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322 lines
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322 lines
18 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using ICSSoft.Common;
using ICSSoft.Entity;
namespace ICSSoft.DataProject
public class ISComplete
private static log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
private static string connString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ERPConnStr"];
public string ConfirmRd08(List<Complete> Bills)
string sql = "";
string connS = "";
VouchKey key = new VouchKey();
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection();
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
foreach (Complete head in Bills)
connS = string.Format(connString, head.WorkPoint);
conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connS);
SqlTransaction sqlTran = conn.BeginTransaction();
cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd.Transaction = sqlTran;
cmd.Connection = conn;
foreach (Completes body in head.details)
if (head.SourceType == "生产订单")
#region 齐套检验
sql = @" select cValue from AccInformation where cName=N'iMOProInCtrlBySet' ";
DataTable qt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (qt != null && qt.Rows.Count > 0)
if (qt.Rows[0]["cValue"].ToString() == "1")
sql = @"select MoCode,SortSeq,MIN(lotqty) min_lotqty from
case when aa.AllocateId IS null then c.AllocateId else aa.AllocateId
end as AllocateId,sum(c.Qty) as Qty,SUM(c.IssQty) IssQty,SUM(c.IssQty)/(SUM(c.Qty)/b.Qty) lotqty
from DBO.mom_order a
left join DBO.mom_orderdetail b on a.moid = b.moid
left join DBO.mom_moallocate c on b.modid = c.modid
left join
(select d.AllocateId,e.InvCode,d.MoallocateSubId from
DBO.mom_moallocatesub d
left join DBO.bas_part e ON d.partid = e.PartId ) aa on c.MoallocateSubId=aa.MoallocateSubId
left join DBO.Inventory_Sub f on c.InvCode=f.cInvSubCode
where a.MoCode='{0}' and b.SortSeq='{1}'
and c.WIPType<>1 and c.Qty<>0 and c.ByproductFlag<>1
group by a.MoCode,b.SortSeq,case when aa.AllocateId IS null then c.AllocateId else aa.AllocateId end ,b.Qty
) tt
group by MoCode,SortSeq";
sql = string.Format(sql, head.SourceCode, body.Sequence);
qt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (qt == null || qt.Rows.Count == 0)
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + @"在订单内未领料!");
if (Convert.ToDecimal(qt.Rows[0]["min_lotqty"]) <= 0)
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + @"在订单内未领料<=0!");
else if (qt.Rows[0]["cValue"].ToString() == "2")
sql = @"select cValue from AccInformation where cName=N'bControlKeyMaterial'";
qt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (qt != null && qt.Rows.Count > 0)
if (qt.Rows[0]["cValue"].ToString() == "true")
sql = @"select MoCode,SortSeq,MIN(lotqty) min_lotqty from
case when aa.AllocateId IS null then c.AllocateId else aa.AllocateId
end as AllocateId,sum(c.Qty) as Qty,SUM(c.IssQty) IssQty,SUM(c.IssQty)/(SUM(c.Qty)/b.Qty) lotqty
from DBO.mom_order a
left join DBO.mom_orderdetail b on a.moid = b.moid
left join DBO.mom_moallocate c on b.modid = c.modid
left join
(select d.AllocateId,e.InvCode,d.MoallocateSubId from
DBO.mom_moallocatesub d
left join DBO.bas_part e ON d.partid = e.PartId ) aa on c.MoallocateSubId=aa.MoallocateSubId
left join DBO.Inventory_Sub f on c.InvCode=f.cInvSubCode
where a.MoCode='{0}' and b.SortSeq='{1}'
and c.WIPType<>1 and c.Qty<>0 and c.ByproductFlag<>1 and f.bInvKeyPart=1
group by a.MoCode,b.SortSeq,case when aa.AllocateId IS null then c.AllocateId else aa.AllocateId end ,b.Qty
) tt
group by MoCode,SortSeq";
sql = string.Format(sql, head.SourceCode, body.Sequence);
qt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (qt == null || qt.Rows.Count == 0)
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + @"在订单内未有可用领料!");
if (Convert.ToDecimal(qt.Rows[0]["min_lotqty"]) <= 0)
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + @"在订单内未领料!");
else if (Convert.ToDecimal(qt.Rows[0]["min_lotqty"]) - body.Quantity <= 0)
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + @"入库数量大于关键物料领料套数!");
sql = @"select MoCode,SortSeq,MIN(lotqty) min_lotqty from
case when aa.AllocateId IS null then c.AllocateId else aa.AllocateId
end as AllocateId,sum(c.Qty) as Qty,SUM(c.IssQty) IssQty,SUM(c.IssQty)/(SUM(c.Qty)/b.Qty) lotqty
from DBO.mom_order a
left join DBO.mom_orderdetail b on a.moid = b.moid
left join DBO.mom_moallocate c on b.modid = c.modid
