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using NFine.Application.SystemSecurity;
using NFine.Code;
using NFine.Domain.Entity.SystemSecurity;
using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace NFine.Web.Areas.SystemSecurity.Controllers
public class DbBackupController : ControllerBase
private DbBackupApp dbBackupApp = new DbBackupApp();
public ActionResult GetGridJson(string queryJson)
var data = dbBackupApp.GetList(queryJson);
return Content(data.ToJson());
public ActionResult SubmitForm(DbBackupEntity dbBackupEntity)
dbBackupEntity.F_FilePath = Server.MapPath("~/Resource/DbBackup/" + dbBackupEntity.F_FileName + ".bak");
dbBackupEntity.F_FileName = dbBackupEntity.F_FileName + ".bak";
return Success("操作成功。");
public ActionResult DeleteForm(string keyValue)
return Success("删除成功。");
public void DownloadBackup(string keyValue)
var data = dbBackupApp.GetForm(keyValue);
string filename = Server.UrlDecode(data.F_FileName);
string filepath = Server.MapPath(data.F_FilePath);
if (FileDownHelper.FileExists(filepath))
FileDownHelper.DownLoadold(filepath, filename);