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9 months ago
  1. using System;
  2. using System.Text;
  3. using System.Collections;
  4. using System.Xml;
  5. using System.Data;
  6. using System.Web.UI;
  7. using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
  8. using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
  9. using System.Resources;
  10. using System.Reflection;
  11. using System.Globalization;
  12. using System.Threading;
  13. using Telerik.WebControls;
  14. using UFSoft.UBF.UI.WebControls;
  15. using UFSoft.UBF.UI.Controls;
  16. using UFSoft.UBF.Util.Log;
  17. using UFSoft.UBF.Util.Globalization;
  18. using UFSoft.UBF.UI.IView;
  19. using UFSoft.UBF.UI.Engine;
  20. using UFSoft.UBF.UI.MD.Runtime;
  21. using UFSoft.UBF.UI.ActionProcess;
  22. using UFSoft.UBF.Business;
  23. using UFSoft.UBF.UI.ControlModel;
  24. using UFSoft.UBF.UI.Engine.Builder;
  25. using UFSoft.UBF.UI;
  26. using System.Collections.Generic;
  27. /***********************************************************************************************
  28. * Form ID:
  29. * UIFactory Auto Generator
  30. ***********************************************************************************************/
  31. namespace UFIDA.U9.Cust.WC.CustPOSendMailUI
  32. {
  33. public partial class CustPOSendMailUIFormWebPart
  34. {
  35. #region eventBind
  36. //MethodName:DropDownList_Notices_TextChanged ActionName:
  37. /// <summary>
  38. /// Help Info : {varEvent.Help}
  39. /// </summary>
  40. public void DropDownList_Notices_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
  41. {
  42. OnDataCollect(this); //当前事件先执行数据收集
  43. this.IsDataBinding = true ; //当前事件执行后会进行数据绑定
  44. this.IsConsuming = false;
  45. this.InvokeMethod(sender,e,DropDownList_Notices_TextChanged_Extend) ;
  46. }
  47. //default implement by tpl ...
  48. private void DropDownList_Notices_TextChanged_DefaultImpl(object sender, EventArgs e)
  49. {
  50. //Template (tpl) Code here...
  51. //通用事件模版定义的相应操作内容.
  52. //throw new NotImplementedException() ;
  53. }
  54. //MethodName:OnSend273_Click ActionName:OnSend
  55. /// <summary>
  56. /// Help Info : {varEvent.Help}
  57. /// </summary>
  58. public void OnSend273_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  59. {
  60. OnDataCollect(this); //当前事件先执行数据收集
  61. this.IsDataBinding = true ; //当前事件执行后会进行数据绑定
  62. this.IsConsuming = false;
  63. this.InvokeMethod(sender,e,OnSend273_Click_Extend) ;
  64. }
  65. //default implement by tpl ...
  66. private void OnSend273_Click_DefaultImpl(object sender, EventArgs e)
  67. {
  68. //Template (tpl) Code here...
  69. //通用事件模版定义的相应操作内容.
  70. Action.OnSend(sender,new UIActionEventArgs());
  71. }
  72. //MethodName:OnClose141_Click ActionName:OnClose
  73. /// <summary>
  74. /// Help Info : {varEvent.Help}
  75. /// </summary>
  76. public void OnClose141_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  77. {
  78. OnDataCollect(this); //当前事件先执行数据收集
  79. this.IsDataBinding = true ; //当前事件执行后会进行数据绑定
  80. this.IsConsuming = false;
  81. this.InvokeMethod(sender,e,OnClose141_Click_Extend) ;
  82. }
  83. //default implement by tpl ...
  84. private void OnClose141_Click_DefaultImpl(object sender, EventArgs e)
  85. {
  86. //Template (tpl) Code here...
  87. //通用事件模版定义的相应操作内容.
  88. Action.OnClose(sender,new UIActionEventArgs());
  89. }
  90. #region 数据初始化加载和数据收集方法
  91. public void OnLoadData(object sender)
  92. {
  93. try
  94. {
  95. OnLoadData_Extend(sender) ;
  96. }
  97. catch(Exception ex)
  98. {
  99. if (UFSoft.UBF.Exceptions.ExceptionHelper.IsUnknownException(ex, true)) {
  100. throw;
  101. }
  102. IUIModel model = this.Model;
  103. this.Model.ErrorMessage.SetErrorMessage(ref model,ex);
  104. }
  105. }
  106. public void OnLoadData_DefaultImpl(object sender)
  107. {
  108. Action.OnLoadData(sender,new UIActionEventArgs());
  109. }
  110. public override void OnDataCollect(object sender)
  111. {
  112. try
  113. {
  114. adjust.ProcessAdjustBeforeDataCollect(this);
  115. OnDataCollect_Extend(sender);
  116. adjust.ProcessAdjustAfterDataCollect(this);
  117. }
  118. catch(Exception ex)
  119. {
  120. if (UFSoft.UBF.Exceptions.ExceptionHelper.IsUnknownException(ex, true)) {
  121. throw;
  122. }
  123. IUIModel model = this.Model;
  124. this.Model.ErrorMessage.SetErrorMessage(ref model,ex);
  125. }
  126. }
  127. private void OnDataCollect_DefaultImpl(object sender)
  128. {
  129. Action.OnDataCollect(sender,new UIActionEventArgs());
  130. }
  131. #endregion
  132. #region Grid控件DataGrid0的分页事件
  133. void UFGridDataGrid0_GridMakePageEventHandler(Object sender, GridMakePageEventArgs e)
  134. {
  135. //Grid的首页、下页、上页、末页处理逻辑
  136. UFIDA.U9.UI.Commands.CommandFactory.DoCommand("GridMakePage",this.Action,this.DataGrid0,e);
  137. }
  138. #endregion
  139. #region Grid控件DataGrid0的客户化筛选事件
  140. void UFGridDataGrid0_GridCustomFilterHandler(Object sender, GridCustomFilterArgs e)
  141. {
  142. //Grid的客户化筛选,首条、上一条、下一条、末条处理逻辑
  143. UFIDA.U9.UI.Commands.CommandFactory.DoCommand("GridCustomFilter",this.Action,this.DataGrid0,e);
  144. }
  145. #endregion
  146. #endregion
  147. }
  148. }