensionID,ProjectCode,BatchCode, Version,Brand,cFree1,cFree2,cFree3,cFree4,cFree5,cFree6,cFree7,cFree8,cFree9,cFree10 from #resulttemp GROUP BY id,TransCode,DetailID,Type,TransSequence,IssueQuantity,Quantity, [User],[MTime],InvCode,InvName,InvStd,InvUnit,WHCode,ToWarehouseCode,LocationCode,isMatched,AmountUnit,--lotno, WHName,ExtensionID,ProjectCode,BatchCode, Version,Brand,cFree1,cFree2,cFree3,cFree4,cFree5,cFree6,cFree7,cFree8,cFree9,cFree10 ORDER BY locationcode ASC ,InvCode ASC DROP table #maintemp DROP table #resulttemp DROP table #barcodetemp"; } #endregion if (isDeliveryNotice)//送货、到货、含委外 { #region SLQ sql = sqlCheck + @"SELECT a.ID, {0} a.InvCode, inv.InvName, inv.InvStd, inv.InvUnit, '' AS WHCode, inv.AmountUnit, '' AS WHName, a.ExtensionID, ext.ProjectCode, CASE WHEN ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ext.BatchCode ELSE '' END AS BatchCode, ext.Version, ext.Brand, ext.cFree1, ext.cFree2, ext.cFree3, ext.cFree4, ext.cFree5, ext.cFree6, ext.cFree7, ext.cFree8, ext.cFree9, ext.cFree10 FROM {1} INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON a.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND a.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint WHERE {2} "; #endregion } else if (isMerge)//合并发料 { #region SLQ string sqlMerge = "SELECT ID FROM ICSMOPickMerge WHERE MergeID='" + JsonData.TransCode + "' AND WorkPoint='" + JsonData.WorkPoint + "'"; DataTable sign = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sqlMerge, cmd); if (sign != null && sign.Rows.Count > 0) { string whereMerge = string.Format("mer.MergeID='{0}' AND mer.WorkPoint='{1}'", JsonData.TransCode, JsonData.WorkPoint); sql = string.Format(sql, columnsMerge, tableNameMerge, whereMerge, JsonData.TransCode, JsonData.WorkPoint); } else { sql = @" BEGIN IF EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM {1} INNER JOIN ICSMOPickMerge c ON a.ID=c.SourceID AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE {2}) BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo194") + @"',16,1); RETURN END " + sqlCheck + sql + @" END"; } #endregion } else { sql = sqlCheck + sql; } where = string.Format(where, JsonData.TransCode, JsonData.WorkPoint); sql = string.Format(sql, columns, tableName, where, JsonData.TransCode, JsonData.WorkPoint); DataTable table = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); return table; } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } #endregion #region 料架信息 /// /// 料架验证 /// /// /// public static Result ContainerCheck(ICSContainerInfo JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); DataTable table = new DataTable(); string msg = ""; using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn; try { string TransType = JsonData.TransType; string ContainerID = ""; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(JsonData.ContainerCode)) { msg = string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo007"));//"传入数据为空!" } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(JsonData.WorkPoint)) { msg = string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo004"));//"站点不能为空!" } if (TransType != TransTypeEnum.ContainerBind.GetDescription() && TransType != TransTypeEnum.ContainerUnBind.GetDescription()) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo210"));//"操作类型错误!" } string chksql = @"select ID,ContainerCode from ICSContainer where ContainerCode='{0}' AND WorkPoint='{1}'"; chksql = string.Format(chksql, JsonData.ContainerCode, JsonData.WorkPoint); DataTable chkdt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(chksql, cmd); if (chkdt.Rows.Count == 0) { msg = string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo211"), JsonData.ContainerCode);//"容器不存在!" } else { ContainerID = chkdt.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString(); } if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.ContainerBind.GetDescription()) { chksql = @" select C.LotNo from ICSContainer A INNER JOIN ICSContainerLot B ON B.ContainerID=A.ID AND B.WorkPoint=A.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo C ON C.LotNo=B.LotNo AND C.WorkPoint=B.WorkPoint WHERE A.ContainerCode='{0}' AND A.WorkPoint='{1}'"; chksql = string.Format(chksql, JsonData.ContainerCode, JsonData.WorkPoint); chkdt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(chksql, cmd); if (chkdt.Rows.Count != 0) { msg = string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo212"), JsonData.ContainerCode);//"容器已入库!" } } else { chksql = @"select LotNo from ICSContainerLot where ContainerID='{0}' AND WorkPoint='{1}'"; chksql = string.Format(chksql, ContainerID, JsonData.WorkPoint); chkdt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(chksql, cmd); if (chkdt.Rows.Count == 0) { msg = string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo213"), JsonData.ContainerCode);//"容器未绑定条码!" } else { string sql = @"SELECT a.ID, con.ContainerCode, con.ContainerName, a.LotNo, a.InvCode, inv.InvName, inv.InvStd, a.Quantity, con.LocationCode FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a LEFT JOIN ICSContainerLot conlot ON a.LotNo=conlot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=conlot.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSContainer con ON conlot.ContainerID=con.ID AND conlot.WorkPoint=con.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint WHERE bom.ContainerCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' "; sql = string.Format(sql, JsonData.ContainerCode, JsonData.WorkPoint); log.Info("条码sql:" + sql); table = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); } } Result res = new Result(); if (msg == "") { if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.ContainerBind.GetDescription()) { res.Success = true; res.Message = msg;// "接口调用成功!"; } else { res.Success = true; res.Message = msg;// "接口调用成功!"; res.Data = table; } } else { res.Success = false; res.Message = msg;// "返回错误信息!"; } return res; } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } #endregion #region 获取推荐库位 /// /// 料架验证 /// /// /// public static Result LocationRecommend(ICSLocationRecommend JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); DataTable table = new DataTable(); string msg = ""; using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn; try { string ContainerID = ""; Result res = new Result(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(JsonData.WorkPoint)) { msg = string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo004"));//"站点不能为空!" } string chksql = ""; DataTable chkdt = new DataTable(); if (JsonData.NeedMerge == false) { chksql = @" select TOP 1 LocationCode from ICSLocation where ISNULL(EATTRIBUTE2,'')!='' AND ISNULL(EATTRIBUTE1,'')='' AND WorkPoint='{0}' Order by EATTRIBUTE2"; chksql = string.Format(chksql, JsonData.WorkPoint); chkdt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(chksql, cmd); if (chkdt.Rows.Count == 0) { res.Success = false; res.Message = string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo202"));//"库位已被全部占用,暂无可以入库的库位!" } else { res.Success = true; res.Message = chkdt.Rows[0]["LocationCode"].ToString(); } } else { chksql = @" select TOP 1 MergeLocationCode AS LocationCode from ICSLocationMerge A INNER JOIN ICSLocation B ON B.LocationCode=A.LocationCode AND B.WorkPoint=A.WorkPoint where ISNULL(B.EATTRIBUTE2,'')!='' AND ISNULL(B.EATTRIBUTE1,'')='' AND ISNULL(A.IsOccupied,'0')='0' AND ISNULL(A.OccupiedPallet,'')='' AND A.WorkPoint='{0}' Order by B.EATTRIBUTE2"; chksql = string.Format(chksql, ContainerID, JsonData.WorkPoint); chkdt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(chksql, cmd); if (chkdt.Rows.Count == 0) { res.Success = false; res.Message = string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo202"));//"库位已被全部占用,暂无可以入库的库位!" } else { res.Success = true; res.Message = chkdt.Rows[0]["LocationCode"].ToString(); } } return res; } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } #endregion #region 验证条码及库位对应关系是否符合单据要求 #endregion #region 条码信息 /// /// 条码信息 /// /// /// public static Result BarCodeInformationGet(BarCodeModel JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); DataTable table = new DataTable(); using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn; try { string ScanType = DBHelper.ScanTypeCheck(JsonData.Code, JsonData.WorkPoint, cmd); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(JsonData.Code)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo005"));//"条码不能为空!" } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(JsonData.TransType)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo002"));//"单据类型不能为空!" } else if (!EnumHelper.HasDescriptions(typeof(TransTypeEnum), JsonData.TransType)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo003"));//"单据类型不存在!" } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(JsonData.WorkPoint)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo004"));//"站点不能为空!" } string TransType = JsonData.TransType; string sql = ""; string LotTypesql = ""; string Losql = ""; string sqlNew = ""; string LotType = ""; string LotDetail = ""; string con = ""; #region SLQ if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.LocationSeatch.GetDescription()) { //Losql = @"SELECT a.ID, // con.ContainerCode, // con.ContainerName, // a.LotNo, // a.InvCode, // inv.InvName, // inv.InvStd, // inv.InvUnit, // inv.LotEnable, // {0} // inv.AmountUnit, // ext.ID AS ExtensionID, // ext.ProjectCode, // ext.Version, // ext.Brand, // ext.cFree1, // ext.cFree2, // ext.cFree3, // ext.cFree4, // ext.cFree5, // ext.cFree6, // ext.cFree7, // ext.cFree8, // ext.cFree9, // ext.cFree10, // a.MUSER AS [User], // a.MTIME AS [MTime] // FROM {1} // LEFT JOIN ICSContainerLot conlot ON a.LotNo=conlot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=conlot.WorkPoint // LEFT JOIN ICSContainer con ON conlot.ContainerID=con.ID AND conlot.WorkPoint=con.WorkPoint // INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint // WHERE a.Quantity>0 and a.WorkPoint='{3}'"; Losql = @"DECLARE @aa VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @bb VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @cc VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @b VARCHAR(MAX) set @b = 'SELECT a.ID,con.ContainerCode,con.ContainerName,a.LotNo,a.InvCode, inv.InvName, inv.InvStd, inv.InvUnit, inv.LotEnable, s.WarehouseCode,sum(a.Quantity) as Qty,s.sumQty, inv.AmountUnit, ext.ID AS ExtensionID, ext.ProjectCode, ext.Version, ext.Brand, ext.cFree1, ext.cFree2, ext.cFree3, ext.cFree4, ext.cFree5, ext.cFree6, ext.cFree7, ext.cFree8, ext.cFree9, ext.cFree10, a.MUSER AS [User], a.MTIME AS [MTime] FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a LEFT JOIN ICSLocation b ON a.LocationCode = b.LocationCode and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN (select SUM(Quantity) AS sumQty,WarehouseCode,INVCode from ICSWareHouseLotInfo group by WarehouseCode,INVCode)s ON a.INVCode=s.INVCode LEFT JOIN ICSContainerLot conlot ON a.LotNo=conlot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=conlot.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSContainer con ON conlot.ContainerID=con.ID AND conlot.WorkPoint=con.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint WHERE a.Quantity>0 and a.WorkPoint=''{3}'' and' select @aa=id from ICSWareHouseLotInfo where LotNo='{2}' IF @aa IS NOT NULL BEGIN set @b = @b+' lot.invcode IN(SELECT invcode FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo where LotNo=''{2}'') group by a.ID,con.ContainerCode,con.ContainerName,a.LotNo,a.InvCode,inv.InvName,inv.InvStd,inv.InvUnit,inv.LotEnable,s.WarehouseCode, inv.INVCODE,inv.INVNAME,inv.INVSTD,s.sumQty,inv.AmountUnit, ext.ID,ext.ProjectCode,ext.Version,ext.Brand,ext.cFree1,ext.cFree2,ext.cFree3,ext.cFree4,ext.cFree5,ext.cFree6,ext.cFree7,ext.cFree8,ext.cFree9,ext.cFree10,a.MUSER ,a.MTIME ' END select @bb=id from ICSLocation where LocationCode='{2}' IF @bb IS not NULL BEGIN set @b = @b+' a.WarehouseCode=s.WarehouseCode and a.LocationCode=''{2}'' group by a.ID,con.ContainerCode,con.ContainerName,a.LotNo,a.InvCode,inv.InvName,inv.InvStd,inv.InvUnit,inv.LotEnable,s.WarehouseCode, inv.INVCODE,inv.INVNAME,inv.INVSTD,s.sumQty,inv.AmountUnit, ext.ID,ext.ProjectCode,ext.Version,ext.Brand,ext.cFree1,ext.cFree2,ext.cFree3,ext.cFree4,ext.cFree5,ext.cFree6,ext.cFree7,ext.cFree8,ext.cFree9,ext.cFree10,a.MUSER ,a.MTIME' END select @cc=id from ICSInventory where invcode='{2}' IF @cc IS not NULL BEGIN set @b = @b+' a.WarehouseCode=s.WarehouseCode and inv.invcode=''{2}'' group by a.ID,con.ContainerCode,con.ContainerName,a.LotNo,a.InvCode,inv.InvName,inv.InvStd,inv.InvUnit,inv.LotEnable,s.WarehouseCode, inv.INVCODE,inv.INVNAME,inv.INVSTD,s.sumQty,inv.AmountUnit, ext.ID,ext.ProjectCode,ext.Version,ext.Brand,ext.cFree1,ext.cFree2,ext.cFree3,ext.cFree4,ext.cFree5,ext.cFree6,ext.cFree7,ext.cFree8,ext.cFree9,ext.cFree10,a.MUSER ,a.MTIME' END exec(@b) "; } else { if (ScanType == "LOTNO") { sql = @"SELECT a.ID, con.ContainerCode, con.ContainerName, a.LotNo, a.InvCode, inv.InvName, inv.InvStd, inv.InvUnit, inv.LotEnable, {0} inv.AmountUnit, {5} ext.ID AS ExtensionID, ext.ProjectCode, ext.Version, ext.Brand, ext.cFree1, ext.cFree2, ext.cFree3, ext.cFree4, ext.cFree5, ext.cFree6, ext.cFree7, ext.cFree8, ext.cFree9, ext.cFree10, a.MUSER AS [User], a.MTIME AS [MTime] FROM {1} LEFT JOIN ICSContainerLot conlot ON a.LotNo=conlot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=conlot.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSContainer con ON conlot.ContainerID=con.ID AND conlot.WorkPoint=con.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint {4} WHERE a.LotNo='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint='{3}' "; } else { sql = @"SELECT a.ID, con.ContainerCode, con.ContainerName, a.LotNo, a.InvCode, inv.InvName, inv.InvStd, inv.InvUnit, {0} inv.AmountUnit, ext.ID AS ExtensionID, ext.ProjectCode, ext.Version, ext.Brand, ext.cFree1, ext.cFree2, ext.cFree3, ext.cFree4, ext.cFree5, ext.cFree6, ext.cFree7, ext.cFree8, ext.cFree9, ext.cFree10, a.MUSER AS [User], a.MTIME AS [MTime] FROM {1} LEFT JOIN ICSContainerLot conlot ON a.LotNo=conlot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=conlot.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSBomALL bom ON bom.ID=conlot.ContainerID LEFT JOIN ICSContainer con ON conlot.ContainerID=con.ID AND conlot.WorkPoint=con.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint WHERE bom.ContainerCode='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint='{3}' "; } } #endregion bool isOut = false; //出库标记 string columns = string.Empty; //查询源头单据表的特殊列名 string columnsWHNAME = string.Empty; string columnsWHCODE = string.Empty; string tableName = string.Empty; //查询源头单据表名 string where = string.Empty; //排序 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.PurchaseReceiveDoctNegative.GetDescription() //采购退货 || TransType == TransTypeEnum.OutsourcingIssueDoc.GetDescription() //委外发料 || TransType == TransTypeEnum.OutsourcingReturnBack.GetDescription() //委外退货 || TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOIssueDoc.GetDescription() //生产发料 || TransType == TransTypeEnum.SalesShipmentDoc.GetDescription() //销售出库 || TransType == TransTypeEnum.OneStepTransferDocIn.GetDescription() //一步调拨 || TransType == TransTypeEnum.StepTransferDocIn.GetDescription() //调拨 || TransType == TransTypeEnum.TwoStepTransferDocOut.GetDescription() //两步调出 || TransType == TransTypeEnum.OtherOutDoc.GetDescription() //其他出库 || TransType == TransTypeEnum.Check.GetDescription() //盘点 || TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOApply.GetDescription() //领料申请单 || TransType == TransTypeEnum.OOApply.GetDescription() //委外领料申请单 || TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOIssue.GetDescription() //开立材料出库单 || TransType == TransTypeEnum.OOIssue.GetDescription() //开立委外材料出库单 || TransType == TransTypeEnum.PurchaseReceive.GetDescription() //开立红字入库单 || TransType == TransTypeEnum.OutsourcingReceiveDocNegative.GetDescription()//开立委外红字入库单 || TransType == TransTypeEnum.BrrowDoc.GetDescription() //借用 || TransType == TransTypeEnum.TransferLibrary.GetDescription() //移库 //|| TransType == TransTypeEnum.DisassemblyDoc.GetDescription() //拆卸单(散件生成条码入库) || TransType == TransTypeEnum.MTDOC.GetDescription() ) { isOut = true; } //库位查询 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.LocationSeatch.GetDescription()) { // Losql = @"" + Losql + "group by a.ID,con.ContainerCode,con.ContainerName,a.LotNo,a.InvCode,inv.InvName,inv.InvStd,inv.InvUnit,inv.LotEnable,s.WarehouseCode, inv.INVCODE,inv.INVNAME,inv.INVSTD,s.sumQty,inv.AmountUnit,ext.ID,ext.ProjectCode,ext.Version,ext.Brand, " + // "ext.cFree1,ext.cFree2,ext.cFree3,ext.cFree4,ext.cFree5,ext.cFree6,ext.cFree7,ext.cFree8,ext.cFree9,ext.cFree10,a.MUSER ,a.MTIME"; // columns = @"s.WarehouseCode, inv.INVCODE,inv.INVNAME,inv.INVSTD,sum(a.Quantity) as Qty,s.sumQty,"; // tableName = @"ICSWareHouseLotInfo a //LEFT JOIN ICSLocation b ON a.LocationCode = b.LocationCode and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint //INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint //INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint //LEFT JOIN (select SUM(Quantity) AS sumQty,WarehouseCode,INVCode from ICSWareHouseLotInfo group by WarehouseCode,INVCode)s //ON a.INVCode=s.INVCode "; } else { //两步调入条码 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.TwoStepTransferDocIn.GetDescription()) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(JsonData.TransCode)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo001"));//"单据号不能为空!" } if (ScanType == "LOTNO") { sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSOtherIn Otin INNER JOIN ICSTransfer tra ON Otin.TransferDetailID=tra.TransferDetailID AND Otin.WorkPoint=tra.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSOtherOut out ON out.TransferDetailID=tra.TransferDetailID AND out.WorkPoint=tra.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog log ON out.OutCode=log.TransCode AND out.Sequence=log.TransSequence AND out.WorkPoint=log.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo a ON a.LotNo=log.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=log.WorkPoint WHERE a.LotNo='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint='{3}' AND Otin.InCode = '" + JsonData.TransCode + @"') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo036") + @"',16,1); RETURN END " + sql + "AND Otin.InCode = '" + JsonData.TransCode + @"' GROUP BY a.ID,con.ContainerCode,con.ContainerName,a.LotNo,a.InvCode,inv.InvName,inv.InvStd,inv.InvUnit,inv.EATTRIBUTE1,a.WarehouseCode, wh.WarehouseName,a.LocationCode,loc.LocationName,CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END,inv.AmountUnit, ext.ID,ext.ProjectCode,ext.Version,ext.Brand,ext.cFree1,ext.cFree2,ext.cFree3,ext.cFree4,ext.cFree5,ext.cFree6,ext.cFree7,ext.cFree8,ext.cFree9,ext.cFree10,a.MUSER,a.MTIME"; columns = @"SUM(log.Quantity) AS Quantity, SUM(log.Quantity*(lot.Amount/lot.Quantity)) AS Amount, a.WarehouseCode AS WHCode, wh.WarehouseName AS WHName, a.LocationCode, loc.LocationName, CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END AS BatchCode,"; tableName = @"ICSOtherIn Otin INNER JOIN ICSTransfer tra ON Otin.TransferDetailID=tra.TransferDetailID AND Otin.WorkPoint=tra.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSOtherOut out ON out.TransferDetailID=tra.TransferDetailID AND out.WorkPoint=tra.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog log ON out.OutCode=log.TransCode AND out.Sequence=log.TransSequence AND out.WorkPoint=log.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo a ON a.LotNo=log.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=log.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWarehouse wh ON a.WarehouseCode=wh.WarehouseCode AND a.WorkPoint=wh.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSLocation loc ON a.LocationCode=loc.LocationCode AND a.WorkPoint=loc.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.WarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint"; } else { sql = @"WITH ICSBomALL AS ( SELECT ContainerCode AS TContainerCode, ContainerCode AS PContainerCode, ContainerCode AS ContainerCode, ID, ContainerID, 0 AS [Level], CAST(1 AS nvarchar(MAX)) AS SortSeq, CAST('00001' AS nvarchar(MAX)) AS Sort FROM ICSContainer WHERE ContainerCode='{2}' UNION ALL SELECT b.TContainerCode, b.ContainerCode AS PContainerCode, a.ContainerCode, a.ID, a.ContainerID, b.[Level]+1 AS [Level], CAST(b.SortSeq AS nvarchar(MAX))+'.'+CAST(row_number() over (order by a.ContainerCode) AS nvarchar(MAX)) AS SortSeq, CAST(b.Sort+'.'+REPLICATE('0',5-len(row_number() over (order by a.ContainerCode)))+CAST(row_number() over (order by a.ContainerCode) AS nvarchar(MAX)) AS nvarchar(MAX)) AS Sort FROM ICSContainer a INNER JOIN ICSBomALL b ON a.ID=b.ContainerID ) " + sql + "AND Otin.InCode = '" + JsonData.TransCode + @"' GROUP BY a.ID,con.ContainerCode,con.ContainerName,a.LotNo,a.InvCode,inv.InvName,inv.InvStd,inv.InvUnit,inv.EATTRIBUTE1,a.WarehouseCode, wh.WarehouseName,a.LocationCode,loc.LocationName,CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END,inv.AmountUnit, ext.ID,ext.ProjectCode,ext.Version,ext.Brand,ext.cFree1,ext.cFree2,ext.cFree3,ext.cFree4,ext.cFree5,ext.cFree6,ext.cFree7,ext.cFree8,ext.cFree9,ext.cFree10,a.MUSER,a.MTIME"; columns = @"SUM(log.Quantity) AS Quantity, SUM(log.Quantity*(lot.Amount/lot.Quantity)) AS Amount, a.WarehouseCode AS WHCode, wh.WarehouseName AS WHName, a.LocationCode, loc.LocationName, CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END AS BatchCode,"; tableName = @"ICSOtherIn Otin INNER JOIN ICSTransfer tra ON Otin.TransferDetailID=tra.TransferDetailID AND Otin.WorkPoint=tra.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSOtherOut out ON out.TransferDetailID=tra.TransferDetailID AND out.WorkPoint=tra.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog log ON out.OutCode=log.TransCode AND out.Sequence=log.TransSequence AND out.WorkPoint=log.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo a ON a.LotNo=log.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=log.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWarehouse wh ON a.WarehouseCode=wh.WarehouseCode AND a.WorkPoint=wh.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSLocation loc ON a.LocationCode=loc.LocationCode AND a.WorkPoint=loc.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.WarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint"; } } //销售退货-原条码(可支持一个条码多次发货,汇总数量,目前加了限制:785-793行) else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.SalesReturnBack.GetDescription()) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(JsonData.TransCode)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo001"));//"单据号不能为空!" } if (ScanType == "LOTNO") { sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSSDN sdn INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog log ON sdn.SDNCode=log.TransCode AND sdn.Sequence=log.TransSequence AND sdn.WorkPoint=log.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo a ON a.LotNo=log.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=log.WorkPoint WHERE a.LotNo='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint='{3}' AND sdn.Type='1') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo037") + @"',16,1); RETURN END IF EXISTS(SELECT log.LotNo FROM ICSSDN sdn INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog log ON sdn.SDNCode=log.TransCode AND sdn.Sequence=log.TransSequence AND sdn.WorkPoint=log.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo a ON a.LotNo=log.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=log.WorkPoint WHERE a.LotNo='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint='{3}' AND sdn.Type='1' AND log.BusinessCode='19' GROUP BY log.LotNo HAVING COUNT(log.LotNo)>=2) BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo191"), "{2}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END " + sql + @"AND sdn.Type='1' GROUP BY a.ID,con.ContainerCode,con.ContainerName,a.LotNo,a.InvCode,inv.InvName,inv.InvStd,inv.InvUnit,a.WarehouseCode, wh.WarehouseName,a.LocationCode,loc.LocationName,CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END,inv.AmountUnit, ext.ID,ext.ProjectCode,ext.Version,ext.Brand,ext.cFree1,ext.cFree2,ext.cFree3,ext.cFree4,ext.cFree5,ext.cFree6,ext.cFree7,ext.cFree8,ext.cFree9,ext.cFree10,a.MUSER,a.MTIME,inv.LotEnable"; columns = @"SUM(log.Quantity) AS Quantity, SUM(log.Quantity*(lot.Amount/lot.Quantity)) AS Amount, a.WarehouseCode AS WHCode, wh.WarehouseName AS WHName, a.LocationCode, loc.LocationName, CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END AS BatchCode,"; tableName = @"ICSSDN sdn INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog log ON sdn.SDNCode=log.TransCode AND sdn.Sequence=log.TransSequence AND sdn.WorkPoint=log.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo a ON a.LotNo=log.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=log.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWarehouse wh ON a.WarehouseCode=wh.WarehouseCode AND a.WorkPoint=wh.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSLocation loc ON a.LocationCode=loc.LocationCode AND a.WorkPoint=loc.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.WarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint"; } else { sql = @"WITH ICSBomALL AS ( SELECT ContainerCode AS TContainerCode, ContainerCode AS PContainerCode, ContainerCode AS ContainerCode, ID, ContainerID, 0 AS [Level], CAST(1 AS nvarchar(MAX)) AS SortSeq, CAST('00001' AS nvarchar(MAX)) AS Sort FROM ICSContainer WHERE ContainerCode='{2}' UNION ALL SELECT b.TContainerCode, b.ContainerCode AS PContainerCode, a.ContainerCode, a.ID, a.ContainerID, b.[Level]+1 AS [Level], CAST(b.SortSeq AS nvarchar(MAX))+'.'+CAST(row_number() over (order by a.ContainerCode) AS nvarchar(MAX)) AS SortSeq, CAST(b.Sort+'.'+REPLICATE('0',5-len(row_number() over (order by a.ContainerCode)))+CAST(row_number() over (order by a.ContainerCode) AS nvarchar(MAX)) AS nvarchar(MAX)) AS Sort FROM ICSContainer a INNER JOIN ICSBomALL b ON a.ID=b.ContainerID ) " + sql + @"AND sdn.Type='1' GROUP BY a.ID,con.ContainerCode,con.ContainerName,a.LotNo,a.InvCode,inv.InvName,inv.InvStd,inv.InvUnit,a.WarehouseCode, wh.WarehouseName,a.LocationCode,loc.LocationName,CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END,inv.AmountUnit, ext.ID,ext.ProjectCode,ext.Version,ext.Brand,ext.cFree1,ext.cFree2,ext.cFree3,ext.cFree4,ext.cFree5,ext.cFree6,ext.cFree7,ext.cFree8,ext.cFree9,ext.cFree10,a.MUSER,a.MTIME"; columns = @"SUM(log.Quantity) AS Quantity, SUM(log.Quantity*(lot.Amount/lot.Quantity)) AS Amount, a.WarehouseCode AS WHCode, wh.WarehouseName AS WHName, a.LocationCode, loc.LocationName, CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END AS BatchCode,"; tableName = @"ICSSDN sdn INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog log ON sdn.SDNCode=log.TransCode AND sdn.Sequence=log.TransSequence AND sdn.WorkPoint=log.