You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

82 lines
2.6 KiB

using NFine.Application.SystemManage;
using NFine.Code;
using NFine.Domain.Entity.SystemManage;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace NFine.Web.Areas.SystemManage.Controllers
public class ModuleController : ControllerBase
private ModuleApp moduleApp = new ModuleApp();
public ActionResult GetTreeSelectJson()
var data = moduleApp.GetList();
var treeList = new List<TreeSelectModel>();
foreach (ModuleEntity item in data)
TreeSelectModel treeModel = new TreeSelectModel();
treeModel.id = item.F_Id;
treeModel.text = item.F_FullName;
treeModel.parentId = item.F_ParentId;
return Content(treeList.TreeSelectJson());
public ActionResult GetTreeGridJson(string keyword)
var data = moduleApp.GetList();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword))
data = data.TreeWhere(t => t.F_FullName.Contains(keyword));
var treeList = new List<TreeGridModel>();
foreach (ModuleEntity item in data)
TreeGridModel treeModel = new TreeGridModel();
bool hasChildren = data.Count(t => t.F_ParentId == item.F_Id) == 0 ? false : true;
treeModel.id = item.F_Id;
treeModel.isLeaf = hasChildren;
treeModel.parentId = item.F_ParentId;
treeModel.expanded = hasChildren;
treeModel.entityJson = item.ToJson();
return Content(treeList.TreeGridJson());
public ActionResult GetFormJson(string keyValue)
var data = moduleApp.GetForm(keyValue);
return Content(data.ToJson());
public ActionResult SubmitForm(ModuleEntity moduleEntity, string keyValue)
moduleApp.SubmitForm(moduleEntity, keyValue);
return Success("操作成功。");
public ActionResult DeleteForm(string keyValue)
return Success("删除成功。");