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徐莉 1 month ago
  1. 367


@ -46575,6 +46575,58 @@ export class IcsSanJBarCodeServiceProxy {
* @param body (optional)
* @return Success
addFaLiao(body: string[] | null | undefined , cancelToken?: CancelToken | undefined): Promise<void> {
let url_ = this.baseUrl + "/api/services/app/IcsSanJBarCode/AddFaLiao";
url_ = url_.replace(/[?&]$/, "");
const content_ = JSON.stringify(body);
let options_: AxiosRequestConfig = {
data: content_,
method: "POST",
url: url_,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json-patch+json",
return this.instance.request(options_).catch((_error: any) => {
if (isAxiosError(_error) && _error.response) {
return _error.response;
} else {
throw _error;
}).then((_response: AxiosResponse) => {
return this.processAddFaLiao(_response);
protected processAddFaLiao(response: AxiosResponse): Promise<void> {
const status = response.status;
let _headers: any = {};
if (response.headers && typeof response.headers === "object") {
for (let k in response.headers) {
if (response.headers.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
_headers[k] = response.headers[k];
if (status === 200) {
const _responseText =;
return Promise.resolve<void>(null as any);
} else if (status !== 200 && status !== 204) {
const _responseText =;
return throwException("An unexpected server error occurred.", status, _responseText, _headers);
return Promise.resolve<void>(null as any);
* @param body (optional)
* @return Success
@ -46627,6 +46679,58 @@ export class IcsSanJBarCodeServiceProxy {
return Promise.resolve<void>(null as any);
* @param body (optional)
* @return Success
batchDeleteFaLiao(body: number[] | null | undefined , cancelToken?: CancelToken | undefined): Promise<void> {
let url_ = this.baseUrl + "/api/services/app/IcsSanJBarCode/BatchDeleteFaLiao";
url_ = url_.replace(/[?&]$/, "");
const content_ = JSON.stringify(body);
let options_: AxiosRequestConfig = {
data: content_,
method: "POST",
url: url_,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json-patch+json",
return this.instance.request(options_).catch((_error: any) => {
if (isAxiosError(_error) && _error.response) {
return _error.response;
} else {
throw _error;
}).then((_response: AxiosResponse) => {
return this.processBatchDeleteFaLiao(_response);
protected processBatchDeleteFaLiao(response: AxiosResponse): Promise<void> {
const status = response.status;
let _headers: any = {};
if (response.headers && typeof response.headers === "object") {
for (let k in response.headers) {
if (response.headers.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
_headers[k] = response.headers[k];
if (status === 200) {
const _responseText =;
return Promise.resolve<void>(null as any);
} else if (status !== 200 && status !== 204) {
const _responseText =;
return throwException("An unexpected server error occurred.", status, _responseText, _headers);
return Promise.resolve<void>(null as any);
* @param body (optional)
* @return Success
@ -46731,6 +46835,112 @@ export class IcsSanJBarCodeServiceProxy {
return Promise.resolve<void>(null as any);
* @param id (optional)
* @return Success
deleteFaLiao(id: number | undefined , cancelToken?: CancelToken | undefined): Promise<void> {
let url_ = this.baseUrl + "/api/services/app/IcsSanJBarCode/DeleteFaLiao?";
if (id === null)
throw new Error("The parameter 'id' cannot be null.");
else if (id !== undefined)
url_ += "id=" + encodeURIComponent("" + id) + "&";
url_ = url_.replace(/[?&]$/, "");
let options_: AxiosRequestConfig = {
method: "DELETE",
url: url_,
headers: {
return this.instance.request(options_).catch((_error: any) => {
if (isAxiosError(_error) && _error.response) {
return _error.response;
} else {
throw _error;
}).then((_response: AxiosResponse) => {
return this.processDeleteFaLiao(_response);
protected processDeleteFaLiao(response: AxiosResponse): Promise<void> {
const status = response.status;
let _headers: any = {};
if (response.headers && typeof response.headers === "object") {
for (let k in response.headers) {
if (response.headers.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
_headers[k] = response.headers[k];
if (status === 200) {
const _responseText =;
return Promise.resolve<void>(null as any);
} else if (status !== 200 && status !== 204) {
const _responseText =;
return throwException("An unexpected server error occurred.", status, _responseText, _headers);
return Promise.resolve<void>(null as any);
* @param barCodeNo (optional)
* @return Success
getBarCodeData(barCodeNo: string | null | undefined , cancelToken?: CancelToken | undefined): Promise<IcsSanJBarCodeListDto> {
let url_ = this.baseUrl + "/api/services/app/IcsSanJBarCode/GetBarCodeData?";
if (barCodeNo !== undefined && barCodeNo !== null)
url_ += "barCodeNo=" + encodeURIComponent("" + barCodeNo) + "&";
url_ = url_.replace(/[?&]$/, "");
let options_: AxiosRequestConfig = {
method: "GET",
url: url_,
headers: {
"Accept": "text/plain"
return this.instance.request(options_).catch((_error: any) => {
if (isAxiosError(_error) && _error.response) {
return _error.response;
} else {
throw _error;
}).then((_response: AxiosResponse) => {
return this.processGetBarCodeData(_response);
protected processGetBarCodeData(response: AxiosResponse): Promise<IcsSanJBarCodeListDto> {
const status = response.status;
let _headers: any = {};
if (response.headers && typeof response.headers === "object") {
for (let k in response.headers) {
if (response.headers.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
_headers[k] = response.headers[k];
if (status === 200) {
const _responseText =;
let result200: any = null;
let resultData200 = _responseText;
result200 = IcsSanJBarCodeListDto.fromJS(resultData200);
return Promise.resolve<IcsSanJBarCodeListDto>(result200);
} else if (status !== 200 && status !== 204) {
const _responseText =;
return throwException("An unexpected server error occurred.", status, _responseText, _headers);
return Promise.resolve<IcsSanJBarCodeListDto>(null as any);
* @param id (optional)
* @return Success
@ -46787,6 +46997,73 @@ export class IcsSanJBarCodeServiceProxy {
return Promise.resolve<IcsSanJBarCodeListDto>(null as any);
* @param maxResultCount (optional)
* @param filterText (optional)
* @param sorting (optional)
* @param skipCount (optional)
* @return Success
getFaLiaoPaged(maxResultCount: number | undefined, filterText: string | null | undefined, sorting: string | null | undefined, skipCount: number | undefined , cancelToken?: CancelToken | undefined): Promise<PagedResultDtoOfIcsSanJBarCodeListDto> {
let url_ = this.baseUrl + "/api/services/app/IcsSanJBarCode/GetFaLiaoPaged?";
if (maxResultCount === null)
throw new Error("The parameter 'maxResultCount' cannot be null.");
else if (maxResultCount !== undefined)
url_ += "maxResultCount=" + encodeURIComponent("" + maxResultCount) + "&";
if (filterText !== undefined && filterText !== null)
url_ += "filterText=" + encodeURIComponent("" + filterText) + "&";
if (sorting !== undefined && sorting !== null)
url_ += "sorting=" + encodeURIComponent("" + sorting) + "&";
if (skipCount === null)
throw new Error("The parameter 'skipCount' cannot be null.");
else if (skipCount !== undefined)
url_ += "skipCount=" + encodeURIComponent("" + skipCount) + "&";
url_ = url_.replace(/[?&]$/, "");
let options_: AxiosRequestConfig = {
method: "GET",
url: url_,
headers: {
"Accept": "text/plain"
return this.instance.request(options_).catch((_error: any) => {
if (isAxiosError(_error) && _error.response) {
return _error.response;
} else {
throw _error;
}).then((_response: AxiosResponse) => {
return this.processGetFaLiaoPaged(_response);
protected processGetFaLiaoPaged(response: AxiosResponse): Promise<PagedResultDtoOfIcsSanJBarCodeListDto> {
const status = response.status;
let _headers: any = {};
if (response.headers && typeof response.headers === "object") {
for (let k in response.headers) {
if (response.headers.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
_headers[k] = response.headers[k];
if (status === 200) {
const _responseText =;
let result200: any = null;
let resultData200 = _responseText;
result200 = PagedResultDtoOfIcsSanJBarCodeListDto.fromJS(resultData200);
return Promise.resolve<PagedResultDtoOfIcsSanJBarCodeListDto>(result200);
} else if (status !== 200 && status !== 204) {
const _responseText =;
return throwException("An unexpected server error occurred.", status, _responseText, _headers);
return Promise.resolve<PagedResultDtoOfIcsSanJBarCodeListDto>(null as any);
* @param id (optional)
* @return Success
@ -46907,6 +47184,60 @@ export class IcsSanJBarCodeServiceProxy {
return Promise.resolve<PagedResultDtoOfIcsSanJBarCodeListDto>(null as any);
* @param barCodeAll (optional)
* @return Success
luRuBarCode(barCodeAll: string | null | undefined , cancelToken?: CancelToken | undefined): Promise<IcsSanJBarCodeEditDto> {
let url_ = this.baseUrl + "/api/services/app/IcsSanJBarCode/LuRuBarCode?";
if (barCodeAll !== undefined && barCodeAll !== null)
url_ += "barCodeAll=" + encodeURIComponent("" + barCodeAll) + "&";
url_ = url_.replace(/[?&]$/, "");
let options_: AxiosRequestConfig = {
method: "POST",
url: url_,
headers: {
"Accept": "text/plain"
return this.instance.request(options_).catch((_error: any) => {
if (isAxiosError(_error) && _error.response) {
return _error.response;
} else {
throw _error;
}).then((_response: AxiosResponse) => {
return this.processLuRuBarCode(_response);
protected processLuRuBarCode(response: AxiosResponse): Promise<IcsSanJBarCodeEditDto> {
const status = response.status;
let _headers: any = {};
if (response.headers && typeof response.headers === "object") {
for (let k in response.headers) {
if (response.headers.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
_headers[k] = response.headers[k];
if (status === 200) {
const _responseText =;
let result200: any = null;
let resultData200 = _responseText;
result200 = IcsSanJBarCodeEditDto.fromJS(resultData200);
return Promise.resolve<IcsSanJBarCodeEditDto>(result200);
} else if (status !== 200 && status !== 204) {
const _responseText =;
return throwException("An unexpected server error occurred.", status, _responseText, _headers);
return Promise.resolve<IcsSanJBarCodeEditDto>(null as any);
export class IcsSBomServiceProxy {
@ -124166,6 +124497,9 @@ export class IcsSanJBarCodeEditDto implements IIcsSanJBarCodeEditDto {
productDate: moment.Moment | undefined;
isInWareHouese: string | undefined;
barCodeType: string | undefined;
tuHao: string | undefined;
boxNo: string | undefined;
zlotQty: number | undefined;
lotQty: number;
active: string | undefined;
exdate: moment.Moment | undefined;
@ -124212,6 +124546,9 @@ export class IcsSanJBarCodeEditDto implements IIcsSanJBarCodeEditDto {
this.productDate = _data["productDate"] ? moment(_data["productDate"].toString()) : <any>undefined;
this.isInWareHouese = _data["isInWareHouese"];
this.barCodeType = _data["barCodeType"];
this.tuHao = _data["tuHao"];
this.boxNo = _data["boxNo"];
this.zlotQty = _data["zlotQty"];
this.lotQty = _data["lotQty"]; = _data["active"];
this.exdate = _data["exdate"] ? moment(_data["exdate"].toString()) : <any>undefined;
@ -124258,6 +124595,9 @@ export class IcsSanJBarCodeEditDto implements IIcsSanJBarCodeEditDto {
data["productDate"] = this.productDate ? this.productDate.toISOString() : <any>undefined;
data["isInWareHouese"] = this.isInWareHouese;
data["barCodeType"] = this.barCodeType;
data["tuHao"] = this.tuHao;
data["boxNo"] = this.boxNo;
data["zlotQty"] = this.zlotQty;
data["lotQty"] = this.lotQty;
data["active"] =;
data["exdate"] = this.exdate ? this.exdate.toISOString() : <any>undefined;
@ -124304,6 +124644,9 @@ export interface IIcsSanJBarCodeEditDto {
productDate: moment.Moment | undefined;
isInWareHouese: string | undefined;
barCodeType: string | undefined;
tuHao: string | undefined;
boxNo: string | undefined;
zlotQty: number | undefined;
lotQty: number;
active: string | undefined;
exdate: moment.Moment | undefined;
@ -124398,6 +124741,12 @@ export class IcsSanJBarCodeListDto implements IIcsSanJBarCodeListDto {
vendorLotNo: string | undefined;
productDate: moment.Moment | undefined;
isInWareHouese: string | undefined;
unit: string | undefined;
tuHao: string | undefined;
boxNo: string | undefined;
faliaoDate: moment.Moment | undefined;
faliaoUserName: string | undefined;
zlotQty: number | undefined;
lotQty: number;
printTimes: number;
lastPrintUserCode: string | undefined;
@ -124432,6 +124781,12 @@ export class IcsSanJBarCodeListDto implements IIcsSanJBarCodeListDto {
this.vendorLotNo = _data["vendorLotNo"];
this.productDate = _data["productDate"] ? moment(_data["productDate"].toString()) : <any>undefined;
this.isInWareHouese = _data["isInWareHouese"];
this.unit = _data["unit"];
this.tuHao = _data["tuHao"];
this.boxNo = _data["boxNo"];
this.faliaoDate = _data["faliaoDate"] ? moment(_data["faliaoDate"].toString()) : <any>undefined;
this.faliaoUserName = _data["faliaoUserName"];
this.zlotQty = _data["zlotQty"];
this.lotQty = _data["lotQty"];
this.printTimes = _data["printTimes"];
this.lastPrintUserCode = _data["lastPrintUserCode"];
@ -124466,6 +124821,12 @@ export class IcsSanJBarCodeListDto implements IIcsSanJBarCodeListDto {
data["vendorLotNo"] = this.vendorLotNo;
data["productDate"] = this.productDate ? this.productDate.toISOString() : <any>undefined;
data["isInWareHouese"] = this.isInWareHouese;
data["unit"] = this.unit;
data["tuHao"] = this.tuHao;
data["boxNo"] = this.boxNo;
data["faliaoDate"] = this.faliaoDate ? this.faliaoDate.toISOString() : <any>undefined;
data["faliaoUserName"] = this.faliaoUserName;
data["zlotQty"] = this.zlotQty;
data["lotQty"] = this.lotQty;
data["printTimes"] = this.printTimes;
data["lastPrintUserCode"] = this.lastPrintUserCode;
@ -124500,6 +124861,12 @@ export interface IIcsSanJBarCodeListDto {
vendorLotNo: string | undefined;
productDate: moment.Moment | undefined;
isInWareHouese: string | undefined;
unit: string | undefined;
tuHao: string | undefined;
boxNo: string | undefined;
faliaoDate: moment.Moment | undefined;
faliaoUserName: string | undefined;
zlotQty: number | undefined;
lotQty: number;
printTimes: number;
lastPrintUserCode: string | undefined;