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo a ON a.LotNo=log.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=log.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWarehouse wh ON a.WarehouseCode=wh.WarehouseCode AND a.WorkPoint=wh.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSLocation loc ON a.LocationCode=loc.LocationCode AND a.WorkPoint=loc.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.WarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint"; } } //生产(委外)退料-原条码+新条码 //先校验日志里面是否有原条码(同一种类型的条码只能发一次料才能原条码退,不然更新源头单据数量有问题,根据LogID判断是否原条码退回),如果没有查询新条码 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOIssueDocNegative.GetDescription() || TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOIssueDocNegativeApply.GetDescription() || TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOIssueDocNegativeIssue.GetDescription() || TransType == TransTypeEnum.ICSOutsourcingIssueDoNegative.GetDescription() || TransType == TransTypeEnum.ICSOutsourcingIssueDoNegativeApply.GetDescription() || TransType == TransTypeEnum.ICSOutsourcingIssueDoNegativeIssue.GetDescription()) { string type = "13"; string msglanguage = "WMSAPIInfo185"; if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOIssueDocNegativeApply.GetDescription()) { type = "14"; msglanguage = "WMSAPIInfo186"; } else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOIssueDocNegativeIssue.GetDescription()) { type = "15"; msglanguage = "WMSAPIInfo187"; } else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.ICSOutsourcingIssueDoNegative.GetDescription()) { type = "5"; msglanguage = "WMSAPIInfo188"; } else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.ICSOutsourcingIssueDoNegativeApply.GetDescription()) { type = "6"; msglanguage = "WMSAPIInfo189"; } else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.ICSOutsourcingIssueDoNegativeIssue.GetDescription()) { type = "7"; msglanguage = "WMSAPIInfo190"; } #region 新条码 if (ScanType == "LOTNO") { sqlNew = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSInventoryLot a WHERE a.LotNo='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint='{3}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo038"), "{2}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END IF EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a WHERE a.LotNo='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint='{3}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo039") + @"',16,1); RETURN END IF EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSInventory b ON a.InvCode=b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInspection ins ON a.LotNo=ins.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=ins.WorkPoint WHERE a.LotNo='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint='{3}' AND (b.InvIQC='1'AND ins.LotNo IS NULL)) BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo040") + @"',16,1); RETURN END " + sql; columns = @"ISNULL(ins.QualifiedQuantity+ins.WaiveQuantity, a.Quantity) AS Quantity, a.Quantity*(a.Amount/a.Quantity) AS Amount, '' AS WHCode, '' AS WHName, '' AS LocationCode, '' AS LocationName, ext.BatchCode AS BatchCode,"; tableName = @"ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON a.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND a.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInspection ins ON a.LotNo=ins.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=ins.WorkPoint"; LotDetail = $@"LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryDetail detail ON inv.InvCode= detail.INVCode AND (SELECT top 1 hh.FromWarehouseCode FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog hh WHERE hh.InvCode=a.InvCode AND hh.LotNo=a.LotNo) = detail.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint = detail.WorkPoint "; con = "detail.LocationCode AS Area,"; } else { sqlNew = @"WITH ICSBomALL AS ( SELECT ContainerCode AS TContainerCode, ContainerCode AS PContainerCode, ContainerCode AS ContainerCode, ID, ContainerID, 0 AS [Level], CAST(1 AS nvarchar(MAX)) AS SortSeq, CAST('00001' AS nvarchar(MAX)) AS Sort FROM ICSContainer WHERE ContainerCode='{2}' UNION ALL SELECT b.TContainerCode, b.ContainerCode AS PContainerCode, a.ContainerCode, a.ID, a.ContainerID, b.[Level]+1 AS [Level], CAST(b.SortSeq AS nvarchar(MAX))+'.'+CAST(row_number() over (order by a.ContainerCode) AS nvarchar(MAX)) AS SortSeq, CAST(b.Sort+'.'+REPLICATE('0',5-len(row_number() over (order by a.ContainerCode)))+CAST(row_number() over (order by a.ContainerCode) AS nvarchar(MAX)) AS nvarchar(MAX)) AS Sort FROM ICSContainer a INNER JOIN ICSBomALL b ON a.ID=b.ContainerID ) " + sql; columns = @"ISNULL(ins.QualifiedQuantity+ins.WaiveQuantity, a.Quantity) AS Quantity, a.Quantity*(a.Amount/a.Quantity) AS Amount, '' AS WHCode, '' AS WHName, '' AS LocationCode, '' AS LocationName, ext.BatchCode AS BatchCode,"; tableName = @"ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON a.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND a.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInspection ins ON a.LotNo=ins.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=ins.WorkPoint"; } sqlNew = string.Format(sqlNew, columns, tableName, JsonData.Code, JsonData.WorkPoint, LotDetail, con); #endregion #region 原条码 if (ScanType == "LOTNO") { sql = sql + @" AND log.BusinessCode IN('" + type + @"') GROUP BY log.ID,a.ID,con.ContainerCode,con.ContainerName,a.LotNo,a.InvCode,inv.InvName,inv.InvStd,inv.InvUnit,inv.LotEnable,inv.EATTRIBUTE1,a.WarehouseCode, wh.WarehouseName,a.LocationCode,loc.LocationName,CASE WHEN(invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')= '1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')= '1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END,inv.AmountUnit, ext.ID,ext.ProjectCode,ext.Version,ext.Brand,ext.cFree1,ext.cFree2,ext.cFree3,ext.cFree4,ext.cFree5,ext.cFree6,ext.cFree7,ext.cFree8,ext.cFree9,ext.cFree10,a.MUSER,a.MTIME,detail.LocationCode "; sql = @"IF EXISTS(" + sql + @") BEGIN " + sql + @" END ELSE BEGIN " + sqlNew + @" END"; sql = @"IF EXISTS(SELECT log.LotNo FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog log INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo a ON a.LotNo=log.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=log.WorkPoint WHERE a.LotNo='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint='{3}' AND log.BusinessCode='" + type + @"' GROUP BY log.LotNo HAVING COUNT(log.LotNo)>=2) BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode(msglanguage), "{2}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END " + sql; columns = @"SUM(log.Quantity) AS Quantity, SUM(log.Quantity*(lot.Amount/lot.Quantity)) AS Amount, a.WarehouseCode AS WHCode, wh.WarehouseName AS WHName, a.LocationCode, loc.LocationName, log.ID AS LogID, CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END AS BatchCode,"; tableName = @"ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog log INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo a ON a.LotNo=log.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=log.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWarehouse wh ON a.WarehouseCode=wh.WarehouseCode AND a.WorkPoint=wh.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSLocation loc ON a.LocationCode=loc.LocationCode AND a.WorkPoint=loc.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.WarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint"; } else { sql = sql + @" AND log.BusinessCode IN('" + type + @"') GROUP BY log.ID,a.ID,con.ContainerCode,con.ContainerName,a.LotNo,a.InvCode,inv.InvName,inv.InvStd,inv.InvUnit,a.WarehouseCode, wh.WarehouseName,a.LocationCode,loc.LocationName,CASE WHEN(invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')= '1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')= '1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END,inv.AmountUnit, ext.ID,ext.ProjectCode,ext.Version,ext.Brand,ext.cFree1,ext.cFree2,ext.cFree3,ext.cFree4,ext.cFree5,ext.cFree6,ext.cFree7,ext.cFree8,ext.cFree9,ext.cFree10,a.MUSER,a.MTIME "; sql = @"IF EXISTS(" + sql + @") BEGIN " + sql + @" END ELSE BEGIN " + sqlNew + @" END"; sql = @"WITH ICSBomALL AS ( SELECT ContainerCode AS TContainerCode, ContainerCode AS PContainerCode, ContainerCode AS ContainerCode, ID, ContainerID, 0 AS [Level], CAST(1 AS nvarchar(MAX)) AS SortSeq, CAST('00001' AS nvarchar(MAX)) AS Sort FROM ICSContainer WHERE ContainerCode='{2}' UNION ALL SELECT b.TContainerCode, b.ContainerCode AS PContainerCode, a.ContainerCode, a.ID, a.ContainerID, b.[Level]+1 AS [Level], CAST(b.SortSeq AS nvarchar(MAX))+'.'+CAST(row_number() over (order by a.ContainerCode) AS nvarchar(MAX)) AS SortSeq, CAST(b.Sort+'.'+REPLICATE('0',5-len(row_number() over (order by a.ContainerCode)))+CAST(row_number() over (order by a.ContainerCode) AS nvarchar(MAX)) AS nvarchar(MAX)) AS Sort FROM ICSContainer a INNER JOIN ICSBomALL b ON a.ID=b.ContainerID ) " + sql; columns = @"SUM(log.Quantity) AS Quantity, SUM(log.Quantity*(lot.Amount/lot.Quantity)) AS Amount, a.WarehouseCode AS WHCode, wh.WarehouseName AS WHName, a.LocationCode, loc.LocationName, log.ID AS LogID, CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END AS BatchCode,"; tableName = @"ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog log INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo a ON a.LotNo=log.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=log.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWarehouse wh ON a.WarehouseCode=wh.WarehouseCode AND a.WorkPoint=wh.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSLocation loc ON a.LocationCode=loc.LocationCode AND a.WorkPoint=loc.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.WarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint"; } #endregion } //分批 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.LOTSplit.GetDescription() || TransType == TransTypeEnum.LOTMerge.GetDescription()) { sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a WHERE a.LotNo='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint='{3}' AND a.Quantity>0) BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo038"), "{2}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END " + sql; columns = @"a.Quantity, a.Quantity*(lot.Amount/lot.Quantity) AS Amount, a.WarehouseCode AS WHCode, wh.WarehouseName AS WHName, a.LocationCode, loc.LocationName, CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END AS BatchCode, ISNULL(split.SplitLotNo, a.LotNo+'-1') AS SplitLotNo,"; tableName = @"ICSWareHouseLotInfo a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWarehouse wh ON a.WarehouseCode=wh.WarehouseCode AND a.WorkPoint=wh.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSLocation loc ON a.LocationCode=loc.LocationCode AND a.WorkPoint=loc.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN (SELECT EATTRIBUTE1 AS LotNo,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1+'-'+CAST((MAX(CAST(reverse(substring(reverse(LotNo),1,charindex('-',reverse(LotNo)) - 1)) AS INT))+1) AS VARCHAR) AS SplitLotNo FROM ICSInventoryLot GROUP BY EATTRIBUTE1,WorkPoint) split ON a.LotNo=split.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=split.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.WarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint"; } else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.LOTInfoGet.GetDescription()) { sql = @"IF EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a WHERE a.LotNo='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint='{3}' AND a.Quantity>0) BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo039"), "{2}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSInventoryLot a WHERE a.LotNo='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint='{3}' ) BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo038"), "{2}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END " + sql; columns = @"a.Quantity,"; tableName = @" ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON ext.ID=a.ExtensionID AND ext.WorkPoint=a.WorkPoint"; } //出库条码 else if (isOut) { if (ScanType == "LOTNO") { sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a WHERE a.LotNo='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint='{3}' AND a.Quantity>0) BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo038"), "{2}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END " + sql; columns = @"a.Quantity, a.Quantity*(lot.Amount/lot.Quantity) AS Amount, a.WarehouseCode AS WHCode, wh.WarehouseName AS WHName, inv.LotEnable, a.LocationCode, loc.LocationName, CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END AS BatchCode,"; tableName = @"ICSWareHouseLotInfo a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWarehouse wh ON a.WarehouseCode=wh.WarehouseCode AND a.WorkPoint=wh.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSLocation loc ON a.LocationCode=loc.LocationCode AND a.WorkPoint=loc.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.WarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint"; LotDetail = $@"LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryDetail detail ON inv.InvCode= detail.INVCode AND a.WarehouseCode = detail.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint = detail.WorkPoint "; con = "detail.LocationCode AS Area,"; } else { sql = @" WITH ICSBomALL AS ( SELECT ContainerCode AS TContainerCode, ContainerCode AS PContainerCode, ContainerCode AS ContainerCode, ID, ContainerID, 0 AS [Level], CAST(1 AS nvarchar(MAX)) AS SortSeq, CAST('00001' AS nvarchar(MAX)) AS Sort FROM ICSContainer WHERE ContainerCode='{2}' UNION ALL SELECT b.TContainerCode, b.ContainerCode AS PContainerCode, a.ContainerCode, a.ID, a.ContainerID, b.[Level]+1 AS [Level], CAST(b.SortSeq AS nvarchar(MAX))+'.'+CAST(row_number() over (order by a.ContainerCode) AS nvarchar(MAX)) AS SortSeq, CAST(b.Sort+'.'+REPLICATE('0',5-len(row_number() over (order by a.ContainerCode)))+CAST(row_number() over (order by a.ContainerCode) AS nvarchar(MAX)) AS nvarchar(MAX)) AS Sort FROM ICSContainer a INNER JOIN ICSBomALL b ON a.ID=b.ContainerID ) " + sql; columns = @"a.Quantity, a.Quantity*(lot.Amount/lot.Quantity) AS Amount, a.WarehouseCode AS WHCode, wh.WarehouseName AS WHName, a.LocationCode, loc.LocationName, CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END AS BatchCode,"; tableName = @"ICSWareHouseLotInfo a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWarehouse wh ON a.WarehouseCode=wh.WarehouseCode AND a.WorkPoint=wh.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSLocation loc ON a.LocationCode=loc.LocationCode AND a.WorkPoint=loc.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.WarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint "; } } //else if(TransType == TransTypeEnum.MTDOC.GetDescription()) //{ //} //入库条码 else { if (ScanType == "LOTNO") { sql = @" IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSInventoryLot a WHERE a.LotNo = '{2}' AND a.WorkPoint = '{3}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo038"), "{2}") + @"', 16, 1); RETURN END IF EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a WHERE a.LotNo='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint='{3}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo039"), "{2}") + @"', 16, 1); RETURN END IF EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSInventory b ON a.InvCode=b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInspection ins ON a.LotNo=ins.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=ins.WorkPoint WHERE a.LotNo='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint='{3}' AND (b.InvIQC='1' AND ins.LotNo IS NULL)) BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo040") + @"',16,1); RETURN END " + sql; ControlMode mode = ICSControlModeService.GetSuLocation(); //获取条码类型 LotTypesql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT Type FROM ICSInventoryLot WHERE LotNo='{0}' AND WorkPoint='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo461") + @"',16,1); RETURN END SELECT Type FROM ICSInventoryLot WHERE LotNo='{0}' AND WorkPoint='{1}'"; LotTypesql = string.Format(LotTypesql, JsonData.Code, JsonData.WorkPoint); DataTable dt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(LotTypesql, cmd); LotType = dt.Rows[0]["Type"].ToString(); if (mode != null) { if (mode.itemCode.Equals("LocationRemind01")) { columnsWHNAME = @" (SELECT Top 1 locat.LocationName from ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog log LEFT JOIN ICSLocation locat on locat.LocationCode=log.ToLocationCode and log.WorkPoint=locat.WorkPoint where log.TransType='2' and a.InvCode=log.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=log.WorkPoint ORDER BY log.Mtime desc) AS LocationName,"; } else if (mode.itemCode.Equals("LocationRemind02")) { columnsWHNAME = @" STUFF( (SELECT DISTINCT ',' + LocationName from ICSLocation wh LEFT JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo lotinfo on wh.LocationCode=lotinfo.LocationCode and wh.WorkPoint=lotinfo.WorkPoint WHERE a.InvCode=lotinfo.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=lotinfo.WorkPoint and lotinfo.Quantity>0 FOR xml path('') ),1,1,'' ) AS LocationName,"; } else { columnsWHNAME = @" STUFF( (SELECT DISTINCT ',' + LocationName from ICSLocation wh LEFT JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog lotinfo on wh.LocationCode=lotinfo.ToLocationCode and wh.WorkPoint=lotinfo.WorkPoint WHERE a.InvCode=lotinfo.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=lotinfo.WorkPoint and (lotinfo.TransType='2' OR lotinfo.TransType='3') FOR xml path('') ),1,1,'' ) AS LocationName,"; } } else { columnsWHNAME = @" STUFF( (SELECT DISTINCT ',' + LocationName from ICSLocation wh LEFT JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog lotinfo on wh.LocationCode=lotinfo.ToLocationCode and wh.WorkPoint=lotinfo.WorkPoint WHERE a.InvCode=lotinfo.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=lotinfo.WorkPoint and (lotinfo.TransType='2' OR lotinfo.TransType='3') FOR xml path('') ),1,1,'' ) AS LocationName,"; } #region 根据条码类型找到单据仓库信息 if (LotType.Equals("1")) {//生产退料 columnsWHCODE = @"(SELECT negg.WHCODE FROM ICSMOApplyNegDetail neg LEFT JOIN ICSMOApplyNeg negg ON neg.ApplyNegCode=negg.ApplyNegCode WHERE lotdd.TransCode=neg.ApplyNegCode AND lotdd.TransSequence=neg.Sequence AND lotdd.WorkPoint=neg.WorkPoint and negg.Type='1') AS WHCode"; } else if (LotType.Equals("2")) {//委外退料 columnsWHCODE = @"(SELECT negg.WHCODE FROM ICSOApplyNegDetail neg LEFT JOIN ICSOApplyNeg negg ON neg.OApplyNegCode=negg.OApplyNegCode WHERE lotdd.TransCode=neg.OApplyNegCode AND lotdd.TransSequence=neg.Sequence AND lotdd.WorkPoint=neg.WorkPoint and negg.Type='1') AS WHCode"; } else if (LotType.Equals("3")) {//工单 columnsWHCODE = @"(SELECT a.WHCode FROM ICSMO a WHERE a.MOCode=lotdd.TransCode AND a.Sequence=lotdd.TransSequence AND a.WorkPoint=lotdd.WorkPoint) AS WHCode"; } else if (LotType.Equals("4")) {//销售退货 columnsWHCODE = @"(SELECT a.WHCode FROM ICSSDN a WHERE a.SDNCode=lotdd.TransCode AND a.Sequence=lotdd.TransSequence AND a.WorkPoint=lotdd.WorkPoint) AS WHCode"; } else if (LotType.Equals("5")) {//其他入库 columnsWHCODE = @"(SELECT a.WHCode FROM ICSOtherIn a WHERE a.InCode=lotdd.TransCode AND a.Sequence=lotdd.TransSequence AND a.WorkPoint=lotdd.WorkPoint) AS WHCode"; } else if (LotType.Equals("6")) {//归还单 columnsWHCODE = @"(SELECT a.WHCode FROM ICSReturn a WHERE a.ReturnCode=lotdd.TransCode AND a.Sequence=lotdd.TransSequence AND a.WorkPoint=lotdd.WorkPoint) AS WHCode"; } else if (LotType.Equals("7")) {//采购到货单 columnsWHCODE = @"(SELECT a.WHCode FROM ICSDeliveryNotice a WHERE a.DNCode=lotdd.TransCode AND a.Sequence=lotdd.TransSequence AND a.WorkPoint=lotdd.WorkPoint AND a.DNType='1') AS WHCode"; } else if (LotType.Equals("8")) {//委外到货单 columnsWHCODE = @"(SELECT a.WHCode FROM ICSODeliveryNotice a WHERE a.ODNCode=lotdd.TransCode AND a.Sequence=lotdd.TransSequence AND a.WorkPoint=lotdd.WorkPoint and a.ODNType='1') AS WHCode"; } else if (LotType.Equals("9")) {//成品入库单 columnsWHCODE = @"(SELECT a.WHCode FROM ICSManufactureReceive a WHERE a.RCVCode=lotdd.TransCode AND a.Sequence=lotdd.TransSequence AND a.WorkPoint=lotdd.WorkPoint) AS WHCode"; } else if (LotType.Equals("10")) {//拒收单 columnsWHCODE = @"(SELECT a.WHCode FROM ICSDeliveryNotice a WHERE a.DNCode=lotdd.TransCode AND a.Sequence=lotdd.TransSequence AND a.WorkPoint=lotdd.WorkPoint AND a.DNType='3') AS WHCode"; } else if (LotType.Equals("11")) {//委外拒收单 columnsWHCODE = @"(SELECT a.WHCode FROM ICSODeliveryNotice a WHERE a.ODNCode=lotdd.TransCode AND a.Sequence=lotdd.TransSequence AND a.WorkPoint=lotdd.WorkPoint and a.ODNType='3') AS WHCode"; } else if (LotType.Equals("12")) {//领料申请退料 columnsWHCODE = @"(SELECT negg.WHCODE FROM ICSMOApplyNegDetail neg LEFT JOIN ICSMOApplyNeg negg ON neg.ApplyNegCode=negg.ApplyNegCode WHERE lotdd.TransCode=neg.ApplyNegCode AND lotdd.TransSequence=neg.Sequence AND lotdd.WorkPoint=neg.WorkPoint and negg.Type='2') AS WHCode"; } else if (LotType.Equals("13")) {//材料出库退料 columnsWHCODE = @"(SELECT negg.WHCODE FROM ICSMOApplyNegDetail neg LEFT JOIN ICSMOApplyNeg negg ON neg.ApplyNegCode=negg.ApplyNegCode WHERE lotdd.TransCode=neg.ApplyNegCode AND lotdd.TransSequence=neg.Sequence AND lotdd.WorkPoint=neg.WorkPoint and negg.Type='3') AS WHCode"; } else if (LotType.Equals("14")) {//委外领料申请退料 columnsWHCODE = @"(SELECT negg.WHCODE FROM ICSOApplyNegDetail neg LEFT JOIN ICSOApplyNeg negg ON neg.OApplyNegCode=negg.OApplyNegCode WHERE lotdd.TransCode=neg.OApplyNegCode AND lotdd.TransSequence=neg.Sequence AND lotdd.WorkPoint=neg.WorkPoint and negg.Type='2') AS WHCode"; } else if (LotType.Equals("15")) {//委外材料出库退料 columnsWHCODE = @"(SELECT negg.WHCODE FROM ICSOApplyNegDetail neg LEFT JOIN ICSOApplyNeg negg ON neg.OApplyNegCode=negg.OApplyNegCode WHERE lotdd.TransCode=neg.OApplyNegCode AND lotdd.TransSequence=neg.Sequence AND lotdd.WorkPoint=neg.WorkPoint and negg.Type='3') AS WHCode"; } else if (LotType.Equals("16")) {//返工工单 columnsWHCODE = @"(SELECT pick.WHCode FROM ICSMOPick pick LEFT JOIN ICSMO moo ON pick.MODetailID=moo.MODetailID AND pick.WorkPoint=moo.WorkPoint WHERE moo.MOCode=lotdd.TransCode AND pick.Sequence=lotdd.TransSequence AND pick.WorkPoint=lotdd.WorkPoint) AS WHCode "; } #endregion columns = @"ISNULL(ins.QualifiedQuantity+ins.WaiveQuantity, a.Quantity) AS Quantity, a.Quantity*(a.Amount/a.Quantity) AS Amount, {0},'' AS WHName, '' AS LocationCode, {1} ext.BatchCode AS BatchCode,"; tableName = @"ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON a.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND a.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail lotdd ON lotdd.LotNo=a.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lotdd.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInspection ins ON a.LotNo=ins.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=ins.WorkPoint"; LotDetail = $@" LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryDetail detail ON inv.InvCode= detail.INVCode AND detail.WHCode ={columnsWHCODE.Replace("AS WHCode", " ")} AND a.WorkPoint= detail.WorkPoint "; con = " detail.LocationCode AS Area, "; columns = string.Format(columns, columnsWHCODE, columnsWHNAME); } else { sql = @" WITH ICSBomALL AS ( SELECT ContainerCode AS TContainerCode, ContainerCode AS PContainerCode, ContainerCode AS ContainerCode, ID, ContainerID, 0 AS [Level], CAST(1 AS nvarchar(MAX)) AS SortSeq, CAST('00001' AS nvarchar(MAX)) AS Sort FROM ICSContainer WHERE ContainerCode='{2}' UNION ALL SELECT b.TContainerCode, b.ContainerCode AS PContainerCode, a.ContainerCode, a.ID, a.ContainerID, b.[Level]+1 AS [Level], CAST(b.SortSeq AS nvarchar(MAX))+'.'+CAST(row_number() over (order by a.ContainerCode) AS nvarchar(MAX)) AS SortSeq, CAST(b.Sort+'.'+REPLICATE('0',5-len(row_number() over (order by a.ContainerCode)))+CAST(row_number() over (order by a.ContainerCode) AS nvarchar(MAX)) AS nvarchar(MAX)) AS Sort FROM ICSContainer a INNER JOIN ICSBomALL b ON a.ID=b.ContainerID ) " + sql; columns = @"ISNULL(ins.QualifiedQuantity+ins.WaiveQuantity, a.Quantity) AS Quantity, a.Quantity*(a.Amount/a.Quantity) AS Amount, '' AS WHCode, '' AS WHName, '' AS LocationCode, '' AS LocationName, ext.BatchCode AS BatchCode,"; tableName = @"ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON a.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND a.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInspection ins ON a.LotNo=ins.