using ICSSoft.Common; using ICSSoft.Entity; using Newtonsoft.Json; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Linq; using System.Net.Http; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace ICSSoft.DataProject { /// /// 使用中 /// 更新库存表、日志表 /// public class ICSWareHouseLotInfoService { private static log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); /// /// 分批 /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public static void WareHouseLotInfoInBatches(string Identification, string TransCode, string TransSequence, string LotNo, string Quantity, string User, string WorkPoint, string TransType, string BusinessCode, SqlCommand cmd, Dictionary language, string MergeID = "") { } /// /// 添加库存 /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public static void WareHouseLotInfoUp(string Identification, string LocationCode, string LotNo, string Quantity, string User, string WorkPoint, string TransType, string BusinessCode, SqlCommand cmd, Dictionary language, string LogID, string jointLotNo) { try { #region 正常入库 ///添加库存(原条码退回,更新库存;新条码直接入库) //stirng locationcode = ""; string sql = string.Empty; string locationcode = ""; if (BusinessCode != TransTypeEnum.SalesReturnBack.GetDescription()) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(LogID)) { sql = @"IF EXISTS(SELECT a.LotNo FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo164") + @"',16,1); RETURN END "; } else { sql = @"SELECT LocationCode FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a WHERE LotNo='{0}' AND WorkPoint='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint); DataTable dt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception(string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo171"), LotNo)); } locationcode = dt.Rows[0]["LocationCode"].ToString(); } } sql += @" IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT F_Account FROM Sys_SRM_User WHERE F_Account='{2}' AND F_Location='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo060"), "{2}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END IF EXISTS(SELECT a.LotNo FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}') BEGIN IF EXISTS(SELECT a.LotNO FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND a.Quantity=0) BEGIN UPDATE a SET a.Quantity=ISNULL(a.Quantity,0)+'{3}',WarehouseCode=e.WarehouseCode,LocationCode=d.LocationCode From ICSWareHouseLotInfo a INNER JOIN ICSLocation d ON d.LocationCode='{4}' AND a.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWarehouse e ON d.WHID=e.ID AND d.WorkPoint=e.WorkPoint WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' END ELSE IF EXISTS(SELECT a.LotNO FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND a.LocationCode='{4}') BEGIN UPDATE ICSWareHouseLotInfo SET Quantity=ISNULL(Quantity,0)+'{3}' WHERE LotNo='{0}' AND WorkPoint='{1}' END ELSE IF('" + locationcode + @"' != '{4}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo395"), "{4}", locationcode) + @"', 16, 1); RETURN END END ELSE BEGIN IF EXISTS(SELECT il.InvCode FROM ICSInventoryLocation il INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot a ON a.InvCode=il.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=il.WorkPoint WHERE il.Enable='1' AND a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}') BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT il.InvCode FROM ICSInventoryLocation il INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot a ON a.InvCode=il.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=il.WorkPoint WHERE il.Enable='1' AND a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND il.LocationCode='{4}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo180") + @"',16,1); RETURN END END INSERT INTO ICSWareHouseLotInfo(ID,LotNO,WarehouseCode,LocationCode,InvCode,Quantity,InDate,LockQuantity,MUSER,MUSERName,MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1) SELECT NEWID(),a.LotNo ,e.WarehouseCode,d.LocationCode,a.InvCode ,'{3}',SYSDATETIME(),'0',f.F_Account ,f.F_RealName ,SYSDATETIME() ,a.WorkPoint ,'' FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint --INNER JOIN ICSOApplyNegDetail c ON b.TransCode=c.OApplyNegCode AND b.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND b.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSLocation d ON d.LocationCode='{4}' AND a.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWarehouse e ON d.WHID=e.ID AND d.WorkPoint=e.WorkPoint INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User f ON f.F_Account='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint=f.F_Location WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' END"; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint, User, Quantity, LocationCode); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo165")); } ///添加日志 sql = @"INSERT INTO ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog(ID,Identification,TransCode,TransSequence,LotNo,InvCode, FromWarehouseCode,FromLocationCode,ToWarehouseCode,ToLocationCode,Quantity, Memo,Lock,TransType,BusinessCode,ERPUpload,ERPID, ERPDetailID,ERPCode,ERPSequence,MUSER,MUSERName, MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1,LogID) SELECT NEWID(),'{3}',b.TransCode,b.TransSequence,a.LotNo ,a.InvCode , '','',c.WarehouseCode,c.LocationCode,'{6}', '','0','{4}','{5}','0','', '','','',f.F_Account ,f.F_RealName , SYSDATETIME() ,a.WorkPoint ,'','{7}' FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo c ON a.LotNo=c.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User f ON f.F_Account='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint=f.F_Location WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' "; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint, User, Identification, TransType, BusinessCode, Quantity, LogID); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo166")); } #endregion #region 管控方式是"料品"时 ControlMode mode = ICSControlModeService.GetControlMode(); if (mode.itemCode.Equals("ControlMode02")) { //查询是否存在料品管控的条码 string sqlStrNew = @"SELECT a.ID, con.ContainerCode, con.ContainerName, a.LotNo, a.InvCode, inv.InvName, inv.InvStd, inv.InvUnit,-- {0} inv.AmountUnit, ext.ID AS ExtensionID, ext.ProjectCode, ext.Version, ext.BatchCode, ext.Brand, ext.cFree1, ext.cFree2, ext.cFree3, ext.cFree4, ext.cFree5, ext.cFree6, ext.cFree7, ext.cFree8, ext.cFree9, ext.cFree10, a.MUSER AS [ USER ], a.MTIME AS [ MTime ] FROM ICSInventoryLot a LEFT JOIN ICSContainerLot conlot ON a.LotNo = conlot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint = conlot.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSContainer con ON conlot.ContainerID = con.ID AND conlot.WorkPoint = con.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode = inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint = inv.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON a.ExtensionID = ext.ID AND a.WorkPoint = ext.WorkPoint WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}'"; sqlStrNew = string.Format(sqlStrNew, jointLotNo, WorkPoint); DataTable table = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sqlStrNew, cmd); string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(table); List modelNew = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(json); //当不存在料品管控条码时,生成新条码 if (!(modelNew.Count > 0)) { //获取旧条码的信息 string jsonStr = ICSControlModeService.QueryLotNo(LotNo, WorkPoint); List model = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(jsonStr); //在条码表中插入一条新数据,在条码表中插入一条新数据,并在库存表中添加新数据 LotNoMode lotNoMode = model[0]; CreateLotNo(jointLotNo, Quantity, "", "", WorkPoint, Identification, User, lotNoMode.InvCode, BusinessCode, lotNoMode.ProjectCode, lotNoMode.BatchCode, lotNoMode.Version, lotNoMode.Brand, lotNoMode.cFree1, lotNoMode.cFree2, lotNoMode.cFree3, lotNoMode.cFree4, lotNoMode.cFree5, lotNoMode.cFree6, lotNoMode.cFree7, lotNoMode.cFree8, lotNoMode.cFree9, lotNoMode.cFree10, cmd, language, LocationCode, LotNo); } try { //合并前日志 WareHouseLotInfoLog(Identification, jointLotNo, User, WorkPoint, "2", TransTypeEnum.LOTMergeBefore.GetDescription(), cmd, language); //更新目标条码库存 WareHouseLotInfoMerge(Identification, jointLotNo, LotNo, Quantity, User, WorkPoint, "2", TransTypeEnum.LOTMergeAfter.GetDescription(), cmd, language); //合并后日志 WareHouseLotInfoLog(Identification, jointLotNo, User, WorkPoint, "2", TransTypeEnum.LOTMergeAfter.GetDescription(), cmd, language); } catch (Exception) { throw; } } #endregion #region 成品(生产)入库,倒冲 //if (BusinessCode.Equals(TransTypeEnum.ManufactureReceiveDoc.GetDescription())) //{ // #region sql // sql = @"-- 1.创建临时表 初始单据数据 maintemp // SELECT // c.MOCode AS TransCode, // a.MODetailID AS DetailID, // a.InvCode, // b.InvName, // b.InvStd, // a.ParentQuantity/c.Quantity*{2} AS Quantity, // a.Amount, // a.Sequence AS TransSequence, // a.IssueQuantity, // c.Sequence, // inv.InvUnit, // 0 AS LocationQty, // inv.AmountUnit, // a.ExtensionID, // a.WorkPoint, // ext.ProjectCode, // CASE WHEN ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ext.BatchCode ELSE '' END AS BatchCode, // ext.Version, // ext.Brand, // ext.cFree1, // ext.cFree2, // ext.cFree3, // ext.cFree4, // ext.cFree5, // ext.cFree6, // ext.cFree7, // ext.cFree8, // ext.cFree9, // ext.cFree10 // INTO #maintemp // FROM // ICSMOPick a // inner join ICSMO c on a.MODetailID=c.MODetailID and a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint // LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint // INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON a.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND a.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint // INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint // INNER JOIN ( // SELECT a.MOCode,a.Sequence,a.WorkPoint // FROM ICSMO a // INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON b.TransCode=a.MOCode AND b.TransSequence=a.Sequence AND b.WorkPoint=a.WorkPoint // INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot c ON c.LotNo=b.LotNo AND c.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint // WHERE c.LotNo='{0}' AND c.WorkPoint='{1}' // ) temp ON c.MOCode=temp.MOCode AND a.WorkPoint=temp.WorkPoint AND c.Sequence=temp.Sequence // WHERE a.SupplyType='1' // GROUP BY c.MOCode,a.Quantity,c.Quantity,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID,a.WorkPoint,inv.BatchEnable,a.MODetailID,a.Amount,a.Sequence,a.IssueQuantity,inv.InvName,inv.InvCode,inv.InvUnit,inv.AmountUnit,c.Sequence, // ext.ProjectCode,ext.BatchCode,ext.Version,ext.Brand,ext.cFree1,ext.cFree2,ext.cFree3,ext.cFree4,ext.cFree5,ext.cFree6,ext.cFree7,ext.cFree8,ext.cFree9,ext.cFree10; // select * into #resulttemp from #maintemp // ALTER TABLE #resulttemp ADD LotNo VARCHAR(50) // delete from #resulttemp // -- 2.根据maintemp 中的物料信息 查出库存中对应的条码信息 barcodetemp // select a.lotno,a.invcode,(a.quantity-a.lockQuantity) as quantity ,a.mtime into #barcodetemp from ICSWareHouseLotInfo a LEFT JOIN // (select #maintemp.invcode from #maintemp group by #maintemp.InvCode) b on a.invcode = b.invcode where a.Quantity-a.lockQuantity>0 ORDER BY a.MTIME ASC // -- 3.循环maintemp,根据 行号和子表ID 向最终结果集中写入数据 ;barcodetemp 中的已匹配数据删除或更新 // BEGIN // DECLARE @transSequence int;--当前循环的行号 // DECLARE @qty int;--条码表数量 // DECLARE @needqty int;--本行所需数量 // DECLARE @lotno VARCHAR(50);--条码 // DECLARE @DetailID VARCHAR(50);--本行所在工单行ID // DECLARE tempCursor CURSOR FOR (select transSequence,DetailID from #maintemp); --创建游标tempCursor,并定义游标所指向的集合 // OPEN tempCursor; --打开游标 // FETCH NEXT FROM tempCursor INTO @transSequence,@DetailID; --游标读取下一个数据 // WHILE @@fetch_status=0 // BEGIN // select @needqty=Quantity from #maintemp where transSequence = @transSequence AND DetailID = @DetailID // PRINT @transSequence // WHILE @needqty>0 // BEGIN // select top 1 @qty = isnull(quantity,0),@lotno = isnull(lotno,'') from #barcodetemp a // RIGHT JOIN (select invcode from #maintemp where transSequence = @transSequence AND DetailID = @DetailID) b on a.invcode=b.invcode ORDER BY mtime // BEGIN // IF(@needqty-@qty>=0 and ISNULL(@lotno, '')<>'') // BEGIN // insert INTO #resulttemp (lotno,TransCode,DetailID,Sequence,TransSequence,IssueQuantity,Quantity, // Amount,InvCode,InvName,InvStd,InvUnit,LocationQty,AmountUnit, // ExtensionID,ProjectCode,BatchCode, Version,Brand,cFree1,cFree2,cFree3,cFree4,cFree5,cFree6,cFree7,cFree8,cFree9,cFree10,WorkPoint) // SELECT @lotno,TransCode,DetailID,Sequence,TransSequence,IssueQuantity, Quantity, // ISNULL(Amount, 0), InvCode,InvName,ISNULL(InvStd, ''),InvUnit,@qty,ISNULL(AmountUnit, ''), // ExtensionID,ProjectCode,BatchCode, Version,Brand,cFree1,cFree2,cFree3,cFree4,cFree5,cFree6,cFree7,cFree8,cFree9,cFree10,WorkPoint from #maintemp // where #maintemp.transSequence = @transSequence AND DetailID = @DetailID // delete from #barcodetemp where lotno = @lotno // SET @needqty=@needqty-@qty // END // ELSE IF(@needqty-@qty<0 and ISNULL(@lotno, '')<>'') // BEGIN // insert INTO #resulttemp (lotno,TransCode,DetailID,Sequence,TransSequence,IssueQuantity,Quantity, // Amount,InvCode,InvName,InvStd,InvUnit,LocationQty,AmountUnit, // ExtensionID,ProjectCode,BatchCode, Version,Brand,cFree1,cFree2,cFree3,cFree4,cFree5,cFree6,cFree7,cFree8,cFree9,cFree10,WorkPoint) // SELECT @lotno,TransCode,DetailID,Sequence,TransSequence,IssueQuantity, Quantity, // ISNULL(Amount, 0),InvCode,InvName,ISNULL(InvStd, ''),InvUnit,@needqty,ISNULL(AmountUnit, ''), // ExtensionID,ProjectCode,BatchCode, Version,Brand,cFree1,cFree2,cFree3,cFree4,cFree5,cFree6,cFree7,cFree8,cFree9,cFree10,WorkPoint from #maintemp // where #maintemp.transSequence = @transSequence AND DetailID = @DetailID // update #barcodetemp set quantity = @qty-@needqty where lotno = @lotno // SET @needqty=@needqty-@qty // END // ELSE // BEGIN // insert INTO #resulttemp (lotno,TransCode,DetailID,Sequence,TransSequence,IssueQuantity,Quantity, // Amount,InvCode,InvName,InvStd,InvUnit,LocationQty,AmountUnit, // ExtensionID,ProjectCode,BatchCode, Version,Brand,cFree1,cFree2,cFree3,cFree4,cFree5,cFree6,cFree7,cFree8,cFree9,cFree10,WorkPoint) // SELECT @lotno,TransCode,DetailID,Sequence,TransSequence,IssueQuantity, Quantity, // ISNULL(Amount, 0),InvCode,InvName,ISNULL(InvStd, ''),InvUnit,0,ISNULL(AmountUnit, ''), // ExtensionID,ProjectCode,BatchCode, Version,Brand,cFree1,cFree2,cFree3,cFree4,cFree5,cFree6,cFree7,cFree8,cFree9,cFree10,WorkPoint from #maintemp // where #maintemp.transSequence = @transSequence AND DetailID = @DetailID // SET @needqty=0 // END //END // END // FETCH NEXT FROM tempCursor INTO @transSequence,@DetailID; // END // CLOSE tempCursor // DEALLOCATE tempCursor // END // select TransCode,LotNo,LocationQty AS Quantity,InvCode,DetailID,Sequence,TransSequence from #resulttemp // --select * from #resulttemp // DROP table #maintemp // DROP table #resulttemp // DROP table #barcodetemp"; // #endregion // sql = String.