You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1236 lines
56 KiB

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dataType: "json",
async: false,
success: function (data) {
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dataType: "json",
async: false,
success: function (data) {
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success: function (data) {
url: "/WMS/WMSCreateItemLot/SelectICSExtensionEnable" + "?" + Math.random(),
dataType: "json",
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success: function (data) {
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function minPackQty_Change() {
var thisCreateQty = $("#thisCreateQty").val() * 1;//本次生成数量
thisCreateQty = thisCreateQty.toFixed(2);
var minPackQty = $("#minPackQty").val() * 1;//最小包装量
minPackQty = minPackQty.toFixed(2);
var createPageCount = $("#cretePageCount").val() * 1;//本次生成张数
var Quantity = $("#Quantity").val() * 1;//数量
var YAmount = $("#YAmount").val() * 1;//辅计量数量
createPageCount = createPageCount.toFixed(0);
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return false;
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createPageCount = parseInt(thisCreateQty / minPackQty) + 1;
else {
createPageCount = parseInt(thisCreateQty / minPackQty);
var Ratio = YAmount / Quantity * minPackQty;
function thisCreateQty_Change() {
var Quantity_str = $("#Quantity").val() * 1;//采购订单总数
var CreatedQty_str = $("#CreatedQty").val() * 1;//已生成数量
var thisCreateQty_str = $("#thisCreateQty").val() * 1;//本次生成数量
var Quantity = Number(Quantity_str);
var CreatedQty = Number(CreatedQty_str);
var thisCreateQty = Number(thisCreateQty_str);
if (thisCreateQty <= 0) {
return false;
if (thisCreateQty <= 0 || thisCreateQty > (Quantity - CreatedQty)) {
var maxQty = Quantity - CreatedQty;
//$.modalAlert("请输入0到" + maxQty + "范围内的数!");
return false;
} else {
return true;
var minPackQty = $("#minPackQty").val() * 1;//最小包装量
function submitForm() {
if (!$('#form1').formValid()) {
return false;
var thisCreateQty = $("#thisCreateQty").val() * 1;//本次生成数量
thisCreateQty = thisCreateQty.toFixed(2);
var minPackQty = $("#minPackQty").val() * 1;//最小包装量
minPackQty = minPackQty.toFixed(2);
var createPageCount = $("#cretePageCount").val() * 1;//本次生成张数
createPageCount = createPageCount.toFixed(0);
var flag1 = thisCreateQty_Change();
//var flag2 = CheckNum();
var VendorLot = $("#VendorLotNo").val();
if (flag1) { }
else {
return false;
var Quantity = $("#Quantity").val() * 1;//采购订单总数
Quantity = Quantity.toFixed(2);
var CreatedQty = $("#CreatedQty").val() * 1;//已生成数量
CreatedQty = CreatedQty.toFixed(2);
if (Quantity == CreatedQty ) {
return false;
var ExpirationDate = '';//条码失效日期
var EffectiveEnable = $("#EffectiveEnable").val();//料品是否启用有效天数
var EffectiveDays = $("#EffectiveDays").val();//料品有效期天数
var PRODUCTDATE = $("#PRODUCTDATE").val();//条码生产日期
if (EffectiveEnable=='1') {
var ExpirationDate= dateChange(EffectiveDays, PRODUCTDATE);
} else {
var ExpirationDate = '2999-12-31 00:00:00.000';
var obj = {
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minPackQty: minPackQty,
createPageCount: createPageCount,
VendorLot: VendorLot,
Amount: $("#Amount").val(),
ProjectCode: $("#ProjectCode").val(),
BatchCode: $("#BatchCode").val(),
Version: $("#Version").val(),
Brand: $("#Brand").val(),
cFree1: $("#cFree1").val(),
cFree2: $("#cFree2").val(),
cFree3: $("#cFree3").val(),
cFree4: $("#cFree4").val(),
cFree5: $("#cFree5").val(),
cFree6: $("#cFree6").val(),
cFree7: $("#cFree7").val(),
cFree8: $("#cFree8").val(),
cFree9: $("#cFree9").val(),
cFree10: $("#cFree10").val(),
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url: "/WMS/WMSCreateItemLot/SubmitForm?ApplyNegCode=" + ApplyNegCode + "&Sequence=" + Sequence + "&WorkPoint=" + WorkPoints,
param: {
keyValue: JSON.stringify(obj)
success: function () {
if (Type=='2') {
url: "/WMS/WMSCreateItemLot/SubmitFormWeiWai?OApplyNegCode=" + OApplyNegCode + "&Sequence=" + Sequence + "&WorkPoint=" + WorkPoints,
param: {
keyValue: JSON.stringify(obj)
success: function () {
if (Type == '3') {
var QiSetNum = '';
var Msg = '';
if ($("#Enable").val() == 'true') {
var Header = {
DetailID: MODetailID,
Type: '生产订单',
var keyValue = [];
url: "/WMS/WMSCreateItemLot/GetQiSetNum" + "?" + Math.random(),
data: { keyValue: JSON.stringify(keyValue) },
