using NFine.Data.Extensions; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using NFine.Code; using NFine.Repository; using System.Data.Common; using NFine.Domain._03_Entity.SRM; using ICS.Application.Entity; using Newtonsoft.Json; using System.Configuration; using System.Data.SqlClient; using ICS.Data; using NFine.Domain._03_Entity.WMS; namespace NFine.Application.WMS { public class PickMaterialApp : RepositoryFactory { public static DataTable Invmes = new DataTable(); //工单备料(工单子件) public DataTable GetGridJson(string queryJson, ref Pagination jqgridparam) { string WorkPoint = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); var queryParam = queryJson.ToJObject(); List parameter = new List(); StringBuilder sqlstring = new StringBuilder(); #region [SQL] // sql = @"select a.ID,b.MOCode as Code,a.Sequence,a.MTIME,a.MUSERName,a.MUSER,a.WHCode,c.WarehouseName,a.InvCode,d.InvName,d.InvDesc,d.InvStd,d.InvUnit, //case when e.SourceID is null then '未合并' else '已合并' end as IsNew,a.Quantity //from ICSMOPick a //left join ICSMO b on a.MODetailID=b.MODetailID and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint //left join ICSWarehouse c on a.WHCode=c.WarehouseCode and a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint //left join ICSInventory d on a.InvCode=d.InvCode and a.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint //left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID=e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=e.WorkPoint"; // sql += " WHERE 1=1 and e.ID is null"; sqlstring.Append($@"select a.MOCode as Code,a.CreateDateTime as MTIME,a.createperson as MUSER, case when max(d.SourceID) is null then '未合并' else '已合并' end as IsNew, f.Colspan ,f.ProjectCode ,f.BatchCode ,f.Version ,f.Brand ,f.cFree1 , f.cFree2 ,f.cFree3 ,f.cFree4 ,f.cFree5 ,f.cFree6 ,f.cFree7 ,f.cFree8 ,f.cFree9 ,f.cFree10 from ICSMO a inner join ICSMOPick b on b.MODetailID=a.MODetailID and b.WorkPoint=a.WorkPoint left join ICSMOPickMerge d on d.SourceID=b.ID and d.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint left join ICSExtension f on a.ExtensionID=f.ID and a.WorkPoint=f.WorkPoint where a.WorkPoint='{WorkPoint}' "); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryJson)) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["POCode"].ToString())) { sqlstring.Append($" and a.MOCode like '%{queryParam["POCode"]}%' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["InvCode"].ToString())) { sqlstring.Append($" and a.InvCode like '%{queryParam["InvCode"]}%' "); } } sqlstring.Append(@" group by a.MOCode, a.WorkPoint,a.CreateDateTime,a.createperson,f.Colspan,f.ProjectCode, f.BatchCode ,f.Version ,f.Brand ,f.cFree1 ,f.cFree2 ,f.cFree3 ,f.cFree4, f.cFree5 ,f.cFree6 ,f.cFree7 ,f.cFree8 ,f.cFree9 ,f.cFree10"); #endregion return Repository().FindTablePageBySql(sqlstring.ToString(), parameter.ToArray(), ref jqgridparam); } //工单备料(工单子件)子表查询 public DataTable GetSubGridJson1(string Code) { string WorkPoint = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); //var queryParam = queryJson.ToJObject(); List parameter = new List(); string sql = @" select a.ID,b.MOCode as Code,a.Sequence+'-'+b.Sequence AS Sequence,a.MTIME,a.MUSERName,a.MUSER,a.WHCode,c.WarehouseName,a.InvCode,d.InvName,d.InvDesc,d.InvStd,d.InvUnit, case when e.SourceID is null then '未合并' else '已合并' end as IsNew,a.Quantity ,f.Colspan ,f.ProjectCode ,f.BatchCode ,f.Version ,f.Brand ,f.cFree1 ,f.cFree2 ,f.cFree3 ,f.cFree4 ,f.cFree5 ,f.cFree6 ,f.cFree7 ,f.cFree8 ,f.cFree9 ,f.cFree10,a.IssueQuantity as IssueQuantity from ICSMOPick a left join ICSMO b on a.MODetailID=b.MODetailID and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint left join ICSWarehouse c on a.WHCode=c.WarehouseCode and a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint left join ICSInventory d on a.InvCode=d.InvCode and a.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID=e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=e.WorkPoint left join ICSExtension f on a.ExtensionID=f.ID and a.WorkPoint=f.WorkPoint where b.MOCode='{0}' and a.WorkPoint='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, Code, WorkPoint); return Repository().FindTableBySql(sql.ToString()); } //工单领料(发料申请) public DataTable GetGridJson2(string queryJson, ref Pagination jqgridparam) { string WorkPoint = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); var queryParam = queryJson.ToJObject(); List parameter = new List(); StringBuilder sqlString = new StringBuilder(); #region [SQL] // select a.ID,a.ApplyCode as Code,a.Sequence,a.MTIME,a.MUSERName,a.MUSER,a.WHCode,b.WarehouseName ,a.InvCode,d.InvName,d.InvDesc,d.InvStd,d.InvUnit, //case when e.SourceID is null then '未合并' else '已合并' end as IsNew,a.Quantity // from ICSMOApply a // left join ICSWarehouse b on a.WHCode = b.WarehouseCode and a.WorkPoint = b.WorkPoint // left join ICSInventory d on a.InvCode = d.InvCode and a.WorkPoint = d.WorkPoint // left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID = e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint = e.WorkPoint sqlString.Append($@" SELECT * from(select row_number() over(partition by a.ApplyCode ORDER BY a.ApplyCode) as row, a.ApplyCode as Code,CONVERT(varchar(100),a.CreateDateTime,23) as MTIME,a.createperson as MUSER,a.WHCode,detail.LocationCode AS Area, a.EATTRIBUTE,a.Sets,a.OrderInvCode,a.OrderInvDescribe,a.BillType,a.Remarks,a.Desks,a.DispatchNumber,a.DispatcherName, a.ReceiverNumber,a.ReceiverName,a.Urgency,a.NeedDate,a.NeedTime,a.RemarksTerm,a.TextNumber,a.Unit,a.StockIndicator, case when max(e.SourceID) is null then '未合并' else '已合并' end as IsNew,f.Colspan , g.Status, ISNULL(p.PrintCount, 0) as PrintCount, case when max(k.TransCode) is null then '未占料' else '已占料' end as IsOccupy, --case when sum(a.Quantity) =sum(IssueQuantity) and a.MUSERName != 'JOB' then '已过账' --else (case when sum(a.Quantity) =sum(IssueQuantity) and a.MUSERName = 'JOB' then '已配料' else '未配料' end) end as Status, f.ProjectCode ,f.BatchCode ,f.Version ,f.Brand ,f.cFree1 ,f.cFree2 ,f.cFree3 , f.cFree4 ,f.cFree5 ,f.cFree6 ,f.cFree7 ,f.cFree8 ,f.cFree9 ,f.cFree10, case when a.MUSER!= 'JOB' then a.MUSER else '' end AS PickName from ICSMOApply a left JOIN ICSInventory b ON b.InvCode=a.InvCode LEFT JOIN ICSPrintCount p ON a.APPlyCode=p.TransCode LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryDetail detail ON b.InvCode=detail.INVCode AND a.WHCode=detail.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=detail.WorkPoint left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID=e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=e.WorkPoint left join ICSExtension f on a.ExtensionID=f.ID and a.WorkPoint=f.WorkPoint left join (SELECT ApplyCode, case when sum(Quantity) =sum(IssueQuantity) and MUSERName != 'JOB' then '已过账' else (case when sum(Quantity) =sum(IssueQuantity) and MUSERName = 'JOB' AND sum(IssueQuantity)>0 then '已配料' else '未配料' end) end as Status from ICSMOApply where WorkPoint='{WorkPoint}' and EATTRIBUTE!='17' group by ApplyCode,MUSERName) g on a.ApplyCode = g.ApplyCode left join (select distinct TransCode,TransType,WorkPoint from dbo.ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog ) k on a.ApplyCode=k.TransCode and a.WorkPoint=k.WorkPoint and k.TransType='15' left join Sys_SRM_ItemsDetail j on j.F_Define3='HGAreaConfig' AND j.F_Define1=a.WHCode AND j.F_Define4=a.WorkPoint and detail.LocationCode = j.F_Define2 where a.WorkPoint='{WorkPoint}' and a.EATTRIBUTE!='17'"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryJson)) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["POCode"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and a.ApplyCode like '%{queryParam["POCode"]}%' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["InvCode"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and a.InvCode like '%{queryParam["InvCode"]}%' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["WHCode"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and a.WHCode like '%{queryParam["WHCode"]}%' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["Area"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and detail.LocationCode like '%{queryParam["Area"]}%' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["Order"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and a.OrderNumber like '%{queryParam["Order"]}%' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["Container"].ToString()) && queryParam["Container"].ToString() == "2") { sqlString.Append($@" and (j.F_Id is null OR detail.LocationCode is null OR detail.LocationCode='') "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["CreateDate"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and a.CreateDateTime >='{queryParam["CreateDate"].ToDate()}' and a.CreateDateTime <'{queryParam["CreateDate"].ToDate().AddDays(+1)}' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["NeedDate"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and a.NeedDate like '%{queryParam["NeedDate"]}%' "); } } sqlString.Append(@"group by a.ApplyCode, a.WorkPoint,a.CreateDateTime,a.createperson, f.Colspan,f.ProjectCode,f.BatchCode,f.Version,f.Brand,f.cFree1,f.cFree2, f.cFree3,f.cFree4,f.cFree5,f.cFree6,f.cFree7,f.cFree8,f.cFree9,f.cFree10,g.Status, a.WHCode,detail.LocationCode,a.EATTRIBUTE,a.Sets,a.OrderInvCode,a.OrderInvDescribe,a.BillType,a.Remarks,a.Desks,a.DispatchNumber,a.DispatcherName, a.ReceiverNumber,a.ReceiverName,a.Urgency,a.NeedDate,a.NeedTime,a.RemarksTerm,a.TextNumber,a.Unit,a.StockIndicator,a.MUSERName,a.MUSER,p.PrintCount) as t where t.row=1"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["Status"].ToString())) { if (queryParam["Status"].ToString() == "3") { sqlString.Append($@" AND t.Status='已过账' "); } else if (queryParam["Status"].ToString() == "2") { sqlString.Append($@" AND t.Status='已配料' "); } else if (queryParam["Status"].ToString() == "1") { sqlString.Append($@" AND t.Status='未配料' "); } } #endregion return Repository().FindTablePageBySql(sqlString.ToString(), parameter.ToArray(), ref jqgridparam); } //工单领料(发料申请)子表查询 public DataTable GetSubGridJson2(string queryJson, string Code, ref Pagination jqgridparam) { string WorkPoint = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); var queryParam = queryJson.ToJObject(); List parameter = new List(); string sql = @"SELECT * FROM (select row_number() over(partition by a.ApplyCode,a.InvCode,a.Sequence ORDER BY a.ApplyCode) as row, a.ID,a.ApplyCode as Code,a.Sequence,a.MTIME,a.MUSERName,a.MUSER,a.WHCode,b.WarehouseName ,a.InvCode,a.OrderNumber, a.EATTRIBUTE,a.Sets,a.OrderInvCode,a.OrderInvDescribe,a.BillType,a.Remarks,a.Desks,a.DispatchNumber,a.DispatcherName, a.ReceiverNumber,a.ReceiverName,a.Urgency,a.NeedDate,a.NeedTime,a.RemarksTerm,a.TextNumber,a.InvDescribe,a.Unit,a.StockIndicator, d.InvName,d.InvDesc,d.InvStd,d.InvUnit,detail.LocationCode AS Area,a.SAPSequence, case when e.SourceID is null then '未合并' else '已合并' end as IsNew,a.Quantity ,f.Colspan ,f.ProjectCode ,f.BatchCode ,f.Version,f.Brand ,f.cFree1 ,f.cFree2 ,f.cFree3 ,f.cFree4 ,f.cFree5 ,f.cFree6 ,f.cFree7 ,f.cFree8 ,f.cFree9 ,f.cFree10,a.IssueQuantity as IssueQuantity from ICSMOApply a left join ICSWarehouse b on a.WHCode=b.WarehouseCode and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint left join ICSInventory d on a.InvCode=d.InvCode and a.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryDetail detail ON d.InvCode=detail.INVCode AND a.WHCode=detail.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=detail.WorkPoint left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID=e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=e.WorkPoint left join ICSExtension f on a.ExtensionID=f.ID and a.WorkPoint=f.WorkPoint where a.ApplyCode='{0}' and a.WorkPoint='{1}' and a.EATTRIBUTE!='17'"; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryJson)) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["WHCode"].ToString())) { sql += " and a.WHCode like '%" + queryParam["WHCode"].ToString() + "%' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["Area"].ToString())) { sql += " and detail.LocationCode like '%" + queryParam["Area"].ToString() + "%' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["InvCode"].ToString())) { sql += " and a.InvCode like '%" + queryParam["InvCode"].ToString() + "%' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["Order"].ToString())) { sql += $@" and a.OrderNumber like '%{queryParam["Order"]}%' "; } //if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["Container"].ToString()) && queryParam["Container"].ToString() == "2") //{ // sql += $@" and (detail.LocationCode not in (SELECT F_Define2 FROM Sys_SRM_ItemsDetail // WHERE // F_Define3='HGAreaConfig' AND F_Define1=a.WHCode AND F_Define4=a.WorkPoint) OR detail.LocationCode is null OR detail.LocationCode='') "; //} if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["CreateDate"].ToString())) { sql += $@" and a.CreateDateTime >='{queryParam["CreateDate"].ToDate()}' and a.CreateDateTime <'{queryParam["CreateDate"].ToDate().AddDays(+1)}' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["NeedDate"].ToString())) { sql += $@" and a.NeedDate like '%{queryParam["NeedDate"]}%' "; } } sql += " ) c WHERE c.row=1 "; sql = string.Format(sql, Code, WorkPoint); //return Repository().FindTableBySql(sql.ToString()); return Repository().FindTablePageBySql(sql.ToString(), parameter.ToArray(), ref jqgridparam); } //售后领料 public DataTable GetGridJson12(string queryJson, ref Pagination jqgridparam) { string WorkPoint = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); var queryParam = queryJson.ToJObject(); List parameter = new List(); StringBuilder sqlString = new StringBuilder(); #region [SQL] // select a.ID,a.ApplyCode as Code,a.Sequence,a.MTIME,a.MUSERName,a.MUSER,a.WHCode,b.WarehouseName ,a.InvCode,d.InvName,d.InvDesc,d.InvStd,d.InvUnit, //case when e.SourceID is null then '未合并' else '已合并' end as IsNew,a.Quantity // from ICSMOApply a // left join ICSWarehouse b on a.WHCode = b.WarehouseCode and a.WorkPoint = b.WorkPoint // left join ICSInventory d on a.InvCode = d.InvCode and a.WorkPoint = d.WorkPoint // left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID = e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint = e.WorkPoint sqlString.Append($@" SELECT * from(select row_number() over(partition by a.ApplyCode ORDER BY a.ApplyCode) as row, a.ApplyCode as Code,CONVERT(varchar(100),a.CreateDateTime,23) as MTIME,a.createperson as MUSER,a.WHCode,detail.LocationCode AS Area, a.EATTRIBUTE,a.Sets,a.OrderInvCode,a.OrderInvDescribe,a.BillType,a.Remarks,a.Desks,a.DispatchNumber,a.DispatcherName, a.ReceiverNumber,a.ReceiverName,a.Urgency,a.NeedDate,a.NeedTime,a.RemarksTerm,a.TextNumber,a.Unit,a.StockIndicator, case when max(e.SourceID) is null then '未合并' else '已合并' end as IsNew,f.Colspan,a.CustomerName,a.Pagination, g.Status,ISNULL(p.PrintCount, 0) as PrintCount, case when max(k.TransCode) is null then '未占料' else '已占料' end as IsOccupy, f.ProjectCode ,f.BatchCode ,f.Version ,f.Brand ,f.cFree1 ,f.cFree2 ,f.cFree3 , f.cFree4 ,f.cFree5 ,f.cFree6 ,f.cFree7 ,f.cFree8 ,f.cFree9 ,f.cFree10, case when a.MUSER!= 'JOB' then a.MUSER else '' end AS PickName from ICSMOApply a left JOIN ICSInventory b ON b.InvCode=a.InvCode LEFT JOIN ICSPrintCount p ON a.APPlyCode=p.TransCode LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryDetail detail ON b.InvCode=detail.INVCode AND a.WHCode=detail.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=detail.WorkPoint left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID=e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=e.WorkPoint left join (SELECT ApplyCode, case when sum(Quantity) =sum(IssueQuantity) and MUSERName != 'JOB' then '已过账' else (case when sum(Quantity) =sum(IssueQuantity) and MUSERName = 'JOB'AND sum(IssueQuantity)>0 then '已配料' else '未配料' end) end as Status from ICSMOApply where WorkPoint='{WorkPoint}' and EATTRIBUTE='17' group by ApplyCode,MUSERName) g on a.ApplyCode = g.ApplyCode left join ICSExtension f on a.ExtensionID=f.ID and a.WorkPoint=f.WorkPoint left join (select distinct TransCode,TransType,WorkPoint from dbo.ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog ) k on a.ApplyCode=k.TransCode and a.WorkPoint=k.WorkPoint and k.TransType='15' where a.WorkPoint='{WorkPoint}' and a.EATTRIBUTE='17' "); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryJson)) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["POCode"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and a.ApplyCode like '%{queryParam["POCode"]}%' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["InvCode"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and a.InvCode like '%{queryParam["InvCode"]}%' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["WHCode"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and a.WHCode like '%{queryParam["WHCode"]}%' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["Area"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and detail.LocationCode like '%{queryParam["Area"]}%' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["Order"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and a.OrderNumber like '%{queryParam["Order"]}%' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["Container"].ToString()) && queryParam["Container"].ToString() == "2") { sqlString.Append($@" and (detail.LocationCode not in (SELECT F_Define2 FROM Sys_SRM_ItemsDetail WHERE F_Define3='HGAreaConfig' AND F_Define1=a.WHCode AND F_Define4=a.WorkPoint) OR detail.LocationCode is null OR detail.LocationCode='') "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["CreateDate"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and a.CreateDateTime >='{queryParam["CreateDate"].ToDate()}' and a.CreateDateTime <'{queryParam["CreateDate"].ToDate().AddDays(+1)}' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["NeedDate"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and a.NeedDate like '%{queryParam["NeedDate"]}%' "); } } sqlString.Append(@"group by a.ApplyCode, a.WorkPoint,a.CreateDateTime,a.createperson, f.Colspan,f.ProjectCode,f.BatchCode,f.Version,f.Brand,f.cFree1,f.cFree2, f.cFree3,f.cFree4,f.cFree5,f.cFree6,f.cFree7,f.cFree8,f.cFree9,f.cFree10,g.Status, a.WHCode,detail.LocationCode,a.EATTRIBUTE,a.Sets,a.OrderInvCode,a.OrderInvDescribe,a.BillType,a.Remarks,a.Desks,a.DispatchNumber,a.DispatcherName, a.ReceiverNumber,a.ReceiverName,a.Urgency,a.NeedDate,a.NeedTime,a.RemarksTerm,a.TextNumber,a.Unit,a.StockIndicator,a.MUSERName,a.MUSER,p.PrintCount,a.CustomerName,a.Pagination) as t where t.row=1"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["Status"].ToString())) { if (queryParam["Status"].ToString() == "3") { sqlString.Append($@" AND t.Status='已过账' "); } else if (queryParam["Status"].ToString() == "2") { sqlString.Append($@" AND t.Status='已配料' "); } else if (queryParam["Status"].ToString() == "1") { sqlString.Append($@" AND t.Status='未配料' "); } } #endregion return Repository().FindTablePageBySql(sqlString.ToString(), parameter.ToArray(), ref jqgridparam); } //售后领料(子表查询) public DataTable GetSubGridJson12(string queryJson, string Code) { string WorkPoint = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); var queryParam = queryJson.ToJObject(); List parameter = new List(); string sql = @"SELECT * FROM (select row_number() over(partition by a.ApplyCode,a.InvCode,a.Sequence ORDER BY a.ApplyCode) as row, a.ID,a.ApplyCode as Code,a.Sequence,a.MTIME,a.MUSERName,a.MUSER,a.WHCode,b.WarehouseName ,a.InvCode,a.OrderNumber, a.EATTRIBUTE,a.Sets,a.OrderInvCode,a.OrderInvDescribe,a.BillType,a.Remarks,a.Desks,a.DispatchNumber,a.DispatcherName, a.ReceiverNumber,a.ReceiverName,a.Urgency,a.NeedDate,a.NeedTime,a.RemarksTerm,a.TextNumber,a.InvDescribe,a.Unit,a.StockIndicator, d.InvName,d.InvDesc,d.InvStd,d.InvUnit,detail.LocationCode AS Area,a.SAPSequence, case when e.SourceID is null then '未合并' else '已合并' end as IsNew,a.Quantity ,f.Colspan ,f.ProjectCode ,f.BatchCode ,f.Version,f.Brand ,f.cFree1 ,f.cFree2 ,f.cFree3 ,f.cFree4 ,f.cFree5 ,f.cFree6 ,f.cFree7 ,f.cFree8 ,f.cFree9 ,f.cFree10,a.IssueQuantity as IssueQuantity from ICSMOApply a left join ICSWarehouse b on a.WHCode=b.WarehouseCode and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint left join ICSInventory d on a.InvCode=d.InvCode and a.