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint, Quantity); // DataTable table = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); // string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(table); // List downItemModels = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(json); // foreach (DownItemModel model in downItemModels) // { // if (model != null && model.LotNo == null || "" == model.LotNo) // { // throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo201")); // } // WareHouseLotInfoDown(Identification, model.TransCode, model.Sequence + "~" + model.TransSequence, model.LotNo, model.Quantity, User, WorkPoint, "12", BusinessCode, cmd, language); // //回写已领数量 // sql = @"UPDATE ICSMOPick SET IssueQuantity=(ISNULL(IssueQuantity,0)+" + model.Quantity + ") WHERE MODetailID='{0}' AND Sequence='{1}' AND WorkPoint='{2}'"; // sql = String.Format(sql, model.DetailID, model.TransSequence, WorkPoint); // if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) // { // throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo199")); // } // } //} #endregion #region 委外入库,倒冲 if (BusinessCode.Equals(TransTypeEnum.OutsourcingReceiveDoc.GetDescription())) { #region sql sql = @"-- 1.创建临时表 初始单据数据 maintemp SELECT c.OOCode AS TransCode, a.OODetailID AS DetailID, a.InvCode, b.InvName, b.InvStd, a.Quantity/c.Quantity*{2} AS Quantity, a.Amount, a.Sequence AS TransSequence, a.IssueQuantity, c.Sequence, inv.InvUnit, 0 AS LocationQty, inv.AmountUnit, a.ExtensionID, a.WorkPoint, ext.ProjectCode, CASE WHEN ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ext.BatchCode ELSE '' END AS BatchCode, ext.Version, ext.Brand, ext.cFree1, ext.cFree2, ext.cFree3, ext.cFree4, ext.cFree5, ext.cFree6, ext.cFree7, ext.cFree8, ext.cFree9, ext.cFree10 INTO #maintemp FROM ICSOOPick a inner join ICSOutsourcingOrder c on a.OODetailID=c.OODetailID and a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON a.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND a.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ( SELECT a.OOCode,a.Sequence,a.WorkPoint FROM ICSOutsourcingOrder a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON b.TransCode=a.OOCode AND b.TransSequence=a.Sequence AND b.WorkPoint=a.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot c ON c.LotNo=b.LotNo AND c.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE c.LotNo='{0}' AND c.WorkPoint='{1}' ) temp ON c.OOCode=temp.OOCode AND a.WorkPoint=temp.WorkPoint AND c.Sequence=temp.Sequence WHERE a.SupplyType='1' GROUP BY c.OOCode,a.Quantity,c.Quantity,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID,a.WorkPoint,inv.BatchEnable,a.OODetailID,a.Amount,a.Sequence,a.IssueQuantity,inv.InvName,inv.InvCode,inv.InvUnit,inv.AmountUnit,c.Sequence, ext.ProjectCode,ext.BatchCode,ext.Version,ext.Brand,ext.cFree1,ext.cFree2,ext.cFree3,ext.cFree4,ext.cFree5,ext.cFree6,ext.cFree7,ext.cFree8,ext.cFree9,ext.cFree10; select * into #resulttemp from #maintemp ALTER TABLE #resulttemp ADD LotNo VARCHAR(50) delete from #resulttemp -- 2.根据maintemp 中的物料信息 查出库存中对应的条码信息 barcodetemp select a.lotno,a.invcode,(a.quantity-a.lockQuantity) as quantity ,a.mtime into #barcodetemp from ICSWareHouseLotInfo a LEFT JOIN (select #maintemp.invcode from #maintemp group by #maintemp.InvCode) b on a.invcode = b.invcode where a.Quantity-a.lockQuantity>0 ORDER BY a.MTIME ASC -- 3.循环maintemp,根据 行号和子表ID 向最终结果集中写入数据 ;barcodetemp 中的已匹配数据删除或更新 BEGIN DECLARE @transSequence int;--当前循环的行号 DECLARE @qty int;--条码表数量 DECLARE @needqty int;--本行所需数量 DECLARE @lotno VARCHAR(50);--条码 DECLARE @DetailID VARCHAR(50);--本行所在工单行ID DECLARE tempCursor CURSOR FOR (select transSequence,DetailID from #maintemp); --创建游标tempCursor,并定义游标所指向的集合 OPEN tempCursor; --打开游标 FETCH NEXT FROM tempCursor INTO @transSequence,@DetailID; --游标读取下一个数据 WHILE @@fetch_status=0 BEGIN select @needqty=Quantity from #maintemp where transSequence = @transSequence AND DetailID = @DetailID PRINT @transSequence WHILE @needqty>0 BEGIN select top 1 @qty = isnull(quantity,0),@lotno = isnull(lotno,'') from #barcodetemp a RIGHT JOIN (select invcode from #maintemp where transSequence = @transSequence AND DetailID = @DetailID) b on a.invcode=b.invcode ORDER BY mtime BEGIN IF(@needqty-@qty>=0 and ISNULL(@lotno, '')<>'') BEGIN insert INTO #resulttemp (lotno,TransCode,DetailID,Sequence,TransSequence,IssueQuantity,Quantity, Amount,InvCode,InvName,InvStd,InvUnit,LocationQty,AmountUnit, ExtensionID,ProjectCode,BatchCode, Version,Brand,cFree1,cFree2,cFree3,cFree4,cFree5,cFree6,cFree7,cFree8,cFree9,cFree10,WorkPoint) SELECT @lotno,TransCode,DetailID,Sequence,TransSequence,IssueQuantity, Quantity, ISNULL(Amount, 0), InvCode,InvName,ISNULL(InvStd, ''),InvUnit,@qty,ISNULL(AmountUnit, ''), ExtensionID,ProjectCode,BatchCode, Version,Brand,cFree1,cFree2,cFree3,cFree4,cFree5,cFree6,cFree7,cFree8,cFree9,cFree10,WorkPoint from #maintemp where #maintemp.transSequence = @transSequence AND DetailID = @DetailID delete from #barcodetemp where lotno = @lotno SET @needqty=@needqty-@qty END ELSE IF(@needqty-@qty<0 and ISNULL(@lotno, '')<>'') BEGIN insert INTO #resulttemp (lotno,TransCode,DetailID,Sequence,TransSequence,IssueQuantity,Quantity, Amount,InvCode,InvName,InvStd,InvUnit,LocationQty,AmountUnit, ExtensionID,ProjectCode,BatchCode, Version,Brand,cFree1,cFree2,cFree3,cFree4,cFree5,cFree6,cFree7,cFree8,cFree9,cFree10,WorkPoint) SELECT @lotno,TransCode,DetailID,Sequence,TransSequence,IssueQuantity, Quantity, ISNULL(Amount, 0),InvCode,InvName,ISNULL(InvStd, ''),InvUnit,@needqty,ISNULL(AmountUnit, ''), ExtensionID,ProjectCode,BatchCode, Version,Brand,cFree1,cFree2,cFree3,cFree4,cFree5,cFree6,cFree7,cFree8,cFree9,cFree10,WorkPoint from #maintemp where #maintemp.transSequence = @transSequence AND DetailID = @DetailID update #barcodetemp set quantity = @qty-@needqty where lotno = @lotno SET @needqty=@needqty-@qty END ELSE BEGIN insert INTO #resulttemp (lotno,TransCode,DetailID,Sequence,TransSequence,IssueQuantity,Quantity, Amount,InvCode,InvName,InvStd,InvUnit,LocationQty,AmountUnit, ExtensionID,ProjectCode,BatchCode, Version,Brand,cFree1,cFree2,cFree3,cFree4,cFree5,cFree6,cFree7,cFree8,cFree9,cFree10,WorkPoint) SELECT @lotno,TransCode,DetailID,Sequence,TransSequence,IssueQuantity, Quantity, ISNULL(Amount, 0),InvCode,InvName,ISNULL(InvStd, ''),InvUnit,0,ISNULL(AmountUnit, ''), ExtensionID,ProjectCode,BatchCode, Version,Brand,cFree1,cFree2,cFree3,cFree4,cFree5,cFree6,cFree7,cFree8,cFree9,cFree10,WorkPoint from #maintemp where #maintemp.transSequence = @transSequence AND DetailID = @DetailID SET @needqty=0 END END END FETCH NEXT FROM tempCursor INTO @transSequence,@DetailID; END CLOSE tempCursor DEALLOCATE tempCursor END select TransCode,LotNo,LocationQty AS Quantity,InvCode,DetailID,Sequence,TransSequence from #resulttemp --select * from #resulttemp DROP table #maintemp DROP table #resulttemp DROP table #barcodetemp"; #endregion sql = String.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint, Quantity); DataTable table = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(table); List downItemModels = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(json); foreach (DownItemModel model in downItemModels) { if (model != null && model.LotNo == null || "" == model.LotNo) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo201")); } WareHouseLotInfoDown(Identification, model.TransCode, model.Sequence + "~" + model.TransSequence, model.LotNo, model.Quantity, User, WorkPoint, "13", BusinessCode, cmd, language); //回写已领数量 sql = @"UPDATE ICSOOPick SET IssueQuantity=(ISNULL(IssueQuantity,0)+" + model.Quantity + ") WHERE OODetailID='{0}' AND Sequence='{1}' AND WorkPoint='{2}'"; sql = String.Format(sql, model.DetailID, model.TransSequence, WorkPoint); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo199")); } } } #endregion } catch (Exception) { throw; } } /// /// 减少库存 /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public static DataTable WareHouseLotInfoDown(string Identification, string TransCode, string TransSequence, string LotNo, string Quantity, string User, string WorkPoint, string TransType, string BusinessCode, SqlCommand cmd, Dictionary language, string MergeID = "") { String LotEnable = ""; String PrintEnable = ""; string lotstr = ""; int result = 0; List NewBarCodeList = new List(); DataTable dtLotno = new DataTable(); DataTable lstDt = new DataTable(); try { ///更新库存 string sql = @"UPDATE ICSWareHouseLotInfo SET Quantity=ISNULL(Quantity,0)-'{2}' WHERE LotNo='{0}' AND WorkPoint='{1}' IF EXISTS(SELECT a.LotNo FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND Quantity<0) BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo167") + @"',16,1); RETURN END"; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint, Quantity); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo168"));//"库存更新失败!"); } //检验是否分批 sql = @"SELECT b.LotEnable,b.PrintEnable FROM ICSInventoryLot a LEFT JOIN ICSInventory b ON a.InvCode=b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint where a.LotNo='{0}' and a.WorkPoint='{1}' "; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint); DataTable dt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo369")); } else { LotEnable = dt.Rows[0]["LotEnable"].ToString(); PrintEnable = dt.Rows[0]["PrintEnable"].ToString(); } if (LotEnable.Equals("True")) { ///分批前添加日志 sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT F_Account FROM Sys_SRM_User WHERE F_Account='{2}' AND F_Location='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo060"), "{2}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END INSERT INTO ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog(ID,Identification,TransCode,TransSequence,LotNo,InvCode, FromWarehouseCode,FromLocationCode,ToWarehouseCode,ToLocationCode,Quantity, Memo,Lock,TransType,BusinessCode,ERPUpload,ERPID, ERPDetailID,ERPCode,ERPSequence,MUSER,MUSERName, MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1) SELECT NEWID(),'{3}','{7}','{8}',a.LotNo ,a.InvCode , c.WarehouseCode,c.LocationCode,'','',c.Quantity+{6}, '','0','{4}','31','0','', '','','',f.F_Account ,f.F_RealName , SYSDATETIME() ,a.WorkPoint ,'' FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo c ON a.LotNo=c.