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=ins.WorkPoint"; } } } if (TransType != TransTypeEnum.LocationSeatch.GetDescription()) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(columns) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tableName)) throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo003")); } if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.LocationSeatch.GetDescription()) { Losql = string.Format(Losql, columns, tableName, JsonData.Code, JsonData.WorkPoint, LotDetail, con); table = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(Losql, cmd); } else { sql = string.Format(sql, columns, tableName, JsonData.Code, JsonData.WorkPoint, LotDetail, con); log.Info("条码sql:" + sql); table = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); } if (table == null || table.Rows.Count <= 0) throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo008"));//"未查询到条码数据!" #region 出库检验是否符合源头单据 string msg = string.Empty; bool isLimit = false; string sqlCheckSign = @"select F_EnabledMark from Sys_SRM_Items where F_EnCode = 'OutWithLocationCode' and F_EnabledMark = '1'"; DataTable flag = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sqlCheckSign, cmd); if (isOut) // && TransType != TransTypeEnum.LOTSplit.GetDescription() {//&& TransType != TransTypeEnum.TransferLibrary.GetDescription() string Lot = ""; string workP = ""; if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.TransferLibrary.GetDescription()) { foreach (DataRow drLot in table.Rows) { Lot = drLot["LotNo"].ToString(); sql = @"SELECT WarehouseCode FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a WHERE LotNo='{0}' AND WorkPoint='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, Lot, JsonData.WorkPoint); DataTable dt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception(string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo171"), Lot)); } string whcode = dt.Rows[0]["WarehouseCode"].ToString(); if (!JsonData.WHCode.Equals(whcode)) { throw new Exception(string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo395"), JsonData.WHCode, whcode)); } } } else if (TransType != TransTypeEnum.LocationSeatch.GetDescription()) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(JsonData.TransCode)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo001"));//"单据号不能为空!" } WMSSourceDocumentModel model = new WMSSourceDocumentModel(); model.TransCode = JsonData.TransCode; model.TransType = JsonData.TransType; model.WorkPoint = JsonData.WorkPoint; DataTable TransData = TransInformationGet(model); DataView dataView = TransData.DefaultView; foreach (DataRow drLot in table.Rows) { Lot = drLot["LotNo"].ToString(); //盘点不需要对比以下属性 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.Check.GetDescription()) continue; string rowFilter = "InvCode='" + drLot["InvCode"] + "'"; CheckTrans(dataView, rowFilter, string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo041"), Lot, drLot["InvCode"])); rowFilter += " AND (LEN(ISNULL(WHCode,''))<=0 OR (LEN(ISNULL(WHCode,''))>0 AND WHCode='" + drLot["WHCode"] + "'))"; CheckTrans(dataView, rowFilter, string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo042"), Lot, drLot["WHCode"])); rowFilter += " AND (LEN(ISNULL(ProjectCode,''))<=0 OR (LEN(ISNULL(ProjectCode,''))>0 AND ProjectCode='" + drLot["ProjectCode"] + "'))"; CheckTrans(dataView, rowFilter, string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo043"), Lot, drLot["ProjectCode"])); rowFilter += "AND (LEN(ISNULL(BatchCode,''))<=0 OR (LEN(ISNULL(BatchCode,''))>0 AND BatchCode='" + drLot["BatchCode"] + "'))"; CheckTrans(dataView, rowFilter, string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo044"), Lot, drLot["BatchCode"])); rowFilter += "AND (LEN(ISNULL(Version,''))<=0 OR (LEN(ISNULL(Version,''))>0 AND Version='" + drLot["Version"] + "'))"; CheckTrans(dataView, rowFilter, string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo045"), Lot, drLot["Version"])); rowFilter += "AND (LEN(ISNULL(Brand,''))<=0 OR (LEN(ISNULL(Brand,''))>0 AND Brand='" + drLot["Brand"] + "'))"; CheckTrans(dataView, rowFilter, string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo046"), Lot, drLot["Brand"])); rowFilter += "AND (LEN(ISNULL(cFree1,''))<=0 OR (LEN(ISNULL(cFree1,''))>0 AND cFree1='" + drLot["cFree1"] + "'))"; CheckTrans(dataView, rowFilter, string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo047"), Lot, drLot["cFree1"])); rowFilter += "AND (LEN(ISNULL(cFree2,''))<=0 OR (LEN(ISNULL(cFree2,''))>0 AND cFree2='" + drLot["cFree2"] + "'))"; CheckTrans(dataView, rowFilter, string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo048"), Lot, drLot["cFree2"])); rowFilter += "AND (LEN(ISNULL(cFree3,''))<=0 OR (LEN(ISNULL(cFree3,''))>0 AND cFree3='" + drLot["cFree3"] + "'))"; CheckTrans(dataView, rowFilter, string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo049"), Lot, drLot["cFree3"])); rowFilter += "AND (LEN(ISNULL(cFree4,''))<=0 OR (LEN(ISNULL(cFree4,''))>0 AND cFree4='" + drLot["cFree4"] + "'))"; CheckTrans(dataView, rowFilter, string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo050"), Lot, drLot["cFree4"])); rowFilter += "AND (LEN(ISNULL(cFree5,''))<=0 OR (LEN(ISNULL(cFree5,''))>0 AND cFree5='" + drLot["cFree5"] + "'))"; CheckTrans(dataView, rowFilter, string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo051"), Lot, drLot["cFree5"])); rowFilter += "AND (LEN(ISNULL(cFree6,''))<=0 OR (LEN(ISNULL(cFree6,''))>0 AND cFree6='" + drLot["cFree6"] + "'))"; CheckTrans(dataView, rowFilter, string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo052"), Lot, drLot["cFree6"])); rowFilter += "AND (LEN(ISNULL(cFree7,''))<=0 OR (LEN(ISNULL(cFree7,''))>0 AND cFree7='" + drLot["cFree7"] + "'))"; CheckTrans(dataView, rowFilter, string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo053"), Lot, drLot["cFree7"])); rowFilter += "AND (LEN(ISNULL(cFree8,''))<=0 OR (LEN(ISNULL(cFree8,''))>0 AND cFree8='" + drLot["cFree8"] + "'))"; CheckTrans(dataView, rowFilter, string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo054"), Lot, drLot["cFree8"])); rowFilter += "AND (LEN(ISNULL(cFree9,''))<=0 OR (LEN(ISNULL(cFree9,''))>0 AND cFree9='" + drLot["cFree9"] + "'))"; CheckTrans(dataView, rowFilter, string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo055"), Lot, drLot["cFree9"])); rowFilter += "AND (LEN(ISNULL(cFree10,''))<=0 OR (LEN(ISNULL(cFree10,''))>0 AND cFree10='" + drLot["cFree10"] + "'))"; CheckTrans(dataView, rowFilter, string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo056"), Lot, drLot["cFree10"])); if (flag != null && flag.Rows.Count > 0) { rowFilter += " AND LocationCode='" + drLot["LocationCode"] + "'"; CheckTrans(dataView, rowFilter, string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo042"), Lot, drLot["LocationCode"])); } //保质期管理 var resultEffective = Effective(Lot, JsonData.WorkPoint, cmd, language); //0 - 已经是最早的批次 //1 - 不管控 //2 - 提醒 //3 - 限制 if (resultEffective == "2") { msg += string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo181"), Lot) + Environment.NewLine; } else if (resultEffective == "3") { msg += string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo182"), Lot) + Environment.NewLine; isLimit = true; } //先进先出判断 var result = CanOut(Lot, JsonData.WorkPoint, JsonData.ScanLotCode, cmd, language); //0 - 已经是最早的批次 //1 - 不管控 //2 - 提醒 //3 - 限制 if (result == "2") { msg += string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo178"), Lot) + Environment.NewLine; } else if (result == "3") { msg += string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo179"), Lot) + Environment.NewLine; isLimit = true; } } } } #endregion //return table; Result res = new Result(); res.Success = true; res.Message = msg;// "接口调用成功!"; if (!isLimit) res.Data = table; return res; //出库时 //Message无值、Data有值,可直接处理 //Message有值、Data有值,弹出提醒框(可点击确定、取消,确定后继续出库,取消后不处理这批条码),显示Message信息 //Message有值、Data无值,弹出警告框(只能点击确定,且不处理这批条码),显示Message信息 } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } /// /// 校验条码对应的物料、自由项等信息是否与源头单据匹配 /// private static void CheckTrans(DataView dataView, string rowFilter, string message) { dataView.RowFilter = rowFilter; if (dataView == null || dataView.Count <= 0) throw new Exception(message); } #endregion /// /// 上架 /// BusinessCode,TransType 两个类型 /// /// public static DataTable LOTStockCreate(List JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); if (JsonData.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo007"));//"传送数据为空!" } using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; string BusinessCode = string.Empty; try { string TransType = string.Empty; string Identification = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); DateTime createDate = DateTime.Now; foreach (var item in JsonData) { TransType = item.TransType; if (!EnumHelper.HasDescriptions(typeof(TransTypeEnum), TransType)) { throw new Exception(LanguageHelper.GetNameSingle("WMSAPIInfo003"));//"单据类型不存在!" } string WHTransType = "2"; foreach (var itemInfo in item.detail) { #region 两步调入 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.TwoStepTransferDocIn.GetDescription()) { //更新源头单据数量 ICSWareHouseService.TwoStepTransferDocIn(itemInfo.TransCode, itemInfo.TransSequence, itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.Quantity, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); //入库 ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoTwoStepTransferDocIn(Identification, itemInfo.TransCode, itemInfo.TransSequence, itemInfo.WarehouseCode, itemInfo.LocationCode, itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.Quantity, item.User, item.WorkPoint, "6", TransTypeEnum.TwoStepTransferDocIn.GetDescription(), cmd, language); } #endregion #region 销售退货-原条码 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.SalesReturnBack.GetDescription()) { //更新源头单据数量 ICSSalesService.SalesReturnBackIn(itemInfo.TransCode, itemInfo.TransSequence, itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.Quantity, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); //入库 BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.SalesReturnBack.GetDescription(); //入库 ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoUp(Identification, itemInfo.LocationCode, itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.Quantity, item.User, item.WorkPoint, WHTransType, BusinessCode, cmd, language, itemInfo.LogID, itemInfo.InvCode + itemInfo.WarehouseCode, createDate.ToString()); ////更新日志表源头单据信息 //string sql = @"UPDATE ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog SET TransCode='{3}',TransSequence='{4}' // WHERE LotNo='{0}' AND WorkPoint='{1}' AND Identification='{2}' AND TransCode='' AND TransSequence=''"; //sql = string.Format(sql, itemInfo.LotNo, item.WorkPoint, Identification, itemInfo.TransCode, itemInfo.TransSequence); //if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) //{ // throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo143"));//"销售退货单更新失败!"); //} } #endregion else { #region 采购入库 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.PurchaseReceiveDoc.GetDescription()) { //更新源头单据数量 //ICSPurchaseService.PurchaseReceiveDoc(itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.Quantity, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.PurchaseReceiveDoc.GetDescription(); } #endregion #region 审核的到货单 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.DeliveryNotice.GetDescription()) { //更新源头单据数量 ICSPurchaseService.DeliveryNoticeIn(itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.Quantity, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.DeliveryNotice.GetDescription(); } #endregion #region 采购拒收 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.PurchaseRejectDoc.GetDescription()) { //更新源头单据数量 ICSPurchaseService.PurchaseRejectDocIn(itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.Quantity, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.PurchaseRejectDoc.GetDescription(); } #endregion #region 审核的委外到货单 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.ODeliveryNotice.GetDescription()) { //更新源头单据数量 ICSOutsourcingService.ODeliveryNoticeIn(itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.Quantity, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.ODeliveryNotice.GetDescription(); } #endregion #region 委外拒收 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OutsourcingRejectDoc.GetDescription()) { //更新源头单据数量 ICSOutsourcingService.OutsourcingRejectDocIn(itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.Quantity, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.OutsourcingRejectDoc.GetDescription(); } #endregion #region 委外退料 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.ICSOutsourcingIssueDoNegative.GetDescription() || TransType == TransTypeEnum.ICSOutsourcingIssueDoNegativeApply.GetDescription() || TransType == TransTypeEnum.ICSOutsourcingIssueDoNegativeIssue.GetDescription()) { //更新源头单据数量 ICSOutsourcingService.OutsourcingIssueDoNegative(TransType, itemInfo.LogID, itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.Quantity, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.ICSOutsourcingIssueDoNegative.GetDescription(); } #endregion #region 返工工单 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.ReWorkReceiveMo.GetDescription()) { //更新源头单据数量 ICSManufactureService.ReWorkReceiveMo(itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.Quantity, itemInfo.WarehouseCode, itemInfo.LocationCode, item.WorkPoint, item.User, TransTypeEnum.ReWorkReceiveMo.GetDescription(), cmd, language); BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.ReWorkReceiveMo.GetDescription(); } #endregion #region 委外入库 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OutsourcingReceiveDoc.GetDescription()) { //更新源头单据数量 ICSOutsourcingService.OutsourcingReceiveDoc(itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.Quantity, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.OutsourcingReceiveDoc.GetDescription(); } #endregion #region 生产退料 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOIssueDocNegative.GetDescription() || TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOIssueDocNegativeApply.GetDescription() || TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOIssueDocNegativeIssue.GetDescription()) { //更新源头单据数量 ICSManufactureService.MOIssueDocNegative(TransType, itemInfo.LogID, itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.Quantity, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.MOIssueDocNegative.GetDescription(); var getDate = $@"SELECT top 1 MTIME FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo WHERE InvCode='{itemInfo.InvCode}' AND Quantity>0 ORDER BY MTIME "; var date = DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(getDate, cmd); if (date != null) { createDate = Convert.ToDateTime(date).AddDays(-1); } } #endregion #region 生产入库 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.ManufactureReceiveDoc.GetDescription()) { //更新源头单据数量 //ICSManufactureService.ManufactureReceiveDoc(itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.Quantity, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.ManufactureReceiveDoc.GetDescription(); } #endregion #region 开立的生产入库单 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.ManufactureReceive.GetDescription()) { //更新源头单据数量 ICSManufactureService.ManufactureReceive(itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.Quantity, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.ManufactureReceive.GetDescription(); } #endregion #region 销售退货 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.SalesShipmentDocNegative.GetDescription()) { //更新源头单据数量 ICSSalesService.SalesShipmentDocNegative(itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.Quantity, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.SalesShipmentDocNegative.GetDescription(); } #endregion #region 其他入库 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OtherInDoc.GetDescription()) { //更新源头单据数量 ICSWareHouseService.OtherInDoc(itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.Quantity, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.OtherInDoc.GetDescription(); } #endregion #region 拆卸单 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.DisassemblyDoc.GetDescription()) { ICSWareHouseService.DisassemblyDoc(itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.Quantity, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); WHTransType = "11"; BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.DisassemblyDoc.GetDescription(); } #endregion #region 归还 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.ReturnDoc.GetDescription()) { //更新源头单据数量 ICSWareHouseService.ReturnDoc(itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.Quantity, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.ReturnDoc.GetDescription(); } #endregion else { throw new Exception(LanguageHelper.GetNameSingle("WMSAPIInfo003"));//"单据类型不存在!" } //入库 ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoUp(Identification, itemInfo.LocationCode, itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.Quantity, item.User, item.WorkPoint, WHTransType, BusinessCode, cmd, language, itemInfo.LogID, itemInfo.InvCode + itemInfo.WarehouseCode, createDate.ToString()); } //上传ERP if (Convert.ToBoolean(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UploadERP"])) { //销售退货-原条码 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.SalesReturnBack.GetDescription()) ICSSalesService.SalesReturnBackInERP(itemInfo.TransCode, Identification, cmd, language, item.WorkPoint); } } #region 拆卸单 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.DisassemblyDoc.GetDescription()) { //更新套件锁定数量 ICSWareHouseService.DisassemblyDoc(Identification, cmd, language); } #endregion} } //上传ERP if (Convert.ToBoolean(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UploadERP"])) { //采购入库 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.PurchaseReceiveDoc.GetDescription()) ICSPurchaseService.PurchaseReceiveDocERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); //审核的到货单 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.DeliveryNotice.GetDescription()) ICSPurchaseService.DeliveryNoticeInERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); //采购拒收 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.PurchaseRejectDoc.GetDescription()) ICSPurchaseService.PurchaseRejectDocInERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); //审核的委外到货单 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.ODeliveryNotice.GetDescription()) ICSOutsourcingService.ODeliveryNoticeInERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); //委外拒收 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OutsourcingRejectDoc.GetDescription()) ICSOutsourcingService.OutsourcingRejectDocInERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); //委外退料 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.ICSOutsourcingIssueDoNegative.GetDescription() || TransType == TransTypeEnum.ICSOutsourcingIssueDoNegativeApply.GetDescription() || TransType == TransTypeEnum.ICSOutsourcingIssueDoNegativeIssue.GetDescription()) ICSOutsourcingService.OutsourcingIssueDoNegativeERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); //委外入库 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OutsourcingReceiveDoc.GetDescription()) ICSOutsourcingService.OutsourcingReceiveDocERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); //生产退料 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOIssueDocNegative.GetDescription() || TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOIssueDocNegativeApply.GetDescription() || TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOIssueDocNegativeIssue.GetDescription()) ICSManufactureService.MOIssueDocNegativeERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); //生产入库 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.ManufactureReceiveDoc.GetDescription()) ICSManufactureService.ManufactureReceiveDocERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); //开立的生产入库单 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.ManufactureReceive.GetDescription()) ICSManufactureService.ManufactureReceiveERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); //返工工单 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.ReWorkReceiveMo.GetDescription()) ICSManufactureService.ReWorkReceiveMoERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); //销售退货 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.SalesShipmentDocNegative.GetDescription()) ICSSalesService.SalesShipmentDocNegativeERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); //两步调入 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.TwoStepTransferDocIn.GetDescription()) ICSWareHouseService.TwoStepTransferDocInERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); //其他入库 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OtherInDoc.GetDescription()) ICSWareHouseService.OtherInDocERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); //拆卸单 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.DisassemblyDoc.GetDescription()) ICSWareHouseService.DisassemblyDocERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); //归还 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.ReturnDoc.GetDescription()) ICSWareHouseService.ReturnDocERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); } DataTable table = GetData(Identification, 1, cmd); cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return table; } catch (Exception ex) { if (cmd.Transaction != null) cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } /// /// 上架(货柜) /// BusinessCode,TransType 两个类型 /// /// public static DataTable LOTStockCreateHG(LOTStockUpHGModel JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); if (JsonData == null) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo007"));//"传送数据为空!" } using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; string BusinessCode = string.Empty; try { string TransType = string.Empty; string Identification = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); TransType = JsonData.DATA.Head[0].TransType; if (!EnumHelper.HasDescriptions(typeof(TransTypeEnum), TransType)) { throw new Exception(LanguageHelper.GetNameSingle("WMSAPIInfo003"));//"单据类型不存在!" } string WHTransType = "2"; foreach (var itemInfo in JsonData.DATA.Detail) { #region 审核的到货单 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.DeliveryNotice.GetDescription()) { //更新源头单据数量 ICSPurchaseService.DeliveryNoticeIn(itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.Quantity, JsonData.DATA.Head[0].WorkPoint, cmd, language); BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.DeliveryNotice.GetDescription(); } #endregion else { throw new Exception(LanguageHelper.GetNameSingle("WMSAPIInfo003"));//"单据类型不存在!" } //入库 ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoUp(Identification, itemInfo.LocationCode, itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.Quantity, itemInfo.User, JsonData.DATA.Head[0].WorkPoint, WHTransType, BusinessCode, cmd, language, itemInfo.LogID, itemInfo.InvCode + itemInfo.WarehouseCode, DateTime.Now.ToString()); } //上传ERP if (Convert.ToBoolean(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UploadERP"])) { //审核的到货单 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.DeliveryNotice.GetDescription()) ICSPurchaseService.DeliveryNoticeInERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); } DataTable table = GetData(Identification, 1, cmd); cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return table; } catch (Exception ex) { if (cmd.Transaction != null) cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } /// /// 叉车出入库 /// BusinessCode,TransType 两个类型 /// /// public static DataTable LOTStockChangeForkLift(LOTStockForkLiftModel JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); if (JsonData == null) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo007"));//"传送数据为空!" } using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; string BusinessCode = string.Empty; try { string TransType = string.Empty; string Identification = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); TransType = JsonData.TaskType; if (TransType == "PTWY") { //更新源头单据数量 ICSPurchaseService.DeliveryNoticeForkLift(JsonData.PalletID, cmd, language); BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.DeliveryNotice.GetDescription(); //入库 ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoUpForkLift(Identification, JsonData.DestBin, JsonData.PalletID, "叉车", "采购入库-采购到货单", "2", cmd, language); } //上传ERP if (Convert.ToBoolean(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UploadERP"])) { //审核的到货单 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.DeliveryNotice.GetDescription()) ICSPurchaseService.DeliveryNoticeInERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, "2"); } DataTable table = GetData(Identification, 1, cmd); cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return table; } catch (Exception ex) { if (cmd.Transaction != null) cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } /// /// 下架 /// /// /// public static DataTable LOTStockDownCreate(List JsonData) { String PrintEnable = ""; var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); if (JsonData.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo007"));//"传送数据为空!" } List model = new List(); DataTable printTable = new DataTable(); using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; string BusinessCode = string.Empty; try { string TransType = string.Empty; string Identification = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string SAPGZCode = string.Empty; foreach (var item in JsonData) { TransType = item.TransType; if (!EnumHelper.HasDescriptions(typeof(TransTypeEnum), TransType)) { throw new Exception(LanguageHelper.GetNameSingle("WMSAPIInfo003"));//"单据类型不存在!" } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.TransCode)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo001"));//"单据号不能为空!" } string[] trans = item.TransCode.Split('~'); string MergeID = ""; if (trans.Length == 2) { MergeID = trans[0]; item.TransCode = trans[1]; } #region 采购退货 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.PurchaseReceiveDoctNegative.GetDescription()) { BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.PurchaseReceiveDoctNegative.GetDescription(); //更新源头单据数量 ICSPurchaseService.PurchaseReceiveDoctNegative(item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, item.Quantity, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); foreach (var itemInfo in item.detail) { //出库 printTable = ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoDown(Identification, item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.CurrentQuantity, item.User, item.WorkPoint, "3", TransTypeEnum.PurchaseReceiveDoctNegative.GetDescription(), cmd, language); } } #endregion #region 委外发料 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OutsourcingIssueDoc.GetDescription()) { BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.OutsourcingIssueDoc.GetDescription(); //更新源头单据数量 ICSOutsourcingService.OutsourcingIssueDoc(item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, item.Quantity, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); foreach (var itemInfo in item.detail) { //出库 printTable = ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoDown(Identification, item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.CurrentQuantity, item.User, item.WorkPoint, "3", TransTypeEnum.OutsourcingIssueDoc.GetDescription(), cmd, language, MergeID); } } #endregion #region 委外退货 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OutsourcingReturnBack.GetDescription()) { BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.OutsourcingReturnBack.GetDescription(); //更新源头单据数量 ICSOutsourcingService.OutsourcingReturnBack(item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, item.Quantity, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); foreach (var itemInfo in item.detail) { //出库 printTable = ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoDown(Identification, item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.CurrentQuantity, item.User, item.WorkPoint, "3", TransTypeEnum.OutsourcingReturnBack.GetDescription(), cmd, language); } } #endregion #region 生产发料 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOIssueDoc.GetDescription()) { BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.MOIssueDoc.GetDescription(); //更新源头单据数量 ICSManufactureService.MOIssueDoc(item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, item.Quantity, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); foreach (var itemInfo in item.detail) { //出库 printTable = ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoDown(Identification, item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.CurrentQuantity, item.User, item.WorkPoint, "3", TransTypeEnum.MOIssueDoc.GetDescription(), cmd, language, MergeID); } } #endregion #region 销售出库 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.SalesShipmentDoc.GetDescription()) { BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.SalesShipmentDoc.GetDescription(); //更新源头单据数量 ICSSalesService.SalesShipmentDoc(item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, item.Quantity, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); foreach (var itemInfo in item.detail) { //出库 printTable = ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoDown(Identification, item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.CurrentQuantity, item.User, item.WorkPoint, "3", TransTypeEnum.SalesShipmentDoc.GetDescription(), cmd, language, MergeID); } } #endregion #region 两步调出 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.TwoStepTransferDocOut.GetDescription()) { BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.TwoStepTransferDocOut.GetDescription(); //更新源头单据数量 ICSWareHouseService.TwoStepTransferDocOut(item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, item.Quantity, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); foreach (var itemInfo in item.detail) { //出库 printTable = ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoDown(Identification, item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.CurrentQuantity, item.User, item.WorkPoint, "6", TransTypeEnum.TwoStepTransferDocOut.GetDescription(), cmd, language, MergeID); } } #endregion #region 其他出库 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OtherOutDoc.GetDescription()) { BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.OtherOutDoc.GetDescription(); //更新源头单据数量 ICSWareHouseService.OtherOutDoc(item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, item.Quantity, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); foreach (var itemInfo in item.detail) { //出库 printTable = ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoDown(Identification, item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.CurrentQuantity, item.User, item.WorkPoint, "3", TransTypeEnum.OtherOutDoc.GetDescription(), cmd, language, MergeID); } } #endregion #region 领料申请单发料 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOApply.GetDescription()) { BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.MOApply.GetDescription(); //更新源头单据数量 ICSManufactureService.MOApply(item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, item.Quantity, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); foreach (var itemInfo in item.detail) { //出库 printTable = ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoDown(Identification, item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.CurrentQuantity, item.User, item.WorkPoint, "3", TransTypeEnum.MOApply.GetDescription(), cmd, language, MergeID); } } #endregion #region 领料申请单发料(不扫描条码) else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOApplyWithOutLot.GetDescription()) { BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.MOApplyWithOutLot.GetDescription(); //更新源头单据数量 ICSManufactureService.MOApplyWithOutLot(item.TransCode, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoDownWithOutLot(Identification, item.TransCode, item.User, item.WorkPoint, "3" , TransTypeEnum.MOApply.GetDescription(), cmd, language, MergeID); } #endregion #region 领料申请单确认(更新确认人员到单据) else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOApplyToSAP.GetDescription()) { //记录过账人员编码到单据表的MUSERNAME字段 ICSManufactureService.MOApplySaveUser(item.TransCode, item.User, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); } #endregion #region 委外领料申请单发料 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OOApply.GetDescription()) { BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.OOApply.GetDescription(); //更新源头单据数量 ICSOutsourcingService.OOApply(item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, item.Quantity, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); foreach (var itemInfo in item.detail) { //出库 printTable = ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoDown(Identification, item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.CurrentQuantity, item.User, item.WorkPoint, "3", TransTypeEnum.OOApply.GetDescription(), cmd, language, MergeID); } } #endregion #region 开立材料出库 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOIssue.GetDescription()) { BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.MOIssue.GetDescription(); //更新源头单据数量 ICSManufactureService.MOIssue(item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, item.Quantity, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); foreach (var itemInfo in item.detail) { //出库 printTable = ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoDown(Identification, item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.CurrentQuantity, item.User, item.WorkPoint, "3", TransTypeEnum.MOIssue.GetDescription(), cmd, language, MergeID); } } #endregion #region 开立委外材料出库 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OOIssue.GetDescription()) { BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.OOIssue.GetDescription(); //更新源头单据数量 ICSOutsourcingService.OOIssue(item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, item.Quantity, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); foreach (var itemInfo in item.detail) { //出库 printTable = ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoDown(Identification, item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.CurrentQuantity, item.User, item.WorkPoint, "3", TransTypeEnum.OOIssue.GetDescription(), cmd, language, MergeID); } } #endregion #region 开立红字入库单 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.PurchaseReceive.GetDescription()) { BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.PurchaseReceive.GetDescription(); //更新源头单据数量 ICSPurchaseService.PurchaseReceive(item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, item.Quantity, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); foreach (var itemInfo in item.detail) { //出库 printTable = ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoDown(Identification, item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.CurrentQuantity, item.User, item.WorkPoint, "3", TransTypeEnum.PurchaseReceive.GetDescription(), cmd, language); } } #endregion #region 开立委外红字入库单 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OutsourcingReceiveDocNegative.GetDescription()) { BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.OutsourcingReceiveDocNegative.GetDescription(); //更新源头单据数量 ICSOutsourcingService.OutsourcingReceiveDocNegative(item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, item.Quantity, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); foreach (var itemInfo in item.detail) { //出库 printTable = ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoDown(Identification, item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.CurrentQuantity, item.User, item.WorkPoint, "3", TransTypeEnum.OutsourcingReceiveDocNegative.GetDescription(), cmd, language); } } #endregion #region 借用 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.BrrowDoc.GetDescription()) { BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.BrrowDoc.GetDescription(); //更新源头单据数量 ICSWareHouseService.BrrowDoc(item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, item.Quantity, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); foreach (var itemInfo in item.detail) { //出库 printTable = ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoDown(Identification, item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.CurrentQuantity, item.User, item.WorkPoint, "3", TransTypeEnum.BrrowDoc.GetDescription(), cmd, language, MergeID); } } #endregion else { throw new Exception(LanguageHelper.GetNameSingle("WMSAPIInfo003"));//"单据类型不存在!" } #region 出库单据增加验证,整单全部出库之后删除所有跟单据关联的占料信息,解锁占料数量 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.PurchaseReceiveDoctNegative.GetDescription() || TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOApply.GetDescription() || TransType == TransTypeEnum.OOApply.GetDescription() || TransType == TransTypeEnum.SalesShipmentDoc.GetDescription() || TransType == TransTypeEnum.OtherOutDoc.GetDescription()) { ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.MaterialOccpyCancel(TransType, item.TransCode, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); } #endregion } //上传ERP if (Convert.ToBoolean(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UploadERP"])) { //采购退货 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.PurchaseReceiveDoctNegative.GetDescription()) ICSPurchaseService.PurchaseReceiveDoctNegativeERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); //委外发料 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OutsourcingIssueDoc.GetDescription()) ICSOutsourcingService.OutsourcingIssueDocERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); //委外退货 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OutsourcingReturnBack.GetDescription()) ICSOutsourcingService.OutsourcingReturnBackERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); //生产发料 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOIssueDoc.GetDescription()) ICSManufactureService.MOIssueDocERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); //销售出库 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.SalesShipmentDoc.GetDescription()) ICSSalesService.SalesShipmentDocERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); //两步调出 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.TwoStepTransferDocOut.GetDescription()) ICSWareHouseService.TwoStepTransferDocOutERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); //其他出库 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OtherOutDoc.GetDescription()) ICSWareHouseService.OtherOutDocERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); //领料申请单发料 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOApply.GetDescription() || TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOApplyWithOutLot.GetDescription()) ICSManufactureService.MOApplyERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); //领料申请单发料(过账SAP) if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOApplyToSAP.GetDescription()) ICSManufactureService.MOApplySAPGZ(JsonData[0].TransCode, JsonData[0].User, JsonData[0].WorkPoint, cmd, language); //委外领料申请单发料 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OOApply.GetDescription()) ICSOutsourcingService.OOApplyERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); //开立材料出库 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOIssue.GetDescription()) ICSManufactureService.MOIssueERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); //开立委外材料出库 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OOIssue.GetDescription()) ICSOutsourcingService.OOIssueERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); //开立红字入库单 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.PurchaseReceive.GetDescription()) ICSPurchaseService.PurchaseReceiveERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); //开立委外红字入库单 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OutsourcingReceiveDocNegative.GetDescription()) ICSOutsourcingService.OutsourcingReceiveDocNegativeERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); //借用 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.BrrowDoc.GetDescription()) ICSWareHouseService.BrrowDocERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); } if (!printTable.Equals("{}")) { cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return printTable; } else { DataTable table = GetData(Identification, 2, cmd); cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return table; } } catch (Exception ex) { if (cmd.Transaction != null) cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } /// /// 下架(货柜) /// /// /// public static DataTable LOTStockDownHGCreate(LOTStockDownHGModel JsonData, object InputJson) { String PrintEnable = ""; var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); if (JsonData == null) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo007"));//"传送数据为空!" } List model = new List(); DataTable printTable = new DataTable(); using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; string BusinessCode = string.Empty; try { string TransType = string.Empty; string Identification = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string SAPGZCode = string.Empty; TransType = JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI[0].ORD_DES; if (!EnumHelper.HasDescriptions(typeof(TransTypeEnum), TransType)) { throw new Exception(LanguageHelper.GetNameSingle("WMSAPIInfo003"));//"单据类型不存在!" } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI[0].ORD_ORDINE)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo001"));//"单据号不能为空!" } string[] trans = JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI[0].ORD_ORDINE.Split('~'); string MergeID = ""; if (trans.Length == 2) { MergeID = trans[0]; JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI[0].ORD_ORDINE = trans[1]; } #region 审核的到货单 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.DeliveryNotice.GetDescription()) { foreach (var itemInfo in JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI_RIGHE_STO) { //更新源头单据数量 ICSPurchaseService.DeliveryNoticeInForHG(JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI[0].ORD_ORDINE, itemInfo.STO_HOSTINF, JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI[0].ORD_CLIENTE, cmd, language); BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.DeliveryNotice.GetDescription(); //生成条码的同时入库 ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoUpForHG(Identification, JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI[0].ORD_ORDINE, itemInfo.STO_HOSTINF , itemInfo.STO_EFF_ARTICOLO, itemInfo.STO_EFF_QTA, itemInfo.STO_EXE_OPERATORE, JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI[0].ORD_CLIENTE, itemInfo.STO_CORRIDOIO, "2", BusinessCode, cmd, language); } } #endregion #region 开立的生产入库单 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.ManufactureReceive.GetDescription()) { foreach (var itemInfo in JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI_RIGHE_STO) { //更新源头单据数量 ICSManufactureService.ManufactureReceiveForHG(JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI[0].ORD_ORDINE, itemInfo.STO_HOSTINF, JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI[0].ORD_CLIENTE, cmd, language); BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.ManufactureReceive.GetDescription(); //入库 ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoUpForHG(Identification, JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI[0].ORD_ORDINE, itemInfo.STO_HOSTINF , itemInfo.STO_EFF_ARTICOLO, itemInfo.STO_EFF_QTA, itemInfo.STO_EXE_OPERATORE, JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI[0].ORD_CLIENTE, itemInfo.STO_CORRIDOIO, "18", BusinessCode, cmd, language); } } #endregion #region 生产退料 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOIssueDocNegativeApply.GetDescription()) { foreach (var itemInfo in JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI_RIGHE_STO) { //更新源头单据数量 ICSManufactureService.MOIssueDocNegativeHG(JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI[0].ORD_ORDINE, itemInfo.STO_HOSTINF, JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI[0].ORD_CLIENTE, cmd, language); BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.MOIssueDocNegative.GetDescription(); //入库 ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoUpForHG(Identification, JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI[0].ORD_ORDINE, itemInfo.STO_HOSTINF , itemInfo.STO_EFF_ARTICOLO, itemInfo.STO_EFF_QTA, itemInfo.STO_EXE_OPERATORE, JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI[0].ORD_CLIENTE, itemInfo.STO_CORRIDOIO, "16", BusinessCode, cmd, language); } } #endregion #region 采购退货 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.PurchaseReceiveDoctNegative.GetDescription()) { BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.PurchaseReceiveDoctNegative.GetDescription(); //更新源头单据数量 ICSPurchaseService.PurchaseReceiveDoctNegativeHG(JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI[0].ORD_ORDINE, JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI[0].ORD_CLIENTE, cmd, language); //出库 printTable = ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoDownHG(Identification, JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI[0].ORD_ORDINE, JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI_RIGHE_STO[0].STO_EXE_OPERATORE , JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI[0].ORD_CLIENTE, "3", TransTypeEnum.PurchaseReceiveDoctNegative.GetDescription(), cmd, language); } #endregion #region 领料申请单发料 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOApply.GetDescription()) { BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.MOApply.GetDescription(); //更新源头单据数量 ICSManufactureService.MOApplyHG(JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI[0].ORD_ORDINE, JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI[0].ORD_CLIENTE, cmd, language); //出库 printTable = ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoDownHG(Identification, JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI[0].ORD_ORDINE, JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI_RIGHE_STO[0].STO_EXE_OPERATORE , JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI[0].ORD_CLIENTE, "14", TransTypeEnum.MOApply.GetDescription(), cmd, language, MergeID); } #endregion #region 委外领料申请单发料 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OOApply.GetDescription()) { BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.OOApply.GetDescription(); //更新源头单据数量 ICSOutsourcingService.OOApplyHG(JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI[0].ORD_ORDINE, JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI[0].ORD_CLIENTE, cmd, language); //出库 printTable = ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoDownHG(Identification, JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI[0].ORD_ORDINE, JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI_RIGHE_STO[0].STO_EXE_OPERATORE , JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI[0].ORD_CLIENTE, "6", TransTypeEnum.OOApply.GetDescription(), cmd, language, MergeID); } #endregion else { throw new Exception(LanguageHelper.GetNameSingle("WMSAPIInfo003"));//"单据类型不存在!" } //上传ERP if (Convert.ToBoolean(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UploadERP"])) { //采购退货 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.PurchaseReceiveDoctNegative.GetDescription()) ICSPurchaseService.PurchaseReceiveDoctNegativeERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); //领料申请单发料 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOApply.GetDescription()) ICSManufactureService.MOApplyERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); //委外领料申请单发料 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OOApply.GetDescription()) ICSOutsourcingService.OOApplyERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); //审核的到货单 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.DeliveryNotice.GetDescription()) ICSPurchaseService.DeliveryNoticeInERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); //开立的生产入库单 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.ManufactureReceive.GetDescription()) ICSManufactureService.ManufactureReceiveERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); //生产退料 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOIssueDocNegative.GetDescription() || TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOIssueDocNegativeApply.GetDescription() || TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOIssueDocNegativeIssue.GetDescription()) ICSManufactureService.MOIssueDocNegativeERP(TransType, Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); } #region 出库单据增加验证,整单全部出库之后删除所有跟单据关联的占料信息,解锁占料数量 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.PurchaseReceiveDoctNegative.GetDescription() || TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOApply.GetDescription() || TransType == TransTypeEnum.OOApply.GetDescription()) { ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.MaterialOccpyCancel(TransType, JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI[0].ORD_ORDINE, JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI[0].ORD_CLIENTE, cmd, language); } #endregion if (!printTable.Equals("{}")) { cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return printTable; } else { DataTable table = GetData(Identification, 2, cmd); cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return table; } } catch (Exception ex) { if (cmd.Transaction != null) cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); #region 保存传入JSON及报错信息 string errorsql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT DocNO FROM ICSHG_WMSEorrorLog WHERE DocNO='{0}' AND WorkPoint='{5}') Insert into ICSHG_WMSEorrorLog Values (NEWID(),'{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}',GETDATE(),'{4}','{4}','{5}','未完成','','')"; errorsql = string.Format(errorsql, JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI[0].ORD_ORDINE, JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI[0].ORD_DES, InputJson , ex.Message, JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI_RIGHE_STO[0].STO_EXE_OPERATORE, JsonData.DATA.EXP_ORDINI[0].ORD_CLIENTE); DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(connString, CommandType.Text, errorsql); #endregion throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } #region 采购 /// /// 采购到货 /// /// /// public static DataTable DeliveryNoticeCreate(List JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); if (JsonData.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo007"));//"传送数据为空!" } using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; try { string asncodes = string.Empty; string sql = string.Empty; foreach (var item in JsonData) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ASNCode)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo009"));//"送货单号不能为空!" } //获取单号 sql = @"IF EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSDeliveryNotice a WHERE a.ASNCode='{0}' AND DNType = '1' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo057") + @"',16,1); RETURN END DECLARE @Status VARCHAR(10) SELECT @Status=Status FROM ICSASN WHERE ASNCode='{0}' and WorkPoint='{1}' IF (@Status IS NULL) BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo058") + @"',16,1); RETURN END ELSE IF (@Status!='2') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo059") + @"',16,1); RETURN END DECLARE @MaxNO INT,@date varchar(20)='DN'+SUBSTRING(CONVERT(varchar(8), GETDATE(), 112), 1, 8) SELECT @MaxNO=SUBSTRING(MAX(DNCode),LEN(@date)+1,LEN(MAX(DNCode))-LEN(@date))+1 FROM ICSDeliveryNotice WHERE SUBSTRING(DNCode, 1, LEN(@date))=@date IF @MaxNO IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @date+'00001' AS Code END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @date+REPLICATE('0',5-LEN(@MaxNO))+CAST(@MaxNO AS nvarchar(10)) AS Code END "; sql = string.Format(sql, item.ASNCode, item.WorkPoint); string Code = DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql, cmd).ToString(); //修改送货单到货数量 foreach (var itemInfo in item.detail) { sql = @"UPDATE ICSASNDetail SET DNQuantity=ISNULL(DNQuantity, 0)+'{2}' WHERE LotNo='{0}' AND WorkPoint='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, itemInfo.LotNo, item.WorkPoint, itemInfo.Quantity); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo010")); //"送货单子表信息更新失败!"); } sql = @"UPDATE ICSInventoryLot SET Quantity='{2}' WHERE LotNo='{0}' AND WorkPoint='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, itemInfo.LotNo, item.WorkPoint, itemInfo.Quantity); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo462")); //"条码表信息更新失败!"); } } //创建到货单信息 sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT F_Account FROM Sys_SRM_User WHERE F_Account='{1}' AND F_Location='{2}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo060"), "{1}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END INSERT INTO ICSDeliveryNotice(ID,DNCode,Sequence,VenCode,DepCode, DNType,InvCode,Quantity,Amount,RCVQuantity, UnitPrice,Currency,Status,CreatePerson,CreateDateTime, POID,PODetailID,DNID,DNDetailID,ExtensionID, MUSER,MUSERName,MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1,ASNCode) SELECT NEWID(),'{0}',row_number() OVER (ORDER BY b.InvCode),d.VenCode,d.DepCode, '1',b.InvCode,SUM(a.DNQuantity),'0','0', d.UnitPrice,d.Currency,'2',e.F_Account,GETDATE(), d.POID,d.PODetailID,newid(),newid(),b.ExtensionID, e.F_Account,e.F_RealName,GETDATE(),a.WorkPoint,'',a.ASNCode FROM ICSASNDetail a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail c ON b.LotNo=c.LotNo AND b.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSPurchaseOrder d ON c.TransCode=d.POCode AND c.TransSequence=d.Sequence AND c.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User e ON e.F_Account='{1}' AND e.F_Location='{2}' WHERE a.ASNCode='{3}' AND a.WorkPoint='{2}' GROUP BY d.POID,d.PODetailID,d.VenCode,d.UnitPrice,d.Currency,d.DepCode,b.ExtensionID,b.InvCode,a.ASNCode,e.F_Account,e.F_RealName,a.WorkPoint"; sql = string.Format(sql, Code, item.User, item.WorkPoint, item.ASNCode); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo011")); //"到货单信息创建失败!"); } ICSPurchaseService.DeliveryNoticeERP(Code, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); asncodes += "'" + item.ASNCode + item.WorkPoint + "',"; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(asncodes)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo009"));//"请传入送货单信息!"); } #region 查询返回数据 sql = @"SELECT n.POCode, n.Sequence AS POSequence, a.ASNCode, a.DNCode, a.Sequence, a.VenCode, a.DepCode, a.InvCode, inv.InvName, inv.InvStd, a.Quantity, inv.InvUnit, a.Amount, inv.AmountUnit, a.RCVQuantity, a.UnitPrice, a.Currency, a.POID, a.PODetailID, a.DNID, a.DNDetailID, ext.ProjectCode, ext.BatchCode, ext.Version, ext.Brand, ext.cFree1, ext.cFree2, ext.cFree3, ext.cFree4, ext.cFree5, ext.cFree6, ext.cFree7, ext.cFree8, ext.cFree9, ext.cFree10, a.MUSER AS [User], a.MTIME AS [MTime] FROM ICSDeliveryNotice a INNER JOIN ICSPurchaseOrder n ON a.POID =n.POID AND a.PODetailID=n.PODetailID AND a.WorkPoint=n.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON a.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND a.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint WHERE a.ASNCode+a.WorkPoint IN ({0})"; sql = string.Format(sql, asncodes.Substring(0, asncodes.Length - 1)); DataTable data = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); #endregion cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return data; } catch (Exception ex) { if (cmd.Transaction != null) cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } /// /// 采购拒收 /// /// /// public static DataTable PurchaseRejectDocCreate(List JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); if (JsonData.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo007"));//"传送数据为空!" } using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; try { string lots = string.Empty; string sql = string.Empty; foreach (var item in JsonData) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.DNCode)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo012"));//"到货单号不能为空!"); } //获取单号 sql = @"DECLARE @Status VARCHAR(10) SELECT @Status=Status FROM ICSDeliveryNotice WHERE DNCode='{0}' and DNType='1' and WorkPoint='{1}' IF (@Status IS NULL) BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo061") + @"',16,1); RETURN END ELSE IF (@Status!