System.Web.Http.WebHost Provides a global for ASP.NET applications. Gets the default message handler that will be called for all requests. Extension methods for Maps the specified route template. A reference to the mapped route. A collection of routes for the application. The name of the route to map. The route template for the route. Maps the specified route template and sets default route. A reference to the mapped route. A collection of routes for the application. The name of the route to map. The route template for the route. An object that contains default route values. Maps the specified route template and sets default route values and constraints. A reference to the mapped route. A collection of routes for the application. The name of the route to map. The route template for the route. An object that contains default route values. A set of expressions that specify values for routeTemplate. Maps the specified route template and sets default route values, constraints, and end-point message handler. A reference to the mapped route. A collection of routes for the application. The name of the route to map. The route template for the route. An object that contains default route values. A set of expressions that specify values for routeTemplate. The handler to which the request will be dispatched. A that passes ASP.NET requests into the pipeline and write the result back. Initializes a new instance of the class. The route data. Begins the process request. An that contains information about the status of the process. The HTTP context base. The callback. The state. Provides an asynchronous process End method when the process ends. An that contains information about the status of the process. Gets a value indicating whether another request can use the instance. Processes the request. The HTTP context base. Begins processing the request. An that contains information about the status of the process. The HTTP context. The callback. The state. Provides an asynchronous process End method when the process ends. An that contains information about the status of the process. Gets a value indicating whether another request can use the instance. Processes the request. The HTTP context base. A that returns instances of that can pass requests to a given instance. Initializes a new instance of the class. Provides the object that processes the request. An object that processes the request. An object that encapsulates information about the request. Gets the singleton instance. Provides the object that processes the request. An object that processes the request. An object that encapsulates information about the request. Provides a registration point for the simple membership pre-application start code. Registers the simple membership pre-application start code. Represents the web host buffer policy selector. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a value that indicates whether the host should buffer the entity body of the HTTP request. true if buffering should be used; otherwise a streamed request should be used. The host context. Uses a buffered output stream for the web host. A buffered output stream. The response.