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryDetail detail ON d.InvCode=detail.INVCode AND a.WHCode=detail.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=detail.WorkPoint left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID=e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=e.WorkPoint left join ICSExtension f on a.ExtensionID=f.ID and a.WorkPoint=f.WorkPoint where a.ApplyCode='{0}' and a.WorkPoint='{1}' and a.EATTRIBUTE='17'"; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryJson)) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["WHCode"].ToString())) { sql += " and a.WHCode like '%" + queryParam["WHCode"].ToString() + "%' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["Area"].ToString())) { sql += " and detail.LocationCode like '%" + queryParam["Area"].ToString() + "%' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["InvCode"].ToString())) { sql += " and a.InvCode like '%" + queryParam["InvCode"].ToString() + "%' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["Order"].ToString())) { sql += $@" and a.OrderNumber like '%{queryParam["Order"]}%' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["Container"].ToString()) && queryParam["Container"].ToString() == "2") { sql += $@" and (detail.LocationCode not in (SELECT F_Define2 FROM Sys_SRM_ItemsDetail WHERE F_Define3='HGAreaConfig' AND F_Define1=a.WHCode AND F_Define4=a.WorkPoint) OR detail.LocationCode is null OR detail.LocationCode='') "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["CreateDate"].ToString())) { sql += $@" and a.CreateDateTime like '%{queryParam["CreateDate"]}%' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["NeedDate"].ToString())) { sql += $@" and a.NeedDate like '%{queryParam["NeedDate"]}%' "; } } sql += " ) c WHERE c.row=1 "; sql = string.Format(sql, Code, WorkPoint); return Repository().FindTableBySql(sql.ToString()); } //工单材料出库(材料出库) public DataTable GetGridJson3(string queryJson, ref Pagination jqgridparam) { string WorkPoint = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); var queryParam = queryJson.ToJObject(); List parameter = new List(); StringBuilder sqlString = new StringBuilder(); #region [SQL] // sql = @"select a.ID,a.IssueCode as Code,a.Sequence,a.MTIME,a.MUSERName,a.MUSER,a.WHCode ,b.WarehouseName ,a.InvCode,d.InvName,d.InvDesc,d.InvStd,d.InvUnit, // case when e.SourceID is null then '未合并' else '已合并' end as IsNew,a.Quantity // from ICSMOIssue a //left join ICSWarehouse b on a.WHCode=b.WarehouseCode and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint //left join ICSInventory d on a.InvCode=d.InvCode and a.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint //left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID=e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=e.WorkPoint "; // sql += " WHERE 1=1 and e.ID is null"; sqlString.Append($@"SELECT * FROM(SELECT row_number ( ) OVER ( partition BY a.IssueCode ORDER BY a.IssueCode ) AS row, a.IssueCode as Code,a.CreateDateTime as MTIME,a.createperson as MUSER, case when max(e.SourceID) is null then '未合并' else '已合并' end as IsNew,f.Colspan,f.ProjectCode,f.BatchCode,f.Version,f.Brand,f.cFree1,f.cFree2, f.cFree3,f.cFree4,f.cFree5,f.cFree6,f.cFree7,f.cFree8,f.cFree9,f.cFree10 from ICSMOIssue a left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID = e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint = e.WorkPoint left join ICSExtension f on a.ExtensionID = f.ID and a.WorkPoint = f.WorkPoint where a.WorkPoint = '{WorkPoint}' "); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryJson)) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["POCode"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and a.IssueCode like '%{queryParam["POCode"]}%' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["InvCode"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and a.InvCode like '%{queryParam["InvCode"]}%' "); } } sqlString.Append(@"group by a.IssueCode,a.CreateDateTime,a.createperson,f.Colspan,f.ProjectCode,f.BatchCode, f.Version,f.Brand,f.cFree1,f.cFree2,f.cFree3,f.cFree4,f.cFree5,f.cFree6,f.cFree7, f.cFree8, f.cFree9, f.cFree10 ) AS t WHERE t.row= 1 "); #endregion return Repository().FindTablePageBySql(sqlString.ToString(), parameter.ToArray(), ref jqgridparam); } //工单材料出库(材料出库)子表查询 public DataTable GetSubGridJson3(string Code) { string WorkPoint = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); //var queryParam = queryJson.ToJObject(); List parameter = new List(); string sql = @"select a.ID,a.IssueCode as Code,a.Sequence,a.MTIME,a.MUSERName,a.MUSER,a.WHCode ,b.WarehouseName ,a.InvCode,d.InvName,d.InvDesc,d.InvStd,d.InvUnit, case when e.SourceID is null then '未合并' else '已合并' end as IsNew,a.Quantity ,f.Colspan ,f.ProjectCode ,f.BatchCode ,f.Version ,f.Brand ,f.cFree1 ,f.cFree2 ,f.cFree3 ,f.cFree4 ,f.cFree5 ,f.cFree6 ,f.cFree7 ,f.cFree8 ,f.cFree9 ,f.cFree10,a.IssueQuantity as IssueQuantity from ICSMOIssue a left join ICSWarehouse b on a.WHCode=b.WarehouseCode and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint left join ICSInventory d on a.InvCode=d.InvCode and a.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID=e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=e.WorkPoint left join ICSExtension f on a.ExtensionID=f.ID and a.WorkPoint=f.WorkPoint where a.IssueCode='{0}' and a.WorkPoint='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, Code, WorkPoint); return Repository().FindTableBySql(sql.ToString()); } //委外备料(委外备料) public DataTable GetGridJson4(string queryJson, ref Pagination jqgridparam) { string WorkPoint = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); var queryParam = queryJson.ToJObject(); List parameter = new List(); StringBuilder sqlString = new StringBuilder(); #region [SQL] sqlString.Append($@"select * from (select row_number() over(partition by b.OOCode order by b.OOCode) row, b.OOCode as Code, b.CreateDateTime as MTIME, b.CreatePerson as MUSER, case when max(e.SourceID) is null then '未合并' else '已合并' end as IsNew, f.Colspan,f.ProjectCode,f.BatchCode,f.Version,f.Brand,f.cFree1,f.cFree2, f.cFree3,f.cFree4,f.cFree5,f.cFree6,f.cFree7,f.cFree8,f.cFree9,f.cFree10 from ICSOOPick a inner join ICSOutsourcingOrder b on a.OODetailID = b.OODetailID and a.WorkPoint = b.WorkPoint left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID = e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint = e.WorkPoint left join ICSExtension f on a.ExtensionID = f.ID and a.WorkPoint = f.WorkPoint WHERE b.WorkPoint = '{WorkPoint}' "); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryJson)) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["POCode"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and a.OOCode like '%{queryParam["POCode"]}%' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["InvCode"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and a.InvCode like '%{queryParam["InvCode"]}%' "); } } sqlString.Append(@" group by b.OOCode,b.CreateDateTime,b.CreatePerson,f.Colspan ,f.ProjectCode , f.BatchCode ,f.Version ,f.Brand ,f.cFree1 ,f.cFree2 ,f.cFree3 ,f.cFree4, f.cFree5 ,f.cFree6 ,f.cFree7 ,f.cFree8 ,f.cFree9 ,f.cFree10) t where t.row=1"); #endregion return Repository().FindTablePageBySql(sqlString.ToString(), parameter.ToArray(), ref jqgridparam); } //委外备料(委外备料)子表查询 public DataTable GetSubGridJson4(string Code) { string WorkPoint = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); //var queryParam = queryJson.ToJObject(); List parameter = new List(); string sql = @"select a.ID,b.OOCode as Code,a.Sequence,a.MTIME,a.MUSERName,a.MUSER,a.WHCode,c.WarehouseName ,a.InvCode,d.InvName,d.InvDesc,d.InvStd,d.InvUnit, case when e.SourceID is null then '未合并' else '已合并' end as IsNew,a.Quantity ,f.Colspan ,f.ProjectCode ,f.BatchCode ,f.Version ,f.Brand ,f.cFree1 ,f.cFree2 ,f.cFree3 ,f.cFree4 ,f.cFree5 ,f.cFree6 ,f.cFree7 ,f.cFree8 ,f.cFree9 ,f.cFree10,a.IssueQuantity as IssueQuantity from ICSOOPick a left join ICSOutsourcingOrder b on a.OODetailID=b.OODetailID and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint left join ICSWarehouse c on a.WHCode=c.WarehouseCode and a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint left join ICSInventory d on a.InvCode=d.InvCode and a.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID=e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=e.WorkPoint left join ICSExtension f on a.ExtensionID=f.ID and a.WorkPoint=f.WorkPoint where b.OOCode='{0}' and b.WorkPoint='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, Code, WorkPoint); return Repository().FindTableBySql(sql.ToString()); } //委外领料(委外发料申请) public DataTable GetGridJson5(string queryJson, ref Pagination jqgridparam) { string WorkPoint = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); var queryParam = queryJson.ToJObject(); List parameter = new List(); StringBuilder sqlString = new StringBuilder(); #region [SQL] // sql = @"select a.ID,a.ApplyCode as Code,a.Sequence,a.MTIME,a.MUSERName,a.MUSER,a.WHCode,b.WarehouseName,a.InvCode,d.InvName,d.InvDesc,d.InvStd,d.InvUnit, //case when e.SourceID is null then '未合并' else '已合并' end as IsNew,a.Quantity // from ICSOApply a //left join ICSWarehouse b on a.WHCode=b.WarehouseCode and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint //left join ICSInventory d on a.InvCode=d.InvCode and a.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint //left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID=e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=e.WorkPoint"; // sql += " WHERE 1=1 and e.ID is null"; sqlString.Append($@"select * from (select row_number() over (partition by a.ApplyCode order by a.ApplyCode ) row, a.ApplyCode as Code,CONVERT(varchar(100),a.CreateDateTime,23) as MTIME,a.CreatePerson as MUSER, case when max(e.SourceID) is null then '未合并' else '已合并' end as IsNew, case when max(k.TransCode) is null then '未占料' else '已占料' end as IsOccupy, g.Status as Status1,ISNULL(p.PrintCount, 0) as PrintCount, f.Colspan,f.ProjectCode,f.BatchCode,f.Version,f.Brand,f.cFree1, f.cFree2,f.cFree3,f.cFree4,f.cFree5,f.cFree6,f.cFree7,f.cFree8,f.cFree9,f.cFree10,a.ID from ICSOApply a left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID = e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint = e.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSPrintCount p ON a.APPlyCode=p.TransCode left join ICSExtension f on a.ExtensionID = f.ID and a.WorkPoint = f.WorkPoint left join (SELECT ApplyCode, case when sum(Quantity) =sum(IssueQuantity) AND sum(IssueQuantity)>0 then '已过账' else '未过账' end as Status from ICSOApply where WorkPoint='{WorkPoint}' group by ApplyCode) g on a.ApplyCode = g.ApplyCode left join ICSInventory d on a.InvCode=d.InvCode and a.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryDetail detail ON d.InvCode=detail.INVCode AND a.WHCode=detail.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=detail.WorkPoint left join (select distinct TransCode,TransType,WorkPoint from dbo.ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog ) k on a.ApplyCode=k.TransCode and a.WorkPoint=k.WorkPoint and k.TransType='15' where a.WorkPoint = '{WorkPoint}'"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryJson)) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["POCode"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and a.ApplyCode like '%{queryParam["POCode"]}%' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["InvCode"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and a.InvCode like '%{queryParam["InvCode"]}%' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["WHCode"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and a.WHCode like '%{queryParam["WHCode"]}%' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["Area"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and detail.LocationCode like '%{queryParam["Area"]}%' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["Container"].ToString()) && queryParam["Container"].ToString() == "2") { sqlString.Append($@" and (detail.LocationCode not in (SELECT F_Define2 FROM Sys_SRM_ItemsDetail WHERE F_Define3='HGAreaConfig' AND F_Define1=a.WHCode AND F_Define4=a.WorkPoint) OR detail.LocationCode is null OR detail.LocationCode='') "); } } sqlString.Append(@"group by a.ApplyCode,a.CreateDateTime,a.CreatePerson,f.Colspan,f.ProjectCode, f.BatchCode,f.Version,f.Brand,f.cFree1,f.cFree2,f.cFree3,f.cFree4,f.cFree5, f.cFree6,f.cFree7,f.cFree8,f.cFree9,f.cFree10,a.ID,g.Status,p.PrintCount ) t where row=1"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["Status1"].ToString())) { if (queryParam["Status1"].ToString() == "1") { sqlString.Append($@" AND t.Status1='已过账' "); } else { sqlString.Append($@" AND t.Status1='未过账' "); } } #endregion return Repository().FindTablePageBySql(sqlString.ToString(), parameter.ToArray(), ref jqgridparam); } //委外领料(委外发料申请)子表查询 public DataTable GetSubGridJson5(string Code, string queryJson, ref Pagination jqgridparam) { string WorkPoint = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); var queryParam = queryJson.ToJObject(); List parameter = new List(); string sql = @"SELECT * FROM (select row_number() over(partition by a.ApplyCode,a.InvCode,a.Sequence ORDER BY a.ApplyCode) as row, a.ID,a.ApplyCode as Code,a.Sequence,a.MTIME,a.MUSERName,a.MUSER,a.WHCode, a.SourceCode,a.SourceSequence,a.VenCode,a.VenName, b.WarehouseName,a.InvCode,d.InvName,d.InvDesc,d.InvStd,d.InvUnit,a.SAPSequence, case when e.SourceID is null then '未合并' else '已合并' end as IsNew,a.Quantity,detail.LocationCode AS Area, f.Colspan ,f.ProjectCode ,f.BatchCode ,f.Version ,f.Brand ,f.cFree1 ,f.cFree2 ,f.cFree3 ,f.cFree4 ,f.cFree5 ,f.cFree6 ,f.cFree7 ,f.cFree8 ,f.cFree9 ,f.cFree10,a.IssueQuantity as IssueQuantity from ICSOApply a left join ICSWarehouse b on a.WHCode=b.WarehouseCode and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint left join ICSInventory d on a.InvCode=d.InvCode and a.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryDetail detail ON d.InvCode=detail.INVCode AND a.WHCode=detail.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=detail.WorkPoint left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID=e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=e.WorkPoint left join ICSExtension f on a.ExtensionID=f.ID and a.WorkPoint=f.WorkPoint where a.ApplyCode='{0}' and a.WorkPoint='{1}'"; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryJson)) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["WHCode"].ToString())) { sql += " and a.WHCode like '%" + queryParam["WHCode"].ToString() + "%' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["Area"].ToString())) { sql += " and detail.LocationCode like '%" + queryParam["Area"].ToString() + "%' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["InvCode"].ToString())) { sql += " and a.InvCode like '%" + queryParam["InvCode"].ToString() + "%' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["Container"].ToString()) && queryParam["Container"].ToString() == "2") { sql += $@" and (detail.LocationCode not in (SELECT F_Define2 FROM Sys_SRM_ItemsDetail WHERE F_Define3='HGAreaConfig' AND F_Define1=a.WHCode AND F_Define4=a.WorkPoint) OR detail.LocationCode is null OR detail.LocationCode='') "; } } sql += " ) c WHERE c.row=1 "; sql = string.Format(sql, Code, WorkPoint); //return Repository().FindTableBySql(sql.ToString()); return Repository().FindTablePageBySql(sql.ToString(), parameter.ToArray(), ref jqgridparam); } //委外材料出库(委外发料申请) public DataTable GetGridJson6(string queryJson, ref Pagination jqgridparam) { string WorkPoint = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); var queryParam = queryJson.ToJObject(); List parameter = new List(); StringBuilder sqlString = new StringBuilder(); #region [SQL] // sql = @"select a.ID,a.IssueCode as Code,a.Sequence,a.MTIME,a.MUSERName,a.MUSER,a.WHCode,b.WarehouseCode,a.InvCode,d.InvName,d.InvDesc,d.InvStd,d.InvUnit, //case when e.SourceID is null then '未合并' else '已合并' end as IsNew,a.Quantity // from ICSOIssue a //left join ICSWarehouse b on a.WHCode=b.WarehouseCode and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint //left join ICSInventory d on a.InvCode=d.InvCode and a.