='2') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo062") + @"',16,1); RETURN END DECLARE @MaxNO INT,@date varchar(20)='RJT'+SUBSTRING(CONVERT(varchar(8), GETDATE(), 112), 1, 8) SELECT @MaxNO=SUBSTRING(MAX(DNCode),LEN(@date)+1,LEN(MAX(DNCode))-LEN(@date))+1 FROM ICSDeliveryNotice WHERE SUBSTRING(DNCode, 1, LEN(@date))=@date IF @MaxNO IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @date+'00001' AS Code END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @date+REPLICATE('0',5-LEN(@MaxNO))+CAST(@MaxNO AS nvarchar(10)) AS Code END "; sql = string.Format(sql, item.DNCode, item.WorkPoint); string Code = DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql, cmd).ToString(); //修改送货单到货数量 foreach (var itemInfo in item.detail) { sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT F_Account FROM Sys_SRM_User WHERE F_Account='{3}' AND F_Location='{2}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo060"), "{3}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END IF EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSDeliveryNotice a WHERE a.EATTRIBUTE1='{1}' AND DNType = '3' AND a.WorkPoint='{2}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo063") + @"',16,1); RETURN END INSERT INTO ICSDeliveryNotice(ID,DNCode,Sequence,VenCode,DepCode, DNType,InvCode,Quantity,Amount,RCVQuantity, UnitPrice,Currency,Status,CreatePerson,CreateDateTime, POID,PODetailID,DNID,DNDetailID,ExtensionID, MUSER,MUSERName,MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1,ASNCode) SELECT NEWID(),'{4}', '{11}', '{5}', '{6}', '3',d.InvCode,'{7}', '{8}', 0, '{9}', '{10}', '2', e.F_Account, SYSDATETIME(), a.DNID,a.DNDetailID, '0', '0', a.ExtensionID, e.F_Account,e.F_RealName, SYSDATETIME(), a.WorkPoint, b.LOTNO,'' FROM ICSDeliveryNotice a INNER JOIN ICSASNDetail b ON a.ASNCode=b.ASNCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot d ON b.LotNo=d.LotNo AND a.InvCode=d.InvCode AND b.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail m on d.LotNo=m.LotNo and d.WorkPoint=m.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSPurchaseOrder n ON m.TransCode =n.POCode AND m.TransSequence=n.Sequence AND a.PODetailID=n.PODetailID AND m.WorkPoint=n.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInspection h ON h.LotNo=b.LotNo AND h.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User e ON e.F_Account='{3}' AND e.F_Location='{2}' WHERE a.DNCode='{0}' and b.LOTNO='{1}' AND a.WorkPoint='{2}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, item.DNCode, itemInfo.LotNo, item.WorkPoint, item.User, Code, item.VenCode, item.DepCode, itemInfo.Quantity, itemInfo.Amount, itemInfo.UnitPrice, itemInfo.Currency, itemInfo.Sequence); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo013"));//"拒收单创建失败!"); } lots += "'" + itemInfo.LotNo + item.WorkPoint + "',"; } ICSPurchaseService.PurchaseRejectDocInNewERP(item.DNCode, Code, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lots)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo005"));//"请传入条码信息!"); } #region 查询返回数据 sql = @"SELECT n.DNCode, n.Sequence, a.DNCode AS RJTCode, a.Sequence AS RJTSequence, a.VenCode, a.DepCode, a.InvCode, inv.InvName, inv.InvStd, a.Quantity, inv.InvUnit, a.Amount, inv.AmountUnit, a.RCVQuantity, a.UnitPrice, a.Currency, a.POID, a.PODetailID, a.DNID, a.DNDetailID, ext.ProjectCode, ext.BatchCode, ext.Version, ext.Brand, ext.cFree1, ext.cFree2, ext.cFree3, ext.cFree4, ext.cFree5, ext.cFree6, ext.cFree7, ext.cFree8, ext.cFree9, ext.cFree10, a.MUSER AS [User], a.MTIME AS [MTime] FROM ICSDeliveryNotice a INNER JOIN ICSDeliveryNotice n ON a.POID =n.DNID AND a.PODetailID=n.DNDetailID AND a.WorkPoint=n.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON a.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND a.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint WHERE a.EATTRIBUTE1+a.WorkPoint IN ({0})"; sql = string.Format(sql, lots.Substring(0, lots.Length - 1)); DataTable data = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); #endregion cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return data; } catch (Exception ex) { if (cmd.Transaction != null) cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } #endregion #region 委外 /// /// 委外退料 新建 /// /// /// public static DataTable OutsourcingIssueDoNegativeApplyCreate(List JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); if (JsonData.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo007"));//"传送数据为空!" } using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; try { string codes = string.Empty; string sql = string.Empty; foreach (var item in JsonData) { //获取单号 sql = @"DECLARE @MaxNO INT,@date varchar(20)='OOIA'+SUBSTRING(CONVERT(varchar(8), GETDATE(), 112), 1, 8) SELECT @MaxNO=SUBSTRING(MAX(OApplyNegCode),LEN(@date)+1,LEN(MAX(OApplyNegCode))-LEN(@date))+1 FROM ICSOApplyNeg WHERE SUBSTRING(OApplyNegCode, 1, LEN(@date))=@date IF @MaxNO IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @date+'00001' AS Code END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @date+REPLICATE('0',5-LEN(@MaxNO))+CAST(@MaxNO AS nvarchar(10)) AS Code END "; string Code = DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql, cmd).ToString(); //创建主表 sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT F_Account FROM Sys_SRM_User WHERE F_Account='{2}' AND F_Location='{4}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo060"), "{2}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END INSERT INTO ICSOApplyNeg(ID,OApplyNegCode,WHCode,Status,Type,Memo,CreatePerson,CreateDateTime,MUSER,MUSERName,MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1) VALUES (NEWID(),'{0}','{1}','1','{5}','','{2}','{3}','{2}',(select F_RealName from Sys_SRM_User where F_Account='{2}' and F_Location='{4}'),'{3}','{4}','')"; sql = string.Format(sql, Code, item.WHCode, item.User, item.MTime, item.WorkPoint, item.Type); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo014"));//"委外退料单信息创建失败!"); } foreach (var itemInfo in item.detail) { //创建子表 sql = @"INSERT INTO ICSOApplyNegDetail(ID,OApplyNegCode,Sequence,SourceDetailID,InvCode, Quantity,Amount,IssueNegQuantity,ExtensionID,MUSER, MUSERName,MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE) VALUES (NEWID(),'{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}', '{4}','{5}',0,'{6}','{7}', (select F_RealName from Sys_SRM_User where F_Account='{7}' and F_Location='{8}'),SYSDATETIME(),'{8}','')"; sql = string.Format(sql, Code, itemInfo.Sequence, itemInfo.SourceDetailID, itemInfo.InvCode, itemInfo.Quantity, itemInfo.Amount, itemInfo.ExtensionID, item.User, item.WorkPoint); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo015"));//"委外退料单子表信息创建失败!"); } } //校验退料数量是否超出领料数量 sql = CheckOutsourcingIssueDoc(item.Type, Code, item.WorkPoint, language); DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd); codes += "'" + Code + item.WorkPoint + "',"; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(codes)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo001"));//"单据号不能为空!" } #region 查询返回数据 sql = @"SELECT a.OApplyNegCode, c.WHCode, c.Memo, d.Name AS Status, a.Sequence, a.InvCode, inv.InvName, inv.InvStd, a.Quantity, inv.InvUnit, a.Amount, inv.AmountUnit, a.IssueNegQuantity, ext.ProjectCode, ext.BatchCode, ext.Version, ext.Brand, ext.cFree1, ext.cFree2, ext.cFree3, ext.cFree4, ext.cFree5, ext.cFree6, ext.cFree7, ext.cFree8, ext.cFree9, ext.cFree10, a.MUSER AS [User], a.MTIME AS [MTime] FROM ICSOApplyNegDetail a INNER JOIN ICSOApplyNeg c ON a.OApplyNegCode=c.OApplyNegCode AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSType d ON d.TableCode='ICSOApplyNeg' AND d.ColumnCode='Status' AND c.Status=d.Code AND c.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON a.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND a.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint WHERE a.OApplyNegCode+a.WorkPoint IN ({0})"; sql = string.Format(sql, codes.Substring(0, codes.Length - 1)); DataTable data = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); #endregion cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return data; } catch (Exception ex) { if (cmd.Transaction != null) cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } private static string CheckOutsourcingIssueDoc(string Type, string Code, string WorkPoint, Dictionary language) { string sql = string.Empty; if (Type == "1") { sql = @"DECLARE @PickID VARCHAR(10) SELECT @PickID=b.PickID FROM ICSOApplyNegDetail a INNER JOIN ICSOOPick b ON a.SourceDetailID=b.PickID AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSOApplyNeg c ON a.OApplyNegCode=c.OApplyNegCode AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE c.Type='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND a.SourceDetailID IN (SELECT a.SourceDetailID FROM ICSOApplyNegDetail a INNER JOIN ICSOApplyNeg c ON a.OApplyNegCode=c.OApplyNegCode AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE c.OApplyNegCode='{0}' AND c.Type='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}') GROUP BY b.PickID HAVING MAX(b.Quantity) /// 委外退料 修改 /// /// /// public static DataTable OutsourcingIssueDoNegativeApplyUpdate(List JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); if (JsonData.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo007"));//"传送数据为空!" } using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; try { string sql = string.Empty; string Code = string.Empty; string ids = string.Empty; foreach (var item in JsonData) { //主表修改 sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT F_Account FROM Sys_SRM_User WHERE F_Account='{1}' AND F_Location='{4}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo060") + @"',16,1); RETURN END DECLARE @Status VARCHAR(10) SELECT @Status=Status FROM ICSOApplyNeg WHERE ID='{3}' and WorkPoint='{4}' IF (@Status IS NULL) BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo065"), "{3}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END ELSE IF (@Status!='1') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo066"), "{3}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END update ICSOApplyNeg set WHCode='{0}',MUSER='{1}',MUSERName=(select F_RealName from Sys_SRM_User where F_Account='{1}' and F_Location='{4}'),MTIME='{2}' where ID='{3}' and WorkPoint='{4}' "; sql = string.Format(sql, item.WHCode, item.User, item.MTime,, item.WorkPoint); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo016"));//"委外退料单信息修改失败!"); } var detail = item.detail.Where(a => a.DetailID.Length <= 0).Count(); if (detail > 0) { sql = @"SELECT OApplyNegCode FROM ICSOApplyNeg where ID='{0}' and WorkPoint='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql,, item.WorkPoint); Code = DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql, cmd).ToString(); } foreach (var itemInfo in item.detail) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(itemInfo.DetailID)) { //创建子表 sql = @"INSERT INTO ICSOApplyNegDetail(ID,OApplyNegCode,Sequence,SourceDetailID,InvCode, Quantity,Amount,IssueNegQuantity,ExtensionID,MUSER, MUSERName,MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE) VALUES (NEWID(),'{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}', '{4}','{5}',0,'{6}','{7}', (select F_RealName from Sys_SRM_User where F_Account='{7}' and F_Location='{8}'),SYSDATETIME(),'{8}','')"; sql = string.Format(sql, Code, itemInfo.Sequence, itemInfo.SourceDetailID, itemInfo.InvCode, itemInfo.Quantity, itemInfo.Amount, itemInfo.ExtensionID, item.User, item.WorkPoint); } else { //子表修改 sql = @"update ICSOApplyNegDetail set InvCode='{0}' ,Quantity='{1}',Amount='{2}',SourceDetailID='{3}',MUSER='{6}',MUSERName=(select F_RealName from Sys_SRM_User where F_Account='{6}' and F_Location='{5}') where ID='{4}' and WorkPoint='{5}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, itemInfo.InvCode, itemInfo.Quantity, itemInfo.Amount, itemInfo.SourceDetailID, itemInfo.DetailID, item.WorkPoint, item.User); } if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo017"));//"委外退料单子表信息修改失败!"); } } //校验退料数量是否超出领料数量 sql = CheckOutsourcingIssueDoc(item.Type, Code, item.WorkPoint, language); DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd); ids += "'" + + "',"; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ids)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo006"));//"ID不能为空!" } #region 查询返回数据 sql = @"SELECT a.OApplyNegCode, c.WHCode, c.Memo, d.Name AS Status, a.Sequence, a.InvCode, inv.InvName, inv.InvStd, a.Quantity, inv.InvUnit, a.Amount, inv.AmountUnit, a.IssueNegQuantity, ext.ProjectCode, ext.BatchCode, ext.Version, ext.Brand, ext.cFree1, ext.cFree2, ext.cFree3, ext.cFree4, ext.cFree5, ext.cFree6, ext.cFree7, ext.cFree8, ext.cFree9, ext.cFree10, a.MUSER AS [User], a.MTIME AS [MTime] FROM ICSOApplyNegDetail a INNER JOIN ICSOApplyNeg c ON a.OApplyNegCode=c.OApplyNegCode AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSType d ON d.TableCode='ICSOApplyNeg' AND d.ColumnCode='Status' AND c.Status=d.Code AND c.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON a.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND a.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint WHERE c.ID IN ({0})"; sql = string.Format(sql, ids.Substring(0, ids.Length - 1)); DataTable data = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); #endregion cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return data; } catch (Exception ex) { if (cmd.Transaction != null) cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } /// /// 委外退料审核 /// /// /// public static DataTable OutsourcingIssueDoNegativeApplyApprove(List JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); if (JsonData.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo007"));//"传送数据为空!" } using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; try { string sql = string.Empty; string ids = string.Empty; foreach (var item in JsonData) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ID)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo018"));//"单据ID不能为空!"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.User)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo019"));//"操作人不能为空!"); } if (item.MTime <= new DateTime(2000, 1, 1)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo020"));//"操作时间不能为空!"); } //获取单号 sql = @"DECLARE @Status VARCHAR(10) SELECT @Status=Status FROM ICSOApplyNeg WHERE ID='{0}' IF (@Status IS NULL) BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo065") + @"',16,1); RETURN END ELSE IF (@Status!='1') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo066") + @"',16,1); RETURN END update ICSOApplyNeg set Status='2',MUSER='{1}',MTIME='{2}' where ID='{0}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, item.ID, item.User, item.MTime); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo021"));//"委外退料申请单审核失败!"); } ids += "'" + item.ID + "',"; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ids)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo006"));//"ID不能为空!" } #region 查询返回数据 sql = @"SELECT a.OApplyNegCode, c.WHCode, c.Memo, d.Name AS Status, a.Sequence, a.InvCode, inv.InvName, inv.InvStd, a.Quantity, inv.InvUnit, a.Amount, inv.AmountUnit, a.IssueNegQuantity, ext.ProjectCode, ext.BatchCode, ext.Version, ext.Brand, ext.cFree1, ext.cFree2, ext.cFree3, ext.cFree4, ext.cFree5, ext.cFree6, ext.cFree7, ext.cFree8, ext.cFree9, ext.cFree10, a.MUSER AS [User], a.MTIME AS [MTime] FROM ICSOApplyNegDetail a INNER JOIN ICSOApplyNeg c ON a.OApplyNegCode=c.OApplyNegCode AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSType d ON d.TableCode='ICSOApplyNeg' AND d.ColumnCode='Status' AND c.Status=d.Code AND c.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON a.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND a.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint WHERE c.ID IN ({0})"; sql = string.Format(sql, ids.Substring(0, ids.Length - 1)); DataTable data = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); #endregion cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return data; } catch (Exception ex) { if (cmd.Transaction != null) cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } /// /// 委外到货 /// /// /// public static DataTable OutsourcingDeliveryNoticeCreate(List JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); if (JsonData.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo007"));//"传送数据为空!" } using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; try { string asncodes = string.Empty; string sql = string.Empty; foreach (var item in JsonData) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.OASNCode)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo009"));//"送货单号不能为空!"); } //获取单号 sql = @"IF EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSODeliveryNotice a WHERE a.OASNCode='{0}' AND ODNType = '1' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo057") + @"',16,1); RETURN END DECLARE @Status VARCHAR(10) SELECT @Status=Status FROM ICSOASN WHERE OASNCode='{0}' and WorkPoint='{1}' IF (@Status IS NULL) BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo058") + @"',16,1); RETURN END ELSE IF (@Status!='2') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo059") + @"',16,1); RETURN END DECLARE @MaxNO INT,@date varchar(20)='ODN'+SUBSTRING(CONVERT(varchar(8), GETDATE(), 112), 1, 8) SELECT @MaxNO=SUBSTRING(MAX(ODNCode),LEN(@date)+1,LEN(MAX(ODNCode))-LEN(@date))+1 FROM ICSODeliveryNotice WHERE SUBSTRING(ODNCode, 1, LEN(@date))=@date IF @MaxNO IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @date+'00001' AS Code END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @date+REPLICATE('0',5-LEN(@MaxNO))+CAST(@MaxNO AS nvarchar(10)) AS Code END "; sql = string.Format(sql, item.OASNCode, item.WorkPoint); string Code = DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql, cmd).ToString(); //修改送货单到货数量 foreach (var itemInfo in item.detail) { sql = @"UPDATE ICSOASNDetail SET ODNQuantity=ISNULL(ODNQuantity, 0)+'{2}' WHERE LotNo='{0}' AND WorkPoint='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, itemInfo.LotNo, item.WorkPoint, itemInfo.Quantity); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo010")); //"委外送货单子表信息更新失败!"); } } //创建到货单信息 sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT F_Account FROM Sys_SRM_User WHERE F_Account='{1}' AND F_Location='{2}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo060") + @"',16,1); RETURN END INSERT INTO ICSODeliveryNotice(ID,ODNCode,Sequence,VenCode,DepCode, ODNType,InvCode,Quantity,Amount,RCVQuantity, UnitPrice,Currency,Status,CreatePerson,CreateDateTime, OOID,OODetailID,ODNID,ODNDetailID,ExtensionID, MUSER,MUSERName,MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1,OASNCode) SELECT NEWID(),'{0}',row_number() OVER (ORDER BY b.InvCode),d.VenCode,d.DepCode, '1',b.InvCode,SUM(a.ODNQuantity),'0','0', d.UnitPrice,d.Currency,'2',e.F_Account,GETDATE(), d.OOID,d.OODetailID,newid(),newid(),b.ExtensionID, e.F_Account,e.F_RealName,GETDATE(),a.WorkPoint,'',a.OASNCode FROM ICSOASNDetail a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail c ON b.LotNo=c.LotNo AND b.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSOutsourcingOrder d ON c.TransCode=d.OOCode AND c.TransSequence=d.Sequence AND c.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User e ON e.F_Account='{1}' AND e.F_Location='{2}' WHERE a.OASNCode='{3}' AND a.WorkPoint='{2}' GROUP BY d.OOID,d.OODetailID,d.VenCode,d.UnitPrice,d.Currency,d.DepCode,b.ExtensionID,b.InvCode,a.OASNCode,e.F_Account,e.F_RealName,a.WorkPoint"; sql = string.Format(sql, Code, item.User, item.WorkPoint, item.OASNCode); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo011")); //"到货单信息创建失败!"); } ICSOutsourcingService.OutsourcingDeliveryNoticeERP(Code, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); asncodes += "'" + item.OASNCode + item.WorkPoint + "',"; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(asncodes)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo009"));//"请传入送货单信息!"); } #region 查询返回数据 sql = @"SELECT n.OOCode, n.Sequence AS OOSequence, a.OASNCode, a.ODNCode, a.Sequence, a.VenCode, a.DepCode, a.InvCode, inv.InvName, inv.InvStd, a.Quantity, inv.InvUnit, a.Amount, inv.AmountUnit, a.RCVQuantity, a.UnitPrice, a.Currency, a.OOID, a.OODetailID, a.ODNID, a.ODNDetailID, ext.ProjectCode, ext.BatchCode, ext.Version, ext.Brand, ext.cFree1, ext.cFree2, ext.cFree3, ext.cFree4, ext.cFree5, ext.cFree6, ext.cFree7, ext.cFree8, ext.cFree9, ext.cFree10, a.MUSER AS [User], a.MTIME AS [MTime] FROM ICSODeliveryNotice a INNER JOIN ICSOutsourcingOrder n ON a.OOID =n.OOID AND a.OODetailID=n.OODetailID AND a.WorkPoint=n.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON a.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND a.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint WHERE a.OASNCode+a.WorkPoint IN ({0})"; sql = string.Format(sql, asncodes.Substring(0, asncodes.Length - 1)); DataTable data = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); #endregion cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return data; } catch (Exception ex) { if (cmd.Transaction != null) cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } /// /// 委外拒收 /// /// /// public static DataTable OutsourcingRejectDocCreate(List JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); if (JsonData.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo007"));//"传送数据为空!" } using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; try { string lots = string.Empty; string sql = string.Empty; foreach (var item in JsonData) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ODNCode)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo012"));//"到货单号不能为空!"); } //获取单号 sql = @"DECLARE @Status VARCHAR(10) SELECT @Status=Status FROM ICSODeliveryNotice WHERE ODNCode='{0}' and ODNType='1' and WorkPoint='{1}' IF (@Status IS NULL) BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo061") + @"',16,1); RETURN END ELSE IF (@Status!='2') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo062") + @"',16,1); RETURN END DECLARE @MaxNO INT,@date varchar(20)='ORJT'+SUBSTRING(CONVERT(varchar(8), GETDATE(), 112), 1, 8) SELECT @MaxNO=SUBSTRING(MAX(ODNCode),LEN(@date)+1,LEN(MAX(ODNCode))-LEN(@date))+1 FROM ICSODeliveryNotice WHERE SUBSTRING(ODNCode, 1, LEN(@date))=@date IF @MaxNO IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @date+'00001' AS Code END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @date+REPLICATE('0',5-LEN(@MaxNO))+CAST(@MaxNO AS nvarchar(10)) AS Code END "; sql = string.Format(sql, item.ODNCode, item.WorkPoint); string Code = DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql, cmd).ToString(); //修改送货单到货数量 foreach (var itemInfo in item.detail) { sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT F_Account FROM Sys_SRM_User WHERE F_Account='{3}' AND F_Location='{2}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo060"), "{3}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END IF EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSODeliveryNotice a WHERE a.EATTRIBUTE1='{1}' AND ODNType = '3' AND a.WorkPoint='{2}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo063") + @"',16,1); RETURN END INSERT INTO ICSODeliveryNotice(ID,ODNCode,Sequence,VenCode,DepCode, ODNType,InvCode,Quantity,Amount,RCVQuantity, UnitPrice,Currency,Status,CreatePerson,CreateDateTime, OOID,OODetailID,ODNID,ODNDetailID,ExtensionID, MUSER,MUSERName,MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1,OASNCode) SELECT NEWID(),'{4}', '{11}', '{5}', '{6}', '3',d.InvCode,'{7}', '{8}', 0, '{9}', '{10}', '2', e.F_Account, SYSDATETIME(), a.ODNID,a.ODNDetailID, '0', '0', a.ExtensionID, e.F_Account,e.F_RealName, SYSDATETIME(), a.WorkPoint, b.LOTNO,'' FROM ICSODeliveryNotice a INNER JOIN ICSOASNDetail b ON a.OASNCode=b.OASNCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot d ON b.LotNo=d.LotNo AND a.InvCode=d.InvCode AND b.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail m on d.LotNo=m.LotNo and d.WorkPoint=m.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSOutsourcingOrder n ON m.TransCode =n.OOCode AND m.TransSequence=n.Sequence AND a.OODetailID=n.OODetailID AND m.WorkPoint=n.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInspection h ON h.LotNo=b.LotNo AND h.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User e ON e.F_Account='{3}' AND e.F_Location='{2}' WHERE a.ODNCode='{0}' and b.LOTNO='{1}' AND a.WorkPoint='{2}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, item.ODNCode, itemInfo.LotNo, item.WorkPoint, item.User, Code, item.VenCode, item.DepCode, itemInfo.Quantity, itemInfo.Amount, itemInfo.UnitPrice, itemInfo.Currency, itemInfo.Sequence); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo013"));//"拒收单创建失败!"); } lots += "'" + itemInfo.LotNo + item.WorkPoint + "',"; } ICSOutsourcingService.OutsourcingRejectDocInNewERP(item.ODNCode, Code, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lots)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo005"));//"请传入条码信息!"); } #region 查询返回数据 sql = @"SELECT n.ODNCode, n.Sequence, a.ODNCode AS RJTCode, a.Sequence AS RJTSequence, a.VenCode, a.DepCode, a.InvCode, inv.InvName, inv.InvStd, a.Quantity, inv.InvUnit, a.Amount, inv.AmountUnit, a.RCVQuantity, a.UnitPrice, a.Currency, a.OOID, a.OODetailID, a.ODNID, a.ODNDetailID, ext.ProjectCode, ext.BatchCode, ext.Version, ext.Brand, ext.cFree1, ext.cFree2, ext.cFree3, ext.cFree4, ext.cFree5, ext.cFree6, ext.cFree7, ext.cFree8, ext.cFree9, ext.cFree10, a.MUSER AS [User], a.MTIME AS [MTime] FROM ICSODeliveryNotice a INNER JOIN ICSODeliveryNotice n ON a.OOID =n.ODNID AND a.OODetailID=n.ODNDetailID AND a.WorkPoint=n.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON a.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND a.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint WHERE a.EATTRIBUTE1+a.WorkPoint IN ({0})"; sql = string.Format(sql, lots.Substring(0, lots.Length - 1)); DataTable data = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); #endregion cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return data; } catch (Exception ex) { if (cmd.Transaction != null) cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } #endregion #region 生产 /// /// 生产退料 新建 /// /// /// public static DataTable MOIssueDocNegativeApplyCreate(List JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); if (JsonData.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo007"));//"传送数据为空!" } using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; try { string codes = string.Empty; string sql = string.Empty; foreach (var item in JsonData) { //获取单号 sql = @"DECLARE @MaxNO INT,@date varchar(20)='MOIA'+SUBSTRING(CONVERT(varchar(8), GETDATE(), 112), 1, 8) SELECT @MaxNO=SUBSTRING(MAX(ApplyNegCode),LEN(@date)+1,LEN(MAX(ApplyNegCode))-LEN(@date))+1 FROM ICSMOApplyNeg WHERE SUBSTRING(ApplyNegCode, 1, LEN(@date))=@date IF @MaxNO IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @date+'00001' AS Code END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @date+REPLICATE('0',5-LEN(@MaxNO))+CAST(@MaxNO AS nvarchar(10)) AS Code END "; string Code = DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql, cmd).ToString(); //创建主表 sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT F_Account FROM Sys_SRM_User WHERE F_Account='{2}' AND F_Location='{4}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo060"), "{2}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END INSERT INTO ICSMOApplyNeg(ID,ApplyNegCode,WHCode,Status,Type,Memo,CreatePerson,CreateDateTime,MUSER,MUSERName,MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1) VALUES (NEWID(),'{0}','{1}','1','{5}','','{2}','{3}','{2}',(select F_RealName from Sys_SRM_User where F_Account='{2}' and F_Location='{4}'),'{3}','{4}','')"; sql = string.Format(sql, Code, item.WHCode, item.User, item.MTime, item.WorkPoint, item.Type); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo022"));//"生产退料单信息创建失败!"); } foreach (var itemInfo in item.detail) { //创建子表 sql = @"INSERT INTO ICSMOApplyNegDetail(ID,ApplyNegCode,Sequence,SourceDetailID,InvCode, Quantity,Amount,IssueNegQuantity,ExtensionID,MUSER, MUSERName,MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE) VALUES (NEWID(),'{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}', '{4}','{5}',0,'{6}','{7}', (select F_RealName from Sys_SRM_User where F_Account='{7}' and F_Location='{8}'),SYSDATETIME(),'{8}','')"; sql = string.Format(sql, Code, itemInfo.Sequence, itemInfo.SourceDetailID, itemInfo.InvCode, itemInfo.Quantity, itemInfo.Amount, itemInfo.ExtensionID, item.User, item.WorkPoint); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo023"));//"生产退料单子表信息创建失败!"); } } //校验退料数量是否超出领料数量 sql = CheckMOIssueDoc(item.Type, item.ID, item.WorkPoint, language); DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd); codes += "'" + Code + item.WorkPoint + "',"; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(codes)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo001"));//"单据号不能为空!" } #region 查询返回数据 sql = @"SELECT a.ApplyNegCode, c.WHCode, c.Memo, d.Name AS Status, a.Sequence, a.InvCode, inv.InvName, inv.InvStd, a.Quantity, inv.InvUnit, a.Amount, inv.AmountUnit, a.IssueNegQuantity, ext.ProjectCode, ext.BatchCode, ext.Version, ext.Brand, ext.cFree1, ext.cFree2, ext.cFree3, ext.cFree4, ext.cFree5, ext.cFree6, ext.cFree7, ext.cFree8, ext.cFree9, ext.cFree10, a.MUSER AS [User], a.MTIME AS [MTime] FROM ICSMOApplyNegDetail a INNER JOIN ICSMOApplyNeg c ON a.ApplyNegCode=c.ApplyNegCode AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSType d ON d.TableCode='ICSMOApplyNeg' AND d.ColumnCode='Status' AND c.Status=d.Code AND c.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON a.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND a.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint WHERE a.ApplyNegCode+a.WorkPoint IN ({0})"; sql = string.Format(sql, codes.Substring(0, codes.Length - 1)); DataTable data = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); #endregion cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return data; } catch (Exception ex) { if (cmd.Transaction != null) cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } private static string CheckMOIssueDoc(string Type, string ID, string WorkPoint, Dictionary language) { string sql = string.Empty; if (Type == "1") { sql = @"DECLARE @PickID VARCHAR(10) SELECT @PickID=b.PickID FROM ICSMOApplyNegDetail a INNER JOIN ICSMOPick b ON a.SourceDetailID=b.PickID AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSMOApplyNeg c ON a.ApplyNegCode=c.ApplyNegCode AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE c.Type='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND a.SourceDetailID IN (SELECT a.SourceDetailID FROM ICSMOApplyNegDetail a INNER JOIN ICSMOApplyNeg c ON a.ApplyNegCode=c.ApplyNegCode AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE c.ApplyNegCode='{0}' AND c.Type='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}') GROUP BY b.PickID HAVING MAX(b.Quantity) /// 生产退料 修改 /// /// /// public static DataTable MOIssueDocNegativeApplyUpdate(List JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); if (JsonData.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo007"));//"传送数据为空!" } using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; try { string sql = string.Empty; string Code = string.Empty; string ids = string.Empty; foreach (var item in JsonData) { //主表修改 sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT F_Account FROM Sys_SRM_User WHERE F_Account='{1}' AND F_Location='{4}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo060"), "{1}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END DECLARE @Status VARCHAR(10) SELECT @Status=Status FROM ICSMOApplyNeg WHERE ID='{3}' and WorkPoint='{4}' IF (@Status IS NULL) BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo065"), "{3}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END ELSE IF (@Status!='1') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo066"), "{3}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END update ICSMOApplyNeg set WHCode='{0}',MUSER='{1}',MUSERName=(select F_RealName from Sys_SRM_User where F_Account='{1}' and F_Location='{4}'),MTIME='{2}' where ID='{3}' and WorkPoint='{4}' "; sql = string.Format(sql, item.WHCode, item.User, item.MTime, item.ID, item.WorkPoint); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo024"));//"生产退料单信息修改失败!"); } var detail = item.detail.Where(a => a.DetailID.Length <= 0).Count(); if (detail > 0) { sql = @"SELECT ApplyNegCode FROM ICSMOApplyNeg where ID='{0}' and WorkPoint='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, item.ID, item.WorkPoint); Code = DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql, cmd).ToString(); } foreach (var itemInfo in item.detail) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(itemInfo.DetailID)) { //创建子表 sql = @"INSERT INTO ICSMOApplyNegDetail(ID,ApplyNegCode,Sequence,SourceDetailID,InvCode,Quantity,Amount,IssueNegQuantity,ExtensionID,MUSER, MUSERName,MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE) VALUES (NEWID(),'{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}', '{4}','{5}',0,'{6}','{7}', (select F_RealName from Sys_SRM_User where F_Account='{7}' and F_Location='{8}'),SYSDATETIME(),'{8}','')"; sql = string.Format(sql, Code, itemInfo.Sequence, itemInfo.SourceDetailID, itemInfo.InvCode, itemInfo.Quantity, itemInfo.Amount, itemInfo.ExtensionID, item.User, item.WorkPoint); } else { //子表修改 sql = @"update ICSMOApplyNegDetail set InvCode='{0}' ,Quantity='{1}',Amount='{2}',SourceDetailID='{3}',MUSER='{6}',MUSERName=(select F_RealName from Sys_SRM_User where F_Account='{6}' and F_Location='{5}') where ID='{4}' and WorkPoint='{5}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, itemInfo.InvCode, itemInfo.Quantity, itemInfo.Amount, itemInfo.SourceDetailID, itemInfo.DetailID, item.WorkPoint, item.User); } if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo025"));//"生产退料单子表信息修改失败!"); } } //校验退料数量是否超出领料数量 sql = CheckMOIssueDoc(item.Type, item.ID, item.WorkPoint, language); DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd); ids += "'" + item.ID + "',"; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ids)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo006"));//"ID不能为空!" } #region 查询返回数据 sql = @"SELECT a.ApplyNegCode, c.WHCode, c.Memo, d.Name AS Status, a.Sequence, a.InvCode, inv.InvName, inv.InvStd, a.Quantity, inv.InvUnit, a.Amount, inv.AmountUnit, a.IssueNegQuantity, ext.ProjectCode, ext.BatchCode, ext.Version, ext.Brand, ext.cFree1, ext.cFree2, ext.cFree3, ext.cFree4, ext.cFree5, ext.cFree6, ext.cFree7, ext.cFree8, ext.cFree9, ext.cFree10, a.MUSER AS [User], a.MTIME AS [MTime] FROM ICSMOApplyNegDetail a INNER JOIN ICSMOApplyNeg c ON a.ApplyNegCode=c.ApplyNegCode AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSType d ON d.TableCode='ICSMOApplyNeg' AND d.ColumnCode='Status' AND c.Status=d.Code AND c.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON a.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND a.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint WHERE c.ID IN ({0})"; sql = string.Format(sql, ids.Substring(0, ids.Length - 1)); DataTable data = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); #endregion cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return data; } catch (Exception ex) { if (cmd.Transaction != null) cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } /// /// 生产退料审核 /// /// /// public static DataTable MOIssueDocNegativeApplyApprove(List JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); if (JsonData.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo007"));//"传送数据为空!" } using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; try { string sql = string.Empty; string ids = string.Empty; foreach (var item in JsonData) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ID)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo018"));//"单据ID不能为空!"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.User)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo019"));//"操作人不能为空!"); } if (item.MTime <= new DateTime(2000, 1, 1)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo020"));//"操作时间不能为空!"); } //获取单号 sql = @"DECLARE @Status VARCHAR(10) SELECT @Status=Status FROM ICSMOApplyNeg WHERE ID='{0}' IF (@Status IS NULL) BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo065") + @"',16,1); RETURN END ELSE IF (@Status!='1') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo066") + @"',16,1); RETURN END update ICSMOApplyNeg set Status='2',MUSER='{1}',MTIME='{2}' where ID='{0}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, item.ID, item.User, item.MTime); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo026"));//"生产退料申请单审核失败!"); } ids += "'" + item.ID + "',"; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ids)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo006"));//"ID不能为空!" } #region 查询返回数据 sql = @"SELECT a.ApplyNegCode, c.WHCode, c.Memo, d.Name AS Status, a.Sequence, a.InvCode, inv.InvName, inv.InvStd, a.Quantity, inv.InvUnit, a.Amount, inv.AmountUnit, a.IssueNegQuantity, ext.ProjectCode, ext.BatchCode, ext.Version, ext.Brand, ext.cFree1, ext.cFree2, ext.cFree3, ext.cFree4, ext.cFree5, ext.cFree6, ext.cFree7, ext.cFree8, ext.cFree9, ext.cFree10, a.MUSER AS [User], a.MTIME AS [MTime] FROM ICSMOApplyNegDetail a INNER JOIN ICSMOApplyNeg c ON a.ApplyNegCode=c.ApplyNegCode AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSType d ON d.TableCode='ICSMOApplyNeg' AND d.ColumnCode='Status' AND c.Status=d.Code AND c.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON a.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND a.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint WHERE c.ID IN ({0})"; sql = string.Format(sql, ids.Substring(0, ids.Length - 1)); DataTable data = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); #endregion cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return data; } catch (Exception ex) { if (cmd.Transaction != null) cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } #endregion #region 一步调拨(调拨申请单) /// /// 一步调拨(调拨申请单) /// /// /// public static DataTable OneStepTransferApplicationIn(List JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); if (JsonData.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo007"));//"传送数据为空!" } DataTable printTable = new DataTable(); using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; string BusinessCode = string.Empty; try { string sql = string.Empty; string Identification = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); foreach (var item in JsonData) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.TransCode)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo027"));//"调拨申请单号不能为空!"); } string[] trans = item.TransCode.Split('~'); string MergeID = ""; if (trans.Length == 2) { MergeID = trans[0]; item.TransCode = trans[1]; } //验证信息 sql = @"DECLARE @Status VARCHAR(10) SELECT @Status=Status FROM ICSTransferApplication WHERE TransferNO='{0}' and WorkPoint='{1}' AND Type = '1' IF (@Status IS NULL) BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo067") + @"',16,1); RETURN END ELSE IF (@Status!='1') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo068") + @"',16,1); RETURN END"; sql = string.Format(sql, item.TransCode, item.WorkPoint); DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd); foreach (var itemInfo in item.Detail) { //验证仓库库位信息 sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSWareHouse a WHERE a.WarehouseCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo069") + @"',16,1); RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSLocation a WHERE a.LocationCode='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo070"), "{2}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSWareHouse a INNER JOIN ICSLocation b ON a.ID=b.WHID AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE a.WarehouseCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND b.LocationCode='{2}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo071") + @"',16,1); RETURN END"; sql = string.Format(sql, itemInfo.WarehouseCode, item.WorkPoint, itemInfo.LocationCode); DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd); BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.StepTransferApplicationIn.GetDescription(); //更新源头单据信息 ICSWareHouseService.OneStepTransferApplicationIn(item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, item.WorkPoint, itemInfo.CurrentQuantity, cmd, language); //更新条码信息 printTable = ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoTransfer(Identification, item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, itemInfo.WarehouseCode, itemInfo.LocationCode, itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.CurrentQuantity, item.User, item.WorkPoint, "14", TransTypeEnum.StepTransferApplicationIn.GetDescription(), cmd, language, MergeID); } } //上传ERP if (Convert.ToBoolean(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UploadERP"])) { ICSWareHouseService.OneStepTransferDocInERP(TransTypeEnum.OneStepTransferDocIn.GetDescription(), Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); } if (!printTable.Equals("{}")) { cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return printTable; } else { DataTable table = GetData(Identification, 3, cmd); cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return table; } } catch (Exception ex) { if (cmd.Transaction != null) cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } #endregion #region 一步调拨 /// /// 一步调拨 /// /// /// public static DataTable OneStepTransferDocIn(List JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); if (JsonData.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo007"));//"传送数据为空!" } DataTable printTable = new DataTable(); using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; string BusinessCode = string.Empty; try { string sql = string.Empty; string Identification = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); foreach (var item in JsonData) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.TransCode)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo027"));//"调拨单号不能为空!"); } string[] trans = item.TransCode.Split('~'); string MergeID = ""; if (trans.Length == 2) { MergeID = trans[0]; item.TransCode = trans[1]; } //验证信息 //sql = @"DECLARE @Status VARCHAR(10) // SELECT @Status=Status FROM ICSTransfer WHERE TransferNO='{0}' and WorkPoint='{1}' AND Type = '1' // IF (@Status IS NULL) // BEGIN // RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo067") + @"',16,1); // RETURN // END // ELSE IF (@Status!='1') // BEGIN // RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo068") + @"',16,1); // RETURN // END"; //sql = string.Format(sql, item.TransCode, item.WorkPoint); //DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd); foreach (var itemInfo in item.Detail) { var tranferWorkpoint = string.Empty; var checksql = $@"SELECT top 1 a.EATTRIBUTE1 FROM ICSTransfer a WHERE TransferNO = '{item.TransCode}' AND Sequence = '{item.TransSequence}' AND WorkPoint = '{item.WorkPoint}' AND Type = '{item.TransType}'"; var workPoint = DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(checksql, cmd)?.ToString(); if (workPoint == null || workPoint == "") { tranferWorkpoint = item.WorkPoint; } else { tranferWorkpoint = workPoint.ToString(); } //验证仓库库位信息 sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSWareHouse a WHERE a.WarehouseCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo069") + @"',16,1); RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSLocation a WHERE a.LocationCode='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo070"), "{2}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSWareHouse a INNER JOIN ICSLocation b ON a.ID=b.WHID AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE a.WarehouseCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND b.LocationCode='{2}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo071") + @"',16,1); RETURN END"; sql = string.Format(sql, itemInfo.WarehouseCode, tranferWorkpoint, itemInfo.LocationCode); DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd); BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.OneStepTransferDocIn.GetDescription(); //更新源头单据信息 ICSWareHouseService.OneStepTransferDocIn(item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, item.WorkPoint, itemInfo.CurrentQuantity, cmd, language); //更新条码信息 printTable = ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoTransfer(Identification, item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, itemInfo.WarehouseCode, itemInfo.LocationCode, itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.CurrentQuantity, item.User, item.WorkPoint, item.TransType, TransTypeEnum.OneStepTransferDocIn.GetDescription(), cmd, language, MergeID); } } //上传ERP if (Convert.ToBoolean(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UploadERP"])) { ICSWareHouseService.OneStepTransferDocInERP(TransTypeEnum.OneStepTransferDocIn.GetDescription(), Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); } if (!printTable.Equals("{}")) { cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return printTable; } else { DataTable table = GetData(Identification, 3, cmd); cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return table; } } catch (Exception ex) { if (cmd.Transaction != null) cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } #endregion #region 调拨 /// /// 调拨 /// /// /// public static DataTable TransferDocCreate(List JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); if (JsonData.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo007"));//"传送数据为空!" } using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; string BusinessCode = string.Empty; try { string sql = string.Empty; string Identification = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); foreach (var item in JsonData) { string MergeID = ""; foreach (var itemInfo in item.Detail) { //验证仓库库位信息 sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSWareHouse a WHERE a.WarehouseCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo069") + @"',16,1); RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSLocation a WHERE a.LocationCode='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo070"), "{2}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSWareHouse a INNER JOIN ICSLocation b ON a.ID=b.WHID AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE a.WarehouseCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND b.LocationCode='{2}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo071") + @"',16,1); RETURN END"; sql = string.Format(sql, itemInfo.WarehouseCode, item.WorkPoint, itemInfo.LocationCode); DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd); BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.StepTransferDocIn.GetDescription(); //更新条码信息 ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoTransfer(Identification, item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, itemInfo.WarehouseCode, itemInfo.LocationCode, itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.CurrentQuantity, item.User, item.WorkPoint, "6", TransTypeEnum.StepTransferDocIn.GetDescription(), cmd, language, MergeID); } } ICSWareHouseService.StepTransferDocInERP(TransTypeEnum.StepTransferDocIn.GetDescription(), Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); DataTable table = GetData(Identification, 3, cmd); cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return table; } catch (Exception ex) { if (cmd.Transaction != null) cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } #endregion #region 调拨申请单 /// /// 调拨 /// /// /// public static DataTable TransferApplicationCreate(List JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); if (JsonData.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo007"));//"传送数据为空!" } using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; string BusinessCode = string.Empty; try { string sql = string.Empty; string Identification = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); foreach (var item in JsonData) { string MergeID = ""; foreach (var itemInfo in item.Detail) { //验证仓库库位信息 sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSWareHouse a WHERE a.WarehouseCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo069") + @"',16,1); RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSLocation a WHERE a.LocationCode='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo070"), "{2}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSWareHouse a INNER JOIN ICSLocation b ON a.ID=b.WHID AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE a.WarehouseCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND b.LocationCode='{2}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo071") + @"',16,1); RETURN END"; sql = string.Format(sql, itemInfo.WarehouseCode, item.WorkPoint, itemInfo.LocationCode); DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd); BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.StepTransferApplicationIn.GetDescription(); //更新条码信息 ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoTransfer(Identification, item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, itemInfo.WarehouseCode, itemInfo.LocationCode, itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.CurrentQuantity, item.User, item.WorkPoint, "14", TransTypeEnum.StepTransferApplicationIn.GetDescription(), cmd, language, MergeID); } } ICSWareHouseService.StepTransferDocInERP(TransTypeEnum.StepTransferApplicationIn.GetDescription(), Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); DataTable table = GetData(Identification, 3, cmd); cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return table; } catch (Exception ex) { if (cmd.Transaction != null) cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } #endregion #region 调拨申请单 /// /// 调拨申请单 /// /// /// public static DataTable TransferApplicationInCreate(List JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); if (JsonData.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo007"));//"传送数据为空!" } using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; string BusinessCode = string.Empty; try { string sql = string.Empty; string Identification = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); foreach (var item in JsonData) { string MergeID = ""; foreach (var itemInfo in item.Detail) { //验证仓库库位信息 sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSWareHouse a WHERE a.WarehouseCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo069") + @"',16,1); RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSLocation a WHERE a.LocationCode='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo070"), "{2}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSWareHouse a INNER JOIN ICSLocation b ON a.ID=b.WHID AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE a.WarehouseCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND b.LocationCode='{2}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo071") + @"',16,1); RETURN END IF EXISTS(SELECT ID FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo WHERE WarehouseCode='{0}' AND WorkPoint='{1}' AND LotNo='{3}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo355") + @"',16,1); RETURN END"; sql = string.Format(sql, itemInfo.WarehouseCode, item.WorkPoint, itemInfo.LocationCode, itemInfo.LotNo); DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd); BusinessCode = TransTypeEnum.StepTransferApplicationIn.GetDescription(); //更新源头单据信息 ICSWareHouseService.OneStepTransferApplicationIn(item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, item.WorkPoint, itemInfo.CurrentQuantity, cmd, language); //更新条码信息 ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoTransfer(Identification, item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, itemInfo.WarehouseCode, itemInfo.LocationCode, itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.CurrentQuantity, item.User, item.WorkPoint, "14", TransTypeEnum.StepTransferApplicationIn.GetDescription(), cmd, language, MergeID); } } ICSWareHouseService.StepTransferApplicationERP(TransTypeEnum.StepTransferApplicationIn.GetDescription(), Identification, cmd, language, BusinessCode); DataTable table = GetData(Identification, 3, cmd); cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return table; } catch (Exception ex) { if (cmd.Transaction != null) cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } #endregion #region 移库 /// /// 移库 /// /// /// public static DataTable LibraryUpdate(List JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); if (JsonData.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo007"));//"传送数据为空!" } using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; try { string sql = string.Empty; string Identification = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); foreach (var item in JsonData) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.LotNo)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo005"));//"条码不能为空!" } //验证仓库库位信息 sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSWareHouse a WHERE a.WarehouseCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo069") + @"',16,1); RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSLocation a WHERE a.LocationCode='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo072"), "{2}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSWareHouse a INNER JOIN ICSLocation b ON a.ID=b.WHID AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE a.WarehouseCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND b.LocationCode='{2}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo071") + @"',16,1); RETURN END"; sql = string.Format(sql, item.WarehouseCode, item.WorkPoint, item.LocationCode); DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd); //更新条码信息 ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoLibrary(Identification, item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, item.WarehouseCode, item.LocationCode, item.LotNo, item.User, item.WorkPoint, "7", "29", cmd, language); } DataTable table = GetData(Identification, 3, cmd); cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return table; } catch (Exception ex) { if (cmd.Transaction != null) cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } #endregion #region 合并 /// /// 合并 /// /// /// public static DataTable LOTMergeCreate(List JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); if (JsonData.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo007"));//"传送数据为空!" } using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; try { string Identification = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); foreach (var item in JsonData) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.LotNo)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo005"));//"条码不能为空!" } else if (item.detail.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo028"));//"明细信息不能为空!"); } //合并前日志 ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoLog(Identification, item.LotNo, item.User, item.WorkPoint, "5", TransTypeEnum.LOTMergeBefore.GetDescription(), cmd, language); foreach (var info in item.detail) { //合并前日志 ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoLog(Identification, info.CurrentLotNo, item.User, item.WorkPoint, "5", TransTypeEnum.LOTMergeBefore.GetDescription(), cmd, language); //更新条码信息 ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoMerge(Identification, item.LotNo, info.CurrentLotNo, info.CurrentQuantity, item.User, item.WorkPoint, "5", TransTypeEnum.LOTMergeAfter.GetDescription(), cmd, language); } //合并后日志 ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoLog(Identification, item.LotNo, item.User, item.WorkPoint, "5", TransTypeEnum.LOTMergeAfter.GetDescription(), cmd, language); } DataTable table = GetData(Identification, 1, cmd); cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return table; } catch (Exception ex) { if (cmd.Transaction != null) cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } #endregion #region 拆分 /// /// 拆分 /// /// /// public static DataTable LOTSplitCreate(List JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); if (JsonData.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo007"));//"传送数据为空!" } using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; try { string Identification = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); foreach (var item in JsonData) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.LotNo)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo005"));//"条码不能为空!" } else if (item.detail.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo028"));//"明细信息不能为空!"); } //拆分前日志 ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoLog(Identification, item.LotNo, item.User, item.WorkPoint, "4", TransTypeEnum.LOTSplitBefore.GetDescription(), cmd, language); foreach (var info in item.detail) { //更新条码信息 ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoSplit(Identification, item.LotNo, info.CurrentLotNo, info.CurrentQuantity, item.User, item.WorkPoint, "4", TransTypeEnum.LOTSplitAfter.GetDescription(), cmd, language); } //拆分后日志 ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoLog(Identification, item.LotNo, item.User, item.WorkPoint, "4", TransTypeEnum.LOTSplitAfter.GetDescription(), cmd, language); } DataTable table = GetData(Identification, 1, cmd); cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return table; } catch (Exception ex) { if (cmd.Transaction != null) cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } #endregion /// /// 获取出入库记录信息 /// /// /// 1:入库,2:出库,3:调拨 /// /// private static DataTable GetData(string Identification, int type, SqlCommand cmd) { #region SLQ string sql = @"SELECT log.ID, log.TransCode, log.TransSequence, log.LotNo, log.InvCode, inv.InvName, inv.InvStd, log.Quantity, inv.InvUnit, log.Quantity*(lot.Amount/lot.Quantity) AS Amount, inv.AmountUnit, {1} ext.ProjectCode, CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END AS BatchCode, ext.Version, ext.Brand, ext.cFree1, ext.cFree2, ext.cFree3, ext.cFree4, ext.cFree5, ext.cFree6, ext.cFree7, ext.cFree8, ext.cFree9, ext.cFree10, type.Name AS TransType, log.MUSER AS [User], log.MTIME AS [MTime] FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog log LEFT JOIN ICSType type ON type.TableCode='ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog' AND type.ColumnCode='BusinessCode' AND log.BusinessCode=type.Code AND log.WorkPoint=type.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON log.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND log.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON log.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND log.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint {2} LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON log.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND log.FromWarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND log.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint WHERE log.Identification='{0}'"; #endregion string columns = @"log.ToWarehouseCode AS WHCode, log.ToLocationCode AS LocationCode, wh.WarehouseName AS WHName, loc.LocationName AS LocationName,"; string tables = @"INNER JOIN ICSWarehouse wh ON log.ToWarehouseCode=wh.WarehouseCode AND log.WorkPoint=wh.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSLocation loc ON log.ToLocationCode=loc.LocationCode AND log.WorkPoint=loc.WorkPoint"; if (type == 2)//出库 { columns = @"log.FromWarehouseCode AS WHCode, log.FromLocationCode AS LocationCode, wh.WarehouseName AS WHName, loc.LocationName AS LocationName,"; tables = @"INNER JOIN ICSWarehouse wh ON log.FromWarehouseCode=wh.WarehouseCode AND log.WorkPoint=wh.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSLocation loc ON log.FromLocationCode=loc.LocationCode AND log.WorkPoint=loc.WorkPoint"; } else if (type == 3)//调拨 { columns = @"log.FromWarehouseCode AS FromWHCode, log.FromLocationCode, wh.WarehouseName AS FromWHName, loc.LocationName AS FromLocationName, log.ToWarehouseCode AS ToWHCode, log.ToLocationCode, whto.WarehouseName AS ToWHName, locto.LocationName AS ToLocationName,"; tables = @"INNER JOIN ICSWarehouse wh ON log.FromWarehouseCode=wh.WarehouseCode AND log.WorkPoint=wh.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSLocation loc ON log.FromLocationCode=loc.LocationCode AND log.WorkPoint=loc.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWarehouse whto ON log.ToWarehouseCode=whto.WarehouseCode AND log.WorkPoint=whto.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSLocation locto ON log.ToLocationCode=locto.LocationCode AND log.WorkPoint=locto.WorkPoint"; } sql = string.Format(sql, Identification, columns, tables); return DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); } /// /// 先进先出批次管控 /// /// /// /// /// public static string CanOut(string LotNo, string WorkPoitCode, string ScanLotCode, SqlCommand cmd, Dictionary language) { try { //根据Sys_SRM_Items.F_Description备注列维护的提前天数,比如维护的是1,最早条码是2022.5.16,现在扫描2022.5.17的条码也能出库,扫描2022.5.18的条码不能直接出,需要校验以下逻辑 string sql = @"DECLARE @CountNO INT,@Days INT SELECT @Days=F_Description FROM Sys_SRM_Items WHERE F_EnCode='FIFO' SET @CountNO=( SELECT COUNT(a.LotNO) FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot b ON a.LotNO=b.LotNO AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND ISNULL(a.Quantity,0)>0 AND 1=1 AND CONVERT(varchar(100), a.InDate, 23)< (SELECT DATEADD(DAY, -@Days, CONVERT(varchar(100), x.InDate, 23)) FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo x INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot y ON x.LotNO=y.LotNO AND x.WorkPoint=y.WorkPoint WHERE x.LotNO='{0}' AND x.WorkPoint='{1}' AND y.INVCode=b.INVCode AND y.ExtensionID=b.ExtensionID) ) IF @CountNO>0 BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 CASE a.F_ItemCode WHEN 'FIFO01' THEN '1' WHEN 'FIFO02' THEN '2' ELSE '3' END AS Type FROM Sys_SRM_ItemsDetail a INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_Items b ON a.F_ItemId=b.F_Id WHERE b.F_EnCode='FIFO' AND a.F_EnabledMark='1' ORDER BY a.F_SortCode DESC END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @CountNO END"; //0 - 已经是最早的批次 //1 - 不管控 //2 - 提醒 //3 - 限制 sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoitCode); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ScanLotCode)) { sql = sql.Replace("1=1", "a.LotNO NOT IN (" + ScanLotCode + ")"); } var res = DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql, cmd).ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(res)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo183"));//"查询管控信息失败!"); } else return res; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } } /// /// 保质期管控 /// /// /// /// /// public static string Effective(string LotNo, string WorkPoitCode, SqlCommand cmd, Dictionary language) { try { string sql = @"DECLARE @CountNO INT,@Days INT,@CurrentDays INT SELECT @CountNO=EffectiveEnable,@Days=EffectiveDays,@CurrentDays=DATEDIFF(DAY, GETDATE(), b.ExpirationDate) FROM ICSInventory a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot b ON a.InvCode=b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo c ON b.LotNO=c.LotNO AND b.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE b.LotNO='{0}' AND b.WorkPoint='{1}' IF @CountNO='1' AND @CurrentDays<0 BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 CASE a.F_ItemCode WHEN 'Effective01' THEN '1' WHEN 'Effective02' THEN '2' ELSE '3' END AS Type FROM Sys_SRM_ItemsDetail a INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_Items b ON a.F_ItemId=b.F_Id WHERE b.F_EnCode='Effective' AND a.F_EnabledMark='1' ORDER BY a.F_SortCode DESC END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @CountNO END"; //0 - 已经是最早的批次 //1 - 不管控 //2 - 提醒 //3 - 限制 sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoitCode); var res = DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql, cmd).ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(res)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo183"));//"查询管控信息失败!"); } else return res; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } } #region 包装 /// /// 查询包装信息 /// /// /// public static object ContainerGet(ICSContainer JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; try { string sql = string.Empty; //目标包装 if (JsonData.ToContainerCode != null) { sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT ID FROM ICSContainer WHERE ContainerCODE ='{0}' and WorkPoint='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo072") + @"',16,1); RETURN END SELECT ContainerCode,ContainerName FROM ICSContainer WHERE ContainerCODE ='{0}' and WorkPoint='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, JsonData.ToContainerCode, JsonData.WorkPoint); } ///原包装 else if (JsonData.FromContainerCode != null) { sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT ID FROM ICSContainer WHERE ContainerCODE ='{0}' and WorkPoint='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo072") + @"',16,1); RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSContainer a INNER JOIN ICSContainerLot b ON a.ID=b.ContainerID WHERE a.ContainerCODE ='{0}' and a.WorkPoint='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo073") + @"',16,1); RETURN END SELECT ContainerCode,ContainerName FROM ICSContainer WHERE ContainerCODE ='{0}' and WorkPoint='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, JsonData.FromContainerCode, JsonData.WorkPoint); } else { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo029"));//"请传入包装条码!"); } DataTable table = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return table; } catch (Exception ex) { if (cmd.Transaction != null) cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } /// /// 修改包装信息 /// /// /// public static DataTable ContainerUpdate(List JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; try { string sql = string.Empty; string codes = string.Empty; foreach (ICSContainer container in JsonData) { sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT ID FROM ICSContainer WHERE ContainerCODE ='{0}' and WorkPoint='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo072") + @"',16,1); RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSContainer a INNER JOIN ICSContainerLot b ON a.ID=b.ContainerID WHERE a.ContainerCODE ='{0}' and a.WorkPoint='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo073") + @"',16,1); RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT ID FROM ICSContainer WHERE ContainerCODE ='{2}' and WorkPoint='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo072"), "{2}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END UPDATE b SET ContainerID=c.ID FROM ICSContainer a INNER JOIN ICSContainerLot b ON a.ID=b.ContainerID INNER JOIN ICSContainer c ON c.ContainerCODE ='{2}' and a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE a.ContainerCODE ='{0}' and a.WorkPoint='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, container.FromContainerCode, container.WorkPoint, container.ToContainerCode); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo030"));//"包装更新失败!"); } codes += "'" + container.ToContainerCode + container.WorkPoint + "',"; } sql = @"SELECT a.ContainerCode, a.ContainerName,b.LotNo FROM ICSContainer a INNER JOIN ICSContainerLot b ON a.ID=b.ContainerID WHERE a.ContainerCODE+a.WorkPoint IN({0})"; sql = string.Format(sql, codes.Substring(0, codes.Length - 1)); DataTable table = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return table; } catch (Exception ex) { if (cmd.Transaction != null) cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } #endregion #region 盘点 /// /// 创建盘点单 /// /// /// public static DataTable CheckCreate(List JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); if (JsonData.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo007"));//"传送数据为空!" } using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; try { string Code = string.Empty; string sql = string.Empty; foreach (var item in JsonData) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.User)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo018"));//"操作人不能为空!"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.WorkPoint)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo004"));//"站点不能为空!" } //获取单号 sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT F_Account FROM Sys_SRM_User WHERE F_Account='{0}' AND F_Location='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo060") + @"',16,1); RETURN END DECLARE @MaxNO INT,@date varchar(20)='CHK'+SUBSTRING(CONVERT(varchar(8), GETDATE(), 112), 1, 8) SELECT @MaxNO=SUBSTRING(MAX(CheckCode),LEN(@date)+1,LEN(MAX(CheckCode))-LEN(@date))+1 FROM ICSCheck WHERE SUBSTRING(CheckCode, 1, LEN(@date))=@date IF @MaxNO IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @date+'00001' AS Code END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @date+REPLICATE('0',5-LEN(@MaxNO))+CAST(@MaxNO AS nvarchar(10)) AS Code END "; sql = string.Format(sql, item.User, item.WorkPoint); Code = DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql, cmd).ToString(); //创建盘点单 foreach (var itemInfo in item.detail) { int len = itemInfo.SelectLevel.Length; sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT id FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo WHERE SUBSTRING(LocationCode,1,{4}) = '{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo460") + @"',16,1); RETURN END INSERT INTO ICSCheck (ID,CheckCode,SelectLevel,Status,Quantity,Amount,MUSER,MUSERName,MTIME,WorkPoint) SELECT NEWID(),'{0}','{1}','2',SUM(a.Quantity),0,b.F_Account,b.F_RealName,GETDATE(),b.F_Location FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User b ON b.F_Account='{2}' AND b.F_Location='{3}' WHERE SUBSTRING(a.LocationCode,1,{4}) = '{1}' GROUP BY b.F_Account,b.F_RealName,b.F_Location"; sql = string.Format(sql, Code, itemInfo.SelectLevel, item.User, item.WorkPoint, len); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo031"));//"盘点单创建失败!"); } } } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Code)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo032"));//"盘点单单号不能为空!"); } #region 查询返回数据 sql = @"SELECT a.ID,a.CheckCode,a.SelectLevel, a.Quantity, a.Amount, a.MUSER AS [User], a.MTIME AS [MTime] FROM ICSCheck a WHERE a.CheckCode='{0}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, Code); DataTable data = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); #endregion cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return data; } catch (Exception ex) { if (cmd.Transaction != null) cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } /// /// 盘点扫描 /// /// /// public static DataTable LOTCheckCreate(List JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); if (JsonData.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo007"));//"传送数据为空!" } using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; try { string lots = string.Empty; string sql = string.Empty; int result = 0; string Identification = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); foreach (var item in JsonData) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.User)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo018"));//"操作人不能为空!"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.WorkPoint)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo004"));//"站点不能为空!" } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.CheckCode)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo032"));//"盘点单号不能为空!"); } //校验 sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT F_Account FROM Sys_SRM_User WHERE F_Account='{0}' AND F_Location='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo060") + @"',16,1); RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT ID FROM ICSCheck WHERE CheckCode='{2}' AND WorkPoint='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo075") + @"',16,1); RETURN END"; sql = string.Format(sql, item.User, item.WorkPoint, item.CheckCode); DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd); //创建盘点单 foreach (var itemInfo in item.detail) { sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT LotNo FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo WHERE LotNo='{1}' AND WorkPoint='{3}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo076") + @"',16,1); RETURN END IF EXISTS(SELECT LotNo FROM ICSCheckDetail a LEFT JOIN ICSCheck b ON a.CheckID=b.ID AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE b.CheckCode='{0}' AND a.LotNo='{1}' AND a.WorkPoint='{3}') BEGIN IF ('{5}'='初盘') BEGIN UPDATE a SET PrimaryQuantity='{4}',MUSER=b.F_Account,MUSERName=b.F_RealName,MTIME=GETDATE() FROM ICSCheckDetail a INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User b ON b.F_Account='{2}' AND b.F_Location='{3}' LEFT JOIN ICSCheck c ON a.CheckID=c.ID AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE c.CheckCode='{0}' AND a.LotNo='{1}' and a.WorkPoint='{3}' END ELSE IF ('{5}'='抽盘') BEGIN UPDATE a SET CheckQuantity='{4}',MUSER=b.F_Account,MUSERName=b.F_RealName,MTIME=GETDATE() FROM ICSCheckDetail a INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User b ON b.F_Account='{2}' AND b.F_Location='{3}' LEFT JOIN ICSCheck c ON a.CheckID=c.ID AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE c.CheckCode='{0}' AND a.LotNo='{1}' and a.WorkPoint='{3}' END ELSE BEGIN UPDATE a SET ReplayQuantity='{4}',MUSER=b.F_Account,MUSERName=b.F_RealName,MTIME=GETDATE() FROM ICSCheckDetail a INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User b ON b.F_Account='{2}' AND b.F_Location='{3}' LEFT JOIN ICSCheck c ON a.CheckID=c.ID AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE c.CheckCode='{0}' AND a.LotNo='{1}' and a.WorkPoint='{3}' END END ELSE BEGIN IF ('{5}'='初盘') BEGIN INSERT INTO ICSCheckDetail (ID,CheckID,LotNo,Quantity,Amount,PrimaryQuantity,PrimaryAmount,ReplayQuantity,ReplayAmount,CheckQuantity,CheckAmount,MUSER,MUSERName,MTIME,WorkPoint) SELECT NEWID(),c.ID,a.LotNo,a.Quantity,'0','{4}','0','0','0','0','0',b.F_Account,b.F_RealName,GETDATE(),a.WorkPoint FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User b ON b.F_Account='{2}' AND b.F_Location='{3}' LEFT JOIN ICSCheck c ON SUBSTRING(a.LocationCode,1,len(c.SelectLevel))=c.SelectLevel WHERE a.LotNo='{1}' and a.WorkPoint='{3}' and c.CheckCode='{0}' END ELSE IF ('{5}'='抽盘') BEGIN INSERT INTO ICSCheckDetail (ID,CheckID,LotNo,Quantity,Amount,PrimaryQuantity,PrimaryAmount,ReplayQuantity,ReplayAmount,CheckQuantity,CheckAmount,MUSER,MUSERName,MTIME,WorkPoint) SELECT NEWID(),c.ID,a.LotNo,a.Quantity,'0','0','0','0','0','{4}','0',b.F_Account,b.F_RealName,GETDATE(),a.WorkPoint FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User b ON b.F_Account='{2}' AND b.F_Location='{3}' LEFT JOIN ICSCheck c ON SUBSTRING(a.LocationCode,1,len(c.SelectLevel))=c.SelectLevel WHERE a.LotNo='{1}' and a.WorkPoint='{3}' and c.CheckCode='{0}' END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO ICSCheckDetail (ID,CheckID,LotNo,Quantity,Amount,PrimaryQuantity,PrimaryAmount,ReplayQuantity,ReplayAmount,CheckQuantity,CheckAmount,MUSER,MUSERName,MTIME,WorkPoint) SELECT NEWID(),c.ID,a.LotNo,a.Quantity,'0','0','0','{4}','0','0','0',b.F_Account,b.F_RealName,GETDATE(),a.WorkPoint FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User b ON b.F_Account='{2}' AND b.F_Location='{3}' LEFT JOIN ICSCheck c ON SUBSTRING(a.LocationCode,1,len(c.SelectLevel))=c.SelectLevel WHERE a.LotNo='{1}' and a.WorkPoint='{3}' and c.CheckCode='{0}' END END"; sql = string.Format(sql, item.CheckCode, itemInfo.LotNo, item.User, item.WorkPoint, itemInfo.ActualQuantity, item.CheckKind); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo033"));//"盘点扫描创建失败!"); } #region 更新ICSCheckDetail表 //string strSql = @"UPDATE ICSCheckDetail Set"; //if (item.CheckKind == "初盘") // strSql += @" PrimaryQuantity+=" + Convert.ToDecimal(itemInfo.ActualQuantity); //else if (item.CheckKind == "复盘") // strSql += @" ReplayQuantity+=" + Convert.ToDecimal(itemInfo.ActualQuantity); //else // strSql += @" CheckQuantity+=" + Convert.ToDecimal(itemInfo.ActualQuantity); //strSql += @" where ToCheckNO='" + item.CheckCode + "' AND WorkPoint='" + item.WorkPoint + "'"; //cmd.CommandText = strSql; //result = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //if (result <= 0) //{ // throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo296"));//"盘点子表数量增加失败!"); //} #endregion #region 更新库存 if (item.UpdateWHLI) { ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.WareHouseLotInfoUpdate(Identification, item.CheckCode, "", itemInfo.LotNo, itemInfo.ActualQuantity, item.User, item.WorkPoint, TransTypeEnum.Check.GetDescription(), item.CheckKind, cmd, language); } #endregion lots += "'" + itemInfo.LotNo + item.WorkPoint + "',"; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lots)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo005"));//"请传入条码信息!"); } //sql = @"UPDATE a SET ActualQuantity=b.ActualQuantity // FROM ICSCheck a // INNER JOIN (SELECT x.CheckCode,x.WorkPoint,y.WarehouseCode,y.InvCode,SUM(ActualQuantity) AS ActualQuantity FROM ICSCheckDetail x INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo y ON x.LotNo=y.LotNo AND x.WorkPoint=y.WorkPoint WHERE x.LotNo+x.WorkPoint IN ({2}) GROUP BY x.CheckCode,x.WorkPoint,y.WarehouseCode,y.InvCode) b ON a.CheckCode=b.CheckCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint AND a.WHCode=b.WarehouseCode AND a.InvCode=b.InvCode // WHERE a.CheckCode='{0}' and a.WorkPoint='{1}'"; //sql = string.Format(sql, item.CheckCode, item.WorkPoint, lots.Substring(0, lots.Length - 1)); //if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) //{ // throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo034"));//"盘点扫描更新盘点单失败!"); //} } #region 查询返回数据 sql = @"SELECT x.ID,x.CheckID,y.WarehouseCode AS WHCode,x.LotNo, y.InvCode, inv.InvName, inv.InvStd, x.Quantity,x.PrimaryQuantity,x.PrimaryAmount,x.ReplayQuantity,x.ReplayAmount,x.CheckQuantity,x.CheckAmount, inv.InvUnit, x.MUSER AS [User], x.MTIME AS [MTime] FROM ICSCheckDetail x INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo y ON x.LotNo=y.LotNo AND x.WorkPoint=y.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON y.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND y.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint WHERE x.LotNo+x.WorkPoint IN ({0})"; sql = string.Format(sql, lots.Substring(0, lots.Length - 1)); DataTable data = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); #endregion cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return data; } catch (Exception ex) { if (cmd.Transaction != null) cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } #endregion #region 多语言 /// /// 多语言查询 /// /// /// public static DataTable PromptInformationGet(WMSBarCoreModel JsonData) { using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn; try { string DefiniteLanguage = ICSDefiniteLanguageService.GetLanguage(); string sql = @"select " + DefiniteLanguage + " AS Name,Code from Sys_Language where 1=1"; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(JsonData.Code)) { sql += " and Code LIKE '%{0}%'"; } sql = string.Format(sql, JsonData.Code); DataTable data = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); return data; } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } #endregion #region 仓库/库位 /// /// 仓库/库位 /// /// /// public static DataTable LocationGet(ICSLocation JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; try { string sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT LocationCode FROM ICSLocation a where LocationCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo070") + @"',16,1); RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT LocationCode FROM ICSLocation a INNER JOIN ICSWarehouse b on a.WHID=b.ID and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint where LocationCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo077") + @"',16,1); RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT LocationCode FROM ICSLocation a INNER JOIN ICSWarehouse b on a.WHID=b.ID and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint where LocationCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' and b.Enable='1') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo078") + @"',16,1); RETURN END SELECT LocationCode, LocationName , WarehouseCode, WarehouseName FROM ICSLocation a INNER JOIN ICSWarehouse b on a.WHID=b.ID and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint where LocationCode='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' and b.Enable='1'"; sql = string.Format(sql, JsonData.LocationCode, JsonData.WorkPoint); DataTable data = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return data; } catch (Exception ex) { if (cmd.Transaction != null) cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } #endregion #region 登陆 public static object CheckLogin(Sys_SRM_User userModel) { using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn; try { string sql = @"select F_Account from Sys_SRM_User where F_Account='{0}' and F_Location='{1}' and F_EnabledMark='1'";//已经启用的账号 sql = string.Format(sql, userModel.UserCode, userModel.WorkPoint); DataTable dt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)//查询的数据不为空 { sql = @" select a.