using NFine.Code; using NFine.Domain.Entity.SystemManage; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; using NFine.Repository; using System.Text; using System; using System.Configuration; using NFine.Data; using System.IO; namespace NFine.Application.WMS { public class WatchPanelApp : RepositoryFactory { string workpoint = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["WorkPointCode"].ConnectionString; private static string U9IP = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["U9connstr"].ConnectionString; private static string StratTimecfg = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["StratTime"].ConnectionString; private static string EndTimecfg = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["EndTime"].ConnectionString; private static string advDays = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["advDays"].ConnectionString; string StratTime = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + ' ' + StratTimecfg; string EndTime = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + ' ' + EndTimecfg; //private string ERPName = U9IP.Substring(U9IP.IndexOf("Server=") + 7, 9) + "." + U9IP.Substring(U9IP.IndexOf("Catalog=") + 8, 7); //string dsaq = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["advDays"].ConnectionString; private static string conbegin = "Data Source="; private static int end = U9IP.IndexOf(";Uid="); private static string ERPName = "[" + U9IP.Substring(conbegin.Length, end - conbegin.Length).Replace(";Database=", "]."); private static string ERPName1 = ERPName.Split('.')[ERPName.Split('.').Length - 1]; string EndTime2 = ""; //到货明细 public DataTable GetList1(string queryJson, ref Pagination jqgridparam) { var queryParam = queryJson.ToJObject(); OperatorModel oo = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent(); List parameter = new List(); string SqlText = @" select * from ( SELECT *, 收货数量 -已检数量 待检数量, CASE WHEN 收货数量 -已检数量> 0 THEN '待检验' WHEN 已检待入> 0 THEN '待入库' ELSE '完成' END 状态 FROM ( SELECT dd.orderno 订单号,dd.itemcode 料号,dd.planqty 收货数量,inv.invname 物料名称, isnull(( SELECT SUM (lotqty) FROM icsitemlot lot WHERE lot.TransNO=dd.ReceiptNO AND lot.TransLine=dd.ReceiptLine AND isnull(IQCStatus,'') !='' AND cc.workpoint=lot.workpoint),0) 已检数量, isnull(( SELECT SUM (lotqty) FROM icsitemlot lot WHERE lot.TransNO=dd.ReceiptNO AND lot.TransLine=dd.ReceiptLine AND isnull(IQCStatus,'') !='' AND cc.workpoint=lot.workpoint AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo info WHERE info.lotno=lot.lotno AND info.workpoint=lot.workpoint)),0) 已检待入 FROM ICSINVReceipt cc LEFT JOIN ICSINVReceiptDetail dd ON cc.ReceiptNO=dd.ReceiptNO AND dd.workpoint=cc.workpoint LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY inv ON inv.invcode=dd.itemcode AND dd.workpoint=inv.workpoint WHERE cc.mtime >=DATEADD(week, -1,getdate()) and cc.workpoint='" + workpoint + @"' ) ff ) gg "; DataTable dt = Repository().FindTablePageBySql_Other(SqlText, "WMSconnstr", parameter.ToArray(), ref jqgridparam); return dt; } //来料不合格明细 public DataTable GetList2(string queryJson, ref Pagination jqgridparam) { var queryParam = queryJson.ToJObject(); OperatorModel oo = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent(); List parameter = new List(); string SqlText = @" select * from ( SELECT cc.receiptNo 到货单,dd.orderno 采购订单号,dd.itemcode 料号, inv.invname 物料名称, sum(lot.lotqty) 不合格数量 ,kk.CKITEMDESC 不良原因 FROM ICSINVReceipt cc LEFT JOIN ICSINVReceiptDetail dd ON cc.ReceiptNO=dd.ReceiptNO AND dd.workpoint=cc.workpoint LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY inv ON inv.invcode=dd.itemcode AND