dataType: "json",
async: false,
success: function (data) {
Msg = data.msg;
QiSetNum = data.Num;
if (Msg!='') {
if (thisCreateQty > (QiSetNum - CreatedQty)) {
return ;
url: "/WMS/WMSCreateItemLot/SubmitFormChengPing?MOCode=" + MOCode + "&Sequence=" + Sequence + "&WorkPoint=" + WorkPoints,
param: {
keyValue: JSON.stringify(obj)
success: function () {
if (Type == '4') {
url: "/WMS/WMSCreateItemLot/SubmitFormXiaoShou?SDNCode=" + SDNCode + "&Sequence=" + Sequence + "&WorkPoint=" + WorkPoints,
param: {
keyValue: JSON.stringify(obj)
success: function () {
if (Type == '5') {
url: "/WMS/WMSCreateItemLot/SubmitFormQiTa?InCode=" + InCode + "&Sequence=" + Sequence + "&WorkPoint=" + WorkPoints,
param: {
keyValue: JSON.stringify(obj)
success: function () {
if (Type == '6') {
url: "/WMS/WMSCreateItemLot/SubmitFormGuiHuan?ReturnCode=" + ReturnCode + "&Sequence=" + Sequence + "&WorkPoint=" + WorkPoints,
param: {
keyValue: JSON.stringify(obj)
success: function () {
if (Type == '7') {
url: "/WMS/WMSCreateItemLot/SubmitFormSHDH?DNCode=" + DNCode + "&Sequence=" + Sequence + "&INVCode=" + $("#InvCode").val() + "&WorkPoint=" + WorkPoints,
param: {
keyValue: JSON.stringify(obj)
success: function () {
if (Type == '8') {
url: "/WMS/WMSCreateItemLot/SubmitFormWWSHDH?ODNCode=" + ODNCode + "&Sequence=" + Sequence + "&WorkPoint=" + WorkPoints,
param: {
keyValue: JSON.stringify(obj)
success: function () {
if (Type == '9') {
url: "/WMS/WMSCreateItemLot/SubmitFormKLCPRK?RCVCode=" + RCVCode + "&Sequence=" + Sequence + "&WorkPoint=" + WorkPoints,
param: {
keyValue: JSON.stringify(obj)
success: function () {
if (Type == '10') {
url: "/WMS/WMSCreateItemLot/SubmitFormJSD?DNCode=" + DNCode + "&Sequence=" + Sequence + "&WorkPoint=" + WorkPoints,
param: {
keyValue: JSON.stringify(obj)
success: function () {
if (Type == '11') {
url: "/WMS/WMSCreateItemLot/SubmitFormWWJSD?ODNCode=" + ODNCode + "&Sequence=" + Sequence + "&WorkPoint=" + WorkPoints,
param: {
keyValue: JSON.stringify(obj)
success: function () {
if (Type == '12') {
url: "/WMS/WMSCreateItemLot/SubmitFormLLSQTL?ApplyNegCode=" + LLApplyNegCode + "&Sequence=" + Sequence + "&WorkPoint=" + WorkPoints,
param: {
keyValue: JSON.stringify(obj)
success: function () {
if (Type == '13') {
url: "/WMS/WMSCreateItemLot/SubmitFormCLCKT?ApplyNegCode=" + CLApplyNegCode + "&Sequence=" + Sequence + "&WorkPoint=" + WorkPoints,
param: {
keyValue: JSON.stringify(obj)
success: function () {
if (Type == '14') {
url: "/WMS/WMSCreateItemLot/SubmitFormWWLL?OApplyNegCode=" + WWLLOApplyNegCode + "&Sequence=" + Sequence + "&WorkPoint=" + WorkPoints,
param: {
keyValue: JSON.stringify(obj)
success: function () {
if (Type == '15') {
url: "/WMS/WMSCreateItemLot/SubmitFormWWCL?OApplyNegCode=" + WWCLOApplyNegCode + "&Sequence=" + Sequence + "&WorkPoint=" + WorkPoints,
param: {
keyValue: JSON.stringify(obj)
success: function () {
if (Type == '16') {
url: "/WMS/WMSCreateItemLot/SubmitFormFGGD?FGGDMOCode=" + FGGDMOCode + "&Sequence=" + Sequence + "&WorkPoint=" + WorkPoints,
param: {
keyValue: JSON.stringify(obj)
success: function () {
function dateChange(num ,date ) {
if (!date) {
date = new Date();//没有传入值时,默认是当前日期
date = date.getFullYear() + '-' + (date.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + date.getDate();
date += " 00:00:00";//设置为当天凌晨12点
date = Date.parse(new Date(date))/1000;//转换为时间戳
date += (86400) * num;//修改后的时间戳
var newDate = new Date(parseInt(date) * 1000);//转换为时间
return newDate.getFullYear() + '-' + (newDate.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + newDate.getDate();
<form id="form1">
<div style="padding-top: 20px; margin-right: 20px;">
<table class="form">
<th class="formTitle">料品编码</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="InvCode" name="InvCode" type="text" class="form-control " />
<input id="Enable" name="Enable" type="text" style="display:none" />
<th class="formTitle">料品名称</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="INVNAME" name="INVNAME" type="text" class="form-control " />
<th class="formTitle">规格型号</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="INVSTD" name="INVSTD" type="text" class="form-control " />
<th class="formTitle">计量单位</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="INVUOM" name="INVUOM" type="text" class="form-control " />