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User f ON f.F_Account='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint=f.F_Location WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' "; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint, User, Identification, TransType, BusinessCode, Quantity, TransCode, TransSequence); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo166")); } #region 获取分批后的条码(lotstr) sql = @"SELECT TOP 1 LotNO FROM ICSInventoryLot WHERE EATTRIBUTE1='{0}' AND WorkPoint='{1}' ORDER BY CAST(SUBSTRING(LotNO, (LEN(LotNO)-CHARINDEX('-',REVERSE(LotNO))+1)+1,CHARINDEX('-',REVERSE(LotNO))-1) AS INT) DESC"; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint); dt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { lotstr = LotNo + "-" + 1; } else { lotstr = LotNo + "-" + (Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["LotNO"].ToString().Split('-')[dt.Rows[0]["LotNO"].ToString().Split('-').Length - 1]) + 1).ToString(); } NewBarCodeList.Add(lotstr);//将分批后新条码添加到新集合 #endregion #region 将分批后的条码记录插入条码表,库存表及日志表并将原条码库存数量清零 sql = @"INSERT INTO ICSInventoryLot(ID,LotNo,InvCode,ProductDate,ExpirationDate, Quantity,Amount,ExtensionID,Type,PrintTimes, LastPrintUser,LastPrintTime,MUSER,MUSERName,MTIME, WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1) SELECT TOP 1 NEWID(),'{0}',a.InvCode,a.ProductDate,a.ExpirationDate, '{2}',a.Amount,a.ExtensionID,a.Type,a.PrintTimes, a.LastPrintUser,a.LastPrintTime,a.MUSER ,a.MUSERName ,GETDATE(), a.WorkPoint ,'{1}' From ICSInventoryLot a where a.LotNo='{1}' and a.WorkPoint='{3}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, lotstr, LotNo, Quantity, WorkPoint); cmd.CommandText = sql; result = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (result <= 0) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo195"));//条码分批后条码表存入失败! } sql = @"INSERT INTO ICSWareHouseLotInfo(ID,LotNO,WarehouseCode,LocationCode,InvCode,Quantity,InDate,LockQuantity,MUSER,MUSERName,MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1) select NEWID(),'{0}',WarehouseCode,LocationCode,InvCode,'0',InDate,LockQuantity ,MUSER,MUSERName,GETDATE(),'{3}','' from ICSWareHouseLotInfo where LotNO='{1}' AND WorkPoint='{3}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, lotstr, LotNo, Quantity, WorkPoint); cmd.CommandText = sql; result = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (result <= 0) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo196"));//条码分批后库存表存入失败! } //插入条码单据表 sql = @"INSERT INTO ICSInventoryLotDetail(LotNo,TransCode,TransSequence,MUSER,MUSERName,MTIME,WorkPoint) SELECT '{3}',b.TransCode,b.TransSequence,f.F_Account ,f.F_RealName ,SYSDATETIME() ,a.WorkPoint FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User f ON f.F_Account='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint=f.F_Location WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint, User, lotstr); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo174"));//"条码单据表写入失败!"); } sql = @"INSERT INTO ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog(ID,Identification,TransCode,TransSequence,LotNo,InvCode, FromWarehouseCode,FromLocationCode,ToWarehouseCode,ToLocationCode,Quantity, Memo,Lock,TransType,BusinessCode,ERPUpload,ERPID, ERPDetailID,ERPCode,ERPSequence,MUSER,MUSERName, MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1,LogID) SELECT NEWID(),'{3}','{4}','{5}','{10}' ,a.InvCode , c.WarehouseCode,c.LocationCode,'','','{6}', '','0','{7}','{8}','0','', '','','',f.F_Account ,f.F_RealName , SYSDATETIME() ,a.WorkPoint ,'','{9}' FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo c ON a.LotNo=c.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User f ON f.F_Account='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint=f.F_Location WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' "; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint, User, Identification, TransCode, TransSequence, Quantity, TransType, BusinessCode, MergeID, lotstr); cmd.CommandText = sql; result = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (result <= 0) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo197"));//条码分批后库存日志表存入失败! } if (PrintEnable.Equals("True")) { sql = @"select A.LotNO AS OLDLotNo , C.Quantity AS OLDLotQty, A.eattribute1 as LotNO, B.Quantity AS LotQty ,b.InvCode,d.INVSTD,d.INVNAME,b.MTIME,A.TransCode from ICSWareHouseLotInfolog A left join ICSInventoryLot B on A.LotNO=B.LotNO and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint left join ICSWareHouseLotInfo C ON A.LotNO=C.LotNO and a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint left join ICSInventory D on b.INVCODE=d.INVCODE and b.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint where A.lotno like'{0}%' and a.workpoint='{1}' "; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint); dtLotno = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); lstDt = dtLotno; } ///添加日志 sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT F_Account FROM Sys_SRM_User WHERE F_Account='{2}' AND F_Location='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo060"), "{2}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END INSERT INTO ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog(ID,Identification,TransCode,TransSequence,LotNo,InvCode, FromWarehouseCode,FromLocationCode,ToWarehouseCode,ToLocationCode,Quantity, Memo,Lock,TransType,BusinessCode,ERPUpload,ERPID, ERPDetailID,ERPCode,ERPSequence,MUSER,MUSERName, MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1,MergeID) SELECT NEWID(),'{3}','{4}','{5}',a.LotNo ,a.InvCode , c.WarehouseCode,c.LocationCode,'','',c.Quantity, '','0','{7}','32','0','', '','','',f.F_Account ,f.F_RealName , SYSDATETIME() ,a.WorkPoint ,'','{9}' FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo c ON a.LotNo=c.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User f ON f.F_Account='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint=f.F_Location WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' "; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint, User, Identification, TransCode, TransSequence, Quantity, TransType, BusinessCode, MergeID); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo166")); } #endregion } else { NewBarCodeList.Add(LotNo); ///添加日志 sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT F_Account FROM Sys_SRM_User WHERE F_Account='{2}' AND F_Location='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo060"), "{2}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END INSERT INTO ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog(ID,Identification,TransCode,TransSequence,LotNo,InvCode, FromWarehouseCode,FromLocationCode,ToWarehouseCode,ToLocationCode,Quantity, Memo,Lock,TransType,BusinessCode,ERPUpload,ERPID, ERPDetailID,ERPCode,ERPSequence,MUSER,MUSERName, MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1,MergeID) SELECT NEWID(),'{3}','{4}','{5}',a.LotNo ,a.InvCode , c.WarehouseCode,c.LocationCode,'','','{6}', '','0','{7}','{8}','0','', '','','',f.F_Account ,f.F_RealName , SYSDATETIME() ,a.WorkPoint ,'','{9}' FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo c ON a.LotNo=c.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User f ON f.F_Account='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint=f.F_Location WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' "; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint, User, Identification, TransCode, TransSequence, Quantity, TransType, BusinessCode, MergeID); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo166")); } } } catch (Exception) { throw; } return lstDt; } /// /// 修改库存 /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public static void WareHouseLotInfoUpdate(string Identification, string TransCode, string TransSequence, string LotNo, string Quantity, string User, string WorkPoint, string TransType, string CheckKind, SqlCommand cmd, Dictionary language) { try { ///添加日志 string sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT F_Account FROM Sys_SRM_User WHERE F_Account='{2}' AND F_Location='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo060"), "{2}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END INSERT INTO ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog(ID,Identification,TransCode,TransSequence,LotNo,InvCode, FromWarehouseCode,FromLocationCode,ToWarehouseCode,ToLocationCode,Quantity, Memo,Lock,TransType,BusinessCode,ERPUpload,ERPID, ERPDetailID,ERPCode,ERPSequence,MUSER,MUSERName, MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1) SELECT NEWID(),'{3}','{4}','{5}',a.LotNo ,a.InvCode , a.WarehouseCode,a.LocationCode,'','',a.Quantity, '{8}','0','{6}','{7}','0','', '','','',f.F_Account ,f.F_RealName , SYSDATETIME() ,a.WorkPoint ,'' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User f ON f.F_Account='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint=f.F_Location WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' "; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint, User, Identification, TransCode, TransSequence, TransType, TransTypeEnum.LOTCheckBefore.GetDescription(), CheckKind); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo166")); } ///更新库存 sql = @"UPDATE ICSWareHouseLotInfo SET Quantity='{2}' WHERE LotNo='{0}' AND WorkPoint='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint, Quantity); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo168"));//"库存更新失败!"); } ///添加日志 sql = @"INSERT INTO ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog(ID,Identification,TransCode,TransSequence,LotNo,InvCode, FromWarehouseCode,FromLocationCode,ToWarehouseCode,ToLocationCode,Quantity, Memo,Lock,TransType,BusinessCode,ERPUpload,ERPID, ERPDetailID,ERPCode,ERPSequence,MUSER,MUSERName, MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1) SELECT NEWID(),'{3}','{4}','{5}',a.LotNo ,a.InvCode , a.WarehouseCode,a.LocationCode,'','',a.Quantity, '{8}','0','{6}','{7}','0','', '','','',f.F_Account ,f.F_RealName , SYSDATETIME() ,a.WorkPoint ,'' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User f ON f.F_Account='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint=f.F_Location WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' "; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint, User, Identification, TransCode, TransSequence, TransType, TransTypeEnum.LOTCheckAfter.GetDescription(), CheckKind); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo166")); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } } /// /// 调拨 /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public static DataTable WareHouseLotInfoTransfer(string Identification, string TransCode, string TransSequence, string WarehouseCode, string LocationCode, string LotNo, string Quantity, string User, string WorkPoint, string TransType, string BusinessCode, SqlCommand cmd, Dictionary language, string MergeID) { String LotEnable = ""; String PrintEnable = ""; string lotstr = ""; int result = 0; DataTable dtLotno = new DataTable(); DataTable lstDt = new DataTable(); List NewBarCodeList = new List(); try { //检验是否分批 string sql = @"SELECT b.LotEnable,b.PrintEnable FROM ICSInventoryLot a LEFT JOIN ICSInventory b ON a.InvCode=b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint where a.LotNo='{0}' and a.WorkPoint='{1}' "; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint); DataTable dt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo369")); } else { LotEnable = dt.Rows[0]["LotEnable"].ToString(); PrintEnable = dt.Rows[0]["PrintEnable"].ToString(); } if (!LotEnable.Equals("False")) { ///更新库存 sql = @"UPDATE ICSWareHouseLotInfo SET Quantity=ISNULL(Quantity,0)-'{2}' WHERE LotNo='{0}' AND WorkPoint='{1}' IF EXISTS(SELECT a.LotNo FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND Quantity<0) BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo167") + @"',16,1); RETURN END"; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint, Quantity); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo168"));//"库存更新失败!"); } ///分批前添加日志 sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT F_Account FROM Sys_SRM_User WHERE F_Account='{2}' AND F_Location='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo060"), "{2}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END INSERT INTO ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog(ID,Identification,TransCode,TransSequence,LotNo,InvCode, FromWarehouseCode,FromLocationCode,ToWarehouseCode,ToLocationCode,Quantity, Memo,Lock,TransType,BusinessCode,ERPUpload,ERPID, ERPDetailID,ERPCode,ERPSequence,MUSER,MUSERName, MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1) SELECT NEWID(),'{3}','{7}','{8}',a.LotNo ,a.InvCode , c.WarehouseCode,c.LocationCode,'','',c.Quantity+{6}, '','0','{4}','31','0','', '','','',f.F_Account ,f.F_RealName , SYSDATETIME() ,a.WorkPoint ,'' FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo c ON a.LotNo=c.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User f ON f.F_Account='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint=f.F_Location WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' "; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint, User, Identification, TransType, BusinessCode, Quantity, TransCode, TransSequence); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo166")); } #region 获取分批后的条码(lotstr) sql = @"SELECT TOP 1 LotNO FROM ICSInventoryLot WHERE EATTRIBUTE1='{0}' AND WorkPoint='{1}' ORDER BY CAST(SUBSTRING(LotNO, (LEN(LotNO)-CHARINDEX('-',REVERSE(LotNO))+1)+1,CHARINDEX('-',REVERSE(LotNO))-1) AS INT) DESC"; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint); dt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { lotstr = LotNo + "-" + 1; } else { lotstr = LotNo + "-" + (Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["LotNO"].ToString().Split('-')[dt.Rows[0]["LotNO"].ToString().Split('-').Length - 1]) + 1).ToString(); } NewBarCodeList.Add(lotstr);//将分批后新条码添加到新集合 #endregion #region 将分批后的条码记录插入条码表,库存表及日志表并将原条码库存数量清零 sql = @"INSERT INTO ICSInventoryLot(ID,LotNo,InvCode,ProductDate,ExpirationDate, Quantity,Amount,ExtensionID,Type,PrintTimes, LastPrintUser,LastPrintTime,MUSER,MUSERName,MTIME, WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1) SELECT TOP 1 NEWID(),'{0}',a.InvCode,a.ProductDate,a.ExpirationDate, '{2}',a.Amount,a.ExtensionID,a.Type,a.PrintTimes, a.LastPrintUser,a.LastPrintTime,a.MUSER ,a.MUSERName ,GETDATE(), a.WorkPoint ,'{1}' From ICSInventoryLot a where a.LotNo='{1}' and a.WorkPoint='{3}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, lotstr, LotNo, Quantity, WorkPoint); cmd.CommandText = sql; result = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (result <= 0) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo195"));//条码分批后条码表存入失败! } #endregion sql = @"INSERT INTO ICSWareHouseLotInfo(ID,LotNO,WarehouseCode,LocationCode,InvCode,Quantity,InDate,LockQuantity,MUSER,MUSERName,MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1) select NEWID(),'{0}',WarehouseCode,LocationCode,InvCode,'{2}',InDate,LockQuantity ,MUSER,MUSERName,GETDATE(),'{3}','' from ICSWareHouseLotInfo where LotNO='{1}' AND WorkPoint='{3}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, lotstr, LotNo, Quantity, WorkPoint); cmd.CommandText = sql; result = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (result <= 0) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo196"));//条码分批后库存表存入失败! } //插入条码单据表 sql = @"INSERT INTO ICSInventoryLotDetail(LotNo,TransCode,TransSequence,MUSER,MUSERName,MTIME,WorkPoint) SELECT '{3}',b.TransCode,b.TransSequence,f.F_Account ,f.F_RealName ,SYSDATETIME() ,a.WorkPoint FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User f ON f.F_Account='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint=f.F_Location WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint, User, lotstr); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo174"));//"条码单据表写入失败!"); } sql = @"INSERT INTO ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog(ID,Identification,TransCode,TransSequence,LotNo,InvCode, FromWarehouseCode,FromLocationCode,ToWarehouseCode,ToLocationCode,Quantity, Memo,Lock,TransType,BusinessCode,ERPUpload,ERPID, ERPDetailID,ERPCode,ERPSequence,MUSER,MUSERName, MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1,LogID) SELECT NEWID(),'{3}','{4}','{5}','{10}' ,a.InvCode , c.WarehouseCode,c.LocationCode,'{11}','{12}','{6}', '','0','{7}','{8}','0','', '','','',f.F_Account ,f.F_RealName , SYSDATETIME() ,a.WorkPoint ,'','{9}' FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo c ON a.LotNo=c.