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint //left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID=e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=e.WorkPoint"; // sql += " WHERE 1=1 and e.ID is null"; sqlString.Append($@"select * from(select row_number() over(partition by a.IssueCode order by a.IssueCode) row, a.IssueCode as Code, a.CreateDateTime as MTIME, a.CreatePerson as MUSER, case when max(e.SourceID) is null then '未合并' else '已合并' end as IsNew,f.Colspan,f.ProjectCode,f.BatchCode,f.Version,f.Brand, f.cFree1,f.cFree2,f.cFree3,f.cFree4,f.cFree5,f.cFree6,f.cFree7, f.cFree8,f.cFree9,f.cFree10 from ICSOIssue a left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID = e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint = e.WorkPoint left join ICSExtension f on a.ExtensionID = f.ID and a.WorkPoint = f.WorkPoint where a.WorkPoint = '{WorkPoint}'"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryJson)) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["POCode"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and a.IssueCode like '%{queryParam["POCode"]}%' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["InvCode"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and a.InvCode like '%{queryParam["InvCode"]}%' "); } } sqlString.Append(@"group by a.IssueCode,a.CreateDateTime,a.CreatePerson,f.Colspan,f.ProjectCode, f.BatchCode,f.Version,f.Brand,f.cFree1,f.cFree2,f.cFree3,f.cFree4,f.cFree5, f.cFree6,f.cFree7,f.cFree8,f.cFree9,f.cFree10) t where t.row=1"); #endregion return Repository().FindTablePageBySql(sqlString.ToString(), parameter.ToArray(), ref jqgridparam); } //委外材料出库(委外发料申请)子表查询 public DataTable GetSubGridJson6(string Code) { string WorkPoint = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); //var queryParam = queryJson.ToJObject(); List parameter = new List(); string sql = @"select a.ID,a.IssueCode as Code,a.Sequence,a.MTIME,a.MUSERName,a.MUSER,a.WHCode,b.WarehouseCode,a.InvCode,d.InvName,d.InvDesc,d.InvStd,d.InvUnit, case when e.SourceID is null then '未合并' else '已合并' end as IsNew,a.Quantity ,f.Colspan ,f.ProjectCode ,f.BatchCode ,f.Version ,f.Brand ,f.cFree1 ,f.cFree2 ,f.cFree3 ,f.cFree4 ,f.cFree5 ,f.cFree6 ,f.cFree7 ,f.cFree8 ,f.cFree9 ,f.cFree10,a.IssueQuantity as IssueQuantity from ICSOIssue a left join ICSWarehouse b on a.WHCode=b.WarehouseCode and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint left join ICSInventory d on a.InvCode=d.InvCode and a.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID=e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=e.WorkPoint left join ICSExtension f on a.ExtensionID=f.ID and a.WorkPoint=f.WorkPoint where a.IssueCode='{0}' and a.WorkPoint='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, Code, WorkPoint); return Repository().FindTableBySql(sql.ToString()); } //销售发货(销售发货) public DataTable GetGridJson7(string queryJson, ref Pagination jqgridparam) { string WorkPoint = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); var queryParam = queryJson.ToJObject(); List parameter = new List(); StringBuilder sqlString = new StringBuilder(); #region [SQL] // sql = @"select a.ID,a.SDNCode as Code,a.Sequence,a.MTIME,a.MUSERName,a.MUSER,a.WHCode,b.WarehouseName,a.InvCode,d.InvName,d.InvDesc,d.InvStd,d.InvUnit, //case when e.SourceID is null then '未合并' else '已合并' end as IsNew,a.Quantity // from ICSSDN a //left join ICSWarehouse b on a.WHCode=b.WarehouseCode and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint //left join ICSInventory d on a.InvCode=d.InvCode and a.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint //left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID=e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=e.WorkPoint"; // sql += " WHERE 1=1 and a.Type='1' and e.ID is null"; sqlString.Append($@"SELECT * from (SELECT Row_Number() over(partition by a.SDNCode Order by a.SDNCode) as r, a.SDNCode AS Code, CONVERT(varchar(100),a.CreateDateTime,23) AS MTIME, a.CreatePerson AS MUSER, a.CusCode,a.CusName,ISNULL(p.PrintCount, 0) as PrintCount, (CASE WHEN max(e.SourceID) IS NULL THEN '未合并' ELSE '已合并' END) AS IsNew, case when max(k.TransCode) is null then '未占料' else '已占料' end as IsOccupy,g.Status as Status1, f.Colspan, f.ProjectCode, f.BatchCode, f.Version, f.Brand, f.cFree1, f.cFree2, f.cFree3, f.cFree4, f.cFree5, f.cFree6, f.cFree7, f.cFree8, f.cFree9, f.cFree10,a.ID FROM ICSSDN a LEFT JOIN ICSPrintCount p ON a.SDNCode=p.TransCode left join (SELECT SDNCode,case when sum(Quantity) =sum(SDNQuantity) AND sum(SDNQuantity)>0 then '已过账' else '未过账' end as Status from ICSSDN where WorkPoint='{WorkPoint}' group by SDNCode) g on a.SDNCode = g.SDNCode LEFT JOIN ICSMOPickMerge e ON a.ID = e.SourceID AND a.WorkPoint = e.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSExtension f ON a.ExtensionID = f.ID AND a.WorkPoint = f.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventory d on a.InvCode=d.InvCode and a.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryDetail detail ON d.InvCode=detail.INVCode AND a.WHCode=detail.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=detail.WorkPoint left join (select distinct TransCode,TransType,WorkPoint from dbo.ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog ) k on a.SDNCode=k.TransCode and a.WorkPoint=k.WorkPoint and k.TransType='15' WHERE a.WorkPoint = '{WorkPoint}' "); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryJson)) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["POCode"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($" and a.SDNCode like '%{queryParam["POCode"]}%' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["InvCode"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($" and a.InvCode like '%{queryParam["InvCode"]}%' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["WHCode"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and a.WHCode like '%{queryParam["WHCode"]}%' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["Area"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and detail.LocationCode like '%{queryParam["Area"]}%' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["CusCode"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and a.CusCode like '%{queryParam["CusCode"]}%' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["CusName"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and a.CusName like '%{queryParam["CusName"]}%' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["Container"].ToString()) && queryParam["Container"].ToString() == "2") { sqlString.Append($@" and (detail.LocationCode not in (SELECT F_Define2 FROM Sys_SRM_ItemsDetail WHERE F_Define3='HGAreaConfig' AND F_Define1=a.WHCode AND F_Define4=a.WorkPoint) OR detail.LocationCode is null OR detail.LocationCode='') "); } } sqlString.Append(@"GROUP BY a.SDNCode, a.CreateDateTime, a.CreatePerson, f.Colspan, f.ProjectCode, f.BatchCode, f.Version, f.Brand, f.cFree1, f.cFree2, f.cFree3, f.cFree4, f.cFree5, f.cFree6, f.cFree7, f.cFree8, f.cFree9, f.cFree10,a.ID,a.CusCode,a.CusName,p.PrintCount,g.Status) t WHERE t.r=1"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["Status1"].ToString())) { if (queryParam["Status1"].ToString() == "1") { sqlString.Append($@" AND t.Status1='已过账' "); } else { sqlString.Append($@" AND t.Status1='未过账' "); } } #endregion return Repository().FindTablePageBySql(sqlString.ToString(), parameter.ToArray(), ref jqgridparam); } //销售发货(销售发货)子表查询 public DataTable GetSubGridJson7(string Code, string queryJson, ref Pagination jqgridparam) { string WorkPoint = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); var queryParam = queryJson.ToJObject(); List parameter = new List(); string sql = @"SELECT * FROM (select row_number() over(partition by a.SDNCode,a.InvCode,a.Sequence ORDER BY a.SDNCode) as row, a.ID,a.SDNCode as Code,a.Sequence,a.MTIME,a.MUSERName,a.MUSER,a.WHCode,b.WarehouseName,a.InvCode ,a.WorkPoint,a.Points,a.DeliveryType,a.DeliveryDescribe,a.InvDescribe,a.OtherDescribe,a.CusCode,a.CusName, a.SalesUnit,a.StockIndicator,a.IsSerialNumber,a.SAPSequence, d.InvName,d.InvDesc,d.InvStd,d.InvUnit, case when e.SourceID is null then '未合并' else '已合并' end as IsNew,a.Quantity,detail.LocationCode AS Area ,f.Colspan ,f.ProjectCode ,f.BatchCode ,f.Version ,f.Brand ,f.cFree1 ,f.cFree2 ,f.cFree3 ,f.cFree4 ,f.cFree5 ,f.cFree6 ,f.cFree7 ,f.cFree8 ,f.cFree9 ,f.cFree10,a.SDNQuantity as IssueQuantity from ICSSDN a left join ICSWarehouse b on a.WHCode=b.WarehouseCode and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint left join ICSInventory d on a.InvCode=d.InvCode and a.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryDetail detail ON d.InvCode=detail.INVCode AND a.WHCode=detail.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=detail.WorkPoint left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID=e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=e.WorkPoint left join ICSExtension f on a.ExtensionID=f.ID and a.WorkPoint=f.WorkPoint where a.SDNCode='{0}' and a.WorkPoint='{1}'"; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryJson)) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["WHCode"].ToString())) { sql += " and a.WHCode like '%" + queryParam["WHCode"].ToString() + "%' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["Area"].ToString())) { sql += " and detail.LocationCode like '%" + queryParam["Area"].ToString() + "%' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["InvCode"].ToString())) { sql += " and a.InvCode like '%" + queryParam["InvCode"].ToString() + "%' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["CusCode"].ToString())) { sql += $@" and a.CusCode like '%{queryParam["CusCode"]}%' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["CusName"].ToString())) { sql += $@" and a.CusName like '%{queryParam["CusName"]}%' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["Container"].ToString()) && queryParam["Container"].ToString() == "2") { sql += $@" and (detail.LocationCode not in (SELECT F_Define2 FROM Sys_SRM_ItemsDetail WHERE F_Define3='HGAreaConfig' AND F_Define1=a.WHCode AND F_Define4=a.WorkPoint) OR detail.LocationCode is null OR detail.LocationCode='') "; } } sql += " ) c WHERE c.row=1 "; sql = string.Format(sql, Code, WorkPoint); //return Repository().FindTableBySql(sql.ToString()); return Repository().FindTablePageBySql(sql.ToString(), parameter.ToArray(), ref jqgridparam); } //其它出库(其它出库) public DataTable GetGridJson8(string queryJson, ref Pagination jqgridparam) { string WorkPoint = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); var queryParam = queryJson.ToJObject(); List parameter = new List(); StringBuilder sqlString = new StringBuilder(); #region [SQL] // sql = @"select a.ID,a.OutCode as Code,a.Sequence,a.MTIME,a.MUSERName,a.MUSER,a.WHCode,b.WarehouseName,a.InvCode,d.InvName,d.InvDesc,d.InvStd,d.InvUnit, //case when e.SourceID is null then '未合并' else '已合并' end as IsNew,a.Quantity //from ICSOtherOut a //left join ICSWarehouse b on a.WHCode=b.WarehouseCode and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint //left join ICSInventory d on a.InvCode=d.InvCode and a.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint //left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID=e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=e.WorkPoint"; // sql += " WHERE 1=1 and e.ID is null "; sqlString.Append($@"select * from(select row_number() over(partition by a.OutCode order by a.OutCode) row, a.OutCode as Code, CONVERT(varchar(100),a.CreateDateTime,23) as MTIME, a.CreatePerson as MUSER, case when max(e.SourceID) is null then '未合并' else '已合并' end as IsNew, case when max(k.TransCode) is null then '未占料' else '已占料' end as IsOccupy, g.Status as Status1,ISNULL(p.PrintCount, 0) as PrintCount, f.Colspan,f.ProjectCode,f.BatchCode,f.Version,f.Brand,f.cFree1, f.cFree2,f.cFree3,f.cFree4,f.cFree5,f.cFree6,f.cFree7,f.cFree8,f.cFree9,f.cFree10,a.ID from ICSOtherOut a LEFT JOIN ICSPrintCount p ON a.OutCode=p.TransCode left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID = e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint = e.WorkPoint left join (SELECT OutCode,case when sum(Quantity) =sum(OutQuantity) AND sum(OutQuantity)>0 then '已过账' else '未过账' end as Status from ICSOtherOut where WorkPoint='{WorkPoint}' group by OutCode) g on a.OutCode = g.OutCode left join ICSExtension f on a.ExtensionID = f.ID and a.WorkPoint = f.WorkPoint left join ICSInventory d on a.InvCode=d.InvCode and a.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryDetail detail ON d.InvCode=detail.INVCode AND a.WHCode=detail.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=detail.WorkPoint left join (select distinct TransCode,TransType,WorkPoint from dbo.ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog ) k on a.OutCode=k.TransCode and a.WorkPoint=k.WorkPoint and k.TransType='15' where a.WorkPoint = '{WorkPoint}'"); #endregion if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryJson)) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["POCode"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and a.OutCode like '%{queryParam["POCode"]}%' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["InvCode"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and a.InvCode like '%{queryParam["InvCode"]}%' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["WHCode"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and a.WHCode like '%{queryParam["WHCode"]}%' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["Area"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and detail.LocationCode like '%{queryParam["Area"]}%' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["Container"].ToString()) && queryParam["Container"].ToString() == "2") { sqlString.Append($@" and (detail.LocationCode not in (SELECT F_Define2 FROM Sys_SRM_ItemsDetail WHERE F_Define3='HGAreaConfig' AND F_Define1=a.WHCode AND F_Define4=a.WorkPoint) OR detail.LocationCode is null OR detail.LocationCode='') "); } } sqlString.Append(@" group by a.OutCode,a.CreateDateTime,a.CreatePerson,f.Colspan,f.ProjectCode,f.BatchCode, f.Version,f.Brand,f.cFree1,f.cFree2,f.cFree3,f.cFree4,f.cFree5,f.cFree6, f.cFree7,f.cFree8,f.cFree9,f.cFree10,a.ID,g.Status,p.PrintCount) t where t.row=1"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["Status1"].ToString())) { if (queryParam["Status1"].ToString() == "1") { sqlString.Append($@" AND t.Status1='已过账' "); } else { sqlString.Append($@" AND t.Status1='未过账' "); } } return Repository().FindTablePageBySql(sqlString.ToString(), parameter.ToArray(), ref jqgridparam); } //其它出库(其它出库)子表查询 public DataTable GetSubGridJson8(string Code, string queryJson, ref Pagination jqgridparam) { string WorkPoint = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); var queryParam = queryJson.ToJObject(); List parameter = new List(); string sql = @"SELECT * FROM (select row_number() over(partition by a.OutCode,a.InvCode,a.Sequence ORDER BY a.OutCode) as row, a.ID,a.OutCode as Code,a.Sequence,a.MTIME,a.MUSERName,a.MUSER,a.WHCode,b.WarehouseName,a.Quantity, a.InvCode,a.WorkPoint,a.OrderType, a.TypeDescribe,a.CostCenter,a.Remarks,a.PersonNumber,a.InvDescribe, a.Unit,a.StockIndicator,a.SAPSequence, d.InvName,d.InvDesc,d.InvStd,d.InvUnit, case when e.SourceID is null then '未合并' else '已合并' end as IsNew,detail.LocationCode AS Area ,f.Colspan ,f.ProjectCode ,f.BatchCode ,f.Version ,f.Brand ,f.cFree1 ,f.cFree2 ,f.cFree3 ,f.cFree4 ,f.cFree5 ,f.cFree6 ,f.cFree7 ,f.cFree8 ,f.cFree9 ,f.cFree10,a.OutQuantity as IssueQuantity from ICSOtherOut a left join ICSWarehouse b on a.WHCode=b.WarehouseCode and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint left join ICSInventory d on a.InvCode=d.InvCode and a.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryDetail detail ON d.InvCode=detail.INVCode AND a.WHCode=detail.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=detail.WorkPoint left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID=e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=e.WorkPoint left join ICSExtension f on a.ExtensionID=f.ID and a.WorkPoint=f.WorkPoint where a.OutCode='{0}' and a.WorkPoint='{1}'"; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryJson)) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["WHCode"].ToString())) { sql += " and a.WHCode like '%" + queryParam["WHCode"].ToString() + "%' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["Area"].ToString())) { sql += " and detail.LocationCode like '%" + queryParam["Area"].ToString() + "%' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["InvCode"].ToString())) { sql += " and a.InvCode like '%" + queryParam["InvCode"].ToString() + "%' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["Container"].ToString()) && queryParam["Container"].ToString() == "2") { sql += $@" and (detail.LocationCode not in (SELECT F_Define2 FROM Sys_SRM_ItemsDetail WHERE F_Define3='HGAreaConfig' AND F_Define1=a.WHCode AND F_Define4=a.WorkPoint) OR detail.LocationCode is null OR detail.LocationCode='') "; } } sql += " ) c WHERE c.row=1 "; sql = string.Format(sql, Code, WorkPoint); return Repository().FindTableBySql(sql.ToString()); } //借用(借用) public DataTable GetGridJson9(string queryJson, ref Pagination jqgridparam) { string WorkPoint = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); var queryParam = queryJson.ToJObject(); List parameter = new List(); StringBuilder sqlString = new StringBuilder(); #region [SQL] // sql = @" //select a.ID,a.BrrowCode as Code,a.Sequence,a.MTIME,a.MUSERName,a.MUSER,a.WHCode,b.WarehouseName,a.InvCode,d.InvName,d.InvDesc,d.InvStd,d.InvUnit, // case when e.SourceID is null then '未合并' else '已合并' end as IsNew,a.Quantity // from ICSBrrow a // left join ICSWarehouse b on a.WHCode=b.WarehouseCode and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint // left join ICSInventory d on a.InvCode=d.InvCode and a.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint // left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID=e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=e.WorkPoint"; // sql += " WHERE 1=1 and e.ID is null "; sqlString.Append($@"select * from(select row_number() over(partition by a.BrrowCode order by a.BrrowCode) row, a.BrrowCode as Code, a.CreateDateTime as MTIME, a.CreatePerson as MUSER, case when max(e.SourceID) is null then '未合并' else '已合并' end as IsNew,f.Colspan,f.ProjectCode,f.BatchCode,f.Version,f.Brand, f.cFree1,f.cFree2,f.cFree3,f.cFree4,f.cFree5,f.cFree6,f.cFree7, f.cFree8,f.cFree9,f.cFree10 from ICSBrrow a left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID = e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint = e.WorkPoint left join ICSExtension f on a.ExtensionID = f.ID and a.WorkPoint = f.WorkPoint where a.WorkPoint = '{WorkPoint}'"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryJson)) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["POCode"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and a.BrrowCode like '%{queryParam["POCode"]}%' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["InvCode"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and a.InvCode like '%{queryParam["InvCode"]}%' "); } } sqlString.Append(@"group by a.BrrowCode,a.CreateDateTime,a.CreatePerson,f.Colspan,f.ProjectCode, f.BatchCode,f.Version,f.Brand,f.cFree1,f.cFree2,f.cFree3,f.cFree4, f.cFree5,f.cFree6,f.cFree7,f.cFree8,f.cFree9, f.cFree10) t where t.row=1"); #endregion return Repository().FindTablePageBySql(sqlString.ToString(), parameter.ToArray(), ref jqgridparam); } //借用(借用)子表查询 public DataTable GetSubGridJson9(string Code) { string WorkPoint = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); //var queryParam = queryJson.ToJObject(); List parameter = new List(); string sql = @"select a.ID,a.BrrowCode as Code,a.Sequence,a.MTIME,a.MUSERName,a.MUSER,a.WHCode,b.WarehouseName,a.InvCode,d.InvName,d.InvDesc,d.InvStd,d.InvUnit, case when e.SourceID is null then '未合并' else '已合并' end as IsNew,a.Quantity ,f.Colspan ,f.ProjectCode ,f.BatchCode ,f.Version ,f.Brand ,f.cFree1 ,f.cFree2 ,f.cFree3 ,f.cFree4 ,f.cFree5 ,f.cFree6 ,f.cFree7 ,f.cFree8 ,f.cFree9 ,f.cFree10,a.BrrowQuantity as IssueQuantity from ICSBrrow a left join ICSWarehouse b on a.WHCode=b.WarehouseCode and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint left join ICSInventory d on a.InvCode=d.InvCode and a.