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9 months ago
  1. declare @SNIndex bigint
  2. if object_id('InnerAllocSerials') is null
  3. exec [dbo].[AllocSerials]
  4. @AllocCount = 20000,
  5. @StartSN = @SNIndex output
  6. else
  7. exec [dbo].[InnerAllocSerials]
  8. @AllocCount = 20000,
  9. @StartSN = @SNIndex output
  10. --Valid @SNIndex
  11. execute sp_UninstallMDProject '827ac3c2-e8fd-407b-80e0-616cee539e3c'
  12. INSERT INTO UBF_MD_Project(Name, ID, AssemblyName, CreateOp, ComponentType, ModifyTime, ModifyOp, CreateTime) VALUES('CustPOSendMailNewBE', '827ac3c2-e8fd-407b-80e0-616cee539e3c', 'CustPOSendMailNewBE', 'Lenovo', 'BE', '2024-06-26T13:50:46', '', '2024-06-26T13:50:46')
  13. INSERT INTO UBF_MD_Component(Local_ID, Kind, Name, ID, AssemblyName, CreateOp, ModifyTime, Version, ModifyOp, MD_Module_ID, CreateTime) VALUES(@SNIndex+0, 'BE', 'CustNoticeTypeEnum', '07a75aec-356d-44f7-be91-a0d65c254121', 'CustPOSendMailNewBE', 'Lenovo', '2024-06-26T13:50:46', '', '', '827ac3c2-e8fd-407b-80e0-616cee539e3c', '2024-06-26T13:50:46')
  14. INSERT INTO UBF_MD_Class (ID, Name, CreateOp, CreateTime, ModifyOp, ModifyTime, Local_ID, MD_ParentClass_ID, MD_Component_ID, Local_Component_ID, ClassType, FullName, IsExtend) VALUES ('e6c229c2-0b6c-4941-9bd7-7b1a5365cb4a', 'CustNoticeTypeEnum', 'Lenovo', '2024-06-26T13:50:46', 'Lenovo', '2024-06-26T13:50:52', @SNIndex+1, '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', '07a75aec-356d-44f7-be91-a0d65c254121', @SNIndex+0, 3, 'CustNoticeTypeEnum.CustNoticeTypeEnum', 1)
  15. INSERT INTO UBF_MD_Attribute(ID, Name, CreateOp, CreateTime, ModifyOp, ModifyTime, Local_ID, MD_Class_ID, Local_Class_ID, DataTypeID, GroupName, IsCollection, DefaultValue, Length, Precision, Sequence, Scale, MaxValue, MinValue, IsKey, IsNullable, IsReadOnly, Visibility, IsCalculation, IsGlobalization, IsSystem, IsBusinessKey, IsQueryAttribute, IsForAsso, GroupID, IsModifyControl, IsDynamic, IsImpressible, IsInCache, IsKeySerializable, IsColumnDefine, IsFilterDefine, IsSortDefine, IsDefaultColumn, IsEntityData, DefaultColumnName, DataTypeFlag,ForOBAImport) VALUES('a130ffae-8a42-4fc8-9406-78b0c24f9bb8', 'PO_SZ', 'Lenovo', '2024-06-26T13:50:46', '', '2024-06-26T13:50:46', @SNIndex+2, 'e6c229c2-0b6c-4941-9bd7-7b1a5365cb4a', @SNIndex+1, 'd7c6031e-d3fe-41aa-a397-5edd86c10cae', 'Misc', 0, '0', 4, 10, 0, 0, '', '', 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, '610e709b-1790-4f92-afc5-488925bb85fc', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', 0,0)
  16. INSERT INTO UBF_MD_Attribute(ID, Name, CreateOp, CreateTime, ModifyOp, ModifyTime, Local_ID, MD_Class_ID, Local_Class_ID, DataTypeID, GroupName, IsCollection, DefaultValue, Length, Precision, Sequence, Scale, MaxValue, MinValue, IsKey, IsNullable, IsReadOnly, Visibility, IsCalculation, IsGlobalization, IsSystem, IsBusinessKey, IsQueryAttribute, IsForAsso, GroupID, IsModifyControl, IsDynamic, IsImpressible, IsInCache, IsKeySerializable, IsColumnDefine, IsFilterDefine, IsSortDefine, IsDefaultColumn, IsEntityData, DefaultColumnName, DataTypeFlag,ForOBAImport) VALUES('e9aaef59-3fff-4058-8c56-2f4bc784af14', 'PO_YF', 'Lenovo', '2024-06-26T13:50:46', '', '2024-06-26T13:50:46', @SNIndex+3, 'e6c229c2-0b6c-4941-9bd7-7b1a5365cb4a', @SNIndex+1, 'd7c6031e-d3fe-41aa-a397-5edd86c10cae', 'Misc', 0, '1', 4, 10, 1, 0, '', '', 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', 0,0)