dd.workpoint=inv.workpoint left join icsitemlot lot on lot.TransNO=dd.ReceiptNO AND lot.TransLine=dd.ReceiptLine AND cc.workpoint=lot.workpoint left join (select * from (select ROW_NUMBER()over(partition by LOTNO order by mtime desc,id ) rowId,lotno ,errdata ,CKITEMDESC from ICSIQCErrList ck where workpoint='" + workpoint + @"' ) as AuctionRecords where rowId=1) kk on kk.lotno=lot.lotno WHERE 1=1 and cc.mtime >=DATEADD(MONTH, -1,getdate()) and kk.errdata='不合格' and cc.workpoint='" + workpoint + @"' group by cc.receiptNo ,dd.orderno ,dd.itemcode , inv.invname ,kk.CKITEMDESC ) jj "; DataTable dt = Repository().FindTablePageBySql_Other(SqlText, "WMSconnstr", parameter.ToArray(), ref jqgridparam); return dt; } public DataTable GetWIPDATA() { List parameter = new List(); string SqlText = @" select distinct mo.mocode 生产订单号,mo.moseq 行号,mo.itemcode 物料编码,inv.invname 物料名称, mo.moplanqty 数量,sim.MUSERName 加工人员,sim.opcode 加工工序 ,row_number() over (partition by mo.mocode ,mo.moseq , sim.MUSERName ,sim.opcode order by sim.mtime desc, desc) rn from icsmo mo left join ICSITEMLot lot on lot.transno =mo.mocode and lot.TransLine=mo.moseq and lot.workpoint =mo.workpoint left join ICSLOTSIMULATION sim on mo.WorkPoint=sim.WorkPoint and sim.lotno=lot.lotno left join ICSINVENTORY inv on inv.invcode=mo.itemcode and inv.workpoint=mo.workpoint where sim.mtime>CAST(CAST(GETDATE() as date) as varchar(10)) + ' 00:00:00' and mo.WorkPoint='" + workpoint + @"' "; DataTable dt = Repository().GetDataTableBySql_Other(SqlText, "WMSconnstr", null); //测试 for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { DataRow newRow; newRow = dt.NewRow(); newRow["生产订单号"] = "MO-0001"+i.ToString(); newRow["行号"] = "22"; dt.Rows.Add(newRow); } return dt; } //车间人员信息 public DataTable GetWIPUser() { List parameter = new List(); string SqlText = @" select distinct mo.mocode 生产订单号,mo.moseq 行号,mo.itemcode 物料编码,inv.invname 物料名称, mo.moplanqty 数量,sim.MUSERName 加工人员,sim.opcode 加工工序 ,row_number() over (partition by mo.mocode ,mo.moseq , sim.MUSERName ,sim.opcode order by sim.mtime desc, desc) rn from icsmo mo left join ICSITEMLot lot on lot.transno =mo.mocode and lot.TransLine=mo.moseq and lot.workpoint =mo.workpoint left join ICSLOTSIMULATION sim on mo.WorkPoint=sim.WorkPoint and sim.lotno=lot.lotno left join ICSINVENTORY inv on inv.invcode=mo.itemcode and inv.workpoint=mo.workpoint where sim.mtime>CAST(CAST(GETDATE() as date) as varchar(10)) + ' 00:00:00' and mo.WorkPoint='" + workpoint + @"' "; DataTable dt = Repository().GetDataTableBySql_Other(SqlText, "WMSconnstr", null); //测试 for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { DataRow newRow; newRow = dt.NewRow(); newRow["生产订单号"] = "MO-0001" + i.ToString(); newRow["行号"] = "22"; dt.Rows.Add(newRow); } return dt; } //收料信息 public DataTable GetWIPRCV() { List parameter = new List(); string SqlText = @" select B.CreatedOn 到货时间,A.DescFlexField_PrivateDescSeg1 送货单号,A.DocNO 收货单号,B.DocLineNo 收货单行号 ,ISNULL(B.QCBillNo,'') AS 质检单号,CASE WHEN A.Status='0' THEN '开立' WHEN A.Status='2' THEN '检验完成' WHEN A.Status='3' THEN '核准中' ELSE '业务关闭' END AS 状态 ,A.Supplier_ShortName 供应商名称,A.DescFlexField_PubDescSeg13 紧急程度,B.ItemInfo_ItemCode 料号 ,B.ItemInfo_ItemName 品名,C.INVSTD 规格型号,C.INVUOM 单位,B.ArriveQtyTU 到货数量,B.QualifiedQtyTU 合格数量 ,case when B.Status='5' then B.QualifiedQtyTU When B.Status='5' AND ISNULL(B.QCBillNo,'')='' then B.QualifiedQtyTU ELSE 0 end as U9已上架数量 ,ISNULL(F.QTY,0) AS WMS已上架数量,B.ArriveQtyTU-ISNULL(F.QTY,0) AS WMS未上架数量,E.Name 库管员 from {0}.DBO.PM_Receivement A LEFT JOIN (SELECT a.ID,b.CreatedOn,b.DocLineNo,b.QCBillNo,b.ItemInfo_ItemCode,b.ItemInfo_ItemName,b.ItemInfo_ItemID,b.WhMan ,sum(b.ArriveQtyTU) ArriveQtyTU,SUM(b.QualifiedQtyTU) QualifiedQtyTU,b.Status from {0}.DBO.PM_Receivement a LEFT JOIN {0}.DBO.PM_RcvLine b on b.Receivement=a.ID where (SplitFlag=0 OR SplitFlag=2) GROUP BY a.ID,b.CreatedOn,b.DocLineNo,b.QCBillNo,b.ItemInfo_ItemCode,b.ItemInfo_ItemName,b.ItemInfo_ItemID,b.WhMan,b.Status ) B ON B.ID=A.ID LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY C on C.ID=B.ItemInfo_ItemID LEFT JOIN {0}.DBO.CBO_Operators_trl E on E.ID=B.WhMan LEFT JOIN (SELECT ASN.STNO,ASN.ITEMCODE,SUM(ISNULL(WHLOT.LotQty,0)) AS QTY FROM ICSASNDETAIL ASN LEFT JOIN ICSITEMLot LOT ON LOT.LotNO=ASN.LOTNO AND LOT.WorkPoint=ASN.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo WHLOT ON WHLOT.LotNO=LOT.LotNO AND WHLOT.WorkPoint=LOT.WorkPoint GROUP BY ASN.STNO,ASN.ITEMCODE) F ON F.STNO=A.DescFlexField_PrivateDescSeg1 AND F.ITEMCODE=B.ItemInfo_ItemCode where 1=1 and B.CreatedOn>CAST(CAST(GETDATE() as date) as varchar(10)) + ' 00:00:00' order by B.CreatedOn"; SqlText = string.Format(SqlText, ERPName, workpoint); DataTable dt = Repository().GetDataTableBySql_Other(SqlText, "WMSconnstr", null); return dt; } //收料图表 public DataTable GetWIPRCVChart() { List parameter = new List(); string SqlText = @" SELECT top 1 (SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM {0}.DBO.PM_RcvLine where (SplitFlag=0 OR SplitFlag=2) and CreatedOn>CAST(CAST(GETDATE() as date) as varchar(10)) + ' 00:00:00' and status<>'5') as U9dk, (SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM {0}.DBO.PM_RcvLine where (SplitFlag=0 OR SplitFlag=2) and CreatedOn>CAST(CAST(GETDATE() as date) as varchar(10)) + ' 00:00:00' and status='5') as U9gb from {0}.DBO.PM_RcvLine"; SqlText = string.Format(SqlText, ERPName, workpoint); DataTable dt = Repository().GetDataTableBySql_Other(SqlText, "WMSconnstr", null); return dt; } //发料信息 public DataTable GetMaterialPick() { List parameter = new List(); string SqlText = $@" SELECT a.ApplyCode, A.Sequence, --a.SAPSequence, a.InvCode, c.LotNo, c.Quantity, e.StartLocation, e.EndLocation -- e.TaskCode FROM ICSMOApply a -- INNER JOIN ICSContainerReceiptsNumber b ON a.ApplyCode= b.TransCode INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog c ON a.ApplyCode= c.TransCode AND c.BusinessCode= '15' AND a.Sequence= c.TransSequence INNER JOIN ( SELECT DISTINCT e.StartLocation,e.EndLocation FROM ICSForkLiftTaskLog e WHERE e.EndLocation is not null AND e.EndLocation!='' ) e ON c.FromLocationCode= e.StartLocation WHERE a.WorkPoint='1701'"; //if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(StratTime)) //{ // SqlText += " and a.CreatedOn>'" + StratTime + "'"; //} //if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(EndTime)) //{ // SqlText += " and a.CreatedOn<'" + EndTime + "'"; //} if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(advDays)) { SqlText += @" and a.MTIME>CAST(CAST(DATEADD(day, -" + advDays + @", GETDATE()) as date) as varchar(10)) + ' 00:00:00' and a.MTIME<=CAST(CAST(GETDATE() as date) as varchar(10)) + ' 23:59:59'"; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(StratTime) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(EndTime) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(advDays)) { SqlText += @" and a.MTIME>CAST(CAST(GETDATE() as date) as varchar(10)) + ' 00:00:00' and a.MTIME<=CAST(CAST(GETDATE() as date) as varchar(10)) + ' 23:59:59'"; } SqlText += @"order by a.MTIME "; //SqlText = string.Format(SqlText, ERPName, workpoint); DataTable dt = Repository().GetDataTableBySql_Other(SqlText, "WMSconnstr", null); return dt; } //发料图表 public DataTable