You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
787 lines
38 KiB
787 lines
38 KiB
ViewBag.Title = "Index";
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var collast = { label: '供应商名称', name: 'VenName', width: 150, align: 'left' };
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var html = "";
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html += ' </select>';
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var collast = { label: '不良原因值', name: 'BRCodeValue', hidden: true };
var collast = {
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formatter: function (cellvalue, options, rowObject) {
var html = "";
html += ' <select id="SelBR_' + rowObject.ID.toString() + '" data-live-search ="true" Title=\"""\" class="selectpicker" data-width="85px">';
html += ' </select>';
return cellvalue = html;
var collast = { label: '检验状态', name: 'TestState', width: 150, align: 'left' };
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DateList = data;
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var ColName = data[i].ColName;
var ColCode = data[i].ColCode;
var obj = new Array();
obj = {
label: ColName,
name: ColCode,
width: 80,
align: "left"
_Clos = cols;
function gridList() {
var $gridList = $("#gridList");
var queryJson = {
POCode: $("#txt_POCode").val(),
ASNCode: $("#txt_ASNCode").val(),
CaiGouCode: $("#txt_CaiGouCode").val(),
VenCode: $("#txt_VenCode").val(),
VenName: $("#txt_VenName").val(),
InvCode: $("#txt_InvCode").val(),
InvName: $("#txt_InvName").val(),
BatchCode: $("#txt_BatchCode").val(),
ReleaseState: $("#selShow").val(),
url: "/WMS/ICSRCVIQCs/GetICSInspection" + "?" + Math.random(),
postData: { queryJson: JSON.stringify(queryJson) },
height: $(window).height() - 200,
width: $(window).width() - 300,
cellEdit: true,
colModel: _Clos,
//colModel: [
// { label: "主键", name: "ID", hidden: true, key: true },
// { label: 'ID', name: 'ID', hidden: true },
// { label: '到货ID', name: 'DHID', hidden: true },
// { label: '检验ID', name: 'JYID', hidden: true },
// { label: '到货单号', name: 'DNCode', width: 120, align: 'left' },
// { label: '送货单号', name: 'ASNCode', width: 120, align: 'left' },
// { label: '采购订单号', name: 'POCode', width: 120, align: 'left' },
// { label: '条码', name: 'LotNo', width: 120, align: 'left' },
// { label: '料品编码', name: 'InvCode', width: 100, align: 'left' },
// { label: '料品名称', name: 'InvName', width: 100, align: 'left' },
// { label: '规格型号', name: 'INVSTD', width: 100, align: 'left' },
// { label: '批次', name: 'BatchCode', width: 100, align: 'left' },
// { label: '箱号', name: 'ContainerID', width: 100, align: 'left' },
// { label: '到货时间', name: 'CreateDateTime', width: 150, align: 'left' },
// { label: '供应商代码', name: 'VenCode', width: 150, align: 'left' },
// { label: '供应商名称', name: 'VenName', width: 150, align: 'left' },
// { label: '总数量', name: 'AllNumber', width: 100, align: 'left' },
// { label: '合格数量', name: 'YLOTQTY', width: 100, align: 'left', editable: true, editrules: { number: true } },
// { label: '不合格数量', name: 'NLOTQTY', width: 100, align: 'left', editable: true, editrules: { number: true } },
// { label: '特采数量', name: 'SpecialQTY', width: 100, align: 'left', editable: true, editrules: { number: true } },
// { label: '不良代码值', name: 'BCCodeValue', hidden: true },
// {
