using Quartz; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Configuration; using System.Data; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace ICSSoft.FromERP { /// /// 财务费用 明细账 /// public class YERP_007 : IJob { private static object key = new object(); private static log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); public void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context) { try { lock (key) { log.Info("开始……………………………………………………………………"); Execute(); log.Info("结束……………………………………………………………………"); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex.ToString()); } } public async void Execute() { try { Configuration config = GetConfig(); var Dates = DateTime.Now; string conStr = ICSHelper.GetConnectString(); // // // // // // // ? // 1 //
// ? // ? // ? // ? // ? // ? // // ? // // ? // // ? //
// // // // // // // ? // ? // ? // ? // ? // ? // ? // ? // ? // // // // // 过滤时间为上个月 string Date = Dates.ToString("yyyy"); string beginMuoth = Dates.AddMonths(-1).ToString("MM"); string endMuoth = Dates.AddMonths(-1).ToString("MM"); var beginPeriod = Date + beginMuoth; //"202407";//Date + beginMuoth; var endPeriod = Date + endMuoth;// "202407";// Date + endMuoth; string sqls = @" begin transaction exec GL_Ledger @tblname=N'cwfymxz',@KmCode=N'6603',@beginPeriod='{0}',@endPeriod='{1}',@bVouch=0,@bequal=1,@sum=0,@bMJ=1,@swhere=N'',@sAuth=N'',@ReportID=N'GL13',@ReportType=0,@iUnite=0 --select * from tempdb..cwfymxz select autoid,a.iyear YYYY,imonth MM,iday DD,csign_no SPTDOC,cDigest SMR,cDCode ODR_ACC, DBTO_AMT, CRDTO_AMT,tmpme tmpme,b.cbegind_c into #test from tempdb..cwfymxz a join GL_accsum b on a.cCode = b.ccode and a.iyear = b.iyear and b.iperiod=1 select SPTDOC,YYYY,MM,DD,sum(DBTO_AMT) DBTO_AMT,sum(CRDTO_AMT) CRDTO_AMT,sum(isnull(tmpme,0)) tmpme,cbegind_c into #test2 from #test a where SPTDOC is not null and DD IS NOT NULL group by SPTDOC,YYYY,MM,DD,cbegind_c order by SPTDOC update a set DBTO_AMT=b.DBTO_AMT,a.CRDTO_AMT=b.CRDTO_AMT,a.tmpme=b.tmpme from #test a left join #test2 b on a.SPTDOC=b.SPTDOC and a.MM=b.MM and a.DD=b.DD where a.sptdoc is not null select autoid,sptdoc,YYYY,MM,DD into #test3 from #test where sptdoc is not null select s.* into #test4 from (select *,ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by sptdoc+CAST(MM AS VARCHAR(255))+CAST(DD AS VARCHAR(255)) order by autoid) as group_idx from #test3)s where s.group_idx>1 delete a from #test a left join #test4 b on a.autoid=b.autoid where b.autoid is not null select *,(case when (Select Sum(-tmpme) from #test where autoid<=a.autoid) =0 then '平' else (case when (Select Sum(-tmpme) from #test where autoid<=a.autoid) >0 then '贷' else '借' end) end) INVT, (case when (Select Sum(-tmpme) from #test where autoid<=a.autoid)<0 then -(Select Sum(-tmpme) from #test where autoid<=a.autoid) else (Select Sum(-tmpme) from #test where autoid<=a.autoid) end) BLNC into #test5 from #test a select cCode SBJ_CD,ccode_name SBJ_NM,imonth,iday,csign_no SPTDOC,sum(md) DBTO_AMT into #test6 from tempdb..cwfymxz a where csign_no is not null group by ccode_name,csign_no,cCode,imonth,iday order by csign_no,imonth,iday select DISTINCT sptdoc,imonth,iday into #test7 from #test6 select *,ROW_NUMBER() over (order by sptdoc,imonth,iday) rownumber into #test8 from #test7 declare @k int set @k=1 while @k<=(select COUNT(*) from #test7) begin declare @i int set @i=0 while @i<1 begin insert into #test6 (SBJ_CD,SBJ_NM,imonth,iday,SPTDOC,DBTO_AMT) select a.ccode,a.ccode_name,(select imonth from #test8 where rownumber=@k),(select iday from #test8 where rownumber=@k),(select SPTDOC from #test8 where rownumber=@k),0 from code a left join #test6 b on b.SPTDOC=(select SPTDOC from #test8 where rownumber=@k) and imonth=(select imonth from #test8 where rownumber=@k) and iday=(select iday from #test8 where rownumber=@k) and SBJ_NM=ccode_name where a.iYear=2024 and ( bclose=0 and ( ccode like N'6603%' or ccode_name like N'6603%' or ccode_engl like N'6603%' or chelp like N'6603%' )) and ccode <>'6603' and len(ccode)=6 and b.SPTDOC is null set @i=@i +1 end set @k=@k +1 end SELECT SPTDOC,imonth,iday, SUM(CASE WHEN SBJ_CD = '660301' THEN DBTO_AMT ELSE 0 END) DBTO_CMSN, SUM(CASE WHEN SBJ_CD = '660302' THEN DBTO_AMT ELSE 0 END) DBTO_IENS, SUM(CASE WHEN SBJ_CD = '660303' THEN DBTO_AMT ELSE 0 END) DBTO_XCH_PC into #test9 FROM #test6 GROUP BY SPTDOC,imonth,iday --select YYYY,MM,DD,A.SPTDOC,SMR,DBTO_AMT DBTO,CRDTO_AMT