GetMaterialPickChart() { List parameter = new List(); string SqlText = @" SELECT top 1 (SELECT COUNT(*) from {0}.DBO.MO_MO a where a.CreatedOn>CAST(CAST(DATEADD(day, -{2}, GETDATE()) as date) as varchar(10)) + ' 00:00:00')- (SELECT COUNT(*) from {0}.DBO.MO_MO a LEFT JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(VouchRow) 子件项数,MOCode from ICSMaterialPick GROUP BY MOCode) b on a.DocNo=b.MOCode LEFT JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(VouchRow) 完成项数,MOCode from ICSMaterialPick where Quantity<=HasQuantity GROUP BY MOCode) c on a.DocNo=c.MOCode where a.CreatedOn>CAST(CAST(DATEADD(day, -{2}, GETDATE()) as date) as varchar(10)) + ' 00:00:00' and b.子件项数=c.完成项数) as 未完成工单, (SELECT COUNT(*) from {0}.DBO.MO_MO a LEFT JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(VouchRow) 子件项数,MOCode from ICSMaterialPick GROUP BY MOCode) b on a.DocNo=b.MOCode LEFT JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(VouchRow) 完成项数,MOCode from ICSMaterialPick where Quantity<=HasQuantity GROUP BY MOCode) c on a.DocNo=c.MOCode where a.CreatedOn>CAST(CAST(DATEADD(day, -{2}, GETDATE()) as date) as varchar(10)) + ' 00:00:00' and b.子件项数=c.完成项数) as 领料完成工单 from {0}.DBO.MO_MO"; SqlText = string.Format(SqlText, ERPName, workpoint, advDays); DataTable dt = Repository().GetDataTableBySql_Other(SqlText, "WMSconnstr", null); return dt; } //发货信息 public DataTable GetSo() { List parameter = new List(); string SqlText = @" SELECT DISTINCT a1.CreatedOn ,A1.BusinessDate 日期,A1.DocNo 销售出库单,A2.DocLineNo 行号,A5.Code 物料编码,A6.NameCombineName 存货名称, A5.SPECS 规格型号,A10.Name 单位,ISNULL(A2.ShipQtyInvAmount, 0) 应发数量,ISNULL(so.HasQuantity, 0) 已发数量,ISNULL(A2.ShipQtyInvAmount,0)-isnull(so.HasQuantity, 0) WMS未发数量 from {0}.DBO.SM_Ship A1 LEFT JOIN {0}.dbo.SM_ShipLine A2 ON A2.Ship=A1.ID LEFT JOIN {0}.dbo.SM_ShipLine_Trl A3 ON A2.ID=A3.ID AND A3.SysMLFlag='zh-CN' LEFT JOIN {0}.dbo.CBO_ItemMaster A5 ON A2.ItemInfo_ItemID=A5.ID LEFT JOIN {0}.dbo.CBO_ItemMaster_Trl A6 ON A6.ID = A5.ID AND A6.SysMLFlag='zh-CN' LEFT JOIN {0}.dbo.CBO_Wh A7 ON A2.WH=A7.ID LEFT JOIN {0}.dbo.CBO_Wh_Trl A8 ON A8.ID = A7.ID AND A8.SysMLFlag='zh-CN' LEFT JOIN {0}.dbo.Base_UOM A9 ON A2.PriceUOM=A9.ID LEFT JOIN {0}.dbo.Base_UOM_Trl A10 ON A10.ID = A9.ID AND A10.SysMLFlag='zh-CN' LEFT JOIN ICSSODispatch so on A1.DocNo=so.DispatchCode AND A2.DocLineNo=so.DispatchRow where 1=1 AND ISNULL(A2.WH,'')!=''"; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(StratTime)) { SqlText += " and a1.CreatedOn>'" + StratTime + "'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(EndTime)) { SqlText += " and a1.CreatedOn<'" + EndTime + "'"; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(StratTime) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(EndTime) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(advDays)) { SqlText += " and a1.CreatedOn>CAST(CAST(DATEADD(day, -" + advDays + ", GETDATE()) as date) as varchar(10)) + ' 00:00:00'"; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(StratTime) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(EndTime) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(advDays)) { SqlText += " and a1.CreatedOn>CAST(CAST(GETDATE() as date) as varchar(10)) + ' 00:00:00'"; } SqlText += @"order by a1.CreatedOn "; SqlText = string.Format(SqlText, ERPName, workpoint); DataTable dt = Repository().GetDataTableBySql_Other(SqlText, "WMSconnstr", null); return dt; } //工单欠料信息 public DataTable GetOwe() { List parameter = new List(); string SqlText = @" SELECT a.DocNo U9工单,a.startDate 开工日期,BItem.Code 母件料号,BItem.Name 母件名称,BItem.SPECS 母件规格,A.ProductQty 工单数量, UOM.Name 母件单位,cBItem.Code 