// label: '不良代码', name: 'BadDesc', width: 120, align: 'left', sortable: false,
// formatter: function (cellvalue, options, rowObject) {
// debugger;
// var html = "";
// html += ' <select id="SelBC_' + rowObject.ID.toString() + '" data-live-search ="true" Title=\"""\" class="selectpicker" data-width="85px">';
// html += ' </select>';
// return cellvalue = html;
// }
// },
// { label: '不良原因值', name: 'BRCodeValue', hidden: true },
// {
// label: '不良原因', name: 'BadReasonDesc', width: 120, align: 'left', sortable: false,
// formatter: function (cellvalue, options, rowObject) {
// var html = "";
// html += ' <select id="SelBR_' + rowObject.ID.toString() + '" data-live-search ="true" Title=\"""\" class="selectpicker" data-width="85px">';
// html += ' </select>';
// return cellvalue = html;
// }
// },
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// { label: '检验人', name: 'Surveyor', width: 150, align: 'left' },
// { label: '检验时间', name: 'ProvingTime', width: 150, align: 'left' },
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gridComplete: function () {
var RowDatas = $("#gridList").jqGrid('getDataIDs');
for (var j = 0; j < RowDatas.length; j++) {
var InvCode = $("#gridList").jqGrid("getCell", RowDatas[j], "InvCode");
var ID = $("#gridList").jqGrid("getCell", RowDatas[j], "ID");
var BCCodeValue = $("#gridList").jqGrid("getCell", RowDatas[j], "BCCodeValue");
var BRCodeValue = $("#gridList").jqGrid("getCell", RowDatas[j], "BRCodeValue");
GetSelectICSBadCode(InvCode, ID, BCCodeValue);
GetSelectPerson(InvCode, ID, BRCodeValue);
pager: "#gridPager",
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sortname: 'DNCode ',
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subGrid: false, // (1)开启子表格支持
afterSaveCell: function (rowid, cellname, value) {
if (cellname === 'YLOTQTY') {
var YLOTQTY = value;
var AllNumber = $gridList.jqGrid("getCell", rowid, 'AllNumber');
var str = Math.round((parseFloat(AllNumber) - parseFloat(YLOTQTY)) * 10) / 10;
$gridList.jqGrid("setCell", rowid, 'NLOTQTY', str);
if (cellname === 'NLOTQTY') {
var NLOTQTY = value;
var AllNumber = $gridList.jqGrid("getCell", rowid, 'AllNumber');
var str = Math.round((parseFloat(AllNumber) - parseFloat(NLOTQTY)) * 10) / 10;
$gridList.jqGrid("setCell", rowid, 'YLOTQTY', str);
$("#btn_search").click(function () {
var warehouse = $("#warehouse").attr('data-value');
var queryJson = {
POCode: $("#txt_POCode").val(),
ASNCode: $("#txt_ASNCode").val(),
CaiGouCode: $("#txt_CaiGouCode").val(),
VenCode: $("#txt_VenCode").val(),
VenName: $("#txt_VenName").val(),
InvCode: $("#txt_InvCode").val(),
InvName: $("#txt_InvName").val(),
BatchCode: $("#txt_BatchCode").val(),
ReleaseState: $("#selShow").val(),
$gridList.jqGrid('setGridParam', {
postData: { queryJson: JSON.stringify(queryJson) },
function gridList2() {
var $gridList = $("#gridList");
var queryJson = {
POCode: $("#txt_POCode").val(),
ASNCode: $("#txt_ASNCode").val(),
CaiGouCode: $("#txt_CaiGouCode").val(),
VenCode: $("#txt_VenCode").val(),
VenName: $("#txt_VenName").val(),
InvCode: $("#txt_InvCode").val(),
InvName: $("#txt_InvName").val(),
BatchCode: $("#txt_BatchCode").val(),
ReleaseState: $("#selShow").val(),
url: "/WMS/ICSRCVIQCs/GetICSInspection2" + "?" + Math.random(),
postData: { queryJson: JSON.stringify(queryJson) },
height: $(window).height() - 200,
width: $(window).width() - 300,
cellEdit: true,
colModel: [
{ label: "主键", name: "ID", hidden: true, key: true },
{ label: 'ID', name: 'ID', hidden: true },
{ label: '到货ID', name: 'DHID', hidden: true },
{ label: '检验ID', name: 'JYID', hidden: true },
{ label: '委外到货单号', name: 'DNCode', width: 120, align: 'left' },
{ label: '委外送货单号', name: 'OASNCode', width: 120, align: 'left' },
{ label: '委外采购订单号', name: 'OOCode', width: 120, align: 'left' },
{ label: '条码', name: 'LotNo', width: 120, align: 'left' },
{ label: '料品编码', name: 'InvCode', width: 100, align: 'left' },
{ label: '料品名称', name: 'InvName', width: 100, align: 'left' },
{ label: '规格型号', name: 'INVSTD', width: 100, align: 'left' },
{ label: '批次', name: 'BatchCode', width: 100, align: 'left' },
{ label: '箱号', name: 'ContainerID', width: 100, align: 'left' },
{ label: '到货时间', name: 'CreateDateTime', width: 150, align: 'left' },
{ label: '供应商代码', name: 'VenCode', width: 150, align: 'left' },
{ label: '供应商名称', name: 'VenName', width: 150, align: 'left' },
{ label: '总数量', name: 'AllNumber', width: 100, align: 'left' },
{ label: '合格数量', name: 'YLOTQTY', width: 100, align: 'left', editable: true, editrules: { number: true } },
{ label: '不合格数量', name: 'NLOTQTY', width: 100, align: 'left', editable: true, editrules: { number: true } },
{ label: '特采数量', name: 'SpecialQTY', width: 100, align: 'left', editable: true, editrules: { number: true } },
{ label: '不良代码值', name: 'BCCodeValue', hidden: true },
label: '不良代码', name: 'BadDesc', width: 120, align: 'left', sortable: false,
formatter: function (cellvalue, options, rowObject) {
var html = "";
html += ' <select id="SelBC_' + rowObject.ID.toString() + '" data-live-search ="true" Title=\"""\" class="selectpicker" data-width="85px">';
html += ' </select>';
return cellvalue = html;
{ label: '不良原因值', name: 'BRCodeValue', hidden: true },
label: '不良原因', name: 'BadReasonDesc', width: 120, align: 'left', sortable: false,
formatter: function (cellvalue, options, rowObject) {
var html = "";
html += ' <select id="SelBR_' + rowObject.ID.toString() + '" data-live-search ="true" Title=\"""\" class="selectpicker" data-width="85px">';
html += ' </select>';
return cellvalue = html;
{ label: '检验状态', name: 'TestState', width: 150, align: 'left' },
{ label: '检验人', name: 'Surveyor', width: 150, align: 'left' },
{ label: '检验时间', name: 'ProvingTime', width: 150, align: 'left' },
cellsubmit: "clientArray",
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autoWidth: true,
gridComplete: function () {
var RowDatas = $("#gridList").jqGrid('getDataIDs');
for (var j = 0; j < RowDatas.length; j++) {
var InvCode = $("#gridList").jqGrid("getCell", RowDatas[j], "InvCode");
var ID = $("#gridList").jqGrid("getCell", RowDatas[j], "ID");
var BCCodeValue = $("#gridList").jqGrid("getCell", RowDatas[j], "BCCodeValue");
var BRCodeValue = $("#gridList").jqGrid("getCell", RowDatas[j], "BRCodeValue");
GetSelectICSBadCode(InvCode, ID, BCCodeValue);
GetSelectPerson(InvCode, ID, BRCodeValue);
pager: "#gridPager",
sortorder: "desc",
sortname: 'DNCode ',
viewrecords: true,
multiselect: true,
subGrid: false, // (1)开启子表格支持
afterSaveCell: function (rowid, cellname, value) {
if (cellname === 'YLOTQTY') {
var YLOTQTY = value;
var AllNumber = $gridList.jqGrid("getCell", rowid, 'AllNumber');
var str = Math.round((parseFloat(AllNumber) - parseFloat(YLOTQTY)) * 10) / 10;
$gridList.jqGrid("setCell", rowid, 'NLOTQTY', str);
if (cellname === 'NLOTQTY') {
var NLOTQTY = value;
var AllNumber = $gridList.jqGrid("getCell", rowid, 'AllNumber');
var str = Math.round((parseFloat(AllNumber) - parseFloat(NLOTQTY)) * 10) / 10;
$gridList.jqGrid("setCell", rowid, 'YLOTQTY', str);
if (cellname === 'BadReasonDesc') {
$gridList.jqGrid("setCell", rowid, 'BRCodeValue', value);
if (cellname === 'BadDesc') {
$gridList.jqGrid("setCell", rowid, 'BCCodeValue', value);
$("#btn_search").click(function () {
var warehouse = $("#warehouse").attr('data-value');
var queryJson = {
POCode: $("#txt_POCode").val(),
ASNCode: $("#txt_ASNCode").val(),
CaiGouCode: $("#txt_CaiGouCode").val(),
VenCode: $("#txt_VenCode").val(),
VenName: $("#txt_VenName").val(),
InvCode: $("#txt_InvCode").val(),
InvName: $("#txt_InvName").val(),
BatchCode: $("#txt_BatchCode").val(),
ReleaseState: $("#selShow").val(),
$gridList.jqGrid('setGridParam', {
postData: { queryJson: JSON.stringify(queryJson) },
function gridList3() {
var $gridList = $("#gridList");
var queryJson = {
POCode: $("#txt_POCode").val(),
InvCode: $("#txt_InvCode").val(),
InvName: $("#txt_InvName").val(),
BatchCode: $("#txt_BatchCode").val(),
ReleaseState: $("#selShow").val(),
url: "/WMS/ICSRCVIQCs/GetICSInspection3" + "?" + Math.random(),
postData: { queryJson: JSON.stringify(queryJson) },
height: $(window).height() - 200,
width: $(window).width() - 300,
cellEdit: true,
colModel: [
{ label: "主键", name: "ID", hidden: true, key: true },
{ label: 'ID', name: 'ID', hidden: true },
{ label: '工单ID', name: 'GDID', hidden: true },
{ label: '检验ID', name: 'JYID', hidden: true },
{ label: '工单单号', name: 'DNCode', width: 120, align: 'left' },
{ label: '条码', name: 'LotNo', width: 120, align: 'left' },
{ label: '料品编码', name: 'InvCode', width: 100, align: 'left' },
{ label: '料品名称', name: 'InvName', width: 100, align: 'left' },
{ label: '规格型号', name: 'INVSTD', width: 100, align: 'left' },
{ label: '批次', name: 'BatchCode', width: 100, align: 'left' },
{ label: '箱号', name: 'ContainerID', width: 100, align: 'left' },
{ label: '生产时间', name: 'ProductTime', width: 150, align: 'left' },
{ label: '总数量', name: 'AllNumber', width: 100, align: 'left' },
{ label: '合格数量', name: 'YLOTQTY', width: 100, align: 'left', editable: true, editrules: { number: true } },
{ label: '不合格数量', name: 'NLOTQTY', width: 100, align: 'left', editable: true, editrules: { number: true } },
{ label: '特采数量', name: 'SpecialQTY', width: 100, align: 'left', editable: true, editrules: { number: true } },
{ label: '不良代码值', name: 'BCCodeValue', hidden: true },
label: '不良代码', name: 'BadDesc', width: 120, align: 'left', sortable: false,
formatter: function (cellvalue, options, rowObject) {
var html = "";
html += ' <select id="SelBC_' + rowObject.ID.toString() + '" data-live-search ="true" Title=\"""\" class="selectpicker" data-width="85px">';
html += ' </select>';
return cellvalue = html;
{ label: '不良原因值', name: 'BRCodeValue', hidden: true },
label: '不良原因', name: 'BadReasonDesc', width: 120, align: 'left', sortable: false,
formatter: function (cellvalue, options, rowObject) {
var html = "";
html += ' <select id="SelBR_' + rowObject.ID.toString() + '" data-live-search ="true" Title=\"""\" class="selectpicker" data-width="85px">';
html += ' </select>';
return cellvalue = html;
{ label: '检验状态', name: 'TestState', width: 150, align: 'left' },
{ label: '检验人', name: 'Surveyor', width: 150, align: 'left' },
{ label: '检验时间', name: 'ProvingTime', width: 150, align: 'left' },
cellsubmit: "clientArray",
shrinkToFit: false,//宽度自适应
autoWidth: true,
gridComplete: function () {
var RowDatas = $("#gridList").jqGrid('getDataIDs');
for (var j = 0; j < RowDatas.length; j++) {
var InvCode = $("#gridList").jqGrid("getCell", RowDatas[j], "InvCode");
var ID = $("#gridList").jqGrid("getCell", RowDatas[j], "ID");
var BCCodeValue = $("#gridList").jqGrid("getCell", RowDatas[j], "BCCodeValue");
var BRCodeValue = $("#gridList").jqGrid("getCell", RowDatas[j], "BRCodeValue");
GetSelectICSBadCode(InvCode, ID, BCCodeValue);
GetSelectPerson(InvCode, ID, BRCodeValue);
pager: "#gridPager",
sortorder: "desc",
sortname: 'DNCode ',
viewrecords: true,
multiselect: true,
afterSaveCell: function (rowid, cellname, value) {
if (cellname === 'YLOTQTY') {
var YLOTQTY = value;
var AllNumber = $gridList.jqGrid("getCell", rowid, 'AllNumber');
var str = Math.round((parseFloat(AllNumber) - parseFloat(YLOTQTY)) * 10) / 10;
$gridList.jqGrid("setCell", rowid, 'NLOTQTY', str);
if (cellname === 'NLOTQTY') {
var NLOTQTY = value;
var AllNumber = $gridList.jqGrid("getCell", rowid, 'AllNumber');
var str = Math.round((parseFloat(AllNumber) - parseFloat(NLOTQTY)) * 10) / 10;
$gridList.jqGrid("setCell", rowid, 'YLOTQTY', str);
if (cellname === 'BadReasonDesc') {
$gridList.jqGrid("setCell", rowid, 'BRCodeValue', value);
if (cellname === 'BadDesc') {
$gridList.jqGrid("setCell", rowid, 'BCCodeValue', value);
$("#btn_search").click(function () {
var warehouse = $("#warehouse").attr('data-value');
var queryJson = {
POCode: $("#txt_POCode").val(),
InvCode: $("#txt_InvCode").val(),
InvName: $("#txt_InvName").val(),
BatchCode: $("#txt_BatchCode").val(),
ReleaseState: $("#selShow").val(),
$gridList.jqGrid('setGridParam', {
postData: { queryJson: JSON.stringify(queryJson) },
function GetSelectPerson(InvCode, ID, BRCodeValue) {
var str = "";
url: "/WMS/ICSRCVIQCs/Select_ICSBadReason?InvCode=" + InvCode + "&" + Math.random(),
dataType: "json",
async: false,
async: false,
success: function (data) {
if (data != null && data.length > 0) {
$("#SelBR_" + ID + "").find("option").remove();
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
$("#SelBR_" + ID + "").append("<option value='" + data[i].BadReasonCode + "'>" + data[i].BadReasonDesc + "</option>");
$("#SelBR_" + ID + "").selectpicker('refresh');
$("#SelBR_" + ID + "").selectpicker('val', BRCodeValue);
function GetSelectICSBadCode(InvCode, ID, BCCodeValue) {
var str = "";
url: "/WMS/ICSRCVIQCs/GetSelectICSBadCode?InvCode=" + InvCode + "&" + Math.random(),
dataType: "json",
async: false,
async: false,
success: function (data) {
if (data != null && data.length > 0) {
$("#SelBC_" + ID + "").find("option").remove();
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
$("#SelBC_" + ID + "").append("<option value='" + data[i].BadCode + "'>" + data[i].BadDesc + "</option>");
$("#SelBC_" + ID + "").selectpicker('refresh');
$("#SelBC_" + ID + "").selectpicker('val', BCCodeValue);
function btnSave() {
var ids = $("#gridList").jqGrid('getGridParam', 'selarrrow'); //获取 多行数据
if (ids.length == 0) {
var IDlist = "";
var ICSInspection = [];