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID=e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=e.WorkPoint left join ICSExtension f on a.ExtensionID=f.ID and a.WorkPoint=f.WorkPoint where a.BrrowCode='{0}' and a.WorkPoint='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, Code, WorkPoint); return Repository().FindTableBySql(sql.ToString()); } //物料调拨 public DataTable GetGridJson10(string queryJson, ref Pagination jqgridparam) { string WorkPoint = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); var queryParam = queryJson.ToJObject(); List parameter = new List(); StringBuilder sqlString = new StringBuilder(); #region [SQL] // sql = @" //select a.ID,a.BrrowCode as Code,a.Sequence,a.MTIME,a.MUSERName,a.MUSER,a.WHCode,b.WarehouseName,a.InvCode,d.InvName,d.InvDesc,d.InvStd,d.InvUnit, // case when e.SourceID is null then '未合并' else '已合并' end as IsNew,a.Quantity // from ICSBrrow a // left join ICSWarehouse b on a.WHCode=b.WarehouseCode and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint // left join ICSInventory d on a.InvCode=d.InvCode and a.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint // left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID=e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=e.WorkPoint"; // sql += " WHERE 1=1 and e.ID is null "; sqlString.Append($@"select * from (select row_number() over(partition by a.TransferNO order by a.TransferNO) row, a.TransferNO as Code,a.ID,CONVERT(varchar(100),a.CreateDateTime,23) as MTIME,a.CreatePerson as MUSER, g.Status as Status1,ISNULL(p.PrintCount, 0) as PrintCount, f.Colspan,f.ProjectCode,f.BatchCode,f.Version,f.Brand,f.cFree1, case when max(k.TransCode) is null then '未占料' else '已占料' end as IsOccupy, f.cFree2,f.cFree3,f.cFree4,f.cFree5,f.cFree6,f.cFree7,f.cFree8,f.cFree9,f.cFree10 from ICSTransfer a LEFT JOIN ICSPrintCount p ON a.TransferNO=p.TransCode left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID = e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint = e.WorkPoint left join ICSExtension f on a.ExtensionID = f.ID and a.WorkPoint = f.WorkPoint left join (SELECT TransferNO,case when sum(Quantity) =sum(TransferQuantity) AND sum(TransferQuantity)>0 then '已过账' else '未过账' end as Status from ICSTransfer where WorkPoint='{WorkPoint}' group by TransferNO) g on a.TransferNO = g.TransferNO left join ICSInventory d on a.InvCode=d.InvCode and a.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryDetail detail ON d.InvCode=detail.INVCode AND a.FromWarehouseCode=detail.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=detail.WorkPoint left join (select distinct TransCode,TransType,WorkPoint from dbo.ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog ) k on a.TransferNO=k.TransCode and a.WorkPoint=k.WorkPoint and k.TransType='15' where a.WorkPoint = '{WorkPoint}' and a.Status = '2'"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryJson)) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["POCode"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and a.TransferNO like '%{queryParam["POCode"]}%' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["InvCode"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and a.InvCode like '%{queryParam["InvCode"]}%' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["WHCode"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and a.ToWarehouseCode like '%{queryParam["WHCode"]}%' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["Area"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and detail.LocationCode like '%{queryParam["Area"]}%' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["Container"].ToString()) && queryParam["Container"].ToString() == "2") { sqlString.Append($@" and (detail.LocationCode not in (SELECT F_Define2 FROM Sys_SRM_ItemsDetail WHERE F_Define3='HGAreaConfig' AND F_Define1=a.FromWarehouseCode AND F_Define4=a.WorkPoint) OR detail.LocationCode is null OR detail.LocationCode='') "); } } sqlString.Append(@"group by a.TransferNO,a.CreateDateTime,a.CreatePerson,f.Colspan,f.ProjectCode, f.BatchCode,f.Version,f.Brand,f.cFree1,f.cFree2,f.cFree3,f.cFree4, f.cFree5,f.cFree6,f.cFree7,f.cFree8,f.cFree9,f.cFree10,a.ID,a.TransferQuantity,g.Status,p.PrintCount) t where t.row=1"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["Status"].ToString())) { if (queryParam["Status1"].ToString() == "1") { sqlString.Append($@" AND t.Status1='已过账' "); } else { sqlString.Append($@" AND t.Status1='未过账' "); } } #endregion return Repository().FindTablePageBySql(sqlString.ToString(), parameter.ToArray(), ref jqgridparam); } //物料调拨子表查询 public DataTable GetSubGridJson10(string Code, string queryJson, ref Pagination jqgridparam) { string WorkPoint = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); var queryParam = queryJson.ToJObject(); List parameter = new List(); string sql = @"SELECT * from (select row_number() over(partition by a.TransferNO,a.InvCode, a.Sequence ORDER BY a.TransferNO) as row, a.ID,a.TransferNO as Code,a.Sequence,a.MTIME,a.MUSERName,a.MUSER,a.FromWarehouseCode as WHCode,b.WarehouseName,detail.LocationCode AS Area, a.InvCode,a.ToWarehouseCode,a.EATTRIBUTE1 AS ReceiveWork,a.WorkPoint,a.OrderType, a.TypeDescribe,a.Remarks,a.PersonNumber,a.InvDescribe, a.Unit,a.StockIndicator,a.ReceiveInvCode,a.ReceiveInvDescribe, a.ReceiveStock,a.ReceiveSales,a.ReceiveSequence,a.Remark2, d.InvName,d.InvDesc,d.InvStd,d.InvUnit,a.SAPSequence, case when e.SourceID is null then '未合并' else '已合并' end as IsNew,a.Quantity ,f.Colspan ,f.ProjectCode ,f.BatchCode ,f.Version ,f.Brand ,f.cFree1 ,f.cFree2 ,f.cFree3 ,f.cFree4 ,f.cFree5 ,f.cFree6 ,f.cFree7 ,f.cFree8 ,f.cFree9 ,f.cFree10,a.TransferQuantity as IssueQuantity from ICSTransfer a left join ICSWarehouse b on a.FromWarehouseCode=b.WarehouseCode and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint left join ICSInventory d on a.InvCode=d.InvCode and a.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSInventoryDetail detail ON d.InvCode=detail.INVCode AND a.FromWarehouseCode=detail.WHCode AND a.WorkPoint=detail.WorkPoint left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID=e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=e.WorkPoint left join ICSExtension f on a.ExtensionID=f.ID and a.WorkPoint=f.WorkPoint where a.TransferNO='{0}' and b.WorkPoint='{1}'"; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryJson)) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["WHCode"].ToString())) { sql += " and a.ToWarehouseCode like '%" + queryParam["WHCode"].ToString() + "%' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["Area"].ToString())) { sql += " and detail.LocationCode like '%" + queryParam["Area"].ToString() + "%' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["InvCode"].ToString())) { sql += " and a.InvCode like '%" + queryParam["InvCode"].ToString() + "%' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["Container"].ToString()) && queryParam["Container"].ToString() == "2") { sql += $@" and (detail.LocationCode not in (SELECT F_Define2 FROM Sys_SRM_ItemsDetail WHERE F_Define3='HGAreaConfig' AND F_Define1=a.FromWarehouseCode AND F_Define4=a.WorkPoint) OR detail.LocationCode is null OR detail.LocationCode='') "; } } sql += " ) as t where t.row=1"; sql = string.Format(sql, Code, WorkPoint); //return Repository().FindTableBySql(sql.ToString()); return Repository().FindTablePageBySql(sql.ToString(), parameter.ToArray(), ref jqgridparam); } //两步调拨 public DataTable GetGridJson11(string queryJson, ref Pagination jqgridparam) { string WorkPoint = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); var queryParam = queryJson.ToJObject(); List parameter = new List(); StringBuilder sqlString = new StringBuilder(); #region [SQL] // sql = @" //select a.ID,a.BrrowCode as Code,a.Sequence,a.MTIME,a.MUSERName,a.MUSER,a.WHCode,b.WarehouseName,a.InvCode,d.InvName,d.InvDesc,d.InvStd,d.InvUnit, // case when e.SourceID is null then '未合并' else '已合并' end as IsNew,a.Quantity // from ICSBrrow a // left join ICSWarehouse b on a.WHCode=b.WarehouseCode and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint // left join ICSInventory d on a.InvCode=d.InvCode and a.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint // left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID=e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=e.WorkPoint"; // sql += " WHERE 1=1 and e.ID is null "; sqlString.Append($@"select * from (select row_number() over(partition by a.OutCode order by a.OutCode)row, a.OutCode as Code, a.CreateDateTime as MTIME, a.CreatePerson as MUSER, case when max(e.SourceID) is null then '未合并' else '已合并' end as IsNew,a.EATTRIBUTE1 AS ReceiveWork,tra.ToWarehouseCode, f.Colspan, f.ProjectCode, f.BatchCode, f.Version, f.Brand, f.cFree1, f.cFree2, f.cFree3, f.cFree4, f.cFree5, f.cFree6, f.cFree7, f.cFree8, f.cFree9, f.cFree10 FROM ICSOtherOut a INNER JOIN ICSTransfer tra ON a.TransferDetailID = tra.TransferDetailID AND a.WorkPoint = tra.WorkPoint left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID = e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint = e.WorkPoint left join ICSExtension f on a.ExtensionID = f.ID and a.WorkPoint = f.WorkPoint where a.WorkPoint = '{WorkPoint}' and a.Status = '2' "); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryJson)) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["POCode"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and a.OutCode like '%{queryParam["POCode"]}%' "); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryParam["InvCode"].ToString())) { sqlString.Append($@" and a.InvCode like '%{queryParam["InvCode"]}%' "); } } sqlString.Append(@" group by a.OutCode, a.CreateDateTime, a.CreatePerson,a.EATTRIBUTE1 ,tra.ToWarehouseCode, f.Colspan ,f.ProjectCode , f.BatchCode ,f.Version ,f.Brand ,f.cFree1 ,f.cFree2 ,f.cFree3 ,f.cFree4 , f.cFree5, f.cFree6, f.cFree7, f.cFree8, f.cFree9, f.cFree10) t where t.row=1"); #endregion return Repository().FindTablePageBySql(sqlString.ToString(), parameter.ToArray(), ref jqgridparam); } //两步调拨子表查询 public DataTable GetSubGridJson11(string Code) { string WorkPoint = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); //var queryParam = queryJson.ToJObject(); List parameter = new List(); string sql = @" select a.ID,a.OutCode as Code,a.Sequence,a.MTIME,a.MUSERName,a.MUSER,a.WHCode ,b.WarehouseName,a.InvCode,d.InvName,d.InvDesc,d.InvStd,d.InvUnit, case when e.SourceID is null then '未合并' else '已合并' end as IsNew,a.Quantity ,f.Colspan ,f.ProjectCode ,f.BatchCode ,f.Version ,f.Brand ,f.cFree1 ,f.cFree2 ,f.cFree3 ,f.cFree4 ,f.cFree5 ,f.cFree6 ,f.cFree7 ,f.cFree8 ,f.cFree9 ,f.cFree10,a.OutQuantity as IssueQuantity FROM ICSOtherOut a INNER JOIN ICSTransfer tra ON a.TransferDetailID=tra.TransferDetailID AND a.WorkPoint=tra.WorkPoint left join ICSWarehouse b on a.WHCode=b.WarehouseCode and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint left join ICSInventory d on a.InvCode=d.InvCode and a.WorkPoint=d.WorkPoint left join ICSMOPickMerge e on a.ID=e.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=e.WorkPoint left join ICSExtension f on a.ExtensionID=f.ID and a.WorkPoint=f.WorkPoint where a.OutCode='{0}' and a.WorkPoint='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, Code, WorkPoint); return Repository().FindTableBySql(sql.ToString()); } // public DataTable GetICSMOPickMergeTemp(string ID,string Type) // { // string WorkPoint = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; // ID = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ID) ? "''" : ID.TrimEnd(','); // #region sql // string sql = @"SELECT row_number() over (order by c.Code,c.InvCode,d.MTIME,d.LotNO) AS rowNo, // c.Code, // c.InvCode, // c.InvName, // c.InvStd, // c.InvUnit, // FLOOR(c.iQuantity) AS iQuantity, // d.WarehouseCode, // m.LotNO, // (case when m.LotNo is null then 0 else FLOOR(ISNULL(d.Quantity, 0)) end) AS QTY, // (case when m.LotNo is null then null else d.LocationCode end) AS LocationCode, // CONVERT(varchar(100),d.MTIME, 23) MTIME, // FLOOR(f.QTYTotal) QTYTotal INTO #temp // FROM // ({0}) c // LEFT JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo d ON c.InvCode=d.INVCode AND c.WhCode=d.WarehouseCode AND d.WorkPoint='{1}' AND d.Quantity>0 // left join ICSInventoryLot m on d.LotNo=m.LotNo and d.WorkPoint=m.WorkPoint and c.ExtensionID=m.ExtensionID // LEFT JOIN (SELECT INVCode,WarehouseCode,SUM(Quantity) AS QTYTotal FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo WHERE WorkPoint='{1}' GROUP BY INVCode,WarehouseCode) f ON c.InvCode=f.INVCode AND c.WhCode=f.WarehouseCode //DECLARE @ItemCode VARCHAR(50), // @QTY DECIMAL(18,3), // @ItemCodeCurrent VARCHAR(50), // @Lotno VARCHAR(50), // @QTYCurrent DECIMAL(18,3), // @iQuantityCurrent DECIMAL(18,3), // @CanDelete BIT, // @Row INT, // @rowCurrent INT //SET @Row = @@rowcount //SET @rowCurrent=1 //SET @CanDelete=0 //SET @ItemCode='' //SET @Lotno = '' //WHILE @rowCurrent<=@Row // BEGIN // SELECT @ItemCodeCurrent=InvCode,@QTYCurrent=QTY,@iQuantityCurrent=iQuantity,@Lotno = Lotno FROM #temp WHERE rowNo=@rowCurrent //PRINT(@rowCurrent) // IF @ItemCode<>@ItemCodeCurrent // BEGIN // SET @ItemCode=@ItemCodeCurrent // SET @QTY=0 // SET @CanDelete=0 // END // IF @CanDelete=1 // BEGIN // DELETE FROM #temp WHERE rowNo=@rowCurrent // SET @rowCurrent += 1 // CONTINUE // END // SET @QTY += @QTYCurrent // IF @LotNo is null or @QTY>=@iQuantityCurrent // BEGIN // SET @CanDelete=1 // END // SET @rowCurrent += 1 // END //SELECT * FROM #temp //DROP TABLE #temp //"; // #endregion // string sqls = ""; // if (Type=="1") // { // #region 工单备料sql // sqls = @" SELECT // c.MOCode as Code, // a.InvCode, // b.InvName, // b.InvStd, // SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, // a.WhCode, // b.InvUnit, // a.ExtensionID // FROM // ICSMOPick a // inner join ICSMO c on a.MODetailID=c.MODetailID and a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint // LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint // WHERE c.MOCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' // GROUP BY c.MOCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID"; // #endregion // } // if (Type == "2") // { // return GetICSMOPickMergeByWorkorder(ID, WorkPoint); // } // if (Type=="3") // { // #region 工单材料出库SQL // sqls = @" select // a.IssueCode as Code, // a.InvCode, // b.InvName, // b.InvStd, // b.InvUnit, // SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, // a.WhCode, // a.ExtensionID // FROM // ICSMOIssue a // LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint // WHERE a.IssueCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' // GROUP BY a.IssueCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID"; // #endregion // } // if (Type=="4") // { // #region 委外备料SQL // sqls = @" select // c.OOCode as Code, // a.InvCode, // b.InvName, // b.InvStd, // b.InvUnit, // SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, // a.WhCode, // a.ExtensionID // FROM // ICSOOPick a // left join ICSOutsourcingOrder c on a.OODetailID=c.OODetailID and a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint // LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint // WHERE c.OOCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' // GROUP BY c.OOCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode, a.ExtensionID"; // #endregion // } // if (Type=="5") // { // #region 委外领料SQL // sqls = @" select // a.ApplyCode as Code, // a.InvCode, // b.InvName, // b.InvStd, //b.InvUnit, // SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, // a.WhCode, // a.ExtensionID // FROM // ICSOApply a // LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint // WHERE a.ApplyCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' // GROUP BY a.ApplyCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID"; // #endregion // } // if (Type=="6") // { // #region 委外材料出库SQL // sqls = @" select // a.IssueCode as Code, // a.InvCode, // b.InvName, // b.InvStd, //b.InvUnit, // SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, // a.WhCode, //a.ExtensionID // FROM // ICSOIssue a // LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint // WHERE a.IssueCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' // GROUP BY a.IssueCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID"; // #endregion // } // if (Type=="7") // { // #region 销售发货SQL // sqls = @" select // a.SDNCode as Code, // a.InvCode, // b.InvName, // b.InvStd, //b.InvUnit, // SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, // a.WhCode, //a.ExtensionID // FROM // ICSSDN a // LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint // WHERE a.SDNCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' // GROUP BY a.SDNCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID"; // #endregion // } // if (Type=="8") // { // #region 其它出库SQL // sqls = @" select // a.OutCode as Code, // a.InvCode, // b.InvName, // b.InvStd, // b.InvUnit, // SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, // a.WhCode, // a.ExtensionID // FROM // ICSOtherOut a // LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint // WHERE a.OutCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' // GROUP BY a.OutCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID"; // #endregion // } // if (Type == "9") // { // #region 借用SQL // sqls = @"select // a.BrrowCode as