子件料号,cBItem.Name 子件名称,cBItem.SPECS 子件规格,,,d.MO, b.ActualReqQty,c.IssuedQty,d.qty, ISNULL(b.ActualReqQty, 0)-ISNULL(c.IssuedQty, 0)+ISNULL(d.qty, 0) as 子件欠料数量 from {0}.DBO.MO_MO a LEFT JOIN {0}.DBO.CBO_ItemMaster BItem on BItem.ID=a.ItemMaster LEFT JOIN {0}.DBO.Base_UOM_Trl UOM ON UOM.ID = BItem.InventoryUOM LEFT JOIN {0}.DBO.MO_MoPickList b on a.ID=B.MO LEFT JOIN {0}.DBO.CBO_ItemMaster cBItem on b.ItemMaster=cBItem.ID LEFT JOIN {0}.DBO.MO_IssueDocLine c on a.ID=c.MO and b.ItemMaster=c.Item LEFT JOIN (SELECT b.MO,b.IssuedQty as qty,b.Item from {0}.DBO.mo_IssueDoc a INNER JOIN {0}.DBO.MO_IssueDocLine b on a.ID=b.IssueDoc INNER JOIN {0}.DBO.MO_IssueDocLine c on b.SourceIssueDocLine=c.ID where a.IssueType='1' ) d on a.ID=d.MO and b.ItemMaster=d.Item where a.DocState<>3 "; //if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(StratTime)) //{ // SqlText += " and a.CreatedOn>'" + StratTime + "'"; //} //if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(EndTime)) //{ // SqlText += " and a.CreatedOn<'" + EndTime + "'"; //} if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(advDays)) { SqlText += @" and a.startDate>CAST(CAST(DATEADD(day, -" + advDays + @", GETDATE()) as date) as varchar(10)) + ' 00:00:00' and a.startDate<=CAST(CAST(GETDATE() as date) as varchar(10)) + ' 23:59:59'"; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(StratTime) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(EndTime) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(advDays)) { SqlText += @" and a.startDate>CAST(CAST(GETDATE() as date) as varchar(10)) + ' 00:00:00' and a.startDate<=CAST(CAST(GETDATE() as date) as varchar(10)) + ' 23:59:59'"; } SqlText += @"order by a.startDate "; SqlText = string.Format(SqlText, ERPName, workpoint); DataTable dt = Repository().GetDataTableBySql_Other(SqlText, "WMSconnstr", null); return dt; } public static void WriteLogFile(string input, string txtName) { try { string logAdress = "C:\\看板日志" + "\\"; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(logAdress)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(logAdress);//不存在就创建目录 } string adress = logAdress + txtName; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(adress)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(adress);//不存在就创建目录 } // string logAdress = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["logAdress"].ToString(); /**/ ///指定日志文件的目录 string fname = adress + "\\" + "log" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yy-MM-dd") + ".txt"; /**/ ///定义文件信息对象 FileInfo finfo = new FileInfo(fname); if (!finfo.Exists) { FileStream fs; fs = File.Create(fname); fs.Close(); finfo = new FileInfo(fname); } /**/ ///判断文件是否存在以及是否大于2K if (finfo.Length > 1024 * 1024 * 10) { /**/ ///文件超过10MB则重命名 File.Move(logAdress + "\\Log\\" + txtName + ".txt", Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay + "\\Log\\" + txtName + ".txt"); /**/ ///删除该文件 //finfo.Delete(); } //finfo.AppendText(); /**/ ///创建只写文件流 using (FileStream fs = finfo.OpenWrite()) { /**/ ///根据上面创建的文件流创建写数据流 StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(fs); /**/ ///设置写数据流的起始位置为文件流的末尾 ///设置写数据流的起始位置为文件流的末尾 w.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End); w.WriteLine("*****************Start*****************"); w.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); /**/ ///写入当前系统时间并换行 /**/ ///写入日志内容并换行 w.WriteLine(input); /**/ ///写入------------------------------------“并换行 w.WriteLine("------------------END------------------------"); /**/ ///清空缓冲区内容,并把缓冲区内容写入基础流 w.Flush(); /**/ ///关闭写数据流 w.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { } } } }