using log4net.Core; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Quartz; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Configuration; using System.Data; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Security.Policy; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Xml.Linq; namespace ICSSoft.FromERP { public class ICSAddStdWorkHourFromMES : IJob { private static object key = new object(); private static log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); public void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context) { try { lock (key) { log.Info("开始……………………………………………………………………"); Execute(); log.Info("结束……………………………………………………………………"); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex.ToString()); } } public async void Execute() { try { Configuration config = GetConfig(); string url = config.ConnectionStrings.ConnectionStrings["APIAddStdWorkHour"].ConnectionString.ToString(); // 若变更环境 除了修改接口外,还需要替换ERP.U9DB u9数据库 log.Info("获取创建定额工时接口 " + url); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) { return; } string conStr = ICSHelper.GetConnectString(); string Namespace = this.GetType().Namespace; List AErrorCode = new List(); List BErrorCode = new List(); List CErrorCode = new List(); // 业务逻辑 从u9那边料品关联工时表 找到没有工时数据的料品 再向mes这边根据料号找到数据 去匹配条件 计算出工时 给u9 // 二 分别抓取整机、本体部、驱动部未统计的料号 本体部、驱动部逆向去找型号 // 准备请求接口的数据集合 var AddList = new List(); #region 未统计的整机料号 string sqls = @"select a.code,mf.Id as MFId,mfvb.ValueModel,mfvb.NominalDiameter,ISNULL(SpecialRequirement_ValveBodySpec,'') as SpecialRequirement from ERP.U9DB.dbo.CBO_ItemMaster a join (select ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by ManufacturingSerial order by Id desc) as MFIdFlag,Id,ItemModel,ManufacturingSerial,TenantId from IcsManufacturingHead ) mf on mf.MFIdFlag = 1 and a.code = mf.ManufacturingSerial --and mf.TenantId = '' join IcsMfValveBodySpec mfvb on mf.Id = mfvb.MFId left join ERP.U9DB.dbo.CA_StdWorkingHours b on a.Id = b.ItemMaster LEFT OUTER JOIN ERP.U9DB.dbo.Base_Organization AS oo ON oo.ID = a.Org where oo.Code = '01' and is null and a.code like 'KA%' and mfvb.ValueModel is not null"; DataTable dt = ICSHelper.ExecuteTable(conStr, sqls); if (dt != null) { log.Info("查询到整机待统计数量:" + dt.Rows.Count + "。"); //准备整机条件 口径+A拼接 string argsqls = @"select ItemModel,Type,NominalDiameter+'A' as NominalDiameter,Coefficient,ManHour,AdditiveManHour,ISNULL(SpecialRequirement,'') as SpecialRequirement from IcsProductionDurationStatistics where Type = 0 --and TenantId = ''"; DataTable argdt = ICSHelper.ExecuteTable(conStr, argsqls); if (argdt != null) { //log.Info("整机循环开始!"); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { // 整机条件过滤 阀门型号、口径、特殊要求 var ValueModel = dr["ValueModel"].ToString().Length > 5 ? dr["ValueModel"].ToString().Substring(0, 5) : dr["ValueModel"].ToString(); // 截取前五位数字符 DataRow[] infoArgRow = argdt?.Select("ItemModel='" + ValueModel // + "' and SpecialRequirement = '" + dr["SpecialRequirement"].ToString() //特殊条件都为空 或者有特殊条件 + "' and NominalDiameter = '" + dr["NominalDiameter"].ToString() + "'"); if (infoArgRow.Length > 0) { var Manhour = infoArgRow[0]["ManHour"].ToDecimal(); //本体基础工时 var AdditiveManHour = infoArgRow[0]["AdditiveManHour"].ToDecimal();//追加工时 var Coefficient = infoArgRow[0]["Coefficient"].ToDecimal();//系数 AddList.Add(new AddStdWorkHourItem() { ORGCode = "01",//u9 Base_Organization表 的 code 字段 组织编码 WorkHour = ((Manhour + AdditiveManHour) * Coefficient) / 60, // 整机计算逻辑:(本体基础工时型号 + 追加工时) * 系数 CreatedByCode = "", DepartmentCode = "080502",//部门 ItemCode = dr["code"].ToString() }); } else { //记录未匹配到条件 统计失败的料号 AErrorCode.Add(dr["code"].ToString()+ "(阀门型号:" + dr["ValueModel"].ToString() + ",特殊规格:" + dr["SpecialRequirement"].ToString()+ ",口径:" + dr["NominalDiameter"].ToString() + ");"); } } //log.Info("整机循环结束!"); } else { log.Info("整机待统计数量:" + dt.Rows.Count + "。但未查询到整机条件配置,已跳过生成。"); } } else { log.Info("查询到整机待统计数量:0。"); } #endregion #region 未统计的本体部 string vbssqls = @"select b.MFId,a.code,mfvb.ValueModel,mfvb.NominalDiameter,ISNULL(SpecialRequirement_ValveBodySpec,'') as SpecialRequirement from ERP.U9DB.dbo.CBO_ItemMaster a join (select ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by PartItemCode order by MFId desc) as Flag,PartItemCode,MFId from ICSPartItem where PartItemName = '阀本体部') b -- and TenantId = '' on a.code = b.PartItemCode and b.Flag = 1 join IcsMfValveBodySpec mfvb on b.MFId = mfvb.MFId left join ERP.U9DB.dbo.CA_StdWorkingHours c on a.Id = c.ItemMaster LEFT OUTER JOIN ERP.U9DB.dbo.Base_Organization AS oo ON oo.ID = a.Org where oo.Code = '01' and is null and a.code like 'A2001%'"; DataTable vbsdt = ICSHelper.ExecuteTable(conStr, vbssqls); if (vbsdt != null) { log.Info("查询到本体部待统计数量:" + vbsdt.Rows.Count + "。"); //准备本体部条件 ItemModel型号 驱动部类型时此字段为驱动型号 口径+A拼接 string vbsargsqls = @"select ItemModel,Type,NominalDiameter+'A' as NominalDiameter,Coefficient,ManHour,AdditiveManHour,ISNULL(SpecialRequirement,'') as SpecialRequirement from IcsProductionDurationStatistics where Type = 1 --and TenantId = ''"; DataTable vbsargdt = ICSHelper.ExecuteTable(conStr, vbsargsqls); if (vbsargdt != null) { //log.Info("本体部循环开始!"); foreach (DataRow dr in vbsdt.Rows) { // 本体部条件过滤 阀门型号、口径、特殊条件 var ValueModel = dr["ValueModel"].ToString().Length > 5 ? dr["ValueModel"].ToString().Substring(0, 5) : dr["ValueModel"].ToString(); // 截取前五位数字符 //log.Info(ValueModel); DataRow[] infoVbsRow = vbsargdt?.Select("ItemModel='" + ValueModel // + "' and SpecialRequirement = '" + dr["SpecialRequirement"].ToString() //特殊条件都为空 或者有特殊条件 + "' and NominalDiameter = '" + dr["NominalDiameter"].ToString() + "'"); if (infoVbsRow.Length > 0) { var Manhour = infoVbsRow[0]["ManHour"].ToDecimal(); //本体基础工时 var AdditiveManHour = infoVbsRow[0]["AdditiveManHour"].ToDecimal();//追加工时 var Coefficient = infoVbsRow[0]["Coefficient"].ToDecimal();//系数 AddList.Add(new AddStdWorkHourItem() { ORGCode = "01",//u9 Base_Organization表 的 code 字段 组织编码 WorkHour = (Manhour + AdditiveManHour) * Coefficient / 60, // 本体部计算逻辑:(本体基础工时型号 + 追加工时) * 系数 CreatedByCode = "", DepartmentCode = "080502",//部门 ItemCode = dr["code"].ToString() }); } else { //记录未匹配到条件 统计失败的料号 BErrorCode.Add(dr["code"].ToString() + "(阀门型号:" + dr["ValueModel"].ToString() + ",特殊规格:" + dr["SpecialRequirement"].ToString() + ",口径:" + dr["NominalDiameter"].ToString() + ");"); } } //log.Info("本体部循环结束!"); } else { log.Info("本体部待统计数量:" + vbsdt.Rows.Count + "。但未查询到本体部条件配置,已跳过生成。"); } } else { log.Info("查询到本体部待统计数量:0。"); } #endregion #region 未统计的驱动部 string dssqls = @"select d.DriveModel,case when ISNULL(d.HandwheelMechanism,'NON') = 'NON' then 1 else 0 end as HandwheelMechanism,b.MFId,a.code from ERP.U9DB.dbo.CBO_ItemMaster a join (select ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by PartItemCode order by MFId desc) as Flag,PartItemCode,MFId from ICSPartItem where PartItemName = '驱动部') b on a.code = b.PartItemCode and b.Flag = 1 join IcsMfDriverSpec d on b.MFId = d.MFId left join ERP.U9DB.dbo.CA_StdWorkingHours c on a.Id = c.ItemMaster LEFT OUTER JOIN ERP.U9DB.dbo.Base_Organization AS oo ON oo.ID = a.Org where oo.Code = '01' and is null and a.code like 'A2002%'"; DataTable dsdt = ICSHelper.ExecuteTable(conStr, dssqls); if (dsdt != null) { log.Info("查询到驱动部待统计数量:" + dsdt.Rows.Count + "。"); //准备驱动部条件 ItemModel型号 驱动部类型时此字段为驱动型号 string dsArgsqls = @"select ItemModel,Type,Coefficient,ManHour,AdditiveManHour,HandwheelMechanism from IcsProductionDurationStatistics where Type = 2 --and TenantId = ''"; DataTable dsArgdt = ICSHelper.ExecuteTable(conStr, dsArgsqls); if (dsArgdt != null) { //log.Info("驱动部循环开始!"); foreach (DataRow dr in dsdt.Rows) { // 驱动部条件过滤 驱动型号、是否有手轮机构 var DriveModel = dr["DriveModel"].ToString().Length > 5 ? dr["DriveModel"].ToString().Substring(0, 5) : dr["DriveModel"].ToString(); // 截取前五位数字符 //log.Info(DriveModel); DataRow[] infoDsArgRow = dsArgdt?.Select("ItemModel='" + DriveModel + "' and HandwheelMechanism = '" + dr["HandwheelMechanism"].ToString() + "'"); if (infoDsArgRow.Length > 0) { var Manhour = infoDsArgRow[0]["ManHour"].ToDecimal(); //本体基础工时 var AdditiveManHour = infoDsArgRow[0]["AdditiveManHour"].ToDecimal();//追加工时 var Coefficient = infoDsArgRow[0]["Coefficient"].ToDecimal();//系数 AddList.Add(new AddStdWorkHourItem() { ORGCode = "01",//u9 Base_Organization表 的 code 字段 组织编码 WorkHour = (Manhour + AdditiveManHour) * Coefficient / 60, // 驱动部计算逻辑:(本体基础工时型号 + 追加工时) * 系数 CreatedByCode = "", DepartmentCode = "080502",//部门 ItemCode = dr["code"].ToString() }); } else { //记录未匹配到条件 统计失败的料号 CErrorCode.Add(dr["code"].ToString() + "(驱动型号:" + dr["DriveModel"].ToString() + ",是否有手轮机构:" + dr["HandwheelMechanism"].ToString() + ");"); } } //log.Info("驱动部循环结束!"); } else { log.Info("驱动部待统计数量:" + dsdt.Rows.Count + "。但未查询到驱动部条件配置,已跳过生成。"); } } else { log.Info("查询到驱动部待统计数量:0。"); } #endregion if (AErrorCode.Any()) { log.Info("未匹配到统计条件的整机料号:" + string.Join(",", AErrorCode) + "。"); } if (BErrorCode.Any()) { log.Info("未匹配到统计条件的本体部料号:" + string.Join(",", BErrorCode) + "。"); } if (CErrorCode.Any()) { log.Info("未匹配到统计条件的驱动部料号:" + string.Join(",", CErrorCode) + "。"); } log.Info("创建定额工时Req:" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(AddList)); if (AddList.Any()) { var response = await HttpHelper.HttpClientPost(url, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(AddList)); //返回成功后 用流水号填写 表头产品名称、产品编码、u9料号 if (response != null) { if (response.IsOK) { log.Info("请求成功。" + response.Message); } else { log.Info("请求失败。" + response.Message); } } else { log.Info("未拿到响应,请求失败。"); } } else { log.Info("无需请求。"); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex.ToString()); } } public static Configuration GetConfig() { Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly(); string path = string.Format("{0}.config", assembly.Location); if (!File.Exists(path)) { throw new FileNotFoundException(path + "路径下的文件未找到!"); } try { ExeConfigurationFileMap configFile = new ExeConfigurationFileMap(); configFile.ExeConfigFilename = path; Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenMappedExeConfiguration(configFile, ConfigurationUserLevel.None); return config; } catch (Exception) { throw; } } } /// /// 创建定额工时接口入参 /// public class AddStdWorkHourItem { /// /// 组织编码 /// public string ORGCode { get; set; } /// /// 料品编码 /// public string ItemCode { get; set; } /// /// 创建人编码 /// public string CreatedByCode { get; set; } /// /// 工时(单位:小时) /// public decimal WorkHour { get; set; } /// /// 部门编码 /// public string DepartmentCode { get; set; } } /// /// 响应 /// public class AddStdWorkHourReq { /// /// true:成功;false:失败 /// public bool IsOK { get; set; } /// /// 消息 /// public string Message { get; set; } } }