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User f ON f.F_Account='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint=f.F_Location WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' "; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint, User, Identification, TransCode, TransSequence, Quantity, TransType, BusinessCode, MergeID, lotstr, WarehouseCode, LocationCode); cmd.CommandText = sql; result = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (result <= 0) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo197"));//条码分批后库存日志表存入失败! } ///添加日志 sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT F_Account FROM Sys_SRM_User WHERE F_Account='{2}' AND F_Location='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo060"), "{2}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END INSERT INTO ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog(ID,Identification,TransCode,TransSequence,LotNo,InvCode, FromWarehouseCode,FromLocationCode,ToWarehouseCode,ToLocationCode,Quantity, Memo,Lock,TransType,BusinessCode,ERPUpload,ERPID, ERPDetailID,ERPCode,ERPSequence,MUSER,MUSERName, MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1,MergeID) SELECT NEWID(),'{3}','{4}','{5}',a.LotNo ,a.InvCode , c.WarehouseCode,c.LocationCode,'','',c.Quantity, '','0','{7}','32','0','', '','','',f.F_Account ,f.F_RealName , SYSDATETIME() ,a.WorkPoint ,'','{9}' FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo c ON a.LotNo=c.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User f ON f.F_Account='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint=f.F_Location WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' "; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint, User, Identification, TransCode, TransSequence, Quantity, TransType, BusinessCode, MergeID); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo166")); } if (PrintEnable.Equals("True")) { sql = @"select A.LotNO AS OLDLotNo , C.Quantity AS OLDLotQty, A.eattribute1 as LotNO, B.Quantity AS LotQty ,b.InvCode,d.INVSTD,d.INVNAME,b.MTIME,A.TransCode from ICSWareHouseLotInfolog A left join ICSInventoryLot B on A.LotNO=B.LotNO and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint left join ICSWareHouseLotInfo C ON A.LotNO=C.LotNO and a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint left join ICSInventory D on b.INVCODE=d.INVCODE and b.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint where a.BusinessCode ='105' and A.lotno like'{0}%' and a.workpoint='{1}' "; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint); dtLotno = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); lstDt = dtLotno; } } else { ///添加日志 sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT F_Account FROM Sys_SRM_User WHERE F_Account='{2}' AND F_Location='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo060"), "{2}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END IF EXISTS(SELECT id FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo WHERE WarehouseCode='{9}' AND LocationCode='{10}' AND WorkPoint='{1}' AND LotNo = '{0}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo355")) + @"',16,1); RETURN END INSERT INTO ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog(ID,Identification,TransCode,TransSequence,LotNo,InvCode, FromWarehouseCode,FromLocationCode,ToWarehouseCode,ToLocationCode,Quantity, Memo,Lock,TransType,BusinessCode,ERPUpload,ERPID, ERPDetailID,ERPCode,ERPSequence,MUSER,MUSERName, MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1,MergeID) SELECT NEWID(),'{3}','{4}','{5}',a.LotNo ,a.InvCode , c.WarehouseCode,c.LocationCode,'{9}','{10}',{6}, '','0','{7}','{8}','0','', '','','',f.F_Account ,f.F_RealName , SYSDATETIME() ,a.WorkPoint ,'','{11}' FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo c ON a.LotNo=c.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User f ON f.F_Account='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint=f.F_Location WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' "; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint, User, Identification, TransCode, TransSequence, Quantity, TransType, BusinessCode, WarehouseCode, LocationCode, MergeID); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo166")); } ///更新库存 //sql = @"UPDATE ICSWareHouseLotInfo SET WareHouseCode='{2}',LocationCode='{3}' WHERE LotNo='{0}' AND WorkPoint='{1}' // IF EXISTS(SELECT a.LotNo FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND Quantity<0) // BEGIN // RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo167") + @"',16,1); // RETURN // END"; sql = $@"DECLARE @EATTRIBUTE INT; SELECT @EATTRIBUTE = a.EATTRIBUTE1 FROM ICSTransfer a WHERE TransferNO = '{TransCode}' AND Sequence = '{TransSequence}' AND WorkPoint = '{WorkPoint}' AND Type = '{TransType}'; IF @EATTRIBUTE IS NULL BEGIN UPDATE ICSWareHouseLotInfo SET WareHouseCode = '{WarehouseCode}', LocationCode = '{LocationCode}' WHERE LotNo = '{LotNo}' AND WorkPoint = '{WorkPoint}'; END ELSE IF @EATTRIBUTE='' BEGIN UPDATE ICSWareHouseLotInfo SET WareHouseCode = '{WarehouseCode}', LocationCode = '{LocationCode}' WHERE LotNo = '{LotNo}' AND WorkPoint = '{WorkPoint}'; END ELSE BEGIN UPDATE ICSWareHouseLotInfo SET WareHouseCode = '{WarehouseCode}', LocationCode = '{LocationCode}', WorkPoint =@EATTRIBUTE WHERE LotNo = '{LotNo}' AND WorkPoint = '{WorkPoint}'; END IF EXISTS ( SELECT a.LotNo FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a WHERE a.LotNo= '{LotNo}' AND a.WorkPoint= '{WorkPoint}' AND Quantity < 0 ) BEGIN RAISERROR ( '{language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo167")}', 16, 1 ); RETURN END;"; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint, WarehouseCode, LocationCode, TransCode,TransSequence,TransType); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo168"));//"库存更新失败!"); } } } catch (Exception) { throw; } return lstDt; } /// /// 移库 /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public static void WareHouseLotInfoLibrary(string Identification, string TransCode, string TransSequence, string WarehouseCode, string LocationCode, string LotNo, string User, string WorkPoint, string TransType, string BusinessCode, SqlCommand cmd, Dictionary language) { try { string sql = @"SELECT WarehouseCode FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a WHERE LotNo='{0}' AND WorkPoint='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint); DataTable dt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception(string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo171"), LotNo)); } string whcode = dt.Rows[0]["WarehouseCode"].ToString(); ///添加日志 sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT F_Account FROM Sys_SRM_User WHERE F_Account='{2}' AND F_Location='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo060"), "{2}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END IF('" + whcode + @"' != '{8}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo394"), "{8}", whcode) + @"', 16, 1); RETURN END INSERT INTO ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog(ID,Identification,TransCode,TransSequence,LotNo,InvCode, FromWarehouseCode,FromLocationCode,ToWarehouseCode,ToLocationCode,Quantity, Memo,Lock,TransType,BusinessCode,ERPUpload,ERPID, ERPDetailID,ERPCode,ERPSequence,MUSER,MUSERName, MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1) SELECT NEWID(),'{3}','{4}','{5}',a.LotNo ,a.InvCode , c.WarehouseCode,c.LocationCode,'{8}','{9}',c.Quantity, '','0','{6}','{7}','0','', '','','',f.F_Account ,f.F_RealName , SYSDATETIME() ,a.WorkPoint ,'' FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo c ON a.LotNo=c.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User f ON f.F_Account='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint=f.F_Location WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' "; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint, User, Identification, TransCode, TransSequence, TransType, BusinessCode, WarehouseCode, LocationCode); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo166")); } ///添加库存 sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND Quantity>0) BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo038") + @"',16,1); RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND a.WarehouseCode='{2}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo038") + @"',16,1); RETURN END UPDATE ICSWareHouseLotInfo SET WarehouseCode='{2}',LocationCode='{3}' WHERE LotNo='{0}' AND WorkPoint='{1}' "; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint, WarehouseCode, LocationCode); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo168"));//"库存表更新失败!"); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } } /// /// 两步调入 /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public static void WareHouseLotInfoTwoStepTransferDocIn(string Identification, string TransCode, string TransSequence, string WarehouseCode, string LocationCode, string LotNo, string Quantity, string User, string WorkPoint, string TransType, string BusinessCode, SqlCommand cmd, Dictionary language) { try { ///添加日志 string sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT F_Account FROM Sys_SRM_User WHERE F_Account='{2}' AND F_Location='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo060"), "{2}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END INSERT INTO ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog(ID,Identification,TransCode,TransSequence,LotNo,InvCode, ToWarehouseCode,ToLocationCode,Quantity, Memo,Lock,TransType,BusinessCode,ERPUpload,ERPID, ERPDetailID,ERPCode,ERPSequence,MUSER,MUSERName, MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1) SELECT NEWID(),'{3}','{4}','{5}',a.LotNo ,a.InvCode , '{9}','{10}','{6}', '','0','{7}','{8}','0','', '','','',f.F_Account ,f.F_RealName , SYSDATETIME() ,a.WorkPoint ,'' FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo c ON a.LotNo=c.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User f ON f.F_Account='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint=f.F_Location WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' "; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint, User, Identification, TransCode, TransSequence, Quantity, TransType, BusinessCode, WarehouseCode, LocationCode); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo166")); } ///添加库存 sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo171") + @"',16,1); RETURN END UPDATE ICSWareHouseLotInfo SET WarehouseCode='{2}',LocationCode='{3}',Quantity=Quantity+'{4}' WHERE LotNo='{0}' AND WorkPoint='{1}' "; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint, WarehouseCode, LocationCode, Quantity); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo168"));//"库存表更新失败!"); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } } /// /// 拆分、合并日志 /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public static void WareHouseLotInfoLog(string Identification, string LotNo, string User, string WorkPoint, string TransType, string BusinessCode, SqlCommand cmd, Dictionary language) { try { ///添加日志 string sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT F_Account FROM Sys_SRM_User WHERE F_Account='{2}' AND F_Location='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo060"), "{2}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END INSERT INTO ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog(ID,Identification,TransCode,TransSequence,LotNo,InvCode, FromWarehouseCode,FromLocationCode,ToWarehouseCode,ToLocationCode,Quantity, Memo,Lock,TransType,BusinessCode,ERPUpload,ERPID, ERPDetailID,ERPCode,ERPSequence,MUSER,MUSERName, MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1) SELECT NEWID(),'{3}',b.TransCode,b.TransSequence,a.LotNo ,a.InvCode , '','',c.WarehouseCode,c.LocationCode,c.Quantity, '','0','{4}','{5}','0','', '','','',f.F_Account ,f.F_RealName , SYSDATETIME() ,a.WorkPoint ,'' FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo c ON a.LotNo=c.