var flag = '';
for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
var rowData = $("#gridList").jqGrid('getRowData', ids[i]);
IDlist += "'" + rowData.ID + "',";
if (rowData.NLOTQTY > 0) {
if (rowData.BadDesc == '' || rowData.BadReasonDesc == '') {
if (rowData.YLOTQTY < 0 || rowData.NLOTQTY < 0) {
if (rowData.SpecialQTY > rowData.NLOTQTY) {
var obj = {
AllNumber: rowData.AllNumber,//总数量
YLOTQTY: rowData.YLOTQTY,//合格数量
NLOTQTY: rowData.NLOTQTY,//不合格数量
SpecialQTY: rowData.SpecialQTY,//特采数量
LotNo: rowData.LotNo,//条码
InvCode: rowData.InvCode,//物料编码
BCCode: $("#SelBC_" + rowData.ID + "").val(),//不良代码
BRCode: $("#SelBR_" + rowData.ID + "").val(),//不良原因
Type: Type,
TestState: rowData.TestState,
JYID: rowData.JYID
$.modalConfirm("确定保存吗?", function (r) {
if (r) {
url: "/WMS/ICSRCVIQCs/CreateICSInspection" + "?" + Math.random(),
param: { keyValue: IDlist, ICSInspections: JSON.stringify(ICSInspection) },
success: function () {
function btnSendBack() {
var ids = $("#gridList").jqGrid('getGridParam', 'selarrrow'); //获取 多行数据
if (ids.length == 0) {
var IDlist = "";
var selShow = $("#selShow").val();
if (selShow != '1') {
for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
var rowData = $("#gridList").jqGrid('getRowData', ids[i]);
if (rowData.AllNumber == rowData.YLOTQTY) {
$.modalAlert("所选条码" + rowData.LotNo + ",全部合格无法退回!");
IDlist += "'" + rowData.LotNo + "',";
$.modalConfirm("确定退回吗?", function (r) {
if (r) {
url: "/WMS/ICSRCVIQCs/CreateRejection?Type=" + Type + "&" + Math.random(),
param: { keyValue: IDlist },
success: function () {
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<td style="text-align:right;"><label class="lglabel" for="txt_POCode"> 单据号</label>:</td>
<div class="input-group">
<input id="txt_POCode" type="text" class="form-control" style="width: 105px;">
<td class="HideTxt" style="text-align:right;"><label class="lglabel HideTxt" for="txt_ASNCode"> 送货单号</label>:</td>
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<td class="HideTxt" style="text-align:right;"><label class="lglabel" for="txt_VenCode HideTxt"> 供应商代码</label>:</td>
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<input id="txt_VenCode" type="text" class="form-control HideTxt" style="width: 105px;">
<td class="HideTxt" style="text-align:right;"><label class="lglabel HideTxt" for="txt_VenName"> 供应商名称</label>:</td>
<div class="input-group HideTxt">
<input id="txt_VenName" type="text" class="form-control HideTxt" style="width: 105px;">
<td style="text-align:right;"><label class="lglabel" for="txt_InvCode"> 料品编码</label>:</td>
<div class="input-group">
<input id="txt_InvCode" type="text" class="form-control" style="width: 105px;">
<td style="text-align:right;"><label class="lglabel" for="txt_InvName"> 料品名称</label>:</td>
<div class="input-group">
<input id="txt_InvName" type="text" class="form-control" style="width: 105px;">
<td style="text-align:right;"><label class="lglabel" for="txt_BatchCode"> 批次号</label>:</td>
<div class="input-group">
<input id="txt_BatchCode" type="text" class="form-control" style="width: 105px;">
<label> 单据状态:</label>
<div class="input-group">
<select id="selShow" name="F_Target" class="form-control" style="width: 105px;">
<option value="1">已检验</option>
<option value="0" selected="selected">未检验</option>
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