diff --git a/.vs/ICSSoft.FromERP/v14/.suo b/.vs/ICSSoft.FromERP/v14/.suo
index b4e861a..630ee8a 100644
Binary files a/.vs/ICSSoft.FromERP/v14/.suo and b/.vs/ICSSoft.FromERP/v14/.suo differ
diff --git a/ICSSoft.FromERP/ICSInventoryFromU8.cs b/ICSSoft.FromERP/ICSInventoryFromU8.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbcdc2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ICSSoft.FromERP/ICSInventoryFromU8.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using Quartz;
+using System.Data;
+namespace ICSSoft.FromERP
+ ///
+ /// 物料档案(凯尔克)
+ ///
+ public class ICSInventoryFromU8 : IJob
+ {
+ private static object key = new object();
+ private static log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
+ public void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ lock (key)
+ {
+ log.Info("开始……………………………………………………………………");
+ Execute();
+ log.Info("结束……………………………………………………………………");
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ log.Error(ex.ToString());
+ }
+ }
+ public void Execute()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ //string conERPStr = ICSHelper.GetERPConnectString();
+ string conStr = ICSHelper.GetConnectString();
+ string Namespace = this.GetType().Namespace;
+ //string Class = this.GetType().Name;
+ DataTable dt = ICSHelper.GetERPDB(conStr);
+ foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
+ {
+ string erpName = ICSHelper.GetConfigString()["ERPDB"];
+ string TenantId = dr["TenantId"].ToString();
+ string TenantCode = dr["TenantCode"].ToString();
+ string ErpId = dr["ErpID"].ToString(); //erpID
+ string Class = this.GetType().Name + TenantCode;
+ erpName = string.Format(erpName, TenantId);
+ #region SQL
+ string sql = @"
+ select NEWID() AS ID,
+ a.cInvCode AS ItemCode,
+ CASE WHEN A.bSelf ='1' THEN '1' WHEN A.bPurchase='1' THEN '1' when a.bProxyForeign='1' THEN '2'
+ else '' end ItemFormAttribute,
+ dbo.GetReplaceStr(cInvName) AS ItemName,
+ a.cEngineerFigNo ItemDrawingNo,
+ '' ItemDesc,
+ dbo.GetReplaceStr(isnull(cInvAddCode,'')+'|'+isnull(cInvStd,'')) AS ItemStd,
+ c.cComUnitName AS ItemUnit,
+ a.cInvCCode ItemMainCategoryCode,
+ b.cInvCName ClassName,
+ ISNULL(c.iChangRate,0) as ItemRate,
+ ISNULL(a.iMassDate,'') as EffectiveDays,
+ ISNULL(CONVERT(NVARCHAR(50),a.dModifyDate,21),'') MTime,
+ (case when isnull(a.fOutExcess,0)=0 then 0 else (case when isnull(a.fOutExcess,0)>5 then 3 else 2 end) end) 备料超额类型,
+ isnull(a.fOutExcess,0) 备料超额值
+ FROM {1}.dbo.Inventory a with(nolock)
+ LEFT JOIN {1}.dbo.InventoryClass b with(nolock) ON a.cInvCCode = b.cInvCCode
+ LEFT JOIN {1}.dbo.ComputationUnit c with(nolock) ON a.cComUnitCode = c.cComunitCode
+ WHERE a.dEDate IS NULL AND a.dModifyDate>=@LastTime
+ ORDER BY cInvCode
+ sql = string.Format(sql, ErpId, erpName);
+ sql = ICSHelper.Time(Namespace, Class, TenantId, sql, "#TempINV");
+ sql += @"--删除数据
+ LEFT JOIN {1}.dbo.[Inventory] b With(NoLock) ON a.ItemCode=b.cInvCode
+ WHERE b.cInvCode is null
+ and a.TenantId='{0}'
+ WHERE TenantId='{0}' and ItemCode IN ( SELECT ItemCode from #tableICSINVENTORY) ";
+ Dictionary values = new Dictionary();
+ values.Add("ItemCode", "a.ItemCode");//物料编号
+ values.Add("ItemName", "a.ItemName");//物料名称
+ values.Add("ItemDesc", "a.ItemDesc");//物料描述
+ values.Add("ItemStd", "a.ItemStd");//规格型号
+ values.Add("ItemAttribute", "a.ItemFormAttribute");//产品属性(0:采购,1:自制,2:委外,3虚拟)
+ values.Add("ItemAddCode", "a.INVPARSETYPE"); //产品代码(U8存货代码 )
+ values.Add("ItemUnit", "a.ItemUnit");//主计量单位
+ values.Add("ItemMainCategoryCode", "a.ItemMainCategoryCode");//大类编码
+ values.Add("ItemRate", "a.ItemRate");
+ values.Add("InvVersion", "''");
+ values.Add("InvBrand", "''");
+ values.Add("InvIQC", "0");//是否IQC检验
+ values.Add("InvFQC", "0");//是否FQC检验
+ values.Add("EffectiveEnable", "0");//
+ values.Add("EffectiveDays", "a.EffectiveDays");//
+ values.Add("BatchEnable", "1");//
+ values.Add("LotEnable", "0");//
+ values.Add("PrintEnable", "0");//
+ values.Add("OverType", "a.备料超额类型");//超领类型(1:比例,2:数量,3:不管控)
+ values.Add("OverValue", "a.备料超额值");
+ values.Add("LastModificationTime", "a.Mtime");//操作时间
+ values.Add("ItemType", "d.ItemType");//操作时间
+ values.Add("ItemContype", "d.ItemContype");//操作时间
+ values.Add("ItemControlType", "d.ItemControlType");//操作时间
+ values.Add("ItemDrawingNo", "b.ItemDrawingNo");//产品图号
+ //更新存在数据
+ sql += ICSHelper.UpdateSQL("b", values)
+ + @" #TempINV a
+ left join IcsMainCategoryCode d on b.ItemMainCategoryCode=d.ItemMainCategoryCode and b.TenantId=d.TenantId
+ WHERE b.TenantId='" + TenantId + "' ";
+ values.Add("CreationTime", "a.MTime");//操作人
+ values.Add("CreatorUserId", "'" + ConstWorkPoint.Muser + "'");//操作人
+ values.Add("CreatorUserName", "'" + ConstWorkPoint.Musername + "'");//操作人名称
+ values.Add("TenantId", "'" + TenantId + "'");//站点
+ //插入新增数据
+ sql += ICSHelper.InsertSQL("ICSINVENTORY", values)
+ + @" #TempINV a
+ LEFT JOIN ICSINVENTORY b ON a.ItemCode=b.ItemCode and b.TenantId='{0}'
+ left join IcsMainCategoryCode d on b.ItemMainCategoryCode=d.ItemMainCategoryCode and b.TenantId=d.TenantId
+ WHERE 1=1 and b.ItemCode is null
+ ";
+ sql += " DROP TABLE #TempINV " +
+ sql = string.Format(sql, TenantId, erpName, ErpId);
+ ICSHelper.ExecuteDate(conStr, sql);
+ #endregion
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ log.Error(ex.ToString());
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/ICSSoft.FromERP/ICSSoft.FromERP.csproj b/ICSSoft.FromERP/ICSSoft.FromERP.csproj
index fa28fc5..0cff27d 100644
--- a/ICSSoft.FromERP/ICSSoft.FromERP.csproj
+++ b/ICSSoft.FromERP/ICSSoft.FromERP.csproj
@@ -114,9 +114,12 @@
diff --git a/ICSSoft.FromERP/IcsMainCategoryCodeFromU8.cs b/ICSSoft.FromERP/IcsMainCategoryCodeFromU8.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90c970f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ICSSoft.FromERP/IcsMainCategoryCodeFromU8.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+using Quartz;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Data;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+namespace ICSSoft.FromERP
+ ///
+ /// 物料主分类(凯尔克)
+ ///
+ public class IcsMainCategoryCodeFromU8 : IJob
+ {
+ private static object key = new object();
+ private static log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
+ public void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ lock (key)
+ {
+ log.Info("开始……………………………………………………………………");
+ Execute();
+ log.Info("结束……………………………………………………………………");
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ log.Error(ex.ToString());
+ }
+ }
+ public void Execute()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ //string conERPStr = ICSHelper.GetERPConnectString();
+ string conStr = ICSHelper.GetConnectString();
+ string Namespace = this.GetType().Namespace;
+ //string Class = this.GetType().Name;
+ DataTable dt = ICSHelper.GetERPDB(conStr);
+ foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
+ {
+ string erpName = ICSHelper.GetConfigString()["ERPDB"];
+ string TenantId = dr["TenantId"].ToString();//mes 组织
+ string TenantCode = dr["TenantCode"].ToString();
+ string ErpId = dr["ErpID"].ToString(); //erpID
+ string Class = this.GetType().Name + TenantCode;
+ erpName = string.Format(erpName, TenantId);
+ #region SQL
+ string sql = @" select a.cInvCCode as ItemMainCategoryCode
+ ,b.cInvCCode as ItemMainCategoryName
+ ,'' as ItemMainCategoryDesc
+ ,getdate() MTime
+ ,p.parentCode
+ INTO #TempItemCategory
+ from {1}.dbo.[InventoryClass] a with(nolock)
+ left join
+ (
+ select cc.cInvCCode,cc_p.cInvCCode parentCode
+ from {1}.dbo.InventoryClass cc with(nolock)
+ left join {1}.dbo.InventoryClass cc_p with(nolock) on cc.cInvCCode like cc_p.cInvCCode+'%'
+ and cc.iInvCGrade=cc_p.iInvCGrade+1
+ ) p ON a.cInvCCode=p.cInvCCode
+ where 1=1
+ and A.ModifiedOn>=@LastTime
+ ORDER BY A.cInvCCode
+ IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM #TempItemCategory)
+ sql = string.Format(sql, ErpId, erpName);
+ sql = ICSHelper.Time(Namespace, Class, TenantId, sql, "#TempItemCategory");
+ sql += @"--删除数据
+ SELECT a.ItemMainCategoryCode INTO #tableItemCategory
+ FROM IcsMainCategoryCode a With(NoLock)
+ LEFT JOIN {1}.dbo.[InventoryClass] b With(NoLock) ON a.ItemMainCategoryCode=b.cInvCCode
+ WHERE b.cInvCCode is null
+ and a.TenantId='{0}'
+ DELETE IcsMainCategoryCode
+ WHERE TenantId='{0}' and ItemMainCategoryCode IN ( SELECT ItemMainCategoryCode from #tableItemCategory) ";
+ Dictionary values = new Dictionary();
+ values.Add("ItemMainCategoryCode", "a.ItemMainCategoryCode");//物料编号
+ values.Add("ItemMainCategoryName", "a.ItemMainCategoryNAME");//物料名称
+ values.Add("ItemMainCategoryDesc", "a.ItemMainCategoryDesc");//物料描述
+ values.Add("LastModificationTime", "a.MTime");//操作时间
+ values.Add("PCode", "a.parentCode");//操作人
+ //更新存在数据
+ sql += ICSHelper.UpdateSQL("b", values)
+ + @" #TempItemCategory a
+ INNER JOIN IcsMainCategoryCode b ON a.ItemMainCategoryCode=b.ItemMainCategoryCode
+ WHERE b.TenantId='" + TenantId + "' ";
+ values.Add("CreationTime", "a.MTime");//操作人
+ values.Add("CreatorUserId", "'" + ConstWorkPoint.Muser + "'");//操作人
+ values.Add("CreatorUserName", "'" + ConstWorkPoint.Musername + "'");//操作人名称
+ values.Add("TenantId", "'" + TenantId + "'");//站点
+ //插入新增数据
+ sql += ICSHelper.InsertSQL("IcsMainCategoryCode", values)
+ + @" #TempItemCategory a
+ LEFT JOIN IcsMainCategoryCode b ON a.ItemMainCategoryCode=b.ItemMainCategoryCode and b.TenantId='{0}'
+ WHERE 1=1 and b.ItemMainCategoryCode is null
+ ";
+ sql += " DROP TABLE #TempItemCategory " +
+ " DROP TABLE #tableItemCategory ";
+ sql = string.Format(sql, TenantId, erpName,ErpId);
+ // return;
+ ICSHelper.ExecuteDate(conStr, sql);
+ #endregion
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ log.Error(ex.ToString());
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/ICSSoft.FromERP/IcsSBomFromU8.cs b/ICSSoft.FromERP/IcsSBomFromU8.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8628358
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ICSSoft.FromERP/IcsSBomFromU8.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Data;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using Quartz;
+namespace ICSSoft.FromERP
+ ///
+ /// 产品Bom(凯尔克)
+ ///
+ public class IcsSBomFromU8 : IJob
+ {
+ private static object key = new object();
+ private static log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
+ public void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ lock (key)
+ {
+ log.Info("开始……………………………………………………………………");
+ Execute();
+ log.Info("结束……………………………………………………………………");
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ log.Error(ex.ToString());
+ }
+ }
+ public void Execute()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ string conStr = ICSHelper.GetConnectString();
+ string Namespace = this.GetType().Namespace;
+ //string Class = this.GetType().Name;
+ DataTable dt = ICSHelper.GetERPDB(conStr);
+ foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
+ {
+ string erpName = ICSHelper.GetConfigString()["ERPDB"];
+ string TenantId = dr["TenantId"].ToString();
+ string TenantCode = dr["TenantCode"].ToString();
+ string ErpId = dr["ErpID"].ToString(); //erpID
+ string Class = this.GetType().Name + TenantCode;
+ erpName = string.Format(erpName, TenantId);
+ #region SQL
+ string sql = @"
+ c.InvCode as 料品编码,
+ f.InvCode as 子阶料编码,
+ g2.cInvName as 子阶料名称,
+ '' 子阶料描述,
+ '' 项目号,
+ '' 工程变更号,
+ d.BaseQtyD 子阶料计量数量,
+ '' 子阶料物料版本,
+ d.EffBegDate 生效日期,
+ d.EffEndDate 失效日期,
+ d.SortSeq 次序,
+ d.OpSeq 工序号,
+ a.Version 母料版本号 ,
+ ISNULL(a.ModifyDate, a.CreateDate) as MTime
+ ,d.OpComponentId as ErpDetailID
+ into #TempBOM
+ FROM {1}.dbo.bom_bom a With(NoLock) -- BOM资料
+ INNER JOIN {1}.dbo.bom_parent b With(NoLock) on a.BomId = b.BomId --BOM母件资料
+ INNER JOIN {1}.dbo.bas_part c With(NoLock) on b.ParentId = c.PartId --物料表
+ INNER JOIN {1}.dbo.bom_opcomponent d With(NoLock) on a.BomId=d.BomId --BOM子件资料
+ INNER JOIN {1}.dbo.bas_part f With(NoLock) on d.ComponentId = f.PartId
+ left join {1}.dbo.inventory g With(NoLock) on c.InvCode=g.cInvCode --存货档案
+ left join {1}.dbo.inventory g2 With(NoLock) on f.InvCode=g2.cInvCode --存货档案
+ WHERE ISNULL(a.ModifyDate, a.CreateDate)>=@LastTime
+ sql = string.Format(sql, ErpId, erpName);
+ sql = ICSHelper.Time(Namespace, Class, TenantId, sql, "#TempBOM");
+ sql += "\r\n";
+ sql += @"--删除数据
+ FROM ICSSBOM a With(NoLock)
+ left join {1}.dbo.bom_opcomponent d With(NoLock) on a.ErpId=d.OpComponentId
+ WHERE d.id is null
+ and a.TenantId='{0}'
+ WHERE TenantId='{0}' and ErpId IN ( SELECT ErpId from #tableICSSBOM)
+ Dictionary values = new Dictionary();
+ values.Add("SBOMVER", "a.母料版本号");
+ values.Add("ITEMCODE", "a.料品编码");
+ values.Add("SBITEMCODE", "a.子阶料编码");
+ values.Add("SBItemName", "a.子阶料名称");
+ values.Add("SBSITEMCODE", "a.子阶料编码");
+ values.Add("SBITEMQTY", "a.子阶料计量数量");
+ values.Add("SEQ", "1");
+ values.Add("SBItemECN", "a.工程变更号");
+ values.Add("SBItemStatus", "'Y'");
+ values.Add("SBItemEfftime", "a.生效日期");
+ values.Add("SBItemInvtime", "a.失效日期");
+ values.Add("SBItemProject", "a.项目号");
+ values.Add("SBItemSeq", "a.次序");
+ values.Add("Location", "a.工序号");
+ values.Add("LastModificationTime", "a.Mtime");//操作时间
+ values.Add("LastModifierUserId", "'" + ConstWorkPoint.Muser + "'");//操作人
+ values.Add("LastModifierUserName", "'" + ConstWorkPoint.Musername + "'");//操作人名称
+ values.Add("SBItemContype", "c.ItemContype");
+ //更新存在数据
+ sql += ICSHelper.UpdateSQL("b", values)
+ + @" #TempBOM a
+left join IcsInventory c on b.SBItemCode=c.ItemCode and b.TenantId=c.TenantId
+left join IcsMainCategoryCode d on c.ItemMainCategoryCode=d.ItemMainCategoryCode and c.TenantId=d.TenantId
+ WHERE b.TenantId='{0}' ";
+ values.Add("ErpId", "convert(nvarchar(100), a.ErpDetailID)");
+ values.Add("CreationTime", "a.MTime");//操作人
+ values.Add("CreatorUserId", "'" + ConstWorkPoint.Muser + "'");//操作人
+ values.Add("CreatorUserName", "'" + ConstWorkPoint.Musername + "'");//操作人名称
+ values.Add("TenantId", "'" + TenantId + "'");//站点
+ sql += "\r\n";
+ //插入新增数据
+ sql += ICSHelper.InsertSQL("ICSSBOM", values)
+ + @" #TempBOM a
+ LEFT JOIN ICSSBOM b ON a.ErpDetailID=b.ErpId and b.TenantId='{0}'
+left join IcsInventory c on a.子阶料编码=c.ItemCode and c.TenantId='{0}'
+left join IcsMainCategoryCode d on c.ItemMainCategoryCode=d.ItemMainCategoryCode and d.TenantId='{0}'
+ WHERE 1=1 and b.id is null
+ ";
+ sql += " DROP TABLE #TempBOM " +
+ sql = string.Format(sql, TenantId, erpName, ErpId);
+ // return;
+ ICSHelper.ExecuteDate(conStr, sql);
+ #endregion
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ log.Error(ex.ToString());
+ }
+ }
+ }