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User f ON f.F_Account='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint=f.F_Location WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' "; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint, User, Identification, TransType, BusinessCode); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo166")); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } } /// /// 合并 /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public static void WareHouseLotInfoMerge(string Identification, string LotNo, string CurrentLotNo, string Quantity, string User, string WorkPoint, string TransType, string BusinessCode, SqlCommand cmd, Dictionary language) { try { ///更新目标条码库存 string sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.LotNo FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot b ON b.LotNo='{3}' AND a.InvCode=b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo170") + @"',16,1); RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.LotNo FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo171") + @"',16,1); RETURN END UPDATE ICSWareHouseLotInfo SET Quantity=ISNULL(Quantity,0)+'{2}' WHERE LotNo='{0}' AND WorkPoint='{1}' "; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint, Quantity, CurrentLotNo); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo169"));//"目标条码库存更新失败!"); } ///更新原条码库存 sql = @"UPDATE ICSWareHouseLotInfo SET Quantity=ISNULL(Quantity,0)-'{2}' WHERE LotNo='{0}' AND WorkPoint='{1}' IF EXISTS(SELECT a.LotNo FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND Quantity<0) BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo167") + @"',16,1); RETURN END"; sql = string.Format(sql, CurrentLotNo, WorkPoint, Quantity); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo168"));//"库存更新失败!"); } ///添加日志 sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT F_Account FROM Sys_SRM_User WHERE F_Account='{2}' AND F_Location='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo060"), "{2}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END INSERT INTO ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog(ID,Identification,TransCode,TransSequence,LotNo,InvCode, FromWarehouseCode,FromLocationCode,ToWarehouseCode,ToLocationCode,Quantity, Memo,Lock,TransType,BusinessCode,ERPUpload,ERPID, ERPDetailID,ERPCode,ERPSequence,MUSER,MUSERName, MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1) SELECT NEWID(),'{3}',b.TransCode,b.TransSequence,a.LotNo ,a.InvCode , '','',c.WarehouseCode,c.LocationCode,c.Quantity, '','0','{4}','{5}','0','', '','','',f.F_Account ,f.F_RealName , SYSDATETIME() ,a.WorkPoint ,'' FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo c ON a.LotNo=c.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User f ON f.F_Account='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint=f.F_Location WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' "; sql = string.Format(sql, CurrentLotNo, WorkPoint, User, Identification, TransType, BusinessCode); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo166")); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } } /// /// 拆分 /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public static void WareHouseLotInfoSplit(string Identification, string LotNo, string CurrentLotNo, string Quantity, string User, string WorkPoint, string TransType, string BusinessCode, SqlCommand cmd, Dictionary language) { try { ///更新库存 string sql = @"UPDATE ICSWareHouseLotInfo SET Quantity=ISNULL(Quantity,0)-'{2}' WHERE LotNo='{0}' AND WorkPoint='{1}' IF EXISTS(SELECT a.LotNo FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' AND Quantity<0) BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo167") + @"',16,1); RETURN END"; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint, Quantity); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo168"));//"库存更新失败!"); } #region 添加库存 //插入条码表 sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT F_Account FROM Sys_SRM_User WHERE F_Account='{2}' AND F_Location='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo060"), "{2}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END IF EXISTS(SELECT a.LotNo FROM ICSInventoryLot a WHERE a.LotNo='{4}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo172") + @"',16,1); RETURN END INSERT INTO ICSInventoryLot(ID,LotNo,InvCode,ProductDate,ExpirationDate,Quantity,ExtensionID,Type,MUSER,MUSERName,MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1) SELECT NEWID(),'{4}' ,a.InvCode,a.ProductDate,a.ExpirationDate ,'{3}',a.ExtensionID,'101',f.F_Account ,f.F_RealName ,SYSDATETIME() ,a.WorkPoint ,a.LotNo FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User f ON f.F_Account='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint=f.F_Location WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint, User, Quantity, CurrentLotNo); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo173"));//"条码表写入失败!"); } //插入条码单据表 sql = @"INSERT INTO ICSInventoryLotDetail(LotNo,TransCode,TransSequence,MUSER,MUSERName,MTIME,WorkPoint) SELECT '{3}',b.TransCode,b.TransSequence,f.F_Account ,f.F_RealName ,SYSDATETIME() ,a.WorkPoint FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User f ON f.F_Account='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint=f.F_Location WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint, User, CurrentLotNo); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo174"));//"条码单据表写入失败!"); } ///添加库存 sql = @"IF EXISTS(SELECT a.LotNo FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo164") + @"',16,1); RETURN END IF EXISTS(SELECT il.InvCode FROM ICSInventoryLocation il INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot a ON a.InvCode=il.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=il.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo d ON a.EATTRIBUTE1=d.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint WHERE il.Enable='1' AND a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}') BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT il.InvCode FROM ICSInventoryLocation il INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot a ON a.InvCode=il.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=il.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo d ON a.EATTRIBUTE1=d.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint AND il.LocationCode=d.LocationCode WHERE il.Enable='1' AND a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo180") + @"',16,1); RETURN END END INSERT INTO ICSWareHouseLotInfo(ID,LotNO,WarehouseCode,LocationCode,InvCode,Quantity,InDate,LockQuantity,MUSER,MUSERName,MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1) SELECT NEWID(),a.LotNo ,d.WarehouseCode,d.LocationCode,a.InvCode ,'{3}',SYSDATETIME(),'0',f.F_Account ,f.F_RealName ,SYSDATETIME() ,a.WorkPoint ,'' FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo d ON a.EATTRIBUTE1=d.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User f ON f.F_Account='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint=f.F_Location WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, CurrentLotNo, WorkPoint, User, Quantity); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo165")); } ///添加日志 sql = @"INSERT INTO ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog(ID,Identification,TransCode,TransSequence,LotNo,InvCode, FromWarehouseCode,FromLocationCode,ToWarehouseCode,ToLocationCode,Quantity, Memo,Lock,TransType,BusinessCode,ERPUpload,ERPID, ERPDetailID,ERPCode,ERPSequence,MUSER,MUSERName, MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1) SELECT NEWID(),'{3}',b.TransCode,b.TransSequence,a.LotNo ,a.InvCode , '','',c.WarehouseCode,c.LocationCode,c.Quantity, '','0','{4}','{5}','0','', '','','',f.F_Account ,f.F_RealName , SYSDATETIME() ,a.WorkPoint ,'' FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo c ON a.LotNo=c.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User f ON f.F_Account='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint=f.F_Location WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}' "; sql = string.Format(sql, CurrentLotNo, WorkPoint, User, Identification, TransType, BusinessCode); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo166")); } #endregion } catch (Exception) { throw; } } /// /// 回写ERP ID /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public static void WareHouseLotInfoLogUpdate(string TransType, string SourceDetailID, string Identification, string ID, string DetailID, string Code, string Sequence, string col, SqlCommand cmd, Dictionary language, string BusinessCode) { string ERPupdate = string.Empty; try { //采购入库 if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.PurchaseReceiveDoc.GetDescription()) { ERPupdate = @"UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSPurchaseOrder c ON b.TransCode=c.POCode AND b.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.ToWarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint WHERE c.PODetailID='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND ERPUpload='0' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' and (ISNULL(a.towarehousecode, '') + ISNULL(ext.ProjectCode, '') + CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END + ISNULL(ext.Version, '') + ISNULL(ext.Brand, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree1, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree2, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree3, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree4, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree5, '')+ ISNULL(ext.cFree6, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree7, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree8, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree9, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree10, ''))='{6}' "; } //审核的到货单 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.DeliveryNotice.GetDescription()) { ERPupdate = @"UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSDeliveryNotice c ON b.TransCode=c.DNCode AND b.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.ToWarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint WHERE c.DNDetailID='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND ERPUpload='0' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' and (ISNULL(a.towarehousecode, '') + ISNULL(ext.ProjectCode, '') + CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END + ISNULL(ext.Version, '') + ISNULL(ext.Brand, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree1, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree2, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree3, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree4, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree5, '')+ ISNULL(ext.cFree6, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree7, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree8, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree9, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree10, ''))='{6}' "; } //采购拒收 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.PurchaseRejectDoc.GetDescription()) { ERPupdate = @"UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSDeliveryNotice c ON b.TransCode=c.DNCode AND b.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE c.DNDetailID='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND ERPUpload='0' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' "; } //审核的委外到货单 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.ODeliveryNotice.GetDescription()) { ERPupdate = @"UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSODeliveryNotice c ON b.TransCode=c.ODNCode AND b.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.FromWarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint WHERE c.ODNDetailID='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND ERPUpload='0' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' and (ISNULL(a.fromwarehousecode, '') + ISNULL(ext.ProjectCode, '') + CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END + ISNULL(ext.Version, '') + ISNULL(ext.Brand, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree1, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree2, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree3, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree4, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree5, '')+ ISNULL(ext.cFree6, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree7, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree8, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree9, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree10, ''))='{6}' "; } //委外拒收 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OutsourcingRejectDoc.GetDescription()) { ERPupdate = @"UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSODeliveryNotice c ON b.TransCode=c.ODNCode AND b.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint "; } //采购退货 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.PurchaseReceiveDoctNegative.GetDescription()) { ERPupdate = @"UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSDeliveryNotice c ON a.TransCode=c.DNCode AND a.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.ToWarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint WHERE c.DNDetailID='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND ERPUpload='0' AND c.DNType='2' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' and (ISNULL(a.fromwarehousecode, '') + ISNULL(ext.ProjectCode, '') + CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END + ISNULL(ext.Version, '') + ISNULL(ext.Brand, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree1, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree2, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree3, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree4, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree5, '')+ ISNULL(ext.cFree6, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree7, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree8, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree9, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree10, ''))='{6}' "; } //委外发料 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OutsourcingIssueDoc.GetDescription()) { ERPupdate = @"UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSOutsourcingOrder y ON a.TransCode=y.OOCode AND a.WorkPoint=y.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSOOPick x ON x.OODetailID=y.OODetailID AND a.TransSequence=y.Sequence+'~'+x.Sequence AND x.WorkPoint=y.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.FromWarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint WHERE x.PickID='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND ERPUpload='0' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' and (ISNULL(a.fromwarehousecode, '') + ISNULL(ext.ProjectCode, '') + CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END + ISNULL(ext.Version, '') + ISNULL(ext.Brand, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree1, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree2, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree3, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree4, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree5, '')+ ISNULL(ext.cFree6, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree7, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree8, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree9, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree10, ''))='{6}' "; } //委外退料 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.ICSOutsourcingIssueDoNegative.GetDescription() || TransType == TransTypeEnum.ICSOutsourcingIssueDoNegativeApply.GetDescription() || TransType == TransTypeEnum.ICSOutsourcingIssueDoNegativeIssue.GetDescription()) { ERPupdate = @"--根据退料单退料 UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSOApplyNegDetail c ON b.TransCode=c.OApplyNegCode AND b.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND b.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSOApplyNeg d ON c.OApplyNegCode=d.OApplyNegCode AND c.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint Left JOIN ICSOIssue m ON (CASE WHEN d.Type='3' THEN c.SourceDetailID ELSE 0 END)=m.IssueDetailID AND c.WorkPoint=m.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.FromWarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint WHERE ISNULL(m.ApplyDetailID,ISNULL(m.PickID, c.SourceDetailID))='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND ERPUpload='0' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' and (ISNULL(a.fromwarehousecode, '') + ISNULL(ext.ProjectCode, '') + CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END + ISNULL(ext.Version, '') + ISNULL(ext.Brand, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree1, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree2, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree3, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree4, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree5, '')+ ISNULL(ext.cFree6, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree7, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree8, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree9, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree10, ''))='{6}' --根据原条码退料-备料表 UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog b ON a.LogID=b.ID AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSOutsourcingOrder y ON b.TransCode=y.OOCode AND b.WorkPoint=y.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSOOPick x ON x.OODetailID=y.OODetailID AND x.WorkPoint=y.WorkPoint AND b.TransSequence = y.Sequence + '~' + x.Sequence INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.FromWarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint WHERE x.PickID='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND a.ERPUpload='0' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' and (ISNULL(a.fromwarehousecode, '') + ISNULL(ext.ProjectCode, '') + CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END + ISNULL(ext.Version, '') + ISNULL(ext.Brand, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree1, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree2, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree3, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree4, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree5, '')+ ISNULL(ext.cFree6, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree7, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree8, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree9, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree10, ''))='{6}' --根据原条码退料-申请单 UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog b ON a.LogID=b.ID AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSOApply z ON b.TransCode=z.ApplyCode AND b.TransSequence=z.Sequence AND b.WorkPoint=z.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.FromWarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint WHERE z.ApplyDetailID='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND a.ERPUpload='0' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' and (ISNULL(a.fromwarehousecode, '') + ISNULL(ext.ProjectCode, '') + CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END + ISNULL(ext.Version, '') + ISNULL(ext.Brand, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree1, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree2, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree3, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree4, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree5, '')+ ISNULL(ext.cFree6, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree7, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree8, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree9, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree10, ''))='{6}' --根据原条码退料-材料出库单 UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog b ON a.LogID=b.ID AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSOIssue m ON b.TransCode=m.IssueCode AND b.TransSequence=m.Sequence AND b.WorkPoint=m.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSOOPick x ON m.PickID=x.PickID AND m.WorkPoint=x.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSOutsourcingOrder y ON x.OODetailID=y.OODetailID AND x.WorkPoint=y.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSOApply z ON m.ApplyDetailID=z.ApplyDetailID AND m.WorkPoint=z.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.FromWarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint WHERE ISNULL(m.ApplyDetailID, m.PickID)='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND a.ERPUpload='0' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' and (ISNULL(a.fromwarehousecode, '') + ISNULL(ext.ProjectCode, '') + CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END + ISNULL(ext.Version, '') + ISNULL(ext.Brand, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree1, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree2, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree3, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree4, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree5, '')+ ISNULL(ext.cFree6, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree7, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree8, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree9, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree10, ''))='{6}' "; } //委外入库 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OutsourcingReceiveDoc.GetDescription()) { ERPupdate = @"UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSOutsourcingOrder c ON b.TransCode=c.OOCode AND b.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.FromWarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint WHERE c.OODetailID='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND ERPUpload='0' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' and (ISNULL(a.fromwarehousecode, '') + ISNULL(ext.ProjectCode, '') + CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END + ISNULL(ext.Version, '') + ISNULL(ext.Brand, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree1, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree2, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree3, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree4, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree5, '')+ ISNULL(ext.cFree6, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree7, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree8, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree9, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree10, ''))='{6}' "; } //委外退货 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OutsourcingReturnBack.GetDescription()) { ERPupdate = @"UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSODeliveryNotice c ON a.TransCode=c.ODNCode AND a.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.FromWarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint WHERE c.ODNDetailID='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND ERPUpload='0' AND c.ODNType='2' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' and (ISNULL(a.fromwarehousecode, '') + ISNULL(ext.ProjectCode, '') + CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END + ISNULL(ext.Version, '') + ISNULL(ext.Brand, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree1, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree2, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree3, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree4, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree5, '')+ ISNULL(ext.cFree6, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree7, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree8, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree9, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree10, ''))='{6}' "; } //生产发料 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOIssueDoc.GetDescription()) { ERPupdate = @"UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSMO y ON a.TransCode=y.MOCode AND a.WorkPoint=y.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSMOPick x ON x.MODetailID=y.MODetailID AND a.TransSequence=y.Sequence+'~'+x.Sequence AND x.WorkPoint=y.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.FromWarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint WHERE x.PickID='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND ERPUpload='0' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' and (ISNULL(a.fromwarehousecode, '') + ISNULL(ext.ProjectCode, '') + CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END + ISNULL(ext.Version, '') + ISNULL(ext.Brand, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree1, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree2, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree3, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree4, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree5, '')+ ISNULL(ext.cFree6, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree7, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree8, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree9, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree10, ''))='{6}' "; } //生产退料 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOIssueDocNegative.GetDescription() || TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOIssueDocNegativeApply.GetDescription() || TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOIssueDocNegativeIssue.GetDescription()) { ERPupdate = @"--根据退料单退料 UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSMOApplyNegDetail c ON b.TransCode=c.ApplyNegCode AND b.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND b.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSMOApplyNeg d ON c.ApplyNegCode=d.ApplyNegCode AND c.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint left JOIN ICSMOIssue m ON (CASE WHEN d.Type='3' THEN c.SourceDetailID ELSE 0 END)=m.IssueDetailID AND c.WorkPoint=m.WorkPoint WHERE ISNULL(m.ApplyDetailID, ISNULL(m.PickID, c.SourceDetailID))='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND ERPUpload='0' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' --根据原条码退料-备料表 UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog b ON a.LogID=b.ID AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSMO y ON b.TransCode=y.MOCode AND b.WorkPoint=y.