using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Quartz; using System.Data; namespace ICSSoft.FromERP { /// /// 用户 /// public class ICSUser : IJob { private static object key = new object(); private static log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); public void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context) { try { lock (key) { log.Info("开始……………………………………………………………………"); Execute(); log.Info("结束……………………………………………………………………"); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex.ToString()); } } public void Execute() { try { //string conERPStr = ICSHelper.GetERPConnectString(); string conStr = ICSHelper.GetConnectString(); string Namespace = this.GetType().Namespace; //string Class = this.GetType().Name; DataTable dt = ICSHelper.GetERPDB(conStr); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { string erpName = ICSHelper.GetConfigString()["ERPDB"]; string WorkPoint = dr["WorkPointCode"].ToString(); string Class = this.GetType().Name + WorkPoint; erpName = string.Format(erpName, WorkPoint); #region SQL string sql = @"select aa.code AS UserCode, AS UserName,cc.Code AS DepCode,dd.Name AS DepName, NEWID() AS ID,CASE WHEN aa.Effective_IsEffective='1' THEN '1' ELSE '0' END AS StartFlag, aa.CreatedOn AS CreateDate, aa.CreatedBy AS CreateUserCode, aa.ModifiedBy AS ModifyUserCode, aa.ModifiedOn AS ModifyDate, GETDATE() AS MTIME ,ee.Code as F_Location INTO #TempUser from {1}.DBO.CBO_Operators aa with (nolock) left join {1}.DBO.CBO_Operators_Trl bb with (nolock) on AND bb.SysMLFlag='zh-CN' left join {1}.DBO.cbo_department cc with (nolock) on left join {1}.DBO.CBO_Department_Trl dd with (nolock) on AND dd.SysMLFlag='zh-CN' left join {1}.DBO.Base_Organization ee with (nolock) on left join {1}.DBO.Base_Organization_trl ff with (nolock) on AND ff.SysMLFlag='zh-CN' where aa.ModifiedOn>=@LastTime AND ee.Code='{0}' ORDER BY aa.code"; sql = ICSHelper.Time(Namespace, Class, WorkPoint, sql, "#TempUser"); sql += @"--删除数据 --DELETE Sys_SRM_User where F_Account NOT IN (SELECT cPsn_Num FROM {1}.dbo.[hr_hi_person])and Sys_SRM_User.F_Account<>'admin' SELECT a.F_Account INTO #tableSys_SRM_User FROM Sys_SRM_User a With(NoLock) LEFT JOIN {1}.dbo.[CBO_Operators] b With(NoLock) ON a.F_Account=b.Code WHERE a.F_Location ='{0}' and b.Code IS NULL and a.F_Account<>'admin' DELETE Sys_SRM_User WHERE F_Location='{0}' and F_Account IN ( SELECT F_Account from #tableSys_SRM_User) "; Dictionary values = new Dictionary(); values.Add("F_RealName", "a.UserName"); values.Add("F_CreatorTime", "a.CreateDate"); values.Add("F_CreatorUserId", "a.CreateUserCode"); values.Add("F_LastModifyUserId", "a.ModifyUserCode"); values.Add("F_LastModifyTime", "a.ModifyDate"); values.Add("F_DepartmentId", "a.DepCode"); //values.Add("DepName", "a.DepName"); values.Add("F_EnabledMark", "a.StartFlag"); //更新存在数据 sql += ICSHelper.UpdateSQL("b", values) + @" #TempUser a INNER JOIN Sys_SRM_User b ON a.UserCode=b.F_Account and a.F_Location=b.F_Location WHERE a.F_Location='" + WorkPoint + "' "; values.Add("F_ID", "a.ID"); values.Add("F_Account", "a.UserCode"); //values.Add("UserPwd", "'NjMDK5c7vIs='"); values.Add("F_Location", "'" + WorkPoint + "'"); //插入新增数据 sql += ICSHelper.InsertSQL("Sys_SRM_User", values) + @" #TempUser a LEFT JOIN Sys_SRM_User b ON a.UserCode=b.F_Account and a.F_Location=b.F_Location WHERE b.F_ID IS NULL and a.F_Location='" + WorkPoint + @"' "; Dictionary value = new Dictionary(); value.Add("F_Id", "a.F_Id"); value.Add("F_UserId", "a.F_Id"); string UserSecretkey = SRMUser.Md5.md5(Common.CreateNo(), 16).ToLower(); string pwd = SRMUser.Md5.md5(ICSSoft.FromERP.SRMUser.DESEncrypt.Encrypt(SRMUser.Md5.md5("123456", 32).ToLower(), UserSecretkey).ToLower(), 32).ToLower(); value.Add("F_UserPassword", "'" + pwd + "'"); value.Add("F_UserSecretkey", "'" + UserSecretkey + "'"); //插入新增数据->Sys_SRM_UserLogOn表 sql += ICSHelper.InsertSQL("Sys_SRM_UserLogOn", value) + @"Sys_SRM_User a LEFT JOIN Sys_SRM_UserLogOn b ON a.F_Id=b.F_Id and a.F_Id=b.F_UserId WHERE b.F_ID IS NULL and a.F_Location='" + WorkPoint + @"'"; sql += " DROP TABLE #TempUser" + " DROP TABLE #tableSys_SRM_User"; sql = string.Format(sql, WorkPoint, erpName); ICSHelper.ExecuteDate(conStr, sql); SRMUser.User(); #endregion } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex.ToString()); } } } }