[F_Id] as UserId ,[F_Account] as userCode ,[F_RealName] as UserName ,[F_NickName] ,b.F_UserPassword ,b.F_UserSecretkey ,[F_HeadIcon] ,[F_Gender] ,[F_Birthday] ,[F_MobilePhone] ,[F_Email] ,[F_WeChat] ,[F_ManagerId] ,[F_SecurityLevel] ,[F_Signature] ,[F_OrganizeId] ,[F_DepartmentId] ,[F_RoleId] ,[F_DutyId] ,[F_IsAdministrator] ,[F_SortCode] ,[F_DeleteMark] ,[F_EnabledMark] ,[F_Description] ,[F_CreatorTime] ,[F_CreatorUserId] ,[F_LastModifyTime] ,[F_LastModifyUserId] ,[F_DeleteTime] ,[F_DeleteUserId] ,[F_Location] as WorkPoint ,[F_VenCode] from Sys_SRM_User a left join Sys_SRM_UserLogOn b on b.F_UserId=a.F_Id where F_Account='{0}' and F_Location='{1}' and F_EnabledMark='1'"; sql = string.Format(sql, userModel.UserCode, userModel.WorkPoint); dt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); IList users = DBHelper.ModelConvertHelper.ConvertToModel(dt); // string dbPassword = Md5.md5(DESEncrypt.Encrypt(userModel.F_UserPassword.ToLower(), item.F_UserSecretkey.ToLower()).ToLower(), 32).ToLower(); foreach (var item in users) { //string UserPassword = Md5.md5(DESEncrypt.Encrypt(userModel.F_UserPassword.ToLower()),16).ToLower(); string dbPassword = Md5.md5(DESEncrypt.Encrypt(userModel.UserPassword.ToLower(), item.F_UserSecretkey.ToLower()).ToLower(), 32).ToLower(); if (dbPassword == item.F_UserPassword) { string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dt); List userLogOnEntity = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(json); return userLogOnEntity; } else { throw new Exception(LanguageHelper.GetNameSingle("WMSAPI004"));//"密码不正确,请重新输入"); } } } else { throw new Exception(LanguageHelper.GetNameSingle("WMSAPI005"));//"用户名不存在,请重新输入!"); } return null; } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } #endregion #region 用户确认 public static object UserCheck(Sys_SRM_User userModel) { using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn; try { string sql = @"select F_Account from Sys_SRM_User where F_Account='{0}' and F_Location='{1}' and F_EnabledMark='1'";//已经启用的账号 sql = string.Format(sql, userModel.UserCode, userModel.WorkPoint); DataTable dt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)//查询的数据不为空 { sql = @" select a.[F_Id] as UserId ,[F_Account] as userCode ,[F_RealName] as UserName ,[F_NickName] ,b.F_UserPassword ,b.F_UserSecretkey ,[F_HeadIcon] ,[F_Gender] ,[F_Birthday] ,[F_MobilePhone] ,[F_Email] ,[F_WeChat] ,[F_ManagerId] ,[F_SecurityLevel] ,[F_Signature] ,[F_OrganizeId] ,[F_DepartmentId] ,[F_RoleId] ,[F_DutyId] ,[F_IsAdministrator] ,[F_SortCode] ,[F_DeleteMark] ,[F_EnabledMark] ,[F_Description] ,[F_CreatorTime] ,[F_CreatorUserId] ,[F_LastModifyTime] ,[F_LastModifyUserId] ,[F_DeleteTime] ,[F_DeleteUserId] ,[F_Location] as WorkPoint ,[F_VenCode] from Sys_SRM_User a left join Sys_SRM_UserLogOn b on b.F_UserId=a.F_Id where F_Account='{0}' and F_Location='{1}' and F_EnabledMark='1'"; sql = string.Format(sql, userModel.UserCode, userModel.WorkPoint); dt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); IList users = DBHelper.ModelConvertHelper.ConvertToModel(dt); // string dbPassword = Md5.md5(DESEncrypt.Encrypt(userModel.F_UserPassword.ToLower(), item.F_UserSecretkey.ToLower()).ToLower(), 32).ToLower(); foreach (var item in users) { string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dt); List userLogOnEntity = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(json); return userLogOnEntity; } } else { throw new Exception(LanguageHelper.GetNameSingle("WMSAPI005"));//"用户名不存在,请重新输入!"); } return null; } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } #endregion #region 获取调拨单 /// /// 获取未发,未发完调拨单 /// /// /// public static DataTable TransCodemationGet(TransferDoc JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); if (JsonData == null) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo007"));//"传送数据为空!" } using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; try { string Workpoint = ""; Workpoint = JsonData.WorkPoint; string sql = @"SELECT DISTINCT TransferNO as TransCode FROM ICSTransferApplication WHERE WorkPoint='{0}' AND Quantity>ISNULL(TransferQuantity, 0) order by TransferNO desc"; sql = string.Format(sql, Workpoint); DataTable table = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); return table; } catch (Exception ex) { if (cmd.Transaction != null) cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } #endregion #region 料架条码绑定/解绑 /// /// 料架条码绑定 /// /// /// public static Result ContainerBindCreate(List JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); DataTable table = new DataTable(); string msg = ""; using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn; try { Result res = new Result(); foreach (ICSContainerBind item in JsonData) { string TransType = item.TransType; if (JsonData.Count <= 0) { msg = string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo007"));//"传入数据为空!" } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.WorkPoint)) { msg = string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo004"));//"站点不能为空!" } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.LotNo)) { msg = string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo005"));//"条码不能为空!" } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ContainerCode)) { msg = string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo197"));//"料架不能为空!" } if (TransType != TransTypeEnum.ContainerBind.GetDescription() && TransType != TransTypeEnum.ContainerUnBind.GetDescription()) { msg = string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo199"));//"操作类型错误!" } if (item.ContainerType == "窄巷道叉车(木托盘)" && item.RecomendBinCode == "") { msg = string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo203"));//"推荐库位不能为空!" } if (item.LocationCode == "" && item.ContainerType != "窄巷道叉车(木托盘)") { msg = string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo206"));//"位置编码不能为空!" } if (msg != "") { res.Success = false; res.Message = msg;// "接口调用失败!"; return res; } else { if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.ContainerBind.GetDescription()) { //料架条码绑定 ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.ContainerBind(item.LotNo, item.ContainerCode, item.ContainerType, item.LocationCode, item.RecomendBinCode, item.User, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); } else { //料架条码解绑 ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.ContainerUnBind(item.ContainerCode, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); } } } res.Success = true; res.Message = msg;// "接口调用成功!"; return res; } catch (Exception ex) { if (cmd.Transaction != null) cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } #endregion #region 通知AGV搬运 public static Result StartAGVTask(List JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); DataTable table = new DataTable(); string msg = ""; using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn; try { Result res = new Result(); foreach (ICSContainerBind item in JsonData) { string TransType = item.TransType; if (JsonData.Count <= 0) { msg = string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo007"));//"传入数据为空!" } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.WorkPoint)) { msg = string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo004"));//"站点不能为空!" } if (item.LocationCode == "") { msg = string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo206"));//"位置编码不能为空!" } if (msg != "") { res.Success = false; res.Message = msg;// "接口调用失败!"; return res; } else { //呼叫AGV开始搬运任务 ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.CallAGVStartTask(item.ContainerCode, item.TransType, item.LocationCode, item.User, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); } } res.Success = true; res.Message = msg;// "接口调用成功!"; return res; } catch (Exception ex) { if (cmd.Transaction != null) cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } #endregion #region 获取AGV绑定接口地址 public static string GetAGVBindUrl() { try { return ERPUrl.AGVBineURL; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } } #endregion #region 获取AGV搬运接口地址 public static string GetAGVStartUrl() { try { return ERPUrl.AGVTaskStart; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } } #endregion #region 获取AGV搬运的目标位置 public static Result GetAGVTaskPosition(List JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); DataTable table = new DataTable(); string msg = ""; using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn; try { Result res = new Result(); string PostionCode = ""; foreach (ICSContainerBind item in JsonData) { string TransType = item.TransType; if (JsonData.Count <= 0) { msg = string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo007"));//"传入数据为空!" } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.WorkPoint)) { msg = string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo004"));//"站点不能为空!" } if (item.LocationCode == "") { msg = string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo206"));//"位置编码不能为空!" } if (msg != "") { res.Success = false; res.Message = msg;// "接口调用失败!"; return res; } else { //呼叫AGV开始搬运任务 PostionCode = ICSWareHouseLotInfoService.GetAGVTaskPosition(item.LocationCode, item.User, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); } } res.Success = true; res.Message = PostionCode;// "接口调用成功!"; return res; } catch (Exception ex) { if (cmd.Transaction != null) cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } #endregion #region 形态转换源头单据信息 /// /// 形态转换源头单据信息 /// /// /// public static DataTable MTTransInformationGet(WMSSourceDocumentModel JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn; try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(JsonData.TransCode)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo001"));//"单据号不能为空!" } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(JsonData.WorkPoint)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo004"));//"站点不能为空!" } string information = String.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo035"), "", "", "", JsonData.TransCode); #region SLQ string sql = $@"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSMTDOC a WHERE a.MTDOCCode= '{JsonData.TransCode}' AND a.WorkPoint= '{JsonData.WorkPoint}') BEGIN RAISERROR('{information}',16,1); RETURN END ; SELECT a.ID, a.MTDOCCode AS TransCode, a.EATTRIBUTE1 AS Type, a.MTDOCType, a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.MTDOCQuantity AS IssueQuantity, convert(varchar(100),'') AS LocationCode, convert(varchar(100),'') AS LotNo, convert(varchar(10),'') AS ToWarehouseCode, 0 AS LocationQty, 0 AS isMatched, a.INVCode AS InvCode, inv.InvName, inv.InvStd, a.Quantity, inv.InvUnit, a.Amount, a.WHCode, inv.AmountUnit, wh.WarehouseName AS WHName, ISNULL(ext.ProjectCode, '') AS ProjectCode, a.ExtensionID, CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END AS BatchCode, ISNULL(ext.Version, '') AS Version, ISNULL(ext.Brand, '') AS Brand, ISNULL(ext.cFree1, '') AS cFree1, ISNULL(ext.cFree2, '') AS cFree2, ISNULL(ext.cFree3, '') AS cFree3, ISNULL(ext.cFree4, '') AS cFree4, ISNULL(ext.cFree5, '') AS cFree5, ISNULL(ext.cFree6, '') AS cFree6, ISNULL(ext.cFree7, '') AS cFree7, ISNULL(ext.cFree8, '') AS cFree8, ISNULL(ext.cFree9, '') AS cFree9, ISNULL(ext.cFree10, '') AS cFree10, a.MUSER AS [User], a.MTIME AS [MTime] FROM ICSMTDOC a INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON a.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND a.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.INVCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSWarehouse wh ON a.WHCode=wh.WarehouseCode AND a.WorkPoint=wh.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.INVCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.WHCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint WHERE a.MTDOCCode= '{JsonData.TransCode}' AND a.WorkPoint= '{JsonData.WorkPoint}' "; #endregion DataTable table = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); return table; } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } #endregion #region 拣料信息 /// /// 获取拣料信息 /// /// /// public static DataTable GetICSMOPickMergeTemp(WMSSourceDocumentModel JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn; try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(JsonData.TransCode)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo001"));//"单据号不能为空!" } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(JsonData.WorkPoint)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo004"));//"站点不能为空!" } string information = String.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo035"), "", "", "", JsonData.TransCode); #region SLQ string sqls = ""; #region 工单领料 if (JsonData.TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOApply.GetDescription()) { #region 工单领料SQL sqls = @"select a.ApplyCode as Code, a.InvCode, b.InvName, b.InvStd, b.InvUnit, SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID,c.LocationCode FROM ICSMOApply a LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint = b.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryDetail c ON b.InvCode=c.INVCode AND a.WHCode=c.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE a.ApplyCode in ('{0}') AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' GROUP BY a.ApplyCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID,c.LocationCode "; #endregion } #endregion #region 委外领料 if (JsonData.TransType == TransTypeEnum.OOApply.GetDescription()) { #region 委外领料SQL sqls = sqls = @"select a.ApplyCode as Code, a.InvCode, b.InvName, b.InvStd, b.InvUnit, SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, a.WhCode, a.ExtensionID, c.LocationCode FROM ICSOApply a LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryDetail c ON b.InvCode=c.INVCode AND a.WHCode=c.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE a.ApplyCode in ('{0}') AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' GROUP BY a.ApplyCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID,c.LocationCode"; #endregion } #endregion #region 销售发货 if (JsonData.TransType == TransTypeEnum.SalesShipmentDoc.GetDescription()) { #region 销售发货SQL sqls = @" select a.SDNCode as Code, a.InvCode, b.InvName, b.InvStd, b.InvUnit, SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, a.WhCode, a.ExtensionID, c.LocationCode FROM ICSSDN a LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryDetail c ON b.InvCode=c.INVCode AND a.WHCode=c.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE a.SDNCode in ('{0}') AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' GROUP BY a.SDNCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID,c.LocationCode"; #endregion } #endregion #region 其他出库 if (JsonData.TransType == TransTypeEnum.OtherOutDoc.GetDescription()) { #region 其它出库SQL sqls = @" select a.OutCode as Code, a.InvCode, b.InvName, b.InvStd, b.InvUnit, SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, a.WhCode, a.ExtensionID, c.LocationCode FROM ICSOtherOut a LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryDetail c ON b.InvCode=c.INVCode AND a.WHCode=c.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE a.OutCode in ('{0}') AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' GROUP BY a.OutCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID,c.LocationCode"; #endregion } #endregion #region 物料调拨 if (JsonData.TransType == TransTypeEnum.OneStepTransferDocIn.GetDescription()) { #region 物料调拨 sqls = @"select a.TransferNO as Code, a.InvCode, b.InvName, b.InvStd, b.InvUnit, SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, a.FromWarehouseCode as WhCode, a.ExtensionID, c.LocationCode FROM ICSTransfer a LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryDetail c ON b.InvCode=c.INVCode AND a.FromWarehouseCode=c.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE a.TransferNO in ('{0}') AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' GROUP BY a.TransferNO,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.FromWarehouseCode,a.ExtensionID,c.LocationCode"; #endregion } #endregion sqls = string.Format(sqls, JsonData.TransCode.ToString(), JsonData.WorkPoint.ToString()); #region sql string sql = $@"SELECT row_number() over ( order by c.Code,c.InvCode,d.MTIME,d.LotNO) AS rowNo, c.Code, c.InvCode, c.InvName, c.InvStd, c.InvUnit, FLOOR(c.iQuantity) AS iQuantity, c.WHCode AS WarehouseCode, d.LotNO, FLOOR(ISNULL(d.Quantity, 0)) AS QTY, d.LocationCode AS LocationCode, CONVERT(varchar(100),d.MTIME, 23) MTIME, FLOOR(f.QTYTotal) QTYTotal FROM ({sqls}) c left join (select d.WarehouseCode,d.Quantity,d.INVCode, m.LotNo, d.MTIME,d.LocationCode,m.ExtensionID from ICSWareHouseLotInfo d ,ICSInventoryLot m where d.LotNo=m.LotNo and d.WorkPoint=m.WorkPoint and d.WorkPoint='{JsonData.WorkPoint.ToString()}' AND d.Quantity>0 --AND SUBSTRING(SUBSTRING(d.LocationCode, CHARINDEX('-',d.LocationCode)+1, LEN(d.LocationCode)),0,CHARINDEX('-', SUBSTRING(d.LocationCode, CHARINDEX('-',d.LocationCode)+1, LEN(d.LocationCode)))) --Not IN(SELECT F_Define2 FROM Sys_SRM_ItemsDetail WHERE F_Define3='HGAreaConfig' AND F_Define1=d.WarehouseCode AND F_Define4=d.WorkPoint) ) d on c.InvCode=d.INVCode AND c.WhCode=d.WarehouseCode and d.ExtensionID=c.ExtensionID LEFT JOIN (SELECT INVCode,WarehouseCode,SUM(Quantity) AS QTYTotal FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo WHERE WorkPoint='{JsonData.WorkPoint.ToString()}' GROUP BY INVCode,WarehouseCode) f ON c.InvCode=f.INVCode AND c.WhCode=f.WarehouseCode order by c.Code,c.InvCode,d.MTIME "; #endregion var dataset = DBHelper.SQlReturnDataSet(sql, cmd); if (dataset.Tables.Count == 0) return null; DataTable table = dataset.Tables[0]; decimal qtyCount = 0; bool remove = false; List removeList = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { if (i != 0 && (!table.Rows[i]["InvCode"].ToString().Equals(table.Rows[i - 1]["InvCode"].ToString()) || !table.Rows[i]["Code"].ToString().Equals(table.Rows[i - 1]["Code"].ToString())) ) { qtyCount = 0; remove = false; } if (remove) { removeList.Add(i); } else { var lotQty = decimal.Parse(table.Rows[i]["QTY"].ToString()); var orderQty = decimal.Parse(table.Rows[i]["iQuantity"].ToString()); qtyCount += lotQty; if (qtyCount >= orderQty) { remove = true; } } } if (removeList.Count > 0) { removeList.Reverse(); foreach (var item in removeList) { table.Rows.RemoveAt(item); } } #endregion //DataTable table = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); return table; } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } #endregion /// /// 形态转换 /// /// public static DataTable MTDocCreate(List JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); if (JsonData.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo007"));//"传送数据为空!" } using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; string BusinessCode = string.Empty; try { string TransType = string.Empty; string Identification = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var item in JsonData) { foreach (var data in item.DetailModels) { //修改源头单据 ICSWareHouseService.MTDoc(item.TransCode, item.TransSequence, data.Quantity, item.WorkPoint, cmd, language); TransType = item.Type; //单据类型 12:按单转移 13:按物料转移 if (TransType == "13") { //形态转换 sql.Append($@"UPDATE ICSWareHouseLotInfo SET InvCode='{item.AfterInvCode}' WHERE LotNo='{data.LotNo}' AND WorkPoint='{item.WorkPoint}' AND InvCode='{item.BeforInvCode}' AND WarehouseCode='{item.WHCode}'; UPDATE ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog SET InvCode='' WHERE LotNo='{data.LotNo}' AND WorkPoint='{item.WorkPoint}' AND InvCode='{item.BeforInvCode}' ; UPDATE ICSInventoryLot SET InvCode='{item.AfterInvCode}' WHERE LotNo='{data.LotNo}' AND InvCode='{item.BeforInvCode}' AND WorkPoint='{item.WorkPoint}' AND ExtensionID='{item.BeforExtensionID}';"); } else if (TransType == "12") { sql.Append($@"UPDATE ICSInventoryLot SET ExtensionID='{item.AfterExtensionID}' WHERE LotNo='{data.LotNo}' AND InvCode='{item.BeforInvCode}' AND WorkPoint='{item.WorkPoint}' AND ExtensionID='{item.BeforExtensionID}';"); } else { throw new Exception("单据类型不存在"); } } } DataTable table = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql.ToString(), cmd); cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return table; } catch (Exception ex) { if (cmd.Transaction != null) cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } #region 根据源头单据获取占料信息 /// /// 源头单据信息 /// /// /// public static DataTable MaterialOccupyGet(OccupyDocModel JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn; try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(JsonData.TransCode)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo001"));//"单据号不能为空!" } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(JsonData.WorkPoint)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo004"));//"站点不能为空!" } string sql = @"select TransCode,TransSequence,LotNo,InvCode,Quantity from ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog where TransType='15' AND TransCode='{0}' and WorkPoint='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, JsonData.TransCode, JsonData.WorkPoint); DataTable table = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); if (table.Rows.Count == 0) { throw new Exception("单据尚未拣料,无法出库!"); } return table; } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } #endregion #region 库位区域验证 /// /// 库位区域验证 /// /// /// public static string CheckWHCode(BarCodeCheckModel JsonData) { var language = LanguageHelper.GetName("WMSAPIInfo"); using (SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn; try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(JsonData.TransType)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo002"));//"单据类型不能为空!" } else if (!EnumHelper.HasDescriptions(typeof(TransTypeEnum), JsonData.TransType)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo003"));//"单据类型不存在!" } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(JsonData.WorkPoint)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo004"));//"站点不能为空!" } string TransType = JsonData.TransType; //单据类型 var whCode = JsonData.LocationCode.Split('-').ToList(); #region SLQ StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); #endregion string msg = ""; //WMSAPIInfo071 if (JsonData.TransCode == null || JsonData.TransCode == "") { #region 采购入库 var a = TransTypeEnum.DeliveryNotice.GetDescription(); if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.DeliveryNotice.GetDescription()) { sql.Append($@"SELECT a.LotNo ,d.LocationCode, c.WHCode FROM ICSInventoryLot a inner JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.WorkPoint= b.WorkPoint AND a.LotNo=b.LotNo inner Join ICSInventoryDetail d ON d.INVCode=a.InvCode AND d.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint inner JOIN ICSDeliveryNotice c ON c.DNCode= b.TransCode AND c.WorkPoint= b.WorkPoint AND c.InvCode= a.INVCode AND c.Sequence= b.TransSequence AND c.WHCode=d.WHCode WHERE b.WorkPoint= '{JsonData.WorkPoint}' AND a.LotNo= '{JsonData.BarCode}'"); } #endregion #region 生产退料 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOIssueDocNegative.GetDescription() || TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOIssueDocNegativeApply.GetDescription() || TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOIssueDocNegativeIssue.GetDescription()) { sql.Append($@"SELECT a.LotNo ,d.LocationCode, c.WHCode FROM ICSInventoryLot a inner JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.WorkPoint= b.WorkPoint AND a.LotNo=b.LotNo inner Join ICSInventoryDetail d ON d.INVCode=a.InvCode AND d.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint inner JOIN ICSMOApplyNegDetail c ON c.ApplyNegCode= b.TransCode AND c.WorkPoint= b.WorkPoint AND c.InvCode= a.INVCode AND c.Sequence= b.TransSequence AND c.WHCode=d.WHCode WHERE b.WorkPoint= '{JsonData.WorkPoint}' AND a.LotNo= '{JsonData.BarCode}'"); } #endregion #region 销售退货 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.SalesShipmentDocNegative.GetDescription()) { sql.Append($@"SELECT a.LotNo ,d.LocationCode, c.WHCode FROM ICSInventoryLot a inner JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.WorkPoint= b.WorkPoint AND a.LotNo=b.LotNo inner Join ICSInventoryDetail d ON d.INVCode=a.InvCode AND d.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint inner JOIN ICSSDN c ON c.SDNCode= b.TransCode AND c.WorkPoint= b.WorkPoint AND c.InvCode= a.INVCode AND c.Sequence= b.TransSequence AND c.WHCode=d.WHCode WHERE b.WorkPoint= '{JsonData.WorkPoint}' AND a.LotNo= '{JsonData.BarCode}'"); } #endregion #region 其他入库 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OtherInDoc.GetDescription()) { sql.Append($@"SELECT a.LotNo ,d.LocationCode, c.WHCode FROM ICSInventoryLot a inner JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.WorkPoint= b.WorkPoint AND a.LotNo=b.LotNo inner Join ICSInventoryDetail d ON d.INVCode=a.InvCode AND d.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint inner JOIN ICSOtherIn c ON c.InCode= b.TransCode AND c.WorkPoint= b.WorkPoint AND c.InvCode= a.INVCode AND c.Sequence= b.TransSequence AND c.WHCode=d.WHCode WHERE b.WorkPoint= '{JsonData.WorkPoint}' AND a.LotNo= '{JsonData.BarCode}'"); } #endregion } else { #region 销售退货-原条码 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.SalesReturnBack.GetDescription()) { sql.Append($@"SELECT a.LotNo ,d.LocationCode, c.WHCode FROM ICSInventoryLot a inner Join ICSInventoryDetail d ON d.INVCode=a.InvCode inner JOIN ICSSDN c ON c.InvCode= a.INVCode AND c.WHCode=d.WHCode AND c.Type='2' WHERE c.WorkPoint= '{JsonData.WorkPoint}' AND a.LotNo= '{JsonData.BarCode}' And c.SDNCode= '{JsonData.TransCode}' "); } #endregion #region 调拨 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OneStepTransferDocIn.GetDescription()) { sql.Append($@"SELECT a.LotNo ,d.LocationCode, c.ToWarehouseCode as WHCode FROM ICSInventoryLot a inner Join ICSInventoryDetail d ON d.INVCode=a.InvCode inner JOIN ICSTransfer c ON c.INVCode= a.INVCode AND c.ToWarehouseCode=d.WHCode WHERE c.WorkPoint= '{JsonData.WorkPoint}' AND a.LotNo= '{JsonData.BarCode}' And c.TransferNO= '{JsonData.TransCode}'"); } #endregion } var dataset = DBHelper.SQlReturnDataSet(sql.ToString(), cmd); if (dataset.Tables.Count == 0) { msg = "未查到条码库位区域信息"; return msg; } DataTable table = dataset.Tables[0]; if (table.Rows.Count == 0) { msg = "未查到条码库位区域信息"; return msg; } for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { //区域 var locationCode = table.Rows[i]["LocationCode"].ToString(); var Code = table.Rows[i]["WHCode"].ToString(); if (Code != whCode[0]) { throw new Exception(string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo466"), Code, "", JsonData.LocationCode)); } if (locationCode != whCode[1] && locationCode != null && locationCode != "") { throw new Exception(string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo465"), locationCode, "", JsonData.LocationCode)); } } msg = "验证成功"; return msg; } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } conn.Dispose(); } } } #endregion } }