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSMOPick x ON x.MODetailID=y.MODetailID AND x.WorkPoint=y.WorkPoint AND b.TransSequence = y.Sequence + '~' + x.Sequence WHERE x.PickID='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND a.ERPUpload='0' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' --根据原条码退料-申请单 UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog b ON a.LogID=b.ID AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSMOApply z ON b.TransCode=z.ApplyCode AND b.TransSequence=z.Sequence AND b.WorkPoint=z.WorkPoint WHERE z.ApplyDetailID='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND a.ERPUpload='0' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' --根据原条码退料-材料出库单 UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog b ON a.LogID=b.ID AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSMOIssue m ON b.TransCode=m.IssueCode AND b.TransSequence=m.Sequence AND b.WorkPoint=m.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSMOPick x ON m.PickID=x.PickID AND m.WorkPoint=x.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSMO y ON x.MODetailID=y.MODetailID AND x.WorkPoint=y.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSMOApply z ON m.ApplyDetailID=z.ApplyDetailID AND m.WorkPoint=z.WorkPoint WHERE ISNULL(m.ApplyDetailID, m.PickID)='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND a.ERPUpload='0' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' "; } //生产入库 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.ManufactureReceiveDoc.GetDescription()) { ERPupdate = @"UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSMO c ON b.TransCode=c.MOCode AND b.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.FromWarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint WHERE c.MODetailID='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND ERPUpload='0' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' and (ISNULL(a.fromwarehousecode, '') + ISNULL(ext.ProjectCode, '') + CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END + ISNULL(ext.Version, '') + ISNULL(ext.Brand, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree1, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree2, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree3, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree4, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree5, '')+ ISNULL(ext.cFree6, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree7, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree8, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree9, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree10, ''))='{6}' "; } //开立的生产入库单 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.ManufactureReceive.GetDescription()) { ERPupdate = @"UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSManufactureReceive c ON b.TransCode=c.RCVCode AND b.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE c.RCVID='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND ERPUpload='0' AND c.Type='1' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' "; } //销售出库 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.SalesShipmentDoc.GetDescription()) { ERPupdate = @"UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSSDN c ON a.TransCode=c.SDNCode AND a.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.FromWarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint WHERE c.SDNDetailID='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND ERPUpload='0' AND c.Type='1' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' and (ISNULL(a.fromwarehousecode, '') + ISNULL(ext.ProjectCode, '') + CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END + ISNULL(ext.Version, '') + ISNULL(ext.Brand, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree1, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree2, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree3, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree4, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree5, '')+ ISNULL(ext.cFree6, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree7, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree8, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree9, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree10, ''))='{6}' "; } //销售退货 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.SalesShipmentDocNegative.GetDescription()) { ERPupdate = @"UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSSDN c ON a.TransCode=c.SDNCode AND a.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.FromWarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint WHERE c.SDNDetailID='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND ERPUpload='0' AND c.Type='2' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' and (ISNULL(a.fromwarehousecode, '') + ISNULL(ext.ProjectCode, '') + CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END + ISNULL(ext.Version, '') + ISNULL(ext.Brand, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree1, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree2, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree3, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree4, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree5, '')+ ISNULL(ext.cFree6, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree7, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree8, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree9, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree10, ''))='{6}' "; } //返工工单 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.ReWorkReceiveMo.GetDescription()) { ERPupdate = @"UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSMO c ON b.TransCode=c.MOCode AND b.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSMOPick d ON d.MODetailID=c.MODetailID AND d.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint and b.TransSequence=c.Sequence+'-'+d.Sequence INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.FromWarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint WHERE d.PickID='{3}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND ERPUpload='0' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' and (ISNULL(a.fromwarehousecode, '') + ISNULL(ext.ProjectCode, '') + CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END + ISNULL(ext.Version, '') + ISNULL(ext.Brand, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree1, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree2, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree3, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree4, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree5, '')+ ISNULL(ext.cFree6, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree7, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree8, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree9, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree10, ''))='{6}' "; } //一步调拨 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OneStepTransferDocIn.GetDescription()) { ERPupdate = @"UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSTransfer c ON a.TransCode=c.TransferNO AND a.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE c.TransferID='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND ERPUpload='0' AND c.Type='1' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' "; } //调拨 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OneStepTransferDocIn.GetDescription()) { ERPupdate = @"UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSTransfer c ON a.TransCode=c.TransferNO AND a.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE c.TransferID='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND ERPUpload='0' AND c.Type='1' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' "; } //两步调出 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.TwoStepTransferDocOut.GetDescription()) { ERPupdate = @"UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSOtherOut c ON a.TransCode=c.OutCode AND a.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSTransfer d ON c.TransferDetailID=d.TransferDetailID AND c.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint WHERE c.OutID='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND ERPUpload='0' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' "; } //两步调入 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.TwoStepTransferDocIn.GetDescription()) { ERPupdate = @"UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSOtherIn b ON a.TransCode=b.InCode AND a.TransSequence=b.Sequence AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSTransfer c ON b.TransferDetailID=c.TransferDetailID AND b.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE b.InID='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND ERPUpload='0' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' "; } //销售退货-原条码 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.SalesReturnBack.GetDescription()) { ERPupdate = @"UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSSDN c ON a.TransCode=c.SDNCode AND a.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.FromWarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint WHERE c.SDNDetailID='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND ERPUpload='0' AND c.Type='2' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' and (ISNULL(a.fromwarehousecode, '') + ISNULL(ext.ProjectCode, '') + CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END + ISNULL(ext.Version, '') + ISNULL(ext.Brand, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree1, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree2, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree3, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree4, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree5, '')+ ISNULL(ext.cFree6, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree7, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree8, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree9, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree10, ''))='{6}' "; } //其他出库 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OtherOutDoc.GetDescription()) { ERPupdate = @"UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSOtherOut c ON a.TransCode=c.OutCode AND a.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE c.OutID='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND a.ERPUpload='0' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' "; } //其他入库 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OtherInDoc.GetDescription()) { ERPupdate = @"UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSOtherIn c ON b.TransCode=c.InCode AND b.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND b.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE c.InID='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND ERPUpload='0' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' "; } //拆卸单 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.DisassemblyDoc.GetDescription()) { ERPupdate = @"UPDATE d set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSDisassemblyDoc c ON b.TransCode=c.DABDOCCode AND b.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND b.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog d ON b.TransCode=d.TransCode AND d.TransSequence='1' AND b.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint WHERE c.DABDOCID='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND d.ERPUpload='0' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSDisassemblyDoc c ON b.TransCode=c.DABDOCCode AND b.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND b.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE c.DABDOCID='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND ERPUpload='0' AND c.DABDOCType='2' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' "; } //领料申请单 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOApply.GetDescription()) { ERPupdate = @"UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSMOApply c ON a.TransCode=c.ApplyCode AND a.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.FromWarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint WHERE c.ApplyDetailID='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND ERPUpload='0' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' and (ISNULL(a.fromwarehousecode, '') + ISNULL(ext.ProjectCode, '') + CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END + ISNULL(ext.Version, '') + ISNULL(ext.Brand, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree1, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree2, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree3, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree4, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree5, '')+ ISNULL(ext.cFree6, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree7, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree8, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree9, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree10, ''))='{6}' "; } //委外领料申请单 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OOApply.GetDescription()) { ERPupdate = @"UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSOApply c ON a.TransCode=c.ApplyCode AND a.