left join
(select d.AllocateId,e.InvCode,d.MoallocateSubId from
DBO.mom_moallocatesub d
left join DBO.bas_part e ON d.partid = e.PartId ) aa on c.MoallocateSubId=aa.MoallocateSubId
left join DBO.Inventory_Sub f on c.InvCode=f.cInvSubCode
where a.MoCode='{0}' and b.SortSeq='{1}'
and c.WIPType<>1 and c.Qty<>0 and c.ByproductFlag<>1
group by a.MoCode,b.SortSeq,case when aa.AllocateId IS null then c.AllocateId else aa.AllocateId end ,b.Qty
) tt
group by MoCode,SortSeq";
sql = string.Format(sql, head.SourceCode, body.Sequence);
qt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (qt == null || qt.Rows.Count == 0)
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + @"在订单内未有可用领料!");
if (Convert.ToDecimal(qt.Rows[0]["min_lotqty"]) <= 0)
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + @"在订单内未领料!");
else if (Convert.ToDecimal(qt.Rows[0]["min_lotqty"]) - body.Quantity <= 0)
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + @"入库数量大于领料套数!");
#region 齐套检验
sql = @" select cValue from AccInformation where cName=N'iMOProInCtrlBySet' ";
DataTable qt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (qt != null && qt.Rows.Count > 0)
if (qt.Rows[0]["cValue"].ToString() == "1")
sql = @"select cCode,iVouchRowNo,MIN(lotqty) min_lotqty from
c.MOMaterialsID as AllocateId,sum(c.iQuantity) as Qty,SUM(c.iSendQTY) IssQty,SUM(c.iSendQTY)/(SUM(c.iQuantity)/b.iQuantity) lotqty
from DBO.OM_MOMain a
left join DBO.OM_MODetails b on a.moid = b.moid
left join DBO.OM_MOMaterials c on b.MODetailsID = c.MODetailsID
left join DBO.Inventory_Sub f on c.cInvCode=f.cInvSubCode
where a.cCode='{0}' and b.iVouchRowNo='{1}'
and c.iQuantity<>0
group by a.cCode,b.iVouchRowNo,c.MOMaterialsID,b.iQuantity
) tt
group by cCode,iVouchRowNo";
sql = string.Format(sql, head.SourceCode, body.Sequence);
qt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (qt == null || qt.Rows.Count == 0)
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + @"在订单内未领料!");
if (Convert.ToDecimal(qt.Rows[0]["min_lotqty"]) <= 0)
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + @"在订单内未领料<=0!");
else if (qt.Rows[0]["cValue"].ToString() == "2")
sql = @"select cValue from AccInformation where cName=N'bControlKeyMaterial'";
qt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (qt != null && qt.Rows.Count > 0)
if (qt.Rows[0]["cValue"].ToString() == "true")
sql = @"select cCode,iVouchRowNo,MIN(lotqty) min_lotqty from
c.MOMaterialsID as AllocateId,sum(c.iQuantity) as Qty,SUM(c.iSendQTY) IssQty,SUM(c.iSendQTY)/(SUM(c.iQuantity)/b.iQuantity) lotqty
from DBO.OM_MOMain a
left join DBO.OM_MODetails b on a.moid = b.moid
left join DBO.OM_MOMaterials c on b.MODetailsID = c.MODetailsID
left join DBO.Inventory_Sub f on c.cInvCode=f.cInvSubCode
where a.cCode='{0}' and b.iVouchRowNo='{1}'
and c.iQuantity<>0
group by a.cCode,b.iVouchRowNo,c.MOMaterialsID,b.iQuantity
) tt
group by cCode,iVouchRowNo";
sql = string.Format(sql, head.SourceCode, body.Sequence);
qt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (qt == null || qt.Rows.Count == 0)
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + @"在订单内未有可用领料!");
if (Convert.ToDecimal(qt.Rows[0]["min_lotqty"]) <= 0)
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + @"在订单内未领料!");
else if (Convert.ToDecimal(qt.Rows[0]["min_lotqty"]) - body.Quantity <= 0)
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + @"入库数量大于关键物料领料套数!");
sql = @"select cCode,iVouchRowNo,MIN(lotqty) min_lotqty from
c.MOMaterialsID as AllocateId,sum(c.iQuantity) as Qty,SUM(c.iSendQTY) IssQty,SUM(c.iSendQTY)/(SUM(c.iQuantity)/b.iQuantity) lotqty
from DBO.OM_MOMain a
left join DBO.OM_MODetails b on a.moid = b.moid
left join DBO.OM_MOMaterials c on b.MODetailsID = c.MODetailsID
left join DBO.Inventory_Sub f on c.cInvCode=f.cInvSubCode
where a.cCode='{0}' and b.iVouchRowNo='{1}'
and c.iQuantity<>0
group by a.cCode,b.iVouchRowNo,c.MOMaterialsID,b.iQuantity
) tt
group by cCode,iVouchRowNo";
sql = string.Format(sql, head.SourceCode, body.Sequence);
qt = DBHelper.SQlReturnData(sql, cmd);
if (qt == null || qt.Rows.Count == 0)
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + @"在订单内未有可用领料!");
if (Convert.ToDecimal(qt.Rows[0]["min_lotqty"]) <= 0)
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + @"在订单内未领料!");
else if (Convert.ToDecimal(qt.Rows[0]["min_lotqty"]) - body.Quantity <= 0)
throw new Exception("该物料:" + body.InvCode + @"入库数量大于领料套数!");
return "齐套检验完成";