Code, // a.InvCode, // b.InvName, // b.InvStd, //b.InvUnit, // SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, // a.WhCode, //a.ExtensionID // FROM // ICSBrrow a // LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint // WHERE a.BrrowCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' // GROUP BY a.BrrowCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID"; // #endregion // } // if (Type == "10") // { // #region 物料调拨 // sqls = @" select // a.TransferNO as Code, // a.InvCode, // b.InvName, // b.InvStd, //b.InvUnit, // SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, // a.FromWarehouseCode as WhCode, //a.ExtensionID // FROM // ICSTransfer a // LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint // WHERE a.TransferNO in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' // GROUP BY a.TransferNO,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.FromWarehouseCode,a.ExtensionID"; // #endregion // } // if (Type == "11") // { // #region 两步调出 // sqls = @"select // a.OutCode as Code, // a.InvCode, // b.InvName, // b.InvStd, //b.InvUnit, // SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, // a.WHCode , //a.ExtensionID // from ICSOtherOut a // INNER JOIN ICSTransfer tra ON a.TransferDetailID=tra.TransferDetailID AND a.WorkPoint=tra.WorkPoint // LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint // WHERE a.OutCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' // GROUP BY a.OutCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WHCode,a.ExtensionID"; // #endregion // } // sqls = string.Format(sqls, ID,WorkPoint); // sql = string.Format(sql, sqls, WorkPoint); // DataTable table = Repository().FindDataSetBySql(sql).Tables[0]; // DataTable dtCloned = table.Clone(); // foreach (DataColumn col in dtCloned.Columns) // { // col.DataType = typeof(string); // } // foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) // { // DataRow newrow = dtCloned.NewRow(); // foreach (DataColumn column in dtCloned.Columns) // { // newrow[column.ColumnName] = row[column.ColumnName].ToString(); // } // dtCloned.Rows.Add(newrow); // } // if (Invmes.Rows.Count > 0) // { // dtCloned.Merge(Invmes, false); // } // return dtCloned; // } public DataTable GetICSMOPickMergeTemp(string ID, string Type) { string postUrlStr = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HGDocpostUrlStr"].ToString(); string MUSER = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().UserCode; string MUSERNAME = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().UserName; string WorkPoint = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; ID = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ID) ? "''" : ID.TrimEnd(','); string sqls = ""; #region sql #endregion //调拨单拣料增加逻辑,如果memo字段有条码信息,那么拣料的条码为备注条码,否则走正常逻辑 if (Type == "10") { string dataString = $@"select a.Memo,a.FromWarehouseCode,a.Quantity,a.TransferQuantity,a.InvCode,a.TransferNO,a.SAPSequence,a.Sequence FROM ICSTransfer a WHERE a.TransferNO in ({ID}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{WorkPoint}' AND ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)>ISNULL(a.TransferQuantity, 0) AND a.Memo is not null AND a.Memo!='' "; var datasetModel = Repository().FindDataSetBySql(dataString); DataTable table1 = null; DataTable table = null; StringBuilder updateString = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder checklot = new StringBuilder(); string sqlString = String.Empty; List lotMessages = new List(); if (datasetModel.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0) { DataTable tableModel = datasetModel.Tables[0]; if (tableModel.Rows.Count > 0) { //循环验证条码信息是否与单据信息相符 for (int i = 0; i < tableModel.Rows.Count; i++) { LotMessage lotMessage = new LotMessage(); string transCode = tableModel.Rows[i]["TransferNO"].ToString(); string lotNo = tableModel.Rows[i]["Memo"].ToString(); string whCode = tableModel.Rows[i]["FromWarehouseCode"].ToString(); string sequence = tableModel.Rows[i]["Sequence"].ToString(); lotMessage.LotNo = lotNo; lotMessage.Quantity = Convert.ToDecimal(tableModel.Rows[i]["Quantity"].ToString()); lotMessages.Add(lotMessage); //验证信息 checklot.Append($@"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSInventoryLot a WHERE a.LotNo='{lotNo}' AND a.WorkPoint='{WorkPoint}') BEGIN RAISERROR('条码{lotNo},不存在',16,1); RETURN END; IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a WHERE a.LotNo='{tableModel.Rows[i]["Memo"]}' AND a.WorkPoint='{WorkPoint}' AND a.WarehouseCode='{whCode}') BEGIN RAISERROR('条码{lotNo}和单据{transCode}行{tableModel.Rows[i]["SAPSequence"]}仓库不一致',16,1); RETURN END; IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a WHERE a.LotNo='{lotNo}' AND a.WorkPoint='{WorkPoint}' AND a.WarehouseCode='{whCode}' AND a.Quantity>=A.LockQuantity+'{tableModel.Rows[i]["Quantity"]}') BEGIN RAISERROR('条码{lotNo}的库存可分配数量小于单据数量',16,1); RETURN END; IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSInventoryLot a WHERE a.LotNo='{lotNo}' AND a.WorkPoint='{WorkPoint}' AND InvCode='{tableModel.Rows[i]["InvCode"]}') BEGIN RAISERROR('条码{lotNo}和单据{transCode}行号{tableModel.Rows[i]["SAPSequence"]}对应的物料不一致',16,1); RETURN END;" ); updateString.Append($@" INSERT INTO ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog(ID,Identification,TransCode,TransSequence,LotNo,InvCode, FromWarehouseCode,FromLocationCode,ToWarehouseCode,ToLocationCode,Quantity, Memo,Lock,TransType,BusinessCode,ERPUpload,ERPID, ERPDetailID,ERPCode,ERPSequence,MUSER,MUSERName, MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1) SELECT NEWID(),NEWID(),'{transCode}','{sequence}',a.LotNo ,a.InvCode , a.WarehouseCode,a.LocationCode,'','','{tableModel.Rows[i]["Quantity"]}', '','1','15','47','0','', '','','','{MUSER}' ,'{MUSERNAME}' , GETDATE() ,'{WorkPoint}' ,'' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a WHERE a.LotNo='{tableModel.Rows[i]["Memo"]}' AND a.WorkPoint='{WorkPoint}' update ICSWareHouseLotInfo set LockQuantity=LockQuantity+'{tableModel.Rows[i]["Quantity"]}' where LotNo='{lotNo}' AND WorkPoint='{WorkPoint}';"); } SqlHelper.CmdExecuteNonQueryLi(checklot.ToString()); sqlString = $@"SELECT a.TransferNO AS Code,a.Sequence,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit, (SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0))-SUM(ISNULL(a.TransferQuantity, 0))) AS iQuantity,--应发数量 a.FromWarehouseCode As WarehouseCode, a.Memo AS LotNO, ISNULL(c.Quantity, 0) AS QTY,--条码库存 ISNULL(c.Quantity, 0) AS QTYLeft, a.Quantity as SendQTY, --占料数量 c.LocationCode, CONVERT(varchar(100),c.MTIME, 23) MTIME, SUM(c.Quantity-c.LockQuantity) AS QTYTotal, a.ExtensionID from ICSTransfer a Left JOIN ICSInventory b ON a.InvCode=b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo c ON c.LotNo=a.Memo AND a.FromWarehouseCode=c.WarehouseCode WHERE a.TransferNO in({ID}) AND a.Memo is NOT NULL and a.Memo!='' GROUP BY a.TransferNO,a.Sequence,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit, a.Quantity,a.FromWarehouseCode ,a.Memo,c.LocationCode,c.MTIME,c.Quantity,a.ExtensionID,c.LockQuantity; "; } //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlString)) //{ // var dataSet1 = Repository().FindDataSetBySql(updateString.ToString()+ sqlString); // if (dataSet1.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0) // { // table1 = dataSet1.Tables[0]; // } //} } string sql = $@"SELECT row_number() over ( order by c.Code,c.InvCode,d.MTIME,d.LotNO) AS rowNo, c.Code, c.Sequence, c.InvCode, c.InvName, c.InvStd, c.InvUnit, c.iQuantity AS iQuantity, c.WHCode AS WarehouseCode, d.LotNO, ISNULL(d.Quantity, 0) AS QTY, ISNULL(d.Quantity, 0) AS QTYLeft, CONVERT(decimal(18,6),0) AS SendQTY, d.LocationCode AS LocationCode, CONVERT(varchar(100),d.MTIME, 23) MTIME, f.QTYTotal QTYTotal,c.ExtensionID FROM (select a.TransferNO as Code, a.Sequence, a.InvCode, b.InvName, b.InvStd, b.InvUnit, (SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0))-SUM(ISNULL(a.TransferQuantity, 0))) AS iQuantity, a.FromWarehouseCode as WhCode, a.ExtensionID FROM ICSTransfer a LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE a.TransferNO in ({ID}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{WorkPoint}' AND ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)>ISNULL(a.TransferQuantity, 0) and (a.Memo is null or a.Memo='' ) GROUP BY a.TransferNO,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.FromWarehouseCode,a.ExtensionID,a.Sequence) c left join (select d.WarehouseCode,d.Quantity-d.LockQuantity as Quantity,d.INVCode, m.LotNo, d.MTIME,d.LocationCode,m.ExtensionID from ICSWareHouseLotInfo d ,ICSInventoryLot m where d.LotNo=m.LotNo and d.WorkPoint=m.WorkPoint and d.WorkPoint='{WorkPoint}' AND d.Quantity-d.LockQuantity>0 AND d.Quantity>0 --AND SUBSTRING( SUBSTRING(d.LocationCode, CHARINDEX('-',d.LocationCode)+1, LEN(d.LocationCode)),0,CHARINDEX('-', SUBSTRING(d.LocationCode, CHARINDEX('-',d.LocationCode)+1, LEN(d.LocationCode)))) Not IN(SELECT F_Define2 FROM Sys_SRM_ItemsDetail --WHERE F_Define3='HGAreaConfig' AND F_Define1=d.WarehouseCode AND F_Define4=d.WorkPoint) ) d on c.InvCode=d.INVCode AND c.WhCode=d.WarehouseCode and d.ExtensionID=c.ExtensionID LEFT JOIN (SELECT INVCode,WarehouseCode,SUM(Quantity-LockQuantity) AS QTYTotal FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo WHERE WorkPoint='{WorkPoint}' GROUP BY INVCode,WarehouseCode) f ON c.InvCode=f.INVCode AND c.WhCode=f.WarehouseCode order by c.Code,Convert(int,c.Sequence),d.MTIME,d.LotNO "; var dataset = Repository().FindDataSetBySql(sql); if (dataset.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0) { table = dataset.Tables[0]; decimal qtyCount = 0; bool remove = false; List removeList = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { if (lotMessages != null && lotMessages.Count > 0) { //排除指定条码的锁定库存数量 List models = lotMessages.Where(e => e.LotNo == table.Rows[i]["LotNO"].ToString()).ToList(); if (models != null && models.Count > 0) { decimal quantity = models.Select(e => e.Quantity).ToList().Sum(); table.Rows[i]["QTYLeft"] = table.Rows[i]["QTYLeft"].ToString().ToDecimal() - quantity; } } if (i != 0 && (!table.Rows[i]["InvCode"].ToString().Equals(table.Rows[i - 1]["InvCode"].ToString()) || !table.Rows[i]["Sequence"].ToString().Equals(table.Rows[i - 1]["Sequence"].ToString()) || !table.Rows[i]["Code"].ToString().Equals(table.Rows[i - 1]["Code"].ToString()) || !table.Rows[i]["ExtensionID"].ToString().Equals(table.Rows[i - 1]["ExtensionID"].ToString())) ) { qtyCount = 0; remove = false; } if (table.Rows[i]["QTYLeft"].ToString().ToDecimal() == 0) { removeList.Add(i); continue; } if (remove) { removeList.Add(i); } else { var lotQty = table.Rows[i]["QTYLeft"].ToString().ToDecimal(); var orderQty = table.Rows[i]["iQuantity"].ToString().ToDecimal(); qtyCount += lotQty; foreach (DataRow dr in table.Rows) { if (dr["LotNO"].ToString() == table.Rows[i]["LotNO"].ToString()) { if (qtyCount > orderQty) { dr["QTYLeft"] = Convert.ToDecimal(qtyCount) - Convert.ToDecimal(orderQty); } else { dr["QTYLeft"] = 0; } } } if (qtyCount >= orderQty) { table.Rows[i]["SendQTY"] = Convert.ToDecimal(lotQty) - (Convert.ToDecimal(qtyCount) - Convert.ToDecimal(orderQty)); remove = true; } else { table.Rows[i]["SendQTY"] = lotQty; } } } if (removeList.Count > 0) { removeList.Reverse(); foreach (var item in removeList) { table.Rows.RemoveAt(item); } } try { #region 占料前增加验证,如果条码数量超出实际需要领料数量,直接报错 string chksql = ""; #region 物料调拨 chksql = @" select InvCode,FromWarehouseCode AS WHCode,SUM(Quantity) as Quantity from ICSTransfer where TransferNO in ({0}) and WorkPoint='{1}' and (Memo is NULL or Memo='') GROUP BY InvCode,FromWarehouseCode"; #endregion chksql = string.Format(chksql, ID, WorkPoint); var chkdata = Repository().FindDataSetBySql(chksql); DataTable chktable = chkdata.Tables[0]; foreach (DataRow chkdr in chktable.Rows) { decimal ZLQty = 0; for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { if (table.Rows[i]["WarehouseCode"].ToString() == chkdr["WHCode"].ToString() && table.Rows[i]["InvCode"].ToString() == chkdr["InvCode"].ToString()) { ZLQty += Convert.ToDecimal(table.Rows[i]["SendQTY"].ToString()); } } if (Convert.ToDecimal(chkdr["Quantity"]) < ZLQty) { throw new Exception("物料:" + chkdr["InvCode"].ToString() + "实际拣料数量大于单据需求数量,请尝试重新拣料。"); } //if (Convert.ToDecimal(chkdr["Quantity"]) > ZLQty && (Type == "2" || Type == "5" || Type == "12")) //{ // chksql = @" select B.F_Define2 from ICSInventoryDetail A // INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_ItemsDetail B ON B.F_Define1=A.WHCode AND B.F_Define2=A.LocationCode AND B.F_Define4=A.WorkPoint // where INVCode='{0}' and WHCode='{1}' and WorkPoint='{2}'"; // chksql = string.Format(chksql, chkdr["InvCode"].ToString(), chkdr["WHCode"].ToString(), WorkPoint); // var chkds = Repository().FindDataSetBySql(chksql); // DataTable chkdt = chkds.Tables[0]; // if (chkdt.Rows.Count != 0) // { // throw new Exception("物料:" + chkdr["InvCode"].ToString() + "实际拣料数量小于单据需求数量,货柜单据必须整单拣料,请先核对库存。"); // } //} if (Convert.ToDecimal(chkdr["Quantity"]) > ZLQty) { throw new Exception("物料:" + chkdr["InvCode"].ToString() + "实际拣料数量小于单据需求数量,货柜单据必须整单拣料,请先核对库存。"); } } #endregion if (table.Rows.Count != 0) { #region 拣料时增加条码出入库记录,修改库存锁定数量,以作占料处理 int Count = 1; string BusinessCode = "10"; string TransType = "调拨申请单"; string Identification = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var pikTbLogTime = DateTime.Now; string pikTbLogsql = string.Empty; List DocNoList = new List(); if (Type == "2" || Type == "12" || Type == "5") { #region 货柜 string InspectJosn = ""; string InspectJosnHead = ""; string InspectJosnBody = ""; InspectJosn += "{"; InspectJosn += "\"IMP_ORDINI\":["; InspectJosn += "货柜主表区域预留"; InspectJosn += "],"; InspectJosn += "\"IMP_ORDINI_RIGHE\":["; InspectJosn += "货柜子表区域预留"; InspectJosn += "]"; InspectJosn += "}"; for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { string hgsql = @"select A.InvCode,A.LocationCode,B.F_Define3,C.LocationCode AS Area from ICSWareHouseLotInfo A INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_ItemsDetail B ON B.F_Define2=A.LocationCode AND F_Define4=A.WorkPoint AND F_ItemName='HG_Location' INNER JOIN ICSInventoryDetail C ON C.INVCode=A.InvCode AND C.WHCode=A.WarehouseCode AND C.WorkPoint=A.WorkPoint where A.LotNo='{0}' AND A.WorkPoint='{1}'"; hgsql = string.Format(hgsql, table.Rows[i]["LotNO"].ToString(), WorkPoint); var hgds = Repository().FindDataSetBySql(hgsql); if (hgds.Tables.Count == 0) return null; DataTable hgtable = hgds.Tables[0]; if (hgtable.Rows.Count > 0) { if (!DocNoList.Contains(table.Rows[i]["Code"].ToString())) { DocNoList.Add(table.Rows[i]["Code"].ToString()); } InspectJosnBody += "{"; InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_ORDINE\":\"" + table.Rows[i]["Code"].ToString() + "\","; InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_ARTICOLO\": \"" + hgtable.Rows[0]["InvCode"].ToString() + "\","; InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_SUB1\": \"\","; InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_SUB2\": \"\","; InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_ELERUOLI_GEST\": \"" + hgtable.Rows[0]["Area"].ToString() + "\","; InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_ELEBAIE\": \"" + hgtable.Rows[0]["F_Define3"].ToString() + "\","; InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_QTAR\": " + table.Rows[i]["SendQTY"].ToString() + ","; if (i == 0) { InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_HOSTINF\": \"" + table.Rows[i]["Sequence"].ToString() + "\""; } else { if (table.Rows[i]["Code"].ToString() == table.Rows[i - 1]["Code"].ToString() && table.Rows[i]["Sequence"].ToString() == table.Rows[i - 1]["Sequence"].ToString()) { InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_HOSTINF\": \"" + table.Rows[i]["Sequence"].ToString() + Count.ToString() + "\""; Count++; } else { InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_HOSTINF\": \"" + table.Rows[i]["Sequence"].ToString() + "\""; Count = 1; } } InspectJosnBody += "},"; } } InspectJosnBody = InspectJosnBody.TrimEnd(','); foreach (string DocNo in DocNoList) { InspectJosnHead += "{"; InspectJosnHead += "\"ORD_ORDINE\":\"" + DocNo.TrimStart('\'').TrimEnd('\'') + "\","; InspectJosnHead += "\"ORD_DES\":\"" + TransType + "\","; InspectJosnHead += "\"ORD_TIPOOP\":\"P\","; InspectJosnHead += "\"ORD_CLIENTE\":\"" + WorkPoint + "\""; InspectJosnHead += "},"; } InspectJosnHead = InspectJosnHead.TrimEnd(','); if (InspectJosnBody != "") { InspectJosn = InspectJosn.Replace("货柜主表区域预留", InspectJosnHead); InspectJosn = InspectJosn.Replace("货柜子表区域预留", InspectJosnBody); if (Convert.ToBoolean(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UploadERP"])) { string callresult = ""; #region 货柜接口调用前日志 object logID = Guid.NewGuid(); string logsql = @"insert into ICSWMS_HGLog values ('{0}',GETDATE(),'{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}')"; logsql = string.Format(logsql, logID, InspectJosn, "", WorkPoint, MUSER, MUSERNAME); SqlHelper.CmdExecuteNonQueryLi(logsql); #endregion callresult = HTTPHelper.RestFulGet(InspectJosn, postUrlStr); #region 货柜接口调用后日志 logsql = @"update ICSWMS_HGLog set ReturnResult='{0}' where ID='{1}'"; logsql = string.Format(logsql, callresult, logID); SqlHelper.CmdExecuteNonQueryLi(logsql); #endregion } } #endregion } foreach (DataRow PickLog in table.Rows) { pikTbLogsql += @"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT a.ID FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a WHERE a.LotNo='{9}' AND a.WorkPoint='{8}' AND a.Quantity>=A.LockQuantity+'{3}') BEGIN RAISERROR('条码{9}的库存可分配数量小于单据数量', 16, 1); RETURN END; IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT TransCode FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog WHERE TransCode='{1}' AND TransSequence='{2}' AND LotNo='{9}' AND WorkPoint='{8}' AND TransType='15') BEGIN INSERT INTO ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog(ID,Identification,TransCode,TransSequence,LotNo,InvCode, FromWarehouseCode,FromLocationCode,ToWarehouseCode,ToLocationCode,Quantity, Memo,Lock,TransType,BusinessCode,ERPUpload,ERPID, ERPDetailID,ERPCode,ERPSequence,MUSER,MUSERName, MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1) SELECT NEWID(),'{0}','{1}','{2}',a.LotNo ,a.InvCode , a.WarehouseCode,a.LocationCode,'','','{3}', '','1','15','{4}','0','', '','','','{5}' ,'{6}' , '{7}' ,'{8}' ,'' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a WHERE a.LotNo='{9}' AND a.WorkPoint='{8}' update ICSWareHouseLotInfo set LockQuantity=LockQuantity+'{3}' where LotNo='{9}' AND WorkPoint='{8}' END UPDATE ICSMOApply SET MUSER='{6}' WHERE ApplyCode='{1}' and Sequence='{2}' ; "; pikTbLogsql = string.Format(pikTbLogsql, Identification, PickLog["Code"].ToString(), PickLog["Sequence"].ToString(), PickLog["SendQTY"].ToString() , BusinessCode, MUSER, MUSERNAME, pikTbLogTime, WorkPoint, PickLog["LotNO"].ToString()); } SqlHelper.CmdExecuteNonQueryLi(pikTbLogsql + updateString.ToString()); #endregion } //查询有条码的拣料信息 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlString)) { var dataSet1 = Repository().FindDataSetBySql(sqlString); if (dataSet1.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0) { table1 = dataSet1.Tables[0]; } } //if (table1 != null) //{ // table.Merge(table1); //} //var result = ConvertCellToString(table); //if (Invmes.Rows.Count > 0) //{ // result.Merge(Invmes, false); //} //return result; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } } else { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(updateString.ToString())) { SqlHelper.CmdExecuteNonQueryLi(updateString.ToString()); } //查询有条码的拣料信息 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlString)) { var dataSet1 = Repository().FindDataSetBySql(sqlString); if (dataSet1.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0) { table1 = dataSet1.Tables[0]; } } } if (table1 != null && table != null) { table.Merge(table1); } else if (table == null && table1 != null) { table = table1; } else if (table1 == null && table == null) { return null; } var result = ConvertCellToString(table); if (Invmes.Rows.Count > 0) { result.Merge(Invmes, false); } return result; } else { if (Type == "1") { #region 工单备料sql sqls = @" SELECT c.MOCode as Code, c.Sequence+'~'+a.Sequence as Sequence, a.InvCode, b.InvName, b.InvStd, SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, a.WhCode, b.InvUnit, a.ExtensionID FROM ICSMOPick a inner join ICSMO c on a.MODetailID=c.MODetailID and a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE c.MOCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' GROUP BY c.MOCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID,c.Sequence+'~'+a.Sequence"; #endregion } if (Type == "2" || Type == "12") { sqls = @"select a.ApplyCode as Code,a.Sequence, a.InvCode, b.InvName, b.InvStd, b.InvUnit, (SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0))-SUM(ISNULL(a.IssueQuantity, 0))) AS iQuantity, a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID FROM ICSMOApply a LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE a.ApplyCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' AND ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)>ISNULL(a.IssueQuantity, 0) GROUP BY a.ApplyCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID,a.Sequence"; } if (Type == "3") { #region 工单材料出库SQL sqls = @" select a.IssueCode as Code, a.Sequence, a.InvCode, b.InvName, b.InvStd, b.InvUnit, SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, a.WhCode, a.ExtensionID FROM ICSMOIssue a LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE a.IssueCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' GROUP BY a.IssueCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID,a.Sequence"; #endregion } if (Type == "4") { #region 委外备料SQL sqls = @" select c.OOCode as Code, c.Sequence+'~'+a.Sequence as Sequence, a.InvCode, b.InvName, b.InvStd, b.InvUnit, SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, a.WhCode, a.ExtensionID FROM ICSOOPick a left join ICSOutsourcingOrder c on a.OODetailID=c.OODetailID and a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE c.OOCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' GROUP BY c.OOCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode, a.ExtensionID,c.Sequence+'~'+a.Sequence"; #endregion } if (Type == "5") { #region 委外领料SQL sqls = @"select a.ApplyCode as Code, a.Sequence, a.InvCode, b.InvName, b.InvStd, b.InvUnit, (SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0))-SUM(ISNULL(a.IssueQuantity,0))) AS iQuantity, a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID FROM ICSOApply a LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE a.ApplyCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' AND ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)>ISNULL(a.IssueQuantity, 0) GROUP BY a.ApplyCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID,a.Sequence"; #endregion } if (Type == "6") { #region 委外材料出库SQL sqls = @" select a.IssueCode as Code, a.Sequence, a.InvCode, b.InvName, b.InvStd, b.InvUnit, SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, a.WhCode, a.ExtensionID FROM ICSOIssue a LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE a.IssueCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' GROUP BY a.IssueCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID,a.Sequence"; #endregion } if (Type == "7") { #region 销售发货SQL sqls = @" select a.SDNCode as Code, a.Sequence, a.InvCode, b.InvName, b.InvStd, b.InvUnit, (SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0))-SUM(ISNULL(a.SDNQuantity, 0))) AS iQuantity, a.WhCode, a.ExtensionID FROM ICSSDN a LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE a.SDNCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' AND ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)>ISNULL(a.SDNQuantity, 0) GROUP BY a.SDNCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID,a.Sequence"; #endregion } if (Type == "8") { #region 其它出库SQL sqls = @" select a.OutCode as Code, a.Sequence, a.InvCode, b.InvName, b.InvStd, b.InvUnit, (SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0))-SUM(ISNULL(a.OutQuantity, 0))) AS iQuantity, a.WhCode, a.ExtensionID FROM ICSOtherOut a LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE a.OutCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' AND ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)>ISNULL(a.OutQuantity, 0) GROUP BY a.OutCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID,a.Sequence"; #endregion } if (Type == "9") { #region 借用SQL sqls = @"select a.BrrowCode as Code, a.Sequence, a.InvCode, b.InvName, b.InvStd, b.InvUnit, SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, a.WhCode, a.ExtensionID FROM ICSBrrow a LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE a.BrrowCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' GROUP BY a.BrrowCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID,a.Sequence"; #endregion } if (Type == "10") { #region 物料调拨 sqls = @"select a.TransferNO as Code, a.Sequence, a.InvCode, b.InvName, b.InvStd, b.InvUnit, (SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0))-SUM(ISNULL(a.TransferQuantity, 0))) AS iQuantity, a.FromWarehouseCode as WhCode, a.ExtensionID FROM ICSTransfer a LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE a.TransferNO in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' AND ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)>ISNULL(a.TransferQuantity, 0) and a.Memo is null GROUP BY a.TransferNO,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.FromWarehouseCode,a.ExtensionID,a.Sequence"; #endregion } if (Type == "11") { #region 两步调出 sqls = @"select a.OutCode as Code, a.Sequence, a.InvCode, b.InvName, b.InvStd, b.InvUnit, SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, a.WHCode , a.ExtensionID from ICSOtherOut a INNER JOIN ICSTransfer tra ON a.TransferDetailID=tra.TransferDetailID AND a.WorkPoint=tra.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE a.OutCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' GROUP BY a.OutCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WHCode,a.ExtensionID,a.Sequence"; #endregion } sqls = string.Format(sqls, ID, WorkPoint); string sql = $@"SELECT row_number() over ( order by c.Code,c.InvCode,d.MTIME,d.LotNO) AS rowNo, c.Code, c.Sequence, c.InvCode, c.InvName, c.InvStd, c.InvUnit, c.iQuantity AS iQuantity, c.WHCode AS WarehouseCode, d.LotNO, ISNULL(d.Quantity, 0) AS QTY, ISNULL(d.Quantity, 0) AS QTYLeft, CONVERT(decimal(18,6),0) AS SendQTY, d.LocationCode AS LocationCode, CONVERT(varchar(100),d.MTIME, 23) MTIME, f.QTYTotal QTYTotal,c.ExtensionID FROM ({sqls}) c left join (select d.WarehouseCode,d.Quantity-d.LockQuantity as Quantity,d.INVCode, m.LotNo, d.MTIME,d.LocationCode,m.ExtensionID from ICSWareHouseLotInfo d ,ICSInventoryLot m where d.LotNo=m.LotNo and d.WorkPoint=m.WorkPoint and d.WorkPoint='{WorkPoint}' AND d.Quantity-d.LockQuantity>0 AND d.Quantity>0 --AND SUBSTRING( SUBSTRING(d.LocationCode, CHARINDEX('-',d.LocationCode)+1, LEN(d.LocationCode)),0,CHARINDEX('-', SUBSTRING(d.LocationCode, CHARINDEX('-',d.LocationCode)+1, LEN(d.LocationCode)))) Not IN(SELECT F_Define2 FROM Sys_SRM_ItemsDetail --WHERE F_Define3='HGAreaConfig' AND F_Define1=d.WarehouseCode AND F_Define4=d.WorkPoint) ) d on c.InvCode=d.INVCode AND c.WhCode=d.WarehouseCode and d.ExtensionID=c.ExtensionID LEFT JOIN (SELECT INVCode,WarehouseCode,SUM(Quantity-LockQuantity) AS QTYTotal FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo WHERE WorkPoint='{WorkPoint}' GROUP BY INVCode,WarehouseCode) f ON c.InvCode=f.INVCode AND c.WhCode=f.WarehouseCode order by c.Code,Convert(int,c.Sequence),d.MTIME,d.LotNO "; var dataset = Repository().FindDataSetBySql(sql); if (dataset.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) return null; DataTable table = dataset.Tables[0]; decimal qtyCount = 0; bool remove = false; List removeList = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { if (i != 0 && (!table.Rows[i]["InvCode"].ToString().Equals(table.Rows[i - 1]["InvCode"].ToString()) || !table.Rows[i]["Sequence"].ToString().Equals(table.Rows[i - 1]["Sequence"].ToString()) || !table.Rows[i]["Code"].ToString().Equals(table.Rows[i - 1]["Code"].ToString()) || !table.Rows[i]["ExtensionID"].ToString().Equals(table.Rows[i - 1]["ExtensionID"].ToString())) ) { qtyCount = 0; remove = false; } if (table.Rows[i]["QTYLeft"].ToString().ToDecimal() == 0) { removeList.Add(i); continue; } if (remove) { removeList.Add(i); } else { var lotQty = table.Rows[i]["QTYLeft"].ToString().ToDecimal(); var orderQty = table.Rows[i]["iQuantity"].ToString().ToDecimal(); qtyCount += lotQty; foreach (DataRow dr in table.Rows) { if (dr["LotNO"].ToString() == table.Rows[i]["LotNO"].ToString()) { if (qtyCount > orderQty) { dr["QTYLeft"] = Convert.ToDecimal(qtyCount) - Convert.ToDecimal(orderQty); } else { dr["QTYLeft"] = 0; } } } if (qtyCount >= orderQty) { table.Rows[i]["SendQTY"] = Convert.ToDecimal(lotQty) - (Convert.ToDecimal(qtyCount) - Convert.ToDecimal(orderQty)); remove = true; } else { table.Rows[i]["SendQTY"] = lotQty; } } } if (removeList.Count > 0) { removeList.Reverse(); foreach (var item in removeList) { table.Rows.RemoveAt(item); } } try { #region 占料前增加验证,如果条码数量超出实际需要领料数量,直接报错 string chksql = ""; if (Type == "2" || Type == "12") { chksql = @" select InvCode,WHCode,SUM(Quantity) as Quantity from ICSMOApply where ApplyCode in ({0}) and WorkPoint='{1}' GROUP BY InvCode,WHCode"; } if (Type == "5") { #region 委外领料SQL chksql = @" select InvCode,WHCode,SUM(Quantity) as Quantity from ICSOApply where ApplyCode in ({0}) and WorkPoint='{1}' GROUP BY InvCode,WHCode"; #endregion } if (Type == "7") { #region 销售发货SQL chksql = @" select InvCode,WHCode,SUM(Quantity) as Quantity from ICSSDN where SDNCode in ({0}) and WorkPoint='{1}' GROUP BY InvCode,WHCode"; #endregion } if (Type == "8") { #region 其它出库SQL chksql = @" select InvCode,WHCode,SUM(Quantity) as Quantity from ICSOtherOut where OutCode in ({0}) and WorkPoint='{1}' GROUP BY InvCode,WHCode"; #endregion } if (Type == "10") { #region 物料调拨 chksql = @" select InvCode,FromWarehouseCode AS WHCode,SUM(Quantity) as Quantity from ICSTransfer where TransferNO in ({0}) and WorkPoint='{1}' GROUP BY InvCode,FromWarehouseCode"; #endregion } chksql = string.Format(chksql, ID, WorkPoint); var chkdata = Repository().FindDataSetBySql(chksql); DataTable chktable = chkdata.Tables[0]; foreach (DataRow chkdr in chktable.Rows) { decimal ZLQty = 0; for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { if (table.Rows[i]["WarehouseCode"].ToString() == chkdr["WHCode"].ToString() && table.Rows[i]["InvCode"].ToString() == chkdr["InvCode"].ToString()) { ZLQty += Convert.ToDecimal(table.Rows[i]["SendQTY"].ToString()); } } if (Convert.ToDecimal(chkdr["Quantity"]) < ZLQty) { throw new Exception("物料:" + chkdr["InvCode"].ToString() + "实际拣料数量大于单据需求数量,请尝试重新拣料。"); } //if (Convert.ToDecimal(chkdr["Quantity"]) > ZLQty && (Type == "2" || Type == "5" || Type == "12")) //{ // chksql = @" select B.F_Define2 from ICSInventoryDetail A // INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_ItemsDetail B ON B.F_Define1=A.WHCode AND B.F_Define2=A.LocationCode AND B.F_Define4=A.WorkPoint // where INVCode='{0}' and WHCode='{1}' and WorkPoint='{2}'"; // chksql = string.Format(chksql, chkdr["InvCode"].ToString(), chkdr["WHCode"].ToString(), WorkPoint); // var chkds = Repository().FindDataSetBySql(chksql); // DataTable chkdt = chkds.Tables[0]; // if (chkdt.Rows.Count != 0) // { // throw new Exception("物料:" + chkdr["InvCode"].ToString() + "实际拣料数量小于单据需求数量,货柜单据必须整单拣料,请先核对库存。"); // } //} if (Convert.ToDecimal(chkdr["Quantity"]) > ZLQty) { throw new Exception("物料:" + chkdr["InvCode"].ToString() + "实际拣料数量小于单据需求数量,单据必须整单拣料,请先核对库存。"); } } #endregion if (table.Rows.Count != 0) { #region 拣料时增加条码出入库记录,修改库存锁定数量,以作占料处理 string ccInspectJosn = ""; string ForkLiftUrl = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ForkLiftUrl"]; string cclogsql = @""; int Count = 1; string BusinessCode = string.Empty; string TransType = ""; if (Type == "2") { BusinessCode = "13"; TransType = "生产发料-领料申请单"; } if (Type == "12") { BusinessCode = "14"; TransType = "生产发料-领料申请单"; } if (Type == "5") { BusinessCode = "6"; TransType = "委外发料-委外领料申请单"; } if (Type == "7") { BusinessCode = "19"; TransType = "销售发货-销售发货单"; } if (Type == "8") { BusinessCode = "24"; TransType = "杂发"; } if (Type == "10") { BusinessCode = "47"; TransType = "调拨申请单"; } string Identification = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var pikTbLogTime = DateTime.Now; string pikTbLogsql = string.Empty; List DocNoList = new List(); if (Type == "2" || Type == "12" || Type == "5") { string ccsql = @"select B.F_Id from ICSInventoryDetail A INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_ItemsDetail B ON B.F_Define1=A.WHCode AND B.F_Define2=A.LocationCode AND B.F_Define4=A.WorkPoint where INVCode='{0}' and WHCode='{1}' and WorkPoint='{2}' AND B.F_ItemCode Like 'ForkLiftAreaConfig%'"; ccsql = string.Format(ccsql, table.Rows[0]["InvCode"].ToString(), table.Rows[0]["WarehouseCode"].ToString() , WorkPoint); var ccds = Repository().FindDataSetBySql(ccsql); DataTable cctable = ccds.Tables[0]; if (cctable.Rows.Count != 0) { List SourceBinList = new List(); #region 窄巷道 ccInspectJosn += "["; foreach (DataRow dr in table.Rows) { if (!SourceBinList.Contains(dr["LocationCode"].ToString())) { SourceBinList.Add(dr["LocationCode"].ToString()); if (Convert.ToBoolean(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UploadForkLift"])) { string Year = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(); string Month = DateTime.Now.Month.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'); string Day = DateTime.Now.Day.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'); string Pre = "CC" + Year + Month + Day; string serialsql = "EXEC Addins_GetSerialCode '{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}',{4}"; serialsql = string.Format(serialsql, "1701", "ICSForkLiftTaskLog", "TaskCode", Pre, 4); string TaskCode = DbHelper.ExecuteTable(DbHelper.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, serialsql, true, null).Rows[0][0].ToString(); string SerialNum = DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'); ccInspectJosn += "{"; ccInspectJosn += "\"TaskID\":\"" + TaskCode + "\",";//任务编号 ccInspectJosn += "\"TaskType\": \"PICK\",";//任务类型 ccInspectJosn += "\"SourceBin\": \"" + dr["LocationCode"].ToString() + "\"";//起始点位 ccInspectJosn += "},"; #region 记录叉车的任务编号及相关信息 #endregion cclogsql += @"INSERT INTO ICSForkLiftTaskLog (ID,TaskCode,ContainerCode,TaskType,StartLocation,EndLocation,MTIME,WorkPoint) select NEWID(),'{0}','','PICK','{1}','',GETDATE(),'1701'"; cclogsql = string.Format(cclogsql, TaskCode, dr["LocationCode"].ToString()); } } } ccInspectJosn = ccInspectJosn.TrimEnd(','); ccInspectJosn += "]"; #endregion } else { #region 货柜 string InspectJosn = ""; string InspectJosnHead = ""; string InspectJosnBody = ""; InspectJosn += "{"; InspectJosn += "\"IMP_ORDINI\":["; InspectJosn += "货柜主表区域预留"; InspectJosn += "],"; InspectJosn += "\"IMP_ORDINI_RIGHE\":["; InspectJosn += "货柜子表区域预留"; InspectJosn += "]"; InspectJosn += "}"; for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { string hgsql = @"select A.InvCode,A.LocationCode,B.F_Define3,C.LocationCode AS Area from ICSWareHouseLotInfo A INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_ItemsDetail B ON B.F_Define2=A.LocationCode AND F_Define4=A.WorkPoint AND F_ItemName='HG_Location' INNER JOIN ICSInventoryDetail C ON C.INVCode=A.InvCode AND C.WHCode=A.WarehouseCode AND C.WorkPoint=A.WorkPoint where A.LotNo='{0}' AND A.WorkPoint='{1}'"; hgsql = string.Format(hgsql, table.Rows[i]["LotNO"].ToString(), WorkPoint); var hgds = Repository().FindDataSetBySql(hgsql); if (hgds.Tables.Count == 0) return null; DataTable hgtable = hgds.Tables[0]; if (hgtable.Rows.Count > 0) { if (!DocNoList.Contains(table.Rows[i]["Code"].ToString())) { DocNoList.Add(table.Rows[i]["Code"].ToString()); } InspectJosnBody += "{"; InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_ORDINE\":\"" + table.Rows[i]["Code"].ToString() + "\","; InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_ARTICOLO\": \"" + hgtable.Rows[0]["InvCode"].ToString() + "\","; InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_SUB1\": \"\","; InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_SUB2\": \"\","; InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_ELERUOLI_GEST\": \"" + hgtable.Rows[0]["Area"].ToString() + "\","; InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_ELEBAIE\": \"" + hgtable.Rows[0]["F_Define3"].ToString() + "\","; InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_QTAR\": " + table.Rows[i]["SendQTY"].ToString() + ","; if (i == 0) { InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_HOSTINF\": \"" + table.Rows[i]["Sequence"].ToString() + "\""; } else { if (table.Rows[i]["Code"].ToString() == table.Rows[i - 1]["Code"].ToString() && table.Rows[i]["Sequence"].ToString() == table.Rows[i - 1]["Sequence"].ToString()) { InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_HOSTINF\": \"" + table.Rows[i]["Sequence"].ToString() + Count.ToString() + "\""; Count++; } else { InspectJosnBody += "\"RIG_HOSTINF\": \"" + table.Rows[i]["Sequence"].ToString() + "\""; Count = 1; } } InspectJosnBody += "},"; } } InspectJosnBody = InspectJosnBody.TrimEnd(','); foreach (string DocNo in DocNoList) { InspectJosnHead += "{"; InspectJosnHead += "\"ORD_ORDINE\":\"" + DocNo.TrimStart('\'').TrimEnd('\'') + "\","; InspectJosnHead += "\"ORD_DES\":\"" + TransType + "\","; InspectJosnHead += "\"ORD_TIPOOP\":\"P\","; InspectJosnHead += "\"ORD_CLIENTE\":\"" + WorkPoint + "\""; InspectJosnHead += "},"; } InspectJosnHead = InspectJosnHead.TrimEnd(','); if (InspectJosnBody != "") { InspectJosn = InspectJosn.Replace("货柜主表区域预留", InspectJosnHead); InspectJosn = InspectJosn.Replace("货柜子表区域预留", InspectJosnBody); if (Convert.ToBoolean(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UploadERP"])) { string callresult = ""; #region 货柜接口调用前日志 object logID = Guid.NewGuid(); string logsql = @"insert into ICSWMS_HGLog values ('{0}',GETDATE(),'{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}')"; logsql = string.Format(logsql, logID, InspectJosn, "", WorkPoint, MUSER, MUSERNAME); SqlHelper.CmdExecuteNonQueryLi(logsql); #endregion callresult = HTTPHelper.RestFulGet(InspectJosn, postUrlStr); #region 货柜接口调用后日志 logsql = @"update ICSWMS_HGLog set ReturnResult='{0}' where ID='{1}'"; logsql = string.Format(logsql, callresult, logID); SqlHelper.CmdExecuteNonQueryLi(logsql); #endregion } } #endregion } } foreach (DataRow PickLog in table.Rows) { pikTbLogsql += @" IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT TransCode FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog WHERE TransCode='{1}' AND TransSequence='{2}' AND LotNo='{9}' AND WorkPoint='{8}' AND TransType='15') BEGIN INSERT INTO ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog(ID,Identification,TransCode,TransSequence,LotNo,InvCode, FromWarehouseCode,FromLocationCode,ToWarehouseCode,ToLocationCode,Quantity, Memo,Lock,TransType,BusinessCode,ERPUpload,ERPID, ERPDetailID,ERPCode,ERPSequence,MUSER,MUSERName, MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1) SELECT NEWID(),'{0}','{1}','{2}',a.LotNo ,a.InvCode , a.WarehouseCode,a.LocationCode,'','','{3}', '','1','15','{4}','0','', '','','','{5}' ,'{6}' , '{7}' ,'{8}' ,'' FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo a WHERE a.LotNo='{9}' AND a.WorkPoint='{8}' update ICSWareHouseLotInfo set LockQuantity=LockQuantity+'{3}' where LotNo='{9}' AND WorkPoint='{8}' END UPDATE ICSMOApply SET MUSER='{6}' WHERE ApplyCode='{1}' and Sequence='{2}' ; "; pikTbLogsql = string.Format(pikTbLogsql, Identification, PickLog["Code"].ToString(), PickLog["Sequence"].ToString(), PickLog["SendQTY"].ToString() , BusinessCode, MUSER, MUSERNAME, pikTbLogTime, WorkPoint, PickLog["LotNO"].ToString()); } CmdExecuteNonQueryWithAPI(pikTbLogsql, cclogsql, ccInspectJosn, ForkLiftUrl); #endregion } var result = ConvertCellToString(table); if (Invmes.Rows.Count > 0) { result.Merge(Invmes, false); } return result; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } } } /// /// 工单领料推荐 /// /// /// /// public DataTable GetICSMOPickMergeByWorkorder(string Id, string workPoint) { string sql = $@"SELECT row_number() over (partition by c.Code,c.InvCode order by c.Code,c.InvCode,d.MTIME) AS rowNo, c.Code, c.InvCode, c.InvName, c.InvStd, c.InvUnit, FLOOR(c.iQuantity) AS iQuantity, d.WarehouseCode, d.LotNO, FLOOR(ISNULL(d.Quantity, 0)) AS QTY, d.LocationCode LocationCode, CONVERT(varchar(100),d.MTIME, 23) MTIME, FLOOR(f.QTYTotal) QTYTotal FROM (select a.ApplyCode as Code, a.InvCode, b.InvName, b.InvStd, b.InvUnit, SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID FROM ICSMOApply a LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE a.ApplyCode in ({Id}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{workPoint}' GROUP BY a.ApplyCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID) c left join (select d.WarehouseCode,d.Quantity,d.INVCode, m.LotNo, d.MTIME,d.LocationCode,m.ExtensionID from ICSWareHouseLotInfo d ,ICSInventoryLot m where d.LotNo=m.LotNo and d.WorkPoint=m.WorkPoint and d.WorkPoint='{workPoint}' AND d.Quantity>0 ) d on c.InvCode=d.INVCode AND c.WhCode=d.WarehouseCode and d.ExtensionID=c.ExtensionID LEFT JOIN (SELECT INVCode,WarehouseCode,SUM(Quantity) AS QTYTotal FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo WHERE WorkPoint='1701' GROUP BY INVCode,WarehouseCode) f ON c.InvCode=f.INVCode AND c.WhCode=f.WarehouseCode order by c.Code,c.InvCode,d.MTIME"; var dataset = Repository().FindDataSetBySql(sql); if (dataset.Tables.Count == 0) return null; DataTable table = dataset.Tables[0]; decimal qtyCount = 0; bool remove = false; List removeList = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { if (i != 0 && !table.Rows[i]["InvCode"].ToString().Equals(table.Rows[i - 1]["InvCode"].ToString())) { qtyCount = 0; remove = false; } if (remove) { removeList.Add(i); } else { var lotQty = table.Rows[i]["QTY"].ToString().ToDecimal(); var orderQty = table.Rows[i]["iQuantity"].ToString().ToDecimal(); qtyCount += lotQty; if (qtyCount >= orderQty) { remove = true; } } } if (removeList.Count > 0) { removeList.Reverse(); foreach (var item in removeList) { table.Rows.RemoveAt(item); } } var result = ConvertCellToString(table); if (Invmes.Rows.Count > 0) { result.Merge(Invmes, false); } return result; } public DataTable ConvertCellToString(DataTable data) { DataTable dtCloned = data.Clone(); foreach (DataColumn col in dtCloned.Columns) { col.DataType = typeof(string); } foreach (DataRow row in data.Rows) { DataRow newrow = dtCloned.NewRow(); foreach (DataColumn column in dtCloned.Columns) { newrow[column.ColumnName] = row[column.ColumnName].ToString(); } dtCloned.Rows.Add(newrow); } return dtCloned; } // public DataTable GetICSMOPickMergeTemp2(string ID, string Type) // { // string WorkPoint = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; // #region sql // string sql = @"SELECT row_number() over (order by c.Code,c.InvCode,d.MTIME,d.LotNO) AS rowNo, // c.MergeID, // c.Code, // c.InvCode, // c.InvName, // c.InvStd, //c.InvUnit, // FLOOR(c.iQuantity) AS iQuantity, // d.WarehouseCode, // d.LocationCode, // d.LotNO, // FLOOR(ISNULL(d.Quantity, 0)) AS QTY, // CONVERT(varchar(100),d.MTIME, 23) MTIME, // FLOOR(f.QTYTotal) QTYTotal INTO #temp // FROM // ({0}) c // LEFT JOIN ICSWareHouseLotInfo d ON c.InvCode=d.INVCode AND c.WhCode=d.WarehouseCode AND d.WorkPoint='{1}' AND d.Quantity>0 // left join ICSInventoryLot m on d.LotNo=m.LotNo and d.WorkPoint=m.WorkPoint and c.ExtensionID=m.ExtensionID // LEFT JOIN (SELECT INVCode,WarehouseCode,SUM(Quantity) AS QTYTotal FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo WHERE WorkPoint='{1}' GROUP BY INVCode,WarehouseCode) f ON c.InvCode=f.INVCode AND c.WhCode=f.WarehouseCode //DECLARE @ItemCode VARCHAR(50), // @QTY DECIMAL(18,3), // @ItemCodeCurrent VARCHAR(50), // @QTYCurrent DECIMAL(18,3), // @iQuantityCurrent DECIMAL(18,3), // @CanDelete BIT, // @Row INT, // @rowCurrent INT //SET @Row = @@rowcount //SET @rowCurrent=1 //SET @CanDelete=0 //SET @ItemCode='' //WHILE @rowCurrent<=@Row // BEGIN // SELECT @ItemCodeCurrent=InvCode,@QTYCurrent=QTY,@iQuantityCurrent=iQuantity FROM #temp WHERE rowNo=@rowCurrent //PRINT(@rowCurrent) // IF @ItemCode<>@ItemCodeCurrent // BEGIN // SET @ItemCode=@ItemCodeCurrent // SET @QTY=0 // SET @CanDelete=0 // END // IF @CanDelete=1 // BEGIN // DELETE FROM #temp WHERE rowNo=@rowCurrent // SET @rowCurrent += 1 // CONTINUE // END // SET @QTY += @QTYCurrent // IF @QTY>=@iQuantityCurrent // BEGIN // SET @CanDelete=1 // END // SET @rowCurrent += 1 // END //SELECT * FROM #temp //DROP TABLE #temp //"; // #endregion // string sqls = ""; // if (Type == "1") // { // #region 工单备料sql // sqls = @" select // x.MergeID, // c.MOCode as Code, // a.InvCode, // b.InvName, // b.InvStd, //b.InvUnit, // SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, // a.WhCode, //a.ExtensionID // FROM // ICSMOPick a // inner join ICSMOPickMerge x on a.ID=x.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=x.WorkPoint // inner join ICSMO c on a.MODetailID=c.MODetailID and a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint // LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint // WHERE c.MOCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' // GROUP BY c.MOCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,x.MergeID,a.ExtensionID"; // #endregion // } // if (Type == "2") // { // #region 工单领料SQL // sqls = @" select // x.MergeID, // a.ApplyCode as Code, // a.InvCode, // b.InvName, // b.InvStd, //b.InvUnit, // SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, // a.WhCode, // a.ExtensionID // FROM // ICSMOApply a // inner join ICSMOPickMerge x on a.ID=x.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=x.WorkPoint // LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint // WHERE a.ApplyCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' // GROUP BY a.ApplyCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,x.MergeID,a.ExtensionID"; // #endregion // } // if (Type == "3") // { // #region 工单材料出库SQL // sqls = @" select // x.MergeID, // a.IssueCode as Code, // a.InvCode, // b.InvName, // b.InvStd, //b.InvUnit, // SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, // a.WhCode, //a.ExtensionID // FROM // ICSMOIssue a // inner join ICSMOPickMerge x on a.ID=x.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=x.WorkPoint // LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint // WHERE a.IssueCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' // GROUP BY a.IssueCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID,x.MergeID"; // #endregion // } // if (Type == "4") // { // #region 委外备料SQL // sqls = @" select // x.MergeID, // c.OOCode as Code, // a.InvCode, // b.InvName, // b.InvStd, //b.InvUnit, // SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, // a.WhCode, //a.ExtensionID // FROM // ICSOOPick a // inner join ICSMOPickMerge x on a.ID=x.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=x.WorkPoint // left join ICSOutsourcingOrder c on a.OODetailID=c.OODetailID and a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint // LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint // WHERE c.OOCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' // GROUP BY c.OOCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID, x.MergeID"; // #endregion // } // if (Type == "5") // { // #region 委外领料SQL // sqls = @" select // x.MergeID, // a.ApplyCode as Code, // a.InvCode, // b.InvName, // b.InvStd, //b.InvUnit, // SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, // a.WhCode, //a.ExtensionID // FROM // ICSOApply a // inner join ICSMOPickMerge x on a.ID=x.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=x.WorkPoint // LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint // WHERE a.ApplyCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' // GROUP BY a.ApplyCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID,x.MergeID"; // #endregion // } // if (Type == "6") // { // #region 委外材料出库SQL // sqls = @" select // x.MergeID, // a.IssueCode as Code, // a.InvCode, // b.InvName, // b.InvStd, //b.InvUnit, // SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, // a.WhCode, //a.ExtensionID // FROM // ICSOIssue a // inner join ICSMOPickMerge x on a.ID=x.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=x.WorkPoint // LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint // WHERE a.IssueCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' // GROUP BY a.IssueCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID,x.MergeID"; // #endregion // } // if (Type == "7") // { // #region 销售发货SQL // sqls = @" select // x.MergeID, // a.SDNCode as Code, // a.InvCode, // b.InvName, // b.InvStd, //b.InvUnit, // SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, // a.WhCode, //a.ExtensionID // FROM // ICSSDN a // inner join ICSMOPickMerge x on a.ID=x.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=x.WorkPoint // LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint // WHERE a.SDNCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' // GROUP BY a.SDNCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID,x.MergeID"; // #endregion // } // if (Type == "8") // { // #region 其它出库SQL // sqls = @" select // x.MergeID, // a.OutCode as Code, // a.InvCode, // b.InvName, // b.InvStd, //b.InvUnit, // SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, // a.WhCode, //a.ExtensionID // FROM // ICSOtherOut a // inner join ICSMOPickMerge x on a.ID=x.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=x.WorkPoint // LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint // WHERE a.OutCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' // GROUP BY a.OutCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID,x.MergeID"; // #endregion // } // if (Type == "9") // { // #region 借用SQL // sqls = @" select // x.MergeID, // a.BrrowCode as Code, // a.InvCode, // b.InvName, // b.InvStd, //b.InvUnit, // SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, // a.WhCode, //a.ExtensionID // FROM // ICSBrrow a // inner join ICSMOPickMerge x on a.ID=x.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=x.WorkPoint // LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint // WHERE a.BrrowCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' // GROUP BY a.BrrowCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID,x.MergeID"; // #endregion // } // if (Type == "10") // { // #region 物料调拨 // sqls = @" select // x.MergeID, // a.TransferNO as Code, // a.InvCode, // b.InvName, // b.InvStd, //b.InvUnit, // SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, // a.FromWarehouseCode as WhCode, //a.ExtensionID // FROM // ICSTransfer a // inner join ICSMOPickMerge x on a.ID=x.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=x.WorkPoint // LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint // WHERE a.TransferNO in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' // GROUP BY a.TransferNO,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.FromWarehouseCode,a.ExtensionID,x.MergeID"; // #endregion // } // if (Type == "11") // { // #region 两步调出 // sqls = @"select // x.MergeID, // a.OutCode as Code, // a.InvCode, // b.InvName, // b.InvStd, // b.InvUnit, // SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, // a.WHCode as WhCode, // a.ExtensionID // FROM // ICSOtherOut a // INNER JOIN ICSTransfer tra ON a.TransferDetailID=tra.TransferDetailID AND a.WorkPoint=tra.WorkPoint // inner join ICSMOPickMerge x on a.ID=x.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=x.WorkPoint // LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint // WHERE a.OutCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' // GROUP BY a.OutCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WHCode,a.ExtensionID,x.MergeID"; // #endregion // } // sqls = string.Format(sqls, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ID) ? "''" : ID.TrimEnd(','), WorkPoint); // sql = string.Format(sql, sqls, WorkPoint); // DataTable table = Repository().FindDataSetBySql(sql).Tables[0]; // DataTable dtCloned = table.Clone(); // foreach (DataColumn col in dtCloned.Columns) // { // col.DataType = typeof(string); // } // foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) // { // DataRow newrow = dtCloned.NewRow(); // foreach (DataColumn column in dtCloned.Columns) // { // newrow[column.ColumnName] = row[column.ColumnName].ToString(); // } // dtCloned.Rows.Add(newrow); // } // if (Invmes.Rows.Count > 0) // { // dtCloned.Merge(Invmes, false); // } // return dtCloned; // } public DataTable GetICSMOPickMergeTemp2(string ID, string Type) { string WorkPoint = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; string sqls = ""; if (Type == "1") { #region 工单备料sql sqls = @" select x.MergeID, c.MOCode as Code, a.InvCode, b.InvName, b.InvStd, b.InvUnit, SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, a.WhCode, a.ExtensionID FROM ICSMOPick a inner join ICSMOPickMerge x on a.ID=x.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=x.WorkPoint inner join ICSMO c on a.MODetailID=c.MODetailID and a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE c.MOCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' GROUP BY c.MOCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,x.MergeID,a.ExtensionID"; #endregion } if (Type == "2" || Type == "12") { #region 工单领料SQL sqls = @" select x.MergeID, a.ApplyCode as Code, a.InvCode, b.InvName, b.InvStd, b.InvUnit, SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, a.WhCode, a.ExtensionID FROM ICSMOApply a inner join ICSMOPickMerge x on a.ID=x.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=x.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE a.ApplyCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' GROUP BY a.ApplyCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,x.MergeID,a.ExtensionID"; #endregion } if (Type == "3") { #region 工单材料出库SQL sqls = @" select x.MergeID, a.IssueCode as Code, a.InvCode, b.InvName, b.InvStd, b.InvUnit, SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, a.WhCode, a.ExtensionID FROM ICSMOIssue a inner join ICSMOPickMerge x on a.ID=x.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=x.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE a.IssueCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' GROUP BY a.IssueCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID,x.MergeID"; #endregion } if (Type == "4") { #region 委外备料SQL sqls = @" select x.MergeID, c.OOCode as Code, a.InvCode, b.InvName, b.InvStd, b.InvUnit, SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, a.WhCode, a.ExtensionID FROM ICSOOPick a inner join ICSMOPickMerge x on a.ID=x.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=x.WorkPoint left join ICSOutsourcingOrder c on a.OODetailID=c.OODetailID and a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE c.OOCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' GROUP BY c.OOCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID, x.MergeID"; #endregion } if (Type == "5") { #region 委外领料SQL sqls = @" select x.MergeID, a.ApplyCode as Code, a.InvCode, b.InvName, b.InvStd, b.InvUnit, SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, a.WhCode, a.ExtensionID FROM ICSOApply a inner join ICSMOPickMerge x on a.ID=x.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=x.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE a.ApplyCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' GROUP BY a.ApplyCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID,x.MergeID"; #endregion } if (Type == "6") { #region 委外材料出库SQL sqls = @" select x.MergeID, a.IssueCode as Code, a.InvCode, b.InvName, b.InvStd, b.InvUnit, SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, a.WhCode, a.ExtensionID FROM ICSOIssue a inner join ICSMOPickMerge x on a.ID=x.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=x.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE a.IssueCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' GROUP BY a.IssueCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID,x.MergeID"; #endregion } if (Type == "7") { #region 销售发货SQL sqls = @" select x.MergeID, a.SDNCode as Code, a.InvCode, b.InvName, b.InvStd, b.InvUnit, SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, a.WhCode, a.ExtensionID FROM ICSSDN a inner join ICSMOPickMerge x on a.ID=x.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=x.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE a.SDNCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' AND a.Type='1' GROUP BY a.SDNCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID,x.MergeID"; #endregion } if (Type == "8") { #region 其它出库SQL sqls = @" select x.MergeID, a.OutCode as Code, a.InvCode, b.InvName, b.InvStd, b.InvUnit, SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, a.WhCode, a.ExtensionID FROM ICSOtherOut a inner join ICSMOPickMerge x on a.ID=x.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=x.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE a.OutCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' GROUP BY a.OutCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID,x.MergeID"; #endregion } if (Type == "9") { #region 借用SQL sqls = @" select x.MergeID, a.BrrowCode as Code, a.InvCode, b.InvName, b.InvStd, b.InvUnit, SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, a.WhCode, a.ExtensionID FROM ICSBrrow a inner join ICSMOPickMerge x on a.ID=x.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=x.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE a.BrrowCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' GROUP BY a.BrrowCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WhCode,a.ExtensionID,x.MergeID"; #endregion } if (Type == "10") { #region 物料调拨 sqls = @" select x.MergeID, a.TransferNO as Code, a.InvCode, b.InvName, b.InvStd, b.InvUnit, SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, a.FromWarehouseCode as WhCode, a.ExtensionID FROM ICSTransfer a inner join ICSMOPickMerge x on a.ID=x.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=x.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE a.TransferNO in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' GROUP BY a.TransferNO,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.FromWarehouseCode,a.ExtensionID,x.MergeID"; #endregion } if (Type == "11") { #region 两步调出 sqls = @" select x.MergeID, a.OutCode as Code, a.InvCode, b.InvName, b.InvStd, b.InvUnit, SUM(ISNULL(a.Quantity, 0)) AS iQuantity, a.WHCode as WhCode, a.ExtensionID FROM ICSOtherOut a INNER JOIN ICSTransfer tra ON a.TransferDetailID=tra.TransferDetailID AND a.WorkPoint=tra.WorkPoint inner join ICSMOPickMerge x on a.ID=x.SourceID and a.WorkPoint=x.WorkPoint LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.InvCode = b.InvCode AND a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint WHERE a.OutCode in ({0}) AND a.WorkPoint = '{1}' GROUP BY a.OutCode,a.InvCode,b.InvName,b.InvStd,b.InvUnit,a.WHCode,a.ExtensionID,x.MergeID"; #endregion } sqls = string.Format(sqls, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ID) ? "''" : ID.TrimEnd(','), WorkPoint); #region sql string sql = $@"SELECT row_number() over (order by c.Code,c.InvCode,d.MTIME,d.LotNO) AS rowNo, c.MergeID, c.Code, c.InvCode, c.InvName, c.InvStd, c.InvUnit, FLOOR(c.iQuantity) AS iQuantity, d.WarehouseCode, d.LocationCode, d.LotNO, FLOOR(ISNULL(d.Quantity, 0)) AS QTY, CONVERT(varchar(100),d.MTIME, 23) MTIME, FLOOR(f.QTYTotal) QTYTotal FROM ({sqls}) c left join (select d.WarehouseCode,d.Quantity,d.INVCode, m.LotNo, d.MTIME,d.LocationCode,m.ExtensionID from ICSWareHouseLotInfo d ,ICSInventoryLot m where d.LotNo=m.LotNo and d.WorkPoint=m.WorkPoint and d.WorkPoint='{WorkPoint}' AND d.Quantity>0 ) d on c.InvCode=d.INVCode AND c.WhCode=d.WarehouseCode and d.ExtensionID=c.ExtensionID LEFT JOIN (SELECT INVCode,WarehouseCode,SUM(Quantity) AS QTYTotal FROM ICSWareHouseLotInfo WHERE WorkPoint='{WorkPoint}' GROUP BY INVCode,WarehouseCode) f ON c.InvCode=f.INVCode AND c.WhCode=f.WarehouseCode order by c.Code,c.InvCode,d.MTIME "; #endregion var dataset = Repository().FindDataSetBySql(sql); if (dataset.Tables.Count == 0) return null; DataTable table = dataset.Tables[0]; decimal qtyCount = 0; bool remove = false; List removeList = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { if (i != 0 && (!table.Rows[i]["InvCode"].ToString().Equals(table.Rows[i - 1]["InvCode"].ToString()) || !table.Rows[i]["Code"].ToString().Equals(table.Rows[i - 1]["Code"].ToString())) ) { qtyCount = 0; remove = false; } if (remove) { removeList.Add(i); } else { var lotQty = table.Rows[i]["QTY"].ToString().ToDecimal(); var orderQty = table.Rows[i]["iQuantity"].ToString().ToDecimal(); qtyCount += lotQty; if (qtyCount >= orderQty) { remove = true; } } } if (removeList.Count > 0) { removeList.Reverse(); foreach (var item in removeList) { table.Rows.RemoveAt(item); } } var result = ConvertCellToString(table); if (Invmes.Rows.Count > 0) { result.Merge(Invmes, false); } return result; } public string MergeMaterial(string keyValue, string Type) { string MUSER = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().UserCode; string MUSERNAME = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().UserName; string WorkPoint = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; string msg = ""; string sql = string.Empty; string dataList = string.Empty; List arry = keyValue.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList(); if (arry.Count > 0) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var i in arry) { stringBuilder.Append($@"'{i}',"); } dataList = stringBuilder.ToString(0, stringBuilder.Length - 1); } Int64 Merge_ID = 0; DateTime time = DateTime.Now; string Tday = time.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); string sqls = string.Format(@"SELECT MAX(A.MergeID) AS SourceID FROM ICSMOPickMerge A WHERE A.MergeID LIKE '{0}%' AND LEN(a.MergeID) = 13", Tday); DataSet ds = SqlHelper.GetDataSetBySql(sqls); DataTable dts = ds.Tables[0]; if (dts != null && dts.Rows.Count > 0) { string lot = dts.Rows[0]["SourceID"].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lot)) Merge_ID = Convert.ToInt64(lot.Substring(lot.Length - 5)); } string MergeID = Tday + (Merge_ID + 1).ToString().PadLeft(5, '0'); string order = string.Empty; string orderCode = string.Empty; string quantity = string.Empty; string sqlString1 = string.Empty; string sqlString2 = string.Empty; if (Type == "1")//工单备料 { sql += @"INSERT INTO dbo.ICSMOPickMerge ( ID ,MergeID ,SourceID ,Type,MUSER, MUSERName,MTIME,WorkPoint) select NEWID(),'{0}',b.ID ,'{1}','{2}','{3}',GETDATE(),'{4}' from ICSMO a inner join ICSMOPick b on b.MODetailID=a.MODetailID and b.WorkPoint=a.WorkPoint where a.MOCode in ({5}) "; } if (Type == "2")//工单发料 { order = "ICSMOApply"; orderCode = "b.ApplyCode"; quantity = "b.IssueQuantity"; sql += @"INSERT INTO dbo.ICSMOPickMerge ( ID ,MergeID ,SourceID ,Type,MUSER, MUSERName,MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1) select NEWID(),'{0}',a.ID ,'{1}','{2}','{3}',GETDATE(),'{4}',a.ApplyCode from ICSMOApply a where a.ApplyCode in ({5})"; } if (Type == "3")//材料出库 { sql += @"INSERT INTO dbo.ICSMOPickMerge ( ID ,MergeID ,SourceID ,Type,MUSER, MUSERName,MTIME,WorkPoint) select NEWID(),'{0}',a.ID ,'{1}','{2}','{3}',GETDATE(),'{4}' from ICSMOIssue a where a.IssueCode in ({5}) "; } if (Type == "4")//委外备料 { sql += @"INSERT INTO dbo.ICSMOPickMerge ( ID ,MergeID ,SourceID ,Type,MUSER, MUSERName,MTIME,WorkPoint) select NEWID(),'{0}',b.ID ,'{1}','{2}','{3}',GETDATE(),'{4}' from ICSOutsourcingOrder a inner join ICSOOPick b on a.OODetailID=b.OODetailID and b.WorkPoint=a.WorkPoint where a.OOCode in ({5})"; } if (Type == "5")//委外领料 { order = "ICSOApply"; orderCode = "b.ApplyCode"; quantity = "b.IssueQuantity"; sql += @"INSERT INTO dbo.ICSMOPickMerge ( ID ,MergeID ,SourceID ,Type,MUSER, MUSERName,MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1) select NEWID(),'{0}',a.ID ,'{1}','{2}','{3}',GETDATE(),'{4}',a.ApplyCode from ICSOApply a where a.ApplyCode in ({5})"; } if (Type == "6")//委外材料出库 { sql += @"INSERT INTO dbo.ICSMOPickMerge ( ID ,MergeID ,SourceID ,Type,MUSER, MUSERName,MTIME,WorkPoint) select NEWID(),'{0}',a.ID ,'{1}','{2}','{3}',GETDATE(),'{4}' from ICSOIssue a where a.IssueCode in ({5})"; } if (Type == "7")//销售发货 { order = "ICSSDN"; orderCode = "b.SDNCode"; quantity = "b.SDNQuantity"; sql += @"INSERT INTO dbo.ICSMOPickMerge ( ID ,MergeID ,SourceID ,Type,MUSER, MUSERName,MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1) select NEWID(),'{0}',a.ID ,'{1}','{2}','{3}',GETDATE(),'{4}',a.SDNCode from ICSSDN a where a.SDNCode in ({5}) AND a.Type='1' "; } if (Type == "8")//其它出库 { order = "ICSOtherOut"; orderCode = "b.OutCode"; quantity = "b.OutQuantity"; sql += @"INSERT INTO dbo.ICSMOPickMerge ( ID ,MergeID ,SourceID ,Type,MUSER, MUSERName,MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1) select NEWID(),'{0}',a.ID ,'{1}','{2}','{3}',GETDATE(),'{4}',a.OutCode from ICSOtherOut a where a.OutCode in ({5})"; } if (Type == "9")//借用单 { sql += @"INSERT INTO dbo.ICSMOPickMerge ( ID ,MergeID ,SourceID ,Type,MUSER, MUSERName,MTIME,WorkPoint) select NEWID(),'{0}',a.ID ,'{1}','{2}','{3}',GETDATE(),'{4}' from ICSBrrow a where a.BrrowCode in ({5})"; } if (Type == "10")//物料调拨 { order = "ICSTransfer"; orderCode = "b.TransferNO"; quantity = "b.TransferQuantity"; sql += @"INSERT INTO dbo.ICSMOPickMerge ( ID ,MergeID ,SourceID ,Type,MUSER, MUSERName,MTIME,WorkPoint,EATTRIBUTE1) select NEWID(),'{0}',a.ID ,'{1}','{2}','{3}',GETDATE(),'{4}',a.TransferNO from ICSTransfer a where a.TransferNO in ({5}) "; } if (Type == "11")//两步调出 { sql += @" INSERT INTO dbo.ICSMOPickMerge ( ID ,MergeID ,SourceID ,Type,MUSER, MUSERName,MTIME,WorkPoint) select NEWID(),'{0}',a.ID ,'{1}','{2}','{3}',GETDATE(),'{4}' from ICSOtherOut a INNER JOIN ICSTransfer tra ON a.TransferDetailID=tra.TransferDetailID AND a.WorkPoint=tra.WorkPoint where a.OutCode in ({5}) "; } sql = string.Format(sql, MergeID, Type, MUSER, MUSERNAME, WorkPoint, dataList); sqlString1 += $@" SELECT a.ID FROM ICSMOPickMerge a WHERE a.SourceID IN (SELECT b.ID FROM {order} b WHERE {orderCode} IN({dataList}) )"; sqlString2 += $@" SELECT b.ID FROM {order} b WHERE {orderCode} IN({dataList}) AND {quantity}>0"; DataSet ds1 = SqlHelper.GetDataSetBySql(sqlString1); DataSet ds2 = SqlHelper.GetDataSetBySql(sqlString2); DataTable dts1 = ds1.Tables[0]; DataTable dts2 = ds2.Tables[0]; if ((dts1 != null && dts1.Rows.Count > 0)) { } else if (dts2 != null && dts2.Rows.Count > 0) { msg = "当前选择单据号存在已出库的单据号,合并 失败"; } else { try { if (SqlHelper.CmdExecuteNonQueryLi(sql) == 0) { msg = "新增失败"; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } } return msg; } public string CancelMergeMaterial(string keyValue, string Type) { string msg = ""; string sql = string.Empty; keyValue = keyValue.TrimEnd(','); List arry = keyValue.Split(',').ToList(); string dataList = string.Empty; if (arry.Count > 0) { foreach (var i in arry) { dataList += $@"'{i}',"; } if (dataList.Any()) { dataList = dataList.TrimEnd(','); } } string sqls = $@" SELECT SourceID FROM ICSMOPickMerge WHERE EATTRIBUTE1 IN({dataList}) "; DataSet ds = SqlHelper.GetDataSetBySql(sqls); DataTable dts = ds.Tables[0]; if (dts == null || dts.Rows.Count <= 0) { msg = "当前单据未合并拣料,取消合并拣料失败"; return msg; } string sqlStrring = string.Empty; if (Type == "2")//工单发料 { sqlStrring = $@"select ID from ICSMOApply a where a.ID in ({sqls}) and a.IssueQuantity=0 "; } if (Type == "5")//委外领料 { sqlStrring = $@"select ID from ICSOApply a where a.ID in ({sqls}) and a.IssueQuantity=0 "; } if (Type == "7")//销售发货 { sqlStrring = $@"select ID from ICSSDN a where a.ID in ({sqls}) and a.SDNQuantity=0 AND a.Type='1' "; } if (Type == "8")//其它出库 { sqlStrring = $@"select ID from ICSOtherOut a where a.ID in ({sqls}) and a.OutQuantity=0"; } if (Type == "10")//物料调拨 { sqlStrring = $@"select ID from ICSTransfer a where a.ID in ({sqls}) and a.TransferQuantity=0 "; } DataSet dsdata = SqlHelper.GetDataSetBySql(sqlStrring); DataTable dtdsdatas = dsdata.Tables[0]; if (dtdsdatas == null || dtdsdatas.Rows.Count <= 0) { msg = "当前物料已经出库,取消合并失败"; return msg; } sql = $@"DELETE FROM ICSMOPickMerge WHERE SourceID IN({sqls})"; try { if (SqlHelper.CmdExecuteNonQueryLi(sql) > 0) { } else { msg = "取消合并失败"; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } return msg; } public string CheckQty(string objArr) { objArr = objArr.TrimEnd(','); string sql = @"select * from ICSMOPickMerge a left join ICSMOPick b on a.SourceID=b.ID and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint left join ICSMO c on b.MODetailID=c.MODetailID and b.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint where MOCode in ({0})"; sql = string.Format(sql, objArr); DataTable dt = SqlHelper.GetDataTableBySql(sql); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { return "1"; } return "0"; } //删除占料 public string DelPickLog(string objCode) { //站点信息 string WorkPoint = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; string msg = ""; objCode = objCode.Substring(1, objCode.Length - 2); string sql = string.Empty; // sql += string.Format(@"update b set b.LockQuantity=convert(decimal(18,6),b.LockQuantity)-convert(decimal(18,6),a.Quantity ) //from dbo.ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a //left join dbo.ICSWareHouseLotInfo b on a.LotNo=b.LotNo and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint // where a.TransCode in ({0}) and a.TransType='15' and a.WorkPoint='{1}'", objCode.TrimEnd(','), WorkPoint); sql += string.Format(@" update b set b.LockQuantity=convert(decimal(18,6),b.LockQuantity)-convert(decimal(18,6),c.Quantity ) from dbo.ICSWareHouseLotInfo b inner join (select sum(Quantity) as Quantity, LotNo from ICSWareHouseLotInfolog where TransCode in ({0})and TransType='15' and WorkPoint='{1}' group by LotNo) c on c.LotNo =b.LotNo ", objCode.TrimEnd(','), WorkPoint); sql += string.Format(@" delete dbo.ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog where TransCode in({0}) and TransType='15' and WorkPoint='{1}'", objCode.TrimEnd(','), WorkPoint); try { if (SqlHelper.CmdExecuteNonQueryLi(sql) > 0) { } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } return msg; } public int SeachPickLog(string objCode) { string WorkPoint = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; objCode = objCode.TrimEnd(','); string[] parameters = objCode.Split(','); int parameterCount = parameters.Length; string sql = @" select distinct a.TransCode from dbo.ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a left join dbo.ICSWareHouseLotInfo b on a.LotNo=b.LotNo and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint where a.TransCode in ({0}) and a.TransType='15' and a.WorkPoint='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, objCode, WorkPoint); DataTable dt = SqlHelper.GetDataTableBySql(sql); int count = dt.Rows.Count; return count; } //添加打印次数 public int PrintCount(string objCode, string type) { string WorkPoint = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; string MUser = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().UserCode; string MUserName = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().UserName; var date = DateTime.Now; objCode = objCode.TrimEnd(','); string[] parameters = objCode.Split(','); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var data in parameters) { sb.Append($@"IF EXISTS (SELECT ID FROM ICSPrintCount WHERE TransCode={data} ) BEGIN UPDATE ICSPrintCount SET PrintCount=PrintCount+1 WHERE TransCode={data} END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO ICSPrintCount VALUES(NEWID(),{data},1,'{type}','{WorkPoint}','{MUser}','{MUserName}','{date}') END ;" ); } if (sb.IsEmpty()) { return 0; } int count = SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sb.ToString()); return count; } public DataTable GetPickLogInfo(string ID) { string WorkPoint = NFine.Code.OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent().Location; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); List parameter = new List(); string sql = @" select '' as MergeID,a.TransCode as Code,a.TransSequence as Sequence,a.InvCode as InvCode, b.InvName as InvName,b.InvStd as InvStd,b.InvUnit as InvSInvUnittd,a.Quantity as iQuantity, a.FromWarehouseCode as WarehouseCode,a.FromLocationCode as LocationCode,a.LotNO,a.MTIME,c.Quantity as QTY from dbo.ICSWareHouseLotInfoLog a left join dbo.ICSInventory b on a.InvCode=b.InvCode and a.WorkPoint=b.WorkPoint left join dbo.ICSWareHouseLotInfo c on a.LotNo=c.LotNo and a.WorkPoint=c.WorkPoint where a.TransCode in ({0}) and a.TransType='15' and a.WorkPoint='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, ID.TrimEnd(','), WorkPoint); return Repository().FindTableBySql(sql.ToString()); } public class LotMessage { public string LotNo { get; set; } public decimal Quantity { get; set; } } //事务中执行SQL及调用接口 public static int CmdExecuteNonQueryWithAPI(string sql, string ccsql, string InputJson, string PostUrl, params SqlParameter[] spArr) { using (SqlConnection conn = SqlHelper.GetDataCenterConn()) { conn.Open(); SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Transaction = sqlTran; cmd.Connection = conn; try { if (ccsql == "") { cmd.CommandText = sql; int RES = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return RES; } else { cmd.CommandText = sql; int RES = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.CommandText = ccsql; RES = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); #region 叉车接口调用(写进事务中,报错可以回滚,保证数据正确) string rest = HTTPHelper.HttpPost("WMS调用叉车接口出库", PostUrl, InputJson); ForkLiftResult result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(rest); if (result.Ret == 1) { cmd.Transaction.Commit(); return RES; } else { throw new Exception(result.RetMsg); } #endregion } } catch (Exception ex) { cmd.Transaction.Rollback(); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Closed) { conn.Close(); conn.Dispose(); } } return 0; } } } }