System.Web.Http Creates an that represents an exception. The request must be associated with an instance.An whose content is a serialized representation of an instance. The HTTP request. The status code of the response. The exception. Creates an that represents an error message. The request must be associated with an instance.An whose content is a serialized representation of an instance. The HTTP request. The status code of the response. The error message. Creates an that represents an exception with an error message. The request must be associated with an instance.An whose content is a serialized representation of an instance. The HTTP request. The status code of the response. The error message. The exception. Creates an that represents an error. The request must be associated with an instance.An whose content is a serialized representation of an instance. The HTTP request. The status code of the response. The HTTP error. Creates an that represents an error in the model state. The request must be associated with an instance.An whose content is a serialized representation of an instance. The HTTP request. The status code of the response. The model state. Creates an wired up to the associated . An initialized wired up to the associated . The HTTP request message which led to this response message. The HTTP response status code. The content of the HTTP response message. The type of the HTTP response message. Creates an wired up to the associated . An initialized wired up to the associated . The HTTP request message which led to this response message. The HTTP response status code. The content of the HTTP response message. The media type formatter. The type of the HTTP response message. Creates an wired up to the associated . An initialized wired up to the associated . The HTTP request message which led to this response message. The HTTP response status code. The content of the HTTP response message. The media type formatter. The media type header value. The type of the HTTP response message. Creates an wired up to the associated . An initialized wired up to the associated . The HTTP request message which led to this response message. The HTTP response status code. The content of the HTTP response message. The media type formatter. The media type. The type of the HTTP response message. Creates an wired up to the associated . An initialized wired up to the associated . The HTTP request message which led to this response message. The HTTP response status code. The content of the HTTP response message. The media type header value. The type of the HTTP response message. Creates an wired up to the associated . An initialized wired up to the associated . The HTTP request message which led to this response message. The HTTP response status code. The content of the HTTP response message. The media type. The type of the HTTP response message. Creates an wired up to the associated . An initialized wired up to the associated . The HTTP request message which led to this response message. The HTTP response status code. The content of the HTTP response message. The HTTP configuration which contains the dependency resolver used to resolve services. The type of the HTTP response message. Disposes of all tracked resources associated with the which were added via the method. The HTTP request. Gets the current X.509 certificate from the given HTTP request. The current , or null if a certificate is not available. The HTTP request. Retrieves the for the given request. The for the given request. The HTTP request. Retrieves the which has been assigned as the correlation ID associated with the given . The value will be created and set the first time this method is called. The object that represents the correlation ID associated with the request. The HTTP request. Retrieves the for the given request or null if not available. The for the given request or null if not available. The HTTP request. Gets the parsed query string as a collection of key-value pairs. The query string as a collection of key-value pairs. The HTTP request. Retrieves the for the given request or null if not available. The for the given request or null if not available. The HTTP request. Retrieves the for the given request or null if not available. The for the given request or null if not available. The HTTP request. Gets a instance for an HTTP request. A instance that is initialized for the specified HTTP request. The HTTP request. Adds the given to a list of resources that will be disposed by a host once the is disposed. The HTTP request controlling the lifecycle of . The resource to dispose when is being disposed. Represents the message extensions for the HTTP response from an ASP.NET operation. Attempts to retrieve the value of the content for the . The result of the retrieval of value of the content. The response of the operation. The value of the content. The type of the value to retrieve. Represents extensions for adding items to a . Updates the given formatter's set of elements so that it associates the mediaType with s ending with the given uriPathExtension. The to receive the new item. The string of the path extension. The to associate with s ending with uriPathExtension. Updates the given formatter's set of elements so that it associates the mediaType with s ending with the given uriPathExtension. The to receive the new item. The string of the path extension. The string media type to associate with s ending with uriPathExtension. Provides s from path extensions appearing in a . Initializes a new instance of the class. The extension corresponding to mediaType. This value should not include a dot or wildcards. The that will be returned if uriPathExtension is matched. Initializes a new instance of the class. The extension corresponding to mediaType. This value should not include a dot or wildcards. The media type that will be returned if uriPathExtension is matched. Returns a value indicating whether this instance can provide a for the of request. If this instance can match a file extension in request it returns 1.0 otherwise 0.0. The to check. Gets the path extension. The path extension. The path extension key. Represents an attribute that specifies which HTTP methods an action method will respond to. Initializes a new instance of the class by using a list of HTTP methods that the action method will respond to. The HTTP methods that the action method will respond to. Gets or sets the list of HTTP methods that the action method will respond to. Gets or sets the list of HTTP methods that the action method will respond to. Represents an attribute that is used for the name of an action. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name of the action. Gets or sets the name of the action. The name of the action. Specifies that actions and controllers are skipped by during authorization. Initializes a new instance of the class. Defines properties and methods for API controller. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the of the current . The of the current . Gets the of the current . The of the current . Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Releases the unmanaged resources that are used by the object and, optionally, releases the managed resources. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Executes asynchronously a single HTTP operation. The newly started task. The controller context for a single HTTP operation. The cancellation token assigned for the HTTP operation. Initializes the instance with the specified . The object that is used for the initialization. Gets the model state after the model binding process. The model state after the model binding process. Gets or sets the of the current . The of the current . Returns an instance of a , which is used to generate URLs to other APIs. A object which is used to generate URLs to other APIs. Returns the current principal associated with this request. The current principal associated with this request. Specifies the authorization filter that verifies the request's . Initializes a new instance of the class. Processes requests that fail authorization. The context. Indicates whether the specified control is authorized. true if the control is authorized; otherwise, false. The context. Calls when an action is being authorized. The context. The context parameter is null. Gets or sets the authorized roles. The roles string. Gets a unique identifier for this attribute. A unique identifier for this attribute. Gets or sets the authorized users. The users string. An attribute that specifies that an action parameter comes only from the entity body of the incoming . Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a parameter binding. The parameter binding. The parameter description. An attribute that specifies that an action parameter comes from the URI of the incoming . Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the value provider factories for the model binder. A collection of objects. The configuration. Represents attributes that specifies that HTTP binding should exclude a property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Represents the required attribute for http binding. Initializes a new instance of the class. Configuration of instances. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with an HTTP route collection. The HTTP route collection to associate with this instance. Gets or sets the dependency resolver associated with thisinstance. The dependency resolver. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Releases the unmanaged resources that are used by the object and, optionally, releases the managed resources. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Gets the list of filters that apply to all requests served using this instance. The list of filters. Gets the media-type formatters for this instance. A collection of objects. Gets or sets a value indicating whether error details should be included in error messages. The value that indicates that error detail policy. Gets or sets the action that will perform final initialization of the instance before it is used to process requests. The action that will perform final initialization of the instance. Gets an ordered list of instances to be invoked as an travels up the stack and an travels down in stack in return. The message handler collection. The collection of rules for how parameters should be bound. A collection of functions that can produce a parameter binding for a given parameter. Gets the properties associated with this instance. The that contains the properties. Gets the associated with this instance. The . Gets the container of default services associated with this instance. The that contains the default services for this instance. Gets the root virtual path. The root virtual path. Contains extension methods for the class. Register that the given parameter type on an Action is to be bound using the model binder. configuration to be updated. parameter type that binder is applied to a model binder No content here will be updated; please do not add material here. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a collection of HTTP methods. A collection of HTTP methods. Defines a serializable container for arbitrary error information. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class for exception. The exception to use for error information. true to include the exception information in the error; false otherwise Initializes a new instance of the class containing error message message. The error message to associate with this instance. Initializes a new instance of the class for modelState. The invalid model state to use for error information. true to include exception messages in the error; false otherwise The error message associated with this instance. This method is reserved and should not be used. Always returns null. Generates an instance from its XML representation. The stream from which the object is deserialized. Converts an instance into its XML representation. The stream to which the object is serialized. No content here will be updated; please do not add material here. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the collection of HTTP methods. A collection of HTTP methods. Represents an HTTP head attribute. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the collection of HTTP methods. A collection of HTTP methods. Represents an attribute that is used to restrict an HTTP method so that the method handles only HTTP OPTIONS requests. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the collection of methods supported by HTTP OPTIONS requests. The collection of methods supported by HTTP OPTIONS requests. Represents a HTTP patch attribute. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a collection of HTTP methods. A collection of HTTP methods. No content here will be updated; please do not add material here. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a collection of HTTP methods. A collection of HTTP methods. Represents an attribute that is used to restrict an HTTP method so that the method handles only HTTP PUT requests. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the read-only collection of HTTP PUT methods. The read-only collection of HTTP PUT methods. An exception that allows for a given to be returned to the client. Initializes a new instance of the class. The HTTP response to return to the client. Initializes a new instance of the class. The status code of the response. Gets the HTTP response to return to the client. The that represents the HTTP response. A collection of instances. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The virtual path root. Adds an instance to the collection. The name of the route. The instance to add to the collection. Removes all items from the collection. Determines whether the collection contains a specific . true if the is found in the collection; otherwise, false. The object to locate in the collection. Determines whether the collection contains an element with the specified key. true if the collection contains an element with the key; otherwise, false. The key to locate in the collection. Copies the instances of the collection to an array, starting at a particular array index. The array that is the destination of the elements copied from the collection. The zero-based index in at which copying begins. Copies the route names and instances of the collection to an array, starting at a particular array index. The array that is the destination of the elements copied from the collection. The zero-based index in at which copying begins. Gets the number of items in the collection. The number of items in the collection. Creates an instance. The new instance. The route template. An object that contains the default route parameters. An object that contains the route constraints. The route data tokens. Creates an instance. The new instance. The route template. An object that contains the default route parameters. An object that contains the route constraints. The route data tokens. The message handler for the route. Creates an instance. The new instance. The route template. An object that contains the default route parameters. An object that contains the route constraints. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Releases the unmanaged resources that are used by the object and, optionally, releases the managed resources. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. An that can be used to iterate through the collection. Gets the route data for a specified HTTP request. An instance that represents the route data. The HTTP request. Gets a virtual path. An instance that represents the virtual path. The HTTP request. The route name. The route values. Inserts an instance into the collection. The zero-based index at which should be inserted. The route name. The to insert. The value cannot be null. Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read-only. true if the collection is read-only; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the element at the specified index. The at the specified index. The zero-based index of the element to get or set. Gets or sets the element with the specified route name. The at the specified index. The route name. Called internally to get the enumerator for the collection. An that can be used to iterate through the collection. Removes an instance from the collection. true if the element is successfully removed; otherwise, false. This method also returns false if was not found in the collection. The name of the route to remove. Adds an item to the collection. The object to add to the collection. Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the collection. true if was successfully removed from the collection; otherwise, false. This method also returns false if is not found in the original collection. The object to remove from the collection. Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. An object that can be used to iterate through the collection. Gets the with the specified route name. true if the collection contains an element with the specified name; otherwise, false. The route name. When this method returns, contains the instance, if the route name is found; otherwise, null. This parameter is passed uninitialized. Gets the virtual path root. The virtual path root. Extension methods for Maps the specified route template. A reference to the mapped route. A collection of routes for the application. The name of the route to map. The route template for the route. Maps the specified route template and sets default route values. A reference to the mapped route. A collection of routes for the application. The name of the route to map. The route template for the route. An object that contains default route values. Maps the specified route template and sets default route values and constraints. A reference to the mapped route. A collection of routes for the application. The name of the route to map. The route template for the route. An object that contains default route values. A set of expressions that constrain the values for routeTemplate. Maps the specified route template and sets default route values, constraints, and end-point message handler. A reference to the mapped route. A collection of routes for the application. The name of the route to map. The route template for the route. An object that contains default route values. A set of expressions that constrain the values for routeTemplate. The handler to which the request will be dispatched. Defines an implementation of an which dispatches an incoming and creates an as a result. Initializes a new instance of the class, using the default configuration and dispatcher. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified dispatcher. The HTTP dispatcher that will handle incoming requests. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified configuration. The used to configure this instance. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified configuration and dispatcher. The used to configure this instance. The HTTP dispatcher that will handle incoming requests. Gets the used to configure this instance. The used to configure this instance. Gets the HTTP dispatcher that handles incoming requests. The HTTP dispatcher that handles incoming requests. Releases the unmanaged resources that are used by the object and, optionally, releases the managed resources. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Prepares the server for operation. Dispatches an incoming . A task representing the asynchronous operation. The request to dispatch. The token to monitor for cancellation requests. Specifies whether error details, such as exception messages and stack traces, should be included in error messages. Use the default behavior for the host environment. For ASP.NET hosting, use the value from the customErrors element in the Web.config file. For self-hosting, use the value . Only include error details when responding to a local request. Always include error details. Never include error details. Represents an attribute that is used to indicate that a controller method is not an action method. Initializes a new instance of the class. Attribute on a parameter or type that produces a . If the attribute is on a type-declaration, then it's as if that attribute is present on all action parameters of that type. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the parameter binding. The parameter binding. The parameter description. Enables a controller action to support OData query parameters. Initializes a new instance of the class. Applies the result limit to the query results. The query results after the result limit is applied. The context for the action. The original query results. Called by the Web API framework after the action method executes. The filter context. Called by the Web API framework before the action method executes. The filter context. The maximum number of results that should be returned from this query regardless of query-specified limits. The maximum number of results that should be returned. A value of zero indicates no limit. The to use. Derived classes can use this to have a per-attribute query builder instead of the one on The class can be used to indicate properties about a route parameter (the literals and placeholders located within segments of a ). It can for example be used to indicate that a route parameter is optional. An optional parameter. Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. Provides type-safe accessors for services obtained from a object. Gets the service. Returns an instance. The services container. Gets the service. Returns aninstance. The services container. Gets the service. Returns aninstance. The services container. Gets the service. Returns an instance. The services container. Gets the service. Returns aninstance. The services container. Gets the service. Returns aninstance. The services container. Gets the service. Returns aninstance. The services container. Gets the service. Returns aninstance. The services container. Gets the collection. Returns a collection of objects. The services container. Gets the service. Returns an instance. The services container. Gets the service. Returns an instance, or null if no instance was registered. The services container. Gets the service. Returns aninstance. The services container. Gets the service. Returns an instance. The services container. Gets the collection. Returns a collection of objects. The services container. Gets the service. Returns an instance. The services container. Gets the collection. Returns a collection ofobjects. The services container. Gets the service. Returns aninstance. The services container. Gets the service. Returns aninstance. The services container. Gets the service. Returns aninstance. The services container. Gets the collection. Returns a colleciton ofobjects. The services container. Invokes the action methods of a controller. Initializes a new instance of the class. Asynchronously invokes the specified action by using the specified controller context. The invoked action. The controller context. The cancellation token. Represents a reflection based action selector. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the action mappings for the . The action mappings. The information that describes a controller. Selects an action for the . The selected action. The controller context. Represents a container for services that can be specific to a controller. This shadows the services from its parent . A controller can either set a service here, or fall through to the more global set of services. Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent services container. Removes a single-instance service from the default services. The type of service. Gets a service of the specified type. The first instance of the service, or null if the service is not found. The type of service. Gets the list of service objects for a given service type, and validates the service type. The list of service objects of the specified type. The service type. Gets the list of service objects for a given service type. The list of service objects of the specified type, or an empty list if the service is not found. The type of service. Queries whether a service type is single-instance. true if the service type has at most one instance, or false if the service type supports multiple instances. The service type. Replaces a single-instance service object. The service type. The service object that replaces the previous instance. Describes *how* the binding will happen and does not actually bind. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The back pointer to the action this binding is for. The synchronous bindings for each parameter. Gets or sets the back pointer to the action this binding is for. The back pointer to the action this binding is for. Executes asynchronously the binding for the given request context. Task that is signaled when the binding is complete. The action context for the binding. This contains the parameter dictionary that will get populated. The cancellation token for cancelling the binding operation. Or a binder can also bind a parameter to this. Gets or sets the synchronous bindings for each parameter. The synchronous bindings for each parameter. Contains information for the executing action. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The controller context. The action descriptor. Gets a list of action arguments. A list of action arguments. Gets or sets the action descriptor for the action context. The action descriptor. Gets or sets the controller context. The controller context. Gets the model state dictionary for the context. The model state dictionary. Gets the request message for the action context. The request message for the action context. Gets or sets the response message for the action context. The response message for the action context. Contains extension methods for . Binds the model to a value by using the specified controller context and binding context. true if the bind succeeded; otherwise, false. The execution context. The binding context. Binds the model to a value by using the specified controller context, binding context, and model binders. true if the bind succeeded; otherwise, false. The execution context. The binding context. The collection of model binders. Retrieves the instance for a given . An instance. The context. Retrieves the collection of registered instances. A collection of instances. The context. Retrieves the collection of registered instances. A collection of registered instances. The context. The metadata. Binds the model to the property by using the specified execution context and binding context. true if the bind succeeded; otherwise, false. The execution context. The parent binding context. The name of the property to bind with the model. The metadata provider for the model. When this method returns, contains the bound model. The type of the model. Provides information about the action methods. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with specified information that describes the controller of the action. The information that describes the controller of the action. Gets or sets the binding that describes the action. The binding that describes the action. Gets the name of the action. The name of the action. Gets or sets the action configuration. The action configuration. Gets the information that describes the controller of the action. The information that describes the controller of the action. Executes the described action and returns a that once completed will contain the return value of the action. A that once completed will contain the return value of the action. The controller context. A list of arguments. The cancellation token. Returns the custom attributes associated with the action descriptor. The custom attributes associated with the action descriptor. The action descriptor. Retrieves the filters for the given configuration and action. The filters for the given configuration and action. Retrieves the filters for the action descriptor. The filters for the action descriptor. Retrieves the parameters for the action descriptor. The parameters for the action descriptor. Gets the properties associated with this instance. The properties associated with this instance. Gets the converter for correctly transforming the result of calling " into an instance of . The action result converter. Gets the return type of the descriptor. The return type of the descriptor. Gets the collection of supported HTTP methods for the descriptor. The collection of supported HTTP methods for the descriptor. Contains information for a single HTTP operation. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The configuration. The route data. The request. Gets or sets the configuration. The configuration. Gets or sets the HTTP controller. The HTTP controller. Gets or sets the controller descriptor. The controller descriptor. Gets or sets the request. The request. Gets or sets the route data. The route data. Represents information that describes the HTTP controller. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The configuration. The controller name. The controller type. Gets or sets the configurations associated with the controller. The configurations associated with the controller. Gets or sets the name of the controller. The name of the controller. Gets or sets the type of the controller. The type of the controller. Creates a controller instance for the given . The created controller instance. The request message Retrieves a collection of custom attributes of the controller. A collection of custom attributes The type of the object. Returns a collection of filters associated with the controller. A collection of filters associated with the controller. Gets the properties associated with this instance. The properties associated with this instance. Contains settings for an HTTP controller. Initializes a new instance of the class. A configuration object that is used to initialize the instance. Gets the collection of instances for the controller. The collection of instances. Gets the collection of parameter bindingfunctions for for the controller. The collection of parameter binding functions. Gets the collection of service instances for the controller. The collection of service instances. Describes how a parameter is bound. The binding should be static (based purely on the descriptor) and can be shared across requests. Initializes a new instance of the class. An that describes the parameters. Gets the that was used to initialize this instance. The instance. If the binding is invalid, gets an error message that describes the binding error. An error message. If the binding was successful, the value is null. Asynchronously executes the binding for the given request. A task object representing the asynchronous operation. Metadata provider to use for validation. The action context for the binding. The action context contains the parameter dictionary that will get populated with the parameter. Cancellation token for cancelling the binding operation. Gets the parameter value from argument dictionary of the action context. The value for this parameter in the given action context, or null if the parameter has not yet been set. The action context. Gets a value that indicates whether the binding was successful. true if the binding was successful; otherwise, false. Sets the result of this parameter binding in the argument dictionary of the action context. The action context. The parameter value. Returns a value indicating whether this instance will read the entity body of the HTTP message. true if this will read the entity body; otherwise, false. No content here will be updated; please do not add material here. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The action descriptor. Gets or sets the action descriptor. The action descriptor. Gets or sets the for the . The for the . Gets the default value of the parameter. The default value of the parameter. Retrieves a collection of the custom attributes from the parameter. A collection of the custom attributes from the parameter. The type of the custom attributes. Gets a value that indicates whether the parameter is optional. true if the parameter is optional; otherwise, false.. Gets or sets the parameter binding attribute. The parameter binding attribute. Gets the name of the parameter. The name of the parameter. Gets the type of the parameter. The type of the parameter. Gets the prefix of this parameter. The prefix of this parameter. Gets the properties of this parameter. The properties of this parameter. A contract for a conversion routine that can take the result of an action returned from <see cref="M:System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpActionDescriptor.ExecuteAsync(System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpControllerContext,System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.Object})" /> and convert it to an instance of . Converts the specified object to another object. The converted object. The controller context. The action result. No content here will be updated; please do not add material here. Gets the A object. The action descriptor. If a controller is decorated with an attribute with this interface, then it gets invoked to initialize the controller settings. Callback invoked to set per-controller overrides for this controllerDescriptor. The controller settings to initialize. The controller descriptor. Note that the can be associated with the derived controller type given that is inherited. Contains method that is used to invoke HTTP operation. Executes asynchronously the HTTP operation. The newly started task. The execution context. The cancellation token assigned for the HTTP operation. Contains the logic for selecting an action method. Returns a map, keyed by action string, of all that the selector can select. This is primarily called by to discover all the possible actions in the controller. A map of that the selector can select, or null if the selector does not have a well-defined mapping of . The controller descriptor. Selects the action for the controller. The action for the controller. The context of the controller. No content here will be updated; please do not add material here. Executes the controller for synchronization. The controller. The current context for a test controller. The notification that cancels the operation. Defines extension methods for . Binds parameter that results as an error. The HTTP parameter binding object. The parameter descriptor that describes the parameter to bind. The error message that describes the reason for fail bind. Bind the parameter as if it had the given attribute on the declaration. The HTTP parameter binding object. The parameter to provide binding for. The attribute that describes the binding. Binds parameter by parsing the HTTP body content. The HTTP parameter binding object. The parameter descriptor that describes the parameter to bind. Binds parameter by parsing the HTTP body content. The HTTP parameter binding object. The parameter descriptor that describes the parameter to bind. The list of formatters which provides selection of an appropriate formatter for serializing the parameter into object. Binds parameter by parsing the HTTP body content. The HTTP parameter binding object. The parameter descriptor that describes the parameter to bind. The list of formatters which provides selection of an appropriate formatter for serializing the parameter into object. The body model validator used to validate the parameter. Binds parameter by parsing the HTTP body content. The HTTP parameter binding object. The parameter descriptor that describes the parameter to bind. The list of formatters which provides selection of an appropriate formatter for serializing the parameter into object. Binds parameter by parsing the query string. The HTTP parameter binding object. The parameter descriptor that describes the parameter to bind. Binds parameter by parsing the query string. The HTTP parameter binding object. The parameter descriptor that describes the parameter to bind. The value provider factories which provide query string parameter data. Binds parameter by parsing the query string. The HTTP parameter binding object. The parameter descriptor that describes the parameter to bind. The model binder used to assemble the parameter into an object. Binds parameter by parsing the query string. The HTTP parameter binding object. The parameter descriptor that describes the parameter to bind. The model binder used to assemble the parameter into an object. The value provider factories which provide query string parameter data. Binds parameter by parsing the query string. The HTTP parameter binding object. The parameter descriptor that describes the parameter to bind. The value provider factories which provide query string parameter data. Represents a reflected synchronous or asynchronous action method. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified descriptor and method details. The controller descriptor. The action-method information. Gets the name of the action. The name of the action. Executes the described action and returns a that once completed will contain the return value of the action. A that once completed will contain the return value of the action. The context. The arguments. A cancellation token to cancel the action. Returns an array of custom attributes defined for this member, identified by type. An array of custom attributes or an empty array if no custom attributes exist. The type of the custom attributes. Retrieves information about action filters. The filter information. Retrieves the parameters of the action method. The parameters of the action method. Gets or sets the action-method information. The action-method information. Gets the return type of this method. The return type of this method. Gets or sets the supported http methods. The supported http methods. No content here will be updated; please do not add material here. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The action descriptor. The parameter information. Gets the default value for the parameter. The default value for the parameter. Retrieves a collection of the custom attributes from the parameter. A collection of the custom attributes from the parameter. The type of the custom attributes. Gets a value that indicates whether the parameter is optional. true if the parameter is optional; otherwise false. Gets or sets the parameter information. The parameter information. Gets the name of the parameter. The name of the parameter. Gets the type of the parameter. The type of the parameter. Represents a converter for actions with a return type of . Initializes a new instance of the class. Converts a object to another object. The converted object. The controller context. The action result. An abstract class that provides a container for services used by ASP.NET Web API. Initializes a new instance of the class. Adds a service to the end of services list for the given service type. The service type. The service instance. Adds the services of the specified collection to the end of the services list for the given service type. The service type. The services to add. Removes all the service instances of the given service type. The service type to clear from the services list. Removes all instances of a multi-instance service type. The service type to remove. Removes a single-instance service type. The service type to remove. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Searches for a service that matches the conditions defined by the specified predicate, and returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence. The zero-based index of the first occurrence, if found; otherwise, -1. The service type. The delegate that defines the conditions of the element to search for. Gets a service instance of a specified type. The service type. Gets a mutable list of service instances of a specified type. A mutable list of service instances. The service type. Gets a collection of service instanes of a specified type. A collection of service instances. The service type. Inserts a service into the collection at the specified index. The service type. The zero-based index at which the service should be inserted. If is passed, ensures the element is added to the end. The service to insert. Inserts the elements of the collection into the service list at the specified index. The service type. The zero-based index at which the new elements should be inserted. If is passed, ensures the elements are added to the end. The collection of services to insert. Determine whether the service type should be fetched with GetService or GetServices. true iff the service is singular. type of service to query Removes the first occurrence of the given service from the service list for the given service type. true if the item is successfully removed; otherwise, false. The service type. The service instance to remove. Removes all the elements that match the conditions defined by the specified predicate. The number of elements removed from the list. The service type. The delegate that defines the conditions of the elements to remove. Removes the service at the specified index. The service type. The zero-based index of the service to remove. Replaces all existing services for the given service type with the given service instance. This works for both singular and plural services. The service type. The service instance. Replaces all instances of a multi-instance service with a new instance. The type of service. The service instance that will replace the current services of this type. Replaces all existing services for the given service type with the given service instances. The service type. The service instances. Replaces a single-instance service of a specified type. The service type. The service instance. Removes the cached values for a single service type. The service type. A converter for creating responses from actions that return an arbitrary value. The declared return type of an action. Initializes a new instance of the class. Converts the result of an action with arbitrary return type to an instance of . The newly created object. The action controller context. The execution result. Represents a converter for creating a response from actions that do not return a value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Converts the created response from actions that do not return a value. The converted response. The context of the controller. The result of the action. Represents a dependency injection container. Starts a resolution scope. The dependency scope. Represents an interface for the range of the dependencies. Retrieves a service from the scope. The retrieved service. The service to be retrieved. Retrieves a collection of services from the scope. The retrieved collection of services. The collection of services to be retrieved. Describes an API defined by relative URI path and HTTP method. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the action descriptor that will handle the API. The action descriptor. Gets or sets the documentation of the API. The documentation. Gets or sets the HTTP method. The HTTP method. Gets the ID. The ID is unique within . Gets the parameter descriptions. Gets or sets the relative path. The relative path. Gets or sets the registered route for the API. The route. Gets the supported request body formatters. Gets the supported response formatters. Explores the URI space of the service based on routes, controllers and actions available in the system. Initializes a new instance of the class. The configuration. Gets the API descriptions. The descriptions are initialized on the first access. Gets or sets the documentation provider. The provider will be responsible for documenting the API. The documentation provider. Gets a collection of HttpMethods supported by the action. Called when initializing the . A collection of HttpMethods supported by the action. The route. The action descriptor. Determines whether the action should be considered for generation. Called when initializing the . true if the action should be considered for generation, false otherwise. The action variable value from the route. The action descriptor. The route. Determines whether the controller should be considered for generation. Called when initializing the . true if the controller should be considered for generation, false otherwise. The controller variable value from the route. The controller descriptor. The route. This attribute can be used on the controllers and actions to influence the behavior of . Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to exclude the controller or action from the instances generated by . true if the controller or action should be ignored; otherwise, false. Describes a parameter on the API defined by relative URI path and HTTP method. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the documentation. The documentation. Gets or sets the name. The name. Gets or sets the parameter descriptor. The parameter descriptor. Gets or sets the source of the parameter. It may come from the request URI, request body or other places. The source. Describes where the parameter come from. The parameter come from Uri. The parameter come from Body. The location is unknown. Defines the interface for getting a collection of . Gets the API descriptions. Defines the provider responsible for documenting the service. Gets the documentation based on . The documentation for the controller. The action descriptor. Gets the documentation based on . The documentation for the controller. The parameter descriptor. Provides an implementation of with no external dependencies. Initializes a new instance of the class. Returns a list of assemblies available for the application. A <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1" /> of assemblies. Represents a default implementation of an . A different implementation can be registered via the . We optimize for the case where we have an instance per instance but can support cases where there are many instances for one as well. In the latter case the lookup is slightly slower because it goes through the dictionary. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates the specified by using the given . An instance of type . The request message. The controller descriptor. The type of the controller. Represents a default instance for choosing a given a . A different implementation can be registered via the . Initializes a new instance of the class. The configuration. Specifies the suffix string in the controller name. Returns a map, keyed by controller string, of all that the selector can select. A map of all that the selector can select, or null if the selector does not have a well-defined mapping of . Gets the name of the controller for the specified . The name of the controller for the specified . The HTTP request message. Selects a for the given . The instance for the given . The HTTP request message. Provides an implementation of with no external dependencies. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance using a predicate to filter controller types. The predicate. Returns a list of controllers available for the application. An <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" /> of controllers. The assemblies resolver. Gets a value whether the resolver type is a controller type predicate. true if the resolver type is a controller type predicate; otherwise, false. Dispatches an incoming to an implementation for processing. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified configuration. The http configuration. Gets the HTTP configuration. The HTTP configuration. Dispatches an incoming to an . A representing the ongoing operation. The request to dispatch The cancellation token. This class is the default endpoint message handler which examines the of the matched route, and chooses which message handler to call. If is null, then it delegates to . Initializes a new instance of the class, using the provided and as the default handler. The server configuration. Initializes a new instance of the class, using the provided and . The server configuration. The default handler to use when the has no . Sends an HTTP request as an asynchronous operation. The task object representing the asynchronous operation. The HTTP request message to send. The cancellation token to cancel operation. Provides an abstraction for managing the assemblies of an application. A different implementation can be registered via the . Returns a list of assemblies available for the application. An <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" /> of assemblies. Defines the methods that are required for an . Creates an object. An object. The message request. The HTTP controller descriptor. The type of the controller. Defines the methods that are required for an factory. Returns a map, keyed by controller string, of all that the selector can select. This is primarily called by to discover all the possible controllers in the system. A map of all that the selector can select, or null if the selector does not have a well-defined mapping of . Selects a for the given . An instance. The request message. Provides an abstraction for managing the controller types of an application. A different implementation can be registered via the DependencyResolver. Returns a list of controllers available for the application. An <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" /> of controllers. The resolver for failed assemblies. Provides information about an action method, such as its name, controller, parameters, attributes, and filters. Initializes a new instance of the class. Returns the filters that are associated with this action method. The filters that are associated with this action method. The configuration. The action descriptor. Represents the base class for all action-filter attributes. Initializes a new instance of the class. Occurs after the action method is invoked. The action executed context. Occurs before the action method is invoked. The action context. Executes the filter action asynchronously. The newly created task for this operation. The action context. The cancellation token assigned for this task. The delegate function to continue after the action method is invoked. No content here will be updated; please do not add material here. Initializes a new instance of the class. Calls when a process requests authorization. The action context, which encapsulates information for using . Executes the authorization filter during synchronization. The authorization filter during synchronization. The action context, which encapsulates information for using . The cancellation token that cancels the operation. A continuation of the operation. Represents the configuration filter provider. Initializes a new instance of the class. Returns the filters that are associated with this configuration method. The filters that are associated with this configuration method. The configuration. The action descriptor. Represents the attributes for the exception filter. Initializes a new instance of the class. Raises the exception event. The context for the action. Asynchronously executes the exception filter. The result of the execution. The context for the action. The cancellation context. Represents the base class for action-filter attributes. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a value that indicates whether multiple filters are allowed. true if multiple filters are allowed; otherwise, false. Provides information about the available action filters. Initializes a new instance of the class. The instance of this class. The scope of this class. Gets or sets an instance of the . A . Gets or sets the scope . The scope of the FilterInfo. Defines values that specify the order in which filters run within the same filter type and filter order. Specifies an action before Controller. Specifies an order before Action and after Global. Specifies an order after Controller. No content here will be updated; please do not add material here. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The action context. The exception. Gets or sets the HTTP action context. The HTTP action context. Gets or sets the exception that was raised during the execution. The exception that was raised during the execution. Gets the object for the context. The object for the context. Gets or sets the for the context. The for the context. Represents a collection of HTTP filters. Initializes a new instance of the class. Adds an item at the end of the collection. The item to add to the collection. Removes all item in the collection. Determines whether the collection contains the specified item. true if the collection contains the specified item; otherwise, false. The item to check. Gets the number of elements in the collection. The number of elements in the collection. Gets an enumerator that iterates through the collection. An enumerator object that can be used to iterate through the collection. Removes the specified item from the collection. The item to remove in the collection. Gets an enumerator that iterates through the collection. An enumerator object that can be used to iterate through the collection. Defines the methods that are used in an action filter. Executes the filter action asynchronously. The newly created task for this operation. The action context. The cancellation token assigned for this task. The delegate function to continue after the action method is invoked. No content here will be updated; please do not add material here. Executes the authorization filter to synchronize. The authorization filter to synchronize. The action context. The cancellation token associated with the filter. The continuation. Defines the methods that are required for an exception filter. Executes an asynchronous exception filter. An asynchronous exception filter. The action executed context. The cancellation token. Specifies a server-side component that is used by the indexing system to index documents that have the file format associated with the IFilter. Gets or sets a value indicating whether more than one instance of the indicated attribute can be specified for a single program element. true if more than one instance is allowed to be specified; otherwise, false. The default is false. Provides filter information. Returns an enumeration of filters. An enumeration of filters. The HTTP configuration. The action descriptor. Provides common keys for properties stored in the . Provides a key for the client certificate for this request. Provides a key for the associated with this request. Provides a key for the collection of resources that should be disposed when a request is disposed. Provides a key for the associated with this request. Provides a key for the associated with this request. Provides a key that indicates whether error details are to be included in the response for this HTTP request. Provides a key that indicates whether the request originates from a local address. Provides a key for the stored in . This is the correlation ID for that request. Provides a key for the parsed query string stored in . Provides a key for a delegate which can retrieve the client certificate for this request. Provides a key for the current stored in . If is null then no context is stored. Interface for controlling the use of buffering requests and responses in the host. If a host provides support for buffering requests and/or responses then it can use this interface to determine the policy for when buffering is to be used. Determines whether the host should buffer the entity body. true if buffering should be used; otherwise a streamed request should be used. The host context. Determines whether the host should buffer the entity body. true if buffering should be used; otherwise a streamed response should be used. The HTTP response message. No content here will be updated; please do not add material here. Initializes a new instance of the class. The provider. The type of the container. The model accessor. The type of the model. The name of the property. Gets a dictionary that contains additional metadata about the model. A dictionary that contains additional metadata about the model. Gets or sets the type of the container for the model. The type of the container for the model. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether empty strings that are posted back in forms should be converted to null. true if empty strings that are posted back in forms should be converted to null; otherwise, false. The default value is true. Gets or sets the description of the model. The description of the model. The default value is null. Gets the display name for the model. The display name for the model. Gets a list of validators for the model. A list of validators for the model. The validator providers for the model. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the model is a complex type. A value that indicates whether the model is considered a complex. Gets a value that indicates whether the type is nullable. true if the type is nullable; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the model is read-only. true if the model is read-only; otherwise, false. Gets the value of the model. The model value can be null. Gets the type of the model. The type of the model. Gets a collection of model metadata objects that describe the properties of the model. A collection of model metadata objects that describe the properties of the model. Gets the property name. The property name. Gets or sets the provider. The provider. No content here will be updated; please do not add material here. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a ModelMetadata object for each property of a model. A ModelMetadata object for each property of a model. The container. The type of the container. Get metadata for the specified property. The metadata model for the specified property. The model accessor. The type of the container. The property to get the metadata model for. Gets the metadata for the specified model accessor and model type. The metadata. The model accessor. The type of the mode. Provides an abstract class to implement a metadata provider. The type of the model metadata. Initializes a new instance of the class. When overridden in a derived class, creates the model metadata for the property using the specified prototype. The model metadata for the property. The prototype from which to create the model metadata. The model accessor. When overridden in a derived class, creates the model metadata for the property. The model metadata for the property. The set of attributes. The type of the container. The type of the model. The name of the property. Retrieves a list of properties for the model. A list of properties for the model. The model container. The type of the container. Retrieves the metadata for the specified property using the container type and property name. The metadata for the specified property. The model accessor. The type of the container. The name of the property. Returns the metadata for the specified property using the type of the model. The metadata for the specified property. The model accessor. The type of the container. Provides prototype cache data for . Initializes a new instance of the class. The attributes that provides data for the initialization. Gets or sets the metadata display attribute. The metadata display attribute. Gets or sets the metadata display format attribute. The metadata display format attribute. Gets or sets the metadata editable attribute. The metadata editable attribute. Gets or sets the metadata read-only attribute. The metadata read-only attribute. Provides a container for common metadata, for the class, for a data model. Initializes a new instance of the class. The prototype used to initialize the model metadata. The model accessor. Initializes a new instance of the class. The metadata provider. The type of the container. The type of the model. The name of the property. The attributes that provides data for the initialization. Retrieves a value that indicates whether empty strings that are posted back in forms should be converted to null. true if empty strings that are posted back in forms should be converted to null; otherwise, false. Retrieves the description of the model. The description of the model. Retrieves a value that indicates whether the model is read-only. true if the model is read-only; otherwise, false. No content here will be updated; please do not add material here. The type of prototype cache. Initializes a new instance of the class. The prototype. The model accessor. Initializes a new instance of the class. The provider. The type of container. The type of the model. The name of the property. The prototype cache. Indicates whether empty strings that are posted back in forms should be computed and converted to null. true if empty strings that are posted back in forms should be computed and converted to null; otherwise, false. Indicates the computation value. The computation value. Gets a value that indicates whether the model is a complex type. A value that indicates whether the model is considered a complex type by the Web API framework. Gets a value that indicates whether the model to be computed is read-only. true if the model to be computed is read-only; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether empty strings that are posted back in forms should be converted to null. true if empty strings that are posted back in forms should be converted to null; otherwise, false. The default value is true. Gets or sets the description of the model. The description of the model. Gets a value that indicates whether the model is a complex type. A value that indicates whether the model is considered a complex type by the Web API framework. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the model is read-only. true if the model is read-only; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the prototype cache is updating. true if the prototype cache is updating; otherwise, false. Implements the default model metadata provider. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates the metadata from prototype for the specified property. The metadata for the property. The prototype. The model accessor. Creates the metadata for the specified property. The metadata for the property. The attributes. The type of the container. The type of the model. The name of the property. No content here will be updated; please do not add material here. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates metadata from prototype. The metadata. The model metadata prototype. The model accessor. Creates a prototype of the metadata provider of the . A prototype of the metadata provider. The attributes. The type of container. The type of model. The name of the property. Represents the binding directly to the cancellation token. Initializes a new instance of the class. The binding descriptor. Executes the binding during synchronization. The binding during synchronization. The metadata provider. The action context. The notification after the cancellation of the operations. Represents an attribute that invokes a custom model binder. Initializes a new instance of the class. Retrieves the associated model binder. A reference to an object that implements the interface. No content here will be updated; please do not add material here. Initializes a new instance of the class. Default implementation of the interface. This interface is the primary entry point for binding action parameters. The associated with the . The action descriptor. Gets the associated with the . The associated with the . The parameter descriptor. Defines a binding error. Initializes a new instance of the class. The error descriptor. The message. Gets the error message. The error message. Executes the binding method during synchronization. The metadata provider. The action context. The cancellation Token value. Represents parameter binding that will read from the body and invoke the formatters. Initializes a new instance of the class. The descriptor. The formatter. The body model validator. Gets or sets an interface for the body model validator. An interface for the body model validator. Gets the error message. The error message. Asynchronously execute the binding of . The result of the action. The metadata provider. The context associated with the action. The cancellation token. Gets or sets an enumerable object that represents the formatter for the parameter binding. An enumerable object that represents the formatter for the parameter binding. Asynchronously reads the content of . The result of the action. The request. The type. The formatter. The format logger. Gets whether the will read body. True if the will read body; otherwise, false. Represents the extensions for the collection of form data. Reads the collection extensions with specified type. The read collection extensions. The form data. The generic type. Reads the collection extensions with specified type. The collection extensions. The form data. The name of the model. The required member selector. The formatter logger. The generic type. Reads the collection extensions with specified type. The collection extensions with specified type. The form data. The type of the object. Reads the collection extensions with specified type and model name. The collection extensions. The form data. The type of the object. The name of the model. The required member selector. The formatter logger. Enumerates the behavior of the HTTP binding. The optional binding behavior Never use HTTP binding. HTTP binding is required. Provides a base class for model-binding behavior attributes. Initializes a new instance of the class. The behavior. Gets or sets the behavior category. The behavior category. Gets the unique identifier for this attribute. The id for this attribute. Parameter binds to the request. Initializes a new instance of the class. The parameter descriptor. Asynchronously executes parameter binding. The binded parameter. The metadata provider. The action context. The cancellation token. Defines the methods that are required for a model binder. Binds the model to a value by using the specified controller context and binding context. The bound value. The action context. The binding context. Represents a value provider for parameter binding. Gets the instances used by this parameter binding. The instances used by this parameter binding. Represents the class for handling HTML form URL-ended data, also known as application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Initializes a new instance of the class. Determines whether this can read objects of the specified . true if objects of this type can be read; otherwise false. The type of object that will be read. Reads an object of the specified from the specified stream. This method is called during deserialization. A whose result will be the object instance that has been read. The type of object to read. The from which to read. The content being read. The to log events to. Specify this parameter uses a model binder. This can optionally specify the specific model binder and value providers that drive that model binder. Derived attributes may provide convenience settings for the model binder or value provider. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The type of model binder. Gets or sets the type of model binder. The type of model binder. Gets the binding for a parameter. The that contains the binding. The parameter to bind. Get the IModelBinder for this type. a non-null model binder. The configuration. model type that the binder is expected to bind. Gets the model binder provider. The instance. The configuration object. Gets the value providers that will be fed to the model binder. A collection of instances. The configuration object. Gets or sets the name to consider as the parameter name during model binding. The parameter name to consider. Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the prefix check should be suppressed. true if the prefix check should be suppressed; otherwise, false. Provides a container for model-binder configuration. Gets or sets the name of the resource file (class key) that contains localized string values. The name of the resource file (class key). Gets or sets the current provider for type-conversion error message. The current provider for type-conversion error message. Gets or sets the current provider for value-required error messages. The error message provider. Provides a container for model-binder error message provider. Describes a parameter that gets bound via ModelBinding. Initializes a new instance of the class. The parameter descriptor. The model binder. The collection of value provider factory. Gets the model binder. The model binder. Asynchronously executes the parameter binding via the model binder. The task that is signaled when the binding is complete. The metadata provider to use for validation. The action context for the binding. The cancellation token assigned for this task for cancelling the binding operation. Gets the collection of value provider factory. The collection of value provider factory. Provides an abstract base class for model binder providers. Initializes a new instance of the class. Finds a binder for the given type. A binder, which can attempt to bind this type. Or null if the binder knows statically that it will never be able to bind the type. A configuration object. The type of the model to bind against. Provides the context in which a model binder functions. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The binding context. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the binder should use an empty prefix. true if the binder should use an empty prefix; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the model. The model. Gets or sets the model metadata. The model metadata. Gets or sets the name of the model. The name of the model. Gets or sets the state of the model. The state of the model. Gets or sets the type of the model. The type of the model. Gets the property metadata. The property metadata. Gets or sets the validation node. The validation node. Gets or sets the value provider. The value provider. Represents an error that occurs during model binding. Initializes a new instance of the class by using the specified exception. The exception. Initializes a new instance of the class by using the specified exception and error message. The exception. The error message Initializes a new instance of the class by using the specified error message. The error message Gets or sets the error message. The error message. Gets or sets the exception object. The exception object. Represents a collection of instances. Initializes a new instance of the class. Adds the specified Exception object to the model-error collection. The exception. Adds the specified error message to the model-error collection. The error message. Encapsulates the state of model binding to a property of an action-method argument, or to the argument itself. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a object that contains any errors that occurred during model binding. The model state errors. Gets a object that encapsulates the value that was being bound during model binding. The model state value. Represents the state of an attempt to bind a posted form to an action method, which includes validation information. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class by using values that are copied from the specified model-state dictionary. The dictionary. Adds the specified item to the model-state dictionary. The object to add to the model-state dictionary. Adds an element that has the specified key and value to the model-state dictionary. The key of the element to add. The value of the element to add. Adds the specified model error to the errors collection for the model-state dictionary that is associated with the specified key. The key. The exception. Adds the specified error message to the errors collection for the model-state dictionary that is associated with the specified key. The key. The error message. Removes all items from the model-state dictionary. Determines whether the model-state dictionary contains a specific value. true if item is found in the model-state dictionary; otherwise, false. The object to locate in the model-state dictionary. Determines whether the model-state dictionary contains the specified key. true if the model-state dictionary contains the specified key; otherwise, false. The key to locate in the model-state dictionary. Copies the elements of the model-state dictionary to an array, starting at a specified index. The array. The array must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in array at which copying starts. Gets the number of key/value pairs in the collection. The number of key/value pairs in the collection. Returns an enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection. An enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection. Gets a value that indicates whether the collection is read-only. true if the collection is read-only; otherwise, false. Gets a value that indicates whether this instance of the model-state dictionary is valid. true if this instance is valid; otherwise, false. Determines whether there are any objects that are associated with or prefixed with the specified key. true if the model-state dictionary contains a value that is associated with the specified key; otherwise, false. The key. Gets or sets the value that is associated with the specified key. The model state item. The key. Gets a collection that contains the keys in the dictionary. A collection that contains the keys of the model-state dictionary. Copies the values from the specified object into this dictionary, overwriting existing values if keys are the same. The dictionary. Removes the first occurrence of the specified object from the model-state dictionary. true if item was successfully removed the model-state dictionary; otherwise, false. This method also returns false if item is not found in the model-state dictionary. The object to remove from the model-state dictionary. Removes the element that has the specified key from the model-state dictionary. true if the element is successfully removed; otherwise, false. This method also returns false if key was not found in the model-state dictionary. The key of the element to remove. Sets the value for the specified key by using the specified value provider dictionary. The key. The value. Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. An IEnumerator object that can be used to iterate through the collection. Attempts to gets the value that is associated with the specified key. true if the object contains an element that has the specified key; otherwise, false. The key of the value to get. The value associated with the specified key. Gets a collection that contains the values in the dictionary. A collection that contains the values of the model-state dictionary. Collection of functions that can produce a parameter binding for a given parameter. Initializes a new instance of the class. Adds function to the end of the collection. The function added is a wrapper around funcInner that checks that parameterType matches typeMatch. type to match against HttpParameterDescriptor.ParameterType inner function that is invoked if type match succeeds Insert a function at the specified index in the collection. /// The function added is a wrapper around funcInner that checks that parameterType matches typeMatch. index to insert at. type to match against HttpParameterDescriptor.ParameterType inner function that is invoked if type match succeeds Execute each binding function in order until one of them returns a non-null binding. the first non-null binding produced for the parameter. Of null if no binding is produced. parameter to bind. Maps a browser request to an array. The type of the array. Initializes a new instance of the class. Indicates whether the model is binded. true if the specified model is binded; otherwise, false. The action context. The binding context. Converts the collection to an array. true in all cases. The action context. The binding context. The new collection. Provides a model binder for arrays. Initializes a new instance of the class. Returns a model binder for arrays. A model binder object or null if the attempt to get a model binder is unsuccessful. The configuration. The type of model. Maps a browser request to a collection. The type of the collection. Initializes a new instance of the class. Binds the model by using the specified execution context and binding context. true if model binding is successful; otherwise, false. The action context. The binding context. Provides a way for derived classes to manipulate the collection before returning it from the binder. true in all cases. The action context. The binding context. The new collection. Provides a model binder for a collection. Initializes a new instance of the class. Retrieves a model binder for a collection. The model binder. The configuration of the model. The type of the model. Represents a data transfer object (DTO) for a complex model. Initializes a new instance of the class. The model metadata. The collection of property metadata. Gets or sets the model metadata of the . The model metadata of the . Gets or sets the collection of property metadata of the . The collection of property metadata of the . Gets or sets the results of the . The results of the . Represents a model binder for object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Determines whether the specified model is binded. true if the specified model is binded; otherwise, false. The action context. The binding context. Represents a complex model that invokes a model binder provider. Initializes a new instance of the class. Retrieves the associated model binder. The model binder. The configuration. The type of the model to retrieve. Represents the result for object. Initializes a new instance of the class. The object model. The validation node. Gets or sets the model for this object. The model for this object. Gets or sets the for this object. The for this object. Represents an that delegates to one of a collection of instances. Initializes a new instance of the class. An enumeration of binders. Initializes a new instance of the class. An array of binders. Indicates whether the specified model is binded. true if the model is binded; otherwise, false. The action context. The binding context. Represents the class for composite model binder providers. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. A collection of Gets the binder for the model. The binder for the model. The binder configuration. The type of the model. Gets the providers for the composite model binder. The collection of providers. Maps a browser request to a dictionary data object. The type of the key. The type of the value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Converts the collection to a dictionary. true in all cases. The action context. The binding context. The new collection. Provides a model binder for a dictionary. Initializes a new instance of the class. Retrieves the associated model binder. The associated model binder. The configuration to use. The type of model. Maps a browser request to a key/value pair data object. The type of the key. The type of the value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Binds the model by using the specified execution context and binding context. true if model binding is successful; otherwise, false. The action context. The binding context. Provides a model binder for a collection of key/value pairs. Initializes a new instance of the class. Retrieves the associated model binder. The associated model binder. The configuration. The type of model. Maps a browser request to a mutable data object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Binds the model by using the specified action context and binding context. true if binding is successful; otherwise, false. The action context. The binding context. Retrieves a value that indicates whether a property can be updated. true if the property can be updated; otherwise, false. The metadata for the property to be evaluated. Creates an instance of the model. The newly created model object. The action context. The binding context. Creates a model instance if an instance does not yet exist in the binding context. The action context. The binding context. Retrieves metadata for properties of the model. The metadata for properties of the model. The action context. The binding context. Sets the value of a specified property. The action context. The binding context. The metadata for the property to set. The validation information about the property. The validator for the model. Provides a model binder for mutable objects. Initializes a new instance of the class. Retrieves the model binder for the specified type. The model binder. The configuration. The type of the model to retrieve. No content here will be updated; please do not add material here. Initializes a new instance of the class. The model type. The model binder factory. Initializes a new instance of the class by using the specified model type and the model binder. The model type. The model binder. Returns a model binder by using the specified execution context and binding context. The model binder, or null if the attempt to get a model binder is unsuccessful. The configuration. The model type. Gets the type of the model. The type of the model. Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the prefix check should be suppressed. true if the prefix check should be suppressed; otherwise, false. Maps a browser request to a data object. This type is used when model binding requires conversions using a .NET Framework type converter. Initializes a new instance of the class. Binds the model by using the specified controller context and binding context. true if model binding is successful; otherwise, false. The action context. The binding context. Provides a model binder for a model that requires type conversion. Initializes a new instance of the class. Retrieve a model binder for a model that requires type conversion. The model binder, or Nothing if the type cannot be converted or there is no value to convert. The configuration of the binder. The type of the model. Maps a browser request to a data object. This class is used when model binding does not require type conversion. Initializes a new instance of the class. Binds the model by using the specified execution context and binding context. true if model binding is successful; otherwise, false. The action context. The binding context. Provides a model binder for a model that does not require type conversion. Initializes a new instance of the class. Retrieves the associated model binder. The associated model binder. The configuration. The type of model. The understands $filter, $orderby, $top and $skip OData query parameters Initializes a new instance of the class. Build the for the given uri. The The to build the from A is used to extract the query from a Uri. Build the for the given uri. Return null if there is no query in the Uri. The The to build the from Represents a query option like $filter, $top etc. Applies this on to an returning the resultant The resultant The source The value part of the query parameter for this query part. The query operator that this query parameter is for. Represents an . Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a list of query parts. Enables you to define which HTTP verbs are allowed when ASP.NET routing determines whether a URL matches a route. Initializes a new instance of the class by using the HTTP verbs that are allowed for the route. The HTTP verbs that are valid for the route. Gets or sets the collection of allowed HTTP verbs for the route. A collection of allowed HTTP verbs for the route. Determines whether the request was made with an HTTP verb that is one of the allowed verbs for the route. When ASP.NET routing is processing a request, true if the request was made by using an allowed HTTP verb; otherwise, false. When ASP.NET routing is constructing a URL, true if the supplied values contain an HTTP verb that matches one of the allowed HTTP verbs; otherwise, false. The default is true. The request that is being checked to determine whether it matches the URL. The object that is being checked to determine whether it matches the URL. The name of the parameter that is being checked. An object that contains the parameters for a route. An object that indicates whether the constraint check is being performed when an incoming request is processed or when a URL is generated. Determines whether the request was made with an HTTP verb that is one of the allowed verbs for the route. When ASP.NET routing is processing a request, true if the request was made by using an allowed HTTP verb; otherwise, false. When ASP.NET routing is constructing a URL, true if the supplied values contain an HTTP verb that matches one of the allowed HTTP verbs; otherwise, false. The default is true. The request that is being checked to determine whether it matches the URL. The object that is being checked to determine whether it matches the URL. The name of the parameter that is being checked. An object that contains the parameters for a route. An object that indicates whether the constraint check is being performed when an incoming request is processed or when a URL is generated. Represents a route class for self-host (i.e. hosted outside of ASP.NET). Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The route template. Initializes a new instance of the class. The route template. The default values for the route parameters. Initializes a new instance of the class. The route template. The default values for the route parameters. The constraints for the route parameters. Initializes a new instance of the class. The route template. The default values for the route parameters. The constraints for the route parameters. Any additional tokens for the route parameters. Initializes a new instance of the class. The route template. The default values for the route parameters. The constraints for the route parameters. Any additional tokens for the route parameters. The message handler that will be the recipient of the request. Gets the constraints for the route parameters. The constraints for the route parameters. Gets any additional data tokens not used directly to determine whether a route matches an incoming . Any additional data tokens not used directly to determine whether a route matches an incoming . Gets the default values for route parameters if not provided by the incoming . The default values for route parameters if not provided by the incoming . Determines whether this route is a match for the incoming request by looking up the for the route. The for a route if matches; otherwise null. The virtual path root. The HTTP request. Attempts to generate a URI that represents the values passed in based on current values from the and new values using the specified . A instance or null if URI cannot be generated. The HTTP request message. The route values. Gets or sets the http route handler. The http route handler. Determines whether this instance equals a specified route. true if this instance equals a specified route; otherwise, false. The HTTP request. The constraints for the route parameters. The name of the parameter. The list of parameter values. One of the enumeration values of the enumeration. Gets the route template describing the URI pattern to match against. The route template describing the URI pattern to match against. Encapsulates information regarding the HTTP route. Initializes a new instance of the class. An object that defines the route. Initializes a new instance of the class. An object that defines the route. The value. Gets the object that represents the route. the object that represents the route. Gets a collection of URL parameter values and default values for the route. An object that contains values that are parsed from the URL and from default values. Specifies an enumeration of route direction. The UriResolution direction. The UriGeneration direction. Represents a route class for self-host of specified key/value pairs. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. Initializes a new instance of the class. The key value. Presents the data regarding the HTTP virtual path. Initializes a new instance of the class. The route of the virtual path. The URL that was created from the route definition. Gets or sets the route of the virtual path.. The route of the virtual path. Gets or sets the URL that was created from the route definition. The URL that was created from the route definition. defines the interface for a route expressing how to map an incoming to a particular controller and action. Gets the constraints for the route parameters. The constraints for the route parameters. Gets any additional data tokens not used directly to determine whether a route matches an incoming . The additional data tokens. Gets the default values for route parameters if not provided by the incoming . The default values for route parameters. Determine whether this route is a match for the incoming request by looking up the <see cref="!:IRouteData" /> for the route. The <see cref="!:RouteData" /> for a route if matches; otherwise null. The virtual path root. The request. Gets a virtual path data based on the route and the values provided. The virtual path data. The request message. The values. Gets the message handler that will be the recipient of the request. The message handler. Gets the route template describing the URI pattern to match against. The route template. Represents a base class route constraint. Determines whether this instance equals a specified route. True if this instance equals a specified route; otherwise, false. The request. The route to compare. The name of the parameter. A list of parameter values. The route direction. Provides information about a route. Gets the object that represents the route. The object that represents the route. Gets a collection of URL parameter values and default values for the route. The values that are parsed from the URL and from default values. Defines the properties for HTTP route. Gets the HTTP route. The HTTP route. Gets the URI that represents the virtual path of the current HTTP route. The URI that represents the virtual path of the current HTTP route. No content here will be updated; please do not add material here. Initializes a new instance of the class. The HTTP request for this instance. Returns a link for the specified route. A link for the specified route. The name of the route. An object that contains the parameters for a route. Returns a link for the specified route. A link for the specified route. The name of the route. A route value. Gets or sets the of the current instance. The of the current instance. Returns the route for the . The route for the . The name of the route. A list of route values. Returns the route for the . The route for the . The name of the route. The route values. Represents a container for service instances used by the . Note that this container only supports known types, and methods to get or set arbitrary service types will throw when called. For creation of arbitrary types, please use instead. The supported types for this container are: Passing any type which is not on this to any method on this interface will cause an to be thrown. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified object. The object. Removes a single-instance service from the default services. The type of the service. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Gets a service of the specified type. The first instance of the service, or null if the service is not found. The type of service. Gets the list of service objects for a given service type, and validates the service type. The list of service objects of the specified type. The service type. Gets the list of service objects for a given service type. The list of service objects of the specified type, or an empty list if the service is not found. The type of service. Queries whether a service type is single-instance. true if the service type has at most one instance, or false if the service type supports multiple instances. The service type. Replaces a single-instance service object. The service type. The service object that replaces the previous instance. Removes the cached values for a single service type. The service type. Represents a performance tracing class to log method entry/exit and duration. Initializes the class with a specified configuration. The configuration. Represents the trace writer. Invokes the specified traceAction to allow setting values in a new if and only if tracing is permitted at the given category and level. The current . It may be null but doing so will prevent subsequent trace analysis from correlating the trace to a particular request. The logical category for the trace. Users can define their own. The at which to write this trace. The action to invoke if tracing is enabled. The caller is expected to fill in the fields of the given in this action. Represents an extension methods for . Provides a set of methods and properties that help debug your code with the specified writer, request, category and exception. The . The with which to associate the trace. It may be null. The logical category of the trace. The error occurred during execution. Provides a set of methods and properties that help debug your code with the specified writer, request, category, exception, message format and argument. The . The with which to associate the trace. It may be null. The logical category of the trace. The error occurred during execution. The format of the message. The message argument. Provides a set of methods and properties that help debug your code with the specified writer, request, category, exception, message format and argument. The . The with which to associate the trace. It may be null. The logical category of the trace. The format of the message. The message argument. Displays an error message in the list with the specified writer, request, category and exception. The . The with which to associate the trace. It may be null. The logical category of the trace. The error occurred during execution. Displays an error message in the list with the specified writer, request, category, exception, message format and argument. The . The with which to associate the trace. It may be null. The logical category of the trace. The exception. The format of the message. The argument in the message. Displays an error message in the list with the specified writer, request, category, message format and argument. The . The with which to associate the trace. It may be null. The logical category of the trace. The format of the message. The argument in the message. Displays an error message in the class with the specified writer, request, category and exception. The . The with which to associate the trace. It may be null. The logical category of the trace. The exception that appears during execution. Displays an error message in the class with the specified writer, request, category and exception, message format and argument. The . The with which to associate the trace. It may be null. The logical category of the trace. The exception. The format of the message. The message argument. Displays an error message in the class with the specified writer, request, category and message format and argument. The . The with which to associate the trace. It may be null. The logical category of the trace. The format of the message. The message argument. Displays the details in the . The . The with which to associate the trace. It may be null. The logical category of the trace. The error occurred during execution. Displays the details in the . The . The with which to associate the trace. It may be null. The logical category of the trace. The error occurred during execution. The format of the message. The message argument. Displays the details in the . The . The with which to associate the trace. It may be null. The logical category of the trace. The format of the message. The message argument. Indicates the trace listeners in the Listeners collection. The . The with which to associate the trace. It may be null. The logical category of the trace. The trace level. The error occurred during execution. Indicates the trace listeners in the Listeners collection. The . The with which to associate the trace. It may be null. The logical category of the trace. The trace level. The error occurred during execution. The format of the message. The message argument. Indicates the trace listeners in the Listeners collection. The . The with which to associate the trace. It may be null. The logical category of the trace. The of the trace. The format of the message. The message argument. Traces both a begin and an end trace around a specified operation. The . The with which to associate the trace. It may be null. The logical category of the trace. The of the trace. The name of the object performing the operation. It may be null. The name of the operation being performed. It may be null. The to invoke prior to performing the operation, allowing the given to be filled in. It may be null. An <see cref="T:System.Func`1" /> that returns the that will perform the operation. The to invoke after successfully performing the operation, allowing the given to be filled in. It may be null. The to invoke if an error was encountered performing the operation, allowing the given to be filled in. It may be null. Traces both a begin and an end trace around a specified operation. The returned by the operation. The . The with which to associate the trace. It may be null. The logical category of the trace. The of the trace. The name of the object performing the operation. It may be null. The name of the operation being performed. It may be null. The to invoke prior to performing the operation, allowing the given to be filled in. It may be null. An <see cref="T:System.Func`1" /> that returns the that will perform the operation. The to invoke after successfully performing the operation, allowing the given to be filled in. The result of the completed task will also be passed to this action. This action may be null. The to invoke if an error was encountered performing the operation, allowing the given to be filled in. It may be null. The type of result produced by the . Traces both a begin and an end trace around a specified operation. The returned by the operation. The . The with which to associate the trace. It may be null. The logical category of the trace. The of the trace. The name of the object performing the operation. It may be null. The name of the operation being performed. It may be null. The to invoke prior to performing the operation, allowing the given to be filled in. It may be null. An <see cref="T:System.Func`1" /> that returns the that will perform the operation. The to invoke after successfully performing the operation, allowing the given to be filled in. It may be null. The to invoke if an error was encountered performing the operation, allowing the given to be filled in. It may be null. Indicates the warning level of execution. The . The with which to associate the trace. It may be null. The logical category of the trace. The error occurred during execution. Indicates the warning level of execution. The . The with which to associate the trace. It may be null. The logical category of the trace. The error occurred during execution. The format of the message. The message argument. Indicates the warning level of execution. The . The with which to associate the trace. It may be null. The logical category of the trace. The format of the message. The message argument. Specifies an enumeration of tracing categories. An action category. The controllers category. The filters category. The formatting category. The message handlers category. The model binding category. The request category. The routing category. Specifies the kind of tracing operation. Single trace, not part of a Begin/End trace pair. Trace marking the beginning of some operation. Trace marking the end of some operation. Specifies an enumeration of tracing level. Tracing is disabled. Trace level for debugging traces. Trace level for informational traces. Trace level for warning traces. Trace level for error traces. Trace level for fatal traces. Represents a trace record. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message request. The trace category. The trace level. Gets or sets the tracing category. The tracing category. Gets or sets the exception. The exception. Gets or sets the kind of trace. The kind of trace. Gets or sets the tracing level. The tracing level. Gets or sets the message. The message. Gets or sets the logical operation name being performed. The logical operation name being performed. Gets or sets the logical name of the object performing the operation. The logical name of the object performing the operation. Gets the optional user-defined properties. The optional user-defined properties. Gets the from the record. The from the record. Gets the correlation ID from the . The correlation ID from the . Gets or sets the associated with the . The associated with the . Gets the of this trace (via ). The of this trace (via ). Represents a class used to recursively validate an object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Determines whether the model is valid and adds any validation errors to the actionContext's . True if model is valid, false otherwise. The model to be validated. The to use for validation. The used to provide the model metadata. The within which the model is being validated. The to append to the key for any validation errors. Represents an interface for the validation of the models Determines whether the model is valid and adds any validation errors to the actionContext's trueif model is valid, false otherwise. The model to be validated. The to use for validation. The used to provide the model metadata. The within which the model is being validated. The to append to the key for any validation errors. This logs formatter errors to the provided . Initializes a new instance of the class. The model state. The prefix. Logs the specified model error. The error path. The error message. Logs the specified model error. The error path. The error message. Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. The action context. The parent node. Gets or sets the context for an action. The context for an action. Gets or sets the parent of this node. The parent of this node. Provides data for the event. Initializes a new instance of the class. The action context. The parent node. Gets or sets the context for an action. The context for an action. Gets or sets the parent of this node. The parent of this node. Provides a container for model validation information. Initializes a new instance of the class, using the model metadata and state key. The model metadata. The model state key. Initializes a new instance of the class, using the model metadata, the model state key, and child model-validation nodes. The model metadata. The model state key. The model child nodes. Gets or sets the child nodes. The child nodes. Combines the current instance with a specified instance. The model validation node to combine with the current instance. Gets or sets the model metadata. The model metadata. Gets or sets the model state key. The model state key. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether validation should be suppressed. true if validation should be suppressed; otherwise, false. Validates the model using the specified execution context. The action context. Validates the model using the specified execution context and parent node. The action context. The parent node. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether all properties of the model should be validated. true if all properties of the model should be validated, or false if validation should be skipped. Occurs when the model has been validated. Occurs when the model is being validated. Represents the selection of required members by checking for any required ModelValidators associated with the member. Initializes a new instance of the class. The metadata provider. The validator providers. Indicates whether the member is required for validation. true if the member is required for validation; otherwise, false. The member. Provides a container for a validation result. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the name of the member. The name of the member. Gets or sets the validation result message. The validation result message. Provides a base class for implementing validation logic. Initializes a new instance of the class. The validator providers. Returns a composite model validator for the model. A composite model validator for the model. An enumeration of validator providers. Gets a value that indicates whether a model property is required. true if the model property is required; otherwise, false. Validates a specified object. A list of validation results. The metadata. The container. Gets or sets an enumeration of validator providers. An enumeration of validator providers. Provides a list of validators for a model. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a list of validators associated with this . The list of validators. The metadata. The validator providers. Provides an abstract class for classes that implement a validation provider. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a type descriptor for the specified type. A type descriptor for the specified type. The type of the validation provider. Gets the validators for the model using the metadata and validator providers. The validators for the model. The metadata. An enumeration of validator providers. Gets the validators for the model using the metadata, the validator providers, and a list of attributes. The validators for the model. The metadata. An enumeration of validator providers. The list of attributes. Represents the method that creates a instance. Represents an implementation of which providers validators for attributes which derive from . It also provides a validator for types which implement . To support client side validation, you can either register adapters through the static methods on this class, or by having your validation attributes implement . The logic to support IClientValidatable is implemented in . Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the validators for the model using the specified metadata, validator provider and attributes. The validators for the model. The metadata. The validator providers. The attributes. Registers an adapter to provide client-side validation. The type of the validation attribute. The type of the adapter. Registers an adapter factory for the validation provider. The type of the attribute. The factory that will be used to create the object for the specified attribute. Registers the default adapter. The type of the adapter. Registers the default adapter factory. The factory that will be used to create the object for the default adapter. Registers the default adapter type for objects which implement . The adapter type must derive from and it must contain a public constructor which takes two parameters of types and . The type of the adapter. Registers the default adapter factory for objects which implement . The factory. Registers an adapter type for the given modelType, which must implement . The adapter type must derive from and it must contain a public constructor which takes two parameters of types and . The model type. The type of the adapter. Registers an adapter factory for the given modelType, which must implement . The model type. The factory. Provides a factory for validators that are based on . Represents a validator provider for data member model. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the validators for the model. The validators for the model. The metadata. An enumerator of validator providers. A list of attributes. An implementation of which provides validators that throw exceptions when the model is invalid. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a list of validators associated with this . The list of validators. The metadata. The validator providers. The list of attributes. Represents the provider for the required member model validator. Initializes a new instance of the class. The required member selector. Gets the validator for the member model. The validator for the member model. The metadata. The validator providers Provides a model validator. Initializes a new instance of the class. The validator providers. The validation attribute for the model. Gets or sets the validation attribute for the model validator. The validation attribute for the model validator. Gets a value that indicates whether model validation is required. true if model validation is required; otherwise, false. Validates the model and returns the validation errors if any. A list of validation error messages for the model, or an empty list if no errors have occurred. The model metadata. The container for the model. A to represent an error. This validator will always throw an exception regardless of the actual model value. Initializes a new instance of the class. The list of model validator providers. The error message for the exception. Validates a specified object. A list of validation results. The metadata. The container. Represents the for required members. Initializes a new instance of the class. The validator providers. Gets or sets a value that instructs the serialization engine that the member must be presents when validating. true if the member is required; otherwise, false. Validates the object. A list of validation results. The metadata. The container. Provides an object adapter that can be validated. Initializes a new instance of the class. The validation provider. Validates the specified object. A list of validation results. The metadata. The container. Represents the base class for value providers whose values come from a collection that implements the interface. Retrieves the keys from the specified . The keys from the specified . The prefix. Defines the methods that are required for a value provider in ASP.NET MVC. Determines whether the collection contains the specified prefix. true if the collection contains the specified prefix; otherwise, false. The prefix to search for. Retrieves a value object using the specified key. The value object for the specified key. The key of the value object to retrieve. This attribute is used to specify a custom . Initializes a new instance of the . The type of the model binder. Initializes a new instance of the . An array of model binder types. Gets the value provider factories. A collection of value provider factories. A configuration object. Gets the types of object returned by the value provider factory. A collection of types. Represents a factory for creating value-provider objects. Initializes a new instance of the class. Returns a value-provider object for the specified controller context. A value-provider object. An object that encapsulates information about the current HTTP request. Represents the result of binding a value (such as from a form post or query string) to an action-method argument property, or to the argument itself. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The raw value. The attempted value. The culture. Gets or sets the raw value that is converted to a string for display. The raw value that is converted to a string for display. Converts the value that is encapsulated by this result to the specified type. The converted value. The target type. Converts the value that is encapsulated by this result to the specified type by using the specified culture information. The converted value. The target type. The culture to use in the conversion. Gets or sets the culture. The culture. Gets or set the raw value that is supplied by the value provider. The raw value that is supplied by the value provider. Represents a value provider whose values come from a list of value providers that implements the interface. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The list of value providers. Determines whether the collection contains the specified . true if the collection contains the specified ; otherwise, false. The prefix to search for. Retrieves the keys from the specified . The keys from the specified . The prefix from which keys are retrieved. Retrieves a value object using the specified . The value object for the specified . The key of the value object to retrieve. Inserts an element into the collection at the specified index. The zero-based index at which should be inserted. The object to insert. Replaces the element at the specified index. The zero-based index of the element to replace. The new value for the element at the specified index. Represents a factory for creating a list of value-provider objects. Initializes a new instance of the class. The collection of value-provider factories. Retrieves a list of value-provider objects for the specified controller context. The list of value-provider objects for the specified controller context. An object that encapsulates information about the current HTTP request. A value provider for name/value pairs. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name/value pairs for the provider. The culture used for the name/value pairs. Initializes a new instance of the class, using a function delegate to provide the name/value pairs. A function delegate that returns a collection of name/value pairs. The culture used for the name/value pairs. Determines whether the collection contains the specified prefix. true if the collection contains the specified prefix; otherwise, false. The prefix to search for. Gets the keys from a prefix. The keys. The prefix. Retrieves a value object using the specified key. The value object for the specified key. The key of the value object to retrieve. Represents a value provider for query strings that are contained in a object. Initializes a new instance of the class. An object that encapsulates information about the current HTTP request. An object that contains information about the target culture. Represents a class that is responsible for creating a new instance of a query-string value-provider object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Retrieves a value-provider object for the specified controller context. A query-string value-provider object. An object that encapsulates information about the current HTTP request. Represents a value provider for route data that is contained in an object that implements the IDictionary(Of TKey, TValue) interface. Initializes a new instance of the class. An object that contain information about the HTTP request. An object that contains information about the target culture. Represents a factory for creating route-data value provider objects. Initializes a new instance of the class. Retrieves a value-provider object for the specified controller context. A value-provider object. An object that encapsulates information about the current HTTP request.