CRDTO,INVT,BLNC,DBTO_CMSN,DBTO_IENS,DBTO_XCH_PC,'' DBTO_CRDTO_DVSN,cbegind_c --from #test5 a left join #test9 b on a.SPTDOC=b.SPTDOC and a.MM=b.imonth and a.DD=b.iday --where DD is null and SPTDOC is null --group by YYYY,MM,DD,A.SPTDOC,SMR,DBTO_CMSN,DBTO_IENS,DBTO_XCH_PC,'' DBTO_CRDTO_DVSN,cbegind_c --order by MM select YYYY Created_Year,MM Created_Month, sum(DBTO_AMT) DBTO,SUM(DBTO_CMSN) DBTO_CMSN,SUM(DBTO_IENS) DBTO_IENS,SUM(DBTO_XCH_PC) DBTO_XCH_PC from #test5 a left join #test9 b on a.SPTDOC=b.SPTDOC and a.MM=b.imonth and a.DD=b.iday where ISNULL(DD,'') != '' group by YYYY,MM order by YYYY,MM rollback transaction";//and dInvCreateDatetime > '{0}' and dInvCreateDatetime < '{1}' sqls = string.Format(sqls, beginPeriod, endPeriod); log.Info("YERP_007 sql:" + sqls); DataTable vbsdt = ICSHelper.ExecuteTable(conStr, sqls); log.Info("YERP_007 sql结果数量" + vbsdt.Rows.Count); string sqlyywsr = @" begin transaction exec GL_Ledger @tblname=N'cwfymxz',@KmCode=N'6301',@beginPeriod='{0}',@endPeriod='{1}',@bVouch=0,@bequal=1,@sum=0,@bMJ=1,@swhere=N'',@sAuth=N'',@ReportID=N'GL13',@ReportType=0,@iUnite=0 --select * from tempdb..cwfymxz select autoid,a.iyear YYYY,imonth MM,iday DD,csign_no SPTDOC,cDigest SMR,cDCode ODR_ACC, DBTO_AMT, CRDTO_AMT,tmpme tmpme,b.cbegind_c into #test from tempdb..cwfymxz a join GL_accsum b on a.cCode = b.ccode and a.iyear = b.iyear and b.iperiod=1 select SPTDOC,YYYY,MM,DD,sum(DBTO_AMT) DBTO_AMT,sum(CRDTO_AMT) CRDTO_AMT,sum(isnull(tmpme,0)) tmpme,cbegind_c into #test2 from #test a where SPTDOC is not null and DD IS NOT NULL group by SPTDOC,YYYY,MM,DD,cbegind_c order by SPTDOC update a set DBTO_AMT=b.DBTO_AMT,a.CRDTO_AMT=b.CRDTO_AMT,a.tmpme=b.tmpme from #test a left join #test2 b on a.SPTDOC=b.SPTDOC and a.MM=b.MM and a.DD=b.DD where a.sptdoc is not null select autoid,sptdoc,YYYY,MM,DD into #test3 from #test where sptdoc is not null select s.* into #test4 from (select *,ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by sptdoc+CAST(MM AS VARCHAR(255))+CAST(DD AS VARCHAR(255)) order by autoid) as group_idx from #test3)s where s.group_idx>1 delete a from #test a left join #test4 b on a.autoid=b.autoid where b.autoid is not null select *,(case when (Select Sum(-tmpme) from #test where autoid<=a.autoid) =0 then '平' else (case when (Select Sum(-tmpme) from #test where autoid<=a.autoid) >0 then '贷' else '借' end) end) INVT, (case when (Select Sum(-tmpme) from #test where autoid<=a.autoid)<0 then -(Select Sum(-tmpme) from #test where autoid<=a.autoid) else (Select Sum(-tmpme) from #test where autoid<=a.autoid) end) BLNC into #test5 from #test a select cCode SBJ_CD,ccode_name SBJ_NM,imonth,iday,csign_no SPTDOC,sum(md) DBTO_AMT into #test6 from tempdb..cwfymxz a where csign_no is not null group by ccode_name,csign_no,cCode,imonth,iday order by csign_no,imonth,iday select DISTINCT sptdoc,imonth,iday into #test7 from #test6 select *,ROW_NUMBER() over (order by sptdoc,imonth,iday) rownumber into #test8 from #test7 declare @k int set @k=1 while @k<=(select COUNT(*) from #test7) begin declare @i int set @i=0 while @i<1 begin insert into #test6 (SBJ_CD,SBJ_NM,imonth,iday,SPTDOC,DBTO_AMT) select a.ccode,a.ccode_name,(select imonth from #test8 where rownumber=@k),(select iday from #test8 where rownumber=@k),(select SPTDOC from #test8 where rownumber=@k),0 from code a left join #test6 b on b.SPTDOC=(select SPTDOC from #test8 where rownumber=@k) and imonth=(select imonth from #test8 where rownumber=@k) and iday=(select iday from #test8 where rownumber=@k) and SBJ_NM=ccode_name where a.iYear=2024 and ( bclose=0 and ( ccode like N'6301%' or ccode_name like N'6301%' or ccode_engl like N'6301%' or chelp like N'6301%' )) and ccode <>'6301' and len(ccode)=6 and b.SPTDOC is null set @i=@i +1 end set @k=@k +1 end --SELECT --SPTDOC,imonth,iday, -- sum(DBTO_AMT) -- -- into #test9 -- FROM -- #test6 -- GROUP BY -- SPTDOC,imonth,iday --GROUP BY -- SPTDOC,imonth,iday SELECT SPTDOC,imonth,iday,sum(DBTO_AMT) as sumss into #test9 FROM #test6 GROUP BY SPTDOC,imonth,iday select YYYY Created_Year,MM Created_Month,SUM(ISNULL(sumss,0)) NOSLS_INCM from #test5 a left join #test9 b on a.SPTDOC=b.SPTDOC and a.MM=b.imonth and a.DD=b.iday group by YYYY,MM order by MM rollback transaction"; sqlyywsr = string.Format(sqlyywsr, beginPeriod, endPeriod); log.Info("YERP_007 营业外收入 sqlyywsr:" + sqlyywsr); DataTable vbsyywsrdt = ICSHelper.ExecuteTable(conStr, sqlyywsr); log.Info("YERP_007 营业外收入sql结果数量" + vbsyywsrdt.Rows.Count); string sqlyywzc = @"begin transaction exec GL_Ledger @tblname=N'cwfymxz',@KmCode=N'6711',@beginPeriod='{0}',@endPeriod='{1}',@bVouch=0,@bequal=1,@sum=0,@bMJ=1,@swhere=N'',@sAuth=N'',@ReportID=N'GL13',@ReportType=0,@iUnite=0 --select * from tempdb..cwfymxz select autoid,a.iyear YYYY,imonth MM,iday DD,csign_no SPTDOC,cDigest SMR,cDCode ODR_ACC, DBTO_AMT, CRDTO_AMT,tmpme tmpme,b.cbegind_c into #test from tempdb..cwfymxz a join GL_accsum b on a.cCode = b.ccode and a.iyear = b.iyear and b.iperiod=1 select SPTDOC,YYYY,MM,DD,sum(DBTO_AMT) DBTO_AMT,sum(CRDTO_AMT) CRDTO_AMT,sum(isnull(tmpme,0)) tmpme,cbegind_c into #test2 from #test a where SPTDOC is not null and DD IS NOT NULL group by SPTDOC,YYYY,MM,DD,cbegind_c order by SPTDOC update a set DBTO_AMT=b.DBTO_AMT,a.CRDTO_AMT=b.CRDTO_AMT,a.tmpme=b.tmpme from #test a left join #test2 b on a.SPTDOC=b.SPTDOC and a.MM=b.MM and a.DD=b.DD where a.sptdoc is not null select autoid,sptdoc,YYYY,MM,DD into #test3 from #test where sptdoc is not null select s.* into #test4 from (select *,ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by sptdoc+CAST(MM AS VARCHAR(255))+CAST(DD AS VARCHAR(255)) order by autoid) as group_idx from #test3)s where s.group_idx>1 delete a from #test a left join #test4 b on a.autoid=b.autoid where b.autoid is not null select *,(case when (Select Sum(-tmpme) from #test where autoid<=a.autoid) =0 then '平' else (case when (Select Sum(-tmpme) from #test where autoid<=a.autoid) >0 then '贷' else '借' end) end) INVT, (case when (Select Sum(-tmpme) from #test where autoid<=a.autoid)<0 then -(Select Sum(-tmpme) from #test where autoid<=a.autoid) else (Select Sum(-tmpme) from #test where autoid<=a.autoid) end) BLNC into #test5 from #test a select cCode SBJ_CD,ccode_name SBJ_NM,imonth,iday,csign_no SPTDOC,sum(md) DBTO_AMT into #test6 from tempdb..cwfymxz a where csign_no is not null group by ccode_name,csign_no,cCode,imonth,iday order by csign_no,imonth,iday select DISTINCT sptdoc,imonth,iday into #test7 from #test6 select *,ROW_NUMBER() over (order by sptdoc,imonth,iday) rownumber into #test8 from #test7 declare @k int set @k=1 while @k<=(select COUNT(*) from #test7) begin declare @i int set @i=0 while @i<1 begin insert into #test6 (SBJ_CD,SBJ_NM,imonth,iday,SPTDOC,DBTO_AMT) select a.ccode,a.ccode_name,(select imonth from #test8 where rownumber=@k),(select iday from #test8 where rownumber=@k),(select SPTDOC from #test8 where rownumber=@k),0 from code a left join #test6 b on b.SPTDOC=(select SPTDOC from #test8 where rownumber=@k) and imonth=(select imonth from #test8 where rownumber=@k) and iday=(select iday from #test8 where rownumber=@k) and SBJ_NM=ccode_name where a.iYear=2024 and ( bclose=0 and ( ccode like N'6711%' or ccode_name like N'6711%' or ccode_engl like N'6711%' or chelp like N'6711%' )) and ccode <>'6711' and len(ccode)=6 and b.SPTDOC is null set @i=@i +1 end set @k=@k +1 end --SELECT --SPTDOC,imonth,iday, -- sum(DBTO_AMT) -- -- into #test9 -- FROM -- #test6 -- GROUP BY -- SPTDOC,imonth,iday --GROUP BY -- SPTDOC,imonth,iday SELECT SPTDOC,imonth,iday,sum(DBTO_AMT) as sumss into #test9 FROM #test6 GROUP BY SPTDOC,imonth,iday select YYYY Created_Year,MM Created_Month,SUM(ISNULL(sumss,0)) NOSLS_SPND from #test5 a left join #test9 b on a.SPTDOC=b.SPTDOC and a.MM=b.imonth and a.DD=b.iday group by YYYY,MM order by MM rollback transaction"; sqlyywzc = string.Format(sqlyywzc, beginPeriod, endPeriod); log.Info("YERP_007 营业外支出 sqlyywzc:" + sqlyywzc); DataTable vbsyywzcdt = ICSHelper.ExecuteTable(conStr, sqlyywzc); log.Info("YERP_007 营业外支出sql结果数量" + vbsyywzcdt.Rows.Count); //广州服务器 string conStrgz = ICSHelper.GetConfigString("SysConnectionString_gz"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(conStrgz)) { log.Info("YERP_006_gz conStr未找到。"); return; } string sqlsgz = @" begin transaction exec GL_Ledger @tblname=N'cwfymxz',@KmCode=N'6603',@beginPeriod='{0}',@endPeriod='{1}',@bVouch=0,@bequal=1,@sum=0,@bMJ=1,@swhere=N'',@sAuth=N'',@ReportID=N'GL13',@ReportType=0,@iUnite=0 --select * from tempdb..cwfymxz select autoid,a.iyear YYYY,imonth MM,iday DD,csign_no SPTDOC,cDigest SMR,cDCode ODR_ACC, DBTO_AMT, CRDTO_AMT,tmpme tmpme,b.cbegind_c into #test from tempdb..cwfymxz a join GL_accsum b on a.cCode = b.ccode and a.iyear = b.iyear and b.iperiod=1 select SPTDOC,YYYY,MM,DD,sum(DBTO_AMT) DBTO_AMT,sum(CRDTO_AMT) CRDTO_AMT,sum(isnull(tmpme,0)) tmpme,cbegind_c into #test2 from #test a where SPTDOC is not null and DD IS NOT NULL group by SPTDOC,YYYY,MM,DD,cbegind_c order by SPTDOC update a set DBTO_AMT=b.DBTO_AMT,a.CRDTO_AMT=b.CRDTO_AMT,a.tmpme=b.tmpme from #test a left join #test2 b on a.SPTDOC=b.SPTDOC and a.MM=b.MM and a.DD=b.DD where a.sptdoc is not null select autoid,sptdoc,YYYY,MM,DD into #test3 from #test where sptdoc is not null select s.* into #test4 from (select *,ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by sptdoc+CAST(MM AS VARCHAR(255))+CAST(DD AS VARCHAR(255)) order by autoid) as group_idx from #test3)s where s.group_idx>1 delete a from #test a left join #test4 b on a.autoid=b.autoid where b.autoid is not null select *,(case when (Select Sum(-tmpme) from #test where autoid<=a.autoid) =0 then '平' else (case when (Select Sum(-tmpme) from #test where autoid<=a.autoid) >0 then '贷' else '借' end) end) INVT, (case when (Select Sum(-tmpme) from #test where autoid<=a.autoid)<0 then -(Select Sum(-tmpme) from #test where autoid<=a.autoid) else (Select Sum(-tmpme) from #test where autoid<=a.autoid) end) BLNC into #test5 from #test a select cCode SBJ_CD,ccode_name SBJ_NM,imonth,iday,csign_no SPTDOC,sum(md) DBTO_AMT into #test6 from tempdb..cwfymxz a where csign_no is not null group by ccode_name,csign_no,cCode,imonth,iday order by csign_no,imonth,iday select DISTINCT sptdoc,imonth,iday into #test7 from #test6 select *,ROW_NUMBER() over (order by sptdoc,imonth,iday) rownumber into #test8 from #test7 declare @k int set @k=1 while @k<=(select COUNT(*) from #test7) begin declare @i int set @i=0 while @i<1 begin insert into #test6 (SBJ_CD,SBJ_NM,imonth,iday,SPTDOC,DBTO_AMT) select a.ccode,a.ccode_name,(select imonth from #test8 where rownumber=@k),(select iday from #test8 where rownumber=@k),(select SPTDOC from #test8 where rownumber=@k),0 from code a left join #test6 b on b.SPTDOC=(select SPTDOC from #test8 where rownumber=@k) and imonth=(select imonth from #test8 where rownumber=@k) and iday=(select iday from #test8 where rownumber=@k) and SBJ_NM=ccode_name where a.iYear=2024 and ( bclose=0 and ( ccode like N'6603%' or ccode_name like N'6603%' or ccode_engl like N'6603%' or chelp like N'6603%' )) and ccode <>'6603' and len(ccode)=6 and b.SPTDOC is null set @i=@i +1 end set @k=@k +1 end SELECT SPTDOC,imonth,iday, SUM(CASE WHEN SBJ_CD = '660301' THEN DBTO_AMT ELSE 0 END) DBTO_CMSN, SUM(CASE WHEN SBJ_CD = '660302' THEN DBTO_AMT ELSE 0 END) DBTO_IENS, SUM(CASE WHEN SBJ_CD = '660303' THEN DBTO_AMT ELSE 0 END) DBTO_XCH_PC into #test9 FROM #test6 GROUP BY SPTDOC,imonth,iday --select YYYY,MM,DD,A.SPTDOC,SMR,DBTO_AMT DBTO,CRDTO_AMT CRDTO,INVT,BLNC,DBTO_CMSN,DBTO_IENS,DBTO_XCH_PC,'' DBTO_CRDTO_DVSN,cbegind_c --from #test5 a left join #test9 b on a.SPTDOC=b.SPTDOC and a.MM=b.imonth and a.DD=b.iday --where DD is null and SPTDOC is null --group by YYYY,MM,DD,A.SPTDOC,SMR,DBTO_CMSN,DBTO_IENS,DBTO_XCH_PC,'' DBTO_CRDTO_DVSN,cbegind_c --order by MM select YYYY Created_Year,MM Created_Month, sum(DBTO_AMT) DBTO,SUM(DBTO_CMSN) DBTO_CMSN,SUM(DBTO_IENS) DBTO_IENS,SUM(DBTO_XCH_PC) DBTO_XCH_PC from #test5 a left join #test9 b on a.SPTDOC=b.SPTDOC and a.MM=b.imonth and a.DD=b.iday where ISNULL(DD,'') != '' group by YYYY,MM order by YYYY,MM rollback transaction";//and dInvCreateDatetime > '{0}' and dInvCreateDatetime < '{1}' sqlsgz = string.Format(sqlsgz, beginPeriod, endPeriod); log.Info("YERP_007_gz sql:" + sqlsgz); DataTable vbsgzdt = ICSHelper.ExecuteTable(conStrgz, sqlsgz); log.Info("YERP_007_gz sql结果数量" + vbsgzdt.Rows.Count); string sqlyywsr_gz = @" begin transaction exec GL_Ledger @tblname=N'cwfymxz',@KmCode=N'5301',@beginPeriod='{0}',@endPeriod='{1}',@bVouch=0,@bequal=1,@sum=0,@bMJ=1,@swhere=N'',@sAuth=N'',@ReportID=N'GL13',@ReportType=0,@iUnite=0 --select * from tempdb..cwfymxz select autoid,a.iyear YYYY,imonth MM,iday DD,csign_no SPTDOC,cDigest SMR,cDCode ODR_ACC, DBTO_AMT, CRDTO_AMT,tmpme tmpme,b.cbegind_c into #test from tempdb..cwfymxz a join GL_accsum b on a.cCode = b.ccode and a.iyear = b.iyear and b.iperiod=1 select SPTDOC,YYYY,MM,DD,sum(DBTO_AMT) DBTO_AMT,sum(CRDTO_AMT) CRDTO_AMT,sum(isnull(tmpme,0)) tmpme,cbegind_c into #test2 from #test a where SPTDOC is not null and DD IS NOT NULL group by SPTDOC,YYYY,MM,DD,cbegind_c order by SPTDOC update a set DBTO_AMT=b.DBTO_AMT,a.CRDTO_AMT=b.CRDTO_AMT,a.tmpme=b.tmpme from #test a left join #test2 b on a.SPTDOC=b.SPTDOC and a.MM=b.MM and a.DD=b.DD where a.sptdoc is not null select autoid,sptdoc,YYYY,MM,DD into #test3 from #test where sptdoc is not null select s.* into #test4 from (select *,ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by sptdoc+CAST(MM AS VARCHAR(255))+CAST(DD AS VARCHAR(255)) order by autoid) as group_idx from #test3)s where s.group_idx>1 delete a from #test a left join #test4 b on a.autoid=b.autoid where b.autoid is not null select *,(case when (Select Sum(-tmpme) from #test where autoid<=a.autoid) =0 then '平' else (case when (Select Sum(-tmpme) from #test where autoid<=a.autoid) >0 then '贷' else '借' end) end) INVT, (case when (Select Sum(-tmpme) from #test where autoid<=a.autoid)<0 then -(Select Sum(-tmpme) from #test where autoid<=a.autoid) else (Select Sum(-tmpme) from #test where autoid<=a.autoid) end) BLNC into #test5 from #test a select cCode SBJ_CD,ccode_name SBJ_NM,imonth,iday,csign_no SPTDOC,sum(md) DBTO_AMT into #test6 from tempdb..cwfymxz a where csign_no is not null group by ccode_name,csign_no,cCode,imonth,iday order by csign_no,imonth,iday select DISTINCT sptdoc,imonth,iday into #test7 from #test6 select *,ROW_NUMBER() over (order by sptdoc,imonth,iday) rownumber into #test8 from #test7 declare @k int set @k=1 while @k<=(select COUNT(*) from #test7) begin declare @i int set @i=0 while @i<1 begin insert into #test6 (SBJ_CD,SBJ_NM,imonth,iday,SPTDOC,DBTO_AMT) select a.ccode,a.ccode_name,(select imonth from #test8 where rownumber=@k),(select iday from #test8 where rownumber=@k),(select SPTDOC from #test8 where rownumber=@k),0 from code a left join #test6 b on b.SPTDOC=(select SPTDOC from #test8 where rownumber=@k) and imonth=(select imonth from #test8 where rownumber=@k) and iday=(select iday from #test8 where rownumber=@k) and SBJ_NM=ccode_name where a.iYear=2024 and ( bclose=0 and ( ccode like N'6301%' or ccode_name like N'6301%' or ccode_engl like N'6301%' or chelp like N'6301%' )) and ccode <>'6301' and len(ccode)=6 and b.SPTDOC is null set @i=@i +1 end set @k=@k +1 end --SELECT --SPTDOC,imonth,iday, -- sum(DBTO_AMT) -- -- into #test9 -- FROM -- #test6 -- GROUP BY -- SPTDOC,imonth,iday --GROUP BY -- SPTDOC,imonth,iday SELECT SPTDOC,imonth,iday,sum(DBTO_AMT) as sumss into #test9 FROM #test6 GROUP BY SPTDOC,imonth,iday select YYYY Created_Year,MM Created_Month,SUM(ISNULL(sumss,0)) NOSLS_INCM from #test5 a left join #test9 b on a.SPTDOC=b.SPTDOC and a.MM=b.imonth and a.DD=b.iday group by YYYY,MM order by MM rollback transaction"; sqlyywsr_gz = string.Format(sqlyywsr_gz, beginPeriod, endPeriod); log.Info("YERP_007_gz 营业外收入 sqlyywsr_gz:" + sqlyywsr_gz); DataTable vbsyywsrdt_gz = ICSHelper.ExecuteTable(conStrgz, sqlyywsr_gz); log.Info("YERP_007_gz 营业外收入sql结果数量" + vbsyywsrdt_gz.Rows.Count); string sqlyywzc_gz = @"begin transaction exec GL_Ledger @tblname=N'cwfymxz',@KmCode=N'5711',@beginPeriod='{0}',@endPeriod='{1}',@bVouch=0,@bequal=1,@sum=0,@bMJ=1,@swhere=N'',@sAuth=N'',@ReportID=N'GL13',@ReportType=0,@iUnite=0 --select * from tempdb..cwfymxz select autoid,a.iyear YYYY,imonth MM,iday DD,csign_no SPTDOC,cDigest SMR,cDCode ODR_ACC, DBTO_AMT, CRDTO_AMT,tmpme tmpme,b.cbegind_c into #test from tempdb..cwfymxz a join GL_accsum b on a.cCode = b.ccode and a.iyear = b.iyear and b.iperiod=1 select SPTDOC,YYYY,MM,DD,sum(DBTO_AMT) DBTO_AMT,sum(CRDTO_AMT) CRDTO_AMT,sum(isnull(tmpme,0)) tmpme,cbegind_c into #test2 from #test a where SPTDOC is not null and DD IS NOT NULL group by SPTDOC,YYYY,MM,DD,cbegind_c order by SPTDOC update a set DBTO_AMT=b.DBTO_AMT,a.CRDTO_AMT=b.CRDTO_AMT,a.tmpme=b.tmpme from #test a left join #test2 b on a.SPTDOC=b.SPTDOC and a.MM=b.MM and a.DD=b.DD where a.sptdoc is not null select autoid,sptdoc,YYYY,MM,DD into #test3 from #test where sptdoc is not null select s.* into #test4 from (select *,ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by sptdoc+CAST(MM AS VARCHAR(255))+CAST(DD AS VARCHAR(255)) order by autoid) as group_idx from #test3)s where s.group_idx>1 delete a from #test a left join #test4 b on a.autoid=b.autoid where b.autoid is not null select *,(case when (Select Sum(-tmpme) from #test where autoid<=a.autoid) =0 then '平' else (case when (Select Sum(-tmpme) from #test where autoid<=a.autoid) >0 then '贷' else '借' end) end) INVT, (case when (Select Sum(-tmpme) from #test where autoid<=a.autoid)<0 then -(Select Sum(-tmpme) from #test where autoid<=a.autoid) else (Select Sum(-tmpme) from #test where autoid<=a.autoid) end) BLNC into #test5 from #test a select cCode SBJ_CD,ccode_name SBJ_NM,imonth,iday,csign_no SPTDOC,sum(md) DBTO_AMT into #test6 from tempdb..cwfymxz a where csign_no is not null group by ccode_name,csign_no,cCode,imonth,iday order by csign_no,imonth,iday select DISTINCT sptdoc,imonth,iday into #test7 from #test6 select *,ROW_NUMBER() over (order by sptdoc,imonth,iday) rownumber into #test8 from #test7 declare @k int set @k=1 while @k<=(select COUNT(*) from #test7) begin declare @i int set @i=0 while @i<1 begin insert into #test6 (SBJ_CD,SBJ_NM,imonth,iday,SPTDOC,DBTO_AMT) select a.ccode,a.ccode_name,(select imonth from #test8 where rownumber=@k),(select iday from #test8 where rownumber=@k),(select SPTDOC from #test8 where rownumber=@k),0 from code a left join #test6 b on b.SPTDOC=(select SPTDOC from #test8 where rownumber=@k) and imonth=(select imonth from #test8 where rownumber=@k) and iday=(select iday from #test8 where rownumber=@k) and SBJ_NM=ccode_name where a.iYear=2024 and ( bclose=0 and ( ccode like N'6711%' or ccode_name like N'6711%' or ccode_engl like N'6711%' or chelp like N'6711%' )) and ccode <>'6711' and len(ccode)=6 and b.SPTDOC is null set @i=@i +1 end set @k=@k +1 end --SELECT --SPTDOC,imonth,iday, -- sum(DBTO_AMT) -- -- into #test9 -- FROM -- #test6 -- GROUP BY -- SPTDOC,imonth,iday --GROUP BY -- SPTDOC,imonth,iday SELECT SPTDOC,imonth,iday,sum(DBTO_AMT) as sumss into #test9 FROM #test6 GROUP BY SPTDOC,imonth,iday select YYYY Created_Year,MM Created_Month,SUM(ISNULL(sumss,0)) NOSLS_SPND from #test5 a left join #test9 b on a.SPTDOC=b.SPTDOC and a.MM=b.imonth and a.DD=b.iday group by YYYY,MM order by MM rollback transaction"; sqlyywzc_gz = string.Format(sqlyywzc_gz, beginPeriod, endPeriod); log.Info("YERP_007_gz 营业外支出 sqlyywzc_gz:" + sqlyywzc_gz); DataTable vbsyywzcdt_gz = ICSHelper.ExecuteTable(conStrgz, sqlyywzc_gz); log.Info("YERP_007_gz 营业外支出sql结果数量" + vbsyywzcdt_gz.Rows.Count); if (vbsdt.Rows.Count + vbsgzdt.Rows.Count > 0) { var datasrrows = new List(); var datazcrows = new List(); var datasrrows_gz = new List(); var datazcrows_gz = new List(); StringBuilder soapRequestData = new StringBuilder(); soapRequestData.Append(""); soapRequestData.Append(""); soapRequestData.Append(""); soapRequestData.Append(""); //循环数据 DBTO_CRDTO_DVSN if(vbsdt.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow itemRow in vbsdt.Rows) { soapRequestData.Append(""); soapRequestData.Append(itemRow["Created_Year"] != null ? "" + itemRow["Created_Year"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); soapRequestData.Append(itemRow["Created_Month"] != null ? "" + itemRow["Created_Month"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); soapRequestData.Append("" + "100" + ""); soapRequestData.Append(itemRow["DBTO"] != null ? "" + itemRow["DBTO"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); soapRequestData.Append(itemRow["DBTO_CMSN"] != null ? "" + itemRow["DBTO_CMSN"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); soapRequestData.Append(itemRow["DBTO_IENS"] != null ? "" + itemRow["DBTO_IENS"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); soapRequestData.Append(itemRow["DBTO_XCH_PC"] != null ? "" + itemRow["DBTO_XCH_PC"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); // 根据年月关联NOSLS_INCM 营业外收入 if (vbsyywsrdt.Rows.Count > 0) { var NOSLS_INCM = vbsyywsrdt.Select("Created_Year='" + itemRow["Created_Year"].ToString() + "' and Created_Month='" + itemRow["Created_Month"].ToString() + "'"); if (NOSLS_INCM.Length > 0) { var NOSLS_INCMrow = NOSLS_INCM.FirstOrDefault(); soapRequestData.Append(NOSLS_INCMrow["NOSLS_INCM"] != null ? "" + NOSLS_INCMrow["NOSLS_INCM"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); var datatemp = new TempDatas { YYYY = itemRow["Created_Year"].ToString(), MM = itemRow["Created_Month"].ToString(), }; datasrrows.Add(datatemp); } } // 根据年月关联NOSLS_INCM 营业外支出 if (vbsyywzcdt.Rows.Count > 0) { var NOSLS_SPND = vbsyywzcdt.Select("Created_Year='" + itemRow["Created_Year"].ToString() + "' and Created_Month='" + itemRow["Created_Month"].ToString() + "'"); if (NOSLS_SPND.Length > 0) { var NOSLS_SPNDrow = NOSLS_SPND.FirstOrDefault(); soapRequestData.Append(NOSLS_SPNDrow["NOSLS_SPND"] != null ? "" + NOSLS_SPNDrow["NOSLS_SPND"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); var datatemp = new TempDatas { YYYY = itemRow["Created_Year"].ToString(), MM = itemRow["Created_Month"].ToString(), }; datazcrows.Add(datatemp); } } soapRequestData.Append(""); } } // 若有未关联的数据,拼接在数据后面 营业外收入 if (vbsyywsrdt.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow item in vbsyywsrdt.Rows) { if (datasrrows.Count > 0) { var exists = datasrrows.Any(q => q.YYYY == item["Created_Year"].ToString() && q.MM == item["Created_Month"].ToString()); log.Info("有关联数据" + datasrrows.Count + "条,过滤后exists结果为" + exists + "。"); if (!exists) { soapRequestData.Append(""); soapRequestData.Append(item["Created_Year"] != null ? "" + item["Created_Year"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); soapRequestData.Append(item["Created_Month"] != null ? "" + item["Created_Month"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); soapRequestData.Append("" + "100" + ""); soapRequestData.Append(item["NOSLS_INCM"] != null ? "" + item["NOSLS_INCM"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); soapRequestData.Append(""); } } else { soapRequestData.Append(""); soapRequestData.Append(item["Created_Year"] != null ? "" + item["Created_Year"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); soapRequestData.Append(item["Created_Month"] != null ? "" + item["Created_Month"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); soapRequestData.Append("" + "100" + ""); soapRequestData.Append(item["NOSLS_INCM"] != null ? "" + item["NOSLS_INCM"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); soapRequestData.Append(""); } } } // 若有未关联的数据,拼接在数据后面 营业外支出 if (vbsyywzcdt.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow item in vbsyywzcdt.Rows) { if (datazcrows.Count > 0) { var exists = datazcrows.Any(q => q.YYYY == item["Created_Year"].ToString() && q.MM == item["Created_Month"].ToString()); log.Info("有关联数据" + datazcrows.Count + "条,过滤后exists结果为" + exists + "。"); if (!exists) { soapRequestData.Append(""); soapRequestData.Append(item["Created_Year"] != null ? "" + item["Created_Year"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); soapRequestData.Append(item["Created_Month"] != null ? "" + item["Created_Month"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); soapRequestData.Append("" + "100" + ""); soapRequestData.Append(item["NOSLS_SPND"] != null ? "" + item["NOSLS_SPND"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); soapRequestData.Append(""); } } else { soapRequestData.Append(""); soapRequestData.Append(item["Created_Year"] != null ? "" + item["Created_Year"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); soapRequestData.Append(item["Created_Month"] != null ? "" + item["Created_Month"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); soapRequestData.Append("" + "100" + ""); soapRequestData.Append(item["NOSLS_SPND"] != null ? "" + item["NOSLS_SPND"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); soapRequestData.Append(""); } } } //广州部分 if (vbsgzdt.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow itemRow in vbsgzdt.Rows) { soapRequestData.Append(""); soapRequestData.Append(itemRow["Created_Year"] != null ? "" + itemRow["Created_Year"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); soapRequestData.Append(itemRow["Created_Month"] != null ? "" + itemRow["Created_Month"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); soapRequestData.Append("" + "200" + ""); soapRequestData.Append(itemRow["DBTO"] != null ? "" + itemRow["DBTO"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); soapRequestData.Append(itemRow["DBTO_CMSN"] != null ? "" + itemRow["DBTO_CMSN"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); soapRequestData.Append(itemRow["DBTO_IENS"] != null ? "" + itemRow["DBTO_IENS"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); soapRequestData.Append(itemRow["DBTO_XCH_PC"] != null ? "" + itemRow["DBTO_XCH_PC"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); // 根据年月关联NOSLS_INCM 营业外收入 if (vbsyywsrdt_gz.Rows.Count > 0) { var NOSLS_INCM = vbsyywsrdt_gz.Select("Created_Year='" + itemRow["Created_Year"].ToString() + "' and Created_Month='" + itemRow["Created_Month"].ToString() + "'"); if (NOSLS_INCM.Length > 0) { var NOSLS_INCMrow = NOSLS_INCM.FirstOrDefault(); soapRequestData.Append(NOSLS_INCMrow["NOSLS_INCM"] != null ? "" + NOSLS_INCMrow["NOSLS_INCM"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); var datatemp = new TempDatas { YYYY = itemRow["Created_Year"].ToString(), MM = itemRow["MM"].ToString(), }; datasrrows_gz.Add(datatemp); } } // 根据年月关联NOSLS_INCM 营业外支出 if (vbsyywzcdt_gz.Rows.Count > 0) { var NOSLS_SPND = vbsyywzcdt_gz.Select("Created_Year='" + itemRow["Created_Year"].ToString() + "' and Created_Month='" + itemRow["Created_Month"].ToString() + "'"); if (NOSLS_SPND.Length > 0) { var NOSLS_SPNDrow = NOSLS_SPND.FirstOrDefault(); soapRequestData.Append(NOSLS_SPNDrow["NOSLS_SPND"] != null ? "" + NOSLS_SPNDrow["NOSLS_SPND"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); var datatemp = new TempDatas { YYYY = itemRow["Created_Year"].ToString(), MM = itemRow["MM"].ToString(), }; datazcrows_gz.Add(datatemp); } } soapRequestData.Append(""); } } // 若有未关联的数据,拼接在数据后面 营业外收入 if (vbsyywsrdt_gz.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow item in vbsyywsrdt_gz.Rows) { if (datasrrows_gz.Count > 0) { var exists = datasrrows_gz.Any(q => q.YYYY == item["Created_Year"].ToString() && q.MM == item["Created_Month"].ToString()); log.Info("有关联数据" + datasrrows_gz.Count + "条,过滤后exists结果为" + exists + "。"); if (!exists) { soapRequestData.Append(""); soapRequestData.Append(item["Created_Year"] != null ? "" + item["Created_Year"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); soapRequestData.Append(item["Created_Month"] != null ? "" + item["Created_Month"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); soapRequestData.Append("" + "200" + ""); soapRequestData.Append(item["NOSLS_INCM"] != null ? "" + item["NOSLS_INCM"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); soapRequestData.Append(""); } } else { soapRequestData.Append(""); soapRequestData.Append(item["Created_Year"] != null ? "" + item["Created_Year"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); soapRequestData.Append(item["Created_Month"] != null ? "" + item["Created_Month"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); soapRequestData.Append("" + "200" + ""); soapRequestData.Append(item["NOSLS_INCM"] != null ? "" + item["NOSLS_INCM"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); soapRequestData.Append(""); } } } // 若有未关联的数据,拼接在数据后面 营业外支出 if (vbsyywzcdt_gz.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow item in vbsyywzcdt_gz.Rows) { if (datazcrows_gz.Count > 0) { var exists = datazcrows_gz.Any(q => q.YYYY == item["Created_Year"].ToString() && q.MM == item["Created_Month"].ToString()); log.Info("有关联数据" + datazcrows_gz.Count + "条,过滤后exists结果为" + exists + "。"); if (!exists) { soapRequestData.Append(""); soapRequestData.Append(item["Created_Year"] != null ? "" + item["Created_Year"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); soapRequestData.Append(item["Created_Month"] != null ? "" + item["Created_Month"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); soapRequestData.Append("" + "200" + ""); soapRequestData.Append(item["NOSLS_SPND"] != null ? "" + item["NOSLS_SPND"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); soapRequestData.Append(""); } } else { soapRequestData.Append(""); soapRequestData.Append(item["Created_Year"] != null ? "" + item["Created_Year"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); soapRequestData.Append(item["Created_Month"] != null ? "" + item["Created_Month"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); soapRequestData.Append("" + "200" + ""); soapRequestData.Append(item["NOSLS_SPND"] != null ? "" + item["NOSLS_SPND"].ToString() + "" : "" + ""); soapRequestData.Append(""); } } } soapRequestData.Append(""); soapRequestData.Append(""); soapRequestData.Append(""); string postData = soapRequestData.ToString(); log.Info("YERP_007 xmlRequest:" + postData); string statusCode; string resultContent; ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = (SecurityProtocolType)192 | (SecurityProtocolType)768 | (SecurityProtocolType)3072; RestOpHelper rop = new RestOpHelper(); rop.Clientp12path = @"C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\yonyou-cert\wildcard.pfx"; rop.Clientp12PassWord = "Yonyou2024!"; rop.Url = @""; rop.RequestSAP(rop.Url, 10000, postData, "IF_YERP", "Kfiw282082", out statusCode, out resultContent); log.Info("YERP_007 statusCode:" + statusCode + "\r\n" + "resultContent:" + resultContent); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex.ToString()); } } public static Configuration GetConfig() { Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly(); string path = string.Format("{0}.config", assembly.Location); if (!File.Exists(path)) { throw new FileNotFoundException(path + "路径下的文件未找到!"); } try { ExeConfigurationFileMap configFile = new ExeConfigurationFileMap(); configFile.ExeConfigFilename = path; Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenMappedExeConfiguration(configFile, ConfigurationUserLevel.None); return config; } catch (Exception) { throw; } } } }