<th class="formTitle">数量</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="Quantity" name="Quantity" type="text" class="form-control " />
<input id="YAmount" name="YAmount" type="text" style="display:none" />
<input id="DJQuantity" name="DJQuantity" type="text" style="display:none" />
<th class="formTitle">已生成条码数量</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="CreatedQty" name="CreatedQty" type="text" class="form-control " />
<th class="formTitle"><span style="color: red;">*</span>本次生成数量</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="thisCreateQty" name="thisCreateQty" type="text" class="form-control required" placeholder="请输入本次生成数量" />
<th class="formTitle"><span style="color: red;">*</span>最小包装量</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="minPackQty" name="minPackQty" type="text" class="form-control required" placeholder="请输入最小包装量" />
<th class="formTitle"><span style="color: red;">*</span>生产日期</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input type="text" name="PRODUCTDATE" id="PRODUCTDATE" class="form-control required" onclick="WdatePicker({ dateFmt: 'yyyy-MM-dd' })" placeholder="生产日期" />
<input id="EffectiveEnable" name="EffectiveEnable" type="text" style="display:none" />
<input id="EffectiveDays" name="EffectiveDays" type="text" style="display:none" />
<th class="formTitle"><span style="color: red;">*</span>生成张数</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="cretePageCount" name="cretePageCount" class="form-control required" type="text" placeholder="请输入生成张数" />
<th class="formTitle">辅计量数量</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="Amount" name="Amount" class="form-control" type="text" placeholder="请输入辅计量数量" />
<tr id="trProjectCode">
<th class="formTitle">项目号</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="ProjectCode" name="ProjectCode" class="form-control " type="text" placeholder="请输入项目号" />
<tr id="trBatchCode">
<th class="formTitle">批次</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="BatchCode" name="BatchCode" class="form-control " type="text" placeholder="请输入批次" />
<tr id="trVersion">
<th class="formTitle">版本</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="Version" name="Version" class="form-control " type="text" placeholder="请输入版本" />
<tr id="trBrand">
<th class="formTitle">厂牌</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="Brand" name="Brand" type="text" class="form-control " placeholder="请输入厂牌" />
<tr id="trcFree1">
<th class="formTitle">自由项1</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="cFree1" name="cFree1" type="text" class="form-control " placeholder="请输入自由项1" />
<tr id="trcFree2">
<th class="formTitle">自由项2</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="cFree2" name="cFree2" type="text" class="form-control " placeholder="请输入自由项2" />
<tr id="trcFree3">
<th class="formTitle">自由项3</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="cFree3" name="cFree3" type="text" class="form-control " placeholder="请输入自由项3" />
<tr id="trcFree4">
<th class="formTitle">自由项4</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="cFree4" name="cFree4" type="text" class="form-control " placeholder="请输入自由项4" />
<tr id="trcFree5">
<th class="formTitle">自由项5</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="cFree5" name="cFree5" type="text" class="form-control " placeholder="请输入自由项5" />
<tr id="trcFree6">
<th class="formTitle">自由项6</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="cFree6" name="cFree6" type="text" class="form-control " placeholder="请输入自由项6" />
<tr id="trcFree7">
<th class="formTitle">自由项7</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="cFree7" name="cFree7" type="text" class="form-control " placeholder="请输入自由项7" />
<tr id="trcFree8">
<th class="formTitle">自由项8</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="cFree8" name="cFree8" type="text" class="form-control " placeholder="请输入自由项8" />
<tr id="trcFree9">
<th class="formTitle">自由项9</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="cFree9" name="cFree9" type="text" class="form-control " placeholder="请输入自由项9" />
<tr id="trcFree10">
<th class="formTitle">自由项10</th>
<td class="formValue">
<input id="cFree10" name="cFree10" type="text" class="form-control " placeholder="请输入自由项10" />