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.FromWarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint WHERE c.ApplyDetailID='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND ERPUpload='0' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' and (ISNULL(a.fromwarehousecode, '') + ISNULL(ext.ProjectCode, '') + CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END + ISNULL(ext.Version, '') + ISNULL(ext.Brand, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree1, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree2, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree3, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree4, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree5, '')+ ISNULL(ext.cFree6, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree7, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree8, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree9, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree10, ''))='{6}' "; } //开立材料出库 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.MOIssue.GetDescription()) { ERPupdate = @"UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSMOIssue c ON a.TransCode=c.IssueCode AND a.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE c.IssueID='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND ERPUpload='0' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' "; } //开立委外材料出库 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OOIssue.GetDescription()) { ERPupdate = @"UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSOIssue c ON a.TransCode=c.IssueCode AND a.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE c.IssueID='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND ERPUpload='0' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' "; } //开立红字入库单 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.PurchaseReceive.GetDescription()) { ERPupdate = @"UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSPurchaseReceive c ON a.TransCode=c.RCVCode AND a.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE c.RCVID='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND ERPUpload='0' AND c.Type='2' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' "; } //开立委外红字入库单 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.OutsourcingReceiveDocNegative.GetDescription()) { ERPupdate = @"UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSOutsourcingReceive c ON a.TransCode=c.RCVCode AND a.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint WHERE c.RCVID='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND ERPUpload='0' AND c.Type='2' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' "; } //借用 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.BrrowDoc.GetDescription()) { ERPupdate = @"UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSBrrow c ON a.TransCode=c.BrrowCode AND a.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.FromWarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint WHERE c.BrrowDetailID='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND ERPUpload='0' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' and (ISNULL(a.fromwarehousecode, '') + ISNULL(ext.ProjectCode, '') + CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END + ISNULL(ext.Version, '') + ISNULL(ext.Brand, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree1, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree2, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree3, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree4, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree5, '')+ ISNULL(ext.cFree6, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree7, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree8, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree9, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree10, ''))='{6}' "; } //归还 else if (TransType == TransTypeEnum.ReturnDoc.GetDescription()) { ERPupdate = @"UPDATE a set ERPID='{2}',ERPDetailID='{3}',ERPCode='{4}',ERPSequence='{5}',ERPUpload='1' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSReturn c ON b.TransCode=c.ReturnCode AND b.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND b.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLot lot ON a.LotNo=lot.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=lot.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSExtension ext ON lot.ExtensionID=ext.ID AND lot.WorkPoint=ext.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSInventory inv ON a.InvCode=inv.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=inv.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryBatchEnable invBat ON a.InvCode=invBat.InvCode AND a.FromWarehouseCode=invBat.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=invBat.WorkPoint WHERE c.ReturnDetailID='{0}' AND a.Identification='{1}' AND ERPUpload='0' AND a.BusinessCode ='{7}' and (ISNULL(a.tohwarehousecode, '') + ISNULL(ext.ProjectCode, '') + CASE WHEN (invBat.BatchEnable IS NULL AND ISNULL(inv.BatchEnable, '0')='1') OR ISNULL(invBat.BatchEnable, '0')='1' THEN ISNULL(ext.BatchCode, '') ELSE '' END + ISNULL(ext.Version, '') + ISNULL(ext.Brand, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree1, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree2, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree3, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree4, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree5, '')+ ISNULL(ext.cFree6, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree7, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree8, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree9, '') + ISNULL(ext.cFree10, ''))='{6}' "; } ERPupdate = string.Format(ERPupdate, SourceDetailID, Identification, ID, DetailID, Code, Sequence, col, BusinessCode); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(ERPupdate, cmd)) { throw new Exception(TransType + language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo175"));//"回写日志失败!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Debug(ex.ToString()); log.Debug(TransType + Environment.NewLine + ERPupdate); throw; } } /// /// 倒冲时子件已领数量回写 /// public static void DetailQTYUpdate() { } /// /// 生成条码 /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public static void CreateLotNo(string LotNo, string Quantity, string TransCode, string TransSequence, string WorkPoint, string Identification, string User, string InvCode, string BusinessCode, string ProjectCode, string BatchCode, string Version, string Brand, string cFree1, string cFree2, string cFree3, string cFree4, string cFree5, string cFree6, string cFree7, string cFree8, string cFree9, string cFree10, SqlCommand cmd, Dictionary language, string LocationCode, string OLDLotNo) { try { String EffectiveEnable = ""; String Colspan = ""; String IDD = ""; int EffectiveDays = 0; String Time = ""; int EffectiveDayss = 0; DateTime dtt; DateTime now = DateTime.Now; string sql = string.Empty; //string sql = @"select EffectiveEnable,EffectiveDays from ICSInventory a // Left Join ICSMO b ON a.InvCode=b.InvCode and a.WorkPoint = b.WorkPoint // where b.MoCode='{0}' and b.WorkPoint='{1}'"; //sql = string.Format(sql, TransCode, WorkPoint); //DataTable dt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); //if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) //{ // throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo366")); //} //else //{ // EffectiveEnable = dt.Rows[0]["EffectiveEnable"].ToString(); //EffectiveDays = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["EffectiveDays"]); //} //EffectiveDayss = Convert.ToInt32(EffectiveDays); //if (!EffectiveEnable.Equals("False")) //{ int year = now.Year; int month = now.Month; int day = now.Day; int n = DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, month); int k = day + EffectiveDays; if (k > n) { day = EffectiveDays - (n - day); month = month + 1; if (month > 12) { month = 1; year = year + 1; } } else { day = day + EffectiveDays; } Time = year + "-" + month + "-" + day; //} //else //{ // Time = "2999-12-31 00:00:00.000"; //} dtt = Convert.ToDateTime(Time); //检验自由项 Colspan = ProjectCode + "~" + BatchCode + "~" + Version + "~" + Brand + "~" + cFree1 + "~" + cFree2 + "~" + cFree3 + "~" + cFree4 + "~" + cFree5 + "~" + cFree6 + "~" + cFree7 + "~" + cFree8 + "~" + cFree9 + "~" + cFree10; sql = @"select ID,Colspan from ICSExtension a where Colspan='{0}' and WorkPoint='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, Colspan, WorkPoint); DataTable dttt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd); if (dttt.Rows.Count == 0) { IDD = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); sql = @"Insert into ICSExtension(ID, Colspan, ProjectCode, BatchCode, Version, Brand, cFree1, cFree2, cFree3, cFree4, cFree5, cFree6, cFree7, cFree8, cFree9, cFree10, MTIME, MUSER, MUSERName, WorkPoint) select '{17}','{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}','{10}','{11}','{12}','{13}','{14}',GETDATE(),'{15}',f.F_RealName,'{16}'from Sys_SRM_User f where f.F_Account='{15}' and f.F_Location='{16}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, Colspan, ProjectCode, BatchCode, Version, Brand, cFree1, cFree2, cFree3, cFree4, cFree5, cFree6, cFree7, cFree8, cFree9, cFree10, User, WorkPoint, IDD); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo366")); } } else { IDD = dttt.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString(); } //存入条码表 sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT F_Account FROM Sys_SRM_User WHERE F_Account='{2}' AND F_Location='{4}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo060"), "{2}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END INSERT INTO ICSInventoryLot(ID,LotNo,InvCode,ProductDate,ExpirationDate, Quantity,Amount,ExtensionID,Type,PrintTimes, LastPrintUser,LastPrintTime,MUSER,MUSERName,MTIME, WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1) SELECT TOP 1 NEWID(),'{0}','{8}',GETDATE(),'{6}', '{1}','0','{7}','16',null, null,null,'{2}' ,f.F_RealName ,GETDATE(), '{4}' ,'' FROM Sys_SRM_User f where f.F_Account='{2}' and f.F_Location='{4}' "; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, Quantity, User, TransCode, WorkPoint, TransSequence, dtt, IDD, InvCode); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo366")); } ///存入条码关联表 sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT F_Account FROM Sys_SRM_User WHERE F_Account='{2}' AND F_Location='{3}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo060"), "{2}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END INSERT INTO ICSInventoryLotDetail(LotNo,TransCode,TransSequence,MUSER,MUSERName,MTIME, WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1) SELECT '{4}','{0}','{1}',f.F_Account ,f.F_RealName,GETDATE(), a.WorkPoint,'' FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User f ON f.F_Account='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint=f.F_Location WHERE a.LotNo='{5}' AND a.WorkPoint='{3}' "; sql = string.Format(sql, TransCode, TransSequence, User, WorkPoint, LotNo, OLDLotNo); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo367")); } //存入库存表 sql = @"INSERT INTO ICSWareHouseLotInfo(ID,LotNO,WarehouseCode,LocationCode,InvCode,Quantity,InDate,LockQuantity,MUSER,MUSERName,MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1) SELECT NEWID(),a.LotNo ,e.WarehouseCode,d.LocationCode,a.InvCode ,'0',SYSDATETIME(),'0',f.F_Account ,f.F_RealName ,SYSDATETIME() ,a.WorkPoint ,'' FROM ICSInventoryLot a INNER JOIN ICSInventoryLotDetail b ON a.LotNo=b.LotNo AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint --INNER JOIN ICSOApplyNegDetail c ON b.TransCode=c.OApplyNegCode AND b.TransSequence=c.Sequence AND b.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSLocation d ON d.LocationCode='{4}' AND a.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint INNER JOIN ICSWarehouse e ON d.WHID=e.ID AND d.WorkPoint=e.WorkPoint INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User f ON f.F_Account='{2}' AND a.WorkPoint=f.F_Location WHERE a.LotNo='{0}' AND a.WorkPoint='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, WorkPoint, User, Quantity, LocationCode); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo165")); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } } /// /// 料架条码绑定 /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public static void ContainerBind(string LotNo, string ContainerCode, string ContainerType, string User, string WorkPoint, SqlCommand cmd, Dictionary language) { try { ///添加日志 string sql = @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT F_Account FROM Sys_SRM_User WHERE F_Account='{3}' AND F_Location='{2}') BEGIN RAISERROR('" + string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo060"), "{3}") + @"',16,1); RETURN END INSERT INTO ICSContainerLot (ID,ContainerID,LotNo,MUSER,MUSERName,WorkPoint,MTIME,EATTRIBUTE1) SELECT NEWID(),ID,'{0}','{3}' ,(SELECT F_RealName FROM Sys_SRM_User WHERE F_Account='{3}' AND F_Location='{2}'),'{2}',GETDATE(),'{4}' FROM ICSContainer WHERE ContainerCode='{1}' AND WorkPoint='{2}' "; sql = string.Format(sql, LotNo, ContainerCode, WorkPoint, User, ContainerType); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo060"), ContainerCode, LotNo)); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } } /// /// 料架条码解绑 /// /// /// /// /// public static void ContainerUnBind(string ContainerCode, string WorkPoint, SqlCommand cmd, Dictionary language) { try { ///添加日志 string sql = @"delete from ICSContainerLot WHERE ContainerCode='{0}' AND WorkPoint='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, ContainerCode, WorkPoint); if (!DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd)) { throw new Exception(string.Format(language.GetNameByCode("WMSAPIInfo201"), ContainerCode, ContainerCode)); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } } } }