1840 lines
107 KiB
1840 lines
107 KiB
using ICSSoft.Common;
using ICSSoft.Entity;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ICSSoft.DataProject
/// <summary>
/// 成品入库单
/// </summary>
public class ManufactureReceiveDoc
private static log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
private static string connString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ERPConnStr"];
private static string ERPDB = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ERPDB"];
private static string Type = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Type"];
private static string CRNALL = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ManuFaCRDNAME"];
private static string CRNA = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MoICRDNAME"];
/// <summary>
/// 获取成品入库单
/// </summary>
/// <param name="infos"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public string Get(List<ICSManufactureReceiveDoc> infos)
List<ICSManufactureReceiveDoc> szJson = new List<ICSManufactureReceiveDoc>();
DataTable dt = null;
DataTable dtNew = null;
string connS = "";
string json = "";
if (infos.Count <= 0)
throw new Exception("传送数据为空!");
string res = string.Empty;
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection();
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
string sql = string.Empty;
List<string> result = infos.Select(t => t.WorkPoint).Distinct().ToList();
foreach (string WorkPoint in result)
connS = string.Format(connString, WorkPoint);
conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connS);
SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction();
cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd.Transaction = sqlTran;
cmd.Connection = conn;
foreach (ICSManufactureReceiveDoc info in infos)
if (WorkPoint != info.WorkPoint)
ICSUserInfo userInfo = new ICSUserInfo();
userInfo = DBHelper.GetPersonInfo(info.User, cmd);
if (info.MTime < new DateTime(2000, 01, 01))
throw new Exception("请输入正确的操作时间:" + info.MTime);
sql = @" select a.ID,a.cCode,a.cDepCode,c.cDepName,a.cWhCode,d.cWhName,a.cMPoCode ,a.cMaker ,a.dnmaketime ,a.cHandler ,a.dnverifytime ,
b.AutoID,b.iRSRowNO ,b.cInvCode ,b.iQuantity ,b.iNum ,b.iMPoIds from rdrecord10 a
left join rdrecords10 b on a.ID=b.ID
left join Department c on a.cDepCode=c.cDepCode
left join Warehouse d on a.cWhCode=d.cWhCode WHERE 1=1";
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(info.MRCVCode))
sql += " and a.cCode='{0}'";
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(info.MTime.ToString()))
sql += " and ISNULL(a.dnmodifytime,ISNULL(a.dnverifytime, ISNULL(a.dnmodifytime, a.dnmaketime)))>='{1}'";
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(info.User))
sql += "and a.CMAKER='{2}'";
sql = string.Format(sql, info.MRCVCode, info.MTime, userInfo.UserName);
dt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0 || dt == null)
throw new Exception("成品入库单:" + info.MRCVCode + ",无信息!");
if (dtNew == null)
dtNew = dt;
catch (Exception ex)
if (cmd.Transaction != null)
throw new Exception(ex.Message);
if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open)
json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtNew);
return json;
/// <summary>
/// 创建成品入库单
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Bills"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public string CreateManufactureReceiveDoc(List<ICSManufactureReceiveDoc> Bills)
int moidinbatch = 0;
string msg = "";
DataSet ds=null;
string iFatherIdTwo = "";
string iFatherIdTree = "";
int isif = 0;
string connS = "";
string MoClass = "";
int num = 0;
int news = 0;
int out11 = 0;
int iseq = 0;
int irownnew = 0;
string sql = string.Empty;
string mocode = "";
string seq = "";
//取得采购入库单单据 表头ID,表体DID
VouchKey key = new VouchKey();
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection();
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
if (Bills.Count <= 0)
throw new Exception("传送数据为空!");
foreach (ICSManufactureReceiveDoc head in Bills)
foreach (ICSManufactureReceiveDocs load in head.details)
foreach (ICSManufactureReceiveDocss loads in load.detailss)
List<string> result = Bills.Select(t => t.WorkPoint).Distinct().ToList();
foreach (string WorkPoint in result)
connS = string.Format(connString, WorkPoint);
conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connS);
SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction();
cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd.Transaction = sqlTran;
cmd.Connection = conn;
foreach (ICSManufactureReceiveDoc head in Bills)
iFatherIdTwo = "";
iFatherIdTree = "";
if (WorkPoint != head.WorkPoint)
if (!DBHelper.IsInventoryConsolidation(cmd, head.WorkPoint))
throw new Exception("U8正在整理现存量,请稍后再试");
ICSUserInfo userInfo = new ICSUserInfo();
userInfo = DBHelper.GetPersonInfo(head.User, cmd);
string[] ss = head.WorkPoint.Split('_');
ERPDB = ss[1];
string[] dd = CRNALL.Split('~');
string crdname = dd[0];
string carname = dd[1];
string surface = dd[2];
string[] d = CRNA.Split('~');
string crdname1 = d[0];
string carname1 = d[1];
string surface1 = d[2];
string cardnewcode = DBHelper.GetCardNumber(carname, cmd);
string cardnewcode1 = DBHelper.GetCardNumber(carname1, cmd);
num = head.details.Count();
Dictionary<string, int> dic = DBHelper.GetAllCode("" + ERPDB + "", surface, "" + num + "", head.WorkPoint, cmd);
int iFatherId = Convert.ToInt32(dic["iFatherId"].ToString());
int iChildId = Convert.ToInt32(dic["iChildId"].ToString());
DateTime date = DateTime.Now;
string DEF_ID = DBHelper.GetDefaultTemplate(cardnewcode, cmd);
string cRDcode = DBHelper.GetRDCode(crdname, cmd);
string iBaseCodeLen = DBHelper.GetAllRDCode(cardnewcode, "" + date + "", "admin", cRDcode, head.WorkPoint, cmd);
string cRDcode1 = DBHelper.GetRDCode(crdname1, cmd);
string DEF_ID1 = DBHelper.GetDefaultTemplate(cardnewcode1, cmd);
//Person personEntity = new Person();
//personEntity = U8Helper.GetDepCodeByUserCode(head.UserCode, cmd);
DateTime dvDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
#region 产成品入库单表头
sql = @"INSERT INTO dbo.rdrecord10
( ID ,bRdFlag ,cVouchType ,cBusType ,cSource ,cWhCode ,dDate ,
cCode ,cRdCode ,cDepCode ,cHandler ,bTransFlag ,cMaker ,
cDefine1 ,cDefine2 ,cDefine3 ,cDefine4 ,cDefine5 ,cDefine6 ,
cDefine7 ,cDefine8 ,cDefine9 ,cDefine10 ,dVeriDate ,bpufirst ,
biafirst ,VT_ID ,bIsSTQc ,cDefine11 ,cDefine12 ,cDefine13 ,
cDefine14 ,cDefine15 ,cDefine16 ,cMPoCode ,iproorderid ,
bFromPreYear ,bIsComplement ,iDiscountTaxType ,ireturncount ,
iverifystate ,iswfcontrolled ,cModifyPerson ,dnmaketime ,
dnverifytime ,bredvouch ,iPrintCount )
SELECT @ID,1,'10','成品入库','生产订单',@cWhCode,convert(datetime,convert(varchar(10),getdate(),120)),
FROM dbo.mom_order a
WHERE a.MoCode='" + head.MOCode + "'";
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ID", iFatherId));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cWhCode", head.WHCode));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cCode", iBaseCodeLen));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cDepCode", head.DepCode));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cHandler", userInfo.UserName));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cMaker", userInfo.UserName));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@VT_ID", DEF_ID));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@DepCode", head.DepCode));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@dDate", dvDate));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@RdCode", cRDcode));
cmd.CommandText = sql;
int count = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
if (count <= 0)
throw new Exception("生成成品入库单表头失败,受影响行数<=0;");
catch (Exception ex)
log.Error("生成成品入库单表头失败!SQL:\r\n" + sql, ex);
throw new Exception("生成成品入库单表头失败!SQL:\r\n" + sql, ex);
List<WH> LWH = new List<WH>();
if (news != 0)
foreach (ICSManufactureReceiveDocs load in head.details)
foreach (ICSManufactureReceiveDocss loads in load.detailss)
WH wh = new WH();
wh.WHCODE = loads.WHCode;
wh.seq = 0;
if (LWH.Count != 0)
int whnumber = 0;
foreach (WH item in LWH)
if (item.WHCODE == wh.WHCODE)
if (whnumber == 0)
foreach (WH item in LWH)
Dictionary<string, int> dic1 = DBHelper.GetAllCode("" + ERPDB + "", surface1, "1", head.WorkPoint, cmd);
int iFatherId1 = Convert.ToInt32(dic1["iFatherId"].ToString());
int iChildId1 = Convert.ToInt32(dic1["iChildId"].ToString());
DateTime date1 = DateTime.Now;
string iBaseCodeLen1 = DBHelper.GetAllRDCode(cardnewcode1, "" + date1 + "", "admin", cRDcode1, head.WorkPoint, cmd);
#region 材料出库单表头
sql = @"INSERT INTO dbo.rdrecord11
( ID ,bRdFlag ,cVouchType ,cBusType ,cSource ,cWhCode ,dDate ,cBusCode,
cCode ,cRdCode ,cDepCode,cHandler ,bTransFlag ,cMaker ,
dVeriDate ,bpufirst ,biafirst ,VT_ID ,bIsSTQc
,cPsPcode ,cMPoCode ,iproorderid ,bFromPreYear ,
bIsLsQuery ,bIsComplement ,iDiscountTaxType ,ireturncount ,iverifystate ,
iswfcontrolled ,dnmaketime ,dnverifytime ,bredvouch ,iPrintCount,
SELECT TOP 1 @ID,0,'11','生产倒冲','产成品入库单',@cWhCode,CONVERT(NVARCHAR(15),GETDATE(),23),@cBusCode,
FROM dbo.mom_orderdetail a
left JOIN dbo.mom_order b ON a.MoId=b.MoId
left join mom_morder c on a.modid=c.modid
WHERE b.MoCode='" + head.MOCode + "'";
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ID", iFatherId1));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cBusCode", iBaseCodeLen));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cWhCode", item.WHCODE));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cCode", iBaseCodeLen1));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cHandler", userInfo.UserName));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cMaker", userInfo.UserName));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@VT_ID", DEF_ID1));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cRdCode", cRDcode1));
//cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@bredvouch",0));
cmd.CommandText = sql;
int count = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
if (count <= 0)
throw new Exception("生成成品入库单表头失败,受影响行数<=0;");
catch (Exception ex)
log.Error("生成成品入库单表头失败!SQL:\r\n" + sql, ex);
throw new Exception("生成成品入库单表头失败!SQL:\r\n" + sql, ex);
item.ID = iFatherId1;
#region 产成品入库单表体
int irow = 0;
foreach (ICSManufactureReceiveDocs body in head.details)
if (DBHelper.bInvBatch(body.InvCode, cmd) == true)
if (body.BatchCode == "")
log.Error("该物料:" + body.InvCode + "已启用批次,请重新填写!");
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + "已启用批次,请重新填写!");
if (body.BatchCode != "")
log.Error("该物料:" + body.InvCode + "未启用批次,请重新填写!");
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + "未启用批次,请重新填写!");
#region 判断工单行是否关闭,关闭不能入库
sql = @"SELECT ISNULL(a.CloseUser,'') as CloseUser,b.MoCode,a.SortSeq FROM dbo.mom_orderdetail a INNER JOIN
dbo.mom_order b ON b.MoId = a.MoId WHERE a.MoDId = '" + body.MODetailID + "'";
DataTable dtCheck = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (dtCheck != null && dtCheck.Rows.Count > 0)
mocode = dtCheck.Rows[0]["MoCode"].ToString();
seq = dtCheck.Rows[0]["SortSeq"].ToString();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dtCheck.Rows[0]["CloseUser"].ToString()))
throw new Exception("工单号:" + dtCheck.Rows[0]["MoCode"].ToString() + ",行号:" + dtCheck.Rows[0]["SortSeq"].ToString() + ",已关闭,无法入库!");
sql = @" select
count(c.AllocateID) num,d.number
from DBO.mom_order a
left join DBO.mom_orderdetail b on a.moid = b.moid
left join DBO.mom_moallocate c on b.modid = c.modid
left join(select modid,COUNT(AllocateID) number from DBO.mom_moallocate where WIPType=1 GROUP BY modid
) d on b.modid = d.modid
where a.MoCode='{0}' and b.SortSeq='{1}'
GROUP BY d.number ";
sql = string.Format(sql, mocode, seq);
dtCheck = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (dtCheck != null && dtCheck.Rows.Count > 0)
if (dtCheck.Rows[0]["num"].ToString() != dtCheck.Rows[0]["number"].ToString())
isif = 1;
isif = 0;
#region 判断是否为非标
sql = @"select MoClass from dbo.mom_orderdetail where MoDId='" + body.MODetailID + "'";
dtCheck = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (dtCheck != null && dtCheck.Rows.Count > 0)
MoClass = dtCheck.Rows[0]["MoClass"].ToString();
#region 生成产成品入库单表体
//if (head.IsReturn == "1")
// body.iQuantity = -body.iQuantity;
moidinbatch = iChildId;
sql = @"INSERT INTO dbo.rdrecords10
( AutoID ,ID ,cInvCode ,iQuantity ,cBatch ,iFlag ,iNum,
cDefine22 ,cDefine23 ,cDefine24 ,cDefine25 ,cDefine26 ,cDefine27 ,
cItemCode ,cName ,iNQuantity ,cDefine28 ,
cDefine29 ,cDefine30 ,cDefine31 ,cDefine32 ,cDefine33 ,cDefine34 ,
cDefine35 ,cDefine36 ,cDefine37 ,iMPoIds ,bRelated ,bLPUseFree ,
iRSRowNO ,iOriTrackID ,bCosting ,cmocode ,imoseq ,iExpiratDateCalcu ,
iorderdid ,iordertype,iordercode,iorderseq,isodid,isotype,csocode,isoseq,irowno ,iposflag ,cFree1,cFree2,cFree3,cFree4,cFree5,cFree6,cFree7,cFree8,cFree9,cFree10)
SELECT @AutoID,@ID,@cInvCode,@iQuantity,@cBatch,0,@iNum,
FROM dbo.mom_orderdetail a
INNER JOIN dbo.mom_order b ON a.MoId=b.MoId WHERE a.MoDId='" + body.MODetailID + "'";
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@AutoID", iChildId));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ID", iFatherId));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cInvCode", body.InvCode));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@iNum", body.Amount.ToString("0.00")));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@iQuantity", body.Quantity));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cBatch", body.BatchCode));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cItemCode", body.ProjectCode));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@irowno", irow));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cFree1", body.cFree1));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cFree2", body.cFree2));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cFree3", body.cFree3));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cFree4", body.cFree4));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cFree5", body.cFree5));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cFree6", body.cFree6));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cFree7", body.cFree7));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cFree8", body.cFree8));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cFree9", body.cFree9));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cFree10", body.cFree10));
cmd.CommandText = sql;
int count = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
if (count <= 0)
throw new Exception("生成材料出库单表头失败,受影响行数<=0;");
catch (Exception ex)
log.Error("生成材料出库单表头失败!SQL:\r\n" + sql, ex);
throw new Exception("生成材料出库单表头失败!SQL:\r\n" + sql, ex);
if (isif == 1)
if (head.CompleteVerification)
#region 齐套检验
sql = @" select cValue from AccInformation where cName=N'iMOProInCtrlBySet' ";
DataTable qt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (qt != null && qt.Rows.Count > 0)
if (qt.Rows[0]["cValue"].ToString() == "1")
sql = @"select MoCode,SortSeq,MIN(lotqty) min_lotqty from
case when aa.AllocateId IS null then c.AllocateId else aa.AllocateId
end as AllocateId,sum(c.Qty) as Qty,SUM(c.IssQty) IssQty,SUM(c.IssQty)/(SUM(c.Qty)/b.Qty) lotqty
from DBO.mom_order a
left join DBO.mom_orderdetail b on a.moid = b.moid
left join DBO.mom_moallocate c on b.modid = c.modid
left join
(select d.AllocateId,e.InvCode,d.MoallocateSubId from
DBO.mom_moallocatesub d
left join DBO.bas_part e ON d.partid = e.PartId ) aa on c.MoallocateSubId=aa.MoallocateSubId
left join DBO.Inventory_Sub f on c.InvCode=f.cInvSubCode
where a.MoCode='{0}' and b.SortSeq='{1}'
and c.WIPType<>1 and c.Qty<>0 and c.ByproductFlag<>1
group by a.MoCode,b.SortSeq,case when aa.AllocateId IS null then c.AllocateId else aa.AllocateId end ,b.Qty
) tt
group by MoCode,SortSeq";
sql = string.Format(sql, mocode, seq);
qt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (qt == null || qt.Rows.Count == 0)
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + @"在订单内未领料!");
if (Convert.ToDecimal(qt.Rows[0]["min_lotqty"]) <= 0)
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + @"在订单内未领料<=0!");
else if (qt.Rows[0]["cValue"].ToString() == "2")
sql = @"select cValue from AccInformation where cName=N'bControlKeyMaterial'";
qt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (qt != null && qt.Rows.Count > 0)
if (qt.Rows[0]["cValue"].ToString() == "true")
sql = @"select MoCode,SortSeq,MIN(lotqty) min_lotqty from
case when aa.AllocateId IS null then c.AllocateId else aa.AllocateId
end as AllocateId,sum(c.Qty) as Qty,SUM(c.IssQty) IssQty,SUM(c.IssQty)/(SUM(c.Qty)/b.Qty) lotqty
from DBO.mom_order a
left join DBO.mom_orderdetail b on a.moid = b.moid
left join DBO.mom_moallocate c on b.modid = c.modid
left join
(select d.AllocateId,e.InvCode,d.MoallocateSubId from
DBO.mom_moallocatesub d
left join DBO.bas_part e ON d.partid = e.PartId ) aa on c.MoallocateSubId=aa.MoallocateSubId
left join DBO.Inventory_Sub f on c.InvCode=f.cInvSubCode
where a.MoCode='{0}' and b.SortSeq='{1}'
and c.WIPType<>1 and c.Qty<>0 and c.ByproductFlag<>1 and f.bInvKeyPart=1
group by a.MoCode,b.SortSeq,case when aa.AllocateId IS null then c.AllocateId else aa.AllocateId end ,b.Qty
) tt
group by MoCode,SortSeq";
sql = string.Format(sql, mocode, seq);
qt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (qt == null || qt.Rows.Count == 0)
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + @"在订单内未有可用领料!");
if (Convert.ToDecimal(qt.Rows[0]["min_lotqty"]) <= 0)
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + @"在订单内未领料!");
else if (Convert.ToDecimal(qt.Rows[0]["min_lotqty"]) - body.Quantity <= 0)
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + @"入库数量大于关键物料领料套数!");
sql = @"select MoCode,SortSeq,MIN(lotqty) min_lotqty from
case when aa.AllocateId IS null then c.AllocateId else aa.AllocateId
end as AllocateId,sum(c.Qty) as Qty,SUM(c.IssQty) IssQty,SUM(c.IssQty)/(SUM(c.Qty)/b.Qty) lotqty
from DBO.mom_order a
left join DBO.mom_orderdetail b on a.moid = b.moid
left join DBO.mom_moallocate c on b.modid = c.modid
left join
(select d.AllocateId,e.InvCode,d.MoallocateSubId from
DBO.mom_moallocatesub d
left join DBO.bas_part e ON d.partid = e.PartId ) aa on c.MoallocateSubId=aa.MoallocateSubId
left join DBO.Inventory_Sub f on c.InvCode=f.cInvSubCode
where a.MoCode='{0}' and b.SortSeq='{1}'
and c.WIPType<>1 and c.Qty<>0 and c.ByproductFlag<>1
group by a.MoCode,b.SortSeq,case when aa.AllocateId IS null then c.AllocateId else aa.AllocateId end ,b.Qty
) tt
group by MoCode,SortSeq";
sql = string.Format(sql, mocode, seq);
qt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (qt == null || qt.Rows.Count == 0)
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + @"在订单内未有可用领料!");
if (Convert.ToDecimal(qt.Rows[0]["min_lotqty"]) <= 0)
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + @"在订单内未领料!");
else if (Convert.ToDecimal(qt.Rows[0]["min_lotqty"]) - body.Quantity <= 0)
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + @"入库数量大于领料套数!");
sql = @"select isnull(QualifiedInQty,0)fOutQuantity,isnull(Qty,0)iQuantity,ISNULL(AuxQty, 0)iNum,ISNULL(NiNum, 0)NiNum,ISNULL(AuxQty, 0)-ISNULL(NiNum, 0) SiNum from mom_orderdetail a
LEFT JOIN (select sum(iNum) NiNum,iMPoIds from rdrecords10 GROUP BY iMPoIds) b on a.MoDId=b.iMPoIds
where a.MoDId='" + body.MODetailID + "'";
DataTable dtDisCheck = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (dtDisCheck != null && dtDisCheck.Rows.Count > 0)
foreach (DataRow item in dtDisCheck.Rows)
if (Convert.ToDecimal(item["fOutQuantity"].ToString()) == Convert.ToDecimal(item["iQuantity"].ToString()))
if (Convert.ToDecimal(item["iNum"].ToString()) != 0)
if (Convert.ToDecimal(item["SiNum"].ToString()) != 0)
sql = @"Update rdrecords10 set iNum=isnull(iNum,0)+(" + item["SiNum"].ToString() + ") where autoid='" + iChildId + "' ";
body.Amount = (Convert.ToDecimal(body.Amount.ToString("0.00"))) + (Convert.ToDecimal(item["SiNum"].ToString()));
DBHelper.CmdExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd, "辅计量余数处理失败!");
#region 回写生产订单入库数量
sql = @"UPDATE dbo.mom_orderdetail SET QualifiedInQty=ISNULL(QualifiedInQty,0)+" + body.Quantity + " where MoDId='" + body.MODetailID + "'";
DBHelper.CmdExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd, "回写生产订单入库数量失败!");
#region 更新现存量
key.cBustypeUN = "成品入库";
key.cVouchTypeUN = "10";
key.TableName = "IA_ST_UnAccountVouch10";
//DBHelper.UpdateCurrentStock(cmd, body.InvCode, head.WHCode, "", body.Quantity, key);
//DBHelper.UpdateCurrentStockNEW(cmd, body.InvCode, head.WHCode, body.BatchCode, body.Quantity, body.cFree1, body.cFree2, body.cFree3, body.cFree4, body.cFree5, body.cFree6, body.cFree7, body.cFree8, body.cFree9, body.cFree10, key);
DBHelper.UpdateCurrentStockCCGC(cmd, body.InvCode, head.WHCode, body.BatchCode, body.Quantity, body.Amount, body.cFree1,
body.cFree2, body.cFree3, body.cFree4, body.cFree5, body.cFree6, body.cFree7, body.cFree8, body.cFree9, body.cFree10,
"", key, "", "", "", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, iFatherId, iChildId);
if (Convert.ToInt32(MoClass) == 1)
#region 判断工单行是否全部入库
sql = "select Qty from mom_moallocate WHERE MoDId='" + body.MODetailID + @"' and IssQty-qty<0 and ProductType=1
union all
select Qty from mom_orderdetail where MoDId='" + body.MODetailID + @"' and QualifiedInQty-Qty<0";
DataTable dtClose = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (dtClose.Rows.Count == 0)
sql = @"
update mom_orderdetail set CloseTime = GETDATE(),CloseDate= CONVERT(NVARCHAR(15),GETDATE(),23), CloseUser ='" + head.User + "',Status=4 where MODId='" + body.MODetailID + "'";
DBHelper.CmdExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd, "生产订单行关闭失败!");
//foreach (DataRow dr in dtClose.Rows)
// if (Convert.ToDecimal(dr["qty"]) >= 0)
// {
// sql = "update mom_orderdetail set CloseTime = GETDATE(),CloseDate= CONVERT(NVARCHAR(15),GETDATE(),23), CloseUser ='" + head.User + "',Status=4 where MODId='" + body.MODetailID + "'";
// DBHelper.CmdExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd, "生产订单行关闭失败!");
// }
#region 判断工单行是否全部入库
sql = "select Qty from mom_moallocate WHERE MoDId='" + body.MODetailID + @"' and IssQty-qty<0
union all
select Qty from mom_orderdetail where MoDId='" + body.MODetailID + @"' and QualifiedInQty-Qty<0
DataTable dtClose = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (dtClose.Rows.Count == 0)
sql = @"
update mom_orderdetail set CloseTime = GETDATE(),CloseDate= CONVERT(NVARCHAR(15),GETDATE(),23), CloseUser ='" + head.User + "',Status=4 where MODId='" + body.MODetailID + "'";
DBHelper.CmdExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd, "生产订单行关闭失败!");
//foreach (DataRow dr in dtClose.Rows)
// if (Convert.ToDecimal(dr["qty"]) >= 0)
// {
// sql = "update mom_orderdetail set CloseTime = GETDATE(),CloseDate= CONVERT(NVARCHAR(15),GETDATE(),23), CloseUser ='" + head.User + "',Status=4 where MODId='" + body.MODetailID + "'";
// DBHelper.CmdExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd, "生产订单行关闭失败!");
// }
num = body.detailss.Count();
Dictionary<string, int> dic2 = DBHelper.GetAllCode("" + ERPDB + "", surface1, "" + num + "", head.WorkPoint, cmd);
int iFatherId2 = Convert.ToInt32(dic2["iFatherId"].ToString());
int iChildId2 = Convert.ToInt32(dic2["iChildId"].ToString());
foreach (ICSManufactureReceiveDocss item in body.detailss)
if (item.PickID != null && item.PickID != "")
foreach (WH wh in LWH)
if (wh.WHCODE == item.WHCode)
out11 = wh.ID;
iseq = wh.seq + 1;
wh.seq += 1;
sql = @"INSERT INTO dbo.rdrecords11
( AutoID ,ID ,cInvCode ,iQuantity ,cBatch ,iFlag ,iNum,
cItemCode ,cName ,iNQuantity ,iMPoIds ,bLPUseFree ,
iOriTrackID ,bCosting ,bVMIUsed ,cmocode ,invcode ,imoseq ,
iopseq ,iExpiratDateCalcu ,iorderdid ,iordertype ,isotype ,
ipesodid ,ipesotype ,cpesocode ,ipesoseq ,irowno ,
bcanreplace ,iposflag,cFree1,cFree2,cFree3,cFree4,cFree5,cFree6,cFree7,cFree8,cFree9,cFree10)
SELECT @AutoID,@ID,a.InvCode,@iQuantity,@cBatch,0,@iNum,
FROM dbo.mom_moallocate a
INNER JOIN dbo.mom_orderdetail b ON a.MoDId=b.MoDId
INNER JOIN dbo.mom_order c ON b.MoId=c.MoId
WHERE a.AllocateId='" + item.PickID + "'";
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@AutoID", iChildId2));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ID", out11));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@iQuantity", item.Quantity));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@iNum", item.Amount));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cBatch", item.BatchCode));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cItemCode", item.ProjectCode));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@irowno", iseq));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cFree1", item.cFree1));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cFree2", item.cFree2));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cFree3", item.cFree3));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cFree4", item.cFree4));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cFree5", item.cFree5));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cFree6", item.cFree6));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cFree7", item.cFree7));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cFree8", item.cFree8));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cFree9", item.cFree9));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cFree10", item.cFree10));
cmd.CommandText = sql;
int count = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
if (count <= 0)
throw new Exception("生成材料出库单表体失败,受影响行数<=0;");
catch (Exception ex)
log.Error("生成材料出库单表体失败" + sql, ex);
throw new Exception("生成材料出库单表体失败 " + sql, ex);
#region 回写工单子件已领数量
sql = "update mom_moallocate set IssQty=isnull(IssQty,0)+" + item.Quantity + ",RequisitionIssQty=isnull(RequisitionIssQty,0)+(" + item.Quantity + ") where AllocateId='" + item.PickID + "' ";
DBHelper.CmdExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd, "回写工单子件已领数量失败!");
sql = @"select isnull(Issqty,0)fOutQuantity,isnull(qty,0)iQuantity,ISNULL(AuxQty, 0)iNum,ISNULL(NiNum, 0)NiNum,ISNULL(AuxQty, 0)-ISNULL(NiNum, 0) SiNum from mom_moallocate a
LEFT JOIN (select sum(iNum) NiNum,ipesodid from rdrecords11 GROUP BY ipesodid) b on a.AllocateId=b.ipesodid
where a.AllocateId='" + item.PickID + "'";
dtDisCheck = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (dtDisCheck != null && dtDisCheck.Rows.Count > 0)
foreach (DataRow item1 in dtDisCheck.Rows)
if (Convert.ToDecimal(item1["fOutQuantity"].ToString()) == Convert.ToDecimal(item1["iQuantity"].ToString()))
if (Convert.ToDecimal(item1["iNum"].ToString()) != 0)
if (Convert.ToDecimal(item1["SiNum"].ToString()) != 0)
sql = @"Update rdrecords11 set iNum=isnull(iNum,0)+(" + item1["SiNum"].ToString() + ") where autoid='" + iChildId2 + "' ";
body.Amount = (Convert.ToDecimal(body.Amount.ToString("0.00"))) + (Convert.ToDecimal(item1["SiNum"].ToString()));
DBHelper.CmdExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd, "辅计量余数处理失败!");
key.cBustypeUN = "领料";
key.cVouchTypeUN = "11";
key.TableName = "IA_ST_UnAccountVouch11";
//DBHelper.UpdateCurrentStockNEW(cmd, item.InvCode, head.WHCode, item.BatchCode, -item.Quantity, item.cFree1, item.cFree2, item.cFree3, item.cFree4, item.cFree5, item.cFree6, item.cFree7, item.cFree8, item.cFree9, item.cFree10, key);
DBHelper.UpdateCurrentStockCCGC(cmd, body.InvCode, head.WHCode, body.BatchCode, -body.Quantity, -body.Amount, body.cFree1,
body.cFree2, body.cFree3, body.cFree4, body.cFree5, body.cFree6, body.cFree7, body.cFree8, body.cFree9, body.cFree10,
"", key, "", "", "", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, out11, iChildId2);
iFatherIdTree += "'" + out11 + "',";
iFatherIdTwo = "'" + iFatherId + "',";
#region 查询
if (news == 0)
sql = @" select DISTINCT a.ID as ID,a.ID as IDs,a.cCode as MRCVCode,a.cDepCode,c.cDepName,a.cWhCode,d.cWhName
,a.cMPoCode as MOCode ,a.cMaker as CreateUser ,a.dnmaketime as CreateDateTime
,a.cHandler as Checker ,a.dnverifytime as CheckDateTime
from rdrecord10 a
left join Department c on a.cDepCode=c.cDepCode
left join Warehouse d on a.cWhCode=d.cWhCode WHERE A.cHandler IS NOT NULL AND A.ID in({0})
select DISTINCT a.ID as IDs, b.AutoID as DetailID,CAST(b.AutoID as char) as IDSS ,b.irowno as Sequence ,b.cInvCode as InvCode ,
b.iQuantity as Quantity ,b.iNum as Amount,b.iMPoIds as MODetailID,
isnull(b.cItemCode,'') ProjectCode,isnull(b.cbatch,'') cBatch,'' version ,'' brand,
isnull(b.cFree1,'') as cFree1,
isnull(b.cFree2,'') as cFree2,
isnull(b.cFree3,'') as cFree3,
isnull(b.cFree4,'') as cFree4,
isnull(b.cFree5,'') as cFree5,
isnull(b.cFree6,'') as cFree6,
isnull(b.cFree7,'') as cFree7,
isnull(b.cFree8,'') as cFree8,
isnull(b.cFree9,'') as cFree9,
isnull(b.cFree10,'') as cFree10
from rdrecord10 a
left join rdrecords10 b on a.ID=b.ID
left join Department c on a.cDepCode=c.cDepCode
left join Warehouse d on a.cWhCode=d.cWhCode WHERE A.cHandler IS NOT NULL AND A.ID in({0})
select DISTINCT a.ID as IDs,b.AutoID as DetailID,CAST('{2}' as char) as IDSS,a.cCode as MRCVCode,irowno as Sequence,b.cInvCode as InvCode
,iQuantity as Quantity,e.AllocateId as SourceDetailID,iNum as Amount,
isnull(b.cItemCode,'') ProjectCode,isnull(b.cbatch,'') cBatch,'' version ,'' brand,
isnull(b.cFree1,'') as cFree1,
isnull(b.cFree2,'') as cFree2,
isnull(b.cFree3,'') as cFree3,
isnull(b.cFree4,'') as cFree4,
isnull(b.cFree5,'') as cFree5,
isnull(b.cFree6,'') as cFree6,
isnull(b.cFree7,'') as cFree7,
isnull(b.cFree8,'') as cFree8,
isnull(b.cFree9,'') as cFree9,
isnull(b.cFree10,'') as cFree10
from rdrecord11 a
left join rdrecords11 b on a.ID=b.ID
left join Department c on a.cDepCode=c.cDepCode
left join Warehouse d on a.cWhCode=d.cWhCode
left join mom_moallocate e on b.iMPoIds=e.AllocateId
INNER JOIN dbo.mom_orderdetail f ON e.MoDId=f.MoDId
INNER JOIN dbo.mom_order g ON f.MoId=g.MoId WHERE a.ID in ({1})
sql = string.Format(sql, iFatherIdTwo.TrimEnd(','), "''", moidinbatch);
sql = @" select DISTINCT a.ID as ID,a.ID as IDs,a.cCode as MRCVCode,a.cDepCode,c.cDepName,a.cWhCode,d.cWhName
,a.cMPoCode as MOCode ,a.cMaker as CreateUser ,a.dnmaketime as CreateDateTime
,a.cHandler as Checker ,a.dnverifytime as CheckDateTime
from rdrecord10 a
left join Department c on a.cDepCode=c.cDepCode
left join Warehouse d on a.cWhCode=d.cWhCode WHERE A.cHandler IS NOT NULL AND A.ID in({0})
select DISTINCT a.ID as IDs, b.AutoID as DetailID,CAST(b.AutoID as char) as IDSS ,b.irowno as Sequence ,b.cInvCode as InvCode ,
b.iQuantity as Quantity ,b.iNum as Amount,b.iMPoIds as MODetailID ,
isnull(b.cItemCode,'') ProjectCode,isnull(b.cbatch,'') cBatch,'' version ,'' brand,
isnull(b.cFree1,'') as cFree1,
isnull(b.cFree2,'') as cFree2,
isnull(b.cFree3,'') as cFree3,
isnull(b.cFree4,'') as cFree4,
isnull(b.cFree5,'') as cFree5,
isnull(b.cFree6,'') as cFree6,
isnull(b.cFree7,'') as cFree7,
isnull(b.cFree8,'') as cFree8,
isnull(b.cFree9,'') as cFree9,
isnull(b.cFree10,'') as cFree10
from rdrecord10 a
left join rdrecords10 b on a.ID=b.ID
left join Department c on a.cDepCode=c.cDepCode
left join Warehouse d on a.cWhCode=d.cWhCode WHERE A.cHandler IS NOT NULL AND A.ID in({0})
select DISTINCT a.ID as IDs,b.AutoID as DetailID,CAST('{2}' as char) as IDSS,a.cCode as MRCVCode,irowno as Sequence,b.cInvCode as InvCode
,iQuantity as Quantity,e.AllocateId as SourceDetailID,iNum as Amount,a.ID ERPID,b.AutoID as ERPDetailID,
isnull(b.cItemCode,'') ProjectCode,isnull(b.cbatch,'') cBatch,'' version ,'' brand,
isnull(b.cFree1,'') as cFree1,
isnull(b.cFree2,'') as cFree2,
isnull(b.cFree3,'') as cFree3,
isnull(b.cFree4,'') as cFree4,
isnull(b.cFree5,'') as cFree5,
isnull(b.cFree6,'') as cFree6,
isnull(b.cFree7,'') as cFree7,
isnull(b.cFree8,'') as cFree8,
isnull(b.cFree9,'') as cFree9,
isnull(b.cFree10,'') as cFree10
from rdrecord11 a
left join rdrecords11 b on a.ID=b.ID
left join Department c on a.cDepCode=c.cDepCode
left join Warehouse d on a.cWhCode=d.cWhCode
left join mom_moallocate e on b.iMPoIds=e.AllocateId
INNER JOIN dbo.mom_orderdetail f ON e.MoDId=f.MoDId
INNER JOIN dbo.mom_order g ON f.MoId=g.MoId WHERE a.ID in ({1})
if (iFatherIdTree.TrimEnd(',')=="")
sql = string.Format(sql, iFatherIdTwo.TrimEnd(','), "''", moidinbatch);
sql = string.Format(sql, iFatherIdTwo.TrimEnd(','), iFatherIdTree.TrimEnd(','), moidinbatch);
if (ds != null)
ds.Merge(DBHelper.SQlReturnDataSet(sql, cmd));
ds = DBHelper.SQlReturnDataSet(sql, cmd);
catch (Exception ex)
if (cmd.Transaction != null)
throw new Exception(ex.Message);
if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open)
if (news != 0)
msg = JSON.DataSetToJson(ds, "details", "IDs", "detailss", "IDSS");
msg = JSON.DataSetToJson(ds, "details", "IDs");
return msg;
/// <summary>
/// 创建联副产品
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Bills"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public string CreateManufactureReceiveDoc1(List<ICSManufactureReceiveDoc> Bills)
string msg = "";
int isif = 0;
DataSet ds = null;
string connS = "";
int num = 0;
string sql = string.Empty;
string mocode = "";
string seq = "";
string iFatherIdTwo = "";
//取得采购入库单单据 表头ID,表体DID
VouchKey key = new VouchKey();
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection();
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
if (Bills.Count <= 0)
throw new Exception("传送数据为空!");
List<string> result = Bills.Select(t => t.WorkPoint).Distinct().ToList();
foreach (string WorkPoint in result)
connS = string.Format(connString, WorkPoint);
conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connS);
SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction();
cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd.Transaction = sqlTran;
cmd.Connection = conn;
foreach (ICSManufactureReceiveDoc head in Bills)
iFatherIdTwo = "";
if (WorkPoint != head.WorkPoint)
if (!DBHelper.IsInventoryConsolidation(cmd, head.WorkPoint))
throw new Exception("U8正在整理现存量,请稍后再试");
string[] ss = head.WorkPoint.Split('_');
ERPDB = ss[1];
string[] dd = CRNALL.Split('~');
string crdname = dd[0];
string carname = dd[1];
string surface = dd[2];
string cardnewcode = DBHelper.GetCardNumber(carname, cmd);
ICSUserInfo userInfo = new ICSUserInfo();
userInfo = DBHelper.GetPersonInfo(head.User, cmd);
num = head.details.Count();
Dictionary<string, int> dic = DBHelper.GetAllCode("" + ERPDB + "", surface, "" + num + "", head.WorkPoint, cmd);
int iFatherId = Convert.ToInt32(dic["iFatherId"].ToString());
int iChildId = Convert.ToInt32(dic["iChildId"].ToString());
DateTime date = DateTime.Now;
string DEF_ID = DBHelper.GetDefaultTemplate(cardnewcode, cmd);
string cRDcode = DBHelper.GetRDCode(crdname, cmd);
string iBaseCodeLen = DBHelper.GetAllRDCode(cardnewcode, "" + date + "", "admin", cRDcode, head.WorkPoint, cmd);
//Person personEntity = new Person();
//personEntity = U8Helper.GetDepCodeByUserCode(head.UserCode, cmd);
DateTime dvDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
#region 产成品入库单表头
sql = @"INSERT INTO dbo.rdrecord10
( ID ,bRdFlag ,cVouchType ,cBusType ,cSource ,cWhCode ,dDate ,
cCode ,cRdCode ,cDepCode ,cHandler ,bTransFlag ,cMaker ,
cDefine1 ,cDefine2 ,cDefine3 ,cDefine4 ,cDefine5 ,cDefine6 ,
cDefine7 ,cDefine8 ,cDefine9 ,cDefine10 ,dVeriDate ,bpufirst ,
biafirst ,VT_ID ,bIsSTQc ,cDefine11 ,cDefine12 ,cDefine13 ,
cDefine14 ,cDefine15 ,cDefine16 ,cMPoCode ,iproorderid ,
bFromPreYear ,bIsComplement ,iDiscountTaxType ,ireturncount ,
iverifystate ,iswfcontrolled ,cModifyPerson ,dnmaketime ,
dnverifytime ,bredvouch ,iPrintCount )
SELECT @ID,1,'10','成品入库','生产订单',@cWhCode,convert(datetime,convert(varchar(10),getdate(),120)),
FROM dbo.mom_order a
WHERE a.MoCode='" + head.MOCode + "'";
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ID", iFatherId));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cWhCode", head.WHCode));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cCode", iBaseCodeLen));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cDepCode", head.DepCode));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cHandler", userInfo.UserName));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cMaker", userInfo.UserName));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@VT_ID", DEF_ID));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@DepCode", head.DepCode));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@dDate", dvDate));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@RdCode", cRDcode));
cmd.CommandText = sql;
int count = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
if (count <= 0)
throw new Exception("生成成品入库单表头失败,受影响行数<=0;");
catch (Exception ex)
log.Error("生成成品入库单表头失败!SQL:\r\n" + sql, ex);
throw new Exception("生成成品入库单表头失败!SQL:\r\n" + sql, ex);
#region 产成品入库单表体
int irowno = 0;
foreach (ICSManufactureReceiveDocs body in head.details)
if (DBHelper.bInvBatch(body.InvCode, cmd) == true)
if (body.BatchCode == "")
log.Error("该物料:" + body.InvCode + "已启用批次,请重新填写!");
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + "已启用批次,请重新填写!");
if (body.BatchCode != "")
log.Error("该物料:" + body.InvCode + "未启用批次,请重新填写!");
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + "未启用批次,请重新填写!");
#region 判断工单行是否关闭,关闭不能入库
sql = @"SELECT ISNULL(a.CloseUser,'') as CloseUser,b.MoCode,a.SortSeq FROM dbo.mom_orderdetail a INNER JOIN
dbo.mom_order b ON b.MoId = a.MoId WHERE a.MoDId =(select MoDId from dbo.mom_moallocate where AllocateId='" + body.MODetailID + "')";
DataTable dtCheck = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (dtCheck != null && dtCheck.Rows.Count > 0)
mocode = dtCheck.Rows[0]["MoCode"].ToString();
seq = dtCheck.Rows[0]["SortSeq"].ToString();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dtCheck.Rows[0]["CloseUser"].ToString()))
throw new Exception("工单号:" + dtCheck.Rows[0]["MoCode"].ToString() + ",行号:" + dtCheck.Rows[0]["SortSeq"].ToString() + ",已关闭,无法入库!");
sql = @" select
count(c.AllocateID) num,d.number
from DBO.mom_order a
left join DBO.mom_orderdetail b on a.moid = b.moid
left join DBO.mom_moallocate c on b.modid = c.modid
left join(select modid,COUNT(AllocateID) number from DBO.mom_moallocate where WIPType=1 GROUP BY modid
) d on b.modid = d.modid
where a.MoCode='{0}' and b.SortSeq='{1}'
GROUP BY d.number ";
sql = string.Format(sql, mocode, seq);
dtCheck = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (dtCheck != null && dtCheck.Rows.Count > 0)
if (dtCheck.Rows[0]["num"].ToString() != dtCheck.Rows[0]["number"].ToString())
isif = 1;
isif = 0;
#region 判断是否都是联.副产品
sql = @"select ProductType from dbo.mom_moallocate where AllocateId='" + body.MODetailID + "'";
dtCheck = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (dtCheck != null && dtCheck.Rows.Count > 0)
string ProductType = dtCheck.Rows[0]["ProductType"].ToString();
if (Convert.ToInt32(ProductType) == 1)
throw new Exception("该返工工单存在非联、副产品子件,无法入库!");
#region 生成产成品入库单表体
//if (head.IsReturn == "1")
// body.iQuantity = -body.iQuantity;
sql = @"INSERT INTO dbo.rdrecords10
( AutoID ,ID ,cInvCode ,iQuantity ,cBatch ,iFlag ,iNum,
cDefine22 ,cDefine23 ,cDefine24 ,cDefine25 ,cDefine26 ,cDefine27 ,
cItemCode ,cName ,iNQuantity ,cDefine28 ,
cDefine29 ,cDefine30 ,cDefine31 ,cDefine32 ,cDefine33 ,cDefine34 ,
cDefine35 ,cDefine36 ,cDefine37 ,iMPoIds ,bRelated ,bLPUseFree ,
iRSRowNO ,iOriTrackID ,bCosting ,cmocode ,imoseq ,iExpiratDateCalcu ,
iorderdid ,iordertype,iordercode,iorderseq,isodid,isotype,csocode,isoseq,irowno ,iposflag ,cFree1,cFree2,cFree3,cFree4,cFree5,cFree6,cFree7,cFree8,cFree9,cFree10)
SELECT @AutoID,@ID,@cInvCode,@iQuantity,@cBatch,0,@iNum,
FROM dbo.mom_moallocate a
INNER join dbo.mom_orderdetail c on a.MoDId=c.MoDId
INNER JOIN dbo.mom_order b ON c.MoId=b.MoId
WHERE a.AllocateId='" + body.MODetailID + "' and a.SortSeq='" + body.Sequence + "' ";
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@AutoID", iChildId));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ID", iFatherId));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cInvCode", body.InvCode));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@iQuantity", body.Quantity));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@iNum", body.Amount.ToString("0.00")));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cBatch", body.BatchCode));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cItemCode", body.ProjectCode));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@irowno", irowno));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cFree1", body.cFree1));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cFree2", body.cFree2));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cFree3", body.cFree3));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cFree4", body.cFree4));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cFree5", body.cFree5));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cFree6", body.cFree6));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cFree7", body.cFree7));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cFree8", body.cFree8));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cFree9", body.cFree9));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@cFree10", body.cFree10));
cmd.CommandText = sql;
int count = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
if (count <= 0)
throw new Exception("生成材料出库单表头失败,受影响行数<=0;");
catch (Exception ex)
log.Error("生成材料出库单表头失败!SQL:\r\n" + sql, ex);
throw new Exception("生成材料出库单表头失败!SQL:\r\n" + sql, ex);
if (isif == 1)
if (head.CompleteVerification)
#region 齐套检验
sql = @" select cValue from AccInformation where cName=N'iMOProInCtrlBySet' ";
DataTable qt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (qt != null && qt.Rows.Count > 0)
if (qt.Rows[0]["cValue"].ToString() == "1")
sql = @"select MoCode,SortSeq,MIN(lotqty) min_lotqty from
case when aa.AllocateId IS null then c.AllocateId else aa.AllocateId
end as AllocateId,sum(c.Qty) as Qty,SUM(c.IssQty) IssQty,SUM(c.IssQty)/(SUM(c.Qty)/b.Qty) lotqty
from DBO.mom_order a
left join DBO.mom_orderdetail b on a.moid = b.moid
left join DBO.mom_moallocate c on b.modid = c.modid
left join
(select d.AllocateId,e.InvCode,d.MoallocateSubId from
DBO.mom_moallocatesub d
left join DBO.bas_part e ON d.partid = e.PartId ) aa on c.MoallocateSubId=aa.MoallocateSubId
left join DBO.Inventory_Sub f on c.InvCode=f.cInvSubCode
where a.MoCode='{0}' and b.SortSeq='{1}'
and c.WIPType<>1 and c.Qty<>0 and c.ByproductFlag<>1
group by a.MoCode,b.SortSeq,case when aa.AllocateId IS null then c.AllocateId else aa.AllocateId end ,b.Qty
) tt
group by MoCode,SortSeq";
sql = string.Format(sql, mocode, seq);
qt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (qt == null || qt.Rows.Count == 0)
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + @"在订单内未领料!");
if (Convert.ToDecimal(qt.Rows[0]["min_lotqty"]) <= 0)
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + @"在订单内未领料<=0!");
else if (qt.Rows[0]["cValue"].ToString() == "2")
sql = @"select cValue from AccInformation where cName=N'bControlKeyMaterial'";
qt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (qt != null && qt.Rows.Count > 0)
if (qt.Rows[0]["cValue"].ToString() == "true")
sql = @"select MoCode,SortSeq,MIN(lotqty) min_lotqty from
case when aa.AllocateId IS null then c.AllocateId else aa.AllocateId
end as AllocateId,sum(c.Qty) as Qty,SUM(c.IssQty) IssQty,SUM(c.IssQty)/(SUM(c.Qty)/b.Qty) lotqty
from DBO.mom_order a
left join DBO.mom_orderdetail b on a.moid = b.moid
left join DBO.mom_moallocate c on b.modid = c.modid
left join
(select d.AllocateId,e.InvCode,d.MoallocateSubId from
DBO.mom_moallocatesub d
left join DBO.bas_part e ON d.partid = e.PartId ) aa on c.MoallocateSubId=aa.MoallocateSubId
left join DBO.Inventory_Sub f on c.InvCode=f.cInvSubCode
where a.MoCode='{0}' and b.SortSeq='{1}'
and c.WIPType<>1 and c.Qty<>0 and c.ByproductFlag<>1 and f.bInvKeyPart=1
group by a.MoCode,b.SortSeq,case when aa.AllocateId IS null then c.AllocateId else aa.AllocateId end ,b.Qty
) tt
group by MoCode,SortSeq";
sql = string.Format(sql, mocode, seq);
qt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (qt == null || qt.Rows.Count == 0)
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + @"在订单内未有可用领料!");
if (Convert.ToDecimal(qt.Rows[0]["min_lotqty"]) <= 0)
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + @"在订单内未领料!");
else if (Convert.ToDecimal(qt.Rows[0]["min_lotqty"]) - body.Quantity <= 0)
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + @"入库数量大于关键物料领料套数!");
sql = @"select MoCode,SortSeq,MIN(lotqty) min_lotqty from
case when aa.AllocateId IS null then c.AllocateId else aa.AllocateId
end as AllocateId,sum(c.Qty) as Qty,SUM(c.IssQty) IssQty,SUM(c.IssQty)/(SUM(c.Qty)/b.Qty) lotqty
from DBO.mom_order a
left join DBO.mom_orderdetail b on a.moid = b.moid
left join DBO.mom_moallocate c on b.modid = c.modid
left join
(select d.AllocateId,e.InvCode,d.MoallocateSubId from
DBO.mom_moallocatesub d
left join DBO.bas_part e ON d.partid = e.PartId ) aa on c.MoallocateSubId=aa.MoallocateSubId
left join DBO.Inventory_Sub f on c.InvCode=f.cInvSubCode
where a.MoCode='{0}' and b.SortSeq='{1}'
and c.WIPType<>1 and c.Qty<>0 and c.ByproductFlag<>1
group by a.MoCode,b.SortSeq,case when aa.AllocateId IS null then c.AllocateId else aa.AllocateId end ,b.Qty
) tt
group by MoCode,SortSeq";
sql = string.Format(sql, mocode, seq);
qt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (qt == null || qt.Rows.Count == 0)
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + @"在订单内未有可用领料!");
if (Convert.ToDecimal(qt.Rows[0]["min_lotqty"]) <= 0)
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + @"在订单内未领料!");
else if (Convert.ToDecimal(qt.Rows[0]["min_lotqty"]) - body.Quantity <= 0)
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + @"入库数量大于领料套数!");
#region 回写生产子件已领数量
sql = @"
UPDATE a SET a.IssQty=ISNULL(a.IssQty,0)+" + body.Quantity + @" from dbo.mom_moallocate a
inner join dbo.mom_orderdetail b on a.MoDId=b.MoDId
where a.AllocateId='" + body.MODetailID + "' and a.SortSeq='" + body.Sequence + @"'
DBHelper.CmdExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd, "回写生产订单入库数量失败!");
sql = @"select isnull(IssQty,0)fOutQuantity,isnull(Qty,0)iQuantity,ISNULL(AuxQty, 0)iNum,ISNULL(NiNum, 0)NiNum,ISNULL(AuxQty, 0)-ISNULL(NiNum, 0) SiNum from mom_moallocate a
LEFT JOIN (select sum(iNum) NiNum,iorderdid from rdrecords10 GROUP BY iorderdid) b on a.AllocateId=b.iorderdid
where a.AllocateId='" + body.MODetailID + "'";
DataTable dtDisCheck = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (dtDisCheck != null && dtDisCheck.Rows.Count > 0)
foreach (DataRow item in dtDisCheck.Rows)
if (Convert.ToDecimal(item["fOutQuantity"].ToString()) == Convert.ToDecimal(item["iQuantity"].ToString()))
if (Convert.ToDecimal(item["iNum"].ToString()) != 0)
if (Convert.ToDecimal(item["SiNum"].ToString()) != 0)
sql = @"Update rdrecords10 set iNum=isnull(iNum,0)+(" + item["SiNum"].ToString() + ") where autoid='" + iChildId + "' ";
body.Amount = (Convert.ToDecimal(body.Amount.ToString("0.00"))) + (Convert.ToDecimal(item["SiNum"].ToString()));
DBHelper.CmdExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd, "辅计量余数处理失败!");
#region 更新现存量
key.cBustypeUN = "成品入库";
key.cVouchTypeUN = "10";
key.TableName = "IA_ST_UnAccountVouch10";
//DBHelper.UpdateCurrentStock(cmd, body.InvCode, head.WHCode, "", body.Quantity, key);
//DBHelper.UpdateCurrentStockNEW(cmd, body.InvCode, head.WHCode, body.BatchCode, body.Quantity, body.cFree1, body.cFree2, body.cFree3, body.cFree4, body.cFree5, body.cFree6, body.cFree7, body.cFree8, body.cFree9, body.cFree10, key);
DBHelper.UpdateCurrentStockCCGC(cmd, body.InvCode, head.WHCode, body.BatchCode, body.Quantity, body.Amount, body.cFree1,
body.cFree2, body.cFree3, body.cFree4, body.cFree5, body.cFree6, body.cFree7, body.cFree8, body.cFree9, body.cFree10,
"", key, "", "", "", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, iFatherId, iChildId);
#region 判断工单行是否全部入库
sql = "select Qty from mom_moallocate WHERE MoDId=(select MoDId from dbo.mom_moallocate where AllocateId='" + body.MODetailID + @"') and IssQty-qty<0
union all
select Qty from mom_orderdetail where MoDId=(select MoDId from dbo.mom_moallocate where AllocateId='" + body.MODetailID + @"') and QualifiedInQty-Qty<0
DataTable dtClose = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (dtClose.Rows.Count == 0)
sql = @"
update mom_orderdetail set CloseTime = GETDATE(),CloseDate= CONVERT(NVARCHAR(15),GETDATE(),23), CloseUser ='" + head.User + "',Status=4 where MODId=(select MoDId from dbo.mom_moallocate where AllocateId='" + body.MODetailID + @"')";
DBHelper.CmdExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd, "生产订单行关闭失败!");
//foreach (DataRow dr in dtClose.Rows)
// if (Convert.ToDecimal(dr["qty"]) >= 0)
// {
// sql = "update mom_orderdetail set CloseTime = GETDATE(),CloseDate= CONVERT(NVARCHAR(15),GETDATE(),23), CloseUser ='" + head.User + "',Status=4 where MODId='" + body.MODetailID + "'";
// DBHelper.CmdExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd, "生产订单行关闭失败!");
// }
iFatherIdTwo = "'" + iFatherId + "',";
#region 查询
sql = @" select DISTINCT a.ID as ID,a.ID as IDs,a.cCode as MRCVCode,a.cDepCode,c.cDepName,a.cWhCode,d.cWhName
,a.cMPoCode as MOCode ,a.cMaker as CreateUser ,a.dnmaketime as CreateDateTime
,a.cHandler as Checker ,a.dnverifytime as CheckDateTime
from rdrecord10 a
left join Department c on a.cDepCode=c.cDepCode
left join Warehouse d on a.cWhCode=d.cWhCode WHERE A.cHandler IS NOT NULL AND A.ID in({0})
select DISTINCT a.ID as IDs, b.iorderdid as DetailID,b.irowno as Sequence ,b.cInvCode as InvCode ,
b.iQuantity as Quantity ,b.iNum as Amount,b.iMPoIds as MODetailID ,
isnull(b.cItemCode,'') ProjectCode,isnull(b.cbatch,'') cBatch,'' version ,'' brand,
isnull(b.cFree1,'') as cFree1,
isnull(b.cFree2,'') as cFree2,
isnull(b.cFree3,'') as cFree3,
isnull(b.cFree4,'') as cFree4,
isnull(b.cFree5,'') as cFree5,
isnull(b.cFree6,'') as cFree6,
isnull(b.cFree7,'') as cFree7,
isnull(b.cFree8,'') as cFree8,
isnull(b.cFree9,'') as cFree9,
isnull(b.cFree10,'') as cFree10
from rdrecord10 a
left join rdrecords10 b on a.ID=b.ID
left join Department c on a.cDepCode=c.cDepCode
left join Warehouse d on a.cWhCode=d.cWhCode WHERE A.cHandler IS NOT NULL AND A.ID in({0}) ";
sql = string.Format(sql, iFatherIdTwo.TrimEnd(','));
if (ds != null)
ds.Merge(DBHelper.SQlReturnDataSet(sql, cmd));
ds = DBHelper.SQlReturnDataSet(sql, cmd);
catch (Exception ex)
if (cmd.Transaction != null)
throw new Exception(ex.Message);
if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open)
//string RelationName = "details";
//DataSet dz = new DataSet();
//dtNew1.TableName = "Table0";
//dtNew2.TableName = "Table1";
//DataRelation dh = new DataRelation(RelationName, dz.Tables[0].Columns["IDs"], dz.Tables[1].Columns["IDs"]);
msg = JSON.DataSetToJson(ds, "details", "IDs");
return msg;
/// <summary>
/// 审核成品入库单
/// </summary>
/// <param name="infos"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool Approve(List<ICSManufactureReceiveDoc> infos)
bool ResultFlag = false;
List<ICSManufactureReceiveDoc> szJson = new List<ICSManufactureReceiveDoc>();
string connS = "";
if (infos.Count <= 0)
throw new Exception("传送数据为空!");
string res = string.Empty;
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection();
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
string sql = string.Empty;
List<string> result = infos.Select(t => t.WorkPoint).Distinct().ToList();
foreach (string WorkPoint in result)
connS = string.Format(connString, WorkPoint);
conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connS);
SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction();
cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd.Transaction = sqlTran;
cmd.Connection = conn;
foreach (ICSManufactureReceiveDoc head in infos)
if (WorkPoint != head.WorkPoint)
if (!DBHelper.IsInventoryConsolidation(cmd, head.WorkPoint))
throw new Exception("U8正在整理现存量,请稍后再试");
ICSUserInfo userInfo = new ICSUserInfo();
userInfo = DBHelper.GetPersonInfo(head.User, cmd);
#region 检验单号是否存在
sql = "select * from rdrecord10 where ID='" + head.ID + "'";
DataTable dt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
string cHandler = dt.Rows[0]["cHandler"].ToString();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cHandler))
throw new Exception("单据ID:" + head.ID + "不是开立状态!");
throw new Exception("单据ID:" + head.ID + "在U8中不存在!");
#region 审核其他出库单
sql = @"UPDATE dbo.rdrecord10 SET cHandler='" + userInfo.UserName + @"' ,
dVeriDate=CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),GETDATE(),112),dnverifytime=GETDATE() WHERE ID='" + head.ID + "'";
DBHelper.CmdExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd, "审核其他出库单失败!");
sql = "select * from dbo.rdrecords10 a inner join rdrecord10 b on a.ID=b.ID where b.ID='" + head.ID + "';";
DataTable dtChecks = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (head.UpdateStock)
#region 更新现存量
for (int i = 0; i < dtChecks.Rows.Count; i++)
sql = @"SELECT cBatch,iQuantity from CurrentStock WHERE cInvCode='" + dtChecks.Rows[i]["cInvCode"].ToString() + "'AND cBatch='" + dtChecks.Rows[i]["cBatch"].ToString() + @"'AND cFree1='" + dtChecks.Rows[i]["cFree1"].ToString() + @"' AND cFree2='" + dtChecks.Rows[i]["cFree2"].ToString() + @"' AND cFree3='" + dtChecks.Rows[i]["cFree3"].ToString() + @"' AND cFree4='" + dtChecks.Rows[i]["cFree4"].ToString() + @"' AND cFree5='" + dtChecks.Rows[i]["cFree5"].ToString() + @"' AND cFree6='" + dtChecks.Rows[i]["cFree6"].ToString() + @"' AND cFree7='" + dtChecks.Rows[i]["cFree7"].ToString() + @"' AND cFree8='" + dtChecks.Rows[i]["cFree8"].ToString() + @"' AND cFree9='" + dtChecks.Rows[i]["cFree9"].ToString() + @"' AND cFree10='" + dtChecks.Rows[i]["cFree10"].ToString() + @"' and cWhCode='" + dtChecks.Rows[i]["cWhCode"].ToString() + "'";
DataTable dtItem = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (dtItem != null && dtItem.Rows.Count > 0)
//if (!dtItem.Rows[0]["cBatch"].ToString().Equals(body.cBatch))
// throw new Exception("物料条码的批号与U8现存量物料批号不一致,物料:" + body.cInvCode);
if (Convert.ToDecimal(dtItem.Rows[0]["iQuantity"].ToString()) < Convert.ToDecimal(dtChecks.Rows[i]["iQuantity"].ToString()))
throw new Exception("物料条码的数量大于U8现存量物料数量,物料:" + dtChecks.Rows[i]["cInvCode"].ToString());
throw new Exception("物料:" + dtChecks.Rows[i]["cInvCode"].ToString() + "在现存量表中不存在!");
VouchKey key = new VouchKey();
key.cBustypeUN = "成品入库";
key.cVouchTypeUN = "10";
key.TableName = "IA_ST_UnAccountVouch10";
//DBHelper.UpdateCurrentStock(cmd, dtChecks.Rows[i]["cInvCode"].ToString(), dtChecks.Rows[i]["cWhCode"].ToString(), "", Convert.ToDecimal(dtChecks.Rows[i]["iQuantity"].ToString()), key);
//DBHelper.UpdateCurrentStockNEW(cmd, dtChecks.Rows[i]["cInvCode"].ToString(), dtChecks.Rows[i]["cWhCode"].ToString(), dtChecks.Rows[i]["cBatch"].ToString(), Convert.ToDecimal(dtChecks.Rows[i]["iQuantity"].ToString()), dtChecks.Rows[i]["cFree1"].ToString(), dtChecks.Rows[i]["cFree2"].ToString(), dtChecks.Rows[i]["cFree3"].ToString(), dtChecks.Rows[i]["cFree4"].ToString(), dtChecks.Rows[i]["cFree5"].ToString(), dtChecks.Rows[i]["cFree6"].ToString(), dtChecks.Rows[i]["cFree7"].ToString(), dtChecks.Rows[i]["cFree8"].ToString(), dtChecks.Rows[i]["cFree9"].ToString(), dtChecks.Rows[i]["cFree10"].ToString(), key);
string inum = dtChecks.Rows[i]["iAVNum"].ToString();
if (inum == "")
inum = "0";
DBHelper.UpdateCurrentStockCCGC(cmd, dtChecks.Rows[i]["cInvCode"].ToString(), dtChecks.Rows[i]["cWhCode"].ToString(),
dtChecks.Rows[i]["cBatch"].ToString(), Convert.ToDecimal(dtChecks.Rows[i]["iAVQuantity"].ToString()),
Convert.ToDecimal(inum), dtChecks.Rows[i]["cFree1"].ToString(),
dtChecks.Rows[i]["cFree2"].ToString(), dtChecks.Rows[i]["cFree3"].ToString(), dtChecks.Rows[i]["cFree4"].ToString(), dtChecks.Rows[i]["cFree5"].ToString(), dtChecks.Rows[i]["cFree6"].ToString(), dtChecks.Rows[i]["cFree7"].ToString(), dtChecks.Rows[i]["cFree8"].ToString(), dtChecks.Rows[i]["cFree9"].ToString(), dtChecks.Rows[i]["cFree10"].ToString(),
"", key, "", "", "", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Convert.ToInt32(dtChecks.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString()), Convert.ToInt32(dtChecks.Rows[i]["AutoID"].ToString()));
// sql = @"Update CurrentStock set fOutQuantity=isnull(fOutQuantity,0)-" + Convert.ToDecimal(dtChecks.Rows[i]["iQuantity"].ToString()) + @"
// where cInvCode='" + dtChecks.Rows[i]["cInvCode"].ToString() + "' and cWhCode='" + dtChecks.Rows[i]["cWhCode"].ToString() + "' ";
//if (body.cBatch != null)
// sql += "and cBatch='" + body.cBatch + "'";
// sql += "and cBatch=''";
//DBHelper.CmdExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd, "回写fOutQuantity失败!");
//if (head.UpdateTodoQuantity == true)
catch (Exception ex)
if (cmd.Transaction != null)
throw new Exception(ex.Message);
if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open)
ResultFlag = true;
return ResultFlag;
/// <summary>
/// 删除成品入库单
/// </summary>
/// <param name="infos"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public string Delete(List<ICSManufactureReceiveDoc> infos)
List<ICSManufactureReceiveDoc> szJson = new List<ICSManufactureReceiveDoc>();
if (infos.Count <= 0)
throw new Exception("传送数据为空!");
string connS = "";
string res = string.Empty;
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection();
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
string sql = string.Empty;
List<string> result = infos.Select(t => t.WorkPoint).Distinct().ToList();
foreach (string WorkPoint in result)
connS = string.Format(connString, WorkPoint);
conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connS);
SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction();
cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd.Transaction = sqlTran;
cmd.Connection = conn;
foreach (ICSManufactureReceiveDoc info in infos)
if (WorkPoint != info.WorkPoint)
if (info.MTime < new DateTime(2000, 01, 01))
throw new Exception("请输入正确的操作时间:" + info.MTime);
sql = @" DELETE rdrecord10 WHERE ID={0}";
sql = string.Format(sql, info.ID);
DBHelper.CmdExecuteNonQuery(sql, cmd, "未查询到对应数据!");
catch (Exception ex)
if (cmd.Transaction != null)
throw new Exception(ex.Message);
if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open)
return res;
/// <summary>
/// 记录日志
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Bills"></param>
private void LogInfo(List<ICSManufactureReceiveDoc> Bills)
string HeadList = string.Empty;
string BodyList = string.Empty;
foreach (ICSManufactureReceiveDoc head in Bills)
HeadList += "\r\n 表头主键ID:" + head.ID + ",仓库:" + head.WHCode + ",用户:" + head.User + ",站点:" + head.WorkPoint;
foreach (ICSManufactureReceiveDocs body in head.details)
BodyList += "\r\n 表体主键ID: " + body.MODetailID + ",数量:" + body.Quantity;